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The Soul in The Machine - Developing for Humans
Chris Heilmann @codepo8 - May 2017
Arthur C
The Soul in The Machine - Developing for Humans (FrankenJS edition)

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Machine Learning on the web - moving from Terminator to Star Trek
Machine Learning on the web - moving from Terminator to Star TrekMachine Learning on the web - moving from Terminator to Star Trek
Machine Learning on the web - moving from Terminator to Star Trek

The document discusses the potential futures of machine learning and AI, from dystopian scenarios where humans are replaced by machines to more optimistic visions where machines augment human capabilities. It argues that developers should focus on creating technologies that benefit people by taking over dangerous tasks and improving human work, rather than technologies that instill fear. The document also provides examples of current machine learning applications, like computer vision APIs that can detect faces, analyze images, and stabilize videos. It advocates for using AI to create more human-centered solutions and ensure this latest industrial revolution improves life for all humanity.

machine learningartificial intelligencefuturedecoded2016
Planning Your Progressive Web App
Planning Your Progressive Web AppPlanning Your Progressive Web App
Planning Your Progressive Web App

Presented at Web Directions Code, Melbourne If you have a website—particularly one that generates revenue for your organization—you need a Progressive Web App. So where do you begin? How do you decide which features of a Progressive Web App make sense for your users? What tools can make the process easier (or harder)? In this practical session, Jason will guide you through the key design decisions you’ll need to make about your Progressive Web App and how those decisions impact the scope of your project. He'll also teach you how to avoid common pitfalls and help you take full advantage of Progressive Web App technology.

progressive web appswebdesign
When responsive web design meets the real world
When responsive web design meets the real worldWhen responsive web design meets the real world
When responsive web design meets the real world

The document discusses responsive web design and some of the challenges it faces. It recommends adopting a mobile first approach where the mobile styles are defined first before desktop styles, allowing for a progressive enhancement. It also emphasizes the importance of performance and ensuring responsive designs are not just focused on layout but also on optimizing for speed. Key techniques discussed include building mobile first, reordering media queries, keeping basic styles outside queries, and scoping images within media queries to avoid unnecessary downloads.
The Soul in The Machine - Developing for Humans (FrankenJS edition)
46.8% vs 12.4% success rate
Technological progress
has merely provided
us with more efficient
means for going
— Aldous Huxley

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February 2018: Sustainable UX Conference
February 2018: Sustainable UX ConferenceFebruary 2018: Sustainable UX Conference
February 2018: Sustainable UX Conference

The document is a slide presentation about AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) that discusses: - Mobile web challenges like slow devices and networks where JavaScript does heavy lifting. - How AMP addresses these with techniques like inlined CSS, prioritized resource loading, and async JavaScript to make pages load instantly. - Examples of companies that use AMP and the types of content it works for. - How AMP can be used as an entry point or data source to build progressive web apps with features like service workers for offline use.

Nodevember 2017: AMP Primer
Nodevember 2017: AMP PrimerNodevember 2017: AMP Primer
Nodevember 2017: AMP Primer

In 2016, mobile internet usage exceeded desktop for the first time! With over 50% of users on mobile, is your web app optimized for them? Let’s learn about Accelerated Mobile Pages, how AMP address mobile user challenges and build a valid AMP app together!

mobileweb developmentamp
Progressive Web App Challenges
Progressive Web App ChallengesProgressive Web App Challenges
Progressive Web App Challenges

The document discusses progressive web apps (PWAs) and outlines key considerations for creating a PWA. It addresses questions around what a PWA is, how to make a website feel like an app, offline functionality, push notifications, and creating a roadmap. Examples from companies that implemented PWAs successfully are provided. The conclusion recommends developing a progressive roadmap that starts with baseline PWA features and builds out functionality over time based on priorities and initiatives.

The Soul in The Machine - Developing for Humans (FrankenJS edition)
Duophonix @ Deviantart

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Content Strategy for Responsive Websites
Content Strategy for Responsive WebsitesContent Strategy for Responsive Websites
Content Strategy for Responsive Websites

Presentation to: Madison Web Design & Development Meetup - February 11, 2013. Web Content Mavens, Washington, DC - January 8, 2013. NYC Web Design Meetup -January 24, 2013.

responsive designresponsive web designmobile
Bridging the future gap
Bridging the future gap Bridging the future gap
Bridging the future gap

A keynote at a startup event in Berlin about Machine Learning and how we can help bridge the gap for end users with our products.

microsoftstartupsmachine learning
Adapting to Input — Smashing Conference NYC
Adapting to Input — Smashing Conference NYCAdapting to Input — Smashing Conference NYC
Adapting to Input — Smashing Conference NYC

Input is constantly evolving and expanding beyond traditional keyboard and mouse. The document discusses 7 principles for adapting web design to different inputs: 1. Design for the largest target by default. 2. Design for modes of interaction instead of specific inputs. 3. Make designs accessible to all inputs. 4. Support multiple concurrent inputs. 5. Abstract baseline inputs like tap, click, and point. 6. Progressively enhance with new inputs like gestures and sensors. 7. Include different inputs in testing plans. The key message is that input cannot be detected, is a continuum, and is always changing. Web design needs to be adaptable and not assume certain inputs based on device properties.

