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Sacrificing the golden calf of coding

Chris Heilmann (@codepo8) April 2018
Big mouth strikes
What’s wrong with
What’s wrong with

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DevDay 2013 - Building Startups and Minimum Viable Products
DevDay 2013 - Building Startups and Minimum Viable ProductsDevDay 2013 - Building Startups and Minimum Viable Products
DevDay 2013 - Building Startups and Minimum Viable Products

DevDay (, 20th of September 2013, KrakĂłw Video at

‱by Ben Hall
Optimized for what
Optimized for whatOptimized for what
Optimized for what

Most software development processes are focused on tracking and delivery. Unfortunately, writing code is no longer the bottleneck. The real bottleneck is the team ability to learn about the domain complexity and do the right thing.

leansoftware developmentlearning
The gordian knot
The gordian knotThe gordian knot
The gordian knot

This document discusses key concepts for building high-performing systems, including DevOps, microservices, and organizational culture. It emphasizes that technology choices influence culture and that culture is a key factor in performance. Bounded contexts, loosely coupled systems, and alignment of goals across teams and over the long term help promote autonomy, mastery, and a clear sense of purpose. Feedback loops and organizational structures should support seeing the impact of work, learning from mistakes, and continually improving.

software architecturedomain driven designbounded contexts
What’s wrong with
I am worried about
the perception of

â–Ș Worry: automation will take away
human jobs
â–Ș Misconception: this is a bad thing,
not a sensible evolutionary step
towards a better society
â–Ș Knee-jerk reaction: everybody
needs to learn to code.
I am worried about
the perception of

â–Ș Huge misconception: everybody
who learns to code will have a
great, fulfilling job.
â–Ș Danger: people who just learned to
code will immediately build
â–Ș Arrogant assumption: what we call
coding now can never be
The “coder” of
today is the
astronaut of the 50s

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What lies beneath
What lies beneathWhat lies beneath
What lies beneath

1) EventStorming is a technique that uses modeling with sticky notes, markers and paper to surface domain events and capture hotspots in a system. It enables cross-perspective conversations and can lead to unexpected insights. 2) Analyzing bottlenecks is important because most bottlenecks are found in business processes, policies, user interfaces and read models. However, simply documenting a bottleneck may not solve the problem, as organizational culture and emotions also influence whether issues are actually addressed. 3) When modeling legacy systems, it is important to identify bounded contexts and focus modeling and improvements within safer contexts first to minimize risk. Addressing technical issues alone may not be enough, as unaddressed cultural and emotional aspects can hinder

domain driven designrefactoringsoftware architecture
What Developers Need To Know About Visual Design
What Developers Need To Know About Visual DesignWhat Developers Need To Know About Visual Design
What Developers Need To Know About Visual Design

The document discusses various topics related to visual design for developers including layout, images and icons, colors, typography, and feedback. It provides examples and recommendations for each topic. Some key points covered include using whitespace for emphasis, following design principles like the golden ratio, using consistent and recognizable icons, establishing a color scheme, experimenting with different fonts and weights, and getting feedback through usability testing. The overall message is that visual design is important for products and that developers should learn design principles to create attractive interfaces that work better.

‱by Ben Hall
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Learning to think "The Designer Way"
Learning to think "The Designer Way"Learning to think "The Designer Way"
Learning to think "The Designer Way"

This document discusses principles of design and provides tips for creating effective designs. It covers topics like layout, images, color, typography, and feedback. Key points include that attractive designs work better because they create emotional reactions and meet users' expectations. Design is presented as similar to coding, involving patterns, practices, and feedback cycles. Junior and senior designers are compared, with senior designers able to emphasize appropriately and drive user attention. Specific design tips are provided around whitespace, emphasis, the golden ratio, rounded vs square elements, consistency, and optimizing images. Color theory basics and creating engaging typography are also outlined. The importance of usability testing and not just asking for likes is emphasized.

