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                An Introduction To Cassandra

                                  Eric Evans

                                OpenSQL Camp
                               November 14, 2009

Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra
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A prophetess in Troy during the Trojan War. Her predictions were
always true, but never believed.

   Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra
Project History

A massively scalable, decentralized, structured data store (aka

   Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra
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      Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra

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Introduction to Apache Cassandra

Introduction to Apache Cassandra (September 2014). Design principles, replication, consistency, clusters, CQL.

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Introduction to Cassandra: Replication and Consistency
Introduction to Cassandra: Replication and ConsistencyIntroduction to Cassandra: Replication and Consistency
Introduction to Cassandra: Replication and Consistency

A short introduction to replication and consistency in the Cassandra distributed database. Delivered April 28th, 2010 at the Seattle Scalability Meetup.

Cassandra Explained
Cassandra ExplainedCassandra Explained
Cassandra Explained

Cassandra is a distributed database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers. It provides high availability with no single points of failure and linear scalability as nodes are added. Cassandra uses a peer-to-peer distributed architecture and tunable consistency levels to achieve high performance and availability without requiring strong consistency. It is based on Amazon's Dynamo and Google's Bigtable papers and provides a combination of their features.

apache cassandra distributed database
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Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra
Project History

Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra
Project History

Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra
Project History

 4 new committers added
 Dozens of contributors
 60+ people on IRC
 Hundreds of closed issues (bugs, features, etc)
 2 major releases, 1 point release
 0.5.0 RSN

Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra

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An Overview of Apache Cassandra

Apache Cassandra is a free, distributed, open source, and highly scalable NoSQL database that is designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers. It provides high availability with no single point of failure, linear scalability, and tunable consistency. Cassandra's architecture allows it to spread data across a cluster of servers and replicate across multiple data centers for fault tolerance. It is used by many large companies for applications that require high performance, scalability, and availability.

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I don't think it's hyperbole when I say that Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & Netflix now define the dimensions of our social & entertainment universe. But what kind of technology engines purr under the hoods of these social media machines? Here is a tech student's perspective on making the paradigm shift to "Big Data" using innovative models: alphabet blocks, nesting dolls, & LEGOs! Get info on: - What is Cassandra (C*)? - Installing C* Community Version on Amazon Web Services EC2 - Data Modelling & Database Design in C* using CQL3 - Industry Use Cases

Wikimedia Content API (Strangeloop)
Wikimedia Content API (Strangeloop)Wikimedia Content API (Strangeloop)
Wikimedia Content API (Strangeloop)

The Wikimedia Foundation is a non-profit and charitable organization driven by a vision of a world where every human can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. Each month Wikimedia sites serve over 18 billion page views to 500 million unique visitors around the world. Among the many resources offered by Wikimedia is a public-facing API that provides low-latency, programmatic access to full-history content and meta-data, in a variety of formats. Commonly, results from this system are the product of computationally intensive transformations, and must be pre-generated and persisted to meet latency expectations. Unsurprisingly, there are numerous challenges to providing low-latency storage of such a massive data-set, in a demanding, globally distributed environment. This talk covers Wikimedia Content API, and it's use of Apache Cassandra, a massively-scalable distributed database, as storage for a diverse and growing set of use-cases. Trials, tribulations, and triumphs, of both a development and operational nature are discussed.

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      Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra
Project History

Cassandra is...

      O(1) DHT
      Eventual consistency
      Tunable trade-offs, consistency vs. latency

     Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra
Project History

Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra
Project History


         Values are structured, indexed
         Columns / column families
         Slicing w/ predicates (queries)

     Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra

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Wikimedia Content API: A Cassandra Use-case
Wikimedia Content API: A Cassandra Use-caseWikimedia Content API: A Cassandra Use-case
Wikimedia Content API: A Cassandra Use-case

This document summarizes Eric Evans' presentation on using Cassandra as the backend for Wikimedia's content API. It discusses Wikimedia's goals of providing free knowledge, key metrics about Wikipedia and its architecture. It then focuses on how Wikimedia uses Cassandra, including their data model, compression techniques, and ongoing work to optimize compaction strategies and reduce node density to improve performance.

Wikimedia Content API: A Cassandra Use-case
Wikimedia Content API: A Cassandra Use-caseWikimedia Content API: A Cassandra Use-case
Wikimedia Content API: A Cassandra Use-case

Among the resources offered by Wikimedia is an API providing low-latency access to full-history content, in many formats. Its results are often the product of computationally intensive transforms, and must be pre-generated and stored to meet latency expectations. Unsurprisingly, there are many challenges to providing low-latency access to such a large data-set, in a demanding, globally distributed environment. This presentation covers the Wikimedia content API and its use of Apache Cassandra as storage for a diverse and growing set of use-cases. Trials, tribulations, and triumphs, of both a development and operational nature will be discussed.

