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The things browsers can do! 
Go play with the web 
Chris Heilmann, SAE Alumni Convention, Berlin, Germany, 23/10/2014
Chris Heilmann 
The things browsers can do! SAE Alumni Convention 2014
The things browsers can do! SAE Alumni Convention 2014

Recommended for you Showcase — SenchaCon 2011 Showcase — SenchaCon Showcase — SenchaCon 2011 Showcase — SenchaCon 2011

The document provides an overview and code snippets for an Eagles 2011 NFL Draft mobile app created with Sencha Touch. It discusses challenges faced like learning Sencha Touch, displaying live updates, and adapting images for different screen sizes. Lessons learned include destroying DOM elements when done, establishing post-launch content parameters, and using background-size for images. The document also discusses tooling, dependencies, and best practices for mobile development.

Prototype UI
Prototype UIPrototype UI
Prototype UI

The document summarizes a library of UI components called Prototype UI that provides reusable JavaScript components like windows, carousels, and menus. It is created by a team including Samuel Lebeau, Juriy Zaytsev, and Sébastien Gruhier. The components are highly customizable, skinnable, and have a coherent API. Examples are provided showing how to create windows that can be dragged and minimized to desktop icons using only a few lines of code. Future plans include adding more tests, documentation, demos, and new components like dialog boxes and portals.

Jozef Ve Providing Scalability for Pirates, Lizards and Zombies at #DOXLON
Jozef Ve Providing Scalability for Pirates, Lizards and Zombies at #DOXLONJozef Ve Providing Scalability for Pirates, Lizards and Zombies at #DOXLON
Jozef Ve Providing Scalability for Pirates, Lizards and Zombies at #DOXLON

Video: Jozef will talk about building a new generation of distributed services framework called Amanda at MPC. MPC is a leading visual FX company that works with extremely high volumes of data and a vast array of computing power. This talk gives a behind the scenes (sorry) look at how art assets get processed at scale. And like all good talks it includes plenty of metrics!

The things browsers can do! SAE Alumni Convention 2014
Libraries, Polyfills, Frameworks!
It’s a mobile game!

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Jacob Waller: Webifying Titanium Development
Jacob Waller: Webifying Titanium DevelopmentJacob Waller: Webifying Titanium Development
Jacob Waller: Webifying Titanium Development

What if we could bring the good parts of web development to Titanium? I'm talking about the realtimeness of web development - changing files and being able to see results on the fly, both visually and regarding application logic. Compare it to Firebug's live CSS editing abilities and Chrome's live code changes. I'm also talking about bringing the beauty of web frameworks to Titanium - Stylus, SASS and Less for styling, CoffeeScript and its cousins to enhance development, Jasmine for testing, Backbone for MVC and jQuery and friends to simplify element creation, communication and handling. What if we could use all these techniques on top of Titanium to create native apps even faster and with better structure? The solution is Kranium - the result of merging Titanium with web development techniques, creating a cyborg which is greater than just the sum of its parts. It will significantly speed up development and styling, and is useful both for prototyping and production apps. It will be release under the MIT license during the conference. The session is meant as an introduction of Kranium for all Titanium developers, but will be especially thrilling for those with a web development background.

Garfield hs ap cs 2009 - intarwebs
Garfield hs   ap cs 2009 - intarwebsGarfield hs   ap cs 2009 - intarwebs
Garfield hs ap cs 2009 - intarwebs

The document discusses how searching works on the internet. It explains that crawlers or spiders look at web pages and extract all words and links, storing them in a search index like a book index. When a search query is entered, the index is looked up to find relevant results. It also notes that page ranking determines importance, with more important pages that receive many links from other important pages ranking higher in search results.

Yeşilbayır antika kol saati 0531 9810190 eski kurmalı saat
Yeşilbayır antika kol saati 0531 9810190 eski kurmalı saat Yeşilbayır antika kol saati 0531 9810190 eski kurmalı saat
Yeşilbayır antika kol saati 0531 9810190 eski kurmalı saat

Yeşilbayır antika kol saati 0531 9810190 eski kurmalı saat alanlar 0531 981 01 90-0532 335 75 06 Yeşilbayır eski kol saati alanlar,antika kol saati Yeşilbayır rolex antika seiko kol saati, antika kurmalı saatler alanlar,eski antika saat alanlar,kullanılmış saat alımı,Yeşilbayır antika, Yeşilbayır eski cep saati alanlar,Yeşilbayır kol saati alımı,Yeşilbayır Vacheron Constantin saat alanlar,eski saat, Yeşilbayır Vacheron Constantin alımı,Yeşilbayır antika saat alanlar Yeşilbayır porselen osmanlı saat alanlar Yeşilbayır duvar saati, Yeşilbayır guguklu saat alan yerler,Yeşilbayır evden eski saat satmak istiyorum,Yeşilbayır breitling saat alanlar,breitling saat alan yerler Yeşilbayır antika breitling saat alan firmalar

saatkol saatieski saat
Of course, we moved on…
The things browsers can do! SAE Alumni Convention 2014
CSS Stuff
<div id="#really" 
class="no idea how i do" 

