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Stay Productive While Slicing Up the
Markus Eisele
Classical Architectures?
Application	Server
EAR	- Enterprise	Archive
Browser RDBMS

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Migrating Customers to Microsoft Azure: Lessons Learned From the Field
Migrating Customers to Microsoft Azure: Lessons Learned From the FieldMigrating Customers to Microsoft Azure: Lessons Learned From the Field
Migrating Customers to Microsoft Azure: Lessons Learned From the Field

Lessons learned on azure billing, learning how services work and their limitations, cloud architecture, and user stories

architectureazurebest practices
From VMs to Containers: Introducing Docker Containers for Linux and Windows S...
From VMs to Containers: Introducing Docker Containers for Linux and Windows S...From VMs to Containers: Introducing Docker Containers for Linux and Windows S...
From VMs to Containers: Introducing Docker Containers for Linux and Windows S...

This document introduces Docker containers as an alternative to virtual machines for deploying applications. It discusses how containers provide a lightweight method of virtualization compared to VMs. The key Docker concepts of images, containers, registries and Dockerfiles are explained. Examples are provided of building and running containers on both Linux and Windows. The document also outlines how Docker can be used across the development, testing and production environments and integrated with continuous integration/delivery pipelines.

windows containersdocker
Java EE microservices architecture - evolving the monolith
Java EE microservices architecture - evolving the monolithJava EE microservices architecture - evolving the monolith
Java EE microservices architecture - evolving the monolith

With the ascent of DevOps, microservices, containers, and cloud-based development platforms, the gap between state-of-the-art solutions and the technology that enterprises typically support has greatly increased. But some enterprises are now looking to bridge that gap by building microservices-based architectures on top of Java EE. In this webcast, Red Hat Developer Advocate Markus Eisele explores the possibilities for enterprises that want to move ahead with this architecture. However, the issue is complex: Java EE wasn't built with the distributed application approach in mind, but rather as one monolithic server runtime or cluster hosting many different applications. If you're part of an enterprise development team investigating the use of microservices with Java EE, this webcast will guide you to answers for getting started.

Application	Server
Application	Server
Application	Server
EAR	- Enterprise	Archive
Browser RDBMS
LL: Building and Scaling Monoliths
• Monolithic application – everything is
package into a single .ear
• Reuse primarily by sharing .jars
• A “big” push to production once or twice a
• Single database schema for the entire
• >= 500k loc
• >= Heavyweight Infrastructure
• Thousands of Testcases
• Barely New Testcases
• >= 20 Team Member
• The single .ear requiring a multi-month
test cycle /
• Huge bug and feature databases
• User Acceptance Undefined
• Technical Design Approach
• Barely Business Components or Domains
• Requiring multiple team involvement &
significant oversight
• Technical Dept
• Outdated Runtimes (Licenses, Complex
• Grown applications
More users
Reactive Manifesto
New requirements
• Rather than acting on data at rest, modern
software increasingly operates on data
in near real-time.
• Shortened time-frames for putting
changes into production
• New business models evolve from
existing ones
• New questions need to be answered by
existing applications
• Datacenter costs need to go down

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LinkedIn - A Professional Network built with Java Technologies and Agile Prac...
LinkedIn - A Professional Network built with Java Technologies and Agile Prac...LinkedIn - A Professional Network built with Java Technologies and Agile Prac...
LinkedIn - A Professional Network built with Java Technologies and Agile Prac...

The document discusses how LinkedIn, the world's largest professional network, was built using Java technologies and agile practices. It describes LinkedIn's architecture evolution from 2003 to today, which now uses a service-oriented architecture with over 40 services built with Java. It also discusses LinkedIn's agile engineering process, use of continuous integration testing, and how the site's large network is cached in the cloud.