‱by Ben Hall
The “coder” of
today is the
astronaut of the 50s
The “coder” of
today is the
astronaut of the 50s
An astronaut with
job security and no
physical demands

â–Ș It is great that we have so much
enthusiasm for coding
â–Ș It is less exciting that it isn’t about
creating things and finding
solutions, but landing a job
â–Ș It is questionable if the need we
have now for coders will stay in the
very near future
â–Ș We’re not exempt of automation
â–Ș Maybe our work is following similar
paths that any other work does
<3 enthusiasm for
our work

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The Seven Wastes of Software Development
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The Seven Wastes of Software Development

This document summarizes Matt Stine's presentation on the seven wastes of software development based on lean manufacturing principles. The seven wastes are: partially done work, extra processes, extra features, handoffs, delays, task switching, and defects. Stine provides examples of each waste and solutions to eliminate them, such as limiting work in progress, continuous integration, avoiding handoffs, minimizing task switching, and early defect detection. The goal is to reduce non-value adding activities and continuously improve productivity and quality.

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The document provides tips for surviving a hackday event. It begins with defining what a hacker is, noting that hackers are passionate technologists who build solutions to real problems. It then lists 15 tips for hackday survival, including knowing the schedule, scratching your own itch by solving problems you face, building a team, choosing tools, asking for help, learning new skills, preparing for issues, practicing your demo, and staying memorable. The overall message is that hackdays are opportunities to be creative and build things while learning from others in the developer community.

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Practical tips for Digital Designers - Corporate Innovation Summit Bangkok March 28-29 Centara Grand at Central World.

‱by Raj Lal
Florian Ziegler
Act One:
When everything is
new, happiness
A smorgasbord of

â–Ș Communication channels (Twitter,
Slack, Mastodon, IRC)
â–Ș Events/Meetups
â–Ș Video recordings of events
â–Ș Online training resources (Khan
Academy, Skillshare, Pluralsight,
â–Ș Live and collaborative coding
environments (Twitch etc
â–Ș Open and extensible development
environments that teach good code
while you use them.
Peer pressure to
keep things light
and easy
â–Ș It is frowned upon to point out
problems to newcomers
â–Ș We don’t want to hear about
problems of the past that don’t
apply today
â–Ș A lot of best practices of the past
work towards a world of longevity
â–Ș But we’re OK to use and discard
software products like physical ones

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Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"

Chris Heilmann gave a talk at BTConf in Munich in January 2018 about machine learning, automation worries, and coding. He discussed how coding used to refer to creative programming within technical limitations but now often refers to programming for work. He addressed common worries about new technologies and dependencies, and argued that abstractions are not inherently bad and help more people build products together through consensus. The talk focused on using tools to be more productive and enabling rather than seeing them as dangers, and creating solutions for users rather than fighting old approaches.

Reasons to be cheerful - Fronteers 2010
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Reasons to be cheerful - Fronteers 2010

My closing talk for this year's Fronteers conference in Amsterdam, the Netherlands about just how cool it is to be someone who builds things for the web.

Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
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Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"

Keynote at halfstackconf 2017 discussing the falsehood of the idea that in order to survive the automation evolution everybody needs to learn how to code. Machines can code, too.

machine learningautomationcoding
We are not

â–Ș It is tempting to repeat things the
community says to fit in.
â–Ș It is easy to apply what is touted as
great without considering the
effects – as you don’t know them.
â–Ș You create a lot in a short amount
of time with abstractions you have
no clue about.
â–Ș We have a high dependency on
tools and resources
â–Ș Shortcuts are tempting and feel like
Florian Ziegler
Act Two:
Coding in

â–Ș End users are slow to upgrade and
do random things.
â–Ș Your code is an attack vector for
the bad guys
â–Ș There is no truth in “we will fix it
later, let’s just finish this sprint” - yet
it is very common
Coding in

â–Ș Legacy code is no myth – it is a
time-sink nobody wants to take on
â–Ș Innovation happens often only on
the sly – asking for forgiveness is
easier than asking for permission
â–Ș Nothing acts like your local
machine or the perfect setup of the
teaching environment

