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CQL: SQL for Cassandra
      Cassandra NYC
     December 6, 2011

           Eric Evans
     @jericevans, @acunu
●   Overview, history, motivation
●   Performance characteristics
●   Coming soon (?)
●   Drivers status
●   Cassandra Query Language
    ●   aka CQL
    ●   aka /ˈsēkwəl/
●   Exactly like SQL (except where it's not)
●   Introduced in Cassandra 0.8.0
●   Ready for production use
SQL? Almost.

–- Inserts or updates
INSERT INTO Standard1 (KEY, col0, col1)
VALUES (key, value0, value1)
–- Inserts or updates
UPDATE Standard1
SET col0=value0, col1=value1 WHERE KEY=key

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This document discusses using Gluster object storage with OpenStack Swift. Gluster-Swift mounts the Swift storage using FUSE and allows Swift to interface with Gluster backends. This avoids reimplementing the Swift object API. Gluster-Swift overrides Swift's distribution and replication to use the Gluster backend. The Swift API is implemented using FUSE operations on the Gluster volume. Future work includes upgrading Gluster-Swift, packaging, optimizations, and potentially developing a native Gluster object interface.

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This document proposes an architecture for distributed indexing, storage, and real-time analysis of logs. It discusses challenges of scaling log collection and analysis across hundreds of servers generating terabytes of data daily. The proposed architecture uses multicast messaging and sharding to distribute indexing and querying across clusters of servers for scalability. It emphasizes low overhead indexing and real-time aggregation of results.

SQL? Almost.
–- Get columns for a row
SELECT col0,col1 FROM Standard1 WHERE KEY=key

–- Range of columns for a row
SELECT col0..colN
    FROM Standard1 WHERE KEY=key

–- First 10 results from a range of columns
SELECT FIRST 10 col0..colN
    FROM Standard1 WHERE KEY=key

–- Invert the sorting of results
    FROM Standard1 WHERE KEY=key
Interface Instability
(Un)ease of use
Column col = new Column(ByteBuffer.wrap(“name”.getBytes()));

ColumnOrSuperColumn cosc = new ColumnOrSuperColumn();
Mutation mutation = new Mutation();
List mutations = new ArrayList<Mutation>();
Map mutations_map = new HashMap<ByteBuffer, Map<String, List<Mutation>>>();
Map cf_map = new HashMap<String, List<Mutation>>();
cf_map.set(“Standard1”, mutations);
mutations.put(ByteBuffer.wrap(“key”.getBytes()), cf_map)

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The document discusses several key improvements and changes in Apache Kafka 1.0, including: 1) Tolerating single disk failures in brokers so they remain available. 2) Cleanup and improvements to the Kafka Streams builder API and addition of new classes to view topology and task details. 3) Enhancements to the print and writeAsText methods for debugging streams applications. 4) Addition of exception handlers to Kafka Streams to control behavior on deserialization errors.

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- The document discusses using the ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) to perform real-time log search, analysis, and monitoring. It provides examples of using Logstash and Elasticsearch for parsing and indexing application logs, and using Kibana for visualization and analysis. - The document identifies several performance and stability issues with Logstash and Elasticsearch including high CPU usage from grok filtering, GeoIP filtering performance, and Elasticsearch relocation and recovery times. It proposes solutions like custom filtering plugins, tuning Elasticsearch configuration, and optimizing mappings. - Rsyslog is presented as an alternative to Logstash for log collection with better performance. Examples are given of using Rsyslog plugins and Rainerscript for efficient

How and Why Prometheus' New Storage Engine Pushes the Limits of Time Series D...
How and Why Prometheus' New Storage Engine Pushes the Limits of Time Series D...How and Why Prometheus' New Storage Engine Pushes the Limits of Time Series D...
How and Why Prometheus' New Storage Engine Pushes the Limits of Time Series D...

