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Stldodn 2014   agile on a shoestring
Polaris Solutions ALM Practice Mgr since Jan ‘12
Been in the software industry since 1999
Runs the Chicago ALM User Group
Has a *possibly* unhealthy love of Halloween
Shameless self promotion
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Agility is HOT right now
Attaining agility is HARD
Teams are continually asked to
tighten their belts while
DELIVERING on their goals

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The art of execution
The art of executionThe art of execution
The art of execution

The document provides 10 secrets for managing successful projects from an experienced project manager. It discusses the importance of having a detailed plan and schedule, daily stand-up meetings, managing issues and risks, clear communication, mediating team discussions, managing scope, addressing resource issues, and caring about the project's success. Project management fundamentals like scope, schedule, budget, risk, and issues are also covered.

crystal taggartatlas innovation
Project Management Growth Practices
Project Management Growth PracticesProject Management Growth Practices
Project Management Growth Practices

This document discusses project management growth practices and contains recommendations in several areas: 1) Be available to your team to reduce dependencies, optimize around available resources which may be constrained by project management, engineering or the team itself. 2) Improve processes by setting up project management software, using demos to drive progress, and dedicating special days to areas like bugs, polish or internal tools. 3) Anticipate risks and have mitigation plans to determine if risks are real problems, and have rollout or other plans to address risks like stability issues.

project managementcracking the pm career bookcracking the pm career
Want better estimation ?
Want better estimation ?Want better estimation ?
Want better estimation ?

The document discusses estimation techniques. It presents five estimation laws: 1) Don't estimate if you can measure, 2) compare instead of estimating units, 3) measure things that are measurable, 4) reduce precision of estimates based on knowledge, and 5) use different metrics for different estimates. Good practices discussed include using story sizing for requirements, measuring in hours for small tasks, using velocity, splitting large stories, and measuring fixed cycle times. The document provides resources for further learning about agile estimation techniques.

user storyxpestimation
Working more HOURS is not the answer
“Working faster” is not based on reality
Sacrificing QUALITY is not the answer
Hiring more PEOPLE may help
Ultimately we have to spend time on the RIGHT things
1. flexibility, the capacity and capability of rapidly and
efficiently adapting to change.
2. ability to take advantage of opportunities while
controlling risk
Agile processes are NOT:
Bound to a particular set of tools
Only for small teams
Only for developers
Only for green field projects
Agility isn’t just about being fast.
Crap delivered quickly, and successfully, is still crap!
Agility isn’t about getting more done.
Getting more done is only useful if you’re getting the right
things done. Are you?
Being “good at agile” isn’t enough either…
The goal of organizational agility isn’t to be good at practicing
agile, it’s to deliver the RIGHT products at the RIGHT time!

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I don't do agile, i am agile (Barry O'Reilly)
I don't do agile, i am agile (Barry O'Reilly)I don't do agile, i am agile (Barry O'Reilly)
I don't do agile, i am agile (Barry O'Reilly)

1. The document discusses various agile frameworks like Scrum, XP, and Kanban and their associated practices. 2. It emphasizes that organizations should focus on using practices that suit their specific context rather than strictly adhering to a single framework. 3. The document advocates for a lean, adaptive approach to agile by continuously questioning practices, eliminating waste, and prioritizing delivering value over following prescriptive processes.

whale rider 2011
When the rubber hits the road - draft
When the rubber hits the road - draftWhen the rubber hits the road - draft
When the rubber hits the road - draft

This document discusses how agile principles can help teams that are facing challenges or are in "fire fighting" mode. It recommends focusing on eliminating waste, building quality in, reducing cycle times, continuously learning and improving, making data-driven decisions, engaging everyone on the team, and optimizing the entire system. When coming in to assist a struggling team, the author recommends directly observing the team to understand their needs and culture, using visual tools, gaining management support, establishing a consistent cadence for iterations and reflection, managing interrupts, and celebrating results. The overall message is that agile principles of inspecting and adapting the process as needed can help rescue teams facing difficulties if implemented correctly.

agile lean
Lean Tools and Processes
Lean Tools and ProcessesLean Tools and Processes
Lean Tools and Processes

