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Chris Heilmann (codepo8), Halfstack, London, November 2017
Chris Heilmann @codepo8
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"

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This document discusses AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). It provides an overview of IAM including its ability to provide fine-grained access control and integrate with SAML 2.0 and LDAP. It notes issues with passwords and credentials like entropy and rainbow table attacks. The document outlines IAM roles and policies and recommends making credentials temporary to improve security.

Managing and evolving JavaScript Code
Managing and evolving JavaScript CodeManaging and evolving JavaScript Code
Managing and evolving JavaScript Code

If your project has working features, a living design system, quality assurance and a code style guide, there is nothing that you will learn in this talk. Maybe.

Become a better UX designer through code
Become a better UX designer through codeBecome a better UX designer through code
Become a better UX designer through code

Presentation at UX London 2014 The web is a fluid and inherently flexible medium - to design effectively for it you need to understand it better. In this hands-on workshop we will look to level up your HTML & CSS skills to learn how you can create responsive prototypes and re-usable pattern libraries for your web projects. We’ll explore how to create layouts that flow beautifully from tiny screens to large ones and how to design responsive grids from the content-out. Through practical examples we’ll discuss the benefits of developing responsive pattern libraries including when and how to use them.

Machine Learning and AI is hot.
Automation worries everybody
The heat is on…
Blanket solution:
Everybody must learn
how to code.

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Hinting at a better web
Hinting at a better webHinting at a better web
Hinting at a better web

This document discusses ways to improve how web developers learn best practices through browser and tooling improvements. It suggests that linting and inline insights directly in code editors could help prevent mistakes by flagging issues early. A tool called webhint is highlighted that provides one-stop checking and explanations of hints related to performance, accessibility, security and more. The document advocates for customizing hints based on a project's specific needs and environment. Overall, it argues for accelerated learning through context-sensitive, customizable best practices integrated into development workflows.

The Death of Microservices
The Death of MicroservicesThe Death of Microservices
The Death of Microservices

The document discusses the death of microservices as an architecture style. It argues that many systems labeled as microservices are actually distributed monoliths due to issues like shared libraries, drivers, frameworks, and tables that couple services together and prevent independent upgrades. It recommends isolating services by avoiding shared dependencies, using packages to separate concerns, and isolating data stores, configurations, and implementations between services. Platforms, education around service-oriented architecture principles, and accepting necessary duplication can help build true microservice systems.

Six reasons to learn JavaScript
Six reasons to learn JavaScriptSix reasons to learn JavaScript
Six reasons to learn JavaScript

Otto presents 6 reasons why everybody should learn JavaScript: 1. JavaScript is easy to learn and use without complex setups. 2. JavaScript is versatile and can be used for many programming paradigms. 3. JavaScript is open source so you have freedom in how you use and build with it. 4. JavaScript is universal and can be used across many environments from browsers to Node.js. 5. There is high demand for JavaScript skills in the job market. 6. JavaScript knowledge will be necessary for most programming jobs in the future.

Let’s rewind for a bit…
The Future of Programming
Bret Victor
To me, coding was a
demo scene term.
Coding in the demo scene:
Programming in a
creative fashion,
pushing the
boundaries of limited

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An opinionated guide on transitioning from the military to a career in software. Originally presented in coordination with SC Codes ( as "Tech for Transitioning Service Members"

Asynchronous Decision Making - FOSS Backstage 2017
Asynchronous Decision Making - FOSS Backstage 2017Asynchronous Decision Making - FOSS Backstage 2017
Asynchronous Decision Making - FOSS Backstage 2017

Slides of my "Asynchronous Decision Making - why and how?" talk at the micro-summit, November 2017 I also gave this talk at FOSDEM 2018, a video recording (with somewhat poor audio unfortunately) is available at There's also a video recording of the French speaking version at 2018, See also my article on the same topic at and a slightly older blog post at

collaborationopen developmentopen source
Introducing CS students to open source
Introducing CS students to open sourceIntroducing CS students to open source
Introducing CS students to open source

Presented by: Ellen Spertus, Mills College Presented at All Things Open 2020 Abstract: Open source programming is professionally and personally rewarding, but many people are intimidated by the barriers to entry and the field's reputation for hostility to newcomers, especially members of marginalized groups. As a computer science professor at a minority-serving women's college, I have countered this by guiding students, as part of their required coursework, to learn and apply the necessary skills to make contributions to open source projects. I will share what I have learned over the years about breaking down the barriers to help other educators, mentors, and open source practitioners increase participation.

