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Building Node Microservices with Docker
Rami Sayar - @ramisayar
Senior Technical Evangelist
Microsoft Canada
Something is not quite right…
Monolithic Applications are One
GIANT Point of Failure.

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Docker 101 - High level introduction to docker
Docker 101 - High level introduction to dockerDocker 101 - High level introduction to docker
Docker 101 - High level introduction to docker

This document provides an overview of Docker containers and their benefits. It begins by explaining what Docker containers are, noting that they wrap up software code and dependencies into lightweight packages that can run consistently on any hardware platform. It then discusses some key benefits of Docker containers like their portability, efficiency, and ability to eliminate compatibility issues. The document provides examples of how Docker solves problems related to managing multiple software stacks and environments. It also compares Docker containers to virtual machines. Finally, it outlines some common use cases for Docker like application development, CI/CD workflows, microservices, and hybrid cloud deployments.

Docker and stuff
Docker and stuffDocker and stuff
Docker and stuff

It is the understanding of docker and how it was useful in day-to-day tasks, some basic difference between old and new. At last my learnings and mistake while doing it all.

Docker for Java Developers - Fabiane Nardon and Arun gupta
Docker for Java Developers - Fabiane Nardon and Arun guptaDocker for Java Developers - Fabiane Nardon and Arun gupta
Docker for Java Developers - Fabiane Nardon and Arun gupta

Docker provides PODA (Package Once Deploy Anywhere) and complements WORA (Write Once Run Anywhere) provided by Java. It also helps you reduce the impedance mismatch between dev, test, and production environment and simplifies Java application deployment. In this talk, Arun Gupta, Java Champion and Docker Captain and Fabiane Nardon, Java Champion, will explain how to run and package your Java application with Docker including sharing your Java application using Docker Hub. In addition, they will cover: * Deploying your Java application using Maven * Deploying your application using Docker for AWS * Scaling Java services with Docker Engine swarm mode * Packaging your multi-container application and use service discovery * Monitoring your Docker + Java applications * Building a deployment pipeline using common tools.

dockercon 2017dockercon2017dockercon
• What are Microservices?
• Pros and Cons of Microservice Architecture
• Converting a Monolithic Express Web App into
• Patterns to Handle Networking Between Frontend &
• What are Containers? Docker?
• How to use Docker to Run Microservices
I neverintended to make a monolithicapplication,
it just happened…
The Problem with MonolithicApplications
The Problem with MonolithicApplications

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Docker - The Linux Container
Docker - The Linux ContainerDocker - The Linux Container
Docker - The Linux Container

Docker is a tool that makes it easier to use Linux containers (LXC) to deploy applications. It allows applications to run consistently across servers by including dependencies within containers. Containers are more lightweight than virtual machines and use less resources. Docker containers start faster than VMs and allow for easy sharing of application components. The Docker registry stores container images and metadata for easy sharing between developers and production environments.

Containers, Docker, and Microservices: the Terrific Trio
Containers, Docker, and Microservices: the Terrific TrioContainers, Docker, and Microservices: the Terrific Trio
Containers, Docker, and Microservices: the Terrific Trio

One of the upsides of Microservices is the ability to deploy often,at arbitrary schedules, and independently of other services, instead of requiring synchronized deployments happening on a fixed time. But to really leverage this advantage, we need fast, efficient, and reliable deployment processes. That's one of the value propositions of Containers in general, and Docker in particular. Docker offers a new, lightweight approach to application portability.It can build applications using easy-to-write, repeatable, efficient recipes; then it can ship them across environments using a common container format; and it can run them within isolated namespaces which abstract the operating environment, independently of the distribution,versions, network setup, and other details of this environment. But Docker can do way more than deploy your apps. Docker also enables you to generalize Microservices principles and apply them on operational tasks like logging, remote access, backups, and troubleshooting.This decoupling results in independent, smaller, simpler moving parts.

A Shift from Monolith to Microservice using Docker
A Shift from Monolith to Microservice using DockerA Shift from Monolith to Microservice using Docker
A Shift from Monolith to Microservice using Docker

- Docker is a platform for building, shipping and running applications. It allows applications to be quickly assembled from components and eliminates discrepancies between development and production environments. - Docker provides lightweight containers that allow applications to run in isolated environments called containers without running a full virtual machine. Containers are more portable and use resources more efficiently than virtual machines. - Docker Swarm allows grouping Docker hosts together into a cluster where containers can be deployed across multiple hosts. It provides features like service discovery, load balancing, failure recovery and rolling updates without a single point of failure.

