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Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center
Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center
Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center

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PWA ( Progressive Web Apps ) - Sai Kiran Kasireddy
PWA ( Progressive Web Apps ) - Sai Kiran KasireddyPWA ( Progressive Web Apps ) - Sai Kiran Kasireddy
PWA ( Progressive Web Apps ) - Sai Kiran Kasireddy

A progressive web application is a type of application software delivered through the web, built using common web technologies including HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It is intended to work on any platform that uses a standards-compliant browser.

Progressive Web Apps
Progressive Web AppsProgressive Web Apps
Progressive Web Apps

Progressive Web Apps - presence or the future? For years, developers around the world have dreamed of being able to write web applications which act more like native apps. Caching and push notifications are not the only conveniences helping to make this dream a reality. In this talk, Jana will explain what Progressive Web Apps are and how you can use them in your own web applications.

htmlmanifestprogressive web apps
CSS vs. JavaScript - Trust vs. Control
CSS vs. JavaScript - Trust vs. ControlCSS vs. JavaScript - Trust vs. Control
CSS vs. JavaScript - Trust vs. Control

This document discusses the differences between CSS and JavaScript and when each is most appropriate to use. It argues that CSS is often underestimated in favor of JavaScript solutions. CSS has advanced significantly with features like calc(), media queries, animations/transitions, flexbox, grid, variables and more. These powerful features allow many tasks to be accomplished with CSS alone without needing JavaScript. The document encourages embracing the "squishiness" of the web and considering CSS more when building interfaces.

a.k.a. “PWA”
Lots of events, tools, ideas and great documentation –
and a few misconceptions
Progressive Web App
Art Project
Web App

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Progressive web apps with Angular 2
Progressive web apps with Angular 2Progressive web apps with Angular 2
Progressive web apps with Angular 2

This document discusses building progressive web apps with Angular 2. It covers using service workers to enable offline functionality through caching, implementing an app shell architecture for immediate loading, and other features like background syncing and push notifications. The last section describes the Angular Mobile Toolkit for generating starter code and manifest files to help develop progressive web apps.

progressive web appsangular 2service worker
Progressive web apps
 Progressive web apps Progressive web apps
Progressive web apps

This document discusses progressive web apps (PWAs). It defines PWAs as applications that take advantage of new technologies to provide the best of mobile sites and native apps to users. PWAs are reliable, fast, and engaging. They work across all devices and platforms without installation. Core aspects of PWAs include application shells, web app manifests, and service workers. Major browsers support key PWAs features like caching, adding to home screens, and push notifications. Popular companies using PWAs include Flipkart, Paper Planes, and Housing. The document encourages building and migrating to PWAs.

Introduction to Progressive Web App
Introduction to Progressive Web AppIntroduction to Progressive Web App
Introduction to Progressive Web App

This document introduces progressive web apps (PWAs) and service workers. PWAs aim to provide native app-like experiences through the browser by being reliable, fast, and engaging. Service workers act as proxies that allow developers to control caching and how resources are requested. The document discusses prerequisites for PWAs, the service worker lifecycle, features like offline access, and tools for auditing PWAs.

google ioservice workerprogressive web app
Progressive Web Site
Progressive Web Site++
Progressive Web Site++
“Web as native”

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Why Progressive Web App is what you need for your Business
Why Progressive Web App is what you need for your BusinessWhy Progressive Web App is what you need for your Business
Why Progressive Web App is what you need for your Business

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are web applications that have responsive designs, work offline, and can be installed on a user's home screen. Key features of PWAs include being responsive across devices, working offline through service workers, being discoverable through web app manifests, automatically updating, using secure HTTPS connections, and allowing users to re-engage through push notifications and installing on home screens without an app store. PWAs provide faster experiences for web users compared to regular websites and allow developers to engage users similar to native mobile apps.

web designonline businessdesign
Progressive Web App
Progressive Web AppProgressive Web App
Progressive Web App

A short presentation answering 3 main questions. Why we need Progressive Web Apps(PWA)? What is a progressive web app & it's features? and how a PWA works?