web developmentweb designinput
Things machines and software can do for humans:
• Prevent us from making mistakes
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise for us
• Make us understand better
• Allow us to communicate more
• Protect us from harm
Things machines and
software can do for
• Prevent us from making mistakes
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise for us
• Make us understand better
• Allow us to communicate more
• Protect us from harm
Things machines and
software can do for
• Prevent us from making mistakes
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise for us
• Make us understand better
• Allow us to communicate more
• Protect us from harm
Things machines and
software can do for
• Prevent us from making mistakes
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise for us
• Make us understand better
• Allow us to communicate more
• Protect us from harm

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Automating all the wrong things - You Gotta Love Frontend Keynote
Automating all the wrong things - You Gotta Love Frontend KeynoteAutomating all the wrong things - You Gotta Love Frontend Keynote
Automating all the wrong things - You Gotta Love Frontend Keynote

Keynote of the second You Gotta Love Frontend conference in Tel Aviv/Israel talking about what to expect of the web in the near future.

yglfweb developmentconference
Introduction to Responsive Design v.2
Introduction to Responsive Design v.2Introduction to Responsive Design v.2
Introduction to Responsive Design v.2

This is the same workshop from August, but about 40 new slides, mostly at the end. A hands-on workshop for DC Web Women on September 11, 2012.

mobile firstweb designresponsive web design
CSS vs. JavaScript - Trust vs. Control
CSS vs. JavaScript - Trust vs. ControlCSS vs. JavaScript - Trust vs. Control
CSS vs. JavaScript - Trust vs. Control

This document discusses the differences between CSS and JavaScript and when each is most appropriate to use. It argues that CSS is often underestimated in favor of JavaScript solutions. CSS has advanced significantly with features like calc(), media queries, animations/transitions, flexbox, grid, variables and more. These powerful features allow many tasks to be accomplished with CSS alone without needing JavaScript. The document encourages embracing the "squishiness" of the web and considering CSS more when building interfaces.

Things machines and
software can do for
• Prevent us from making mistakes
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise for us
• Make us understand better
• Allow us to communicate more
• Protect us from harm
Things machines and
software can do for
• Prevent us from making mistakes
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise for us
• Make us understand better
• Allow us to communicate more
• Protect us from harm
Things machines and
software can do for
• Prevent us from making mistakes
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise for us
• Make us understand better
• Allow us to communicate more
• Protect us from harm
Things machines and
software can do for
• Prevent us from making mistakes
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise for us
• Make us understand better
• Allow us to communicate more
• Protect us from harm

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Responsive Design
Responsive Design Responsive Design
Responsive Design

Presentation by Clarissa Peterson for LVL Studio's UX Soiree, November 21, 2012, in Montreal, Quebec. Overview of responsive design with focus on user experience.

user experience designresponsive designweb design
Mobile First Responsive Design
Mobile First Responsive DesignMobile First Responsive Design
Mobile First Responsive Design

The document summarizes key techniques for responsible responsive web design, including building mobile-first responsive designs, keeping CSS images in their place, conditionally loading JavaScript based on screen size and capabilities, delivering different sized images at different screen sizes, and handling high-density images carefully. It also discusses debates around whether a one-size-fits-all responsive approach can compete with a tailored experience and ensuring responsive designs are optimized for performance.

fitc responsivedesign mobilefirst mobile rwd respo
Optimizing User Experience with Responsive Web Design
Optimizing User Experience with Responsive Web DesignOptimizing User Experience with Responsive Web Design
Optimizing User Experience with Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design allows a single website to be accessed from any device by dynamically adjusting the layout depending on screen size. The content remains the same across devices but is formatted appropriately for each screen width through techniques like adjusting column numbers and widths. Designing first for mobile forces focus on essential content and ensures parity across devices. Examples demonstrate how navigation, images and text restructure seamlessly for an optimized experience on any device.

user experience designmobile firstweb design
Things machines and
software can do for
• Prevent us from making mistakes
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise for us
• Make us understand better
• Allow us to communicate more
• Protect us from harm
Things machines and
software can do for
• Prevent us from making mistakes
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise for us
• Make us understand better
• Allow us to communicate more
• Protect us from harm
Things machines and
software can do for
• Prevent us from making mistakes
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise for us
• Make us understand better
• Allow us to communicate more
• Protect us from harm
Things machines and
software can do for
• Prevent us from making mistakes
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise for us
• Make us understand better
• Allow us to communicate more
• Protect us from harm
Image may contain: dog,
outdoor and nature

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What's next? J and beyond keynote 2015
What's next? J and beyond keynote 2015What's next? J and beyond keynote 2015
What's next? J and beyond keynote 2015

A talk about future technologies of the web, and how our time is equally well spent cleaning up the web of now.

