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St Louis DevUp 2016 Twitter: @OakParkGirl
There are lots of agile frameworks, I do not know which one is best and I had to
start SOMEWHERE? Tell me more!
I already use the SAFe framework, and am interested in hearing another
perspective 
My team has grown too big and we are struggling with scaling our scrum efforts!!
I’ve seen the SAFe diagram and it looks (scary |overwhelming | complex) and I
need the crib notes
SAFe seems like a bad idea, but I am open to hearing some alternative ideas about
how to apply it
I already hate SAFe and am hoping to heckle you the entire talk
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework

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An Overview of SAFe
An Overview of SAFeAn Overview of SAFe
An Overview of SAFe

I was invited by two product groups at Amdocs, Pune office to deliver a session on the overview of SAFe. This is the deck from the talk.

Agile Transformation at Scale
Agile Transformation at ScaleAgile Transformation at Scale
Agile Transformation at Scale

Presenter: Dr. Gail Ferreira, Agile Practice Leader, MATRIX Resources, San Francisco Center of Excellence Rapid scale directly impacts all levels of decision-making, planning, execution, culture, and communications for executives in hypergrowth companies. In this session, we will discuss how to organize, support, and tailor agile practices for teams and sub-teams in companies with a rapid growth cycle. We will share contemporary case studies of hypergrowth companies who have delivered agile at scale. Topics will include: • Basic agile and lean methods • Scrum of Scrums • SAFe • Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) • Agility at Scale (Ambler/Lines) • Spotify model (Tribes, Squads, Chapters & Guilds, DSDM).

Building Your SAFe Implementation Strategy
Building Your SAFe Implementation StrategyBuilding Your SAFe Implementation Strategy
Building Your SAFe Implementation Strategy

The document discusses strategies for building a SAFe implementation, including defining the enterprise vision, creating an incremental rollout strategy, building a guiding coalition of leaders, organizing around value streams, executing the rollout incrementally, and addressing mindset and culture changes. It provides guidance on establishing a transformation team, training stakeholders, advocating for the changes, and focusing initially on the most important mindset issues.

Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
Library of Congress
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
discovered too
No way to
Hard to
Too little
Too early
commitment to a
design that
didn’t work
growth in
Phase gate
SDLC isn't
helping reduce
And our retrospectives read like this

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Agile Product Management: Getting from Backlog to Value
Agile Product Management: Getting from Backlog to ValueAgile Product Management: Getting from Backlog to Value
Agile Product Management: Getting from Backlog to Value

What does it take to create a backlog, build software, release features, and finally deliver value to your customers? From estimation to prioritization, to understanding an end-state vision of an organization, this deck helps you understand the value you're delivering to your users. Learn more about the principles of Agile Product Management in this slide deck from LeadingAgile, Senior Vice President and Executive Consultant, Adam Asch.

Introduction to scaled agile framework
Introduction to scaled agile frameworkIntroduction to scaled agile framework
Introduction to scaled agile framework

The document provides an introduction to the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). It discusses that SAFe was developed to help agile scale for large organizations as traditional structures do not support innovation, speed and agility at scale. SAFe combines agile with systems thinking and lean product development. The core of SAFe is the Program level which revolves around Agile Release Trains (ARTs) consisting of cross-functional self-organizing teams that deliver working solutions every 2 weeks through planning events.

What's new in the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) 6.0 - Agile Indy May 10th Meetup
What's new in the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) 6.0 - Agile Indy May 10th MeetupWhat's new in the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) 6.0 - Agile Indy May 10th Meetup
What's new in the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) 6.0 - Agile Indy May 10th Meetup

SAFe 6.0, a significant version of the Scaled Agile Framework, was released earlier this Spring. Join us for a deep dive into the newly released SAFe 6.0, where we'll explore the latest updates and improvements to the framework. In this session, we'll cover the following topics: Strengthening the Foundation for Business Agility - Foundational changes in SAFe Empowering Teams and Clarifying Responsibilities Accelerating Value Flow Enhancing Business Agility with SAFe across the business Delivering Better Outcomes with Measure and Grow and OKRs This session will provide valuable insights into the latest release and how it can help you and your organization improve business agility and deliver value to customers faster. Join us for an informative and engaging session with our expert speaker, SAFe Fellow/SPCT, and PST Yuval Yeret, who has extensive experience in implementing SAFe at scale. Yuval loves to answer questions, so review the “What’s new in SAFe 6.0” article and come up with concrete questions you want him to answer.