#progressivewebapp #mobile #webisawesome
Progressive web apps
Progressive web appsProgressive web apps
Progressive web apps

Slides from my recent presentation on Progressive web apps. I showed what they are and how I believe they are the future of web/app development. I also demonstrated how to use de F12 tools in Chrome to debug the Service Worker and the Manifest.json file. I also demonstrated how, by adding and changing a few lines, a Node.js app is converted to a progressive web app.

Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center
Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center
Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center
Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center

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Basic Understanding of Progressive Web Apps
Basic Understanding of Progressive Web AppsBasic Understanding of Progressive Web Apps
Basic Understanding of Progressive Web Apps

The document provides an overview of progressive web apps (PWAs). It discusses the history and idea behind PWAs, defining them as websites that are built using common web technologies but adopt features that make them feel like native mobile applications. The key pillars that transform websites into PWAs are listed as being reliable, fast, engaging, and integrated. Core building blocks like service workers and web app manifests are explained. Example case studies are given that demonstrate performance improvements from adopting PWAs. Limitations are also outlined.

#pwa #progressivewebapps
Progressive Web Apps
Progressive Web AppsProgressive Web Apps
Progressive Web Apps

Presentation for our collegue's about the use of Progressive Web Apps. With Application Shell, Service Workers, Web App Manifest and Push.

E-commerce Berlin Expo 2018 - From AMP to PWA: A Modern Web User Journey
E-commerce Berlin Expo 2018 - From AMP to PWA: A Modern Web User JourneyE-commerce Berlin Expo 2018 - From AMP to PWA: A Modern Web User Journey
E-commerce Berlin Expo 2018 - From AMP to PWA: A Modern Web User Journey

Rowan Merewood Developer Advocate Google Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) HTML delivers outstanding page-load performance for users browsing content on the mobile web, which is hugely important on limited or flaky networks. Progressive Web Apps deliver reliable performance for re-visits to sites thanks to Service Workers and allows unprecedented engagement via push notifications and Add To Homescreen. AMP gets content in front of users fast – PWAs enable rich experiences and engagement. What if I told you there’s a way to utilize the unique power of both? To build a web experience that loads in an instant and upgrades you to maximum interactivity and engagement? We’re making it happen. Come to learn how.

ampaccelerated mobile pagespwa
Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center
“Web as native”
“Web as native”
“Web as native”

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Progressive Web Apps 1. keynote
Progressive Web Apps 1. keynoteProgressive Web Apps 1. keynote
Progressive Web Apps 1. keynote

Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, why is it important, and how to get started. A step by step guidance towards a better user experience.

Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...
Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...
Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...

This document provides an introduction to progressive web apps (PWAs). It discusses the history of web technologies from HTML and HTTP in the early 1990s to more recent developments like service workers, push notifications, and web app manifests that enable PWAs. Features of PWAs are described like reliability, performance, engagement, and integration with the operating system. Case studies are presented showing the benefits some companies have seen from implementing PWAs.

Introduction to Progressive Web Applications
Introduction to Progressive Web ApplicationsIntroduction to Progressive Web Applications
Introduction to Progressive Web Applications

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are websites that utilize modern web features to deliver native app-like experiences to users. The minimum requirements for a PWA are that it is served over HTTPS, includes a web app manifest, and registers a service worker. Service workers allow PWAs to work offline by handling fetch events and caching assets. While adding a PWA to a user's home screen can improve engagement, the true battleground is changing user perception of the capabilities of web apps versus native apps.

seoonline marketingwebsite
“Web as native”
“Web as native”
“Web as native”
“Web as native”

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Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) provide an app-like user experience through the use of features like service workers, web app manifests, and push notifications. They load instantly, work offline, and can be installed on the home screen without an app store. Service workers act as a proxy to cache resources, enabling fast and reliable performance even in uncertain network conditions. PWAs are responsive across devices and browsers, and feel natural on each platform due to their immersive, app-like interfaces.