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HTML5 after the hype - JFokus2015
HTML5 after the hype - JFokus2015HTML5 after the hype - JFokus2015
HTML5 after the hype - JFokus2015

The document discusses HTML5 and CSS features such as data attributes, media queries, the canvas API, and JavaScript array methods and template strings. It provides code examples and links to resources about using these features for responsive design, conditional loading of resources, image manipulation, and more powerful string interpolation in JavaScript.

Brave new world of HTML5
Brave new world of HTML5Brave new world of HTML5
Brave new world of HTML5

In this, my talk for Webinale in Berlin, June 1st 2011, I give an overview of HTML5 history and main features, relating it all back to how possible it is use develop with these new features today. Thanks to Patrick Lauke for allowing me to steal a lot of his slides ;-)

webinale2011_Chris Mills_Brave new world of HTML5Html5
webinale2011_Chris Mills_Brave new world of HTML5Html5webinale2011_Chris Mills_Brave new world of HTML5Html5
webinale2011_Chris Mills_Brave new world of HTML5Html5

1. HTML5 provides new semantic elements like <header>, <footer>, and <nav> that allow for more structured markup. It also extends existing APIs and adds new APIs for multimedia, forms, and building web applications. 2. HTML5 introduces multimedia elements <video> and <audio> that allow embedded video and audio without plugins. It also includes the <canvas> element for scriptable drawing. 3. HTML5 includes new APIs for building powerful web applications, including geolocation, offline application caching, local storage, and databases. However, browser support is still evolving so these should be used carefully with feature detection.

p {} 
p.oop {} 
p#tag {} 
p[class] {} 
p[title="hi there"]{} 
p + p {} 
p > span {} 
p ~ div {} 
The things browsers can do! SAE Alumni Convention 2014

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What you need to know bout html5
What you need to know bout html5What you need to know bout html5
What you need to know bout html5

The document provides an overview of HTML5 including: - New tags such as article, aside, audio, canvas, and video - The structure of an HTML5 page including the doctype, meta charset, and link types - Forms with new input types and validation attributes - Playing audio and video with HTML5 tags and controlling them with JavaScript - Drawing graphics on a canvas using JavaScript - Web workers for running scripts in background threads - Options for data storage including web storage, web SQL, and IndexedDB

Is html5-ready-workshop-110727181512-phpapp02
Is html5-ready-workshop-110727181512-phpapp02Is html5-ready-workshop-110727181512-phpapp02
Is html5-ready-workshop-110727181512-phpapp02

The document discusses the capabilities of HTML5 for building offline applications. It mentions several HTML5 features that enable offline functionality, including application cache, manifest files, and offline events. Application cache allows caching assets defined in a manifest file so the application can work offline. The offline event fires when the browser loses internet connectivity, informing the application it is now offline.

Is HTML5 Ready? (workshop)
Is HTML5 Ready? (workshop)Is HTML5 Ready? (workshop)
Is HTML5 Ready? (workshop)

The document discusses the capabilities of HTML5 for building offline applications. It mentions several HTML5 features that enable offline functionality, including application cache, manifest files, and offline events. Application cache allows caching assets defined in a manifest file so the application can work offline. The offline event fires when the browser loses internet connectivity, informing the application it is now offline.

[href$=".gz"]:before { 
content: 'E004'; 
/* unicode for the zip folder icon */ 
<a href="" 
target="_blank" class="new-window-icon 
<a href="" 
<li class="list-item-first"></li> 
<li class="list-item"></li> 
<li class="list-item"></li> 
<li class="list-item"></li> 
<li class="list-item"></li> 
<li class="list-item-last"></li> 

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HTML5 and CSS3 Shizzle
HTML5 and CSS3 ShizzleHTML5 and CSS3 Shizzle
HTML5 and CSS3 Shizzle

I gave this presentation at the 2010 Scotch on the Rocks conference. It features a brief explanation of why HTML5 and CSS3 are necessary, and then goes on to cover most of the cool new features of HTML5 and CSS3 that are supported across most browsers at the time of publication., including &lt;video>, &lt;canvas>, HTML5 forms, the new HTML5 elements, box-shadow, text-shadow, web fonts, media queries, and more. Companion code examples are available at