scaled agilescaled agile frameworksafe
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
House of Lean
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
Agile Manifesto
Value in the sustainably
shortest lead time
That is, while there is value in the items on the
right, we value the items on the left more.
We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it
and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
4 444 :
Documents Documents Unverified System System

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Scaling Agile - LeSS Framework
Scaling Agile - LeSS FrameworkScaling Agile - LeSS Framework
Scaling Agile - LeSS Framework

Large organizations face challenges scaling agile scrum practices across many teams due to issues like siloed teams losing overall product focus, fixed release dates encouraging a mini-waterfall model, and treating agile adoption as a project with an end rather than continuous improvement. The Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) framework addresses these problems by organizing teams around customer-centric requirement areas rather than functions, empowering cross-functional feature teams to be self-managed and co-located, and viewing agile adoption as a continuous journey of inspection and adaptation. LeSS scales scrum without adding layers or processes in a non-prescriptive manner focused on continuous learning.

lessagilesoftware development
Less intro workshop
Less intro workshopLess intro workshop
Less intro workshop

The document discusses the principles of Taylorism and how they are outdated for modern business needs. It argues that only by utilizing the intelligence of all employees, not just executives, can a company survive increasingly complex business environments. Konosuke Matsushita asserts that Japanese companies have moved beyond the Taylor model and will be more successful than Western companies still adhering to outdated Taylorist principles that separate thinking from doing work.

large scale scrrumpractical agileless
Scaled Agile Framework SAFe 4.0
Scaled Agile Framework SAFe 4.0Scaled Agile Framework SAFe 4.0
Scaled Agile Framework SAFe 4.0

Discussed and summarized Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe@4.0) concept as an extension of Agile, together with Steve Ohnishi and two more people.

agile software developmentprogram managementscaled agile framework
Early delivery provides fast value with fast feedback
Fast feedback
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
Scrum Team 1
Scrum Team 2
Scrum Team 3
Scrum Team 4
DevOps Team
Scrum Team 5
Scrum Team 6

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Enablers in SAFe
Enablers in SAFeEnablers in SAFe
Enablers in SAFe

This document discusses enablers in the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). There are three types of enablers - exploration enablers which support learning what to develop in a feature, architectural enablers which help accelerate feature development through reusable architecture, and compliance enablers which support activities like validation and documentation for external compliance. Enablers can exist at the portfolio, program, and team levels and are broken down into smaller stories to implement at the team level. Teams allocate capacity at each program increment boundary to decide what percentage of work will go to developing enablers versus features, with more capacity initially going to enablers.

scaledagileenablers in safesafeagilist
ANI | Agile Kolkata | PI Planning in Action | Anand Pandey | 19th Oct 2019
ANI | Agile Kolkata | PI Planning in Action | Anand Pandey | 19th Oct 2019ANI | Agile Kolkata | PI Planning in Action | Anand Pandey | 19th Oct 2019
ANI | Agile Kolkata | PI Planning in Action | Anand Pandey | 19th Oct 2019

Abstract The primary purpose of PI planning in SAFe is to gain alignment between business owners and program teams on a common, committed set of Program Objectives and Team Objectives for the next release (PI) time-box. This workshop is to experience PI planning in action. Key Takeaways 1. Understanding of the importance of PI planning 2. Good practices for an effective PI planning 3. Preparatory work required for a PI planning

pi planning in actionanand pandey19th oct 2019
SAFe® PI Planning - 4 locations - but how?
SAFe® PI Planning - 4 locations - but how?SAFe® PI Planning - 4 locations - but how?
SAFe® PI Planning - 4 locations - but how?

Scaled Agile Framework® PI Plannings in a distributed environment are challenging. Get ideas to be more effective with the right measures and tools for distributed collaboration.