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Big guns for small guys (reloaded)
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This document provides advice and recommendations from an expert on various topics related to web development and Drupal. Some of the key points covered include: - Testing, especially automated testing, is very important for quality assurance and maintaining reliability. Simplicity is also important for reliability. - Small teams and clients are preferable to large ones, as they have less bureaucracy, noise and agendas interfering with objectives. - Planning is essential, especially software architecture planning, but plans will change over time as the project evolves. - Tools like Ansible, PHPQA tools, Robo, and JetBrains PHPStorm can help with tasks like provisioning, testing, deployment and development. Drupal tools like Drush

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Ten lessons I painfully learnt while moving from software developer to entrep...
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Ten lessons I painfully learnt while moving from software developer to entrep...

My presentation from InfoShare 2016 conference. For many years I was a software developer. I would concentrate on the code, software projects and the interactions with my closes team and the users. I was sure that Agile solves all world’s problems. I would laugh over Scott Adam’s Dilbert comics with his Point Hair Boss. Life was simple, life was good. Now for 8+ years I have been running a software company, not a small one anymore. I became myself a full-time boss who only codes sometimes at home or during hackathons. This session is about sharing with you those critical lessons which I painfully learnt when trying to grow into this new role - transitioning from being a software engineer into being an entrepreneur and top manager. Wheres not all of the lessons may or will (if you dream about your own startup) apply to your case, being aware of them may save you tons of time, energy, money or even help you to avoid the total disaster - burying your own company or dreams. And after all, sharing war stories from the past is fun 
 when these stories are the past.

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Christian Heilmann - Seven Things to Do to Make You a Happier JavaScript Deve...Christian Heilmann - Seven Things to Do to Make You a Happier JavaScript Deve...
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Whether you like it or not, JavaScript is here to stay and has evolved from a fringe programming language to the most used one in our market. Its versatility both in use and in dealing with syntax are reasons why that is the case and why some people have a hard time getting their head around it. In this talk you'll learn a few tricks and ideas how you can cast aside your dislikes and worries and find a way to embrace the wild world of JavaScript.

codemotioncodemotion berlin 2018technology
Being a coder isn’t
all about your
coding skills
â–Ș It is not uncommon to be praised
for things you consider terrible
â–Ș Your enthusiasm can be a bad
guide when it comes to giving time
â–Ș Being a magical, fast problem
solver can put you on the spot
when things go wrong
â–Ș Being able to fix issues way down
the line will be a very important
thing – we build vulnerable systems
Photo by Florian Ziegler
Andreas Dantz
Act Three:
Focusing on
Code as craft (or
even art) is 3.62%
of what we do

Software is a part of
day-to-day life and
needs fast delivery

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Progressing JavaScript and Apps the Web way

This document discusses progressing web development and applications. It talks about some common criticisms of the web, including that browsers differ too much and the web is too flexible. However, it argues that browser differences allow for innovation and flexibility is one of the web's strengths. It promotes an approach of focusing on capabilities rather than browsers. The document also discusses progressing technologies like service workers and progressive web apps that can make applications work offline and feel more like native apps while still being web-based. It concludes by arguing the web is not going away and is a great platform to build upon.

Supercharge Your Digital Transformation by Establishing a DevOps Platform
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Supercharge Your Digital Transformation by Establishing a DevOps Platform

Although DevOps practices have gained wide adoption across industries, many organizations are still failing in their digital transformation efforts because they focus on tools over people and processes. You can avoid this trap by providing DevOps as a platform that is built and maintained by experts who provide standardized tools, templates, and processes to teams across the organization—regardless of those teams’ roles within the company, the type of applications or environments they work with, or the software delivery patterns they’ve adopted. A centralized DevOps platform allows developers to leverage predefined delivery processes, so they don’t have to reinvent the wheel to get their apps into Production. It also helps ensure the right processes are followed and the right people are involved at the right times. A DevOps platform can provide both technical users and business stakeholders with end-to-end visibility into the software delivery process—promoting information sharing and collaboration across the organization. Learn how to successfully implement a DevOps platform in your organization, so that every team gets the tools, templates, and visibility they need to deliver software faster than ever before.