Library Program Technology in Ukraine & Romania
Library Program Technology in Ukraine & RomaniaLibrary Program Technology in Ukraine & Romania
Library Program Technology in Ukraine & Romania

The document discusses various topics related to Web 3.0 and new media such as cloud computing, wikis, blogs, social networking, crowdsourcing, analytics, and more. It also covers technologies like Dropbox, Delicious, Gmail, and formats like ebooks, QR codes, and podcasting. The document promotes joining the Digital Democracy organization on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr.

HTML5: friend or foe (to Flash)?
HTML5: friend or foe (to Flash)?HTML5: friend or foe (to Flash)?
HTML5: friend or foe (to Flash)?

A look at how HTML5 aims to plug the holes that Flash has been filling in browsers for the last decade, looking at both HTML5 and non-HTML5 JavaScript APIs. For Flash Brighton in Feb 2010.

flashbrighton html5 javascript
<li></li> ul > li:first-child {} 
<li></li> ul > li:last-child {} 

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HTML5 (and friends) - History, overview and current status - jsDay Verona 11....
HTML5 (and friends) - History, overview and current status - jsDay Verona 11....HTML5 (and friends) - History, overview and current status - jsDay Verona 11....
HTML5 (and friends) - History, overview and current status - jsDay Verona 11....

1. HTML5 provides new semantic elements like header, footer, nav and article that improve accessibility and help structure documents. It also extends existing APIs and adds new APIs for multimedia, geolocation, offline storage and more. 2. HTML5 introduces new form input types for dates, times, numbers and more. It also provides built-in form validation without JavaScript. 3. The <video> and <audio> elements allow native playback of multimedia across browsers without plugins. The <canvas> element allows dynamic drawing via JavaScript. 4. While still evolving, many HTML5 features can be used today through progressive enhancement and feature detection. It offers developers new capabilities for building web applications and interactive experiences on

htmlaudioweb design
HTML5, the new buzzword
HTML5, the new buzzwordHTML5, the new buzzword
HTML5, the new buzzword

The document is a presentation about HTML5. It discusses what HTML5 is, some of the new elements it introduces like canvas, video, audio, and geolocation. It also covers new features like CSS3 media queries, web fonts using WOFF, and whether HTML5 is ready for use. The presentation encourages trying out HTML5 and provides some resources for learning more.

HTML5 APIs - native multimedia support and beyond - University of Leeds 05.05...
HTML5 APIs - native multimedia support and beyond - University of Leeds 05.05...HTML5 APIs - native multimedia support and beyond - University of Leeds 05.05...
HTML5 APIs - native multimedia support and beyond - University of Leeds 05.05...

This document provides an overview of various HTML5 APIs for multimedia, including native <video> and <audio> elements, the <canvas> element for scriptable graphics, and geolocation APIs. It discusses key considerations around supporting different media formats in <video> and <audio> and controlling media playback via JavaScript. The document also briefly introduces other HTML5 APIs for offline applications, local storage, and databases. It emphasizes the importance of feature detection over browser sniffing for progressive enhancement.

<li></li> ul > li:nth-child(odd) {} 
<li></li> ul > li:nth-child(even) {} 
<li></li> ul > li:nth-child(3n) {} 
<li></li> ul > li:nth-child(3n+1) {} 

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Browsers with Wings
Browsers with WingsBrowsers with Wings
Browsers with Wings

HTML5 is all the rage with the cool kids, and although there’s a lot of focus on the new language, there’s plenty for web app developers with new JavaScript APIs both in the HTML5 spec and separated out as their own W3C specifications. This session will take you through demos and code and show off some of the outright crazy bleeding edge demos that are being produced today using the new JavaScript APIs. But it’s not all pie in the sky – plenty is useful today, some even in Internet Explorer!

html5 javascript api
Practical Responsive Images - from Second Wednesday
Practical Responsive Images - from Second WednesdayPractical Responsive Images - from Second Wednesday
Practical Responsive Images - from Second Wednesday

Practical Responsive Images. &lt; picture > element, srcset attribute, picturefill, angular js. Responsive Web Design needs Responsive Images Presentation from Second Wednesday, Nottingham (Oct 2014)

responsive imagesresponsive web designrespimg
Svcc 2013-d3
Svcc 2013-d3Svcc 2013-d3
Svcc 2013-d3

This document provides an overview of a presentation on using D3 for data visualization on desktops, smartphones, and Google Glass. It discusses how D3 works, examples of basic charts like scatter plots and bar charts using D3, and how to incorporate features like mouse interactions, animations, filters and gradients. It also covers using D3 with technologies like Android, PhoneGap, and Google Glass to create mobile visualizations.