Introducing Microservices
• A microservice can be a small, fairly-independent (decoupled)
code package that fulfils a single specific task.
• Microservices would form the building blocks of a modular
• In the context of a webapp, your microservices would be
organized around capabilities e.g. authentication, web UI
storefront, recommendation, etc.
Introducing Microservices
Image from
Why Node.js is Well Suited for Microservices
• Follows the UNIX philosophy: Write programs that do one thing
and do it well.
• NPM makes package management and deployment easy.
• Straight-forward networking API.
Benefits of Microservices Architecture
• Loosely Coupled: Each microservice is independent
• Separate teams can work at different paces
• Easier upgrade path for each microservice
• Smaller code bases make for easier deployments
• Easier for new team members to jump into development
• Refactoring no longer halts development
• Easy to scale heavily used microservices without scaling the
entire app
• You can use the best language/framework/platform for the job
• With Docker Containers, this is even easier

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How we dockerized a startup? #meetup #docker
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How we dockerized a startup? #meetup #docker

Docker in production, for real! The Yuzu startup, helped by Vixns, chose to have a docker infrastructure with Mesos/Marathon/Consul. From the development environment to our prod monitoring, we share our mistakes, successes, workflows and tools.

Modernizing Java Apps with Docker
Modernizing Java Apps with DockerModernizing Java Apps with Docker
Modernizing Java Apps with Docker

Docker provides PODA (Package Once Deploy Anywhere) and complements WORA (Write Once Run Anywhere) provided by Java. It also helps you reduce the impedance mismatch between dev, test, and production environment and simplifies Java application deployment. This session will explain how to: * Run your first Java application with Docker * Package your Java application with Docker * Share your Java application using Docker Hub * Deploy your Java application using Maven * Deploy your application using Docker for AWS * Scale Java services with Docker Engine swarm mode * Package your multi-container application and use service discovery * Monitor your Docker + Java applications * Build a deployment pipeline using common tools

Disadvantages of Microservices Architecture
• Outsourcing in-process communication to the network stack
• Heavier DevOps requirements on the dev team
• Need to monitor more moving parts and manage more complex
• Networking, service discovery, etc…
• Data sharing and data modeling is hard
• Ideally, each microservice should have per-service db
In Practice– ConvertinganExpress App into
Sample App: The PizzaBotManager
React – The Definitive Guide – ITSFREE!!!

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Docker, a new LINUX container technology based light weight virtualization
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Docker is a tool that allows applications to run reliably from one computing environment to another in lightweight execution environments called containers. It solves the problem of differences in computing environments by running applications within standardized containers that have all their dependencies, so they can run on any Docker host regardless of the underlying infrastructure. The presentation demonstrated how Docker works, how to build Docker images using Dockerfiles, and how Docker is being used by companies and integrated into platforms like OpenStack.

Your journey into the serverless world
Your journey into the serverless worldYour journey into the serverless world
Your journey into the serverless world

In this session we will start to see What is Serverless and what it means to you ? Knowing that we will continue our journey to quickly deploy a serverless platform Apache OpenWhisk on Kubernetes. Having platform ready we will then demystify what should be your Java Programming model in the serverless world???. Is this enough for me to build my serverless applications, the answer is !!!NO!!! , then what else is required, “TOOLS” , in the last part of this session we will stock check our inventory of tools that can make the serverless journey quick, easy and productive.

Commit to excellence - Java in containers
Commit to excellence - Java in containersCommit to excellence - Java in containers
Commit to excellence - Java in containers

Java in 2019 was predicted to be business as usual by many. We have seen new Java releases coming out as planned, AdoptOpenJDK became the main trustful source of binaries and Oracle fighting for the trademark again by preventing the use of javax as namespace. Everything looks like it would be a silent year for Java. But one thing seems obvious. Java's popularity is not gaining any more traction. New language features keep it up to date but people are getting more selective when it comes to implementation choices. Especially in the age of containers and cloud infrastructures. This talk walks you through the why and how of Java in containers. We will talk about image size and development and deployment processes.

red hatred hat developerjava
PizzaBotManager Web App
• Prototypical monolithic express web app that has three
1. Handle conversations from different chat apps using the Bot
Framework: /api/messages
2. Serve the frontend for the pizza chain manager: /
3. Provide an API to see current pizza orders and ovens in operation:
• Backend follows an Asynchronous Message Queue pattern
• Each functionality has different scaling requirements
• Functionality 2 would be better served by nginx.
ConvertingPizzaBotManagerinto Microservices
ConvertingPizzaBotManagerinto Microservices
DoingThis The Non-Hacky Way

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Docker From Scratch

Docker provides a new, powerful way of prototyping, testing and deploying applications on cloud-based infrastructures. In this seminar we delve into the concept of Docker containers without requiring any previous knowledge from the audience.