all things openopen sourceato2020
+ performance
+ cleverness
+ inventiveness
- maintainability
- readability
+ maintainability
+ readability
~ cleverness
~ performance
- inventiveness
The curious case of
Benjamin a Button
Story time:

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Architecture @ Appknox
Architecture @ AppknoxArchitecture @ Appknox
Architecture @ Appknox

This document discusses architecture and design patterns for Python applications. It begins with an introduction by the presenter, dhilipsiva, who is a tech lead and full-stack developer at Appknox. The presentation then provides an overview of Appknox, describing the technologies in its stack including Django, PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ, and Kubernetes. It also outlines Appknox's microservices architecture, which includes components like API servers, scanners, tasks, and a device farm. The document concludes by promising to explain Appknox's deployment process and inviting questions.

Open NTF OpenSource is collaboration at its best and matters
Open NTF OpenSource is collaboration at its best and mattersOpen NTF OpenSource is collaboration at its best and matters
Open NTF OpenSource is collaboration at its best and matters

Christian Güdemann discusses OPENNTF and open source collaboration. He addresses common myths about open source like code being of poor quality or unsupported. Open source identifies problems and creates communities to solve them. Contributing features or fixes to IBM products is now easier through open source with OPENNTF. Resources listed include the OPENNTF, CollaborationToday, and XPages websites and YouTube, Twitter, and GitHub pages for OPENNTF.

openntfopen sourceextlib
Test Driven Development: More Development Than Ever
Test Driven Development: More Development Than EverTest Driven Development: More Development Than Ever
Test Driven Development: More Development Than Ever

TDD has been around since 2002 but today still too many people out there have little understanding of what it actually is. This slide deck tries to help to understand that TDD is not a method to create tests but a truly genuine way to do programming and that programmers like no other benefit from the technique. Hopefully, this will lead more people to embracing it.

tddcoding practicessoftware development
Professional development:
“Wow, how did you do that?”
“Have you finished this?”
Moving from
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
Personalised development
environment, tooling and
code snippets.
The developer level-up:
We’re good at
inventing and
advocating best

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BangML Meetup 1: The Path to Becoming an Machine Learning Expert
BangML Meetup 1: The Path to Becoming an Machine Learning ExpertBangML Meetup 1: The Path to Becoming an Machine Learning Expert
BangML Meetup 1: The Path to Becoming an Machine Learning Expert

This document provides guidance on becoming an ML expert, including: - Taking Andrew Ng's popular ML course on Coursera to get started - Studying mathematics like linear algebra, probability, and statistics - Exploring other online courses and resources on ML from Stanford, edX, and Udacity - Checking GitHub repositories for example codes, tutorials, books, and interesting ML projects - Considering libraries like TensorFlow, scikit-learn, and others for building ML systems

tensorflowdata sciencemachine learning
Experiências de um Egresso do BCC como Consultor em Desenvolvimento de Software
Experiências de um Egresso do BCC como Consultor em Desenvolvimento de SoftwareExperiências de um Egresso do BCC como Consultor em Desenvolvimento de Software
Experiências de um Egresso do BCC como Consultor em Desenvolvimento de Software

The document discusses the experiences of a graduate from BCC working as a software development consultant. It touches on working at ThoughtWorks as a developer consultant using agile methodologies like putting working software over documentation and customer collaboration over contracts. It also discusses skills needed like English, version control, web development technologies, testing practices and refactoring. Distributed development, learning on your own and automatizing processes are also mentioned.

Tf byowwhc
Tf byowwhcTf byowwhc
Tf byowwhc

This document provides an introduction to coding and web development. It discusses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and how to structure them using concepts like the box model. It promotes Thinkful, an online coding bootcamp, and describes their curriculum and mentorship approach. Links are provided to free coding resources and a two-week trial for Thinkful's program. Graduates share their experiences and projects.

Less so at using them…
Why is that?
People are people…
People don’t always upgrade
like we’d love them to. This
means we need support old,
terrible ideas.
The legacy problem:

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Tf byowwhc
Tf byowwhcTf byowwhc
Tf byowwhc

This document provides an introduction to coding and web development. It discusses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and how to structure them using concepts like the box model. It promotes Thinkful, an online coding bootcamp, and describes their curriculum and mentorship approach. Links are provided to free coding resources and a two-week trial for Thinkful's program.

