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Fear and Self-Loathing in IT
Living, and Thriving with Imposter Syndrome
FYI: This is NOT a how-to session!
Who is Angela?
Polaris Solutions ALM Practice Mgr since Jan ‘12
Been in the software industry since 1999
Runs the Chicago ALM User Group
Has a *possibly* unhealthy love of Halloween
Polaris Solutions-
Chicago Visual Studio ALM User Group -
Twitter: @OakParkGirl, @ChicagoALM, @TeamPolaris
Blog -
More about Angela
Angela is not a trained psychologist
Angela most definitely suffers from imposter
Also, there is a non-zero chance that I am
terrified that you all think I am full of crap!
Are YOU a “phony”?
Imposter Syndrome
a psychological phenomenon in which people are unable
to internalize their accomplishments. Despite external
evidence of their competence, those with the syndrome
remain convinced that they are frauds and do not deserve
the success they have achieved. Proof of success is
dismissed as luck, timing, or as a result of deceiving others
into thinking they are more intelligent and competent than
they believe themselves to be.
Notably, impostor syndrome is particularly common
among high-achieving women.
Researchers believe that up to 70% of people
have felt the effects of impostor syndrome at
some point
The Test - Trigger warning!
The Imposter Test:
“When people praise me for something I’ve accomplished,
I’m afraid I won’t be able to live up to their expectations of
me in the future”
“I’m afraid people important to me may find out that I’m
not as capable as they think I am”
“I rarely do a project or task as well as I’d like to do it”
“I often compare my ability to those around me and think
they may be more intelligent than I am”
“I tend to remember the incidents in which I have not
done my best more than those times I have done my best”
How would you score?
40 or less = respondent has few IS characteristics
41 to 60 = respondent has moderate IS
61 to 80 = respondent frequently has Impostor
80+ = respondent often has intense IS experiences
IT Evangelist: 40
Graphic Designer: 74
Senior Developer: 67
Dietician: 69
Screen Printer: 73
Librarian: 71Agile coach: 74
Interior Designer: 55
IT Director: 77
ALM Consultant: 87
Industrial Plumber: 54
SAHM: 39
Lawyer: 53
Freelance Writer: 30
IT Manager: 55
IT Consultant: 55
Scenic Painter: 71SAHM: 52
Biology Teacher: 65
Network Administrator: 39
Audio Engineer: 67
Lawyer: 89
Management Consultant: 67
Sr Developer: 70
SAHM: 69Academic Coach: 57
Kindergarten Teacher: 56
Senior ALM Specialist
That conference 2015   fear and self-loathing in it
Most “experts” had no freaking
clue what they were doing at first…
Until they DID
Being an “expert” is overrated
An expert is just someone who has effed
up something more than you
Being a beginner is pretty amazing!
That conference 2015   fear and self-loathing in it
Fear is an emotion induced by a threat perceived
by living entities, which causes a change in brain
and organ function and ultimately a change in
behavior, such as running away, hiding, or freezing
from traumatic events.
But what are we all so afraid of?
Being wrong?
Not having ALL of the answers?
Getting Fired?
Not being “perfect”?
Being/looking vulnerable?
Perfection is the enemy of good
And maybe it’s not ALL bad
It's OK to feel like a phony sometimes. It's
healthy if it moves you forward
We all feel like phonies sometimes. We are all phonies.
That's how we grow. We get into situations that are just a
little more than we can handle, or we get in a little over our
heads. Then we can handle them, and we aren't phonies,
and we move on to the next challenge.
~Scott Hanselman
That conference 2015   fear and self-loathing in it
In Judaism humility is an appreciation of oneself,
one's talents, skills, and virtues. It is not meekness or
self-deprecating thought, but the effacing of
oneself to something higher.
Humility is not to think lowly of oneself, but to
appreciate the self one has received.
~ Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
“True humility is not thinking less of
yourself; it is thinking of yourself
~ C.S. Lewis
That conference 2015   fear and self-loathing in it
Acting with humility is a
RESPONSIBLE way to participate in
the IT community
ANY community
Story Time
Many of my posts are an admission
of ignorance
Putting yourself out there is HARD
For some of us, it is absolutely
terrifying to be recognized for the
awesome things that we do
Or are capable of
But what amazing opportunities do we
miss out on when we let our fear of
being seen as a phony drive our
Benefits of occasionally feeling like
an imposter
Admitting you don’t know the answer
to something lends you instant
I’m serious, try it…
Feeling like you don’t know all the
answers makes you more likely to
seek out new solutions
Feeling like you don’t know all the
answers makes you more likely to
embrace new ideas
So what do we do now?