This presentation comes to you from International Project Management Day 2013 - the annual global virtual summit from IIL that brings together business and technology leaders from around the world to discuss the latest trends and methods in business, leadership and communications. To view the accompanying video keynotes and presentations connect to the event here or purchase the DVD collection

project managementbusinesstechnology
Agile is NOT about doing more for less
Agile Is about doing LESS for less
Rethinking your product strategy
A more open and transparent culture
Getting buy-in from everyone. EVERYONE.
Even the CIO
Even the PMO
Even finance
Training and coaching, and not just on process
Lastly, and somewhat optional, find ALM tools to support your process
Think Differently About Products

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Outsourcing With Agile
Outsourcing With AgileOutsourcing With Agile
Outsourcing With Agile

An overview of IT challenges and how Perficient China uses agile frameworks, methodologies, and practices to address these challenges and consistently deliver valued results to our clients.

Swimming in the Sea of Feedback - LLKD17
Swimming in the Sea of Feedback - LLKD17Swimming in the Sea of Feedback - LLKD17
Swimming in the Sea of Feedback - LLKD17

This document discusses various types of feedback that teams can gather to continuously improve their software development processes and products. It begins by defining feedback and describing the goals of gathering better understanding feedback, sharing knowledge, and inspiration. The document then outlines different sources of feedback including from people, technology, and systems. It encourages teams to start by leveraging the feedback they already collect through daily stand-ups and retrospectives. Various exercises are presented to help teams explore how they currently gather and use feedback. The presentation concludes by emphasizing the importance of collecting the right feedback to support customers and prioritizing the basics like incrementally increasing what they learn from feedback.

Ideas to Make Your Church Office Hum
Ideas to Make Your Church Office HumIdeas to Make Your Church Office Hum
Ideas to Make Your Church Office Hum

Church offices face issues of time every day: bulletins need to be completed, mail needs to be sent out, and the newsletter has to be compiled—all while trying to find time to do ministry with the people who walk in your doors. Your church office shouldn’t be satisfied with the status quo or the excuse “this is how we’ve always done it.” Implement some new ideas to discover the difference that a few changes can make!

church management softwarechurch360 members
You will have to rethink how you build applications, and it will
probably suck, a lot, while you’re figuring it all out.
Assume you will deliver every iteration
Everything (almost) is a component
You may have to write throw away code
You will have to rethink deployment strategies
You really do have to actively work with the business and
end users
Think Differently About Practices
Well groomed backlogs
Forecasting over Promising
Daily Standups
Definition of Done
Deliver, deliver, deliver
Cost of each of these tools is $0
As accurate as a traditional Project Plan with a fraction of the
Monitors the entire project, possibly the portfolio, in real-time
Prioritized by “the business” and flexible
It’s a wish-list, not a promise
Groom them often to ensure you are always focusing on the
RIGHT things!

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Karen N. Johnson: Managing an Offshore Team
Karen N. Johnson: Managing an Offshore TeamKaren N. Johnson: Managing an Offshore Team
Karen N. Johnson: Managing an Offshore Team

Presented at CQAA in Chicago June 2014. Many testing teams are outsourced, using people from other companies and other countries. In many cases, neither the test manager nor the testers ever meet in person. And in these situations, most often, the time differences and cultural differences between people add more obstacles to navigate. While CEOs and other executives extol the virtues of achieving work in another country while we are asleep here in the States, as the test manager or team lead, you have the practical concerns of getting the right work done without the advantage of having staff onsite or staff working the same hours. As a software test consultant, Karen N. Johnson has worked with several clients who have outsourced and offshored testing. She’s worked on waterfall and Agile projects with team members in different countries. Karen will share tips on how to get to know your offshore testers, how to communicate work tasks and how to request (and review) status reporting. Karen shares her thoughts on how to bridge the gaps in offshore testing.

managing teamsoutsourcingsoftware testing
Re-Planning of project Portfolio in crisis (ENG)
Re-Planning of project Portfolio in crisis (ENG)Re-Planning of project Portfolio in crisis (ENG)
Re-Planning of project Portfolio in crisis (ENG)

