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Cassandra Explained

      Disruptive Code
    September 22, 2010

            Eric Evans
●   Background
●   Description
●   API(s)
●   Code Samples
The Digital Universe
Old Guard
Vertical Scaling Sucks
Influential Papers
●   BigTable
    ● Strong consistency
    ● Sparse map data model

    ● GFS, Chubby, et al

●   Dynamo
    ●   O(1) distributed hash table (DHT)
    ●   BASE (aka eventual consistency)
    ●   Client tunable consistency/availability
●   HBase          ●   Hypertable
●   MongoDB        ●   HyperGraphDB
●   Riak           ●   Memcached
●   Voldemort      ●   Tokyo Cabinet
●   Neo4J          ●   Redis
●   Cassandra      ●   CouchDB
NoSQL Big data
●   HBase           ●   Hypertable
●   MongoDB         ●   HyperGraphDB
●   Riak            ●   Memcached
●   Voldemort       ●   Tokyo Cabinet
●   Neo4J           ●   Redis
●   Cassandra       ●   CouchDB
Bigtable / Dynamo
        Bigtable              Dynamo
●   HBase          ●   Riak
●   Hypertable     ●   Voldemort

            Cassandra ??
Dynamo-Bigtable Lovechild
CAP Theorem “Pick Two”
●   CP               ●   AP
    ●   Bigtable         ●   Dynamo
    ●   Hypertable       ●   Voldemort
    ●   HBase            ●   Cassandra
CAP Theorem “Pick Two”

   ●   Consistency
   ●   Availability
   ●   Partition Tolerance
●   Symmetric
    ● No single point of failure
    ● Linearly scalable

    ● Ease of administration

●   Flexible partitioning, replica placement
●   Automated provisioning
●   High availability (eventual consistency)
P2P Routing
P2P Routing
●   Random
    ●   128bit namespace, (MD5)
    ●   Good distribution
●   Order Preserving
    ●   Tokens determine namespace
    ●   Natural order (lexicographical)
    ●   Range / cover queries
●   Yours ??
Replica Placement
●   SimpleSnitch
    ●   Default
    ●   N-1 successive nodes
●   RackInferringSnitch
    ●   Infers DC/rack from IP
●   PropertyFileSnitch
    ●   Configured w/ a properties file
Choosing Consistency

         Write                      Read
Level     Description      Level     Description
ZERO      Hail Mary        ZERO      N/A
ANY       1 replica (HH)   ANY       N/A
ONE       1 replica        ONE       1 replica
QUORUM    (N / 2) +1       QUORUM    (N / 2) +1
ALL       All replicas     ALL       All replicas

Quorum ((N/2) + 1)
Quorum ((N/2) + 1)
Data Model
●   Keyspace
    ●   Uppermost namespace
    ●   Typically one per application
●   ColumnFamily
    ●   Associates records of a similar kind
    ●   Record-level Atomicity
    ●   Indexed
●   Column
    ●   Basic unit of storage
Sparse Table
●   name
    ●   byte[]
    ●   Queried against (predicates)
    ●   Determines sort order
●   value
    ●   byte[]
    ●   Opaque to Cassandra
●   timestamp
    ●   long
    ●   Conflict resolution (Last Write Wins)
Column Comparators
●    Bytes
●    UTF8
●    TimeUUID
●    Long
●    LexicalUUID
●    Composite (third-party)




Idiomatic Client Libraries
●    Pelops, Hector (Java)
●    Pycassa (Python)
●    Cassandra (Ruby)
●    Others …
Code Samples
Pycassa – Python Client API
# creating a connection
from pycassa import connect
hosts = ['host1:9160', 'host2:9160']
client = connect('Keyspace1', hosts)

# creating a column family instance
from pycassa import ColumnFamily
cf = ColumnFamily(client, “Standard1”)

# reading/writing a column
cf.insert('key1', {'name': 'value'})
print cf.get('key1')['name']

Address Book – Setup
# conf/cassandra.yaml
  - name: AddressBook
      - name: Addresses
        compare_with: BytesType
        rows_cached: 10000
        keys_cached: 50
        comment: 'No comment'
Adding an entry
key = uuid()

columns = {
    'first':   'Eric',
    'last':    'Evans',
    'email':   '',
    'city':    'San Antonio',
    'zip':     78250

addresses.insert(key, columns)
Fetching a record
# fetching the record by key
record = addresses.get(key)

# accessing columns by name
zipcode = record['zip']
city = record['city']
Indexing (manual)
# conf/cassandra.yaml
  - name: AddressBook
      - name: Addresses
        compare_with: BytesType
        rows_cached: 10000
        keys_cached: 50
        comment: 'No comment'
      - name: ByCity
        compare_with: UTF8Type
Updating the index
key = uuid()

columns = {
    'first':   'Eric',
    'last':    'Evans',
    'email':   '',
    'city':    'San Antonio',
    'zip':     78250

addresses.insert(key, columns)
byCity.insert('San Antonio', {key: ''})
Indexing (auto)
# conf/cassandra.yaml
  - name: AddressBook
      - name: Addresses
        compare_with: BytesType
        rows_cached: 10000
        keys_cached: 50
        comment: 'No comment'
           - name: city
             index_type: KEYS
Querying the Index
from pycassa.index import create_index_expression
from pycassa.index import create_index_clause

e = create_index_expression('city', 'San Antonio')
clause = create_index_clause([e])

results = address.get_indexed_slices(clause)

for (key, columns) in results.items():
    print “%(first)s %(last)s” % columns
# conf/cassandra.yaml
  - name: Sites
      - name: Stats
        compare_with: LongType
Logging values
# time as long (milliseconds since epoch)
tstmp = long(time() * 1e6)

stats.insert('org.apache', {tstmp: value})
begin = long(start * 1e6)


end = long((start + 86400) * 1e6)