Java in a World of Containers - DockerCon 2018
Java in a World of Containers - DockerCon 2018Java in a World of Containers - DockerCon 2018
Java in a World of Containers - DockerCon 2018

This document discusses Java and containers. It begins with an introduction to Java's suitability for containers due to its managed runtime, hardware agnosticism, safety/security, reliability, and rich ecosystem. It then covers topics like creating Docker images from Java applications, building custom Java runtimes using jlink, and optimizing image sizes through multi-stage builds and smaller base images like Alpine Linux. The document also discusses features like class data sharing between containers using AppCDS, ahead-of-time compilation with jaotc, and how the JVM can honor Docker resource limits for CPU and memory. Overall it provides an overview of using Java in container environments and related tools and techniques.

Docker to the Rescue of an Ops Team
Docker to the Rescue of an Ops TeamDocker to the Rescue of an Ops Team
Docker to the Rescue of an Ops Team

Slides from my DockerCon EU 2017 Talk. Find the abstract below: "In this talk, we'll discover how Docker comes to the rescue of the Ops Team, while rebuilding from scratch our monitoring infrastructure. We'll start by quickly describing the challenges, to focus on why and how using docker saved the project. From fixing dependencies and isolation issues, implementing rolling upgrades and new features hot addition, to building a completely modular, scalable and resilient infrastructure, we'll talk about why CI/CD workflows, docker tooling and Docker Swarm were the key to success."

Common Microservices Requirements
• Service Registration & Discovery
• Automatic Routing & Configuration
• Service Monitoring
• Health Endpoints
• Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) support
Using Express-Microservice-Starter
• An express-based bootstrapping module for building
microservices with Node.js -
Using Express-Microservice-Starter
var express = require('express');
var micro = require('express-microservice-starter');
var app = express();
app.use(micro({ discoverable: false, debug: true }));
Patternsto Handle NetworkingBetweenFrontend
& Backend

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Velocity NYC 2017: Building Resilient Microservices with Kubernetes, Docker, ...

1. The presentation introduces Docker, Kubernetes, and Envoy as foundational tools for building microservices. Docker allows packaging applications into portable containers, Kubernetes provides a platform to manage containers across clusters of hosts, and Envoy handles traffic routing and resilience at the application layer. 2. The presenters demonstrate how to build a simple Python web application into a Docker container image. They then deploy the containerized application to a Kubernetes cluster using Kubernetes objects like deployments and services. This allows the application to scale across multiple pods and be accessed via a stable service endpoint. 3. Finally, the presenters note that as applications become distributed across microservices, failures at the application layer (L7) become more common and

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High level overview of Docker + Birthday #3 overview (app and challenge portion)! Learn more about Docker Birthday #3 celebrations here:

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Containers and Docker
Containers and DockerContainers and Docker
Containers and Docker

This document discusses containers and Docker. It begins by explaining that cloud infrastructures comprise virtual resources like compute and storage nodes that are administered through software. Docker is introduced as a standard way to package code and dependencies into portable containers that can run anywhere. Key benefits of Docker include increased efficiency, consistency, and security compared to traditional virtual machines. Some weaknesses are that Docker may not be suitable for all applications and large container management can be difficult. Interesting uses of Docker include malware analysis sandboxes, isolating Skype sessions, and managing Raspberry Pi clusters with Docker Swarm.

Requirements for the Networking Stack
• Service Registration & Discovery
• Automatic Routing & Configuration
• We also want:
• Authentication
• Security
• Load Balancing
API Gateway Pattern
• API Gateway is basically a
Dynamically Configured
Reverse Proxy Server.
• Single Access Point for HTTP
API Requests
DNS Pattern
• Each microservice has it’s own publically addressable URL.
• No single point of failure and easy to setup and scale
• Doesn’t follow the DRY principle
• Individual handling of common concerns like security, authentication,
• Tempting for each microservice to become it’s own project
• Forces you to use CORS
Implementing API Gateways
• API Gateways can be implemented with several different
• Docker and Swarm Mode – Containers and Orchestration
• Nginx – Reliable, high performance async web server.
• HAProxy - Reliable, high Performance TCP/HTTP load balancer.
• Kong - Open-source API Gateway and Microservices manager layer.
• Skipper - HTTP router on top of a reverse proxy.
• Træfɪk - A modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer made to
deploy microservices with ease.
• Tyk - Open source API gateway, dev portal and management

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Docker & aPaaS: Enterprise Innovation and Trends for 2015
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Docker & aPaaS: Enterprise Innovation and Trends for 2015

WaveMaker Webinar: Cloud-based App Development and Docker: Trends to watch out for in 2015 - CIOs, IT planners and developers at a growing number of organizations are taking advantage of the simplicity and productivity benefits of cloud application development. With Docker technology, cloud-based app development or aPaaS (Application Platform as a Service) is only becoming more disruptive − forcing organizations to rethink how they handle innovation, time-to-market pressures, and IT workloads.