Mobile First Responsive Web Design — BD Conf Oct 2013
Mobile First Responsive Web Design — BD Conf Oct 2013Mobile First Responsive Web Design — BD Conf Oct 2013
Mobile First Responsive Web Design — BD Conf Oct 2013

The document discusses responsive web design and mobile-first approaches. It advocates building responsive designs with a mobile-first mindset, where the mobile version is prioritized and expanded upon for larger screens rather than the desktop version being scaled down. It also emphasizes performance techniques like keeping images out of breakpoints to avoid unnecessary downloads, and using media queries to scope images to only the viewports that need them. The overall message is that responsive design should consider both layout and performance to provide the best experience across devices.

mobilewebresponsive designresponsive web design
Government Next: NIC Presentation
Government Next: NIC PresentationGovernment Next: NIC Presentation
Government Next: NIC Presentation

The document discusses concepts related to government services in the Web 2.0 era, including openness, collaboration, and community. It covers topics such as blogging, wikis, discussion groups, group chat, and using platforms and APIs to encourage sharing of data and user identity between sites. This allows third-party applications and mashups to access and utilize the data in new and innovative ways. The goal is to engage citizens and encourage collaboration between government and the public.

Things machines and
software can do for
• Prevent us from making mistakes
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise for us
• Make us understand better
• Allow us to communicate more
• Protect us from harm
Things machines and
software can do for
• Prevent us from making mistakes
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise for us
• Make us understand better
• Allow us to communicate more
• Protect us from harm
Things machines and
software can do for
• Prevent us from making mistakes
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise for us
• Make us understand better
• Allow us to communicate more
• Protect us from harm
Things machines and
software can do for
• Prevent us from making mistakes
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise for us
• Make us understand better
• Allow us to communicate more
• Protect us from harm

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Another Day In Paradise
Another Day In ParadiseAnother Day In Paradise
Another Day In Paradise

The document discusses several topics related to technology, architecture, and consumer needs. It provides advice on balancing enterprise needs with consumer innovation, adopting a consumer-oriented approach to architecture, and understanding human capacity and context to build effective solutions. It also cautions against assumptions that a single solution can last forever or applying technology before understanding the problem.

Tales from the Accessibility Trenches - Highland Fling talk, Edinburgh, 19th ...
Tales from the Accessibility Trenches - Highland Fling talk, Edinburgh, 19th ...Tales from the Accessibility Trenches - Highland Fling talk, Edinburgh, 19th ...
Tales from the Accessibility Trenches - Highland Fling talk, Edinburgh, 19th ...

My set of slides for the talk Mark Palmer and I gave at the Highland Fling Sessions in Edinburgh on 19th April 2014

web accessibility consultancy
1_Maverick Introduction To Digital Literacy.pdf
1_Maverick Introduction To Digital Literacy.pdf1_Maverick Introduction To Digital Literacy.pdf
1_Maverick Introduction To Digital Literacy.pdf

Learning "Digital Skills for the Workplace" sessions. These are in person workshops in Rochdale, sponsored by RBH and New Pioneers and delivered by No Worries IT Ltd

#newpioneers #heritagehackers
Things machines and
software can do for
• Prevent us from making mistakes
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise for us
• Make us understand better
• Allow us to communicate more
• Protect us from harm
Things machines and
software can do for
• Prevent us from making mistakes
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise for us
• Make us understand better
• Allow us to communicate more
• Protect us from harm
A few years ago all this was pure science

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Citizen Happiness Workshop Part 2: The Building Blocks
Citizen Happiness Workshop Part 2: The Building BlocksCitizen Happiness Workshop Part 2: The Building Blocks
Citizen Happiness Workshop Part 2: The Building Blocks

The document discusses ways to encourage collaboration, community, and happiness through openness, collaboration, and community. It provides 12 tips for encouraging collaboration, including being a platform, publishing information openly, embracing chaos, rewarding contributors, and running real open betas. It defines community as a social group sharing interests and discusses simple ways to accelerate serendipity and encourage connection within a community, such as allowing comments and using social media features. The overall message is that applying principles of openness, collaboration, and community through Web 2.0 technologies can help drive customer and constituent happiness.

What's Next for Technology? Mansfield Senior Center 2014
What's Next for Technology? Mansfield Senior Center 2014What's Next for Technology? Mansfield Senior Center 2014
What's Next for Technology? Mansfield Senior Center 2014

This document appears to be the slides from a presentation given by Steve Sokoloski and Richard Roberge to the Mansfield Senior Center in September 2014 about technology topics. The presentation provides an overview of internet safety tips for seniors, discusses trends in mobile devices and cloud computing, and shares several videos demonstrating emerging technologies like Google Glass, Fitbit, and the bookbook from IKEA. It aims to educate seniors about technology and encourage making wise choices regarding its use.

Georgia Tech Hack Day
Georgia Tech Hack DayGeorgia Tech Hack Day
Georgia Tech Hack Day

Christian Heilmann is a hacker and geek who is passionate about sharing his passions. He is in Atlanta to help with a Hack Day at Georgia Tech. He discusses the process of hack days - focusing first on an idea, using available data sources and APIs, and creating functional interfaces. He provides examples of past hacks using Twitter and earthquake data. The goal is for participants to work in teams on new hack projects using available Yahoo and other resources over the 24 hour period.

And even today it feels like it is too hard
to do, right?
Wrong. The trick is to understand that we
live in a world of services, clouds,
databases and products.
All players are doing a great job giving you access…
Almost every company offers APIs for this.