The Prometheus monitoring system collects and stores time series data to give valuable insights over hosts, containers, and applications. Its storage engine was designed to be multiple orders of magnitude faster and more space efficient than, say, RRD or SQL storage. However, with the rise of orchestration systems such as Docker Swarm and Kubernetes, and their extensive use of techniques like rolling updates and auto-scaling, environments are becoming increasingly dynamic. This increases the strain on metrics collection systems. To deal with the challenges, a new storage engine has been developed from scratch, bringing a sharp increase in performance and enabling new features. This talk will describe this new storage engine, its architecture, its data structures, and explain why and how it is well suited to gracefully handle high turnover rates of monitoring targets and provide consistent query performance.

INSERT INTO Standard1 (KEY, col0)
    VALUES (key, value0)
Why? How about...
●   Better stability guarantees
●   Easier to use (you already know it)
●   Better code readability / maintainability
Why? How about...
●   Better stability guarantees
●   Easier to use (you already know it)
●   Better code readability / maintainability
●   Irritates the NoSQL purists
Why? How about...
●   Better stability guarantees
●   Easier to use (you already know it)
●   Better code readability / maintainability
●   Irritates the NoSQL purists
●   (Still )irritates the SQL purists

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This presentation will provide a preview of our new high-level API designed around community feedback and built on the solid foundation of Hector client internals currently in use by a number of production systems. A brief introduction to the existing Hector client will be included to accomadate new users.

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Tuning Solr for Logs
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Tuning Solr for Logs

This document discusses tuning Solr for log search and analysis. It provides the results of baseline tests on Solr performance and capacity indexing 10 million logs. Various configuration changes are then tested, such as using time-based collections, DocValues, commit settings, and hardware optimizations. Using tools like Apache Flume to preprocess logs before indexing into Solr is also recommended for improved throughput. Overall, the document emphasizes that software and hardware optimizations can significantly improve Solr performance and capacity when indexing logs.

Centralized + Unified Logging
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Centralized + Unified Logging

This document discusses centralized and unified logging. It describes how Fluentd provides a pluggable architecture for collecting, transporting, storing, analyzing, and alerting on logs from various sources in a centralized and scalable way. Examples are given of using Fluentd plugins to collect Apache logs, parse and enrich the data, forward to multiple outputs like Elasticsearch and Graphite, and more.

CQL: SQL In Cassandra
CQL: SQL In Cassandra
Thrift RPC
Column col = new Column(ByteBuffer.wrap(“name”.getBytes()));

ColumnOrSuperColumn cosc = new ColumnOrSuperColumn();
Mutation mutation = new Mutation();
List mutations = new ArrayList<Mutation>();
Map mutations_map = new HashMap<ByteBuffer, Map<String, List<Mutation>>>();
Map cf_map = new HashMap<String, List<Mutation>>();
cf_map.set(“Standard1”, mutations);
mutations.put(ByteBuffer.wrap(“key”.getBytes()), cf_map)

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Perl provides tools like perldoc, cpan, and Perl::Tidy to help developers work more efficiently. One-liners allow running Perl commands and programs directly from the command line. ExtUtils::Command provides functions that emulate common shell commands to make Perl scripts more portable. Perl::Tidy can reformat code to make it more readable.

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Your query, it's a graph

INSERT INTO Standard1 (KEY, col0)
    VALUES (key, value0)
             Quoted string literals

UPDATE table SET 'name' = 'value'
    WHERE KEY = 'somekey'
             Quoted string literals

UPDATE table SET 'name' = 'value'
    WHERE KEY = 'somekey'

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The document discusses various techniques for profiling CPU and memory performance in Rust programs, including: - Using the flamegraph tool to profile CPU usage by sampling a running process and generating flame graphs. - Integrating pprof profiling into Rust programs to expose profiles over HTTP similar to how it works in Go. - Profiling heap usage by integrating jemalloc profiling and generating heap profiles on program exit. - Some challenges with profiling asynchronous Rust programs due to the lack of backtraces. The key takeaways are that there are crates like pprof-rs and techniques like jemalloc integration that allow collecting CPU and memory profiles from Rust programs, but profiling asynchronous programs

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                  Quoted string literals

UPDATE table SET 'name' = 'value'
    WHERE KEY = 'somekey'

●   Anything that appears between quotes
●   Inlined Java constructs a StringBuilder to store
    the contents (slow not fast)
●   Incurred multiple times per statement

