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Progressive Web Apps - Techdays Finland
Progressive Web Apps
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Progressive Web Apps - Techdays Finland

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Progressive Web App
Progressive Web AppProgressive Web App
Progressive Web App

A short presentation answering 3 main questions. Why we need Progressive Web Apps(PWA)? What is a progressive web app & it's features? and how a PWA works?

#progressivewebapp #mobile #webisawesome
Progressive Web Apps are here!
Progressive Web Apps are here!Progressive Web Apps are here!
Progressive Web Apps are here!

Progressive Web Apps use modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like user experience. They evolve from pages in browser tabs to immersive, top-level apps, maintaining the web's low friction at every moment. They are reliable, fast, engaging and delivering amazing UX to end users. And they are here! The slides are from my talk at

pwaprogressive web appsjavascript
Progressive web apps
Progressive web appsProgressive web apps
Progressive web apps

This slide is from the talk that i have given in DevFest at GDG Jalandhar & DSC Contains all the basic features,code and tools required to build a Progressive web apps.

pwaprogressive web appsprogramming
Apps in the
Photo by Janson G:
Progressive Web Apps
“But, what is a PWA?”,
I hear you ask.
Yeah, OK, a developer can dream…

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Progressive Web Apps 1. keynote
Progressive Web Apps 1. keynoteProgressive Web Apps 1. keynote
Progressive Web Apps 1. keynote

Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, why is it important, and how to get started. A step by step guidance towards a better user experience.

Progressive web apps
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Progressive web apps

Progressive Web Apps presentation for GDG Istanbul's Progressive Web Apps Meetup. I'm not a web developer or front-end developer but I tried to explain how PWAs work.

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Future of Mobile Web - Coldfront conf
Future of Mobile Web - Coldfront confFuture of Mobile Web - Coldfront conf
Future of Mobile Web - Coldfront conf

The future of the web on mobile isn't an assured thing. Many new platforms that are easier to publish on and are faster to use are appearing with just as many users as the web. How do we make sure we are relevant in the future: 1. Be Instant 2. Offer Richer Experiences 3. Act Installed, Be Ephemeral

A PWA is
Discoverable Installable Linkable
Safe Re-engageable
Progressive Responsive App-Like Fresh
Asking that much is a bit
of a stretch…
Let’s make this simpler…
A PWA is a web-technology
based application. It mixes the
best of the web and the app
Let’s make this simpler…
A PWA has a unique URL. This
can be used as a distribution
model. The link.

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Eye candy for your iPhone
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Eye candy for your iPhone

This document discusses techniques to make a WordPress site resemble a native iPhone app, including hiding the browser address bar, scaling the window properly, customizing the home screen icon and splash screen, and putting the site into full-screen mode. While not a substitute for a responsive design, these tricks can provide a better mobile experience and make the site look more like a true app. Examples are provided of the code needed and the impact on a sample site.

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Progressive Web Apps
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Progressive Web Apps

A Progressive Web App uses modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like user experience. Progressive Web Apps bring features we expect from native apps to the mobile browser experience in a way that uses standards-based technologies and run in a secure container accessible to anyone on the web.

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Progressive web apps with Angular 2
Progressive web apps with Angular 2Progressive web apps with Angular 2
Progressive web apps with Angular 2

This document discusses building progressive web apps with Angular 2. It covers using service workers to enable offline functionality through caching, implementing an app shell architecture for immediate loading, and other features like background syncing and push notifications. The last section describes the Angular Mobile Toolkit for generating starter code and manifest files to help develop progressive web apps.

progressive web appsangular 2service worker
Let’s make this simpler…
PWAs are progressive.
They don’t work and behave
the same everywhere.
Let’s make this simpler…
PWAs are progressive.
They improve over time and
with the ability of the host
Let’s make this simpler…
If you choose to install PWAs
they behave like we expect
apps to behave. Without any
of the annoying bits…
Bridging the gap between
apps and web needed
good technology

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Doing less
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Doing less

This document discusses how to do less work by automating repetitive tasks using tools like Xero, MailChimp, CapsuleCRM, APIs, and scripts. It argues that we should be lazier by asking at each repetitive task if it can be automated or made more efficient. Some examples given are automating bank reconciliations with Xero, sending mailing lists with MailChimp, keeping organized with CapsuleCRM, integrating systems with APIs, and automating website deployments with Capistrano scripts.