Scrum Team 1
Scrum Team 2
Scrum Team 3
Scrum Team 4
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework

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Definition of Done and Product Backlog refinement
Definition of Done and Product Backlog refinementDefinition of Done and Product Backlog refinement
Definition of Done and Product Backlog refinement

The document discusses product backlog refinement and the definition of done in agile software development. It emphasizes that product backlog refinement is an important meeting to clarify and estimate user stories and work items to have a ready backlog for iteration planning. It also stresses that having a clear definition of done helps improve team quality, transparency for stakeholders, better release planning, and minimizing risks. Regular product backlog refinement coupled with a well-defined definition of done are key practices for achieving agility.

project managementproduct backlogscrum
Scrum Agile Methodlogy
Scrum Agile MethodlogyScrum Agile Methodlogy
Scrum Agile Methodlogy

Scrum is an agile software development methodology where self-organizing teams work in short development cycles called sprints to build software incrementally. It focuses on collaboration, flexibility, and delivering working software frequently. Key components of Scrum include roles like the product owner and scrum master, a product backlog to track requirements, sprints for incremental development, and daily stand-up meetings. Scrum aims to be flexible and adaptive to changing requirements while maximizing productivity through its empirical process control methods.

Definition of done training
Definition of done trainingDefinition of done training
Definition of done training

This document discusses definitions of done at the sprint and release levels in Scrum. It provides examples of what could be included in a definition of done at the sprint level, such as code being complete, passing unit tests, and product owner acceptance. It distinguishes acceptance criteria, which ensures the right functionality is built, from the definition of done, which ensures quality. The document concludes by providing instructions for an exercise where a team discusses and creates their own definition of done, capturing deliverables needed at each level.

scrumagiledefinition of done
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework

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Scrum In Ten Slides
Scrum In Ten SlidesScrum In Ten Slides
Scrum In Ten Slides

When I needed to do presentations of Scrum to executives and students, I started to look for existing ones. Most presentations I found were very good for detailed presentations or training. But what I was looking for was a presentation I could give in less than 15 minutes (or more if I wanted). Most of them also contained out dated content. For example, the latest changes in the Scrum framework were not present and what has been removed was still there. UPDATE VERSION :

scrumagileagile software development
An Introduction to Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
An Introduction to Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)An Introduction to Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
An Introduction to Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)

To compete in today’s application economy, organizations have adopted agile execution techniques. But is that enough? Learn about SAFe and how to leverage this methodology to elevate your agile teams to deliver quality outcomes and align at the enterprise level. For more information, please visit

project managementagile developmentstrategic planning process
Deconstructing the scaled agile framework - Lunch and Learn series
Deconstructing the scaled agile framework - Lunch and Learn seriesDeconstructing the scaled agile framework - Lunch and Learn series
Deconstructing the scaled agile framework - Lunch and Learn series

Deconstructing the Scaled Agile Framework - boiling down the "big diagram" and talking about when and how SAFe *might* be an appropriate direction for you or your team. Also covers practices from SAFe that could be useful regardless of the size and complexity of your organization

safescaled agile frameworkagile
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework

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Deconstructing the scaled agile framework
Deconstructing the scaled agile frameworkDeconstructing the scaled agile framework
Deconstructing the scaled agile framework

Delivered at the QAI Quest conference as a 90 minute workshop - With so many software delivery process frameworks and methodologies out there, it’s hard to know where to begin. And just when the industry seems to be warming up to agile, here comes SCALED agile with frameworks like SAFe, LESS, and a host of others. Should we all just be SAFe? But then maybe SAFe is just a glorified waterfall process for companies that “can’t handle real Agile”. SAFe, the Scaled Agile Framework, leverages the best of several well-established frameworks, including Lean, Kanban, and scrum. While SAFe is certainly intended for large, enterprise organizations delivering extremely complex and interdependent systems, many SAFe principles and practices can be used to improve much smaller teams. Join Angela in this workshop to gain a better understanding of the SAFe, and how teams can adopt SAFe principles and practices to improve the development, testing, and delivery of products.

agile software developmentscaled agile frameworkagile
Foundations of the Scaled Agile Framework 3.0
Foundations of the Scaled Agile Framework 3.0Foundations of the Scaled Agile Framework 3.0
Foundations of the Scaled Agile Framework 3.0

The document introduces the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) for helping organizations adopt agile practices at scale. It discusses how SAFe addresses the needs of large software enterprises by drawing from agile, lean principles and practices. SAFe provides a proven framework for synchronizing alignment, collaboration and delivery across multiple agile teams working on large programs and portfolios. It emphasizes values like continuous delivery of value, transparency, quality code and respect for individuals.