Learning to be IDE Free (PrDC 2015)
Learning to be IDE Free (PrDC 2015)Learning to be IDE Free (PrDC 2015)
Learning to be IDE Free (PrDC 2015)

◦If you lost Eclipse, could you still produce quality code? If Visual Studio or IntelliJ don't provide you with a specific tool, are you still able to use it comfortably? If you're troubled by these questions, don't worry because you are not the only one! Over the years, developers tend to forget their roots and grow overly comfortable with their IDE. But, it's not the IDE that makes us developers, it's our mad coding skills and software knowledge! In this session David will bring you back to the days where a text editor was just a text editor, and command line was king and go through creating, building, deploying an application without an IDE.

Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"

Chris Heilmann gave a talk at BTConf in Munich in January 2018 about machine learning, automation worries, and coding. He discussed how coding used to refer to creative programming within technical limitations but now often refers to programming for work. He addressed common worries about new technologies and dependencies, and argued that abstractions are not inherently bad and help more people build products together through consensus. The talk focused on using tools to be more productive and enabling rather than seeing them as dangers, and creating solutions for users rather than fighting old approaches.

Browsers have to favour the
end user and protect them
from programmer mistakes.
Lazy developers see that as a
carte blanche.
The protect the user problem:
If how we do things isn’t as
appreciated as how fast it is
done, we find ways to
automate our work.
The development appreciation gap:
Writing Perl/CGI (1997 edition)
1. Get a client request
2. Go to Matt’s Script Archive
3. Download something
4. Change things until it resembles
what the client wants and stops
breaking with a 500 (chmod 777
if in doubt)
5. Invoice, hide under rock
How do we find

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Raising the Bar
Raising the BarRaising the Bar
Raising the Bar

This document discusses ways to raise the bar of software development by combining it with other disciplines. It proposes 6 intersections between software design and other fields: 1) Software Design and UX, 2) Other design disciplines, 3) Materials Science, 4) Math, 5) Engineering principles of built-in self-testing, and 6) Reaching out to scientists. It argues that considering ideas from other domains could improve software design and help address challenges like dependencies in legacy code. The document also suggests ways to fundamentally change development by precisely defining requirements and generating code from them.

sciencesoftware designdesign
Machine Learning for Designers - DX Meetup Basel
Machine Learning for Designers - DX Meetup BaselMachine Learning for Designers - DX Meetup Basel
Machine Learning for Designers - DX Meetup Basel

Artificial intelligence is more and more becoming the core of digital products. Designing for Products based on AI requires Designers to know about Machine Learning. This talk is an easy walk through the most important elements of Machine Learning. It looks at the fundamental principles of using practical examples. It showcases applications of the different types of Machine Learning. The use-cases range from text categorization to image recognition, on to speech analysis. The goal is to show what is important for designers and why.

aimachine learningux
564 Class Notes July 27, 2010
564 Class Notes July 27, 2010564 Class Notes July 27, 2010
564 Class Notes July 27, 2010

The document discusses various topics related to analysis and design processes including front-end analysis, analysis paralysis, evaluation models, performance analysis quadrants, agile development principles, flashcard software options, and open source development practices. It provides resources and information on needs assessment, instructional design, project management, and software development.

Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
We talk on dedicated
channels to those “in the
Fixing code…
1. Create an available version of your code
(codepen, gist, jsbin, jsfiddle…)
2. Go to Stackoverflow and post your problem
3. Abandon all hope of getting a straight answer
4. Get well versed in filtering out feedback on
various levels of dysfunctional human
5. Find the answer in the maelstrom of “just use $x”
or “well, actually…”
Fixing code (pro edition)
1. Go to Stackoverflow
2. Describe your coding problem with an
obviously wrong solution and call it a best
3. Get popcorn
4. Follow the moshpit of ideas and biases
5. Find the one good solution that crops up

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Algorithm Marketplace and the new "Algorithm Economy"
Algorithm Marketplace and the new "Algorithm Economy"Algorithm Marketplace and the new "Algorithm Economy"
Algorithm Marketplace and the new "Algorithm Economy"

Diego Oppenheimer discusses the rise of algorithm marketplaces and the new "algorithm economy". Key points include: - Advances in machine learning, computer vision, speech recognition and natural language processing are enabling algorithms to interpret unstructured data at scale. - Algorithm marketplaces allow algorithms to be hosted, discovered, monetized and composed modularly to address a wide range of use cases across many industries. - The algorithm economy will lower barriers to applying machine intelligence and foster innovation as algorithms become reusable assets that creators and users can both benefit from.


