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Docker for the Enterprise
Your Enterprise
Today’s strategic challenges
Business Agility, Increased pace of delivery, Customer satisfaction
• Low MTBIAMSH (Mean Time Between Idea and making Stuff happen)
Today’s strategic challenges
Multiplication of smaller bespoke applications
• WOA, SOA, Micro Services
• Multiplication of front ends
• Products are SaaS newly instantiated for each new customer
Today’s strategic challenges
Ever increasing volumes of data and processing
• Limited data center capacity
• Ops efforts scale at best linearly with increased volume
• Push for cloud deployments: private + public
Obstacles to overcome
• Dev teams adopt iterative methodologies
• The organization as a whole cannot keep up with Dev Team pace
• Symptoms
• Delivery to production still takes weeks
• Upfront IT resource provisioning at the beginning of a project
• Ticket based IT services deemed too slow for Dev teams
• Difficulties in maintaining IT services catalogues with ever changing demands
Obstacles to overcome
Unaligned objectives and incentives between Devs and Ops
• Devs seek implementing new features and hence introduce change
• Ops seek stability, robustness, availability of systems they manage
Obstacles to overcome
Hybrid clouds are complex
• Different operating models between public cloud providers and
private clouds
• No real private cloud infrastructure
• A Virtualized server infrastructure is not a private cloud
Keys to solve these challenges
Break up organizational silos
• Think in terms of products not projects
• Construct multidisciplinary teams around products
• Make Devs and Ops cooperate in these teams
• But also other business stake holders
Keys to solve these challenges
Align Dev and Ops objectives; increase customer satisfaction
• Error Budget = 100% Availability – Service Level Objective
• Use budget for
• Feature changes and functional regressions (Dev)
• Service Reliability Engineering (Ops)
• When the error budget is consumed
• New features must wait until the budget is recharged
• Only bug fixes go into production
Keys to solve these challenges
Construct an agile self-service infrastructure platform
Docker to the rescue
The challenge
Source :
Source :
A Container System for Code
Source :
But we’ve got virtualization already like
Virtualization vs. Containers
Virtualization Containers
Containers are isolated but
share OS and bins/ libraries,
where appropriate
Isolation using Linux Features
• pid,
• mnt,
• net,
• uts,
• Ipc,
• user
• memory
• cpu
• blkio
• devices
Docker appeals for its…
• Deployment Speed / Agility – minimal requirements for running the application,
enabling quick and lightweight deployment
• Portability – Independent self-sufficient application bundles
Run across machines without compatibility issues
• Reuse – Versioning, archiving, sharing, roll backs to previous versions of an
application. Platform configurations as code
• Efficiency - compared to classical virtualization, workloads can be run at higher
densities thanks to avoided OS overhead
Trade off … Speed vs. Isolation
• Shared kernel between containers
• OS-based isolation vs. hardware-based isolation in classical
• Detractors often use this as argument for saying : “Docker is not safe”
Docker is not safe - well, Really ?
Are all your VMs 100% up to date? Really?
• VMs present a larger attack surface than Linux containers
• Contaminated containers can be quickly destroyed and restarted
• Docker tools allow for end to end security policy enforcement – for all
containers (layered build approach, build automation, security
scanning, trusted registries, container scheduling)
Trade off… Ephemeral vs. Stateful workloads
• Docker works best with stateless applications
• Every application must eventually persist its state (Databases)
• Additional efforts and planning is required when setting up a multi-node
production level Docker cluster
Isn’t this a bit like Java EE or OSGI ?
Isn’t this a bit like Java EE or OSGI ?
EARs, WARs, JARs package applications in deployment artifacts
• Middleware centric – you need an application server
• Limited to Java eco system
• Programming language lock-in
• Programming model lock-in (Java EE / OSGI)
• Also applies to more recent packaging formats, such as WebPacks
Ok but I’m already using Heroku…
• PaaS
• Build packs : Java, Node, Ruby,…
• Intuitive UI / UX … nice !