This document discusses how to re-prioritize a project portfolio in times of uncertainty. It recommends focusing limited resources on the most important tasks by (1) re-prioritizing projects based on delivery dates, cash flow and value; (2) re-designing project scopes to focus on mandatory and "good enough" deliverables; (3) identifying the constraint or critical resource and maximizing help for it; (4) making aggressive time estimates using techniques like three-point estimates; and (5) attempting to accelerate projects by buying speed-up where possible, while freezing lower-priority projects until operations can be run more efficiently.

portfolioccpmproject scope
Resumes-Remove The Irrelevant Jan 5, 2014 R2
Resumes-Remove The Irrelevant Jan 5, 2014 R2Resumes-Remove The Irrelevant Jan 5, 2014 R2
Resumes-Remove The Irrelevant Jan 5, 2014 R2

The document provides guidance on how to remove irrelevant information from resumes through a ranking and deletion process. It advises ranking each accomplishment or statement on a scale of 1 to 5 based on importance to the target job. Items ranked below a 3 should be deleted. It also provides examples of weak and strong accomplishment statements and recommends focusing on 3-4 of the best accomplishments at the top of the resume. The overall goal is to create a shorter, more powerful resume by removing duplicative and unimportant information through an iterative review and revision process.

Uses story points to break the taskmaster mindset and DO NOT RAT-HOLE
Remember that building and testing software is an art AND a science
Forecasts are NOT promises. Do not let this one slide!
If a backlog item cannot be delivered in a single iteration, it is too big to
estimate with any degree of confidence
The software team’s chance to level set and regroup on goals
Time to ask for help, raise concerns, uncover collisions, dependencies, and inconsistencies.
Questions to think about before you show up:
What did you do yesterday?
What are you doing today?
What are your impediments?
Focus should always be on progress towards Sprint goal, not status!
What does “DONE” really mean?
Defined by the entire software development team (not just coders)
Should be an auditable checklist
Should evolve as the project advances.
Source code committed on server
Unit tests written and green
Code review completed (or pair-programmed)
User acceptance tests written, executed, passed
How-to-Demo verified before presentation to Product Owner
Call it whatever you need to - Product Iteration / Sprint / Cycle /
Length should be determined by the entire team
2 - 3 weeks ideal, but do what works best for the team
Your GOAL is to potentially release working software of value to
end users every iteration

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2020 scrum-guide-us-highlighted
2020 scrum-guide-us-highlighted2020 scrum-guide-us-highlighted
2020 scrum-guide-us-highlighted

The document is the Scrum Guide, which defines Scrum and provides guidance for using it. Scrum is a lightweight framework for generating value through adaptive solutions to complex problems. It requires a Scrum Master to foster transparency, inspection and adaptation. The Scrum Team turns selected work into an increment of value each sprint. Key elements of Scrum include sprint planning, daily scrums, sprint reviews, retrospectives, a product backlog, sprint backlog and increment. Scrum values commitment, focus, openness, respect and courage.

Dave West (Tasktop Technologies) - Wizard of Oz
Dave West (Tasktop Technologies) - Wizard of OzDave West (Tasktop Technologies) - Wizard of Oz
Dave West (Tasktop Technologies) - Wizard of Oz

See more on: Southern Fried Agile 2014 presentation by Dave West, Tasktop's Chief Product Officer To listen to the audio recording of the presentation, go to:

lean almagiletask integration

The document discusses various techniques that project managers use to relieve stress in their teams when working under pressure. It provides examples of project managers who have their teams do daily 20-minute exercise sessions, take laugh breaks by sharing funny stories or comics, conduct inclusive planning and constant communication to avoid surprises, manage the workload by reminding teams others are also working hard, and work toward a common goal by prototyping and removing impediments. The last part recommends a 3-step approach to stress management: note job stressors, monitor when team members seem stressed, and monitor results of coping techniques.

Held at the end of an iteration. EVERY iteration
Discuss lessons learned, celebrate successes
Each team member answers the following:
What worked well for us?
What did not work well for us?
What actions can we take to improve our process going
Write your issues down, be accountable for them
Get out of the office if you can!
Think Differently About Roles
CEO = Chief Enabling Officer
Executive sponsors are CRITICAL
to the success of an agile team
Their buy-in, or lack thereof, can
make or break a software project,
particularly an agile one.
Owns the product vision
Prioritizes the backlog
Ultimately responsible to the end
NOT the team’s manager

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Improving Task Estimates - Rich Butkevic, PMP, CSM
Improving Task Estimates - Rich Butkevic, PMP, CSMImproving Task Estimates - Rich Butkevic, PMP, CSM
Improving Task Estimates - Rich Butkevic, PMP, CSM

Rich Butkevic provides tips and strategies to improve the accuracy of project task estimates during the planning phase of projects.