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OSDC - Open and Accessible
OSDC - Open and AccessibleOSDC - Open and Accessible
OSDC - Open and Accessible

My presentation at the open source developer conference in Taipei, Taiwan about the opportunities of accessibility

2015 Arts Midwest Workshop: Embracing the Digital Age
2015 Arts Midwest Workshop: Embracing the Digital Age2015 Arts Midwest Workshop: Embracing the Digital Age
2015 Arts Midwest Workshop: Embracing the Digital Age

Presentation from October 4, 2015: Arts Midwest Orchestras 20/20: Context, Connection, Collaboration. An attempt to lay out the context of audience, competition, technology and strategy - then a set of practical steps to get things done.

Going voice first: What executives should know about the next digital disruption
Going voice first: What executives should know about the next digital disruptionGoing voice first: What executives should know about the next digital disruption
Going voice first: What executives should know about the next digital disruption

This document discusses the rise of voice technology and its potential as the next digital disruption. It describes how voice interfaces using AI assistants are becoming more common through smart speakers and smartphones. While voice tech is currently early in its development, the document outlines how it could transform industries like healthcare, finance, government, automotive, hospitality, and consumer goods through new voice-enabled applications and services. However, challenges around quality, security, bias, and behavior still need to be addressed for voice interfaces to reach their full potential. The document advises executives to start experimenting with voice tech by addressing real business problems in a controlled environment to understand opportunities and unintended consequences.

voice technologyvoice firstalexa
REST endpoints with support for Node or
even client-side JavaScript.
(Foreign) Text
A lot of work went into these APIs, work
you might not want to do yourself…
Machines, corporations, services and
products have harvested tons and tons of
data over the last years.

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Ethical Algorithms: Bias in Machine Learning for NextAI
Ethical Algorithms: Bias in Machine Learning for NextAIEthical Algorithms: Bias in Machine Learning for NextAI
Ethical Algorithms: Bias in Machine Learning for NextAI

This talk explains why machine learning algorithms are prone to bias, shows concrete examples, and examines regulatory, conceptual, and technical means to address these issues.

machine learningethicspolicy
Workshop A, Keith De La Rue, E2.0
Workshop A, Keith De La Rue, E2.0Workshop A, Keith De La Rue, E2.0
Workshop A, Keith De La Rue, E2.0

This document discusses using social media tools internally within an organization to harness knowledge sharing. It outlines some of the key challenges including gaining trust within the organization, understanding different tools like blogs, wikis and their benefits, as well as addressing security concerns that may arise from using these new forms of collaboration. The document provides examples of how some companies have successfully implemented social media tools internally to improve communication, knowledge sharing and engagement among employees.

Hacking For Innovation Delhi
Hacking For Innovation DelhiHacking For Innovation Delhi
Hacking For Innovation Delhi

This document provides an introduction to hacking. It defines hacking as "altering a system to do what you want it to do using what is at your disposal" and as having fun innovating and making things do what they weren't designed for. It encourages attendees to build workarounds for things that annoy them using available data feeds, web services, and interfaces. Examples of hacking projects are provided, like enhancing slideshow transcripts to be more accessible and building a service to track Twitter followers. The document promotes hacking as a way to innovate and play that is open to anyone, not just those in technical jobs.

The biggest problem was to understand
the data – as it was a mess.
So we trained machines in thousands of
iterations to get the best information out
of a small set of fata.
What’s in a sentence?
Word dependencies

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Webinar_ How can AI help disabled people slides.pptx
Webinar_ How can AI help disabled people slides.pptxWebinar_ How can AI help disabled people slides.pptx
Webinar_ How can AI help disabled people slides.pptx

Accessibility and AI

Avram ODonovan Blogtalk2008
Avram ODonovan Blogtalk2008Avram ODonovan Blogtalk2008
Avram ODonovan Blogtalk2008

The document discusses the emerging role of social software within IBM and its use to foster collaboration and innovation. It outlines IBM's transition to more informal and open culture and describes various social tools and platforms adopted by employees, from internal instant messaging and blogs to experimental uses of metaverse environments and reputation systems. It highlights IBM's Technology Adoption Program for encouraging early adoption of new tools and sharing of internally developed solutions.

Museum Website Best Practices for the 21st Century
Museum Website Best Practices for the 21st CenturyMuseum Website Best Practices for the 21st Century
Museum Website Best Practices for the 21st Century

From the adoption of content management systems to the explosion of Web 2.0 features, museum websites have undergone enormous growth and change over the past decade. This session features three speakers who have been working in the museum website space during this critical period of rapid growth and change. Presented at the California Association of Museums Annual Conference in San Jose, CA, March 2010.

web designwebsitemuseum
Speech / Language Syntax
Language stems
Morphology / Grammar

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Getting ready for voice
Getting ready for voiceGetting ready for voice
Getting ready for voice

Check my presentation about challenges we're facing with voice and how to successfully getting started. Also viewable online:

Hacking For Innovation
Hacking For InnovationHacking For Innovation
Hacking For Innovation

Christian Heilmann gave a talk on hacking and innovation at a university hack challenge. He defines hacking as altering systems to do what you want using available resources, and sees it as a way to have fun and drive unrestrained innovation. He encourages attendees to find something annoying with current systems and build workarounds. To hack effectively, one needs access to data sources, the data itself, and ways to reach users. He provides examples of his own hacks that make systems more accessible or filter data for specific uses. The talk aims to show attendees their potential and get feedback on explanations of development resources.