Appurify - Runtime Debugging, Performance Optimization and Automated CI
Appurify - Runtime Debugging, Performance Optimization and Automated CIAppurify - Runtime Debugging, Performance Optimization and Automated CI
Appurify - Runtime Debugging, Performance Optimization and Automated CI

Mobile performance optimization, runtime debugging and continuous integration automated testing platform for iOS and Android devices. Appurify is the EC2 for mobile, 1000's of mobile devices in dedicated/shared clouds both on-premise and off-premise. Debug you html5, native, hybrid and browsers using Chrome and Safari dev tools. Simulate network carrier conditions, location, accelerometer, magnetometer, low memory etc. Client side load time optimization, time to intertact, server side, pcap/har etc.

Build 2017 - B8075 - Progressive web apps and the Windows ecosystem
Build 2017 - B8075 - Progressive web apps and the Windows ecosystemBuild 2017 - B8075 - Progressive web apps and the Windows ecosystem
Build 2017 - B8075 - Progressive web apps and the Windows ecosystem

Whether at home or at work, the web plays an increasingly critical role in our daily lives. As we have become more dependent on accessing the tools it powers, we’ve also struggled to overcome some of its limitations—network connectivity, for instance. At Microsoft, we’ve long been interested in the power of the web for software development and we are even more excited for the future possibilities offered by progressive web apps (PWAs). In this session, we discuss what PWAs are, how they can be integrated into the development process of modern websites, the advantages and disadvantages of PWAs vs. native development, and what opportunities they present when installed alongside native apps in Windows.

build 2017html5windows
“Web as native”
Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center
“Web as native”
“Web as native”

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Progressive Web Apps and the Windows Ecosystem [Build 2017]
Progressive Web Apps and the Windows Ecosystem [Build 2017]Progressive Web Apps and the Windows Ecosystem [Build 2017]
Progressive Web Apps and the Windows Ecosystem [Build 2017]

Whether at home or at work, the web plays an increasingly critical role in our daily lives. As we have become more dependent on accessing the tools it powers, we’ve also struggled to overcome some of its limitations—network connectivity, for instance. At Microsoft, we’ve long been interested in the power of the web for software development and we are even more excited for the future possibilities offered by progressive web apps (PWAs). In this session, we discuss what PWAs are, how they can be integrated into the development process of modern websites, the advantages and disadvantages of PWAs vs. native development, and what opportunities they present when installed alongside native apps in Windows.

appsmicrosoft edgewindows
Progressive web app fundamentals
Progressive web app fundamentalsProgressive web app fundamentals
Progressive web app fundamentals

This document discusses progressive web applications (PWAs). It states that PWAs are web applications that are built using web technologies but have native app-like experiences. PWAs use service workers to cache assets for offline use, can be installed on the home screen of devices for access like a regular app, and are deployed to users through web browsers rather than app stores. The document also notes that PWAs offer developers more flexibility than native apps as they can be updated instantly and work across different operating systems through a single codebase hosted on the web.

pwaprogressive web appprogramming
Exploring pwa for shopware
Exploring pwa for shopwareExploring pwa for shopware
Exploring pwa for shopware

Learn how to build your own PWA enabled page in under 5 minutes ⚡️, what SPAs' have to do with PWA and how Shopware implements their headless commerce solution!

Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center
PWA is
PWA is
PWA is

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Progressive Web Apps - NPD Meet
Progressive Web Apps - NPD MeetProgressive Web Apps - NPD Meet
Progressive Web Apps - NPD Meet

Introduction to Progressive Web Apps (PWA) as presented in Divum's New Product Developers Meet. PWA provides highly reliable, fast & engaged mobile like user experience on the web.

mobileresponsive web designdivum
Progressivewebapps by sheddy nathan for isdev2017
Progressivewebapps by sheddy nathan for isdev2017Progressivewebapps by sheddy nathan for isdev2017
Progressivewebapps by sheddy nathan for isdev2017

The document provides an overview of progressive web apps (PWAs), including what they are, their benefits over native apps, and the baseline features required to implement them. PWAs are designed to feel like native mobile apps to users, loading quickly, working offline, and being installable on home screens. The document outlines the core components needed for a basic PWA, such as service workers, a web app manifest, app shell caching, and push notifications. It also provides examples of how some companies have seen benefits from implementing PWAs, and discusses additional features that could further improve the user experience of PWAs.