AgileCamp 2014 Track 1: Accelerating Agile Enterprise Adoption with Scaled Ag...
AgileCamp 2014 Track 1: Accelerating Agile Enterprise Adoption with Scaled Ag...AgileCamp 2014 Track 1: Accelerating Agile Enterprise Adoption with Scaled Ag...
AgileCamp 2014 Track 1: Accelerating Agile Enterprise Adoption with Scaled Ag...

This document introduces the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) as an approach for applying Agile and Lean principles at an enterprise scale. It discusses how traditional development methods are not keeping pace with increasing software complexity. SAFe is presented as a proven framework that harnesses the power of Agile for large software enterprises through elements like Agile teams, program execution, alignment, code quality, and scaling practices up to the portfolio level. The document advocates for SAFe's ability to accelerate value delivery, make money faster, deliver better customer fit, and reduce risk through approaches like continuous delivery, cadenced development, and synchronizing teams.

Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework

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SAFe – A dangerous weapon. Techniques to implementing a lasting adoption of t...
SAFe – A dangerous weapon. Techniques to implementing a lasting adoption of t...SAFe – A dangerous weapon. Techniques to implementing a lasting adoption of t...
SAFe – A dangerous weapon. Techniques to implementing a lasting adoption of t...

Please join us on Wednesday January 27 in Burlington MA starting at 6:30 pm as senior enterprise agility coach Yuval Yeret describes several techniques that can be used to produce a lasting and productive adoption of the Scaled Agile Framework. The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is a powerful and popular framework for implementing agile at large scale across the enterprise. However many organizations see their implementation of SAFe stall and even backfire since the adoption is mandated from its organizational leaders, instead of engaged teams participating and choosing their SAFe. In this talk we will examine some dangerous implementation anti-patterns as well as healthier alternatives. You will learn some concrete techniques that help live up to the Lean/SAFe principles of respecting and engaging people. We will discuss field-proven ideas such as pull-based crossing the chasm approach to implementation, use of open space as part of the different SAFe ceremonies, and how Open Space Agility can combine with SAFe.

pull-based change managementscaling agilechange management
Webinar On Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) | iZenBridge
Webinar On Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) | iZenBridgeWebinar On Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) | iZenBridge
Webinar On Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) | iZenBridge

This document summarizes a webinar on introducing the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). It discusses scaling agile from the team, program, and portfolio levels. It introduces SAFe values and how it draws from agile, lean, and product development flow principles. It also outlines the SAFe framework at each level including elements like Agile Release Trains, program increments, and upcoming SAFe training events.

scaled agilescrum of scrumscrum
Foundations of the Scaled Agile Framework® : Values, Principles, Practices, ...
Foundations of the Scaled Agile Framework®: Values, Principles, Practices, ...Foundations of the Scaled Agile Framework®: Values, Principles, Practices, ...
Foundations of the Scaled Agile Framework® : Values, Principles, Practices, ...

Discover the foundations of the Scaled Agile Framework® Values, Principles, Practices and Implementation. For more information, please visit

project managementagile developmentapplication lifecycle management
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
“A system is a network of interdependent components
that work together to try to accomplish the aim of the
A system must have an aim. Without an aim, there is
no system.”
—W. Edwards Deming

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Scaled Agile Framework
Scaled Agile FrameworkScaled Agile Framework
Scaled Agile Framework

This document provides an overview of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAF), which is a proven knowledge base for implementing agile practices at an enterprise scale. The SAF combines agile methodologies like Lean, Scrum, and Kanban. It has been successfully applied in programs with 50-100 people and in large enterprises with thousands of developers. The document discusses SAF roles, responsibilities, artifacts, and the Jira workflow used. It provides various resources for learning more about the SAF methodology.