‱by XebiaLabs
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Ten lessons I painfully learnt while moving from software developer‹to entrep...
Ten lessons I painfully learnt while moving from software developer‹to entrep...Ten lessons I painfully learnt while moving from software developer‹to entrep...
Ten lessons I painfully learnt while moving from software developer‹to entrep...

My presentation from Devoxx Poland 2016 conference - the newest, slightly revised version. For many years I was a software developer. I would concentrate on the code, software projects and the interactions with my closes team and the users. I was sure that Agile solves all world’s problems. I would laugh over Scott Adam’s Dilbert comics with his Point Hair Boss. Life was simple, life was good. Now for 8+ years I have been running a software company, not a small one anymore. I became myself a full-time boss who only codes sometimes at home or during hackathons. This session is about sharing with you those critical lessons which I painfully learnt when trying to grow into this new role - transitioning from being a software engineer into being an entrepreneur and top manager. Wheres not all of the lessons may or will (if you dream about your own startup) apply to your case, being aware of them may save you tons of time, energy, money or even help you to avoid the total disaster - burying your own company or dreams. And after all, sharing war stories from the past is fun 
 when these stories are the past.

agileleanlean startup
Reusing components
creates predictable
â–Ș Instead of knowing how to code
from scratch, it will become
increasingly important to know
what components to use
â–Ș Reusing code, frameworks and
libraries allows us to fix
performance, security and
compatibility issues in a central spot
â–Ș If we’re honest, this has happened
in production a long time ago and
a lot less innovative than we’d like it
to be.
From coder to
â–Ș Fast-paced products with a short
lifetime are easier to deliver when
you use already existing
â–Ș This means your skillset isn’t as
much about the underlying code,
but about what is good to use
â–Ș Vetting and creating reusable
components and solutions are skills
that will allow for secure and fast
â–Ș This is less exciting than being a
“code warrior” or “ninja unicorn”
It may be the warriors
who get the glory. But
it's the engineers who
build societies.
– Steve Jobs
It may be the warriors
who get the glory. But
it's the engineers who
build societies.
– B'elanna Torres

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[Originally Polish lecture with English slides - with a few exceptions] Przez wiele lat byƂem software developerem. KoncentrowaƂem się na kodzie, projektach software'owych oraz interakcjach w moim zespole i z klientami. ByƂem pewny, ĆŒe Agile rozwiązuje wszystkie problemy tego ƛwiata. ƚmiaƂem się z komiksĂłw Scotta Adamsa i stworzonej przez niego karykatury szefa (PHB). Ć»ycie byƂo proste i piękne... Teraz od ponad 8 lat prowadzę firmę software'ową, ktĂłrą przy blisko 90 osobach trudno juĆŒ nazwać maleƄstwem. Sam staƂem się "szefem" na peƂen etat. Podczas prezentacji podzielę się z Wami rĂłĆŒnymi doƛwiadczeniami oraz naukami (nieraz bolesnymi) jakie wyniosƂem w ostatnich latach podczas mojej stopniowej przemiany z developera/inĆŒyniera w przedsiębiorcę i szefa firmy. O ile zapewne nie wszystkie sytuacje i wnioski mają lub mogą mieć (o ile marzysz o wƂasnym startupie czy zespole) zastosowanie w Twoim ĆŒyciu, same sobie ich uƛwiadomienie moĆŒe oszczędzić Ci w przyszƂoƛci straty mnĂłstwa czasu, energii i pieniędzy oraz uniknąć przykrych rozczarowaƄ.

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Traversing hyper driven developpement to do great technical choices and make ...

On this era of industrial changes, we all know that software is eating the world, and the world is small, or at least, not so big. So how to manage to make great technical choices on this era where giants apply the marketing of the Shame on us? How do we keep best developper in our organisation when it's a furious competition on hiring out there? More important, how do we make sure people we work with are both happy and productive? Beyond marketing, we will try to figure out how we do to compete and create value for us and our users.

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JavaScript is a bigger world than a language these days. Time to take stock and find happiness in that world.