Docker - Portable Deployment
Docker - Portable DeploymentDocker - Portable Deployment
Docker - Portable Deployment

Docker is a system for running applications in lightweight containers that can be deployed across machines. It allows developers to package applications with all dependencies into standardized units for software development. Docker eliminates inconsistencies in environments and allows applications to be easily deployed on virtual machines, physical servers, public clouds, private clouds, and developer laptops through the use of containers.

Docker for the enterprise
Docker for the enterpriseDocker for the enterprise
Docker for the enterprise

A presentation about container technology for the enterprise held at Ekito's geek breakfast the 4th of November 2016.

dockercloud computingenterprise
Deployingto the Cloud with Docker
Introductionto Containers & Docker
• Docker is an open source project to pack, ship and run any app as a lightweight container.
• Lightweight alternative to virtual machines
• Smaller, less expensive, faster to start up, and self-contained
Host Operating System
Guest OS
Guest OS
Guest OS
Operating System
Container Engine
Virtual Machines
• Leading open-source
containerization platform
• Supported natively in Azure
Docker containers wrap up a piece of software
in a complete filesystem that contains
everything it needs to run: code, runtime,
system tools, system libraries – anything you
can install on a server. This guarantees that it
will always run the same, regardless of the
environment it is running in
Underneath Docker
• Docker leverages libcontainer (previously LXC containers),
which encompasses Linux features like cgroups and
namespaces for strong process isolation and resource control.
• Docker leverages a copy-on-write filesystem.
• Docker uses a “plain text” configuration language to control the
configuration of a container.

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Containers, microservices and serverless for realists
Containers, microservices and serverless for realistsContainers, microservices and serverless for realists
Containers, microservices and serverless for realists

The document discusses containers, microservices, and serverless applications for developers. It provides an overview of these topics, including how containers and microservices fit into the DevOps paradigm and allow for better collaboration between development and operations teams. It also discusses trends in container usage and orchestration as well as differences between platforms as a service (PaaS) and serverless applications.

Orchestrating Linux Containers while tolerating failures
Orchestrating Linux Containers while tolerating failuresOrchestrating Linux Containers while tolerating failures
Orchestrating Linux Containers while tolerating failures

lthough containers are bringing a refreshing flexibility when deploying services in production, the management of those containers in such an environment still requires special care in order to keep the application up and running. In this regard, orchestration platforms like Docker, Kubernetes and Nomad have been trying to alleviate this responsibility, facilitating the task of deploying and maintaining the entire application stack in its desired state. This ensures that a service will be always running, tolerating machine failures, network erratic behavior or software updates and downtime. The purpose of this talk is to explain the mechanisms and architecture of the Docker Engine orchestration platform (using a framework called swarmkit) to tolerate failures of services and machines, from cluster state replication and leader-election to container re-scheduling logic when a host goes down.

networkingswarm modeswarmkit

The document provides an introduction to Docker, containers, and the problems they aim to solve. It discusses: - Why Docker was created - to address the "matrix from hell" of developing and deploying applications across different environments and platforms. - How Docker works at a high level, using lightweight containers that package code and dependencies to run consistently on any infrastructure. - Some key Docker concepts like images, containers, the Dockerfile for building images, and common Docker commands. - Benefits of Docker for developers and operations in simplifying deployment, reducing inconsistencies, and improving portability of applications.

Docker Architecture
Docker CLI
• Command-line interface for Docker, available for Linux, OS X,
and Windows (available separately or as part of Docker
Running a Container
docker run -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash
Common DockerCLI Commands
docker run - Use an image to run a container
docker pull - Pull an image from a registry
docker build - Build a Docker image
docker exec - Execute a command in a container
docker stop - Stop a running container
docker images - List available Docker images
docker ps - List running Docker containers

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Containerization with Azure
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Containerization with Azure

Covers containertizing core applications with docker and managing docker containers with azure container service

Microservices and Best Practices
Microservices and Best Practices Microservices and Best Practices
Microservices and Best Practices