A recap of interesting points and quotes from the May 2024 WSO2CON opensource application development conference. Focuses primarily on keynotes and panel sessions.

SXSW After Party
SXSW After PartySXSW After Party
SXSW After Party

This document summarizes talks and events from the SXSW conference, including discussions on content management systems, CSS frameworks, maps and geolocation, and startup funding. It provides an overview of several talks on topics like the history of buttons, design processes, and HTML5 development. Meetups are scheduled in London on the 3rd Thursday of each month to discuss takeaways from SXSW.

We’re better at doing
than at explaining
needs and values.
How do we find
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
We collect and
describe reusable
code and patterns.

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WordCamp Nashville: Clean Code for WordPress
WordCamp Nashville: Clean Code for WordPressWordCamp Nashville: Clean Code for WordPress
WordCamp Nashville: Clean Code for WordPress

Slides from my talk at WordCamp Nashville, including notes. Covers why clean code is important, and provides 10 tips to make your code cleaner, for WordPress and beyond

wordpressagile software development
Software craftsmanship - Imperative or Hype
Software craftsmanship - Imperative or HypeSoftware craftsmanship - Imperative or Hype
Software craftsmanship - Imperative or Hype

The document discusses the history and development of the software craftsmanship movement. It began in the 1990s with ideas around treating software development as a craft similar to other skilled trades. In the 2000s, these ideas saw renewed interest through Robert Martin's talks advocating for craftsmanship over poor quality code. This led to the creation of the Software Craftsmanship Manifesto, which outlined principles for developers to focus on quality, learning, and sharing knowledge. The document examines issues that led to interest in craftsmanship such as poor code quality and a lack of practical skills training. It presents craftsmanship as an alternative that emphasizes pride in work, learning from others, and stakeholder trust through

Killing the golden calf of coding - We are Developers keynote
Killing the golden calf of coding - We are Developers keynoteKilling the golden calf of coding - We are Developers keynote
Killing the golden calf of coding - We are Developers keynote

The document discusses concerns about the perception and realities of coding careers. It expresses worry that coding is seen solely as a way to get a job rather than as a means of problem-solving. While coding can provide fulfilling work, the document cautions that the need for coders may decrease with automation and that the role may evolve from coding to engineering. It suggests a future where machines assist with repetitive coding tasks and people focus on delivering maintainable, secure products with attention to privacy and user experience.

We package reusable code
and patterns up in
frameworks, libraries, tooling
and processes.
The digital hoarding scenario:
Generic, reusable solutions
are bigger codebases and
have more computational
The digital hoarding problem:
More tools and processes to
strip the overhead before
shipping to the end user.
The digital hoarding solution:
Have we raised the
bar too high for
people starting new?

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Sandro Mancuso and David Green: London Software Craftsmanship Community: What...
Sandro Mancuso and David Green: London Software Craftsmanship Community: What...Sandro Mancuso and David Green: London Software Craftsmanship Community: What...
Sandro Mancuso and David Green: London Software Craftsmanship Community: What...

Software Craftsmanship began in the late 1960s as a response to issues with large software projects for NASA and the Department of Defense. It emphasizes coding skills, accountability, and seeing software development as a craft rather than just engineering. The movement aims to raise the bar of professionalism through continuous learning, deliberate practice, and pragmatism.