Microservices architecture
Microservices architectureMicroservices architecture
Microservices architecture

Fundamental and Practice. Explain about microservices characters and pattern. And also how to be good build microservices. And also additional the scale cube and CAP theory.

software developmentdeveloperprogramming
Cloud Native Camel Riding
Cloud Native Camel RidingCloud Native Camel Riding
Cloud Native Camel Riding

Using apache camel for microservices and integration then deploying and managing on Docker and Kubernetes. When we need to make changes to our app, we can use Fabric8 continuous delivery built on top of Kubernetes and OpenShift.

camelfabric8distributed systems
Which best describes the amount of data that
your organization is dealing with,
compared to two years ago?
We are dealing
with MORE data
We are dealing
with the SAME
AMOUNT of data
We are dealing
with LESS data
> Traditional application architectures
and platforms are obsolete.
-- Gartner

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The Next Big Thing: Serverless
The Next Big Thing: ServerlessThe Next Big Thing: Serverless
The Next Big Thing: Serverless

This document summarizes the evolution of cloud computing technologies from virtual machines to containers to serverless computing. It discusses how serverless computing uses cloud functions that are fully managed by the cloud provider, providing significant cost savings over virtual machines by only paying for resources used. While serverless computing reduces operational overhead, it is not suitable for all workloads and has some limitations around cold start times and vendor lock-in. The document promotes serverless computing as the next wave in cloud that can greatly reduce costs and complexity while improving scalability and availability.

azureazure functionscloud
Dashboard project.
Dashboard project.Dashboard project.
Dashboard project.

The document provides information about a dashboard project created by a team of students under the guidance of Prof. Saurabh Agarwal. It introduces the team members and their roles in the project. It then discusses the problem statement of needing a single solution to extract data from multiple system layers. The proposed solution is a dashboard that provides seamless integration of monitoring tools for a virtual environment. It describes the infrastructure setup using VMware vSphere, Observium, and Turnkey Linux. It also discusses the various APIs implemented to manage virtual machines and the use of Observium for network monitoring and Proxmox VE with Nagios Core for open source virtualization and monitoring.

Micro service architecture
Micro service architecture  Micro service architecture
Micro service architecture

This document provides an overview of microservice architecture (MSA). It describes the characteristics of MSA, including small, independent services focused on a single business capability. It covers service interaction styles, service discovery, data management challenges in MSA, deployment strategies, and migration from monolithic to MSA. It also discusses event-driven architecture, API gateways, common design patterns, and challenges with MSA.

Routing	Module
Tracking	Module
Order	Module
Tracker	UIBrowser HistoryDB
Order	DB
Tracker	UI
Tracker	UI
REQ: Building and Scaling Microservices
• Lightweight runtime
• Cross – Service Security
• Transaction Management
• Service Scaling
• Load Balancing
• SLA’s
• Flexible Deployment
• Configuration
• Service Discovery
• Service Versions
• Monitoring
• Governance
• Asynchronous communication
• Non-blocking I/O
• Streaming Data
• Polyglot Services
• Modularity (Service definition)
• High performance persistence (CQRS)
• Event handling / messaging (ES)
• Eventual consistency
• API Management
• Health check and recovery
“Microservices” is a lousy term
• Size is irrelevant
We want flexible systems and organizations that can
adapt to their complex environments, make changes
without rigid dependencies and coordination, can
learn, experiment, and exhibit emergent behavior.
We need to build systems for flexibility
and resiliency, not just efficiency and

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Fuse integration-services
Fuse integration-servicesFuse integration-services
Fuse integration-services

Making it easy to integrate legacy and iterative microservices with REST/CQRS and deploy to Docker/Kubernetes/OpenShift all on a developer laptop!

Stream Collections - Scala Days
Stream Collections - Scala DaysStream Collections - Scala Days
Stream Collections - Scala Days

This document discusses using streaming collections to process large amounts of data stored in Amazon S3. It describes how Nitro uses Play Iteratees to build asynchronous streams for operations like counting, extracting data, and cleanup. These streams are then abstracted as Scala collections for simple operations like map, filter, and count. Examples are given of using streams to clean files and extract data by date. The benefits of this approach for processing billions of objects across many documents are discussed.

Spring Into the Cloud
Spring Into the CloudSpring Into the Cloud
Spring Into the Cloud

Spring is the most popular and productive enterprise Java development framework in the world, and has always provided developers with portability and choice. The cloud should be no different. Spring applications work flawlessly on all the major platform-as-a-service clouds including Heroku, Google App Engine, and Cloud Foundry. This session will focus on how to design, and create, modern enterprise applications using Spring 3 that are portable across cloud environments.