Be agile. Scale up. Stay Lean with SAFe by Michael Stump
Be agile. Scale up. Stay Lean with SAFe by Michael StumpBe agile. Scale up. Stay Lean with SAFe by Michael Stump
Be agile. Scale up. Stay Lean with SAFe by Michael Stump

Today’s successful companies are recognizing that software is increasingly a competitive advantage for their business. Real, tangible software development value occurs only when end-users are successfully operating the software in their environment. To ensure a faster flow of value to the business, the Scaled Agile Framework helps teams successfully deliver a differentiated and engaging customer experience, achieve quicker time to value, and gain increased capacity to innovate. The process of deploying software builds to production is no less important than developing and testing the new functionality. As an industry, we are currently mastering more Agile, better and faster methods for incrementally developing potential user value. In practice, however, these achievements are jeopardized by poorly managed deployments that happen too late in the lifecycle and delays value delivery. Bringing deployment operations (DevOps) onboard the Agile Release Train, engaging them in the PSI planning and other program level events, and establishing environments, practices and disciplined procedures in support of a continuous deployment pipeline helps the enterprise enable faster feedback and a more predictable value delivery rhythm. Join Michael Stump (Principal Contributor to SAFe), Thought Leader from Scaled Agile Inc. and software industry veteran to get an in-depth overview of how SAFe together with DevOps can provide the most customer value and quality in the sustainable shortest lead time.

dubaipmiscaled agile framework
SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) 5 mins overview - Roni Tamari
SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) 5 mins overview - Roni TamariSAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) 5 mins overview - Roni Tamari
SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) 5 mins overview - Roni Tamari

Why Scale? When choose each scaling approach? SAFe? LeSS? Enterprise Kanban? Other? Scaling experts will compare the different approaches, share from their experience and answer questions from the audience This is the SAFe section presented by Roni Tamari

scaled agile frameworkagileil15safe
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
Deliver on Demand
Release Customer
Release New
Develop on Cadence

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Value Streams and the Scaled Agile Framework
Value Streams and the Scaled Agile FrameworkValue Streams and the Scaled Agile Framework
Value Streams and the Scaled Agile Framework

Understanding and visualizing the flow of value in your organization is one of the first steps for implementing the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) successfully. We align Agile Release Trains (ARTs) around value streams. In this webinar we will look at understanding what a value stream is, why it is important and how to align agile release trains to value streams.

agile release trainagile software developmentvalue streams
Scaled Agile Framework® Overview
Scaled Agile Framework® OverviewScaled Agile Framework® Overview
Scaled Agile Framework® Overview

Do you have highly functional scrum teams but are wondering how to get them to work in sync with each other, or wondering how get "start-up" efficiency in a large enterprise? Or maybe you just heard that the Scaled Agile Framework for the Enterprise (SAFe®) is gaining traction and you want to find out more about it. Before the year is out, we want to give you a primer on SAFe, so you can decide if it should be on your list of resolutions for the new year! We continue to see that Agile and Scrum deliver value and are catching the eyes of leadership individuals. But how does a large enterprise thrive with a Scrum framework that was made for 5-9 individuals? SAFe has garnered a lot of attention as a potential framework for enterprises with large product teams (5 or more scrum teams on a product line). It calls for the overall alignment throughout the organization so that the Scrum teams making up a large product development team can deliver valuable, high quality product increments with transparency and technical excellence. The program execution is achieved by leveraging the existing Scrum Team practices and interfacing with the higher Program and Portfolio layers in the organization. cPrime SAFe coach, Sri will provide an overview of the SAFe framework and show why it appeals not only to the engineers and architects, but also to the product management, customer support and the executive team.

scaled agilesafeagile tramsformation
Scaling Agile
Scaling Agile Scaling Agile
Scaling Agile

A common practice among teams in IT companies adopting the latest trends, Agile can be scaled to enterprise level once applied properly. In this Innovation Session, Maduri Senadheera from the Project Management team talks about the Agile mindset, the need for scaling and the benefits of a Scaled Agile Framework for better aligning business processes.

release planningagile frameworkscaling
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework

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Foundations of the Scaled Agile Framework: Be Agile. Scale Up. Stay Lean. And...
Foundations of the Scaled Agile Framework: Be Agile. Scale Up. Stay Lean. And...Foundations of the Scaled Agile Framework: Be Agile. Scale Up. Stay Lean. And...
Foundations of the Scaled Agile Framework: Be Agile. Scale Up. Stay Lean. And...

Recording of this presentation: More info DevOps Community:

agile developmentdevopsagile
SAFe 4.0 - implementing Enterprise Agile using the Scaled Agile Framework
SAFe 4.0 -   implementing Enterprise Agile using the Scaled Agile FrameworkSAFe 4.0 -   implementing Enterprise Agile using the Scaled Agile Framework
SAFe 4.0 - implementing Enterprise Agile using the Scaled Agile Framework

The adoption of Agile is spreading across various industries, in organizations of all sizes. However, most experts agree that scaling Agile for enterprise use is a challenge. SAFe®, the Scaled Agile Framework, was created to resolve this problem. SAFe® provides a fully controlled way to adopt and scale Agile across large companies, and to align Agile processes to business strategy. The Scaled Agile Framework's latest edition 4.0 introduces the optional Value Stream level to synchronize all the Agile Release Trains, as well as other updates compared to SAFe® 3.0. Our webinar helps you to learn more about implementing enterprise Agile with the Scaled Agile Framework, and the differences between SAFe®'s previous versions and its recently released 4.0.

Scaled Agile Framework in 10 minutes (CAS2015)
Scaled Agile Framework in 10 minutes (CAS2015)Scaled Agile Framework in 10 minutes (CAS2015)
Scaled Agile Framework in 10 minutes (CAS2015)

Scaled Agile Framework in 10 minutes (SAFe 3.0) - Scaled: SAFe is designed for large-scale software development ecosystems of 50-125 people who need to resolve inter-dependencies - Agile: SAFe is based on 9 Lean-Agile principles - Framework: SAFe is a collection of a proven efficacy tools, and you only have to use what you need El objetivo de la Lightning Talk es dar una visión "light" pero completa de lo que propone Scaled Agile Framework 3.0 como marco de referencia para el escalado de Agile. Scaled Agile Framework es uno de los marcos de referencia para escalado de Agile que mayor aceptación está teniendo a día de hoy, sobre todo cuando hablamos de grandes organizaciones. El marco SAFe parte de las capas de abstracción clásicas de una organización para estructurar un cambio de perspectiva y de cultura basándose en los 4 valores y 9 principios Lean-Agile, apoyándose además en las prácticas Scrum-XP de desarrollo de productos. En la charla descubriremos de manera rápida los roles, artefactos y ceremonias que plantea el marco para conseguir un cambio de paradigma sostenible en las organizaciones. Unai Roldán UST Global

Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
Fear? Uncertainty? Doubt?
Maybe they haven’t ever really looked at SAFe beyond the “Big
I honestly don’t know. But keep an open mind and check it out.
And in the end, maybe it just really isn’t right for your team…
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework

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Adopting the Scaled Agile Framework: The Theory and the Practice - Dallas ALN...
Adopting the Scaled Agile Framework: The Theory and the Practice - Dallas ALN...Adopting the Scaled Agile Framework: The Theory and the Practice - Dallas ALN...
Adopting the Scaled Agile Framework: The Theory and the Practice - Dallas ALN...

Presentation given at Dallas Agile Leadership Network Meetup on 24th October 2013.

Tatyana Golubyeva "Scaled agile framework"
Tatyana Golubyeva "Scaled agile framework"Tatyana Golubyeva "Scaled agile framework"
Tatyana Golubyeva "Scaled agile framework"

The document discusses the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) for implementing agile practices in complex enterprise projects. It presents SAFe as an option for organizations that have multiple Scrum teams or one team with independent threads. The core values and principles of SAFe are described, including the release train, program increment planning, and that it focuses on Lean-Agile leadership. Some limitations are that SAFe requires Scrum practices within teams and training for both teams and management to understand and apply the framework effectively.

lvivitttalkproject management
That conference 2016 deconstructing the scaled agile framework
That conference 2016   deconstructing the scaled agile frameworkThat conference 2016   deconstructing the scaled agile framework
That conference 2016 deconstructing the scaled agile framework

A quick overview of some of the techniques and roles that help making the scaling of agile efforts across a large and/or complex organization more successful

agilescrumscaled agile
Do you have a single product worked on by many teams?
Do you have a single team working on many products at the
same time?
Do you deliver many products that are worked on by many
Do you have one product worked on by a single team?
Focus on having a single product owner, not a product owner per
Minimize sources of work, if possible use one consolidated
portfolio backlog
Consolidate onto a minimum set of ALM/DevOps tools
Encourage and continually support EFFECTIVE and CONSTANT
Make sure progress across teams is transparent and easily
Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize
Context switching to work on multiple products should NOT be
Keep sprints short to allow for fast pivoting and integration of
Scrum may not be the only solution, be creative!
Extreme focus on quality – crap doesn’t scale!
First off  OH MY!!
Second off, this is where SAFe strategies shine
Leverage techniques already discussed
Bring the work to the team, always!
All teams must already be operating as highly effective agile
teams before you bring in SAFe strategies!!

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How (can) Scrum and DevOps Walk Together to Build a High-Quality Product Deli...How (can) Scrum and DevOps Walk Together to Build a High-Quality Product Deli...
How (can) Scrum and DevOps Walk Together to Build a High-Quality Product Deli...

Discussion in fishbowl format to find out how Scrum and DevOps should more power-full if we use it together and properly, then validating with data and convergence of CEO and CEO DevOps Institute.

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10 differences between SAFe and LeSS
10 differences between SAFe and LeSS10 differences between SAFe and LeSS
10 differences between SAFe and LeSS

Presentation from SAFE@Space conference on 2018.11.06. Some differences between SAFe and LeSS framework. Some difficult questions.

SDEC15: Help the Scrum Master *IS* the Impediment
SDEC15:  Help the Scrum Master *IS* the ImpedimentSDEC15:  Help the Scrum Master *IS* the Impediment
SDEC15: Help the Scrum Master *IS* the Impediment

Talk on how scrum masters can avoid becoming impediments to their agile teams. Presented at SDEC 2015.

agile manifestoagilescrum values
Move along… SAFe is probably not for you
Embrace lean principals
Keep focusing on continuous improvement
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework
©2008-2014 Scaled Agile, Inc. and Leffingwell, LLC. All rights reserved.
A proven, publicly-facing framework for applying Lean and Agile practices at enterprise scale
collaboration and
delivery for large
numbers of teams
1. Program Execution
2. Alignment
3. Code Quality
4. Transparency
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework

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Mark Mzyk Engineering Manager with Chef Find more by Mark Mzyk: All Things Open October 26-27, 2016 Raleigh, North Carolina

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Agile mindfulness
Agile mindfulnessAgile mindfulness
Agile mindfulness

The document discusses Lean-Agile maturity assessment (LAMA) framework. It provides an overview of LAMA and describes it as an integrated framework that combines proven Agile and Lean principles with a focus on leadership mindset and behavior. LAMA is presented as a methodology to assess teams' agility through methods and practices. The summary also outlines LAMA implementation steps and how teams can use results from assessments to identify focus areas and take action to continuously improve their agility.

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6- Agile.engine - Asad safari6- Agile.engine - Asad safari
6- Agile.engine - Asad safari

This document discusses how to effectively adopt an agile mindset and practices. It begins by looking at the original goals of going agile but finds that in reality, many agile adoptions face problems and challenges. It discusses the "broken windows theory" - how small issues can lead to bigger ones if not addressed. However, instead of focusing on problems, it recommends taking an Appreciative Inquiry approach through retrospective meetings. This focuses the team on successes and strengths, envisioning future improvements through positive dialogue to act as a continuous engine for agile transformation.