SEMINAR (pwa).pptx
SEMINAR (pwa).pptxSEMINAR (pwa).pptx
SEMINAR (pwa).pptx

This seminar presentation introduces progressive web apps (PWAs). It defines PWAs as web apps that use modern web capabilities to provide an app-like experience to users across different platforms. The presentation discusses the key characteristics and features of PWAs, why they should be built, the core technologies used to create them, and their advantages over traditional web apps and native mobile apps. Examples are given of major companies that have successfully adopted PWAs. The presentation concludes that PWAs are the future of mobile web experiences due to their performance, cost-effectiveness, and ability to work across devices.

PWA is
PWA is
PWA is
PWA is

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Offline progressive web apps with NodeJS and React
Offline progressive web apps with NodeJS and ReactOffline progressive web apps with NodeJS and React
Offline progressive web apps with NodeJS and React

This document provides an overview of progressive web applications (PWAs) and how to build them using service workers, the Cache API, and IndexedDB for offline functionality. It discusses key concepts like the service worker lifecycle, notifications, manifest files, and the Web Push API. The document also explains how to cache assets, handle network requests when offline, and store data locally using IndexedDB.

Progressive Web App
Progressive Web AppProgressive Web App
Progressive Web App

“Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are web applications that load like regular web pages or websites but can offer the user functionality such as working offline, push notifications, and device hardware access traditionally available only to native mobile applications. PWAs are an emerging technology that combine the open standards of the web offered by modern browsers to provide benefits of a rich mobile experience”

pwaangular pwaprogressive web app
Pwa demystified
Pwa demystifiedPwa demystified
Pwa demystified

Progressive Web Apps, also known as Installable Web Apps or Hybrid Web Apps, is the latest industry trend helping businesses create more engaged and loyal customers by presenting regular web pages or websites as traditional applications or native mobile applications to the users.

progressive web appsinstallable web appshybrid web apps
PWA is
PWA is
PWA is
PWA is

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PWA demystified
PWA demystifiedPWA demystified
PWA demystified

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are websites that use recent web standards to deliver an app-like experience without requiring users to download an app. PWAs work across any device, use responsive design for any screen size, and work offline or on low quality networks using service workers. They also feel like native apps through features like push notifications, being discoverable on search engines and home screen installation. PWAs provide a number of benefits including improved user experience through fast loading, engagement through push notifications, and business value through increased customer engagement and conversions.

Introduction of Progressive Web App
Introduction of Progressive Web AppIntroduction of Progressive Web App
Introduction of Progressive Web App

Progressive web apps (PWAs) are a new type of application that combines the best of the web and the best of native apps. PWAs use newer web platform features and service workers to deliver app-style experiences to users. Some key benefits of PWAs include providing responsive and reliable experiences that load instantly and feel like regular apps to users, while also being able to reach users on any device via a web URL rather than an app store. PWAs aim to reduce the barriers between the web and native apps.

appsmobile application developmentagile
Progressive Web Applications - The Next Gen Web Technologies
Progressive Web Applications - The Next Gen Web TechnologiesProgressive Web Applications - The Next Gen Web Technologies
Progressive Web Applications - The Next Gen Web Technologies

Progressive web applications (PWAs) address gaps in regular web apps and native apps. PWAs use technologies like service workers, the web app manifest, and the app shell model to provide native-app-like functionality while still being web apps. Service workers allow PWAs to work offline through caching strategies. Push notifications and app install banners further enhance the user experience. Libraries like Sw-Precache and Sw-Toolbox help implement service worker caching strategies. Major companies have adopted PWAs to increase user engagement and reduce data usage compared to regular web and native apps. Cross-browser support and business logic limitations remain challenges for PWAs.

progressive web applicationstechnologygeeknight
Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center
Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center
PWA is
Discoverable Installable LinkableSafe
needs to be served
from a secure origin

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Why Progressive Web Apps For WordPress - WordCamp Finland
Why Progressive Web Apps For WordPress - WordCamp FinlandWhy Progressive Web Apps For WordPress - WordCamp Finland
Why Progressive Web Apps For WordPress - WordCamp Finland