SpringOne Tour: The Influential Software Engineer
SpringOne Tour: The Influential Software EngineerSpringOne Tour: The Influential Software Engineer
SpringOne Tour: The Influential Software Engineer

The document discusses the importance of culture in software projects and how to influence culture. It notes that software projects involve people and personalities, not just technology. It emphasizes that culture informs everything a company does and is very difficult to change. It provides advice on being aware of your company's culture, finding ways to inculcate good cultural values like writing high-quality code, and approaches for influencing decision makers to prioritize culture.

Better translation through sentences vs. words
Better translation through sentences vs. words
Better translation through sentences vs. words
Bad results? Use the same platforms to
train your own data according to your

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From DevOps to NoOps how not to get Equifaxed Apidays
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From DevOps to NoOps how not to get Equifaxed ApiDays Global Paris. On the virtues of immutable infrastructure.

Develop, Debug, Learn? - Dotjs2019
Develop, Debug, Learn? - Dotjs2019Develop, Debug, Learn? - Dotjs2019
Develop, Debug, Learn? - Dotjs2019

We are obsessed with coding and creating automated workflows and optimisations. And yet our final products aren't making it easy for people to use them. Somewhere, we lost empathy for our end users and other developers. Maybe it is time to change that. Here are some ideas.

Hinting at a better web
Hinting at a better webHinting at a better web
Hinting at a better web

This document discusses ways to improve how web developers learn best practices through browser and tooling improvements. It suggests that linting and inline insights directly in code editors could help prevent mistakes by flagging issues early. A tool called webhint is highlighted that provides one-stop checking and explanations of hints related to performance, accessibility, security and more. The document advocates for customizing hints based on a project's specific needs and environment. Overall, it argues for accelerated learning through context-sensitive, customizable best practices integrated into development workflows.

Add quality by filtering with context…
The good news for us is that we can now
use these findings to build better
The interfaces we
build today condition
the users of now and
of tomorrow…

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Taking the "vile" out of privilege
Taking the "vile" out of privilegeTaking the "vile" out of privilege
Taking the "vile" out of privilege

This document discusses privilege in the context of social media and the internet. It acknowledges privileges like internet access, the ability to communicate, and supportive online communities. It warns that machine learning and algorithms risk creating echo chambers and guided messaging if they are not kept in check by human curation. The document advocates taking back the web for decent, thinking and loving humans and using privileges to help others gain access to learning, communication, and communities.

social mediaprivilege
Seven ways to be a happier JavaScript developer - NDC Oslo
Seven ways to be a happier JavaScript developer - NDC OsloSeven ways to be a happier JavaScript developer - NDC Oslo
Seven ways to be a happier JavaScript developer - NDC Oslo

JavaScript is a bigger world than a language these days. Time to take stock and find happiness in that world.

Artificial intelligence for humans… #AIDC2018 keynote
Artificial intelligence for humans… #AIDC2018 keynoteArtificial intelligence for humans… #AIDC2018 keynote
Artificial intelligence for humans… #AIDC2018 keynote

This document discusses artificial intelligence and how it can help humans. It covers that AI is not new, having originated in the 1950s, and is now more advanced due to increased computing power. It also discusses how AI utilizes pattern recognition and machine learning. The document then covers several applications of AI including computer vision, natural language processing, sentiment analysis, speech recognition/conversion and moderation. It notes both the benefits of AI in automating tasks and preventing errors, as well as the responsibilities of ensuring transparency and allowing people to opt-in to algorithms.

aidc2018machine learningartificial intelligence
The interfaces we
build today condition
the users of now and
of tomorrow…
It is time for us to use and build better, more
human interfaces…
There is no such thing as a perfect user - think inclusive.
It isn’t about allowing access but about avoiding barriers.
Our job right now is to
create interfaces that are
simple, human and fun
to use…

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Killing the golden calf of coding - We are Developers keynote
Killing the golden calf of coding - We are Developers keynoteKilling the golden calf of coding - We are Developers keynote
Killing the golden calf of coding - We are Developers keynote

The document discusses concerns about the perception and realities of coding careers. It expresses worry that coding is seen solely as a way to get a job rather than as a means of problem-solving. While coding can provide fulfilling work, the document cautions that the need for coders may decrease with automation and that the role may evolve from coding to engineering. It suggests a future where machines assist with repetitive coding tasks and people focus on delivering maintainable, secure products with attention to privacy and user experience.

Progressive Web Apps - Techdays Finland
Progressive Web Apps - Techdays FinlandProgressive Web Apps - Techdays Finland
Progressive Web Apps - Techdays Finland

PWA are a hot topic and it is important to understand that they are a different approach to apps than the traditional way of packaging something and letting the user install it. In this keynote you'll see some of the differences.