Data science tools of the trade
Data science tools of the tradeData science tools of the trade
Data science tools of the trade

This document discusses best practices for developing data science products at Philip Morris International (PMI). It covers: - PMI's data science team of over 40 people across four hubs working on fraud prevention and other problems. - Key principles for PMI's data science work, including being business-driven, investing in people, self-organizing, iterating to improve, and co-creating solutions. - Challenges in data product development involving integrating work between data scientists and other teams, and practices like continuous integration/delivery to overcome these challenges. - The role of data scientists in contributing code that is readable, testable, reusable, reproducible, and usable by other teams to integrate into

Introducción al Machine Learning Automático
Introducción al Machine Learning AutomáticoIntroducción al Machine Learning Automático
Introducción al Machine Learning Automático

¿Cómo puede llevar el aprendizaje automático a las masas? Los proyectos de Machine Learning con la búsqueda de talento, el tiempo para construir e implementar modelos y confiar en los modelos que se construyen. ¿Cómo puede tener varios equipos en su organización para crear modelos de ML precisos sin ser expertos en ciencia de datos o aprendizaje automático? ¿Se pregunta sobre los diferentes sabores de AutoML? H2O Driverless AI emplea las técnicas de científicos expertos en datos en una aplicación fácil de usar que ayuda a escalar sus esfuerzos de ciencia de datos. La inteligencia artificial Driverless permite a los científicos de datos trabajar en proyectos más rápido utilizando la automatización y la potencia de computación de vanguardia de las GPU para realizar tareas en minutos que solían tomar meses. Con H2O Driverless AI, todos, incluyendo expertos y científicos de datos junior, científicos de dominio e ingenieros de datos pueden desarrollar modelos confiables de aprendizaje automático. Esta plataforma de aprendizaje automático de última generación ofrece una funcionalidad única y avanzada para la visualización de datos, la ingeniería de características, la interpretabilidad del modelo y la implementación de baja latencia. H2O Driverless AI hace: * Visualización automática de datos * Ingeniería automática de funciones a nivel de Grandmaster * Selección automática del modelo * Ajuste y capacitación automáticos del modelo * Paralelización automática utilizando múltiples CPU o GPU * Ensamblaje automático del modelo *automática del Interpretaciónaprendizaje automático (MLI) * Generación automática de código de puntuación ¿Quieres probarlo tú mismo? Puede obtener una prueba gratuita aquí: H2O Driverless AI trial. Venga a esta sesión y descubra cómo comenzar con el Aprendizaje automático automático con AI sin conductor H2O, y cree modelos potentes con solo unos pocos clics. ¡Te veo pronto! Acerca de es una empresa visionaria de software de código abierto de Silicon Valley que creó y reimaginó lo que es posible. Somos una empresa de fabricantes que trajeron al mercado nuevas plataformas y tecnologías para impulsar el movimiento de inteligencia artificial. Somos los creadores de, H2O, la principal plataforma de aprendizaje de ciencia de datos de fuente abierta y de aprendizaje automático utilizada por casi la mitad de Fortune 500 y en la que confían más de 14,000 organizaciones y cientos de miles de científicos de datos de todo el mundo.

artificial intelligencemachine learningdata science
Are we teaching
ways that we know
and worked for us,
but are outdated?
We have amazing tooling
and helpers at our
Browsers come with
excellent development and
debugging tools.
Editors are open,
extensible and
integrate with our
workflows and

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Resisting The Feature Creature
Resisting The Feature CreatureResisting The Feature Creature
Resisting The Feature Creature

Presentation at the Geekmeet in Craiova, Romania talking about the adoption of APIs and libraries as a way to prevent unmaintainable products.

How to Hybrid : Effective Tactics in HTML5-Native App Development
How to Hybrid : Effective Tactics in HTML5-Native App DevelopmentHow to Hybrid : Effective Tactics in HTML5-Native App Development
How to Hybrid : Effective Tactics in HTML5-Native App Development

The document discusses strategies for effective hybrid app development using both HTML5 and native capabilities. It notes the benefits of a hybrid approach in allowing reuse of code across platforms while also gaining performance from native features. Examples are provided of how a PhoneGap framework can be used to build cross-platform mobile apps that incorporate both HTML5 and native platform APIs.

javascriptinterfacemobile html5android
ChatGPT-and-Generative-AI-Landscape Working of generative ai search
ChatGPT-and-Generative-AI-Landscape Working of generative ai searchChatGPT-and-Generative-AI-Landscape Working of generative ai search
ChatGPT-and-Generative-AI-Landscape Working of generative ai search

This is about chat gpt and generative ai. How it is fine tuning the search based on prompt provided by user every time, and how search actually work

We have
editing and
education tools.
Linting and validation
tools tell us what to
fix – even as a
integration step.
Everything counts in large amounts
Our users* have much more
capable devices with higher
computation power than in
the past.
A changed world:
* The affluent and local ones our investors and our sales and marketing departments care about.