Software Design
Outer Architecture
Methodology and
Distributed Systems
Datacenter Operating System
Software Design
Architecture Principles
• Single Responsible Principle
• Service Oriented Architecture
– Encapsulation
– Separation of Concern
– Loose Coupling
• Hexagonal Architecture
Design Patterns
• Domain-driven Design
• Bounded Contexts
• Event Sourcing
• Eventual Consistency
• Context Maps
Design Best Practices
• Design for Automation
• Designed for failure
• Service load balancing and automatic scaling
• Design for Data Separation
• Design for Integrity
• Design for Performance
Organizational Aspects
• Autonomous, self-directed teams
• Transparency
• Small (2-pizza rule)
• Purpose, Trust, Empathy driven
• Feedback
• Experimentation
• Respond quickly to change
• Own services, delivery, operations
• Build it, you own it

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Event Bus as Backbone for Decoupled Microservice Choreography (JFall 2017)
Event Bus as Backbone for Decoupled Microservice Choreography (JFall 2017)Event Bus as Backbone for Decoupled Microservice Choreography (JFall 2017)
Event Bus as Backbone for Decoupled Microservice Choreography (JFall 2017)

Microservices are independent, encapsulated entities that produce meaningful results and business functionality in tentative collaboration. Events and pub/sub are great for allowing such decoupled interaction. Using Apache Kafka as robust, distributed, real-time, high volume event bus, this session demonstrates how microservices packaged with Docker and implemented in Java, Node, Python and SQL collaborate unknowingly. The microservices respond to social (media) events - courtesy of IFTTT - and publish results to multiple channels. The event bus operates across cloud services and on premises platforms such as Kubernetes: both the bus and the microservices can run anywhere. A microservices platform is discussed with generic capabilities. Outline: presentation summary - intro microservices objectives, focus on decoupled collaboration - demo four mservices in different technologies (Node, Java, ...) ; no direct dependencies; show the code (running on its own), show the packing into a container and the step of running the containers on a container management platform, using both Kubernetes and a Container Cloud Service (later on this will further the point of collaborating between microservices that are widely separated) - discuss generic capabilities of a microservices platform (facilities required in many microservices that should be available as microservice - such as cache, log, authenticate (and compare with Java EE application server) - demo a microservice providing a generic cache functionality (based on MongoDB) - outline the desired choreography (a four step workflow that requires participation from various microservices); briefly discuss routing slips and the Saga pattern - discuss use of events and need of event bus - intro Kafka - demo pub and sub from each mservice to Kafka - link IFTTT to Kafka (for demo: use ngrok to expose local Kafka to IFTTT cloud) - demo end-to-end Social event=>IFTTT=>Kafka=>choreographed mservices=> final result - demo: extend one of the microservices: change the code, package a new container image version and update the running version in the container platform; demonstrate that new workflows leverage the new version - demo: move a microservice from on premises to cloud - showing that the decoupled nature of the mservices mean that this move does not have any impact - demo: show a change in the logic of the routing slip; none of the mservices require any change for a changed workflow choreography to be executed - discuss cloud deployment of event bus + mservices

Expect the unexpected: Anticipate and prepare for failures in microservices b...
Expect the unexpected: Anticipate and prepare for failures in microservices b...Expect the unexpected: Anticipate and prepare for failures in microservices b...
Expect the unexpected: Anticipate and prepare for failures in microservices b...

Bhakti Mehta discusses strategies for building resilient microservices architectures. Mehta covers challenges like cascading failures and latency that can occur at scale. Techniques like circuit breakers, timeouts, retries, and bulkheading are presented to isolate failures and prevent them from spreading. Logging and metrics are also important for monitoring systems and identifying issues after deployment. The talk emphasizes anticipating failures through approaches like load testing and designing systems to automatically recover from failures.

microservicesrestful services
Real-world #microservices with Apache Camel, Fabric8, and OpenShift
Real-world #microservices with Apache Camel, Fabric8, and OpenShiftReal-world #microservices with Apache Camel, Fabric8, and OpenShift
Real-world #microservices with Apache Camel, Fabric8, and OpenShift

What are and aren't microservices? Microservices is a validation of the open-source approach to integration and service implementation and a rebuff of the committee-driven SOA approach. In this

