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Dive into Cloud Foundry
Quick Start
Manuel Garcia / / @rmgarciap
Altoros Fact Sheet &

*our vision
Transform the way
applications are being
delivered, making a
dramatic impact.
Solution Pack #1: Application
* Fabric


Cloud Foundry



Clustered SQL/NoSQL Databases as
CF Automation

24/7 Managed Services

Single or multi-site deployments

Legacy application migration

High Availability & Disaster Recovery

Security - Testing & Certification

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Cloudfoundry Introduction
Cloudfoundry IntroductionCloudfoundry Introduction
Cloudfoundry Introduction

Cloudfoundry is an open source Platform as a Service (PaaS) that provides a variety of services for developing, deploying, and scaling applications. It uses a microservices architecture and containers to deploy applications. Developers can push applications to Cloudfoundry which will then store the application bits, track metadata, and direct a Droplet Execution Agent node to stage and run the application. Cloudfoundry also provides a marketplace of services that applications can use like databases through service instances. It implements role-based access control with organizations, spaces, and roles to control access and permissions.

Run your Java apps on Cloud Foundry
Run your Java apps on Cloud FoundryRun your Java apps on Cloud Foundry
Run your Java apps on Cloud Foundry

This document discusses Cloud Foundry, an open platform as a service (PaaS). It begins with introductions of the author Andy Piper and his role as a Cloud Foundry developer advocate. It then discusses why an open cloud platform is important, defining Cloud Foundry and its key characteristics like being open source and deployable on various clouds. It covers Java support on Cloud Foundry including buildpacks and how various Java applications and frameworks are detected and run. It emphasizes the flexibility and portability Cloud Foundry provides for Java applications.

platform as a servicejavaspring
Cloud Foundry Overview
Cloud Foundry OverviewCloud Foundry Overview
Cloud Foundry Overview

Cloud Foundry is an open platform as a service that allows developers to deploy and scale applications in seconds without locking themselves into a single cloud. It provides choice of development frameworks, deployment clouds, and application services. Cloud Foundry is used by developers to focus on writing applications rather than infrastructure management. It allows writing applications once and deploying to private or public clouds without code changes.

cloudfoundrycloud computing

In the past you had to deal with the
full stack

You scale, make
resilient and manage


* Today you deal with the IaaS

You scale, make
resilient and manage



by IaaS

In the future you PaaS everything but your
You manage


Code and add value instead of
dealing with overwhelming
system’s maintenance and
interoperability issues



by you or
a Provider
Big Boss: The application is ready, lets put it
in production now
You: but I need to follow the process.
1 month

Big Boss: blah blah blah …

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Cloud Foundry Compared With Other PaaSes (Cloud Foundry Summit 2014)
Cloud Foundry Compared With Other PaaSes (Cloud Foundry Summit 2014)Cloud Foundry Compared With Other PaaSes (Cloud Foundry Summit 2014)
Cloud Foundry Compared With Other PaaSes (Cloud Foundry Summit 2014)

Business Track presented by Michael Maximilien, Chief Architect PaaS Innovation at IBM & James Bayer, Director of Product Management, Cloud Foundry at Pivotal.

Introducing Cloud Native, Event Driven, Serverless, Micrsoservices Framework ...
Introducing Cloud Native, Event Driven, Serverless, Micrsoservices Framework ...Introducing Cloud Native, Event Driven, Serverless, Micrsoservices Framework ...
Introducing Cloud Native, Event Driven, Serverless, Micrsoservices Framework ...

This document discusses cloud native, event-driven serverless applications using OpenWhisk microservices framework. It begins with an agenda that covers what it means to be cloud native, Twelve Factor Apps methodology for building apps, an overview of microservices, and developing and deploying microservices using OpenWhisk. The document then provides more details on each topic, including characteristics of cloud native apps, principles of Twelve Factor Apps, benefits and challenges of monolithic vs microservice architectures, and how OpenWhisk works to enable event-driven serverless applications.

Cloud Foundry for PHP developers
Cloud Foundry for PHP developersCloud Foundry for PHP developers
Cloud Foundry for PHP developers

At this joint NYC Cloud Foundry and NY PHP meetup, we'll discuss the shift to Platform-as-a-Service and what it means for PHP development on the cloud. First, we'll take a look at the "traditional" cloud Infrastructure-as-a-Service (virtual servers and disks) model and describe how Platform-as-a-Service builds upon it to provide the runtimes and data services for hosting PHP applications. We'll then demonstrate how a PHP developer can use buildpacks and services within a Cloud Foundry PaaS to deploy scalable and resilient apps to his or her cloud of choice. Along the way we'll compare the variety of buildpacks available to PHP developers, show techniques for binding to services, and highlight best practices for creating born-on-the-cloud apps based on a microservices architecture. Special thanks to Dan Mikusa for helping with the buildpack comparison. PHP developers: Please give all three build packs a try. Provide your feedback and submit pull requests on GitHub.