Progressive web apps (PWAs) combine the best of the web and the best of mobile apps. PWAs use newer web capabilities like service workers and app manifests to deliver app-style experiences to users. There are six main steps to building a PWA: 1) creating a web app manifest, 2) registering a service worker, 3) adding files to cache, 4) deleting previous caches, 5) fetching data from the cache, and 6) adding a custom "Add to Home Screen" option. PWAs offer benefits like being installable, working offline, being discoverable, and loading instantly like regular web pages. WordPress plugins exist to help websites build PWAs and add features like

Progressive web apps for e commerce
Progressive web apps for e commerceProgressive web apps for e commerce
Progressive web apps for e commerce

PWAs are quick, function offline and can also perform like a conventional native application. This provides users with a positive experience. PWAs and Web Applications perform the same functions and are extremely comparable in many aspects. And since we’ve understood how trending they are in today’s time, PWA would definitely be a good choice for your company!

progressive web apps for e-commercee-commerceprogressive app
Centric - PWA WebCast
Centric - PWA WebCastCentric - PWA WebCast
Centric - PWA WebCast

Slide used in the Centric WebCast - Progressive Web Apps. In this I explain what a Progressive Web App is. I demonstrate how to analyze a website with Lighthouse and how to build one using PWA Builder for creating the manifest and service worker.

pwaprogressive web appspwa builder
needs to have an app
Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center
Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center
Responsive App-LikeProgressive
PWA is

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Building cross platform web apps
Building cross platform web appsBuilding cross platform web apps
Building cross platform web apps

The document discusses different approaches for building cross-platform web apps: 1. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) which work across devices and can be installed like native apps using web technologies. 2. Electron which allows building desktop apps with web technologies but results in larger apps. 3. Hybrid apps which combine a web view layer with native platform integration via plugins but have web-based UIs. 4. JavaScript-driven native apps like React Native and NativeScript which use JavaScript to build truly native mobile apps.

Progressive Web Apps
Progressive Web AppsProgressive Web Apps
Progressive Web Apps

Slides of presentation I gave recently on Progressive Web Apps. In this I describe how to build a PWA and how to debug. I explain how to use Google's LightHouse and Microsoft's PWA Builder to create an app.

pwaprogressive web appsprogressive enhancement
Jws masterclass progressive web apps
Jws masterclass progressive web appsJws masterclass progressive web apps
Jws masterclass progressive web apps

This Slide Deck Was used on my Masterclass abut PWA in my Masterclass about PWA and Web Standards. Thia was an introduction to PWA and his basic stone Path.

mobile web standardsprogressive webappsmobile web
Progressive Enhancement
Progressive Enhancement
Progressive Enhancement
Progressive Enhancement

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Angular PWA
Angular PWAAngular PWA
Angular PWA

This document provides an overview of progressive web apps with Angular, including what a PWA is, the key aspects like app shell model, instant loading, and offline support. It discusses how to sell the benefits of a PWA to stakeholders and describes the minimal viable components needed to create one using Angular CLI or Ionic, including a service worker to enable features like offline support. Examples of existing PWAs are also provided.

Develop, Debug, Learn? - Dotjs2019
Develop, Debug, Learn? - Dotjs2019Develop, Debug, Learn? - Dotjs2019
Develop, Debug, Learn? - Dotjs2019

We are obsessed with coding and creating automated workflows and optimisations. And yet our final products aren't making it easy for people to use them. Somewhere, we lost empathy for our end users and other developers. Maybe it is time to change that. Here are some ideas.