Getting help from
Getting help from
We built an initial prototype using about a dozen hand-drawn
components as training data, open source machine learning
algorithms, and a small amount of intermediary code to render
components from our design system into the browser. We were
pleasantly surprised with the result:
We built an initial prototype using about a dozen hand-drawn
components as training data, open source machine learning
algorithms, and a small amount of intermediary code to render
components from our design system into the browser. We were
pleasantly surprised with the result:

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The document discusses several topics related to technology disruption and advancement. It begins by predicting that in 2018, companies will continue to struggle with security operations center deployments, incident response, and log fatigue. It also predicts that skills gaps in security will deteriorate further and that phishing attacks will remain common. The document goes on to discuss the lack of accountability and consumer rights issues with the technology industry. It raises concerns about vendor lock-in effects from increased API and cloud integration.

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Slides from my DevOpsExpo London talk "From oops to NoOps". They tell you in these conferences that DevOps is not about tools, but about culture. And they are partially right. I am going to tell you that it’s not only about culture or tools but also abstractions. It is a lot about how you see software and its value. About our mental model of what software is: how it runs, evolves, and interacts with the other facets of an enterprise. We used to view software as code. As a state of code. Now we think about software as change, as a flow. A dynamic system where people, machines, and processes interact continuously. At we spend a bunch of time asking ourselves not “How do you build?” - or even “How do you build consistently?” - but rather “What does it mean to consistently build in a world where change is good?” A world that lets you push security fixes into production as soon as they’re available because you don’t want to be an Equifax but you do want stability. In this presentation, I will go over what we think software is and why having the right ideas about software will help you get your culture right and your tooling aligned, as well as gain in productivity, and general happiness and well-being.

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Mr. Hani Hmede delivered a lecture with PMI Lebanon Chapter in December 2019 about: I, the project manager - the rise of artificial intelligence in the world of project management.

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I look forward to
machines doing
repetitive code
â–Ș Maybe this is a good time to realise
that the CLI isn’t in 2018 what
should demand our attention
â–Ș Maybe it is time we concentrate on
delivering maintainable, secure
products that pay attention to our
end user’s privacy
â–Ș Maybe we need a different outlet
for our ego and realise that we
deliver services to the world, not
replace it.
â–Ș There is no Earth B and we can’t
fork humankind.
This is a good time
to be a great

â–Ș We’re not in a good spot when it
comes to work/life separation
â–Ș There is a lot of demand to be like
us – as there are jobs for us
â–Ș It is up to us to build a healthy,
friendly and rewarding work
environment for future generations
and sideways job starters
â–Ș Our products aren’t niche any
more, life now depends on them
Chris Heilmann

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Killing the golden calf of coding - We are Developers keynote

  • 1. Sacrificing the golden calf of coding
 Chris Heilmann (@codepo8) April 2018
  • 6. I am worried about the perception of coding
 â–Ș Worry: automation will take away human jobs â–Ș Misconception: this is a bad thing, not a sensible evolutionary step towards a better society â–Ș Knee-jerk reaction: everybody needs to learn to code.
  • 7. I am worried about the perception of coding
 â–Ș Huge misconception: everybody who learns to code will have a great, fulfilling job. â–Ș Danger: people who just learned to code will immediately build products â–Ș Arrogant assumption: what we call coding now can never be automated.
  • 8. The “coder” of today is the astronaut of the 50s
  • 9. The “coder” of today is the astronaut of the 50s
  • 10. The “coder” of today is the astronaut of the 50s
  • 11. An astronaut with job security and no physical demands