Taking the "vile" out of privilege
Taking the "vile" out of privilegeTaking the "vile" out of privilege
Taking the "vile" out of privilege

This document discusses privilege in technology and perceptions of technology workers. It acknowledges the privileges that tech workers enjoy, such as access to resources and high demand in the job market. However, it also notes problems like peer pressure, lack of work-life balance, and imposter syndrome. Both tech workers and the public have skewed perceptions of each other - tech workers feel others do not appreciate or understand their work, while the public sees tech workers as antisocial or caring only about profit. The document encourages taking small steps to improve the situation, such as being kind to oneself, considering others, sharing knowledge, and focusing on quality over quantity of work.

What we can do with technology for us and our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users
What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users
What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users
What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users

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Five ways to be a happier JavaScript developer
Five ways to be a happier JavaScript developerFive ways to be a happier JavaScript developer
Five ways to be a happier JavaScript developer

The document provides five ways for JavaScript developers to be happier: 1) Concentrate on the present and focus on creating rather than worrying about the past or future. 2) Limit distractions by streamlining your development environment and using an editor like VS Code that consolidates features. 3) Make mistakes less likely by using linters to catch errors as you code. 4) Get to know your tools better like debuggers to avoid console.log and gain insights to build better solutions. 5) Give back to others in the community by being helpful rather than causing drama.

smashingconf nycsmashingconfjavascript
Taking the P out of PWA
Taking the P out of PWATaking the P out of PWA
Taking the P out of PWA

The document discusses progressive web apps (PWAs) and provides suggestions for improving them. It notes that while PWAs aim to have engaging, fast, integrated, and reliable experiences like native apps, they still have room for improvement in areas like speed, integration, and reliability. It emphasizes that PWAs should adhere to web best practices and provide actually useful experiences rather than just focusing on technical features. The document encourages helping the PWA effort by providing feedback, using and contributing to tools, keeping messaging up-to-date, and promoting high-quality examples.

Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"

Chris Heilmann gave a talk at BTConf in Munich in January 2018 about machine learning, automation worries, and coding. He discussed how coding used to refer to creative programming within technical limitations but now often refers to programming for work. He addressed common worries about new technologies and dependencies, and argued that abstractions are not inherently bad and help more people build products together through consensus. The talk focused on using tools to be more productive and enabling rather than seeing them as dangers, and creating solutions for users rather than fighting old approaches.

What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users
What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users
What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users
What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users
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. . .

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You learned JavaScript - now what?
You learned JavaScript - now what?You learned JavaScript - now what?
You learned JavaScript - now what?

The document provides advice and encouragement for someone starting out with JavaScript development. It discusses how JavaScript can be used in many environments like browsers, apps, and servers. It recommends resources like MDN and tools like linting to help avoid mistakes. It emphasizes that this is an exciting time for JavaScript and advises setting priorities and standards, being involved in the community, and bringing new voices and perspectives.

Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
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Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds - DevReach
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Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds - DevReach

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) can provide app-like experiences through the web by making web content fast, reliable and engaging. While PWAs may not be necessary for all projects, they can help clean up and speed up current web-based projects. PWAs leverage new web capabilities like service workers to work offline, load fast, and improve the user experience without having to meet all the requirements of native apps.

What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users
What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users
What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users
What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users

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Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds
Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worldsProgressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds
Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds

This document discusses progressive web applications (PWAs) and their advantages over traditional native mobile applications. PWAs use modern web capabilities like Service Workers to deliver native-like experiences to users. Some key benefits of PWAs include their ability to work across platforms, have smaller file sizes for faster loading, support offline use, and provide simple update mechanisms compared to native apps. While PWAs do not have full access to device capabilities like native apps, they allow delivering app-like web content to users in a more accessible and reliable manner than traditional web pages.

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Keynote at PNWPHP covering Machine Learning and How we should go about using it to build human interfaces.

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Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center
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Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center

This document discusses progressive web apps (PWAs). It notes that PWAs aim to make web apps feel like native mobile apps by being discoverable, installable, linkable, safe, responsive and progressive. The document outlines some key characteristics of PWAs, including that they need to be served from secure origins and have app manifests. It also discusses some common misconceptions around PWAs and notes that as PWAs improve, they will continue to blur the line between web apps and native mobile apps.

What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users
What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users
What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users
What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users

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This document provides tips for becoming an effective conference presenter. It discusses finding a topic to present on, writing a proposal to submit to conferences, creating presentation materials, writing the presentation, and delivering the presentation. The key steps covered are finding an exciting topic, researching it, crafting a compelling proposal, developing slides and other visual aids to enhance the story and message, writing the presentation to have a clear structure and narrative arc, and practicing delivery techniques to engage the audience. The overall goal is to give attendees a memorable experience that leaves them feeling they learned something valuable.

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The document discusses the future of computing and artificial intelligence. It notes that people are both excited and fearful about technological progress, and outlines things that are going right (e.g. advances in machine learning and computer vision) as well as things that are going wrong (e.g. lack of transparency, data privacy issues). It argues that the future of computing needs people who are not afraid of technology and who will create interfaces that are simple, human, and help people communicate better. The role of technologists is to use their skills to give people a sense of data ownership and ensure technological progress improves lives rather than just making money.