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Kanban Methodologist Certification at Xebia
Kanban Methodologist Certification at XebiaKanban Methodologist Certification at Xebia
Kanban Methodologist Certification at Xebia

Kanban is a Lean-agile method also referred to as a second-generation agile methodology. It adapts to your organization and project needs very rapidly and allows your team to operate at a very high level of productivity due to its evolutionary approach to manage change in the organization. It has proven to accelerate maturity through high visualization, control over the amount of work being done, acknowledgement and effective handling of the diversity of activities in your project, and root cause analysis through quantification.

DevOps Days Chicago 2016 - Fear and Self-Loathing in IT
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DevOps Days Chicago 2016 - Fear and Self-Loathing in IT

A discussion on how Imposter Syndrome affects us, our careers, our teams, and ultimately our ability to effectively collaborate and improve our processes.

software developmentimposter syndrome
Owns the process
Keeps the team on track
Removes impediments
Coaches the team
Also not the team’s
Includes analysts, testers, coders, operations
Self-organizes to get work done
This is the team’s manager.
Traditional project managers attend meetings
and babysit project plans are responsible for
managing scope, cost, quality, personnel,
communication, risk, procurement and more.
Agile project management:
Task assignment and day-to-day decisions revert to
the team
Scope and schedule tradeoff goes to the product
Quality becomes a responsibility of everyone
May be internal or external to
the organization
End users are the litmus test
of the value of any delivered
Projects that do not heavily
involve users up front often fail

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Msdn Benefits and Overview
Msdn Benefits and OverviewMsdn Benefits and Overview
Msdn Benefits and Overview

Many customers own MSDN and are not actually aware of all of the amazing benefits that it contains like Azure hours, training, and support!

That conference 2015 fear and self-loathing in it
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That conference 2015 fear and self-loathing in it

This document discusses imposter syndrome, a psychological phenomenon where high-achieving individuals doubt their accomplishments and have a persistent fear of being exposed as a "fraud". The author notes that up to 70% of people experience imposter syndrome. She shares her own experiences with imposter syndrome and encourages embracing failure as part of growth. She advocates recognizing imposter feelings in oneself and others without judgment, and creating an environment where people can share ideas and ask questions freely.

imposter syndrome
Lap around visual studio alm 2013
Lap around visual studio alm 2013Lap around visual studio alm 2013
Lap around visual studio alm 2013

A high level walk through of Visual Studio ALM including Team Foundation Server, Microsoft Test Manager, Visual Studio, and the web tools.

application lifecycle managementtfsalm
“People get weird when companies start talking about
getting more agile” ~Ben Day
People hate change
People fear change
Most process problems are really people problems
Lies, damn lies, and statistics
Accept failure as inevitable, learn from it, move on
Get past change being a defect (bug isn’t a “dirty word”)
Occasionally, stop and take stock of where you are
If you don’t like what you have now, change it!
Writing software is HARD
Customers are going to change their minds
Wishing doesn’t make it so
Gripping tighter on a plan also does not make it so
Software ALWAYS gets more complex once you start

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Lifecyce Analytics TFS BI webinar
Lifecyce Analytics TFS BI webinarLifecyce Analytics TFS BI webinar
Lifecyce Analytics TFS BI webinar

An overview and demo of TFS, Office 365 PowerBI, and how PowerBI can be used against TFS data to produce ALM dashboards, reports, and analytics

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That conference 2016 deconstructing the scaled agile framework
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That conference 2016 deconstructing the scaled agile framework

A quick overview of some of the techniques and roles that help making the scaling of agile efforts across a large and/or complex organization more successful

agilescrumscaled agile
Stldodn 2014   agile on a shoestring
Your team is afraid of you
Middle managers are afraid of upper level managers
People are terrified of being wrong. Terrified.
Make it OK to be “wrong”
You need to make it ok for your teams to tell you that
you are wrong.
Stldodn 2014   agile on a shoestring
“I’m 90% done with my task.”
“I’m STILL 90% done with my task.”
Don’t cook the books
Avoid the overhead of communicating two visions
Focus on your Definition of Done. It’s DONE or it isn’t.
Incomplete or untested software doesn’t count