UPDATE table SET 'clear' = 'abffaadd10'
    WHERE KEY = 'acfe12ff'

UPDATE table SET 'clear' = 'abffaadd10'
    WHERE KEY = 'acfe12ff'
          ascii                 blob

UPDATE table SET 'clear' = 'abffaadd10'
    WHERE KEY = 'acfe12ff'
              ascii                   blob

●   Terms are marshalled to bytes by type
●   String.getBytes is slow (AsciiType)
●   Hex conversion is fast faster (BytesType)
●   Incurred multiple times per statement

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[231] the simplicity of cluster apps with circuit

This document discusses Circuit, a lightweight cluster operating system. It provides a real-time API to view and control hosts, processes, and containers. The API allows traversal and manipulation of the cluster as a unified namespace. The document outlines the API, including command line usage and a Go client package. It then describes how to build a job scheduler service using the Circuit API, including designing the state, handling events, and running jobs on hosts. The vision is for Circuit to enable easy sharing of systems and for any program to take on different roles by executing as a recursive process tree on the cluster.

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The document provides an overview and examples of data modeling techniques for Cassandra. It discusses four use cases - shopping cart data, user activity tracking, log collection/aggregation, and user form versioning. For each use case, it describes the business needs, issues with a relational database approach, and provides the Cassandra data model solution with examples in CQL. The models showcase techniques like de-normalizing data, partitioning, clustering, counters, maps and setting TTL for expiration. The presentation aims to help attendees properly model their data for Cassandra use cases.

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Presentation on Cassandra indexing techniques at Cassandra Summit SF 2011. See video at

                   Copying / Conversion

    ByteBuffer query, enum compression)
●   Query is binary to support compression (is it worth it?)
●   And don't forget the String → ByteBuffer conversion on
    the client-side
●   Incurred only once per statement!
             (These tests weren't perfect)

●   Uneeded String → ByteBuffer → String
●   No query compression implemented
●   Co-located client and server
Insert 20M rows, 5 columns

           Avg rate      Avg latency
     RPC   20,953/s      1.6ms
     CQL   19,176/s (-8%) 1.7ms (+9%)
Insert 10M rows, 5 cols (indexed)

               Avg rate        Avg latency
         RPC   9,850/s         5.3ms
         CQL   9,290/s (-6%)   5.5ms (+4%)

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CQL is the query language for Apache Cassandra that provides an SQL-like interface. The document discusses the evolution from the older Thrift RPC interface to CQL and provides examples of modeling tweet data in Cassandra using tables like users, tweets, following, followers, userline, and timeline. It also covers techniques like denormalization, materialized views, and batch loading of related data to optimize for common queries.

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The document discusses how the choice of storage is critical for Cassandra deployments. It summarizes that SSDs are generally the best choice as they have no moving parts, resulting in much faster performance compared to HDDs. Specifically, SSDs can eliminate issues caused by disk seeks and allow the use of compaction strategies like leveled compaction that require lower seek times. The document provides measurements showing SSDs are up to 100x faster than HDDs for read/write speeds and latency. It recommends choosing local SSD storage in a JBOD configuration when possible for best performance and manageability.

Counts, 10M rows, 5 cols

          Avg rate      Avg latency
    RPC   18,052/s      1.7ms
    CQL   17,635/s (-2%) 1.7ms
Reading 20M rows, 5 cols

          Avg rate       Avg latency
    RPC 22.726/s         2.0ms
    CQL   20,272/s (-11%) 2.3ms (+10%)
In Summary
Don't step over dollars to pick up pennies!
Coming Soon(ish)

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This document summarizes how Cassandra Query Language (CQL) works under the hood compared to previous Cassandra APIs. It explains that while CQL provides a SQL-like interface, the underlying data model and storage remain the same. CQL addresses issues with prior APIs like Thrift by introducing a common query language, supporting cursors to avoid loading entire result sets into memory, and standardizing schema definitions and features across clients. The document also describes how CQL queries map to the underlying storage layout using concepts like partition keys, clustering columns, and composite keys to organize data across partitions and determine retrieval order.