Weaveworks discusses Microservices and best practices Visit Weave Cloud: For more free talks, join our Weave Online User Group:

Docker - HieuHoang
Docker - HieuHoangDocker - HieuHoang
Docker - HieuHoang

This document provides an introduction to Docker. It discusses how the IT landscape is changing with cloud, apps, and DevOps, creating a tug of war between developers and IT operations. Organizations must deal with diverse technologies and organizations. Docker and containers provide a solution by allowing applications to be packaged with all their dependencies and run virtually isolated on a shared kernel. This improves speed, portability, and efficiency compared to virtual machines. The document introduces Docker concepts like images, containers, engines, registries, and control planes. It describes how Docker Enterprise Edition can help align organizations with initiatives around app modernization, cloud strategies, and DevOps.

Azure Container Service
• Provides robust, ready-to-use Docker hosting environment
• Uses open-source orchestration tools (DC/OS and Swarm)
Container Orchestration
• Facilitates deployment and management of containers
• Containers by design are intended to be deployed in large
volumes with some applications using dozens to even
thousands of containers
• With this type of scale, automating container deployment and
management with orchestration software becomes necessary
• Azure Container service supports Kubernetes, DC/OS, and
Docker Swarm
Container Clusters
• Facilitate load balancing, scalability, and high availability
• A cluster is composed of master nodes which control the
orchestration, and agent nodes that host the containers
DeployingourPizzaBotManagerwith Docker

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Dockers and kubernetes

Introduction to dockers and kubernetes. Learn how this helps you to build scalable and portable applications with cloud. It introduces the basic concepts of dockers, its differences with virtualization, then explain the need for orchestration and do some hands-on experiments with dockers

Intro to docker and kubernetes
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Intro to docker and kubernetes

Intro to Docker and Kubernetes was presented at Microsoft Azure Dev usergroup meetup at Microsoft, Munich.

aksazureazure container registry
Docker Overview
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Docker Overview

Brief overview of the Docker eco system, the paradigm change it brings to development and operations processes. While docker has lots of potential its still working to mature into a viable production system that has proved itself secure, stable, and viable.

PizzaBotManager Microservices Web App
ReinventingThe Wheel– Building a Simple API
Demo - Building a Simple API Gateway
Thanks to
Register/ as it’s own “API”
The API Gateway will just do an HTTP Proxy anyways.
Next Steps?
Docker Container Orchestration

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Week 8 lecture material

(1) Sensor cloud computing integrates large-scale sensor networks with cloud computing infrastructures to collect and process data from various sensor networks. (2) It enables large-scale data sharing and collaborations among users and applications on the cloud. (3) Sensor cloud computing delivers cloud services via sensing applications and provides a truly pervasive computing environment by using sensors as an interface between the physical and cyber worlds.

cloud computing
Serverless brewbox
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Serverless brewbox

Lino Telera gave a presentation on serverless computing. He began with introductions and background. The presentation covered serverless concepts like Function as a Service, demonstrated building a simple microservice using AWS Lambda that interacts with S3, and discussed integrating functions with services like S3 using Boto. It also showed how functions can be called from devices using skills and discussed running serverless on-premise using OpenFaaS or Pivotal Container Service. The presentation concluded with a Q&A and thanks to sponsors.


Docker is a tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. Containers allow a developer to package up an application with all of the parts it needs, such as libraries and other dependencies, and ship it all out as one package. By doing so, thanks to the container, the developer can rest assured that the application will run on any other Linux machine regardless of any customized settings that machine might have that could differ from the machine used for writing and testing the code. In a way, Docker is a bit like a virtual machine. But unlike a virtual machine, rather than creating a whole virtual operating system, Docker allows applications to use the same Linux kernel as the system that they’re running on and only requires applications be shipped with things not already running on the host computer. This gives a significant performance boost and reduces the size of the application.

itvirtual machinecontainer
• Open-source orchestration engine from Google
• Provides a robust framework for container orchestration, yet
remains lightweight and scalable
• Supported by Azure Container Service and tightly integrated
with ACS, allowing Kubernetes to modify deployments
• Datacenter Operating System built on Apache Mesos
• Creates logical data centers and abstracts underlying hardware
• Provides resources traditionally provided by infrastructure,
including networking, DNS, and load balancing
• Natively supported by Azure Container Service
Docker Swarm
• Docker’s own orchestration engine
• Current releases of the Docker engine have
“Swarm Mode” built in and can many of the
same things that other orchestration
engines do
• Lacks a GUI, but makes up for it with tight
integration with Docker
• Natively supported by Azure Container
Some Tips for Running Node.js Microservices
• Cache your DNS results: Node does not cache the results of
DNS queries (OS issue because OS doesn’t expose TTL)
• Reuse HTTP Connections: Node’s global HTTP agent disables
HTTP Keep-Alive by default.
• Tell Node if it’s running in less than 1.5G of memory:
node --max_old_space_size=400 server.js --production