Distributed Systems
• The network is unreliable
• Design time coupling
• Unintended, run-time coupling
• Components will fail
• Design for resilience, not just
Strategies For Decomposing
Verb or Use Case
e.g. Checkout UI
e.g. Catalog product service
Single Responsible Principle
e.g. Unix utilities
BUT: Where do I start?
Stay productive_while_slicing_up_the_monolith

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Node and Micro-Services at IBM
Node and Micro-Services at IBMNode and Micro-Services at IBM
Node and Micro-Services at IBM

The document discusses IBM's use of Node.js microservices. It describes how IBM initially built monolithic applications but moved to microservices to allow for independent deployment of services and improved scalability. Some key aspects of IBM's microservices architecture using Node.js include having many independent services, communicating via message queues like RabbitMQ, and clustering services locally for horizontal scaling. While microservices provided benefits, the document also notes challenges around legal compliance, operations overhead, and integrating distributed services.

node.js micro-services ibm devops bluemix
Jelastic DevOps Platform Product Overview for Service Providers
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Jelastic DevOps Platform Product Overview for Service Providers

Find out why hosting service providers choose Jelastic for their cloud business and what technologies they offer to the users based on this PaaS and CaaS solution.

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Iot cloud service v2.0
Iot cloud service v2.0Iot cloud service v2.0
Iot cloud service v2.0

The document discusses transitioning from a monolithic architecture to microservices architecture for an IoT cloud platform. Some key points include: - The goals of enabling scalability, supporting new markets, and innovation. - Moving to a microservices architecture can help with scalability, fault tolerance, and independent deployability compared to a monolith. - Organizational structure should also transition from function-based to product-based to align with the architecture. - Technical considerations in building microservices include service interfaces, data management, fault tolerance, and DevOps practices.

• Reactive Microservices Framework for the JVM
• Focused on right sized services
• Asynchronous I/O and communication as first class
• Highly productive development environment
• Takes you all the way to production
What is Lagom?
• Use bounded contexts as boundaries for services!
(Domain Driven Design)
• The event log is the book of record! (Event Sourcing)
• Separate the read and write sides! (CQRS)
• Microservices, too, need to be elastic and resilient! (Reactive)
• Developer experience matters! (The Lagom development
Highly opinionated!
• Service API
• Message Broker API
• Persistence API
• Development environment
• Production environment
The parts
• Provides a way to declare and implement
service interfaces, to be consumed by clients.
• For location transparency, clients discover
services through a Service Locator.
• The Service API supports asynchronous
streaming between services in addition to
synchronous request-response calls.
Lagom Service API

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Modernizing Applications with Microservices and DC/OS (Lightbend/Mesosphere c...
Modernizing Applications with Microservices and DC/OS (Lightbend/Mesosphere c...Modernizing Applications with Microservices and DC/OS (Lightbend/Mesosphere c...
Modernizing Applications with Microservices and DC/OS (Lightbend/Mesosphere c...

**Featuring Aaron Williams, Head of Advocacy at Mesosphere, Inc. and Markus Eisele, Developer Advocate at Lightbend, Inc.** The traditional architecture that enterprises run their businesses on has typically been delivered as monolithic applications running in a virtualized, on-premise infrastructure. Public and private cloud technologies have changed everything, but if the applications are not designed, or re-designed, appropriately, then it is impossible to take advantage of the advances in both distributed application services and hybrid infrastructure. Consequently, enterprise architects are looking to microservices-based architectures as a means to modernize their legacy applications. This webinar with Lightbend and partner Mesosphere will introduce a new framework specifically designed to help developers modernize legacy Java EE applications into systems of microservices and then discuss exactly what is required to run these distributed systems at enterprise scale.

The Rocky Cloud Road
The Rocky Cloud RoadThe Rocky Cloud Road
The Rocky Cloud Road

Moving to the cloud isn’t easy, transforming your engineering team to adopt to the cloud and services lifestyle is therefore crucial. It all starts with creating a common understanding of the engineering and development principles which are important in the cloud, which are different then building regular applications. This session will take you on a road trip based on the presenters experience developing and more importantly operating Azure Active Directory, SQL Server Azure and most recently the Xbox Live Services to support Xbox One.

cloudsoftware engineeringtechdays2014
WebCenter as a Cloud App on Exalogic – A Case Study on Virtualization and Per...
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WebCenter as a Cloud App on Exalogic – A Case Study on Virtualization and Per...