Hinting at a better web
Hinting at a better webHinting at a better web
Hinting at a better web

This document discusses ways to improve how web developers learn best practices through browser and tooling improvements. It suggests that linting and inline insights directly in code editors could help prevent mistakes by flagging issues early. A tool called webhint is highlighted that provides one-stop checking and explanations of hints related to performance, accessibility, security and more. The document advocates for customizing hints based on a project's specific needs and environment. Overall, it argues for accelerated learning through context-sensitive, customizable best practices integrated into development workflows.

can use your product
no matter what
do what they
came for
change their device
where they are

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Taking the "vile" out of privilege
Taking the "vile" out of privilegeTaking the "vile" out of privilege
Taking the "vile" out of privilege

This document discusses privilege in the context of social media and the internet. It acknowledges privileges like internet access, the ability to communicate, and supportive online communities. It warns that machine learning and algorithms risk creating echo chambers and guided messaging if they are not kept in check by human curation. The document advocates taking back the web for decent, thinking and loving humans and using privileges to help others gain access to learning, communication, and communities.

social mediaprivilege
Seven ways to be a happier JavaScript developer - NDC Oslo
Seven ways to be a happier JavaScript developer - NDC OsloSeven ways to be a happier JavaScript developer - NDC Oslo
Seven ways to be a happier JavaScript developer - NDC Oslo

JavaScript is a bigger world than a language these days. Time to take stock and find happiness in that world.

Artificial intelligence for humans… #AIDC2018 keynote
Artificial intelligence for humans… #AIDC2018 keynoteArtificial intelligence for humans… #AIDC2018 keynote
Artificial intelligence for humans… #AIDC2018 keynote

This document discusses artificial intelligence and how it can help humans. It covers that AI is not new, having originated in the 1950s, and is now more advanced due to increased computing power. It also discusses how AI utilizes pattern recognition and machine learning. The document then covers several applications of AI including computer vision, natural language processing, sentiment analysis, speech recognition/conversion and moderation. It notes both the benefits of AI in automating tasks and preventing errors, as well as the responsibilities of ensuring transparency and allowing people to opt-in to algorithms.

aidc2018machine learningartificial intelligence
Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center
PWA is
Act as proxy servers that sit
between web apps, the browser,
and the network.
Define the rules what should be
cached and loaded from where –
no more hoping the browser
caches your work.

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Killing the golden calf of coding - We are Developers keynote
Killing the golden calf of coding - We are Developers keynoteKilling the golden calf of coding - We are Developers keynote
Killing the golden calf of coding - We are Developers keynote

The document discusses concerns about the perception and realities of coding careers. It expresses worry that coding is seen solely as a way to get a job rather than as a means of problem-solving. While coding can provide fulfilling work, the document cautions that the need for coders may decrease with automation and that the role may evolve from coding to engineering. It suggests a future where machines assist with repetitive coding tasks and people focus on delivering maintainable, secure products with attention to privacy and user experience.

Progressive Web Apps - Techdays Finland
Progressive Web Apps - Techdays FinlandProgressive Web Apps - Techdays Finland
Progressive Web Apps - Techdays Finland

PWA are a hot topic and it is important to understand that they are a different approach to apps than the traditional way of packaging something and letting the user install it. In this keynote you'll see some of the differences.

Taking the "vile" out of privilege
Taking the "vile" out of privilegeTaking the "vile" out of privilege
Taking the "vile" out of privilege

This document discusses privilege in technology and perceptions of technology workers. It acknowledges the privileges that tech workers enjoy, such as access to resources and high demand in the job market. However, it also notes problems like peer pressure, lack of work-life balance, and imposter syndrome. Both tech workers and the public have skewed perceptions of each other - tech workers feel others do not appreciate or understand their work, while the public sees tech workers as antisocial or caring only about profit. The document encourages taking small steps to improve the situation, such as being kind to oneself, considering others, sharing knowledge, and focusing on quality over quantity of work.

Intercept network requests and
define what happens. Serve from
cache, refresh, convert before
display, etc….
Refresh your app in the
background, pull new content
and notify the user with push
notifications that something new
is available.
Detect support easily. If your
user’s device doesn’t support it,
fall back to push service.
Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center

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Five ways to be a happier JavaScript developer
Five ways to be a happier JavaScript developerFive ways to be a happier JavaScript developer
Five ways to be a happier JavaScript developer

The document provides five ways for JavaScript developers to be happier: 1) Concentrate on the present and focus on creating rather than worrying about the past or future. 2) Limit distractions by streamlining your development environment and using an editor like VS Code that consolidates features. 3) Make mistakes less likely by using linters to catch errors as you code. 4) Get to know your tools better like debuggers to avoid console.log and gain insights to build better solutions. 5) Give back to others in the community by being helpful rather than causing drama.