Support = epic
CSS calc() 
padding: 40px; 
width: calc(100% - 80px);

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SVCC 2013 D3.js Presentation (10/05/2013)
SVCC 2013 D3.js Presentation (10/05/2013)SVCC 2013 D3.js Presentation (10/05/2013)
SVCC 2013 D3.js Presentation (10/05/2013)

This document provides an overview of a presentation on using D3 for data visualization on desktops, smartphones, and Google Glass. It discusses topics like what D3 is, how it works, examples of creating simple charts and adding interactivity with mouse events, using SVG filters and gradients, and integrating D3 visualizations into Android and Google Glass apps. It also briefly mentions related technologies, resources for learning more, and potential training topics.

audio, video and canvas in HTML5 - standards>next Manchester 29.09.2010
audio, video and canvas in HTML5 - standards>next Manchester 29.09.2010audio, video and canvas in HTML5 - standards>next Manchester 29.09.2010
audio, video and canvas in HTML5 - standards>next Manchester 29.09.2010

Part II of the workshop on HTML5 with Bruce Lawson, concentrating on audio, video and canvas (plus hints of additional HTML5 API niceness)

htmlaudioweb standards
[Coscup 2012] JavascriptMVC
[Coscup 2012] JavascriptMVC[Coscup 2012] JavascriptMVC
[Coscup 2012] JavascriptMVC

This document discusses JavascriptMVC, an alternative Javascript MVC framework to BackboneJS. It provides an overview of JavascriptMVC's features such as MIT licensing, clear documentation, and providing an almost total solution for building web applications. Potential pros include the licensing, documentation, and comprehensive features. Potential cons include it being less well known and having fewer online resources than BackboneJS in Taiwan. Examples of how it handles classes, CSS, data loading/validation, and views are also provided.

Support = now
DOM manipulation
…and that is all.
classList (add, remove, toggle, contains)

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Progressive What Apps?
Progressive What Apps?Progressive What Apps?
Progressive What Apps?

Progressive Web Apps are one of the hottest things to come to the web platform in years, but how much of it is just hot air? When can you actually start shipping these things? Decades ago! In a hands on presentation, I'll show how PWAs are truly meant to be progressive - building on an evolution of web technologies nearly as old as the web itself, and still let you ship one of the most performant and cutting edge web apps around.

pwajavascriptweb development
Building iPhone Web Apps using "classic" Domino
Building iPhone Web Apps using "classic" DominoBuilding iPhone Web Apps using "classic" Domino
Building iPhone Web Apps using "classic" Domino

This document discusses building iPhone web apps using classic Domino. It covers the required structure of a mobile web app including initializing the app and registering event handlers. It demonstrates using embedded views in Domino to manage app pages and includes code examples for communicating with servers via AJAX. References are provided for JavaScript frameworks like jQTouch that can be used to build these types of apps.

Develop, Debug, Learn? - Dotjs2019
Develop, Debug, Learn? - Dotjs2019Develop, Debug, Learn? - Dotjs2019
Develop, Debug, Learn? - Dotjs2019

We are obsessed with coding and creating automated workflows and optimisations. And yet our final products aren't making it easy for people to use them. Somewhere, we lost empathy for our end users and other developers. Maybe it is time to change that. Here are some ideas.

<p class="bovine" data-sound="moo">cow</p> 
p.dataset.sound => "moo" 
<div id="dataplayer" 
var player = 
alert('Score:' + player.dataset.score); 
alert('Name:' +; 
player.dataset.score = 10; 
alert('Score:' + player.dataset.score);
<div id="dataplayer" 
#dataplayer[data-score='10'] { 
color: #c00; 

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Hinting at a better web
Hinting at a better webHinting at a better web
Hinting at a better web

This document discusses ways to improve how web developers learn best practices through browser and tooling improvements. It suggests that linting and inline insights directly in code editors could help prevent mistakes by flagging issues early. A tool called webhint is highlighted that provides one-stop checking and explanations of hints related to performance, accessibility, security and more. The document advocates for customizing hints based on a project's specific needs and environment. Overall, it argues for accelerated learning through context-sensitive, customizable best practices integrated into development workflows.