This document discusses running Oracle WebCenter on Oracle Engineered Systems in a virtualized private cloud environment. It provides an overview of WebCenter and Engineered Systems, describes testing done deploying WebCenter on Exalogic virtual machines, and discusses advantages like performance, scalability, and reduced management costs. Key findings are that the private cloud deployment performed well, Oracle VM provided good environment isolation, and management tools were useful, demonstrating the viability of this approach.

exalogicvirtualizationcase study
• Provides a distributed publish-subscribe
model that services can use to share data
via topics.
• A topic is simply a channel that allows
services to push and pull data.
Lagom Message Broker API
• Event sourced (deltas) with Cassandra backend by
• No object/relational impedance mismatch
• Can always replay to determine current state
• Allows you to learn more from your data later
• Persistent entity is an Aggregate Root in DDD
• Can be overridden for CRUD if you want
Lagom Persistence API
$ cd my-first-system
$ mvn lagom:runAll ...
[info] Starting embedded Cassandra server
[info] Cassandra server running at [info]
Service locator is running at http://localhost:8000
[info] Service gateway is running at http://localhost:9000
[info] Service helloworld-impl listening for HTTP on
[info] Service hellostream-impl listening for HTTP on
0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:26230 (Services started, press enter to stop
and go back to the console...)
Lagom Development Environment
Lagom Development Environment
• A hierarchical build structure.
• The infrastructure necessary to run and test your
services locally:
• A Kafka server for handling messages.
• A Cassandra server for handling persistence.
• A Service Registry and Service Gateway to
support location transparency.
• The configuration necessary to build and run the
services and infrastructure.

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Breaking the Monolith Road to Containers
Breaking the Monolith Road to ContainersBreaking the Monolith Road to Containers
Breaking the Monolith Road to Containers

Following simple patterns of good application design can allow you to scale your application for your customers easily. This presentation dives into the 12 factor application design and demo how this applies to containers and deployments on Amazon ECS and Fargate. We'll take a look at tooling that can be used to simplify your workflow and help you adopt the principles of the 12 factor application.

Kubernetes Infra 2.0
Kubernetes Infra 2.0Kubernetes Infra 2.0
Kubernetes Infra 2.0

The document outlines an infrastructure 2.0 approach based on cloud native technologies. It advocates for infrastructure as code, test-driven deployments, open source tools, and seamless developer workflows. The approach uses microservices, containers, service meshes, and orchestration with Kubernetes. It recommends tools like Terraform, Jenkins, Kubernetes, Istio, Prometheus, Elasticsearch and Airflow for infrastructure provisioning, CI/CD, container management, service mesh, monitoring, logging, and job scheduling. It also discusses Docker, data pipelines, and processes for onboarding new applications.

170215 msa intro
170215 msa intro170215 msa intro
170215 msa intro

This document compares and contrasts microservice architecture (MSA) and service-oriented architecture (SOA). SOA defines application components as loosely coupled services that communicate over a network, while MSA develops applications as suites of small services communicating via lightweight mechanisms like REST. The document also discusses Netflix's transition from a monolithic to a microservices architecture led by Adrian Cockcroft, highlighting benefits like speed, autonomy, and flexibility.

kubernetesmsaturn garbage into gold
• Creating a bundle configuration file, bundle.conf
• Creating a start script
• Creating a Maven assembly plugin descriptor to create
the bundle zip
• Binding the Maven assembly plugin and
Lagom renameConductRBundle goals to your projects
Production Environment
• A way to manage configuration separately from packaged artifacts.
• Consolidated logging across many nodes.
• A supervisory system that automatically restarts services that
terminate unexpectedly.
• The ability to scale up and down with ease and with speed.
• Handling of network failures, in particular those that can lead to a
split brain scenario.
• Automated seed node discovery that ensures that new instances of
a service join the same cluster as those already running.
• The ability to perform rolling updates of your services.
• Support for monitoring services across a cluster.
• The ability to test services locally before deploying in production.
Lightbend Production Suite
Next Steps! Download and try Lagom!
Project Site:
GitHub Repo:
Stay productive_while_slicing_up_the_monolith

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WebCenter as a Cloud App on Exalogic
WebCenter as a Cloud App on ExalogicWebCenter as a Cloud App on Exalogic
WebCenter as a Cloud App on Exalogic

A case study on deploying Oracle WebCenter as a cloud app on Oracle Exalogic engineered systems. Some of the challenges, compromises required, and benefits gained running these applications on shared hardware.