Time Series Data with Apache Cassandra (ApacheCon EU 2014)
Time Series Data with Apache Cassandra (ApacheCon EU 2014)Time Series Data with Apache Cassandra (ApacheCon EU 2014)
Time Series Data with Apache Cassandra (ApacheCon EU 2014)

This document discusses using Apache Cassandra to store and retrieve time series data more efficiently than the traditional RRDTool approach. It describes how Cassandra is well-suited for time series data due to its high write throughput, ability to store data sorted on disk, and partitioning and replication. The document also outlines a data model for storing time series metrics in Cassandra and discusses Newts, an open source time series data store built on Cassandra.

time seriesapachecondistributed database
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Column families

     Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra
Project History

Supercolumn families

     Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra
Project History


     By column
     By column for multiple keys
     Slice by names, or ranges of names
             returning columns
             returning super columns
     Slice for multiple keys
     Range of keys
     Slice on a key range RSN

    Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra
Project History

Column comparators


    Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra

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Time Series Data with Apache Cassandra
Time Series Data with Apache CassandraTime Series Data with Apache Cassandra
Time Series Data with Apache Cassandra

This document discusses using Apache Cassandra to store and manage time series data in OpenNMS. It describes some limitations of the existing RRDTool-based data storage, such as high I/O requirements for updating and aggregating data. Cassandra is presented as an alternative that is optimized for write throughput, flexible data modeling, high availability, and ability to perform aggregations at read time rather than write time. The Newts project is introduced as a standalone time series data store built on Cassandra that aims to provide fast storage and retrieval of raw samples along with flexible aggregation capabilities.

Time Series Data with Apache Cassandra
Time Series Data with Apache CassandraTime Series Data with Apache Cassandra
Time Series Data with Apache Cassandra

Whether it's statistics, weather forecasting, astronomy, finance, or network management, time series data plays a critical role in analytics and forecasting. Unfortunately, while many tools exist for time series storage and analysis, few are able to scale past memory limits, or provide rich query and analytics capabilities outside what is necessary to produce simple plots; For those challenged by large volumes of data, there is much room for improvement. Apache Cassandra is a fully distributed second-generation database. Cassandra stores data in key-sorted order making it ideal for time series, and its high throughput and linear scalability make it well suited to very large data sets. This talk will cover some of the requirements and challenges of large scale time series storage and analysis. Cassandra data and query modeling for this use-case will be discussed, and Newts, an open source Cassandra-based time series store under development at The OpenNMS Group will be introduced.

It's not you, it's me: Ending a 15 year relationship with RRD
It's not you, it's me: Ending a 15 year relationship with RRDIt's not you, it's me: Ending a 15 year relationship with RRD
It's not you, it's me: Ending a 15 year relationship with RRD

OpenNMS User Conference Europe presentation on using Apache Cassandra and Newts for time-series data storage.

big datadatabasenetwork management
Project History


     Insert column (by key)
     Batch insert (multi-column but still by key)
     Remove (by key)
     Remove key range RSN

    Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra
Project History


  CAP Theorem: choose any two of Consistency, Availability, or
  Partition tolerance.
      Quorum ((N / 2) + 1)

     Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra
Project History

Client API

      Thrift (12 different languages!)

     Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra
Project History

Performance vs MySQL w/ 50GB

              300ms write
              350ms read

              0.12ms write
              15ms read

    Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra

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Time series storage in Cassandra

Presented at Cassandra London (April 7, 2014); The challenges of time-series storage and analytics in OpenNMS, with an introduction to Newts, a new Cassandra-based time-series data store.

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Virtual Nodes: Rethinking Topology in Cassandra
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Virtual Nodes: Rethinking Topology in Cassandra

A presentation on the recent work to transition Cassandra from its naive 1-partition-per-node distribution, to a proper virtual nodes implementation.

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Cassandra by Example: Data Modelling with CQL3
Cassandra by Example:  Data Modelling with CQL3Cassandra by Example:  Data Modelling with CQL3
Cassandra by Example: Data Modelling with CQL3

This document summarizes a presentation about modeling data with Cassandra Query Language (CQL) using examples from a Twitter-like application called Twissandra. It introduces CQL as an alternative to Thrift for querying Cassandra and describes how to model users, followers, tweets, timelines and other social media data structures in Cassandra tables. The presentation emphasizes denormalizing data and using materialized views to optimize queries, and concludes by noting that applications can be built in various languages thanks to Cassandra drivers.

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     Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra
Project History

About writes...