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Containerization in microsoft azure
Containerization in microsoft azureContainerization in microsoft azure
Containerization in microsoft azure

This document provides an overview of containerization with Microsoft Azure. It discusses how containers are lighter weight than virtual machines and supported natively in Azure through Docker. It describes Docker architecture and common Docker CLI commands. It also outlines Azure Container Service for robust Docker hosting, and how container orchestration with tools like Kubernetes, DC/OS and Docker Swarm facilitates deployment and management of large volumes of containers.

Write Once and REALLY Run Anywhere | OpenStack Summit HK 2013
Write Once and REALLY Run Anywhere | OpenStack Summit HK 2013Write Once and REALLY Run Anywhere | OpenStack Summit HK 2013
Write Once and REALLY Run Anywhere | OpenStack Summit HK 2013

The document outlines the agenda for the OpenStack Summit in November 2013. The agenda includes sessions on Docker and its ecosystem, using Docker with OpenStack and Rackspace, and a cross-cloud deployment demo. Docker is presented as a solution for developing and deploying applications across multiple environments by encapsulating code and dependencies in portable containers. It can help eliminate inconsistencies between development, testing, and production environments.

A curtain-raiser to the container world Docker & Kubernetes
A curtain-raiser to the container world Docker & KubernetesA curtain-raiser to the container world Docker & Kubernetes
A curtain-raiser to the container world Docker & Kubernetes

Agenda 1. The changing landscape of IT Infrastructure 2. Containers - An introduction 3. Container management systems 4. Kubernetes 5. Containers and DevOps 6. Future of Infrastructure Mgmt About the talk In this talk, you will get a review of the components & the benefits of Container technologies - Docker & Kubernetes. The talk focuses on making the solution platform-independent. It gives an insight into Docker and Kubernetes for consistent and reliable Deployment. We talk about how the containers fit and improve your DevOps ecosystem and how to get started with containerization. Learn new deployment approach to effectively use your infrastructure resources to minimize the overall cost.

In conclusion,what did we learn?
• Microservice Archigtecture, Pros and Cons.
• Converting a PizzaBotManager into Microservices
• Handling Networking with API Gateways & DNS
• Learned about Dockers and Containers
• Learned about Kubernetes, Swarm and DC/OS.
ThankYou! Questions?
tw: @ramisayar | gh: @sayar
Resources, References, Links
• express-microservice-starter
• Building Microservices: Using an API Gateway
• awesome-microservices
• Node.js Microservice Optimisations
• Microservices with Weave, Docker and Node.js on Ubuntu
Resources, References, Links
• Why Enterprises Are Embracing Microservices and Node.js
• Breaking Down the Monolith - Peter Marton, RisingStack
• express-micro-service
• How To Do Microservices with Node.js
• An Introduction to Microservices, Part 1
• API Gateway. An Introduction to Microservices, Part 2
• API Gateway for Dockerized Microservices
• Nginx as a reverse proxy for dockerized microservices

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Docker Introduction
Docker IntroductionDocker Introduction
Docker Introduction

This document provides an introduction to Docker and discusses: - The challenges of managing applications across different environments which Docker aims to solve through lightweight containers. - An overview of Docker concepts including images, containers, the Docker workflow and networking. - How Docker Compose allows defining and running multi-container applications and Docker Swarm enables orchestrating containers across a cluster. - The open container ecosystem including the Open Container Initiative for standardization.

Kevin Bélanger
Kevin BélangerKevin Bélanger
Kevin Bélanger

Présentation reliée à la conférence de Kevin Tremblay dans le cadre du Web à Québec.

Gabriel LeBreton
Gabriel LeBretonGabriel LeBreton
Gabriel LeBreton

This document introduces Gabriel Le Breton, a programmer analyst and co-owner of the company It provides details about his roles as a developer, instructor, and his involvement in starting the company in 2014. It also includes information about continuous integration, continuous deployment, and diagrams illustrating the CI/CD process.