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JavaScript is a buffet - Scriptconf 2017 keynote

The document discusses using JavaScript like a buffet, where developers should be flexible and not try to do everything with JavaScript or force their preferences on others. It encourages sharing code openly but also being considerate of different environments and users. Developers are advised to focus on quality over quantity and consider progressive enhancement over delivering all functionality at once.

What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users
What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users
What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users
What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users

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for educational purposes only

What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users
What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users
What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users
What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users

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What we can do with
technology for us and
our users…
• Prevent mistakes before they happen
• Do boring, repetitive tasks
• Fill gaps in information
• Remember and categorise
• Allow for better understanding
• Offer new ways to communicate
• Protect us and our end users
The saddest aspect of
life right now is that
science gathers
knowledge faster than
society gathers wisdom.
— Isaac Asimov
The future is already
here – it’s just not very
evenly distributed.
— William Gibson

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Lecture_Notes_Unit4_Chapter_8_9_10_RDBMS for the students affiliated by alaga...
Lecture_Notes_Unit4_Chapter_8_9_10_RDBMS for the students affiliated by alaga...Lecture_Notes_Unit4_Chapter_8_9_10_RDBMS for the students affiliated by alaga...
Lecture_Notes_Unit4_Chapter_8_9_10_RDBMS for the students affiliated by alaga...

Title: Relational Database Management System Concepts(RDBMS) Description: Welcome to the comprehensive guide on Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) concepts, tailored for final year B.Sc. Computer Science students affiliated with Alagappa University. This document covers fundamental principles and advanced topics in RDBMS, offering a structured approach to understanding databases in the context of modern computing. PDF content is prepared from the text book Learn Oracle 8I by JOSE A RAMALHO. Key Topics Covered: Main Topic : DATA INTEGRITY, CREATING AND MAINTAINING A TABLE AND INDEX Sub-Topic : Data Integrity,Types of Integrity, Integrity Constraints, Primary Key, Foreign key, unique key, self referential integrity, creating and maintain a table, Modifying a table, alter a table, Deleting a table Create an Index, Alter Index, Drop Index, Function based index, obtaining information about index, Difference between ROWID and ROWNUM Target Audience: Final year B.Sc. Computer Science students at Alagappa University seeking a solid foundation in RDBMS principles for academic and practical applications. About the Author: Dr. S. Murugan is Associate Professor at Alagappa Government Arts College, Karaikudi. With 23 years of teaching experience in the field of Computer Science, Dr. S. Murugan has a passion for simplifying complex concepts in database management. Disclaimer: This document is intended for educational purposes only. The content presented here reflects the author’s understanding in the field of RDBMS as of 2024. Feedback and Contact Information: Your feedback is valuable! For any queries or suggestions, please contact

data integritytypes of integrityintegrity constraints
Let’s fix that! Right now!

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Progressive Web Apps - Techdays Finland
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Christian Heilmann
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
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Christian Heilmann
Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds - DevReach
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Christian Heilmann
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Christian Heilmann
Non-trivial pursuits: Learning machines and forgetful humans
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Non-trivial pursuits: Learning machines and forgetful humans
Christian Heilmann
Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center
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Christian Heilmann
Supercharging Public Speaking
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Supercharging Public Speaking
Christian Heilmann
Suit up, bring extra oxygen Internet space explorers needed.
Suit up, bring extra oxygen Internet space explorers needed.Suit up, bring extra oxygen Internet space explorers needed.
Suit up, bring extra oxygen Internet space explorers needed.
Christian Heilmann
JavaScript is a buffet - Scriptconf 2017 keynote
JavaScript is a buffet - Scriptconf 2017 keynoteJavaScript is a buffet - Scriptconf 2017 keynote
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The Soul in The Machine - Developing for Humans (FrankenJS edition)