      No reads
      No seeks
      Sequential disk access
      Atomic within a column family
      Any node
      Always writeable (hinted hand-off)

     Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra
Project History


    Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra
Project History

About reads...

      Any node
      Read repair
      Usual caching conventions apply

     Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra

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Cassandra By Example: Data Modelling with CQL3
Cassandra By Example: Data Modelling with CQL3Cassandra By Example: Data Modelling with CQL3
Cassandra By Example: Data Modelling with CQL3

CQL is the query language for Apache Cassandra that provides an SQL-like interface. The document discusses the evolution from the older Thrift RPC interface to CQL and provides examples of modeling tweet data in Cassandra using tables like users, tweets, following, followers, userline, and timeline. It also covers techniques like denormalization, materialized views, and batch loading of related data to optimize for common queries.

ddtx13distributed databasesql
Rethinking Topology In Cassandra (ApacheCon NA)
Rethinking Topology In Cassandra (ApacheCon NA)Rethinking Topology In Cassandra (ApacheCon NA)
Rethinking Topology In Cassandra (ApacheCon NA)

The document discusses topology and partitioning in Cassandra distributed hash tables (DHTs). It describes issues with poor load distribution and data distribution in traditional DHT designs. It proposes using virtual nodes, where each physical node is assigned multiple tokens, to better distribute partitions and improve performance. Configuration options for Cassandra are presented that implement virtual nodes using a random token assignment strategy.

distributed databasenosqlvirtual nodes
Virtual Nodes: Rethinking Topology in Cassandra
Virtual Nodes: Rethinking Topology in CassandraVirtual Nodes: Rethinking Topology in Cassandra
Virtual Nodes: Rethinking Topology in Cassandra

The document discusses Cassandra's topology and how it is moving from a single token per node model to a virtual node model where each node is assigned multiple tokens. This improves load balancing and data distribution in the cluster. Specifically, it addresses problems with the single token approach like poor load distribution when nodes fail and inefficient data movement when adding or replacing nodes. The virtual node model with random token assignment provides better scaling properties as the number of nodes and data size increases.

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      Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra
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Droppin’ Names

     IBM Research

    Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra
Project History

                #cassandra /

Eric Evans @jericevans     An Introduction To Cassandra

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An Introduction To Cassandra

  • 1. Project History Description People An Introduction To Cassandra Eric Evans @jericevans OpenSQL Camp November 14, 2009 Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 2. Project History Description People A prophetess in Troy during the Trojan War. Her predictions were always true, but never believed. Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 3. Project History Description People A massively scalable, decentralized, structured data store (aka database). Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 4. Project History Description People Outline 1 Project History 2 Description 3 People Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 5. Project History Description People Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 6. Project History Description People Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 7. Project History Description People Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 8. Project History Description People 4 new committers added Dozens of contributors 60+ people on IRC Hundreds of closed issues (bugs, features, etc) 2 major releases, 1 point release 0.5.0 RSN Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 9. Project History Description People Outline 1 Project History 2 Description 3 People Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 10. Project History Description People Cassandra is... O(1) DHT Eventual consistency Tunable trade-offs, consistency vs. latency Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 11. Project History Description People Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 12. Project History Description People But... Values are structured, indexed Columns / column families Slicing w/ predicates (queries) Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 13. Project History Description People Column families Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 14. Project History Description People Supercolumn families Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 15. Project History Description People Querying By column By column for multiple keys Slice by names, or ranges of names returning columns returning super columns Slice for multiple keys Range of keys Slice on a key range RSN Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 16. Project History Description People Column comparators TimeUUID LexicalUUID UTF8 Long Bytes ... Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 17. Project History Description People Updating Insert column (by key) Batch insert (multi-column but still by key) Remove (by key) Remove key range RSN Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 18. Project History Description People Consistency CAP Theorem: choose any two of Consistency, Availability, or Partition tolerance. Zero One Quorum ((N / 2) + 1) All Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 19. Project History Description People Client API Thrift (12 different languages!) Ruby object/tree/master Python (Twisted) Scala Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 20. Project History Description People Performance vs MySQL w/ 50GB MySQL 300ms write 350ms read Cassandra 0.12ms write 15ms read Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 21. Project History Description People Writes Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 22. Project History Description People About writes... No reads No seeks Sequential disk access Atomic within a column family Fast Any node Always writeable (hinted hand-off) Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 23. Project History Description People Reads Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 24. Project History Description People About reads... Any node Read repair Usual caching conventions apply Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 25. Project History Description People Outline 1 Project History 2 Description 3 People Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 26. Project History Description People Droppin’ Names Facebook Digg IBM Research Rackspace Twitter Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra
  • 27. Project History Description People #cassandra / Eric Evans @jericevans An Introduction To Cassandra