Taking the "vile" out of privilege
Taking the "vile" out of privilegeTaking the "vile" out of privilege
Taking the "vile" out of privilege

This document discusses privilege in the context of social media and the internet. It acknowledges privileges like internet access, the ability to communicate, and supportive online communities. It warns that machine learning and algorithms risk creating echo chambers and guided messaging if they are not kept in check by human curation. The document advocates taking back the web for decent, thinking and loving humans and using privileges to help others gain access to learning, communication, and communities.

social mediaprivilege
Seven ways to be a happier JavaScript developer - NDC Oslo
Seven ways to be a happier JavaScript developer - NDC OsloSeven ways to be a happier JavaScript developer - NDC Oslo
Seven ways to be a happier JavaScript developer - NDC Oslo

JavaScript is a bigger world than a language these days. Time to take stock and find happiness in that world.

<div id="dataplayer" 
#dataplayer::after { 
content: attr(data-name); 
position: absolute; 
left: -50px; 
#dataplayer::before { 
opacity: 0; 
content: attr(data-score); 
position: absolute; 
left: 100px; 
@media only screen 
and (min-device-width : 320px) 
and (max-device-width : 480px) 
Support = epic

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Artificial intelligence for humans… #AIDC2018 keynote
Artificial intelligence for humans… #AIDC2018 keynoteArtificial intelligence for humans… #AIDC2018 keynote
Artificial intelligence for humans… #AIDC2018 keynote

This document discusses artificial intelligence and how it can help humans. It covers that AI is not new, having originated in the 1950s, and is now more advanced due to increased computing power. It also discusses how AI utilizes pattern recognition and machine learning. The document then covers several applications of AI including computer vision, natural language processing, sentiment analysis, speech recognition/conversion and moderation. It notes both the benefits of AI in automating tasks and preventing errors, as well as the responsibilities of ensuring transparency and allowing people to opt-in to algorithms.

aidc2018machine learningartificial intelligence
Killing the golden calf of coding - We are Developers keynote
Killing the golden calf of coding - We are Developers keynoteKilling the golden calf of coding - We are Developers keynote
Killing the golden calf of coding - We are Developers keynote

The document discusses concerns about the perception and realities of coding careers. It expresses worry that coding is seen solely as a way to get a job rather than as a means of problem-solving. While coding can provide fulfilling work, the document cautions that the need for coders may decrease with automation and that the role may evolve from coding to engineering. It suggests a future where machines assist with repetitive coding tasks and people focus on delivering maintainable, secure products with attention to privacy and user experience.

Progressive Web Apps - Techdays Finland
Progressive Web Apps - Techdays FinlandProgressive Web Apps - Techdays Finland
Progressive Web Apps - Techdays Finland

PWA are a hot topic and it is important to understand that they are a different approach to apps than the traditional way of packaging something and letting the user install it. In this keynote you'll see some of the differences.

No support = opportunity! 
@media all and (min-width:0) { 
@media only { 
Inline media queries? 
<html lang="en-US"> 
<meta charset="UTF-8"> 
<link rel="stylesheet" 
media="screen and (min-width: 600px)" 
<link rel="stylesheet" 
media="screen and (min-width: 4000px)" 
<title>CSS files with media queries</title> 
Gotta load them all! 
<link rel="stylesheet" 
media="screen and (min-width: 600px)" 
<link rel="stylesheet" 
media="screen and (min-width: 4000px)" 

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Taking the "vile" out of privilege
Taking the "vile" out of privilegeTaking the "vile" out of privilege
Taking the "vile" out of privilege

This document discusses privilege in technology and perceptions of technology workers. It acknowledges the privileges that tech workers enjoy, such as access to resources and high demand in the job market. However, it also notes problems like peer pressure, lack of work-life balance, and imposter syndrome. Both tech workers and the public have skewed perceptions of each other - tech workers feel others do not appreciate or understand their work, while the public sees tech workers as antisocial or caring only about profit. The document encourages taking small steps to improve the situation, such as being kind to oneself, considering others, sharing knowledge, and focusing on quality over quantity of work.