©2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Office, Azure, System Center, Dynamics and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the
U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft
must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after

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Rami Sayar - Node microservices with Docker

  • 1. Building Node Microservices with Docker Rami Sayar - @ramisayar Senior Technical Evangelist Microsoft Canada @RAMISAYAR
  • 2. @RAMISAYAR Something is not quite right… Imagefrom
  • 3. Monolithic Applications are One GIANT Point of Failure. @RAMISAYAR
  • 5. Agenda • What are Microservices? • Pros and Cons of Microservice Architecture • Converting a Monolithic Express Web App into Microservices • Patterns to Handle Networking Between Frontend & Backend • What are Containers? Docker? • How to use Docker to Run Microservices @RAMISAYAR
  • 6. I neverintended to make a monolithicapplication, it just happened… @RAMISAYAR
  • 7. The Problem with MonolithicApplications @RAMISAYAR
  • 8. The Problem with MonolithicApplications @RAMISAYAR
  • 9. Introducing Microservices • A microservice can be a small, fairly-independent (decoupled) code package that fulfils a single specific task. • Microservices would form the building blocks of a modular application. • In the context of a webapp, your microservices would be organized around capabilities e.g. authentication, web UI storefront, recommendation, etc. @RAMISAYAR
  • 10. Introducing Microservices @RAMISAYAR Image from
  • 11. Why Node.js is Well Suited for Microservices • Follows the UNIX philosophy: Write programs that do one thing and do it well. • NPM makes package management and deployment easy. • Straight-forward networking API. @RAMISAYAR
  • 12. Benefits of Microservices Architecture • Loosely Coupled: Each microservice is independent • Separate teams can work at different paces • Easier upgrade path for each microservice • Smaller code bases make for easier deployments • Easier for new team members to jump into development • Refactoring no longer halts development • Easy to scale heavily used microservices without scaling the entire app • You can use the best language/framework/platform for the job • With Docker Containers, this is even easier @RAMISAYAR
  • 13. Disadvantages of Microservices Architecture • Outsourcing in-process communication to the network stack • Heavier DevOps requirements on the dev team • Need to monitor more moving parts and manage more complex infrastructure • Networking, service discovery, etc… • Data sharing and data modeling is hard • Ideally, each microservice should have per-service db @RAMISAYAR
  • 14. In Practice– ConvertinganExpress App into Microservices @RAMISAYAR
  • 15. Sample App: The PizzaBotManager @RAMISAYAR
  • 16. React – The Definitive Guide – ITSFREE!!! @RAMISAYAR
  • 17. PizzaBotManager Web App • Prototypical monolithic express web app that has three functionalities: 1. Handle conversations from different chat apps using the Bot Framework: /api/messages 2. Serve the frontend for the pizza chain manager: / 3. Provide an API to see current pizza orders and ovens in operation: /api/orders • Backend follows an Asynchronous Message Queue pattern • Each functionality has different scaling requirements • Functionality 2 would be better served by nginx. @RAMISAYAR
  • 20. DoingThis The Non-Hacky Way @RAMISAYAR
  • 21. Common Microservices Requirements • Service Registration & Discovery • Automatic Routing & Configuration Optional: • Service Monitoring • Health Endpoints • Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) support @RAMISAYAR
  • 22. Using Express-Microservice-Starter • An express-based bootstrapping module for building microservices with Node.js - microservice-starter @RAMISAYAR
  • 23. Using Express-Microservice-Starter var express = require('express'); var micro = require('express-microservice-starter'); var app = express(); app.use(micro({ discoverable: false, debug: true })); @RAMISAYAR
  • 25. Requirements for the Networking Stack • Service Registration & Discovery • Automatic Routing & Configuration • We also want: • Authentication • Security • Load Balancing @RAMISAYAR
  • 26. API Gateway Pattern • API Gateway is basically a Dynamically Configured Reverse Proxy Server. • Single Access Point for HTTP API Requests @RAMISAYAR
  • 27. DNS Pattern • Each microservice has it’s own publically addressable URL. • • No single point of failure and easy to setup and scale • Doesn’t follow the DRY principle • Individual handling of common concerns like security, authentication, etc. • Tempting for each microservice to become it’s own project • Forces you to use CORS @RAMISAYAR
  • 28. Implementing API Gateways • API Gateways can be implemented with several different technologies: • Docker and Swarm Mode – Containers and Orchestration • Nginx – Reliable, high performance async web server. • HAProxy - Reliable, high Performance TCP/HTTP load balancer. • Kong - Open-source API Gateway and Microservices manager layer. • Skipper - HTTP router on top of a reverse proxy. • Træfɪk - A modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer made to deploy microservices with ease. • Tyk - Open source API gateway, dev portal and management dashboard. @RAMISAYAR