  • 12. â–Ș It is great that we have so much enthusiasm for coding â–Ș It is less exciting that it isn’t about creating things and finding solutions, but landing a job â–Ș It is questionable if the need we have now for coders will stay in the very near future â–Ș We’re not exempt of automation â–Ș Maybe our work is following similar paths that any other work does <3 enthusiasm for our work
  • 14. When everything is new, happiness ensues
  • 15. A smorgasbord of offerings
 â–Ș Communication channels (Twitter, Slack, Mastodon, IRC) â–Ș Events/Meetups â–Ș Video recordings of events â–Ș Online training resources (Khan Academy, Skillshare, Pluralsight,
) â–Ș Live and collaborative coding environments (Twitch etc
) â–Ș Open and extensible development environments that teach good code while you use them.
  • 16. Peer pressure to keep things light and easy â–Ș It is frowned upon to point out problems to newcomers â–Ș We don’t want to hear about problems of the past that don’t apply today â–Ș A lot of best practices of the past work towards a world of longevity â–Ș But we’re OK to use and discard software products like physical ones
  • 17. We are not “independent” coders
 â–Ș It is tempting to repeat things the community says to fit in. â–Ș It is easy to apply what is touted as great without considering the effects – as you don’t know them. â–Ș You create a lot in a short amount of time with abstractions you have no clue about. â–Ș We have a high dependency on tools and resources â–Ș Shortcuts are tempting and feel like innovation
  • 19. Coding in production environments
 â–Ș End users are slow to upgrade and do random things. â–Ș Your code is an attack vector for the bad guys â–Ș There is no truth in “we will fix it later, let’s just finish this sprint” - yet it is very common
  • 20. Coding in production environments
 â–Ș Legacy code is no myth – it is a time-sink nobody wants to take on â–Ș Innovation happens often only on the sly – asking for forgiveness is easier than asking for permission â–Ș Nothing acts like your local machine or the perfect setup of the teaching environment
  • 21. Being a coder isn’t all about your coding skills â–Ș It is not uncommon to be praised for things you consider terrible â–Ș Your enthusiasm can be a bad guide when it comes to giving time estimates â–Ș Being a magical, fast problem solver can put you on the spot when things go wrong â–Ș Being able to fix issues way down the line will be a very important thing – we build vulnerable systems
  • 22. Photo by Florian Ziegler Andreas Dantz Act Three: Focusing on outcomes
  • 23. Code as craft (or even art) is 3.62% of what we do

  • 24. Software is a part of day-to-day life and needs fast delivery
  • 25. Reusing components creates predictable outcomes â–Ș Instead of knowing how to code from scratch, it will become increasingly important to know what components to use â–Ș Reusing code, frameworks and libraries allows us to fix performance, security and compatibility issues in a central spot â–Ș If we’re honest, this has happened in production a long time ago and a lot less innovative than we’d like it to be.
  • 26. From coder to engineer â–Ș Fast-paced products with a short lifetime are easier to deliver when you use already existing components â–Ș This means your skillset isn’t as much about the underlying code, but about what is good to use â–Ș Vetting and creating reusable components and solutions are skills that will allow for secure and fast turnaround â–Ș This is less exciting than being a “code warrior” or “ninja unicorn”
  • 27. It may be the warriors who get the glory. But it's the engineers who build societies. – Steve Jobs
  • 28. It may be the warriors who get the glory. But it's the engineers who build societies. – B'elanna Torres
  • 31. We built an initial prototype using about a dozen hand-drawn components as training data, open source machine learning algorithms, and a small amount of intermediary code to render components from our design system into the browser. We were pleasantly surprised with the result:
  • 32. We built an initial prototype using about a dozen hand-drawn components as training data, open source machine learning algorithms, and a small amount of intermediary code to render components from our design system into the browser. We were pleasantly surprised with the result:
  • 33. I look forward to machines doing repetitive code â–Ș Maybe this is a good time to realise that the CLI isn’t in 2018 what should demand our attention â–Ș Maybe it is time we concentrate on delivering maintainable, secure products that pay attention to our end user’s privacy â–Ș Maybe we need a different outlet for our ego and realise that we deliver services to the world, not replace it. â–Ș There is no Earth B and we can’t fork humankind.
  • 34. This is a good time to be a great example
 â–Ș We’re not in a good spot when it comes to work/life separation â–Ș There is a lot of demand to be like us – as there are jobs for us â–Ș It is up to us to build a healthy, friendly and rewarding work environment for future generations and sideways job starters â–Ș Our products aren’t niche any more, life now depends on them