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Docker for the enterprise
Docker for the enterpriseDocker for the enterprise
Docker for the enterprise

A presentation about container technology for the enterprise held at Ekito's geek breakfast the 4th of November 2016.

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ThatConference 2016 - Highly Available Node.js
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ThatConference 2016 - Highly Available Node.js

Create a highly available environment to host your microservices using Node.js, Docker, Kubernetes, and Ansible.

Written for architects and developers that must
quickly gain a fundamental understanding of
microservice-based architectures, this free O’Reilly
report explores the journey from SOA to
microservices, discusses approaches to dismantling
your monolith, and reviews the key tenets of a
Reactive microservice:
• Isolate all the Things
• Act Autonomously
• Do One Thing, and Do It Well
• Own Your State, Exclusively
• Embrace Asynchronous Message-Passing
• Stay Mobile, but Addressable
• Collaborate as Systems to Solve Problems
The detailed example in this report is based on
Lagom, a new framework that helps you follow the
requirements for building distributed, reactive
• Get an overview of the Reactive Programming
model and basic requirements for developing
reactive microservices
• Learn how to create base services, expose
endpoints, and then connect them with a
simple, web-based user interface
• Understand how to deal with persistence, state,
and clients
• Use integration technologies to start a
successful migration away from legacy systems

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Stay productive_while_slicing_up_the_monolith