smashingconf nycsmashingconfjavascript
Taking the P out of PWA
Taking the P out of PWATaking the P out of PWA
Taking the P out of PWA

The document discusses progressive web apps (PWAs) and provides suggestions for improving them. It notes that while PWAs aim to have engaging, fast, integrated, and reliable experiences like native apps, they still have room for improvement in areas like speed, integration, and reliability. It emphasizes that PWAs should adhere to web best practices and provide actually useful experiences rather than just focusing on technical features. The document encourages helping the PWA effort by providing feedback, using and contributing to tools, keeping messaging up-to-date, and promoting high-quality examples.

Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"

Chris Heilmann gave a talk at BTConf in Munich in January 2018 about machine learning, automation worries, and coding. He discussed how coding used to refer to creative programming within technical limitations but now often refers to programming for work. He addressed common worries about new technologies and dependencies, and argued that abstractions are not inherently bad and help more people build products together through consensus. The talk focused on using tools to be more productive and enabling rather than seeing them as dangers, and creating solutions for users rather than fighting old approaches.

PWA is
Discoverable Installable LinkableSafe
Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center
“try before you buy”

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You learned JavaScript - now what?
You learned JavaScript - now what?You learned JavaScript - now what?
You learned JavaScript - now what?

The document provides advice and encouragement for someone starting out with JavaScript development. It discusses how JavaScript can be used in many environments like browsers, apps, and servers. It recommends resources like MDN and tools like linting to help avoid mistakes. It emphasizes that this is an exciting time for JavaScript and advises setting priorities and standards, being involved in the community, and bringing new voices and perspectives.

Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"
Sacrificing the golden calf of "coding"

Keynote at halfstackconf 2017 discussing the falsehood of the idea that in order to survive the automation evolution everybody needs to learn how to code. Machines can code, too.

machine learningautomationcoding
Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds - DevReach
Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds - DevReachProgressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds - DevReach
Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds - DevReach

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) can provide app-like experiences through the web by making web content fast, reliable and engaging. While PWAs may not be necessary for all projects, they can help clean up and speed up current web-based projects. PWAs leverage new web capabilities like service workers to work offline, load fast, and improve the user experience without having to meet all the requirements of native apps.

Updates happen in the
just another
index and ingest

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Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds
Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worldsProgressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds
Progressive Web Apps - Covering the best of both worlds

This document discusses progressive web applications (PWAs) and their advantages over traditional native mobile applications. PWAs use modern web capabilities like Service Workers to deliver native-like experiences to users. Some key benefits of PWAs include their ability to work across platforms, have smaller file sizes for faster loading, support offline use, and provide simple update mechanisms compared to native apps. While PWAs do not have full access to device capabilities like native apps, they allow delivering app-like web content to users in a more accessible and reliable manner than traditional web pages.

Non-trivial pursuits: Learning machines and forgetful humans
Non-trivial pursuits: Learning machines and forgetful humansNon-trivial pursuits: Learning machines and forgetful humans
Non-trivial pursuits: Learning machines and forgetful humans

Keynote at PNWPHP covering Machine Learning and How we should go about using it to build human interfaces.

aimachine learningpnwphp
Leveling up your JavaScipt - DrupalJam 2017
Leveling up your JavaScipt - DrupalJam 2017Leveling up your JavaScipt - DrupalJam 2017
Leveling up your JavaScipt - DrupalJam 2017

This document contains the transcript of a presentation by Chris Heilmann on web development. Some of the key points discussed include: - The benefits of progressive enhancement and using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript together to build robust and accessible websites. - How limitations in early design can foster creativity. - The importance of error handling and defensive coding practices. - Embracing new technologies like Service Workers and Manifests to build Progressive Web Apps. - Rethinking the idea that JavaScript is unreliable and should not be depended on, as modern browsers have made it a capable tool.