That's crazy! how to build single page web apps
That's crazy! how to build single page web appsThat's crazy! how to build single page web apps
That's crazy! how to build single page web apps

The document discusses building single page web apps and provides tips for doing so efficiently. It recommends using templating to build markup on demand, destroying and rebuilding elements, and managing data through tombstoning, on-demand loading, and purging stale data. It also recommends libraries like Backbone.js, Upshot.js, Navigation.js, and Knockout.js and discusses using local storage and deferred loading of content to improve performance of single page apps.

spaweb applicationweb design and development
Progressive Web Apps For Startups
Progressive Web Apps For StartupsProgressive Web Apps For Startups
Progressive Web Apps For Startups

What are the ways that startups can leverage the benefits that progressive web apps allow these days? In this talk, I covered some of the startups best practices and how entrepreneurs can take advantage from the capabilities that PWAs give them.

web developmentstartupentrepreneurship
PWAs use the
current web,
Additionally, we needed
two new technologies.

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Let’s learn how to use JavaScript responsibly and stay up-to-date.
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Let’s learn how to use JavaScript responsibly and stay up-to-date.

This document discusses responsible and up-to-date use of JavaScript. It recommends directly learning JavaScript instead of relying on libraries without understanding. Browser tools and editors have improved, removing the need for user agent sniffing or outdated polyfills. New JavaScript features like ES6 are supported in modern browsers through transpilation or superset languages. The overall message is that JavaScript has matured and developers should embrace new capabilities instead of clinging to past workarounds.

Fixing web and JS gaps
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Fixing web and JS gaps

The document discusses strategies for responsibly using JavaScript. It recommends: 1. Learning JavaScript fundamentals directly rather than relying on copying code. 2. Stop supporting outdated browsers like Internet Explorer and instead focus on modern standards. 3. Avoid browser detection and stop introducing non-standard code that breaks websites. 4. Leverage powerful developer tools and modern frameworks rather than workarounds. 5. Evolve use of JavaScript by adopting modern standards like ES2015 using compilers rather than blaming language shortcomings.

Building performant and re engaging web apps with service
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Building performant and re engaging web apps with service

Learn about the building blocks of creating an offline-enabled and re-engaging Progressive Web App: Service Worker, Push, Fetch, and Cache. We'll cover each of these web features and how they provide performance benefits and help maintain functionality even under poor network conditions as well as how to bring users back via push notifications.

We talk far too much
about the nuts and bolts.
Let’s concentrate on
how our apps appear
to the user.
Let’s talk about things
that need work…

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How to create a Web API no one wants to use

Later this year, Netflix will be closing their public APIs. Twitter and Google have already restricted their APIs. Despite prominent tech-companies making drastic changes to their APIs, the number of APIs keeps growing steadily. Suddenly, everyone has an API. Your car has one, Chuck Norris has one, and worst of all, tech-companies with no focus on quality whatsoever has one. And who are using these APIs? Most likely, no one. This presentation will take you through the pitfalls of creating an API. From a developers perspective, what mistakes will result in no one wanting to use your API? Live examples: Download the Postman Chrome extension and import the following collections:

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Question 6: Media technologies
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Question 6: Media technologies

The document discusses various technologies the student used in constructing a teen movie opening project. They found Prezi useful for presenting pitch ideas in an organized, professional manner. Blogger allowed them to document the project's progress and store ideas. Camera equipment like tripods and flip cams helped capture footage and research. Final Cut Pro enhanced their video editing skills. Creative Commons provided copyright-free music. Timetoast and Motion helped with timelines and animated logos. Blogger and Slideshare apps facilitated mobile blogging and presentations. The student feels more confident using these technologies and presenting ideas differently.

Empty shells are fast, but not useful...
PWAs should be faster, not slower...
PWAs should play well with the OS…

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It is easy to think what we have as developers is what people use and that lead us to make the web bloated.

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A state of web talk, discussing how Web Components, Progressive Web Apps, and Web Assembly are turning the web into an application platform.

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Alas, it is the web and user choice...
We have some work to do...
Great integrations less mentioned
Search engine integration...