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MongoDB World 2018: Building Intelligent Apps with MongoDB & Google Cloud
MongoDB World 2018: Building Intelligent Apps with MongoDB & Google CloudMongoDB World 2018: Building Intelligent Apps with MongoDB & Google Cloud
MongoDB World 2018: Building Intelligent Apps with MongoDB & Google Cloud

Building intelligent apps involves combining real-time analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to provide personalized recommendations and automate tasks for customers. Developers can use MongoDB and Google Cloud to build intelligent apps in 3 steps: 1) create a base ecommerce app, 2) add a recommendation engine using machine learning, and 3) enable shopping via chat with artificial intelligence. This brings data scientists and developers together to create applications that understand and assist customers.

mongodbmongodb worldgoogle
Data Science Accelerator Program
Data Science Accelerator ProgramData Science Accelerator Program
Data Science Accelerator Program

More information, visit: Data scientists aren’t a nice-to-have anymore, they are a must-have. Businesses of all sizes are scooping up this new breed of engineering professional. But how do you find the right one for your business? The Data Science Accelerator Program is a one year program, delivered in Amsterdam by world-class industry practitioners. It provides your aspiring data scientists with intensive on- and off-site instruction, access to an extensive network of speakers and mentors and coaching. The Data Science Accelerator Program helps you assess and radically develop the skills of your data science staff or recruits. Our goal is to deliver you excellent data scientists that help you become a data driven enterprise. The right tools We teach your organisation the proven data science tools. The right hands We are trusted by many industry leading partners. The right experience We've done big data and data science at many clients, we know what the real world is like. The right experts We have a world class selection of lecturers that you will be working with. Vincent D. Warmerdam Jonathan Samoocha Ivo Everts Rogier van der Geer Ron van Weverwijk Giovanni Lanzani The right curriculum We meet twice a month. Once for a lecture, once for a hackathon. Lectures The RStudio stack. The art of simulation. The iPython stack. Linear modelling. Operations research. Nonlinear modelling. Clustering & ensemble methods. Natural language processing. Time series. Visualisation. Scaling to big data. Advanced topics. Hackathons Scrape and mine the internet. Solving multiarmed bandit problems. Webdev with flask and pandas as a backend. Build an automation script for linear models. Build a heuristic tsp solver. Code review your automation for nonlinear models. Build a method that outperforms random forests. Build a markov chain to generate song lyrics. Predict an optimal portfolio for the stock market. Create an interactive d3 app with backend. Start up a spark cluster with large s3 data. You pick! Interested? Ping us here.

data scienceeducationbig data
2014 01-ticosa
2014 01-ticosa2014 01-ticosa
2014 01-ticosa

This document summarizes a presentation by Dr. S. Ducasse on dedicated tools and research for software business intelligence at Tisoca 2014. It discusses: - The need for dedicated tools tailored to specific problems to aid in maintenance, decision making, and reducing costs. - The Moose technology for building custom analysis tools through its language-independent meta-model and ability to import different data sources. - Examples of how analysis tools built with Moose have helped companies with challenges like migration, reverse engineering, and decision support. - The benefits of an inventive toolkit approach that allows building multi-level dashboards, code analyzers, impact analyzers, and other custom tools to address specific

reengineering synectique moose tooling
The technologies we have at
our disposal are complex and
have higher computation
A changed world:
We now have a larger
distance between code
creation and execution, with
optimisation steps in between.
Rolling with the punches:
The business demands on our
creations are about fast
delivery and constant
innovation. This demands re-
use and automation.
Rolling with the punches:
With increased complexity
and demand, any software
product will sooner or later
use pre-built components.
The natural software evolution:

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Adopting Data Science and Machine Learning in the financial enterprise
Adopting Data Science and Machine Learning in the financial enterpriseAdopting Data Science and Machine Learning in the financial enterprise
Adopting Data Science and Machine Learning in the financial enterprise

Financial firms are taking AI and machine learning seriously to augment traditional investment decision making. Alternative datasets including text analytics, cloud computing, algorithmic trading are game changers for many firms who are adopting technology at a rapid pace. As more and more open-source technologies penetrate enterprises, quants and data scientists have a plethora of choices for building, testing and scaling quantitative models. Even though there are multiple solutions and platforms available to build machine learning solutions, challenges remain in adopting machine learning in the enterprise.In this talk we will illustrate a step-by-step process to enable replicable AI/ML research within the enterprise using QuSandbox.