  • 29. Deployingto the Cloud with Docker @RAMISAYAR
  • 30. Introductionto Containers & Docker • Docker is an open source project to pack, ship and run any app as a lightweight container. • Lightweight alternative to virtual machines • Smaller, less expensive, faster to start up, and self-contained Host Operating System Hypervisor Guest OS Libraries App Guest OS Libraries App Guest OS Libraries App Operating System Container Engine Libraries App Libraries App Libraries App Virtual Machines Containers
  • 31. Docker • Leading open-source containerization platform • Supported natively in Azure Docker containers wrap up a piece of software in a complete filesystem that contains everything it needs to run: code, runtime, system tools, system libraries – anything you can install on a server. This guarantees that it will always run the same, regardless of the environment it is running in
  • 32. Underneath Docker • Docker leverages libcontainer (previously LXC containers), which encompasses Linux features like cgroups and namespaces for strong process isolation and resource control. • Docker leverages a copy-on-write filesystem. • Docker uses a “plain text” configuration language to control the configuration of a container. @RAMISAYAR
  • 34. Docker CLI • Command-line interface for Docker, available for Linux, OS X, and Windows (available separately or as part of Docker Toolbox)
  • 35. Running a Container docker run -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash
  • 36. Common DockerCLI Commands docker run - Use an image to run a container docker pull - Pull an image from a registry docker build - Build a Docker image docker exec - Execute a command in a container docker stop - Stop a running container docker images - List available Docker images docker ps - List running Docker containers
  • 37. Azure Container Service • Provides robust, ready-to-use Docker hosting environment • Uses open-source orchestration tools (DC/OS and Swarm)
  • 38. Container Orchestration • Facilitates deployment and management of containers • Containers by design are intended to be deployed in large volumes with some applications using dozens to even thousands of containers • With this type of scale, automating container deployment and management with orchestration software becomes necessary • Azure Container service supports Kubernetes, DC/OS, and Docker Swarm
  • 39. Container Clusters • Facilitate load balancing, scalability, and high availability • A cluster is composed of master nodes which control the orchestration, and agent nodes that host the containers
  • 42. ReinventingThe Wheel– Building a Simple API Gateway Demo - Building a Simple API Gateway Thanks to @RAMISAYAR
  • 43. Register/ as it’s own “API” The API Gateway will just do an HTTP Proxy anyways. @RAMISAYAR
  • 44. Next Steps? Docker Container Orchestration @RAMISAYAR
  • 45. Kubernetes • Open-source orchestration engine from Google • Provides a robust framework for container orchestration, yet remains lightweight and scalable • Supported by Azure Container Service and tightly integrated with ACS, allowing Kubernetes to modify deployments
  • 46. DC/OS • Datacenter Operating System built on Apache Mesos • Creates logical data centers and abstracts underlying hardware • Provides resources traditionally provided by infrastructure, including networking, DNS, and load balancing • Natively supported by Azure Container Service
  • 47. Docker Swarm • Docker’s own orchestration engine • Current releases of the Docker engine have “Swarm Mode” built in and can many of the same things that other orchestration engines do • Lacks a GUI, but makes up for it with tight integration with Docker • Natively supported by Azure Container Service
  • 48. Some Tips for Running Node.js Microservices • Cache your DNS results: Node does not cache the results of DNS queries (OS issue because OS doesn’t expose TTL) • Reuse HTTP Connections: Node’s global HTTP agent disables HTTP Keep-Alive by default. • Tell Node if it’s running in less than 1.5G of memory: node --max_old_space_size=400 server.js --production @RAMISAYAR
  • 49. In conclusion,what did we learn? • Microservice Archigtecture, Pros and Cons. • Converting a PizzaBotManager into Microservices • Handling Networking with API Gateways & DNS • Learned about Dockers and Containers • Learned about Kubernetes, Swarm and DC/OS. @RAMISAYAR
  • 50. ThankYou! Questions? tw: @ramisayar | gh: @sayar @RAMISAYAR
  • 51. Resources, References, Links • express-microservice-starter • Building Microservices: Using an API Gateway • awesome-microservices • Node.js Microservice Optimisations • Microservices with Weave, Docker and Node.js on Ubuntu @RAMISAYAR
  • 52. Resources, References, Links • Why Enterprises Are Embracing Microservices and Node.js • Breaking Down the Monolith - Peter Marton, RisingStack • express-micro-service • How To Do Microservices with Node.js • An Introduction to Microservices, Part 1 • API Gateway. An Introduction to Microservices, Part 2 • API Gateway for Dockerized Microservices • Nginx as a reverse proxy for dockerized microservices @RAMISAYAR
  • 53. ©2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Office, Azure, System Center, Dynamics and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.