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Value stream mapping and kaizen in agile retrospectives
Value stream mapping and kaizen in agile retrospectivesValue stream mapping and kaizen in agile retrospectives
Value stream mapping and kaizen in agile retrospectives

This document discusses an upcoming event on applying Lean and Agile principles. It includes an agenda covering topics like SAFe, retrospectives, Kaizen, value stream mapping, and how these Lean concepts can be used within an Agile methodology. Sample retrospective notes from a software team outline recurring issues around requirements, operations bottlenecks, and test automation. Attendees will learn how to identify Lean opportunities, map current and future process states, and develop action plans to continuously improve using techniques from both frameworks.

agile software developmentvalue stream mappingagile
CCC 2015 tfs admin for good not evil
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CCC 2015 tfs admin for good not evil

This document provides an overview of Angela Dugan's background and experience with ALM tools. It then summarizes key topics around Visual Studio Online vs on-premise, best practices for configuring TFS projects and permissions, and useful administration tools for TFS including the TFS Power Tools, TFS Job Agent, TFS Backup and Restore utility, Best Practices Analyzer, and third party tools like Attrice Sidekicks and Team Project Manager.

test automationtfs
ACT - W: Fear and Self-Loathing in IT - Imposter Syndrome
ACT - W:  Fear and Self-Loathing in IT - Imposter SyndromeACT - W:  Fear and Self-Loathing in IT - Imposter Syndrome
ACT - W: Fear and Self-Loathing in IT - Imposter Syndrome

1 hour version of my talk delivered to ACT - W: Overview of what Imposter synrdrome looks like and feels like, and some techniques for harnessing the good parts of Imposter Syndrome , in yourself and others

imposter syndrome
Whiteboards, sticky notes, and notebooks can
ALM tools are spectacular at recording important
data, generating reports, and enabling
ALM tools can add the automation necessary to
deliver software quickly while respecting your
ALM tools vary from free to OMG expensive
Choose the right tool for the right job!
Stop: Pause, inspect, adapt
Collaborate: teams should hold daily
stand-ups regardless of their process
Listen: Pay attention to the team,
investigate “smells”, change things that
suck for them
In your business…
And in your people…
And of your time…
But the ROI is outstanding
Adopting agile software delivery
strategy does not HAVE to be a
million dollar investment
But if you have money to burn, I
can help 

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Visual studio alm 2012 reporting overview

Overview of TFS Reports, comparing what is available between different Process Templates. This is a WIP, and will be updated soon with additional info on customizing reports.

application lifecycle managementtfsalm

El documento presenta ejemplos del uso de adjetivos posesivos en español (mi, tu, su, nuestro, etc.) para describir objetos que pertenecen a diferentes personas o grupos como perros, gatos, casas y sombreros.

Expansion Mandibular
Expansion MandibularExpansion Mandibular
Expansion Mandibular

El documento habla sobre diferentes técnicas de expansión mandibular, incluyendo métodos ortodóncicos, quirúrgicos y miofuncionales. Describe brevemente el bihélice y lip bumper como opciones de expansión dentoalveolar, así como la distracción ósea y disyunción quirúrgica. Presenta también dos casos clínicos de pacientes que recibieron tratamiento de expansión mandibular mediante cirugía ortognática y distracción osteogénica.

Agile manifesto:
Scrum Guide (
DTDPS Agile Deployment Program:
Angela’s Slide decks:
Angela’s blog:
Silver Sponsors
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Build your custom agenda
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Stldodn 2014   agile on a shoestring

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Deconstructing the scaled agile framework - Lunch and Learn series
Deconstructing the scaled agile framework - Lunch and Learn seriesDeconstructing the scaled agile framework - Lunch and Learn series
Deconstructing the scaled agile framework - Lunch and Learn series