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Steve Pember gave a presentation on reactive oriented architecture with Grails and Groovy. He discussed some key points: 1. Monolithic applications will not scale well as they grow in complexity, which can negatively impact development and maintenance. 2. Service oriented architecture (SOA) and microservices can help break applications into independent components, but SOA implementations have issues like increased complexity from interconnected services. 3. Architecture choices are more important than any specific framework. Microservices aim to distill SOA principles by focusing each component on a single context to reduce complexity.

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Question 4 technology
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Question 4 of evaluation- All technology, both hardware and software we used to make our products and record on our blog.

From desktop to the cloud, cutting costs with Virtual kubelet and ACI
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Breaking up a monolith or switching from client desktop to using the web in scale, require us to think of many factors, like the engineering team and the knowledge that the team already possess, technologies that exist, how to build the infrastructure right and much more. How can we use Kubernetes with Virtual Kubelet to cut costs and use the right service for the workload, whether it is a burst workload or a steady one

kubernetescloud computingjava
From web to app store via manifest...
Yes, the manifest matters...
Embracing the web shareability...

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Disassembling the Monolith: Taming Large Software Projects with Node.js

Software "Monoliths" are no longer in fashion. Everybody is extracting portions of their applications as "micro-services", and yet, few presentations cover exactly how to handle this. Presented here are a few useful techniques for building distributed systems with Node.js.

#nodejs #nodevember #services #distributed #zeromq
Going web native
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Going web native

These added capabilities will likely move many application developers to the web, creating a third vibrant app ecosystem. Having an open web app ecosystem will make apps more accessible to users in emerging markets and make it easier for new device manufacturers and operating systems to enter the market.

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Business Values of PWAs
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Business Values of PWAs

Alan Semenov, Development Lead at Enonic discusses progressive web aps and understanding the value from a business perspective on top of a dev perspective

alan semenovenonicdevelopment lead
Avoiding known annoyances
Availability in the worst scenarios...
Let’s be mindful of Service Workers…

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The document discusses various tools and technologies used during the research, planning, construction, and evaluation of a media project. Slideshare, Prezi, YouTube, WordPress, Adobe Photoshop, Premier Pro, Google, laptops/computers, and a Canon 500D camera were used at different stages of the project. These tools allowed for effective presentation and creation of work in engaging, media-rich formats. Some challenges were encountered with software and computer performance, but overall the tools were helpful in completing the required tasks.

Evaluation 6 - Media
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Evaluation 6 - Media

The document discusses various technologies the author learned about through constructing a production project. The author learned how to use blogging platforms like Blogger, Scribd, Calameo, and Slideshare to publish written work and presentations online. Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter helped publicize the project and gather feedback. Video editing software like Final Cut Pro was useful for assembling footage. While the camera and iMac took some getting used to, the author became comfortable with the equipment over time. Through the process, the author gained a better understanding of alternative ways to make work more engaging beyond traditional programs like Word and PowerPoint.

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There are a number of options when going mobile, and it's not slowing down. Why choose one over the other? What are the strengths and pitfalls? What's right for your customers and users? We'll go over each option, with examples of how you can come to the right strategy around your mobile offerings.

user experiencedesigndevelopment
Engaging, not annoying…
Not all re-use is advisable...
Going too basic isn‘t helping either...
Let’s build progressive interfaces…

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This document describes a student project to develop a cloud-based data storage application. The project is motivated by the student's interest in cloud computing and Java, and their desire to understand the development process. The aim is to create software that allows users to securely store data on a centralized server and access it from any device with an Internet connection. The product will work across different devices by having both a website and mobile app. It will allow users to sign up, upload and download files, and access their data from any computer on the cloud.

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If you are searching for the best Java Training Institute in Gurgaon. APTRON Gurgaon is a well known IT training Institute based in Gurgaon, who provide a wide variety of IT training courses such as Java Training Course in Gurgaon.

java training institute in gur
Same app, different environment…
This isn’t new - our web
best practices apply…
PWA tooling is great!
(as always, it is tough to build tools for an open stack)

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Docker is an application that generates container images which allow microservices applications to be developed and run. A container image contains all the dependencies of an application. Microservices break applications into small, independent services that communicate via APIs. Docker is like a web server that runs container code. Containers are the actual application code, while Docker generates the container images and hosts the running containers. Microservices improve scalability and maintainability by separating functions into independently deployable services.