SAFe Guidance:
Principals of Product Development Flow:
Lean Change Management by Jason Little:
Twitter: @OakParkGirl, @ChicagoALM, @TeamPolaris
Blog -
Chicago Visual Studio ALM User Group -
Polaris Solutions website - Twitter: @OakParkGirl
Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework

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Dev up 2016 Demystifying the scaled agile framework

  • 3. There are lots of agile frameworks, I do not know which one is best and I had to start SOMEWHERE? Tell me more! I already use the SAFe framework, and am interested in hearing another perspective  My team has grown too big and we are struggling with scaling our scrum efforts!! I’ve seen the SAFe diagram and it looks (scary |overwhelming | complex) and I need the crib notes SAFe seems like a bad idea, but I am open to hearing some alternative ideas about how to apply it I already hate SAFe and am hoping to heckle you the entire talk
  • 8. Problems discovered too late No way to improve systematically Hard to manage distributed teams Late Delivery! Too little visibility Too early commitment to a design that didn’t work Poor morale  Massive growth in complexity Phase gate SDLC isn't helping reduce risk Under-estimated dependencies And our retrospectives read like this
  • 11. LEADERSHIP Respectfor peopleandculture Flow Innovation Relentless improvement VALUE House of Lean Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan Agile Manifesto Value in the sustainably shortest lead time That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more. We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
  • 12. 4 444 : Documents Documents Unverified System System
  • 13. Early delivery provides fast value with fast feedback Time ValueDelivery Fast feedback
  • 16. Scrum Team 1 Scrum Team 2 Scrum Team 3 Scrum Team 4 DevOps Team Scrum Team 5 Scrum Team 6
  • 17. Scrum Team 1 Scrum Team 2 Scrum Team 3 Scrum Team 4
  • 35. 35 “A system is a network of interdependent components that work together to try to accomplish the aim of the system. A system must have an aim. Without an aim, there is no system.” —W. Edwards Deming
  • 40. Deliver on Demand Major Release Customer Upgrade Customer Preview Major Release New Feature Develop on Cadence PSI PSI PSI PSI PSI
  • 47. Fear? Uncertainty? Doubt? Maybe they haven’t ever really looked at SAFe beyond the “Big Picture” I honestly don’t know. But keep an open mind and check it out. And in the end, maybe it just really isn’t right for your team…
  • 49. Do you have a single product worked on by many teams? Do you have a single team working on many products at the same time? Do you deliver many products that are worked on by many teams? Do you have one product worked on by a single team?
  • 50. Focus on having a single product owner, not a product owner per team Minimize sources of work, if possible use one consolidated portfolio backlog Consolidate onto a minimum set of ALM/DevOps tools Encourage and continually support EFFECTIVE and CONSTANT communication Make sure progress across teams is transparent and easily discoverable
  • 51. Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize Context switching to work on multiple products should NOT be tolerated Keep sprints short to allow for fast pivoting and integration of learnings Scrum may not be the only solution, be creative! Extreme focus on quality – crap doesn’t scale!
  • 52. First off  OH MY!! Second off, this is where SAFe strategies shine Leverage techniques already discussed Bring the work to the team, always! All teams must already be operating as highly effective agile teams before you bring in SAFe strategies!!
  • 53. Move along… SAFe is probably not for you Embrace lean principals Keep focusing on continuous improvement
  • 55. ©2008-2014 Scaled Agile, Inc. and Leffingwell, LLC. All rights reserved. A proven, publicly-facing framework for applying Lean and Agile practices at enterprise scale Synchronizes alignment, collaboration and delivery for large numbers of teams CORE VALUES 1. Program Execution 2. Alignment 3. Code Quality 4. Transparency 55
  • 57. SAFe Guidance: Principals of Product Development Flow: Lean Change Management by Jason Little: Change-Managment-Innovative-Organizational/dp/0990466507/
  • 58. Email: LinkedIn: Slideshare.NET: Twitter: @OakParkGirl, @ChicagoALM, @TeamPolaris Blog - Chicago Visual Studio ALM User Group - Polaris Solutions website - Twitter: @OakParkGirl