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Cassandra Explained

  • 1. Cassandra Explained Disruptive Code September 22, 2010 Eric Evans @jericevans
  • 2. Outline ● Background ● Description ● API(s) ● Code Samples
  • 8. Influential Papers ● BigTable ● Strong consistency ● Sparse map data model ● GFS, Chubby, et al ● Dynamo ● O(1) distributed hash table (DHT) ● BASE (aka eventual consistency) ● Client tunable consistency/availability
  • 9. NoSQL ● HBase ● Hypertable ● MongoDB ● HyperGraphDB ● Riak ● Memcached ● Voldemort ● Tokyo Cabinet ● Neo4J ● Redis ● Cassandra ● CouchDB
  • 10. NoSQL Big data ● HBase ● Hypertable ● MongoDB ● HyperGraphDB ● Riak ● Memcached ● Voldemort ● Tokyo Cabinet ● Neo4J ● Redis ● Cassandra ● CouchDB
  • 11. Bigtable / Dynamo Bigtable Dynamo ● HBase ● Riak ● Hypertable ● Voldemort Cassandra ??
  • 13. CAP Theorem “Pick Two” ● CP ● AP ● Bigtable ● Dynamo ● Hypertable ● Voldemort ● HBase ● Cassandra
  • 14. CAP Theorem “Pick Two” ● Consistency ● Availability ● Partition Tolerance
  • 16. Properties ● Symmetric ● No single point of failure ● Linearly scalable ● Ease of administration ● Flexible partitioning, replica placement ● Automated provisioning ● High availability (eventual consistency)
  • 19. Partitioning ● Random ● 128bit namespace, (MD5) ● Good distribution ● Order Preserving ● Tokens determine namespace ● Natural order (lexicographical) ● Range / cover queries ● Yours ??
  • 20. Replica Placement ● SimpleSnitch ● Default ● N-1 successive nodes ● RackInferringSnitch ● Infers DC/rack from IP ● PropertyFileSnitch ● Configured w/ a properties file
  • 24. Choosing Consistency Write Read Level Description Level Description ZERO Hail Mary ZERO N/A ANY 1 replica (HH) ANY N/A ONE 1 replica ONE 1 replica QUORUM (N / 2) +1 QUORUM (N / 2) +1 ALL All replicas ALL All replicas R+W>N
  • 28. Overview ● Keyspace ● Uppermost namespace ● Typically one per application ● ColumnFamily ● Associates records of a similar kind ● Record-level Atomicity ● Indexed ● Column ● Basic unit of storage
  • 30. Column ● name ● byte[] ● Queried against (predicates) ● Determines sort order ● value ● byte[] ● Opaque to Cassandra ● timestamp ● long ● Conflict resolution (Last Write Wins)
  • 31. Column Comparators ● Bytes ● UTF8 ● TimeUUID ● Long ● LexicalUUID ● Composite (third-party)
  • 32. API
  • 37. Idiomatic Client Libraries ● Pelops, Hector (Java) ● Pycassa (Python) ● Cassandra (Ruby) ● Others …
  • 39. Pycassa – Python Client API # creating a connection from pycassa import connect hosts = ['host1:9160', 'host2:9160'] client = connect('Keyspace1', hosts) # creating a column family instance from pycassa import ColumnFamily cf = ColumnFamily(client, “Standard1”) # reading/writing a column cf.insert('key1', {'name': 'value'}) print cf.get('key1')['name'] 1.
  • 40. Address Book – Setup # conf/cassandra.yaml keyspaces: - name: AddressBook column_families: - name: Addresses compare_with: BytesType rows_cached: 10000 keys_cached: 50 comment: 'No comment'
  • 41. Adding an entry key = uuid() columns = { 'first': 'Eric', 'last': 'Evans', 'email': '', 'city': 'San Antonio', 'zip': 78250 } addresses.insert(key, columns)
  • 42. Fetching a record # fetching the record by key record = addresses.get(key) # accessing columns by name zipcode = record['zip'] city = record['city']
  • 43. Indexing (manual) # conf/cassandra.yaml keyspaces: - name: AddressBook column_families: - name: Addresses compare_with: BytesType rows_cached: 10000 keys_cached: 50 comment: 'No comment' - name: ByCity compare_with: UTF8Type
  • 44. Updating the index key = uuid() columns = { 'first': 'Eric', 'last': 'Evans', 'email': '', 'city': 'San Antonio', 'zip': 78250 } addresses.insert(key, columns) byCity.insert('San Antonio', {key: ''})
  • 45. Indexing (auto) # conf/cassandra.yaml keyspaces: - name: AddressBook column_families: - name: Addresses compare_with: BytesType rows_cached: 10000 keys_cached: 50 comment: 'No comment' column_metadata: - name: city index_type: KEYS
  • 46. Querying the Index from pycassa.index import create_index_expression from pycassa.index import create_index_clause e = create_index_expression('city', 'San Antonio') clause = create_index_clause([e]) results = address.get_indexed_slices(clause) for (key, columns) in results.items(): print “%(first)s %(last)s” % columns
  • 47. Timeseries # conf/cassandra.yaml keyspaces: - name: Sites column_families: - name: Stats compare_with: LongType
  • 48. Logging values # time as long (milliseconds since epoch) tstmp = long(time() * 1e6) stats.insert('org.apache', {tstmp: value})
  • 49. Slicing begin = long(start * 1e6) stats.get_range('org.apache', column_start=begin) end = long((start + 86400) * 1e6) stats.get_range(start='org.apache', finish='org.debian', column_start=begin, column_finish=end)