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Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are websites that are built using newer web application development techniques to provide an app-like experience to users. PWAs can be installed on the home screen, work offline, receive push notifications, and have app-like interactions. The document discusses how PWA provides a better user experience than traditional websites by making websites feel like native mobile applications while retaining the benefits of the web. It also discusses how travel website Trivago implemented PWAs to increase their market reach, conversion rates, and growth.

Real Evaluation Question 4
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The student used various new media technologies throughout the research, planning, construction, and evaluation of their short film project. This included using hardware like DSLR cameras, Mac minis, and iPads as well as software such as iMovie, Garageband, Prezi, and websites for research. The student's VLE blog was important for uploading and presenting research findings. DSLR cameras were key for filming shots and iMovie was used to edit shots and add effects. Garageband was also utilized to incorporate soundtracks into the film. Various technologies improved the quality of the film and helped the student gain new technical skills.

Not everybody
cares about the nuts
and bolts…

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This document summarizes a talk given by Chris Heilmann calling on JavaScript developers to focus less on impressing each other and more on building. It discusses how developers prioritize convenience over user experience by using complex frameworks they don't understand to solve problems that don't exist. It encourages developers to embrace new JavaScript features like ES6, simplify their code, and focus on performance and the needs of all users.

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We are obsessed with coding and creating automated workflows and optimisations. And yet our final products aren't making it easy for people to use them. Somewhere, we lost empathy for our end users and other developers. Maybe it is time to change that. Here are some ideas.

Hinting at a better web
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Hinting at a better web

This document discusses ways to improve how web developers learn best practices through browser and tooling improvements. It suggests that linting and inline insights directly in code editors could help prevent mistakes by flagging issues early. A tool called webhint is highlighted that provides one-stop checking and explanations of hints related to performance, accessibility, security and more. The document advocates for customizing hints based on a project's specific needs and environment. Overall, it argues for accelerated learning through context-sensitive, customizable best practices integrated into development workflows.

PWA Builder
PWA Builder
Why is it hard to
find great examples?
Why indeed?

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This document discusses privilege in the context of social media and the internet. It acknowledges privileges like internet access, the ability to communicate, and supportive online communities. It warns that machine learning and algorithms risk creating echo chambers and guided messaging if they are not kept in check by human curation. The document advocates taking back the web for decent, thinking and loving humans and using privileges to help others gain access to learning, communication, and communities.

social mediaprivilege
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JavaScript is a bigger world than a language these days. Time to take stock and find happiness in that world.

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This document discusses artificial intelligence and how it can help humans. It covers that AI is not new, having originated in the 1950s, and is now more advanced due to increased computing power. It also discusses how AI utilizes pattern recognition and machine learning. The document then covers several applications of AI including computer vision, natural language processing, sentiment analysis, speech recognition/conversion and moderation. It notes both the benefits of AI in automating tasks and preventing errors, as well as the responsibilities of ensuring transparency and allowing people to opt-in to algorithms.

aidc2018machine learningartificial intelligence
Our PWA messaging is
at times awful and
Moaning travels
upwards and takes a
long time to arrive.
Photo by Janson G:
It is tough to find
(that aren’t demos)

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The document discusses concerns about the perception and realities of coding careers. It expresses worry that coding is seen solely as a way to get a job rather than as a means of problem-solving. While coding can provide fulfilling work, the document cautions that the need for coders may decrease with automation and that the role may evolve from coding to engineering. It suggests a future where machines assist with repetitive coding tasks and people focus on delivering maintainable, secure products with attention to privacy and user experience.

Taking the "vile" out of privilege
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Taking the "vile" out of privilege

This document discusses privilege in technology and perceptions of technology workers. It acknowledges the privileges that tech workers enjoy, such as access to resources and high demand in the job market. However, it also notes problems like peer pressure, lack of work-life balance, and imposter syndrome. Both tech workers and the public have skewed perceptions of each other - tech workers feel others do not appreciate or understand their work, while the public sees tech workers as antisocial or caring only about profit. The document encourages taking small steps to improve the situation, such as being kind to oneself, considering others, sharing knowledge, and focusing on quality over quantity of work.

Five ways to be a happier JavaScript developer
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Five ways to be a happier JavaScript developer

The document provides five ways for JavaScript developers to be happier: 1) Concentrate on the present and focus on creating rather than worrying about the past or future. 2) Limit distractions by streamlining your development environment and using an editor like VS Code that consolidates features. 3) Make mistakes less likely by using linters to catch errors as you code. 4) Get to know your tools better like debuggers to avoid console.log and gain insights to build better solutions. 5) Give back to others in the community by being helpful rather than causing drama.

smashingconf nycsmashingconfjavascript
PWA Stats
(Cloud Four)
▪ Web App Manifests should suggest quality:
we found 1.5 million manifests across 800k
domains. Most are not ready. We will be
looking for non-boilerplate manifests that
include a name, description, and at least
one icon that is larger than 512px square.
▪ Sites should be secure (“HTTPS”)
▪ Service Workers should be an
enhancement: we expect experiences to
degrade gracefully if Service Worker is
▪ Sites should consider automated testing for
▪ PWAs must be compliant with Microsoft
Store policies:
PWA need to be
high quality
Please help the PWA effort
Don’t assume your
experience is normal

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Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"

Chris Heilmann gave a talk at BTConf in Munich in January 2018 about machine learning, automation worries, and coding. He discussed how coding used to refer to creative programming within technical limitations but now often refers to programming for work. He addressed common worries about new technologies and dependencies, and argued that abstractions are not inherently bad and help more people build products together through consensus. The talk focused on using tools to be more productive and enabling rather than seeing them as dangers, and creating solutions for users rather than fighting old approaches.

You learned JavaScript - now what?
You learned JavaScript - now what?You learned JavaScript - now what?
You learned JavaScript - now what?

The document provides advice and encouragement for someone starting out with JavaScript development. It discusses how JavaScript can be used in many environments like browsers, apps, and servers. It recommends resources like MDN and tools like linting to help avoid mistakes. It emphasizes that this is an exciting time for JavaScript and advises setting priorities and standards, being involved in the community, and bringing new voices and perspectives.

Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"

Keynote at halfstackconf 2017 discussing the falsehood of the idea that in order to survive the automation evolution everybody needs to learn how to code. Machines can code, too.

machine learningautomationcoding
Give feedback and take
part in tools and docs
Keep up-to-date before
telling people about PWAs.
Promote and celebrate
great examples.
I try to stop people to
package awful websites
into containers - again.

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Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds - DevReach
Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds - DevReachProgressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds - DevReach
Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds - DevReach

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) can provide app-like experiences through the web by making web content fast, reliable and engaging. While PWAs may not be necessary for all projects, they can help clean up and speed up current web-based projects. PWAs leverage new web capabilities like service workers to work offline, load fast, and improve the user experience without having to meet all the requirements of native apps.

Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds
Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worldsProgressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds
Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds

This document discusses progressive web applications (PWAs) and their advantages over traditional native mobile applications. PWAs use modern web capabilities like Service Workers to deliver native-like experiences to users. Some key benefits of PWAs include their ability to work across platforms, have smaller file sizes for faster loading, support offline use, and provide simple update mechanisms compared to native apps. While PWAs do not have full access to device capabilities like native apps, they allow delivering app-like web content to users in a more accessible and reliable manner than traditional web pages.

Non-trivial pursuits: Learning machines and forgetful humans
Non-trivial pursuits: Learning machines and forgetful humansNon-trivial pursuits: Learning machines and forgetful humans
Non-trivial pursuits: Learning machines and forgetful humans

Keynote at PNWPHP covering Machine Learning and How we should go about using it to build human interfaces.

aimachine learningpnwphp
Please, help!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Chris Heilmann

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Eye candy for your iPhone
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Progressive Web Apps For Startups
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Let’s learn how to use JavaScript responsibly and stay up-to-date.
Fixing web and JS gaps
Fixing web and JS gapsFixing web and JS gaps
Fixing web and JS gaps
Building performant and re engaging web apps with service
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How to create a Web API no one wants to use
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WordPress Plugins for Beginner Bloggers
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WordPress Plugins for Beginner Bloggers