Recognize how you’re feeling
Go ahead and feel it
And stop beating yourself up about it
Remind yourself that you are NOT a phony
Not working? OK, go with it…
Let it encourage you to push yourself to learn
Let it foster innovation and experimentation
Accept the humility that it teaches you
Find something you’re great at
then teach someone else about it
Nothing helps us realize just how
much we have to offer like
mentoring someone
That conference 2015   fear and self-loathing in it
Find someone who inspires you, get
connected, then ask for help
Chances are, they’ve been there too!
Then focus on being the best you, it really IS
Take risks
Be ok with being vulnerable
Ask for help
“A manager’s job is not to prevent risks but it
is their job to make it safe to take them.”
You don’t have to be a “manager” to be a
Nothing makes you scrutinize how you
represent yourself, accept and give praise,
and react to others’ missteps like having
others look to you as a model for behavior!
Because our children are watching
That conference 2015   fear and self-loathing in it
That conference 2015   fear and self-loathing in it
Embrace Failure, It Is Inevitable
And absolutely CRITICAL to growing as a technologist
And as a human being
Recognize it in others
Recognize when others are feeling like imposters
Create a safe environment for sharing ideas and
asking questions
Shut down bad behavior as soon as you see it
That conference 2015   fear and self-loathing in it
That conference 2015   fear and self-loathing in it
Trust yourself
That conference 2015   fear and self-loathing in it
Imposter Syndrome
a psychological phenomenon in which people are unable
to internalize their accomplishments. Despite external
evidence of their competence, those with the syndrome
remain convinced that they are frauds and do not deserve
the success they have achieved. Proof of success is
dismissed as luck, timing, or as a result of deceiving others
into thinking they are more intelligent and competent than
they believe themselves to be.
Notably, impostor syndrome is particularly common
among high-achieving women.
Reading / Watching List
I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn't): Making the Journey
from "What Will People Think?" to "I Am Enough“ ~$11
Managing Humans - $18
Getting Naked ~$20
The Art of Asking ~$18
Be a Beginner Jeff Blankenburg talk from Kalamazoo X
Referenced Feats of Strength
My Blog:
My Slide decks:
TFS Webinar:
TFS Radio Podcast:
That conference 2015   fear and self-loathing in it

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Angela Dugan

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That conference 2015 fear and self-loathing in it

  • 1. Fear and Self-Loathing in IT Living, and Thriving with Imposter Syndrome
  • 2. FYI: This is NOT a how-to session!
  • 3. Who is Angela? Polaris Solutions ALM Practice Mgr since Jan ‘12 Been in the software industry since 1999 Runs the Chicago ALM User Group ALM MVP, PSM, PSD, SPC Has a *possibly* unhealthy love of Halloween Polaris Solutions- Chicago Visual Studio ALM User Group - Twitter: @OakParkGirl, @ChicagoALM, @TeamPolaris Blog -
  • 4. More about Angela Angela is not a trained psychologist Angela most definitely suffers from imposter syndrome Also, there is a non-zero chance that I am terrified that you all think I am full of crap!
  • 5. Are YOU a “phony”?
  • 6. Imposter Syndrome a psychological phenomenon in which people are unable to internalize their accomplishments. Despite external evidence of their competence, those with the syndrome remain convinced that they are frauds and do not deserve the success they have achieved. Proof of success is dismissed as luck, timing, or as a result of deceiving others into thinking they are more intelligent and competent than they believe themselves to be. Notably, impostor syndrome is particularly common among high-achieving women. ~Wikipedia
  • 7. Researchers believe that up to 70% of people have felt the effects of impostor syndrome at some point
  • 8. The Test - Trigger warning! The Imposter Test: “When people praise me for something I’ve accomplished, I’m afraid I won’t be able to live up to their expectations of me in the future” “I’m afraid people important to me may find out that I’m not as capable as they think I am” “I rarely do a project or task as well as I’d like to do it” “I often compare my ability to those around me and think they may be more intelligent than I am” “I tend to remember the incidents in which I have not done my best more than those times I have done my best”
  • 9. How would you score? 40 or less = respondent has few IS characteristics 41 to 60 = respondent has moderate IS experiences 61 to 80 = respondent frequently has Impostor feelings 80+ = respondent often has intense IS experiences
  • 10. IT Evangelist: 40 Graphic Designer: 74 Senior Developer: 67 Dietician: 69 Screen Printer: 73 Librarian: 71Agile coach: 74 Interior Designer: 55 IT Director: 77 ALM Consultant: 87 Industrial Plumber: 54 SAHM: 39 Lawyer: 53 Freelance Writer: 30 IT Manager: 55 IT Consultant: 55 Scenic Painter: 71SAHM: 52 Biology Teacher: 65 Network Administrator: 39 Audio Engineer: 67 Lawyer: 89 Management Consultant: 67 Sr Developer: 70 SAHM: 69Academic Coach: 57 Kindergarten Teacher: 56 Senior ALM Specialist
  • 13. REALITY CHECK Most “experts” had no freaking clue what they were doing at first… Until they DID
  • 14. NO REALLY, I *HAVE* TO BE AN EXPERT! Being an “expert” is overrated An expert is just someone who has effed up something more than you Being a beginner is pretty amazing!