Five ways to be a happier JavaScript developer
Five ways to be a happier JavaScript developerFive ways to be a happier JavaScript developer
Five ways to be a happier JavaScript developer

The document provides five ways for JavaScript developers to be happier: 1) Concentrate on the present and focus on creating rather than worrying about the past or future. 2) Limit distractions by streamlining your development environment and using an editor like VS Code that consolidates features. 3) Make mistakes less likely by using linters to catch errors as you code. 4) Get to know your tools better like debuggers to avoid console.log and gain insights to build better solutions. 5) Give back to others in the community by being helpful rather than causing drama.

smashingconf nycsmashingconfjavascript
Taking the P out of PWA
Taking the P out of PWATaking the P out of PWA
Taking the P out of PWA

The document discusses progressive web apps (PWAs) and provides suggestions for improving them. It notes that while PWAs aim to have engaging, fast, integrated, and reliable experiences like native apps, they still have room for improvement in areas like speed, integration, and reliability. It emphasizes that PWAs should adhere to web best practices and provide actually useful experiences rather than just focusing on technical features. The document encourages helping the PWA effort by providing feedback, using and contributing to tools, keeping messaging up-to-date, and promoting high-quality examples.

matchMedia = the JS brother 
if (window.matchMedia('screen and (min-width: 600px)')){ 
document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" 
Support = meh IE?
<link rel="stylesheet" class="mediaquerydependent" 
data-media="screen and (min-width: 600px)" 
<link rel="stylesheet" class="mediaquerydependent" 
data-media="screen and (min-width: 4000px)" 
mediaQuery all the things! 
<img data-src="" 
data-media="screen and (min-width: 600px)">

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Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"

Chris Heilmann gave a talk at BTConf in Munich in January 2018 about machine learning, automation worries, and coding. He discussed how coding used to refer to creative programming within technical limitations but now often refers to programming for work. He addressed common worries about new technologies and dependencies, and argued that abstractions are not inherently bad and help more people build products together through consensus. The talk focused on using tools to be more productive and enabling rather than seeing them as dangers, and creating solutions for users rather than fighting old approaches.

You learned JavaScript - now what?
You learned JavaScript - now what?You learned JavaScript - now what?
You learned JavaScript - now what?

The document provides advice and encouragement for someone starting out with JavaScript development. It discusses how JavaScript can be used in many environments like browsers, apps, and servers. It recommends resources like MDN and tools like linting to help avoid mistakes. It emphasizes that this is an exciting time for JavaScript and advises setting priorities and standards, being involved in the community, and bringing new voices and perspectives.

Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"

Keynote at halfstackconf 2017 discussing the falsehood of the idea that in order to survive the automation evolution everybody needs to learn how to code. Machines can code, too.

machine learningautomationcoding
match and apply… 
var qs = document. 
all = qs, 
cur = null, 
attr = null; 
while (all--) { 
cur = qs[all]; 
if ( && 
window.matchMedia( { 
for (attr in cur.dataset) { 
if (attr !== 'media') { 
cur.setAttribute(attr, cur.dataset[attr]); 
but JS is bad! 
<link rel="stylesheet" class="mediaquerydependent" 
data-media="screen and (min-width: 600px)" 
The things browsers can do! SAE Alumni Convention 2014

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Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds - DevReach
Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds - DevReachProgressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds - DevReach
Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds - DevReach

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) can provide app-like experiences through the web by making web content fast, reliable and engaging. While PWAs may not be necessary for all projects, they can help clean up and speed up current web-based projects. PWAs leverage new web capabilities like service workers to work offline, load fast, and improve the user experience without having to meet all the requirements of native apps.

Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds
Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worldsProgressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds
Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds

This document discusses progressive web applications (PWAs) and their advantages over traditional native mobile applications. PWAs use modern web capabilities like Service Workers to deliver native-like experiences to users. Some key benefits of PWAs include their ability to work across platforms, have smaller file sizes for faster loading, support offline use, and provide simple update mechanisms compared to native apps. While PWAs do not have full access to device capabilities like native apps, they allow delivering app-like web content to users in a more accessible and reliable manner than traditional web pages.

Non-trivial pursuits: Learning machines and forgetful humans
Non-trivial pursuits: Learning machines and forgetful humansNon-trivial pursuits: Learning machines and forgetful humans
Non-trivial pursuits: Learning machines and forgetful humans

Keynote at PNWPHP covering Machine Learning and How we should go about using it to build human interfaces.

aimachine learningpnwphp
Fallbacks are good! 
<img src="meh.jpg" alt="cute kitten photo">
Testable fallbacks! 
var img = document.querySelector('img'); 
function(ev) { 
if (this.naturalWidth === 0 && 
this.naturalHeight === 0) { 
console.log('Image ' + this.src + 
' not loaded'); 
}, false);
<video controls> 
<source src="dynamicsearch.mp4" type="video/mp4"> 
<a href="dynamicsearch.mp4"> 
<img src="dynamicsearch.jpg" 
alt="Dynamic app search in Firefox OS"> 
<p>Click image to play a video demo of 
dynamic app search</p> 
Bullet proof video?
Fallback for an extinct case 
How about writing a 
JavaScript that tests for 
the video support?! 
I mean, there is ! 

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Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center
Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center
Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center

This document discusses progressive web apps (PWAs). It notes that PWAs aim to make web apps feel like native mobile apps by being discoverable, installable, linkable, safe, responsive and progressive. The document outlines some key characteristics of PWAs, including that they need to be served from secure origins and have app manifests. It also discusses some common misconceptions around PWAs and notes that as PWAs improve, they will continue to blur the line between web apps and native mobile apps.

CSS vs. JavaScript - Trust vs. Control
CSS vs. JavaScript - Trust vs. ControlCSS vs. JavaScript - Trust vs. Control
CSS vs. JavaScript - Trust vs. Control

This document discusses the differences between CSS and JavaScript and when each is most appropriate to use. It argues that CSS is often underestimated in favor of JavaScript solutions. CSS has advanced significantly with features like calc(), media queries, animations/transitions, flexbox, grid, variables and more. These powerful features allow many tasks to be accomplished with CSS alone without needing JavaScript. The document encourages embracing the "squishiness" of the web and considering CSS more when building interfaces.

Leveling up your JavaScipt - DrupalJam 2017
Leveling up your JavaScipt - DrupalJam 2017Leveling up your JavaScipt - DrupalJam 2017
Leveling up your JavaScipt - DrupalJam 2017

This document contains the transcript of a presentation by Chris Heilmann on web development. Some of the key points discussed include: - The benefits of progressive enhancement and using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript together to build robust and accessible websites. - How limitations in early design can foster creativity. - The importance of error handling and defensive coding practices. - Embracing new technologies like Service Workers and Manifests to build Progressive Web Apps. - Rethinking the idea that JavaScript is unreliable and should not be depended on, as modern browsers have made it a capable tool.

Codecs are hard ;) 
The canPlayType(type) method must return the 
empty string if type is a type that the user agent 
knows it cannot render or is the type 
"application/octet-stream"; it must return 
"probably" if the user agent is confident that the 
type represents a media resource that it can 
render if used in with this audio or video 
element; and it must return "maybe" otherwise.! 
W3C media elements spec
The things browsers can do! SAE Alumni Convention 2014
Bullet proof video! 
var v = document.querySelector('video'), 
sources = v.querySelectorAll('source'), 
lastsource = sources[sources.length-1]; 
lastsource.addEventListener('error', function(ev) { 
var d = document.createElement('div'); 
d.innerHTML = v.innerHTML; 
v.parentNode.replaceChild(d, v); 
}, false);

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Unlock the full potential of your data by effortlessly migrating from PostgreSQL to Snowflake, the leading cloud data warehouse. This comprehensive guide presents an easy-to-follow 8-step process using Estuary Flow, an open-source data operations platform designed to simplify data pipelines. Discover how to seamlessly transfer your PostgreSQL data to Snowflake, leveraging Estuary Flow's intuitive interface and powerful real-time replication capabilities. Harness the power of both platforms to create a robust data ecosystem that drives business intelligence, analytics, and data-driven decision-making. Key Takeaways: 1. Effortless Migration: Learn how to migrate your PostgreSQL data to Snowflake in 8 simple steps, even with limited technical expertise. 2. Real-Time Insights: Achieve near-instantaneous data syncing for up-to-the-minute analytics and reporting. 3. Cost-Effective Solution: Lower your total cost of ownership (TCO) with Estuary Flow's efficient and scalable architecture. 4. Seamless Integration: Combine the strengths of PostgreSQL's transactional power with Snowflake's cloud-native scalability and data warehousing features. Don't miss out on this opportunity to unlock the full potential of your data. Read & Download this comprehensive guide now and embark on a seamless data journey from PostgreSQL to Snowflake with Estuary Flow! Try it Free:

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A captivating AI chatbot PowerPoint presentation is made with a striking backdrop in order to attract a wider audience. Select this template featuring several AI chatbot visuals to boost audience engagement and spontaneity. With the aid of this multi-colored template, you may make a compelling presentation and get extra bonuses. To easily elucidate your ideas, choose a typeface with vibrant colors. You can include your data regarding utilizing the chatbot methodology to the remaining half of the template.

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Unlock the full potential of mobile monitoring with ONEMONITAR. Our advanced and discreet app offers a comprehensive suite of features, including hidden call recording, real-time GPS tracking, message monitoring, and much more. Perfect for parents, employers, and anyone needing a reliable solution, ONEMONITAR ensures you stay informed and in control. Explore the key features of ONEMONITAR and see why it’s the trusted choice for Android device monitoring. Share this infographic to spread the word about the ultimate mobile spy app!