Similar to Progressive Web Apps - Techdays Finland

Question 6: Media technologies
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Christian Heilmann
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Marcus Hellberg
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Reactive Microservice Architecture with Groovy and Grails
Steve Pember
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Anya Wagstaff
From desktop to the cloud, cutting costs with Virtual kubelet and ACI
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From desktop to the cloud, cutting costs with Virtual kubelet and ACI
Adi Polak
Disassembling the Monolith: Taming Large Software Projects with Node.js
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Disassembling the Monolith: Taming Large Software Projects with Node.js
Nicholas Young
Going web native
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Going web native
Marcus Hellberg
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Business Values of PWAs
Eval 4 (1)
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Evaluation 6 - Media
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Simm Deol
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Jeremy Johnson
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Project Report on Cloud Storage
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APTRON Gurgaon
Introduction to Docker and Containers- Learning Simple
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Introduction to Docker and Containers- Learning Simple
Sandeep Hijam
Progressive Web Apps: The Breakdown
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Real Evaluation Question 4
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A call to JS Developers - Let’s stop trying to impress each other and start b...
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A call to JS Developers - Let’s stop trying to impress each other and start b...
Christian Heilmann

Similar to Progressive Web Apps - Techdays Finland (20)

Question 6: Media technologies
Question 6: Media technologiesQuestion 6: Media technologies
Question 6: Media technologies
Of innovation and impatience - Future Decoded 2015
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Of innovation and impatience - Future Decoded 2015
Going web native - Feb 2018
Going web native - Feb 2018Going web native - Feb 2018
Going web native - Feb 2018
What Is Good Performance Isqlug Jan 2010
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Reactive Microservice Architecture with Groovy and Grails
Reactive Microservice Architecture with Groovy and GrailsReactive Microservice Architecture with Groovy and Grails
Reactive Microservice Architecture with Groovy and Grails
Question 4 technology
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Question 4 technology
From desktop to the cloud, cutting costs with Virtual kubelet and ACI
From desktop to the cloud, cutting costs with Virtual kubelet and ACIFrom desktop to the cloud, cutting costs with Virtual kubelet and ACI
From desktop to the cloud, cutting costs with Virtual kubelet and ACI
Disassembling the Monolith: Taming Large Software Projects with Node.js
Disassembling the Monolith: Taming Large Software Projects with Node.jsDisassembling the Monolith: Taming Large Software Projects with Node.js
Disassembling the Monolith: Taming Large Software Projects with Node.js
Going web native
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Going web native
Business Values of PWAs
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Business Values of PWAs
Eval 4 (1)
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Eval 4 (1)
Evaluation 6 - Media
Evaluation 6 - MediaEvaluation 6 - Media
Evaluation 6 - Media
Ready to go Mobile? Today's Mobile Landscape: Responsive, Adaptive, Hybrid, a...
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Ready to go Mobile? Today's Mobile Landscape: Responsive, Adaptive, Hybrid, a...
Front Porch Keynote 2014
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Project Report on Cloud Storage
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Project Report on Cloud Storage
Learn Java Programming Language In Gurgaon.pptx
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Learn Java Programming Language In Gurgaon.pptx
Introduction to Docker and Containers- Learning Simple
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Introduction to Docker and Containers- Learning Simple
Progressive Web Apps: The Breakdown
Progressive Web Apps: The BreakdownProgressive Web Apps: The Breakdown
Progressive Web Apps: The Breakdown
Real Evaluation Question 4
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A call to JS Developers - Let’s stop trying to impress each other and start b...
A call to JS Developers - Let’s stop trying to impress each other and start b...A call to JS Developers - Let’s stop trying to impress each other and start b...
A call to JS Developers - Let’s stop trying to impress each other and start b...

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Christian Heilmann
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Christian Heilmann
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Christian Heilmann
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The Soul in The Machine - Developing for Humans (FrankenJS edition)
Christian Heilmann
Breaking out of the Tetris mind set #btconf
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Progressive Web Apps - Goto Chicago 2017
Progressive Web Apps - Goto Chicago 2017Progressive Web Apps - Goto Chicago 2017
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Develop, Debug, Learn? - Dotjs2019
Hinting at a better web
Hinting at a better webHinting at a better web
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