• Source code is held in the repository - no built artifact
• Docker
• Is a shipping format
• Can be used with Docker tool chain to build a more generic PaaS / CaaS
XaaS – Pyramid
as a Service
as a Service
as a Service
Container as
a Service
Too high
Too low
Product Teams
IT Ops Team
Docker Mission
Image Layers
Service Composition
Docker Mission
Docker Trusted Registry
Example CI / CD pipeline
Circle CI
Security Governance
Its like a virus scanner for built containers
• Can be integrated in your CI/CD pipeline
• Scans for threads in defined policy files and CVC databases
• Docker Security Scanning
• CoreOS Clair
• OpenSCAP container compliance
• Redhat Atomic Scan
• …
Docker Mission
Running a CaaS infrastructure
Linux Container Ecosystem
Docker Cluster Orchestration
Services, Routing and Load Balancing
S_1 S_2
Overlay network
Docker Host Docker Host Docker Host
The scalable service pattern
Services, Routing and Load Balancing
The scalable service pattern
• Services scale instances of a container across the cluster
• Comprises a load balancer and an overlay network to connect
• Allows things like rolling updates and rollbacks
• Exists in many schedulers: Kubernetes, Mesos…
• Was introduced in Docker V1.12 Swarm mode
• Not compatible with Docker Compose
• Requires new Distributed Application Bundle – still experimental
Services, Routing and Load Balancing
• Workaround prior to Docker 1.12 compatible with Compose V2
Services, Routing and Load Balancing
Domain based routing
Persistent workloads
Backend Network
Docker Host Docker Host Docker Host
Frontend Network
Local storage
local local local
Persistent workloads
Backend Network
Docker Host Docker Host Docker Host
Frontend Network
Local storage
local local
Persistent workloads
Backend Network
Docker Host Docker Host Docker Host
Frontend Network
Data Sync
Volume plugin, distributed or externalized storage
Persistent workloads
• Usage of volume plugins is encouraged
• Decouples Product Teams from underlying storage solution
• Connect to external block storage (SAN, NAS, Cloud Provider Block
• Network based file systems between Docker Hosts
• GlusterFS, Flocker,, PortWorx, CEPH
PaaS style self service access
• For Product Teams
• Intuitive UI / UX experience
• Role based access (RBAC) integration with Enterprise IAM
• Groups, virtual environments
• Integrates with private repositories, CI/CD
• OpenShift, Rancher, Docker Datacenter…
• Docker = Linux Containers + a Complete toolset
• Large eco system (Kubernetes, MesoSphere, CoreOS, Rancher…)
• Orchestration engine choice depends on your use cases
• Limited risk on vendor lock-in: Docker Containers are de facto
• Instead of growing your own cluster, see what the ecosystem can
• Start small, grow steadily
Docker for the enterprise
Ils nous font confiance

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Docker for the enterprise

  • 1. Docker for the Enterprise @bertpoller ekito
  • 3. Today’s strategic challenges Business Agility, Increased pace of delivery, Customer satisfaction • Low MTBIAMSH (Mean Time Between Idea and making Stuff happen)
  • 4. Today’s strategic challenges Multiplication of smaller bespoke applications • WOA, SOA, Micro Services • Multiplication of front ends • Products are SaaS newly instantiated for each new customer
  • 5. Today’s strategic challenges Ever increasing volumes of data and processing • Limited data center capacity • Ops efforts scale at best linearly with increased volume • Push for cloud deployments: private + public
  • 6. Obstacles to overcome WaterScrumFall • Dev teams adopt iterative methodologies • The organization as a whole cannot keep up with Dev Team pace • Symptoms • Delivery to production still takes weeks • Upfront IT resource provisioning at the beginning of a project • Ticket based IT services deemed too slow for Dev teams • Difficulties in maintaining IT services catalogues with ever changing demands
  • 7. Obstacles to overcome Unaligned objectives and incentives between Devs and Ops • Devs seek implementing new features and hence introduce change • Ops seek stability, robustness, availability of systems they manage
  • 8. Obstacles to overcome Hybrid clouds are complex • Different operating models between public cloud providers and private clouds • No real private cloud infrastructure • A Virtualized server infrastructure is not a private cloud
  • 9. Keys to solve these challenges Break up organizational silos • Think in terms of products not projects • Construct multidisciplinary teams around products • Make Devs and Ops cooperate in these teams • But also other business stake holders
  • 10. Keys to solve these challenges Align Dev and Ops objectives; increase customer satisfaction • Error Budget = 100% Availability – Service Level Objective • Use budget for • Feature changes and functional regressions (Dev) • Service Reliability Engineering (Ops) • When the error budget is consumed • New features must wait until the budget is recharged • Only bug fixes go into production
  • 11. Keys to solve these challenges Construct an agile self-service infrastructure platform
  • 12. Docker to the rescue
  • 13. The challenge Source :
  • 15. A Container System for Code Source :
  • 16. But we’ve got virtualization already like in…VMWare
  • 17. Virtualization vs. Containers Virtualization Containers Containers are isolated but share OS and bins/ libraries, where appropriate
  • 18. Isolation using Linux Features namespaces • pid, • mnt, • net, • uts, • Ipc, • user cgroups • memory • cpu • blkio • devices
  • 19. Docker appeals for its… • Deployment Speed / Agility – minimal requirements for running the application, enabling quick and lightweight deployment • Portability – Independent self-sufficient application bundles Run across machines without compatibility issues • Reuse – Versioning, archiving, sharing, roll backs to previous versions of an application. Platform configurations as code • Efficiency - compared to classical virtualization, workloads can be run at higher densities thanks to avoided OS overhead Source:
  • 20. Trade off … Speed vs. Isolation • Shared kernel between containers • OS-based isolation vs. hardware-based isolation in classical virtualization • Detractors often use this as argument for saying : “Docker is not safe”
  • 21. Docker is not safe - well, Really ? Are all your VMs 100% up to date? Really? • VMs present a larger attack surface than Linux containers • Contaminated containers can be quickly destroyed and restarted • Docker tools allow for end to end security policy enforcement – for all containers (layered build approach, build automation, security scanning, trusted registries, container scheduling)
  • 22. Trade off… Ephemeral vs. Stateful workloads • Docker works best with stateless applications • Every application must eventually persist its state (Databases) • Additional efforts and planning is required when setting up a multi-node production level Docker cluster
  • 23. Isn’t this a bit like Java EE or OSGI ?