  • 16. FEAR Fear is an emotion induced by a threat perceived by living entities, which causes a change in brain and organ function and ultimately a change in behavior, such as running away, hiding, or freezing from traumatic events.
  • 17. But what are we all so afraid of? Being wrong? Not having ALL of the answers? Getting Fired? Not being “perfect”? Being/looking vulnerable?
  • 18. Perfection is the enemy of good
  • 19. And maybe it’s not ALL bad
  • 20. It's OK to feel like a phony sometimes. It's healthy if it moves you forward We all feel like phonies sometimes. We are all phonies. That's how we grow. We get into situations that are just a little more than we can handle, or we get in a little over our heads. Then we can handle them, and we aren't phonies, and we move on to the next challenge. ~Scott Hanselman
  • 22. Humility In Judaism humility is an appreciation of oneself, one's talents, skills, and virtues. It is not meekness or self-deprecating thought, but the effacing of oneself to something higher. Humility is not to think lowly of oneself, but to appreciate the self one has received. ~ Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
  • 23. “True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.” ~ C.S. Lewis
  • 25. Acting with humility is a RESPONSIBLE way to participate in the IT community ANY community
  • 27. Many of my posts are an admission of ignorance
  • 28. Putting yourself out there is HARD
  • 29. For some of us, it is absolutely terrifying to be recognized for the awesome things that we do Or are capable of
  • 30. But what amazing opportunities do we miss out on when we let our fear of being seen as a phony drive our decisions?
  • 31. Benefits of occasionally feeling like an imposter
  • 32. Admitting you don’t know the answer to something lends you instant credibility. I’m serious, try it…
  • 33. Feeling like you don’t know all the answers makes you more likely to seek out new solutions
  • 34. Feeling like you don’t know all the answers makes you more likely to embrace new ideas
  • 35. So what do we do now?
  • 36. Recognize how you’re feeling Go ahead and feel it And stop beating yourself up about it
  • 37. Remind yourself that you are NOT a phony Not working? OK, go with it… Let it encourage you to push yourself to learn Let it foster innovation and experimentation Accept the humility that it teaches you
  • 38. Find something you’re great at then teach someone else about it
  • 39. Nothing helps us realize just how much we have to offer like mentoring someone
  • 41. Find someone who inspires you, get connected, then ask for help Chances are, they’ve been there too! Then focus on being the best you, it really IS enough
  • 42. Be FEARLESS Take risks Be ok with being vulnerable Ask for help
  • 43. Be a LEADER “A manager’s job is not to prevent risks but it is their job to make it safe to take them.” ~@dneighbors You don’t have to be a “manager” to be a leader!
  • 44. Be an EXAMPLE Nothing makes you scrutinize how you represent yourself, accept and give praise, and react to others’ missteps like having others look to you as a model for behavior!
  • 45. Because our children are watching
  • 48. Embrace Failure, It Is Inevitable And absolutely CRITICAL to growing as a technologist And as a human being
  • 49. Recognize it in others Recognize when others are feeling like imposters Create a safe environment for sharing ideas and asking questions Shut down bad behavior as soon as you see it
  • 54. Imposter Syndrome a psychological phenomenon in which people are unable to internalize their accomplishments. Despite external evidence of their competence, those with the syndrome remain convinced that they are frauds and do not deserve the success they have achieved. Proof of success is dismissed as luck, timing, or as a result of deceiving others into thinking they are more intelligent and competent than they believe themselves to be. Notably, impostor syndrome is particularly common among high-achieving women. ~Wikipedia
  • 55. Reading / Watching List I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn't): Making the Journey from "What Will People Think?" to "I Am Enough“ ~$11 Managing Humans - $18 Getting Naked ~$20 The Art of Asking ~$18 Be a Beginner Jeff Blankenburg talk from Kalamazoo X
  • 56. Referenced Feats of Strength My Blog: My Slide decks: TFS Webinar: /20/alm-webinars-and-conference-and-events.aspx TFS Radio Podcast: