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Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 
Team Foundation Server Reporting 
Angela Dugan 
ALM Practice Manager 
Polaris Solutions
Angela Dugan 
Mobile Solutions 
Project Leadership 
.NET Solutions 
Application Lifecycle Management
Visual studio alm 2012   reporting overview
What reporting options are available? 
What reports come out of the box? 
Creating your own reports

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Kin2020- flow based product development- an experience report
Kin2020-  flow based product development- an experience reportKin2020-  flow based product development- an experience report
Kin2020- flow based product development- an experience report

The document discusses transitioning a product development team from a mandated Scrum process to a leaner Scrumban process. It emphasizes focusing on flow-based product development and increasing collaboration through practices like mob programming and behavior driven development. The team used tools like a process evaluation framework and simulation to help decide what process changes would work best for increasing flow efficiency and productivity.


The document discusses agile testing approaches. It defines testing as executing software with test cases to find failures and demonstrate correct execution. It then discusses key aspects of agile testing including: running tests iteratively throughout development rather than just at the end; automating tests wherever practical; and having testers work collaboratively as part of development teams. It outlines success factors like focusing on delivering customer value and continually improving testing practices. The document advocates for automating a large portion of testing to provide rapid feedback and free up resources while balancing automation costs.

Scrum vs Kanban
Scrum vs KanbanScrum vs Kanban
Scrum vs Kanban

Not sure which software development methodology is better, SCRUM or KANBAN? Our short webinar explains the similarities and differences between the two methods, as well as some advantages of both.

agile software developmentwaterfall software developmentlean software development
Monitor bug activity, reactivations, and trends. Track bugs that the team is finding and the progress that the team is making toward fixing them. 
•Bug Status Report 
•Bug Trends Report 
•Reactivations Report 
•Bug Status Report 
•Bug Trends Report 
•Reactivations Report 
Monitor build activity, success, and trends. You can use build reports to track the quality and success of your team's builds over time. 
•Build Success Over Time Report 
•Build Summary Report 
•Build Quality Indicators Report 
•Build Success Over Time Report 
•Build Summary Report 
•Build Quality Indicators Report 
•Build Success Over Time Report 
•Build Summary Report 
Track project health, team burn rate, and task completion. 
Use to review the level of effort that the team has spent on each requirement type work items that the team is implementing. By using this report, you can quickly determine whether any work was recently completed on each item,what work is remaining and how far each item has been implemented and tested. 
You can review this report daily or weekly to monitor the progress of the team during an iteration. 
•Release Burndown(Scrum) 
•Sprint Burndown(Scrum) 
•Velocity (Scrum) 
•Burndownand Burn Rate Report (Agile) 
•Remaining Work Report 
•Status on All Iterations Report 
•Stories Overview Report (Agile) 
•Stories Progress Report (Agile) 
•Burndownand Burn Rate Report (CMMI) 
•Remaining Work Report 
•Status on All Iterations Report 
•Requirements Progress Report (CMMI) 
•Requirements Overview Report (CMMI) 
Determine added work. You can use the Unplanned Work report to determine how much work the team added to an iteration after it started. 
•Unplanned Work 
•Unplanned Work 
Monitor testing activity. You can use the test reports to track the team's progress toward developing test cases and to determine how well they cover the requirement type work items. 
•Test Case Readiness Report 
•Test Plan Progress Report 
•Test Case Readiness Report 
•Test Plan Progress Report 
•Test Case Readiness Report 
•Test Plan Progress Report
Understand how quickly your team has delivered backlog items and track how much work the team must still perform to complete a product release. 
Review the report to determine the progress that your team has made in a release and to answer the following questions: 
How much work remains in the release? 
How quickly is your team working through the product backlog?
Displays the following pieces of data: 
The Ideal Trend line indicates an ideal situation in which the team burns down all of the effort that remains at a constant rate by the end of the sprint. 
The In Progress series shows how many hours remain for tasks that are marked as In Progress in a sprint. 
The To Do series shows how many hours remain for tasks that are marked as To Do in a sprint. 
Review the report to determine the progress that your team has made in a release and answer the following questions: 
How much work remains in the sprint? 
Is your team on track to finish all work for the sprint? 
When will your team finish all work for the sprint? 
How much work for the sprint is in progress?
Based on the velocity of previous sprints that the report illustrates, you can: 
Track how much effort your team has reported as complete for each sprint. 
Estimate how much backlog effort your team can handle in future sprints if your team composition and sprint duration stay constant. 
Review the report to determine how much progress your team has made and to answer the following questions: 
How much effort has your team completed in each sprint? 
What is the maximum velocity of your team? 
What is the minimum velocity of your team? 
What is the average velocity of your team?

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Kanban with scrum or is it scrum with kanban.001
Kanban with scrum or is it scrum with kanban.001Kanban with scrum or is it scrum with kanban.001
Kanban with scrum or is it scrum with kanban.001

The document discusses how Kanban and Scrum can be used together rather than as mutually exclusive frameworks. It describes key aspects of Kanban such as limiting work-in-progress, visualizing workflow, and continuous flow. It also outlines Scrum practices like sprints, product backlogs, and retrospectives. The document then shows how Kanban techniques like pull systems and WIP limits can be applied within a Scrum framework to manage flow across the entire value stream from concept to cash. It argues this combined approach allows for scaling agile across multiple teams.

Implementing Scrum with Kanban
Implementing Scrum with KanbanImplementing Scrum with Kanban
Implementing Scrum with Kanban

The document provides an overview of implementing Scrum with Kanban. It begins with definitions of Scrum and Kanban principles and practices. It then compares Scrum and Kanban approaches and outlines how Scrum events, roles and artifacts can be combined with Kanban practices like limiting work in progress, visualizing workflow and metrics. The remainder discusses the experience of one team that adopted Scrum with Kanban, including defining their workflow, setting work in progress limits and evolving their approach over time based on metrics.

LKIN2019: Lean transformation journey of infra briefing for business agility...
LKIN2019: Lean transformation journey of infra  briefing for business agility...LKIN2019: Lean transformation journey of infra  briefing for business agility...
LKIN2019: Lean transformation journey of infra briefing for business agility...

This document outlines a plan to implement a continuous improvement and innovation model for business agility. It involves leveraging design thinking, lean change canvases, lean and Kanban methods. The plan maps the model to strategic imperatives and team activities over 10 weeks. Key activities include establishing the continuous improvement model, prioritizing value streams, creating a Kanban board to manage experiments, developing value stream maps, and sustaining the model through skills development and innovation teams. The overall goal is to help the organization sense changes and respond accordingly to deliver value to customers.

lean transformation
You can use this report to answer the following questions: 
Is the team likely to finish the iteration on time? 
Will the team complete the required work, based on the current burn rate? 
When can the team finish the current iteration? 
How much work can the team complete in the available time? 
How much work does each team member have? 
How fast is the team completing remaining work? 
Is the team adding work during the iteration? Is there scope creep? 
How is the work distributed across the team?
Number of Hours vs. Number of Work Items 
Review the report to determine the progress within an iteration or over time. Specifically, you can find answers to these questions: 
How fast is the team burning down remaining work? 
Is work being added during the iteration? Is the team expanding the scope of the work? 
How much progress can the team make in the available time? 
Approximately when can the team finish the work? 
Is too much work in progress? 
Is the flow of work being impeded or blocked? 
When will the team finish the current iteration?
This report displays the following information: 
Stories Closed: number of user stories that have been closed; derived from the current values specified for the iteration and the state of each user story. 
Progress (Hours): represents the values for Original Estimate (grey), Completed (green) and Remaining (light blue) based on the rollup of hours that are defined for all tasks; derived from the current values that are specified for the iteration and the hours for each task. 
Bugs: representation for all bugs, grouped by their current states of Active (blue), Resolved (gold) and Closed (green); derived from the current values that are specified for the iteration and the state of each bug.
Review the report to determine how many stories are ready to release and to better understand the rate of the team's progress. For example, you can find answers to the following questions: 
Did the scope of work for each iteration closely match the team capacity? 
Does the number of stories closed in each iteration correspond to your expectations? 
Is the team resolving and closing more bugs with successive iterations? 
How many stories can the team ship today? 
This is BAD!!!

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CM MatchPoint Agile Session
CM MatchPoint Agile SessionCM MatchPoint Agile Session
CM MatchPoint Agile Session

This document discusses how to use CM MatchPoint for managing agile projects using frameworks like SCRUM. It provides an overview of CM MatchPoint, explaining that it can cover the complete agile process including managing backlogs, planning sprints, monitoring progress, and automating deployments. The presentation also reviews agile concepts like SCRUM and its artifacts, roles, and events. It recommends adopting agile practices like reducing iteration duration and automating deployment and testing when using CM MatchPoint for agile software development.

technologyinformation technologytech
Intro to Agile: Scrum vs. Kanban
Intro to Agile: Scrum vs. KanbanIntro to Agile: Scrum vs. Kanban
Intro to Agile: Scrum vs. Kanban

This document provides an introduction to agile frameworks like Scrum and Kanban. It defines key Scrum terms and ceremonies such as the product backlog, sprints, daily stand-ups, and retrospectives. Kanban concepts discussed include limiting work-in-progress, measuring lead time and flow, and using kanban boards to visualize workflow. The document compares Scrum and Kanban, noting when each approach is generally best suited. It also offers tips for analyzing processes using kanban principles like identifying bottlenecks and impediments.

Embrace TQM (Total Quality Mgmt) mindset with lean thinking
Embrace TQM (Total Quality Mgmt) mindset with lean thinkingEmbrace TQM (Total Quality Mgmt) mindset with lean thinking
Embrace TQM (Total Quality Mgmt) mindset with lean thinking

This document discusses embracing a Total Quality Management (TQM) mindset with Lean thinking. It provides context that improving ecosystem quality is the goal. An approach is to embrace a TQM mindset and Lean thinking to implement TQM and Lean for product and IT service teams. A case study describes how a printing, packaging, and shipping Lean manufacturing workflow at LifeTouch uses tools like PDCA loops and Kanban boards for continuous improvement tracking and Kaizen events.

Burndownshows the trend of completed and remaining work over a specified time period. 
How fast is the team completing remaining work? 
Is the team adding work during the iteration? Is there scope creep? 
How much work can the team complete in the available time? 
When can the team finish the work? 
When can the team finish the current iteration?
Burn rate provides calculations of the completed and required rate of work based on the specified time period. 
Burn Rate 
Is the team working quickly enough to finish the remaining work on time? 
Work Assignment 
How is the work distributed across the team? 
Should the team balance the remaining work load?
Number of Hours vs. Number of Work Items 
Questions That the Report Answers 
Review the report to determine the progress within an iteration or over time. Specifically, you can find answers to these questions: 
How fast is the team burning down remaining work? 
Is work being added during the iteration? Is the team expanding the scope of the work? 
How much progress can the team make in the available time? 
Approximately when can the team finish the work? 
Is too much work in progress? 
Is the flow of work being impeded or blocked? 
When will the team finish the current iteration?

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Kanban vs scrum
Kanban vs scrumKanban vs scrum
Kanban vs scrum

Kanban and Scrum are often seen as competitors for managing software development projects. However, the document argues that they are actually friends and can be used together. It outlines the principles and activities of Scrum and Kanban, comparing their similarities and differences. The conclusion is that organizations should not feel constrained by processes, and Kanban provides more flexibility to adapt processes as needed while still following Agile principles.

Integrated Dev And Qa Team With Scrum
Integrated Dev And Qa Team With ScrumIntegrated Dev And Qa Team With Scrum
Integrated Dev And Qa Team With Scrum

This presentation wants to share our experience on forming an integrated Development/QA team in Perficient projects applying Scrum, and some of our best practices on securing high quality.

Kanban coaching masterclass- Ravi's notes
Kanban coaching masterclass- Ravi's notesKanban coaching masterclass- Ravi's notes
Kanban coaching masterclass- Ravi's notes

The document provides an overview of the Kanban Coaching Professional (KCP) Masterclass taught by LKU (David Anderson) from April 28 - May 2, 2014 and the Lean Kanban North America (LKNA) 2014 conference from May 5-8. It discusses topics from the KCP including the Kanban method overview, core practices, advanced topics, and a case study on capacity allocation. Photos and experiences from LKNA 2014 are also included along with recommended reading and references on Kanban.

kanban coaching
Test % passing… 
Code % covered… 
Code % changed…

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Introduction to Scrum
Introduction to ScrumIntroduction to Scrum
Introduction to Scrum

Short introduction to Scrum - a framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems, while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value.

Agile backlog management with Hansoft
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Agile backlog management with Hansoft

This document discusses best practices for managing large product backlogs in agile development organizations using the backlog management tool Hansoft. It covers prioritizing and estimating the backlog, defining user stories and acceptance criteria, assigning ownership, and structuring the backlog. Techniques include stack ranking, estimating in story points or days, using MoSCoW prioritization, and customizing backlog views and columns. The document includes examples and exercises for prioritizing features, estimating work, and defining user stories in Hansoft.

leanbacklog managementhansoft
Test management in scrum
Test management in scrumTest management in scrum
Test management in scrum

The document discusses test management in Scrum and outlines the main testing documentation and artifacts like test strategies, test plans, test cases, and defect reports. It also covers tools, approaches to test management, and how to plan testing sprints by dividing QA tasks among testers and ensuring time estimated is less than time available.

Bugs are resolved steadily… 
Bugs count by person…
Lines of code tested… 
Lines of code changed…
Task hours getting completed… 
Tasks are getting closed…
Test are passing… 
Are the builds healthy? 
Bugs reactivations are low…

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Understanding Scrum
Understanding ScrumUnderstanding Scrum
Understanding Scrum

This document provides an overview and introduction to Agile and Scrum concepts. It discusses what Agile is and its values and principles like test-driven development. It also describes Scrum roles like Product Owner and Scrum Master, events like the daily scrum and sprint planning, and artifacts like the product backlog. The document summarizes Scrum practices for requirements gathering, estimation, the definition of done, backlog refinement, and retrospectives. It also briefly touches on topics like cross-functional teams, team formation models, and conditions for high performing teams.

The Agile Revolution of IBM
The Agile Revolution of IBMThe Agile Revolution of IBM
The Agile Revolution of IBM

The document summarizes IBM's transition to Agile development practices. It discusses why IBM needed to change, how it made the transition in terms of process, people, and tools, and how it measures progress. Key points include that IBM transitioned from a maintenance-focused to innovation-focused model, adopted Agile practices like iterations and daily stand-ups, provided extensive training to people, developed tools to facilitate Agile workflows, and uses metrics to track business and development health. The transition helped IBM improve quality, on-time delivery, and better manage a global workforce.

agility@scaleagilewellyagile software development
Team Foundation Server - Tracking & Reporting
Team Foundation Server - Tracking & ReportingTeam Foundation Server - Tracking & Reporting
Team Foundation Server - Tracking & Reporting

Comprehensive presentation detailing reporting and tracking capabilities of Team Foundation Server. Focuses on Excel workbooks and Reporting Services, but touches on other technologies as well.

reportingteam foundation serverproject management
Process Templates Overview: us/library/vstudio/ms400752.aspx 
Reports and Artifacts: 
Scrum: us/library/vstudio/ff731587.aspx#monitoring 
Process area 
Visual Studio Scrum 2.0 
MSF for Agile v6.0 
MSF for CMMI v6.0 
Workflow states 
Product planning 
To customize the backlog pages, see Customize the Backlog Pages. 
•Bug (Scrum) 
•Product Backlog Item (Scrum) 
•Agile backlogs 
•User Story (Agile) 
•Agile backlogs 
•Requirement (CMMI) 
•Agile backlogs 
Task and iteration planning 
To customize the task board, see Customize the Task Board Page. 
•Task (Scrum) 
•Agile task board 
•Task (Agile) 
•Agile task board 
•Task (CMMI) 
•Agile task board 
Process area 
Visual Studio Scrum 2.0 
MSF for Agile v6.0 
MSF for CMMI v6.0 
Bug backlog management 
Bug (Scrum) 
•Bug (Agile) 
•Triage Workbook 
•Bug (CMMI) 
•Triage Workbook 
Project management 
Impediment (Scrum) 
•Issue (Agile) 
•Issues Workbook 
•Issue (CMMI) 
•Risk (CMMI) 
•Review (CMMI) 
•Issues Workbook 
Test management 
•Test Case 
•Shared Steps 
•Test Case 
•Shared Steps 
•Test Case 
•Shared Steps 
Code review and feedback 
•Code Review Request 
•Code Review Response 
•Feedback Request 
•Feedback Response 
•Code Review Request 
•Code Review Response 
•Feedback Request 
•Feedback Response 
•Code Review Request 
•Code Review Response 
•Feedback Request 
•Feedback Response 
Audit trail 
Not supported 

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Visual studio alm 2012 reporting overview

  • 1. Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Team Foundation Server Reporting Angela Dugan ALM Practice Manager Polaris Solutions
  • 2. Angela Dugan Mobile Solutions Project Leadership .NET Solutions Application Lifecycle Management
  • 4. AGENDA What reporting options are available? Built-in Excel SSRS What reports come out of the box? Creating your own reports
  • 5. REPORTS BY TEMPLATE Tasks SCRUM Agile CMMI Monitor bug activity, reactivations, and trends. Track bugs that the team is finding and the progress that the team is making toward fixing them. •Bug Status Report •Bug Trends Report •Reactivations Report •Bug Status Report •Bug Trends Report •Reactivations Report Monitor build activity, success, and trends. You can use build reports to track the quality and success of your team's builds over time. •Build Success Over Time Report •Build Summary Report •Build Quality Indicators Report •Build Success Over Time Report •Build Summary Report •Build Quality Indicators Report •Build Success Over Time Report •Build Summary Report Track project health, team burn rate, and task completion. Use to review the level of effort that the team has spent on each requirement type work items that the team is implementing. By using this report, you can quickly determine whether any work was recently completed on each item,what work is remaining and how far each item has been implemented and tested. You can review this report daily or weekly to monitor the progress of the team during an iteration. •Release Burndown(Scrum) •Sprint Burndown(Scrum) •Velocity (Scrum) •Burndownand Burn Rate Report (Agile) •Remaining Work Report •Status on All Iterations Report •Stories Overview Report (Agile) •Stories Progress Report (Agile) •Burndownand Burn Rate Report (CMMI) •Remaining Work Report •Status on All Iterations Report •Requirements Progress Report (CMMI) •Requirements Overview Report (CMMI) Determine added work. You can use the Unplanned Work report to determine how much work the team added to an iteration after it started. •Unplanned Work •Unplanned Work Monitor testing activity. You can use the test reports to track the team's progress toward developing test cases and to determine how well they cover the requirement type work items. •Test Case Readiness Report •Test Plan Progress Report •Test Case Readiness Report •Test Plan Progress Report •Test Case Readiness Report •Test Plan Progress Report
  • 6. SCRUM -RELEASE BURNDOWN Understand how quickly your team has delivered backlog items and track how much work the team must still perform to complete a product release. Review the report to determine the progress that your team has made in a release and to answer the following questions: How much work remains in the release? How quickly is your team working through the product backlog?
  • 7. SCRUM -SPRINT BURNDOWN Displays the following pieces of data: The Ideal Trend line indicates an ideal situation in which the team burns down all of the effort that remains at a constant rate by the end of the sprint. The In Progress series shows how many hours remain for tasks that are marked as In Progress in a sprint. The To Do series shows how many hours remain for tasks that are marked as To Do in a sprint. Review the report to determine the progress that your team has made in a release and answer the following questions: How much work remains in the sprint? Is your team on track to finish all work for the sprint? When will your team finish all work for the sprint? How much work for the sprint is in progress?
  • 8. SCRUM -VELOCITY Based on the velocity of previous sprints that the report illustrates, you can: Track how much effort your team has reported as complete for each sprint. Estimate how much backlog effort your team can handle in future sprints if your team composition and sprint duration stay constant. Review the report to determine how much progress your team has made and to answer the following questions: How much effort has your team completed in each sprint? What is the maximum velocity of your team? What is the minimum velocity of your team? What is the average velocity of your team?
  • 9. AGILE -BURNDOWN You can use this report to answer the following questions: Is the team likely to finish the iteration on time? Will the team complete the required work, based on the current burn rate? When can the team finish the current iteration? How much work can the team complete in the available time? How much work does each team member have? How fast is the team completing remaining work? Is the team adding work during the iteration? Is there scope creep? How is the work distributed across the team?
  • 10. AGILE –REMAINING WORK Number of Hours vs. Number of Work Items Review the report to determine the progress within an iteration or over time. Specifically, you can find answers to these questions: How fast is the team burning down remaining work? Is work being added during the iteration? Is the team expanding the scope of the work? How much progress can the team make in the available time? Approximately when can the team finish the work? Is too much work in progress? Is the flow of work being impeded or blocked? When will the team finish the current iteration?
  • 11. AGILE –ITERATIONS STATUS This report displays the following information: Stories Closed: number of user stories that have been closed; derived from the current values specified for the iteration and the state of each user story. Progress (Hours): represents the values for Original Estimate (grey), Completed (green) and Remaining (light blue) based on the rollup of hours that are defined for all tasks; derived from the current values that are specified for the iteration and the hours for each task. Bugs: representation for all bugs, grouped by their current states of Active (blue), Resolved (gold) and Closed (green); derived from the current values that are specified for the iteration and the state of each bug.
  • 12. AGILE–ITERATIONS STATUS Review the report to determine how many stories are ready to release and to better understand the rate of the team's progress. For example, you can find answers to the following questions: Did the scope of work for each iteration closely match the team capacity? Does the number of stories closed in each iteration correspond to your expectations? Is the team resolving and closing more bugs with successive iterations? How many stories can the team ship today? This is BAD!!!
  • 13. CMMI–BURNDOWNAND BURN RATE Burndownshows the trend of completed and remaining work over a specified time period. Burndown How fast is the team completing remaining work? Is the team adding work during the iteration? Is there scope creep? How much work can the team complete in the available time? When can the team finish the work? When can the team finish the current iteration?
  • 14. CMMI–BURNDOWNAND BURN RATE Burn rate provides calculations of the completed and required rate of work based on the specified time period. Burn Rate Is the team working quickly enough to finish the remaining work on time? Work Assignment How is the work distributed across the team? Should the team balance the remaining work load?
  • 15. CMMI–REMAINING WORK Number of Hours vs. Number of Work Items Questions That the Report Answers Review the report to determine the progress within an iteration or over time. Specifically, you can find answers to these questions: How fast is the team burning down remaining work? Is work being added during the iteration? Is the team expanding the scope of the work? How much progress can the team make in the available time? Approximately when can the team finish the work? Is too much work in progress? Is the flow of work being impeded or blocked? When will the team finish the current iteration?
  • 19. Test % passing… Code % covered… Code % changed…
  • 21. Bugs are resolved steadily… Bugs count by person…
  • 22. Lines of code tested… Lines of code changed…
  • 23. Task hours getting completed… Tasks are getting closed…
  • 24. Test are passing… Are the builds healthy? Bugs reactivations are low…
  • 25. RESOURCES Process Templates Overview: us/library/vstudio/ms400752.aspx Reports and Artifacts: Scrum: us/library/vstudio/ff731587.aspx#monitoring Agile: CMMI:
  • 26. Process area Visual Studio Scrum 2.0 MSF for Agile v6.0 MSF for CMMI v6.0 Workflow states •New •Approved •Committed •Done •Removed •New •Active •Resolved •Closed •Removed •Proposed •Active •Resolved •Closed Product planning To customize the backlog pages, see Customize the Backlog Pages. •Bug (Scrum) •Product Backlog Item (Scrum) •Agile backlogs •User Story (Agile) •Agile backlogs •Requirement (CMMI) •Agile backlogs Task and iteration planning To customize the task board, see Customize the Task Board Page. •Task (Scrum) •Agile task board •Task (Agile) •Agile task board •Task (CMMI) •Agile task board COMPARE & CONTRAST
  • 27. Process area Visual Studio Scrum 2.0 MSF for Agile v6.0 MSF for CMMI v6.0 Bug backlog management Bug (Scrum) •Bug (Agile) •Triage Workbook •Bug (CMMI) •Triage Workbook Project management Impediment (Scrum) •Issue (Agile) •Issues Workbook •Issue (CMMI) •Risk (CMMI) •Review (CMMI) •Issues Workbook Test management •Test Case •Shared Steps •Test Case •Shared Steps •Test Case •Shared Steps Code review and feedback •Code Review Request •Code Review Response •Feedback Request •Feedback Response •Code Review Request •Code Review Response •Feedback Request •Feedback Response •Code Review Request •Code Review Response •Feedback Request •Feedback Response Audit trail Not supported Minimal Supported COMPARE & CONTRAST