  • 24. Isn’t this a bit like Java EE or OSGI ? EARs, WARs, JARs package applications in deployment artifacts • Middleware centric – you need an application server • Limited to Java eco system • Programming language lock-in • Programming model lock-in (Java EE / OSGI) • Also applies to more recent packaging formats, such as WebPacks
  • 25. Ok but I’m already using Heroku… • PaaS • Build packs : Java, Node, Ruby,… • Intuitive UI / UX … nice ! • Source code is held in the repository - no built artifact • Docker • Is a shipping format • Can be used with Docker tool chain to build a more generic PaaS / CaaS
  • 26. XaaS – Pyramid Software as a Service Platform as a Service Infrastructure as a Service Container as a Service Too high Too low Product Teams IT Ops Team
  • 32. Example CI / CD pipeline
  • 34. Security Governance Its like a virus scanner for built containers • Can be integrated in your CI/CD pipeline • Scans for threads in defined policy files and CVC databases • Docker Security Scanning • CoreOS Clair • OpenSCAP container compliance • Redhat Atomic Scan • …
  • 36. Running a CaaS infrastructure
  • 39. Services, Routing and Load Balancing S_1 S_2 LB Overlay network App Scale Docker Host Docker Host Docker Host Service The scalable service pattern
  • 40. Services, Routing and Load Balancing The scalable service pattern • Services scale instances of a container across the cluster • Comprises a load balancer and an overlay network to connect containers • Allows things like rolling updates and rollbacks • Exists in many schedulers: Kubernetes, Mesos… • Was introduced in Docker V1.12 Swarm mode • Not compatible with Docker Compose • Requires new Distributed Application Bundle – still experimental
  • 41. Services, Routing and Load Balancing • Workaround prior to Docker 1.12 compatible with Compose V2
  • 42. Services, Routing and Load Balancing Domain based routing
  • 43. Persistent workloads Backend Network App Docker Host Docker Host Docker Host DB Frontend Network Local storage local local local
  • 44. Persistent workloads Backend Network App Docker Host Docker Host Docker Host DB Frontend Network DB ??? Local storage local local
  • 45. Persistent workloads Backend Network App Docker Host Docker Host Docker Host DB Frontend Network DB Data Sync Volume plugin Volume plugin Volume plugin Volume plugin, distributed or externalized storage
  • 46. Persistent workloads • Usage of volume plugins is encouraged • Decouples Product Teams from underlying storage solution • Connect to external block storage (SAN, NAS, Cloud Provider Block Storage) • Network based file systems between Docker Hosts • GlusterFS, Flocker,, PortWorx, CEPH
  • 47. PaaS style self service access • For Product Teams • Intuitive UI / UX experience • Role based access (RBAC) integration with Enterprise IAM • Groups, virtual environments • Integrates with private repositories, CI/CD • OpenShift, Rancher, Docker Datacenter…
  • 49. Conclusion • Docker = Linux Containers + a Complete toolset • Large eco system (Kubernetes, MesoSphere, CoreOS, Rancher…) • Orchestration engine choice depends on your use cases • Limited risk on vendor lock-in: Docker Containers are de facto standard • Instead of growing your own cluster, see what the ecosystem can provide • Start small, grow steadily
  • 51. Ils nous font confiance