  • 1. The Soul in The Machine - Developing for Humans Chris Heilmann @codepo8 - May 2017
  • 8. Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards. — Aldous Huxley
  • 10. Duophonix @ Deviantart
  • 13. Things machines and software can do for humans: • Prevent us from making mistakes • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise for us • Make us understand better • Allow us to communicate more • Protect us from harm
  • 14. Things machines and software can do for humans: • Prevent us from making mistakes • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise for us • Make us understand better • Allow us to communicate more • Protect us from harm
  • 15. Things machines and software can do for humans: • Prevent us from making mistakes • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise for us • Make us understand better • Allow us to communicate more • Protect us from harm 2017-02-28/jpmorgan-marshals-an-army-of- developers-to-automate-high-finance
  • 16. Things machines and software can do for humans: • Prevent us from making mistakes • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise for us • Make us understand better • Allow us to communicate more • Protect us from harm
  • 17. Things machines and software can do for humans: • Prevent us from making mistakes • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise for us • Make us understand better • Allow us to communicate more • Protect us from harm
  • 18. Things machines and software can do for humans: • Prevent us from making mistakes • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise for us • Make us understand better • Allow us to communicate more • Protect us from harm nvidia-super-resolution-tool-launch
  • 19. Things machines and software can do for humans: • Prevent us from making mistakes • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise for us • Make us understand better • Allow us to communicate more • Protect us from harm
  • 20. Things machines and software can do for humans: • Prevent us from making mistakes • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise for us • Make us understand better • Allow us to communicate more • Protect us from harm
  • 21. Things machines and software can do for humans: • Prevent us from making mistakes • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise for us • Make us understand better • Allow us to communicate more • Protect us from harm
  • 22. Things machines and software can do for humans: • Prevent us from making mistakes • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise for us • Make us understand better • Allow us to communicate more • Protect us from harm
  • 23. Things machines and software can do for humans: • Prevent us from making mistakes • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise for us • Make us understand better • Allow us to communicate more • Protect us from harm
  • 24. Things machines and software can do for humans: • Prevent us from making mistakes • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise for us • Make us understand better • Allow us to communicate more • Protect us from harm Image may contain: dog, outdoor and nature
  • 25. Things machines and software can do for humans: • Prevent us from making mistakes • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise for us • Make us understand better • Allow us to communicate more • Protect us from harm office-365-enabling-greater-digital-inclusion/
  • 26. Things machines and software can do for humans: • Prevent us from making mistakes • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise for us • Make us understand better • Allow us to communicate more • Protect us from harm
  • 27. Things machines and software can do for humans: • Prevent us from making mistakes • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise for us • Make us understand better • Allow us to communicate more • Protect us from harm
  • 28. Things machines and software can do for humans: • Prevent us from making mistakes • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise for us • Make us understand better • Allow us to communicate more • Protect us from harm
  • 29. Things machines and software can do for humans: • Prevent us from making mistakes • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise for us • Make us understand better • Allow us to communicate more • Protect us from harm allo-helps-you-respond-to.html
  • 30. Things machines and software can do for humans: • Prevent us from making mistakes • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise for us • Make us understand better • Allow us to communicate more • Protect us from harm
  • 32. A few years ago all this was pure science fiction…
  • 33. And even today it feels like it is too hard to do, right?
  • 34. Wrong. The trick is to understand that we live in a world of services, clouds, databases and products.
  • 35. All players are doing a great job giving you access…
  • 36. Almost every company offers APIs for this.
  • 37. REST endpoints with support for Node or even client-side JavaScript.
  • 39. A lot of work went into these APIs, work you might not want to do yourself…
  • 40. Machines, corporations, services and products have harvested tons and tons of data over the last years.
  • 41. The biggest problem was to understand the data – as it was a mess.
  • 42. So we trained machines in thousands of iterations to get the best information out of a small set of fata.
  • 43. What’s in a sentence?
  • 49. Better translation through sentences vs. words
  • 50. Better translation through sentences vs. words
  • 51. Better translation through sentences vs. words
  • 52. Bad results? Use the same platforms to train your own data according to your specifications.
  • 53. Add quality by filtering with context…
  • 54. The good news for us is that we can now use these findings to build better interfaces.
  • 56. The interfaces we build today condition the users of now and of tomorrow…
  • 57. The interfaces we build today condition the users of now and of tomorrow…
  • 58. It is time for us to use and build better, more human interfaces…
  • 59. There is no such thing as a perfect user - think inclusive. It isn’t about allowing access but about avoiding barriers.
  • 60. Our job right now is to create interfaces that are simple, human and fun to use…
  • 61. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users
  • 62. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users
  • 63. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users
  • 64. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users
  • 65. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users
  • 66. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users
  • 67. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users
  • 68. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users JSON: { "language": "en", "orientation": "Up", "regions": [ { "boundingBox": "41,77,918,440", "lines": [ { "boundingBox": "41,77,723,89", "words": [ { "boundingBox": "41,102,225,64", "text": "LIFE" }, { "boundingBox": "356,89,94,62", "text": "IS" }, { "boundingBox": "539,77,225,64", "text": "LIKE" } . . . TEXT: LIFE IS LIKE RIDING A BICYCLE TO KEEP YOUR BALANCE YOU MUST KEEP MOVING JSON: { "language": "en", "orientation": "Up", "regions": [ { "boundingBox": "41,77,918,440", "lines": [ { "boundingBox": "41,77,723,89" "words": [ { "boundingBox": "41,102,225,6 "text": "LIFE" }, { "boundingBox": "356,89,94,62 "text": "IS" }, { "boundingBox": "539,77,225,6 "text": "LIKE" } . . . TO KEEP YOUR BALANCE YOU MUST KEEP MOVING
  • 69. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users
  • 70. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users automatically_art_directed_responsive_images
  • 71. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users
  • 72. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users
  • 73. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users
  • 74. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users
  • 75. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users
  • 76. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users
  • 77. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users
  • 78. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users
  • 79. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users
  • 80. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users
  • 81. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users
  • 82. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users
  • 83. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users 🎙" 🔊$
  • 84. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users
  • 85. What we can do with technology for us and our users… • Prevent mistakes before they happen • Do boring, repetitive tasks • Fill gaps in information • Remember and categorise • Allow for better understanding • Offer new ways to communicate • Protect us and our end users
  • 87. The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom. — Isaac Asimov
  • 88. The future is already here – it’s just not very evenly distributed. — William Gibson
  • 89. Let’s fix that! Right now!