Deconstructing the Scaled Agile Framework - boiling down the "big diagram" and talking about when and how SAFe *might* be an appropriate direction for you or your team. Also covers practices from SAFe that could be useful regardless of the size and complexity of your organization

safescaled agile frameworkagile
Deconstructing the scaled agile framework
Deconstructing the scaled agile frameworkDeconstructing the scaled agile framework
Deconstructing the scaled agile framework

Delivered at the QAI Quest conference as a 90 minute workshop - With so many software delivery process frameworks and methodologies out there, it’s hard to know where to begin. And just when the industry seems to be warming up to agile, here comes SCALED agile with frameworks like SAFe, LESS, and a host of others. Should we all just be SAFe? But then maybe SAFe is just a glorified waterfall process for companies that “can’t handle real Agile”. SAFe, the Scaled Agile Framework, leverages the best of several well-established frameworks, including Lean, Kanban, and scrum. While SAFe is certainly intended for large, enterprise organizations delivering extremely complex and interdependent systems, many SAFe principles and practices can be used to improve much smaller teams. Join Angela in this workshop to gain a better understanding of the SAFe, and how teams can adopt SAFe principles and practices to improve the development, testing, and delivery of products.

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Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
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Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework

Just when companies seems to be warming up to agile, here comes SCALED agile. But how is SAFe really different than agile? Does using the SAFe framework undermine the scrum teams? Isn’t SAFe just a glorified version of waterfall that companies adopt when they can’t handle “real” agile? I decided the best solution was to go through the training and spend some time practicing it in the field. What I found was that SAFe leverages the best of Lean, Kanban, and scrum. SAFe is intended for large, enterprise customers delivering extremely complex and interdependent systems, but that doesn’t mean it offers nothing to smaller teams. Since becoming a Safe program consultant, I have coached a number of my smaller customers on improving their software development and delivery processes leveraging techniques from SAFe. In this interactive session, I plan to quickly walk through the tenets of SAFe, share some of my learnings with you, and help you to understand when and how SAFe can benefit your team!

Stldodn 2014   agile on a shoestring

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Stldodn 2014 agile on a shoestring