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This document summarizes Eric Evans' presentation on using Cassandra as the backend for Wikimedia's content API. It discusses Wikimedia's goals of providing free knowledge, key metrics about Wikipedia and its architecture. It then focuses on how Wikimedia uses Cassandra, including their data model, compression techniques, and ongoing work to optimize compaction strategies and reduce node density to improve performance.

Wikimedia Content API: A Cassandra Use-case
Wikimedia Content API: A Cassandra Use-caseWikimedia Content API: A Cassandra Use-case
Wikimedia Content API: A Cassandra Use-case

Among the resources offered by Wikimedia is an API providing low-latency access to full-history content, in many formats. Its results are often the product of computationally intensive transforms, and must be pre-generated and stored to meet latency expectations. Unsurprisingly, there are many challenges to providing low-latency access to such a large data-set, in a demanding, globally distributed environment. This presentation covers the Wikimedia content API and its use of Apache Cassandra as storage for a diverse and growing set of use-cases. Trials, tribulations, and triumphs, of both a development and operational nature will be discussed.

●   Prepared statements (CASSANDRA-2475)
●   Compound columns (CASSANDRA-2474)
●   Custom transport / protocol (CASSANDRA-2478)
●   Performance testing (CASSANDRA-2268)
●   Schema introspection (CASSANDRA-2477)
●   Multiget support (CASSANDRA-3069)
●   Hosted on Apache Extras (Google Code)
●   Tagged cassandra and cql
●   Licensed using Apache License 2.0
●   Conforming to a standard for database
    connectivity (if applicable)
●   Coming soon, automated testing and
    acceptance criteria
Driver                           Platform                 Status
cassandra-jdbc                   Java                     Good
cassandra-dbapi2                 Python                   Good
cassandra-ruby                   Ruby                     New
cassandra-pdo                    PHP                      New
cassandra-node                   Node.js                  Good

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The End

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CQL: SQL In Cassandra

  • 1. CQL: SQL for Cassandra Cassandra NYC December 6, 2011 Eric Evans @jericevans, @acunu
  • 2. Overview, history, motivation ● Performance characteristics ● Coming soon (?) ● Drivers status
  • 3. What? ● Cassandra Query Language ● aka CQL ● aka /ˈsēkwəl/ ● Exactly like SQL (except where it's not) ● Introduced in Cassandra 0.8.0 ● Ready for production use
  • 4. SQL? Almost. –- Inserts or updates INSERT INTO Standard1 (KEY, col0, col1) VALUES (key, value0, value1) vs. –- Inserts or updates UPDATE Standard1 SET col0=value0, col1=value1 WHERE KEY=key
  • 5. SQL? Almost. –- Get columns for a row SELECT col0,col1 FROM Standard1 WHERE KEY=key –- Range of columns for a row SELECT col0..colN FROM Standard1 WHERE KEY=key –- First 10 results from a range of columns SELECT FIRST 10 col0..colN FROM Standard1 WHERE KEY=key –- Invert the sorting of results SELECT REVERSED col0..colN FROM Standard1 WHERE KEY=key
  • 8. (Un)ease of use Column col = new Column(ByteBuffer.wrap(“name”.getBytes())); col.setValue(ByteBuffer.wrap(“value”.getBytes())); col.setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); ColumnOrSuperColumn cosc = new ColumnOrSuperColumn(); cosc.setColumn(col); Mutation mutation = new Mutation(); Mutation.setColumnOrSuperColumn(cosc); List mutations = new ArrayList<Mutation>(); mutations.add(mutation); Map mutations_map = new HashMap<ByteBuffer, Map<String, List<Mutation>>>(); Map cf_map = new HashMap<String, List<Mutation>>(); cf_map.set(“Standard1”, mutations); mutations.put(ByteBuffer.wrap(“key”.getBytes()), cf_map)
  • 9. CQL INSERT INTO Standard1 (KEY, col0) VALUES (key, value0)
  • 10. Why? How about... ● Better stability guarantees ● Easier to use (you already know it) ● Better code readability / maintainability
  • 11. Why? How about... ● Better stability guarantees ● Easier to use (you already know it) ● Better code readability / maintainability ● Irritates the NoSQL purists
  • 12. Why? How about... ● Better stability guarantees ● Easier to use (you already know it) ● Better code readability / maintainability ● Irritates the NoSQL purists ● (Still )irritates the SQL purists
  • 16. Thrift RPC Column col = new Column(ByteBuffer.wrap(“name”.getBytes())); col.setValue(ByteBuffer.wrap(“value”.getBytes())); col.setTimestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); ColumnOrSuperColumn cosc = new ColumnOrSuperColumn(); cosc.setColumn(col); Mutation mutation = new Mutation(); Mutation.setColumnOrSuperColumn(cosc); List mutations = new ArrayList<Mutation>(); mutations.add(mutation); Map mutations_map = new HashMap<ByteBuffer, Map<String, List<Mutation>>>(); Map cf_map = new HashMap<String, List<Mutation>>(); cf_map.set(“Standard1”, mutations); mutations.put(ByteBuffer.wrap(“key”.getBytes()), cf_map)
  • 17. Your query, it's a graph
  • 18. CQL INSERT INTO Standard1 (KEY, col0) VALUES (key, value0)
  • 19. Hotspot Quoted string literals UPDATE table SET 'name' = 'value' WHERE KEY = 'somekey'
  • 20. Hotspot Quoted string literals UPDATE table SET 'name' = 'value' WHERE KEY = 'somekey'
  • 21. Hotspot Quoted string literals UPDATE table SET 'name' = 'value' WHERE KEY = 'somekey' ● Anything that appears between quotes ● Inlined Java constructs a StringBuilder to store the contents (slow not fast) ● Incurred multiple times per statement
  • 22. Hotspot Marshalling UPDATE table SET 'clear' = 'abffaadd10' WHERE KEY = 'acfe12ff'
  • 23. Hotspot Marshalling UPDATE table SET 'clear' = 'abffaadd10' WHERE KEY = 'acfe12ff' ascii blob
  • 24. Hotspot Marshalling UPDATE table SET 'clear' = 'abffaadd10' WHERE KEY = 'acfe12ff' ascii blob ● Terms are marshalled to bytes by type ● String.getBytes is slow (AsciiType) ● Hex conversion is fast faster (BytesType) ● Incurred multiple times per statement
  • 25. Hotspot Copying / Conversion execute_cql_query( ByteBuffer query, enum compression) ● Query is binary to support compression (is it worth it?) ● And don't forget the String → ByteBuffer conversion on the client-side ● Incurred only once per statement!
  • 26. Achtung! (These tests weren't perfect) ● Uneeded String → ByteBuffer → String ● No query compression implemented ● Co-located client and server
  • 27. Insert 20M rows, 5 columns Avg rate Avg latency RPC 20,953/s 1.6ms CQL 19,176/s (-8%) 1.7ms (+9%)
  • 28. Insert 10M rows, 5 cols (indexed) Avg rate Avg latency RPC 9,850/s 5.3ms CQL 9,290/s (-6%) 5.5ms (+4%)
  • 29. Counts, 10M rows, 5 cols Avg rate Avg latency RPC 18,052/s 1.7ms CQL 17,635/s (-2%) 1.7ms
  • 30. Reading 20M rows, 5 cols Avg rate Avg latency RPC 22.726/s 2.0ms CQL 20,272/s (-11%) 2.3ms (+10%)
  • 31. In Summary Don't step over dollars to pick up pennies!
  • 33. Roadmap ● Prepared statements (CASSANDRA-2475) ● Compound columns (CASSANDRA-2474) ● Custom transport / protocol (CASSANDRA-2478) ● Performance testing (CASSANDRA-2268) ● Schema introspection (CASSANDRA-2477) ● Multiget support (CASSANDRA-3069)
  • 35. Drivers ● Hosted on Apache Extras (Google Code) ● Tagged cassandra and cql ● Licensed using Apache License 2.0 ● Conforming to a standard for database connectivity (if applicable) ● Coming soon, automated testing and acceptance criteria
  • 36. Drivers Driver Platform Status cassandra-jdbc Java Good cassandra-dbapi2 Python Good cassandra-ruby Ruby New cassandra-pdo PHP New cassandra-node Node.js Good