Store & Bing
 Active Submission
 Active Submission
 Passive Ingestion
Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center

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The Soul in The Machine - Developing for Humans (FrankenJS edition)The Soul in The Machine - Developing for Humans (FrankenJS edition)
The Soul in The Machine - Developing for Humans (FrankenJS edition)

The document discusses how machines and software can help humans by doing tasks like preventing mistakes, performing repetitive tasks, filling information gaps, remembering and categorizing information, improving understanding, enabling new communication methods, and providing protection. It describes how advances in AI, APIs, cloud services, and data processing have made it possible to build useful and helpful interfaces. The conclusion encourages developers to use these capabilities to create simple, human-centric interfaces that benefit users.

machine learning
Progressive Web Apps - Goto Chicago 2017
Progressive Web Apps - Goto Chicago 2017Progressive Web Apps - Goto Chicago 2017
Progressive Web Apps - Goto Chicago 2017

The document discusses the challenges facing the progressive web and introduces progressive web apps (PWAs) as a solution. PWAs are built using modern web standards to provide native app-like experiences through features like push notifications, offline support, and app installation. They address issues with native apps like high installation friction, lack of control for publishers, and app store policies. PWAs are gaining adoption from companies like Alibaba and who saw increases in user engagement metrics after implementing PWAs. The document outlines the core components of PWAs and provides an overview of browser and platform support.

Turning huge ships - Open Source and Microsoft
Turning huge ships - Open Source and MicrosoftTurning huge ships - Open Source and Microsoft
Turning huge ships - Open Source and Microsoft

Microsoft has become more open in recent years by open sourcing many products, making products cross-platform, and making training materials openly available. This open approach makes business sense for Microsoft as it attracts developers, allows employees flexibility, and taps into outside skills. Examples of Microsoft's success with open source include the Edge browser, Visual Studio Code editor, TypeScript transpiler, and ChakraCore JavaScript engine. The presenter encourages attendees to help promote Microsoft's open products and projects through conference talks, writing, and contributing translations and code.

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Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center
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Progressive Web Apps - Bringing the web front and center

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a PWA will just be an app
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• Service Worker
• Cache API
• Push API
 Standalone Window
 Independent from browser process
 Less overhead
 Isolated cache
 Nearly unlimited storage (indexed DB, localStorage, etc.)
 Offline & background processes
 Access to Windows Runtime (WinRT) APIs via JavaScript
 Calendar
 Cortana
 Address Book
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(𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝟏𝟎𝟎) (𝐋𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟏.𝟎)-𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐬 Lesson Outcome: -Students will understand the basics of gardening, including the importance of soil, water, and sunlight for plant growth. They will learn to identify and use essential gardening tools, plant seeds, and seedlings properly, and manage common garden pests using eco-friendly methods.

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Title: Relational Database Management System Concepts(RDBMS) Description: Welcome to the comprehensive guide on Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) concepts, tailored for final year B.Sc. Computer Science students affiliated with Alagappa University. This document covers fundamental principles and advanced topics in RDBMS, offering a structured approach to understanding databases in the context of modern computing. PDF content is prepared from the text book Learn Oracle 8I by JOSE A RAMALHO. Key Topics Covered: Main Topic : DATA INTEGRITY, CREATING AND MAINTAINING A TABLE AND INDEX Sub-Topic : Data Integrity,Types of Integrity, Integrity Constraints, Primary Key, Foreign key, unique key, self referential integrity, creating and maintain a table, Modifying a table, alter a table, Deleting a table Create an Index, Alter Index, Drop Index, Function based index, obtaining information about index, Difference between ROWID and ROWNUM Target Audience: Final year B.Sc. Computer Science students at Alagappa University seeking a solid foundation in RDBMS principles for academic and practical applications. About the Author: Dr. S. Murugan is Associate Professor at Alagappa Government Arts College, Karaikudi. With 23 years of teaching experience in the field of Computer Science, Dr. S. Murugan has a passion for simplifying complex concepts in database management. Disclaimer: This document is intended for educational purposes only. The content presented here reflects the author’s understanding in the field of RDBMS as of 2024. Feedback and Contact Information: Your feedback is valuable! For any queries or suggestions, please contact

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