  • 1. Stay Productive While Slicing Up the Monolith Markus Eisele
  • 6. LL: Building and Scaling Monoliths • Monolithic application – everything is package into a single .ear • Reuse primarily by sharing .jars • A “big” push to production once or twice a year • Single database schema for the entire application • >= 500k loc • >= Heavyweight Infrastructure • Thousands of Testcases • Barely New Testcases • >= 20 Team Member • The single .ear requiring a multi-month test cycle / • Huge bug and feature databases • User Acceptance Undefined • Technical Design Approach • Barely Business Components or Domains • Requiring multiple team involvement & significant oversight • Technical Dept • Outdated Runtimes (Licenses, Complex updates) • Grown applications
  • 8. New requirements • Rather than acting on data at rest, modern software increasingly operates on data in near real-time. • Shortened time-frames for putting changes into production • New business models evolve from existing ones • New questions need to be answered by existing applications • Datacenter costs need to go down constantly
  • 9. 84% 14% 2% Which best describes the amount of data that your organization is dealing with, compared to two years ago? We are dealing with MORE data We are dealing with the SAME AMOUNT of data We are dealing with LESS data
  • 10. > Traditional application architectures and platforms are obsolete. -- Gartner
  • 14. REQ: Building and Scaling Microservices • Lightweight runtime • Cross – Service Security • Transaction Management • Service Scaling • Load Balancing • SLA’s • Flexible Deployment • Configuration • Service Discovery • Service Versions • Monitoring • Governance • Asynchronous communication • Non-blocking I/O • Streaming Data • Polyglot Services • Modularity (Service definition) • High performance persistence (CQRS) • Event handling / messaging (ES) • Eventual consistency • API Management • Health check and recovery
  • 15. “Microservices” is a lousy term • Size is irrelevant We want flexible systems and organizations that can adapt to their complex environments, make changes without rigid dependencies and coordination, can learn, experiment, and exhibit emergent behavior.
  • 16. We need to build systems for flexibility and resiliency, not just efficiency and robustness.
  • 17. Software Design Outer Architecture Methodology and Organization Distributed Systems Datacenter Operating System
  • 18. Software Design Architecture Principles • Single Responsible Principle • Service Oriented Architecture – Encapsulation – Separation of Concern – Loose Coupling • Hexagonal Architecture Design Patterns • Domain-driven Design • Bounded Contexts • Event Sourcing • CQRS • Eventual Consistency • Context Maps
  • 19. Design Best Practices • Design for Automation • Designed for failure • Service load balancing and automatic scaling • Design for Data Separation • Design for Integrity • Design for Performance
  • 20. Organizational Aspects • Autonomous, self-directed teams • Transparency • Small (2-pizza rule) • Purpose, Trust, Empathy driven • Feedback • Experimentation • Respond quickly to change • Own services, delivery, operations • Build it, you own it
  • 21. Distributed Systems • The network is unreliable • Design time coupling • Unintended, run-time coupling • Components will fail • Design for resilience, not just robustness
  • 22. Strategies For Decomposing Verb or Use Case e.g. Checkout UI Noun e.g. Catalog product service Single Responsible Principle e.g. Unix utilities
  • 23. BUT: Where do I start?
  • 25. • Reactive Microservices Framework for the JVM • Focused on right sized services • Asynchronous I/O and communication as first class priorities • Highly productive development environment • Takes you all the way to production What is Lagom?
  • 26. • Use bounded contexts as boundaries for services! (Domain Driven Design) • The event log is the book of record! (Event Sourcing) • Separate the read and write sides! (CQRS) • Microservices, too, need to be elastic and resilient! (Reactive) • Developer experience matters! (The Lagom development setup) Highly opinionated!
  • 27. • Service API • Message Broker API • Persistence API • Development environment • Production environment The parts
  • 28. • Provides a way to declare and implement service interfaces, to be consumed by clients. • For location transparency, clients discover services through a Service Locator. • The Service API supports asynchronous streaming between services in addition to synchronous request-response calls. Lagom Service API
  • 29. • Provides a distributed publish-subscribe model that services can use to share data via topics. • A topic is simply a channel that allows services to push and pull data. Lagom Message Broker API
  • 30. • Event sourced (deltas) with Cassandra backend by default • No object/relational impedance mismatch • Can always replay to determine current state • Allows you to learn more from your data later • Persistent entity is an Aggregate Root in DDD • Can be overridden for CRUD if you want Lagom Persistence API
  • 31. $ cd my-first-system $ mvn lagom:runAll ... [info] Starting embedded Cassandra server .......... [info] Cassandra server running at [info] Service locator is running at http://localhost:8000 [info] Service gateway is running at http://localhost:9000 .......... [info] Service helloworld-impl listening for HTTP on 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:24266 [info] Service hellostream-impl listening for HTTP on 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:26230 (Services started, press enter to stop and go back to the console...) Lagom Development Environment
  • 32. Lagom Development Environment • A hierarchical build structure. • The infrastructure necessary to run and test your services locally: • A Kafka server for handling messages. • A Cassandra server for handling persistence. • A Service Registry and Service Gateway to support location transparency. • The configuration necessary to build and run the services and infrastructure.
  • 33. • Creating a bundle configuration file, bundle.conf • Creating a start script • Creating a Maven assembly plugin descriptor to create the bundle zip • Binding the Maven assembly plugin and Lagom renameConductRBundle goals to your projects lifecycle Production Environment
  • 34. • A way to manage configuration separately from packaged artifacts. • Consolidated logging across many nodes. • A supervisory system that automatically restarts services that terminate unexpectedly. • The ability to scale up and down with ease and with speed. • Handling of network failures, in particular those that can lead to a split brain scenario. • Automated seed node discovery that ensures that new instances of a service join the same cluster as those already running. • The ability to perform rolling updates of your services. • Support for monitoring services across a cluster. • The ability to test services locally before deploying in production. Lightbend Production Suite
  • 35. Next Steps! Download and try Lagom! Project Site: GitHub Repo: Documentation: Example:
  • 37. Written for architects and developers that must quickly gain a fundamental understanding of microservice-based architectures, this free O’Reilly report explores the journey from SOA to microservices, discusses approaches to dismantling your monolith, and reviews the key tenets of a Reactive microservice: • Isolate all the Things • Act Autonomously • Do One Thing, and Do It Well • Own Your State, Exclusively • Embrace Asynchronous Message-Passing • Stay Mobile, but Addressable • Collaborate as Systems to Solve Problems
  • 38. The detailed example in this report is based on Lagom, a new framework that helps you follow the requirements for building distributed, reactive systems. • Get an overview of the Reactive Programming model and basic requirements for developing reactive microservices • Learn how to create base services, expose endpoints, and then connect them with a simple, web-based user interface • Understand how to deal with persistence, state, and clients • Use integration technologies to start a successful migration away from legacy systems