reproducibilitymachine learningdata science
Taking the "vile" out of privilege
Taking the "vile" out of privilegeTaking the "vile" out of privilege
Taking the "vile" out of privilege

This document discusses privilege in the context of social media and the internet. It acknowledges privileges like internet access, the ability to communicate, and supportive online communities. It warns that machine learning and algorithms risk creating echo chambers and guided messaging if they are not kept in check by human curation. The document advocates taking back the web for decent, thinking and loving humans and using privileges to help others gain access to learning, communication, and communities.

social mediaprivilege
Seven ways to be a happier JavaScript developer - NDC Oslo
Seven ways to be a happier JavaScript developer - NDC OsloSeven ways to be a happier JavaScript developer - NDC Oslo
Seven ways to be a happier JavaScript developer - NDC Oslo

JavaScript is a bigger world than a language these days. Time to take stock and find happiness in that world.

More tools and processes
to strip the overhead
before shipping to the end
The digital hoarding solution:
This flows over into the
design space. Style
guides, pattern libraries.
The problem is
that humans are
sloppy and clumsy.
This increases with
boredom and a
demand to do
repetitive tasks.
This is where programs
and automated tools

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Artificial intelligence for humans… #AIDC2018 keynote
Artificial intelligence for humans… #AIDC2018 keynoteArtificial intelligence for humans… #AIDC2018 keynote
Artificial intelligence for humans… #AIDC2018 keynote

This document discusses artificial intelligence and how it can help humans. It covers that AI is not new, having originated in the 1950s, and is now more advanced due to increased computing power. It also discusses how AI utilizes pattern recognition and machine learning. The document then covers several applications of AI including computer vision, natural language processing, sentiment analysis, speech recognition/conversion and moderation. It notes both the benefits of AI in automating tasks and preventing errors, as well as the responsibilities of ensuring transparency and allowing people to opt-in to algorithms.

aidc2018machine learningartificial intelligence
Progressive Web Apps - Techdays Finland
Progressive Web Apps - Techdays FinlandProgressive Web Apps - Techdays Finland
Progressive Web Apps - Techdays Finland

PWA are a hot topic and it is important to understand that they are a different approach to apps than the traditional way of packaging something and letting the user install it. In this keynote you'll see some of the differences.

Taking the "vile" out of privilege
Taking the "vile" out of privilegeTaking the "vile" out of privilege
Taking the "vile" out of privilege

This document discusses privilege in technology and perceptions of technology workers. It acknowledges the privileges that tech workers enjoy, such as access to resources and high demand in the job market. However, it also notes problems like peer pressure, lack of work-life balance, and imposter syndrome. Both tech workers and the public have skewed perceptions of each other - tech workers feel others do not appreciate or understand their work, while the public sees tech workers as antisocial or caring only about profit. The document encourages taking small steps to improve the situation, such as being kind to oneself, considering others, sharing knowledge, and focusing on quality over quantity of work.


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Five ways to be a happier JavaScript developerFive ways to be a happier JavaScript developer
Five ways to be a happier JavaScript developer

The document provides five ways for JavaScript developers to be happier: 1) Concentrate on the present and focus on creating rather than worrying about the past or future. 2) Limit distractions by streamlining your development environment and using an editor like VS Code that consolidates features. 3) Make mistakes less likely by using linters to catch errors as you code. 4) Get to know your tools better like debuggers to avoid console.log and gain insights to build better solutions. 5) Give back to others in the community by being helpful rather than causing drama.

smashingconf nycsmashingconfjavascript
Taking the P out of PWA
Taking the P out of PWATaking the P out of PWA
Taking the P out of PWA

The document discusses progressive web apps (PWAs) and provides suggestions for improving them. It notes that while PWAs aim to have engaging, fast, integrated, and reliable experiences like native apps, they still have room for improvement in areas like speed, integration, and reliability. It emphasizes that PWAs should adhere to web best practices and provide actually useful experiences rather than just focusing on technical features. The document encourages helping the PWA effort by providing feedback, using and contributing to tools, keeping messaging up-to-date, and promoting high-quality examples.

Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds - DevReach
Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds - DevReachProgressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds - DevReach
Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds - DevReach

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) can provide app-like experiences through the web by making web content fast, reliable and engaging. While PWAs may not be necessary for all projects, they can help clean up and speed up current web-based projects. PWAs leverage new web capabilities like service workers to work offline, load fast, and improve the user experience without having to meet all the requirements of native apps.

We built an initial prototype using about a
dozen hand-drawn components as training
data, open source machine learning
algorithms, and a small amount of
intermediary code to render components
from our design system into the browser.
We built an initial prototype using about a dozen hand-drawn
components as training data, open source machine learning
algorithms, and a small amount of intermediary code to render
components from our design system into the browser. We were
pleasantly surprised with the result:
We built an initial prototype using about a
dozen hand-drawn components as training
data, open source machine learning
algorithms, and a small amount of
intermediary code to render components
from our design system into the browser.
Questioning the dogma:
Everybody must learn
how to code.

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Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds
Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worldsProgressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds
Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds

This document discusses progressive web applications (PWAs) and their advantages over traditional native mobile applications. PWAs use modern web capabilities like Service Workers to deliver native-like experiences to users. Some key benefits of PWAs include their ability to work across platforms, have smaller file sizes for faster loading, support offline use, and provide simple update mechanisms compared to native apps. While PWAs do not have full access to device capabilities like native apps, they allow delivering app-like web content to users in a more accessible and reliable manner than traditional web pages.

Non-trivial pursuits: Learning machines and forgetful humans
Non-trivial pursuits: Learning machines and forgetful humansNon-trivial pursuits: Learning machines and forgetful humans
Non-trivial pursuits: Learning machines and forgetful humans

Keynote at PNWPHP covering Machine Learning and How we should go about using it to build human interfaces.

aimachine learningpnwphp
Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center
Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center
Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center

This document discusses progressive web apps (PWAs). It notes that PWAs aim to make web apps feel like native mobile apps by being discoverable, installable, linkable, safe, responsive and progressive. The document outlines some key characteristics of PWAs, including that they need to be served from secure origins and have app manifests. It also discusses some common misconceptions around PWAs and notes that as PWAs improve, they will continue to blur the line between web apps and native mobile apps.

Questioning the dogma:
Everybody must learn
how to solve problems.
Moving from the
“how” to the “why”.
Let’s focus more on
the human, and less
on trying to be
machines. We won’t
win this race.
Chris Heilmann

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CSS vs. JavaScript - Trust vs. Control
CSS vs. JavaScript - Trust vs. ControlCSS vs. JavaScript - Trust vs. Control
CSS vs. JavaScript - Trust vs. Control

This document discusses the differences between CSS and JavaScript and when each is most appropriate to use. It argues that CSS is often underestimated in favor of JavaScript solutions. CSS has advanced significantly with features like calc(), media queries, animations/transitions, flexbox, grid, variables and more. These powerful features allow many tasks to be accomplished with CSS alone without needing JavaScript. The document encourages embracing the "squishiness" of the web and considering CSS more when building interfaces.

Leveling up your JavaScipt - DrupalJam 2017
Leveling up your JavaScipt - DrupalJam 2017Leveling up your JavaScipt - DrupalJam 2017
Leveling up your JavaScipt - DrupalJam 2017

This document contains the transcript of a presentation by Chris Heilmann on web development. Some of the key points discussed include: - The benefits of progressive enhancement and using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript together to build robust and accessible websites. - How limitations in early design can foster creativity. - The importance of error handling and defensive coding practices. - Embracing new technologies like Service Workers and Manifests to build Progressive Web Apps. - Rethinking the idea that JavaScript is unreliable and should not be depended on, as modern browsers have made it a capable tool.

The Soul in The Machine - Developing for Humans (FrankenJS edition)
The Soul in The Machine - Developing for Humans (FrankenJS edition)The Soul in The Machine - Developing for Humans (FrankenJS edition)
The Soul in The Machine - Developing for Humans (FrankenJS edition)

The document discusses how machines and software can help humans by doing tasks like preventing mistakes, performing repetitive tasks, filling information gaps, remembering and categorizing information, improving understanding, enabling new communication methods, and providing protection. It describes how advances in AI, APIs, cloud services, and data processing have made it possible to build useful and helpful interfaces. The conclusion encourages developers to use these capabilities to create simple, human-centric interfaces that benefit users.

machine learning

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