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Make: LGE! 
Model: Nexus 5! 
XResolution: 72! 
YResolution: 72! 
ResolutionUnit: 2! 
YCbCrPositioning: 1! 
ExifIFDPointer: 134! 
GPSInfoIFDPointer: 462! 
ExposureTime: 0.009523809523809525! 
FNumber: 2.4! 
ISOSpeedRatings: 104! 
ExifVersion: 0220! 
DateTimeOriginal: 2014:10:19 17:28:22! 
DateTimeDigitized: 2014:10:19 17:28:22! 
ComponentsConfiguration: YCbCr! 
ShutterSpeedValue: 6.713! 
ApertureValue: 2.52! 
ExposureBias: 0! 
Flash: Flash did not fire! 
FocalLength: 3.97! 
FlashpixVersion: 0100! 
ColorSpace: 1! 
PixelXDimension: 1944! 
PixelYDimension: 2592! 
InteroperabilityIFDPointer: 432
c = document.querySelector('canvas'); 
cx = c.getContext('2d'); 
c.width = w = img.naturalHeight; 
c.height = h = img.naturalWidth; 
cx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, w, h); 
<a href="' + c.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 0.9) + '" '+ 
'download="' + dlname + '">Download clean image</a>

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<tag> You’re it!
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Chris Heilmann 
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IN Dubai [WHATSAPP:Only (+971588192166**)] Abortion Pills For Sale In Dubai** UAE** Mifepristone and Misoprostol Tablets Available In Dubai** UAE CONTACT DR. SINDY Whatsapp +971588192166* We Have Abortion Pills / Cytotec Tablets /Mifegest Kit Available in Dubai** Sharjah** Abudhabi** Ajman** Alain** Fujairah** Ras Al Khaimah** Umm Al Quwain** UAE** Buy cytotec in Dubai +971588192166* '''Abortion Pills near me DUBAI | ABU DHABI|UAE. Price of Misoprostol** Cytotec” +971588192166* ' Dr.SINDY ''BUY ABORTION PILLS MIFEGEST KIT** MISOPROSTOL** CYTOTEC PILLS IN DUBAI** ABU DHABI**UAE'' Contact me now via What's App… abortion pills in dubai Mtp-Kit Prices abortion pills available in dubai/abortion pills for sale in dubai/abortion pills in uae/cytotec dubai/abortion pills in abu dhabi/abortion pills available in abu dhabi/abortion tablets in uae … abortion Pills Cytotec also available Oman Qatar Doha Saudi Arabia Bahrain Above all** Cytotec Abortion Pills are Available In Dubai / UAE** you will be very happy to do abortion in Dubai we are providing cytotec 200mg abortion pills in Dubai** UAE. Medication abortion offers an alternative to Surgical Abortion for women in the early weeks of pregnancy. We only offer abortion pills from 1 week-6 Months. We then advise you to use surgery if it's beyond 6 months. Our Abu Dhabi** Ajman** Al Ain** Dubai** Fujairah** Ras Al Khaimah (RAK)** Sharjah** Umm Al Quwain (UAQ) United Arab Emirates Abortion Clinic provides the safest and most advanced techniques for providing non-surgical** medical and surgical abortion methods for early through late second trimester** including the Abortion By Pill Procedure (RU 486** Mifeprex** Mifepristone** early options French Abortion Pill)** Tamoxifen** Methotrexate and Cytotec (Misoprostol). The Abu Dhabi** United Arab Emirates Abortion Clinic performs Same Day Abortion Procedure using medications that are taken on the first day of the office visit and will cause the abortion to occur generally within 4 to 6 hours (as early as 30 minutes) for patients who are 3 to 12 weeks pregnant. When Mifepristone and Misoprostol are used** 50% of patients complete in 4 to 6 hours; 75% to 80% in 12 hours; and 90% in 24 hours. We use a regimen that allows for completion without the need for surgery 99% of the time. All advanced second trimester and late term pregnancies at our Tampa clinic (17 to 24 weeks or greater) can be completed within 24 hours or less 99% of the time without the need for surgery. The procedure is completed with minimal to no complications. Our Women's Health Center located in Abu Dhabi** United Arab Emirates** uses the latest medications for medical abortions (RU-486** Mifeprex** Mifegyne** Mifepristone** early options French abortion pill)** Methotrexate and Cytotec (Misoprostol). The safety standards of our Abu Dhabi** United Arab Emirates Abortion Doctors remain unparalleled. They consistently maintain the lowest complication rates throughout the nation. Our

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