  • 2. Polaris Solutions ALM Practice Mgr since Jan ‘12 Been in the software industry since 1999 Runs the Chicago ALM User Group ALM MVP, PSM, PSD Has a *possibly* unhealthy love of Halloween Shameless self promotion Polaris Solutions- Chicago Visual Studio ALM User Group - Twitter: @OakParkGirl, @ChicagoALM, @TeamPolaris Blog -
  • 4. Agility is HOT right now Attaining agility is HARD Teams are continually asked to tighten their belts while DELIVERING on their goals
  • 5. Working more HOURS is not the answer “Working faster” is not based on reality Sacrificing QUALITY is not the answer Hiring more PEOPLE may help Ultimately we have to spend time on the RIGHT things
  • 6. –noun 1. flexibility, the capacity and capability of rapidly and efficiently adapting to change. 2. ability to take advantage of opportunities while controlling risk
  • 7. Agile processes are NOT: Bound to a particular set of tools Only for small teams Only for developers Only for green field projects Unstructured Undisciplined Undocumented
  • 8. Agility isn’t just about being fast. Crap delivered quickly, and successfully, is still crap! Agility isn’t about getting more done. Getting more done is only useful if you’re getting the right things done. Are you? Being “good at agile” isn’t enough either… The goal of organizational agility isn’t to be good at practicing agile, it’s to deliver the RIGHT products at the RIGHT time!
  • 9. Agile is NOT about doing more for less Agile Is about doing LESS for less
  • 10. Rethinking your product strategy A more open and transparent culture Getting buy-in from everyone. EVERYONE. Even the CIO Even the PMO Even finance Training and coaching, and not just on process Lastly, and somewhat optional, find ALM tools to support your process
  • 13. You will have to rethink how you build applications, and it will probably suck, a lot, while you’re figuring it all out. Assume you will deliver every iteration Everything (almost) is a component You may have to write throw away code You will have to rethink deployment strategies You really do have to actively work with the business and end users
  • 15. Well groomed backlogs Forecasting over Promising Daily Standups Definition of Done Deliver, deliver, deliver Naval-gazing Cost of each of these tools is $0
  • 16. As accurate as a traditional Project Plan with a fraction of the effort Monitors the entire project, possibly the portfolio, in real-time Prioritized by “the business” and flexible It’s a wish-list, not a promise Groom them often to ensure you are always focusing on the RIGHT things!
  • 17. Uses story points to break the taskmaster mindset and DO NOT RAT-HOLE Remember that building and testing software is an art AND a science Forecasts are NOT promises. Do not let this one slide! If a backlog item cannot be delivered in a single iteration, it is too big to estimate with any degree of confidence
  • 18. The software team’s chance to level set and regroup on goals Time to ask for help, raise concerns, uncover collisions, dependencies, and inconsistencies. Questions to think about before you show up: What did you do yesterday? What are you doing today? What are your impediments? Focus should always be on progress towards Sprint goal, not status!
  • 19. Definition: What does “DONE” really mean? Defined by the entire software development team (not just coders) Should be an auditable checklist Should evolve as the project advances. Example: Source code committed on server Unit tests written and green Code review completed (or pair-programmed) User acceptance tests written, executed, passed How-to-Demo verified before presentation to Product Owner
  • 20. Call it whatever you need to - Product Iteration / Sprint / Cycle / Phase Length should be determined by the entire team 2 - 3 weeks ideal, but do what works best for the team Your GOAL is to potentially release working software of value to end users every iteration
  • 21. Held at the end of an iteration. EVERY iteration Discuss lessons learned, celebrate successes Each team member answers the following: What worked well for us? What did not work well for us? What actions can we take to improve our process going forward? Write your issues down, be accountable for them Get out of the office if you can!
  • 23. CEO = Chief Enabling Officer Executive sponsors are CRITICAL to the success of an agile team Their buy-in, or lack thereof, can make or break a software project, particularly an agile one.
  • 24. Owns the product vision Prioritizes the backlog Ultimately responsible to the end users NOT the team’s manager
  • 25. Owns the process Keeps the team on track Removes impediments Coaches the team Also not the team’s manager
  • 26. Includes analysts, testers, coders, operations Self-organizes to get work done This is the team’s manager.
  • 27. Traditional project managers attend meetings and babysit project plans are responsible for managing scope, cost, quality, personnel, communication, risk, procurement and more. Agile project management: Task assignment and day-to-day decisions revert to the team Scope and schedule tradeoff goes to the product owner Quality becomes a responsibility of everyone
  • 28. May be internal or external to the organization End users are the litmus test of the value of any delivered software Projects that do not heavily involve users up front often fail
  • 29. “People get weird when companies start talking about getting more agile” ~Ben Day People hate change People fear change Most process problems are really people problems
  • 31. Accept failure as inevitable, learn from it, move on Get past change being a defect (bug isn’t a “dirty word”) Occasionally, stop and take stock of where you are If you don’t like what you have now, change it!
  • 32. Writing software is HARD Customers are going to change their minds Wishing doesn’t make it so Gripping tighter on a plan also does not make it so Software ALWAYS gets more complex once you start
  • 34. Your team is afraid of you Middle managers are afraid of upper level managers People are terrified of being wrong. Terrified. Make it OK to be “wrong” You need to make it ok for your teams to tell you that you are wrong.
  • 36. “I’m 90% done with my task.” “I’m STILL 90% done with my task.” Don’t cook the books Avoid the overhead of communicating two visions Focus on your Definition of Done. It’s DONE or it isn’t. Incomplete or untested software doesn’t count
  • 37. Whiteboards, sticky notes, and notebooks can suffice ALM tools are spectacular at recording important data, generating reports, and enabling communication ALM tools can add the automation necessary to deliver software quickly while respecting your process ALM tools vary from free to OMG expensive Choose the right tool for the right job!
  • 38. Stop: Pause, inspect, adapt Collaborate: teams should hold daily stand-ups regardless of their process Listen: Pay attention to the team, investigate “smells”, change things that suck for them
  • 39. In your business… And in your people… And of your time… But the ROI is outstanding
  • 40. Adopting agile software delivery strategy does not HAVE to be a million dollar investment But if you have money to burn, I can help 
  • 41. Agile manifesto: Scrum Guide ( DTDPS Agile Deployment Program: Angela’s Slide decks: Angela’s blog:
  • 43. Quick access to conference info Build your custom agenda Anonymously rate the sessions you attended Share with the Twitter-verse