To Do:

We need the experts

• Define requirements
(CPU, RAM, Storage,
networking, etc)
• Provision new servers
• Setup Load Balancing
• Apply security policies

Bring me the SWAT team who
can deal with this. FAST!

Sorry man, they are busy
Your team will have to do it

Thanks Lord my boss gave
The guy who knows this left the team

me a
cloud (AWS account!)
Cloud Foundry: Hands-on Deployment Workshop
* Why PaaS?
You don’t care about:

Multiple environments chaos (dev, test, prod)
Managing instances
Deal with IaaS APIs/clients
Become a cook with Chef/Puppet/..
IaaS lock-in
* What PaaS is not?

Middleware over IaaS
Application hosting
Application orchestration deployment tool
Preinstalled packages/services for me to

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WebSphere Application Server - Meeting Your Cloud and On-Premise Demands
WebSphere Application Server - Meeting Your Cloud and On-Premise DemandsWebSphere Application Server - Meeting Your Cloud and On-Premise Demands
WebSphere Application Server - Meeting Your Cloud and On-Premise Demands

WebSphere Application Server provides a composable Java EE runtime called Liberty that supports Java EE 7 and allows applications to be flexibly deployed on-premises or to the cloud. Liberty includes over 50 individual features that can be mixed and matched as needed. IBM is committed to continued Java EE 7 leadership for both Liberty and traditional WebSphere Application Server distributions.

Cloud Foundry Introduction and Overview
Cloud Foundry Introduction and OverviewCloud Foundry Introduction and Overview
Cloud Foundry Introduction and Overview

The document discusses Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Cloud Foundry, an open source PaaS. Cloud Foundry allows developers to deploy and scale applications in seconds across clouds without vendor lock-in. It provides choice of development frameworks, deployment targets, and application services. Cloud Foundry has seen broad adoption due to its support for developer agility and portability across private and public clouds. It has also gained popularity through its open governance model and large, production-grade deployments.

cloudfoundryplatform as a servicebosh
Cloud Foundry | How it works
Cloud Foundry | How it worksCloud Foundry | How it works
Cloud Foundry | How it works

- The Cloud Controller is responsible for providing the API interface and controlling application lifecycles. It receives application deployment requests from cf commands and works with the DEA to start and stop applications. It also controls creation of services. - The Router receives "router.register" messages from components and directs traffic based on URL to the appropriate component instance(s). It acts as a load balancer. - The DEA (Droplet Execution Agent) is where applications are run. It hosts application droplets/containers and monitors their health. The Health Manager monitors the health of DEAs.

cloud foundrypaascloud computing
* What do I care about as a
My code runs

Not just


Not just


Databases / Cache / Message Queues …


Manual (Auto?) - scaling


* PaaS vs IaaS



App goes live

Hours, days, or weeks


App Scalability / High Availability

Architects link each app to IaaS APIs

Centralized service by PaaS, for any app

Time to be productive

Server setup, dev-ops requests

Manage app by API?

None. Build your own?

Restfull API




Portability between Clouds

None. Build your own?

Use a simple CLI: $ cf push

Yes (move entire app portfolios between IaaS

Will my app run on Cloud Foundry just as
it is?

• Avoid Writing to the Local File System
– It is short-lived
– Instances of the same app do not share a local file system

• HTTP Sessions Not Persisted or Replicated
• HTTP and HTTPS Port Limitations
• Runtimes and Frameworks?
* Buildpacks

Based on Heroku buildpacks
Fork and customize
Develope your own
Search ‘buildpack’: We've
found 811 repository results

Open Source

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V mware white paper  virtualizing business-critical applications with confidenceV mware white paper  virtualizing business-critical applications with confidence
V mware white paper virtualizing business-critical applications with confidence

VMware HA and FT provide increased availability for virtual machines, but do not protect applications from failures within the virtual machine. Symantec ApplicationHA monitors applications within virtual machines and integrates with VMware HA to restart virtual machines if application failures occur. It enhances availability of tier 1 applications, improves manageability through a single interface, and reduces complexity versus traditional clustering solutions.

DevOps Toolbox: Infrastructure as code
DevOps Toolbox: Infrastructure as codeDevOps Toolbox: Infrastructure as code
DevOps Toolbox: Infrastructure as code

This document is a summary of a webinar about infrastructure as code. It introduces the speaker, Srirajan, and discusses how automation tools like Chef, Puppet, Ansible and others can be used to define infrastructure in code. Key benefits of infrastructure as code include automation, repeatability, and disaster recovery. The webinar also discusses testing infrastructure code and version controlling code changes.

Simplify Cloud Applications using Spring Cloud
Simplify Cloud Applications using Spring CloudSimplify Cloud Applications using Spring Cloud
Simplify Cloud Applications using Spring Cloud

This document discusses how to simplify cloud applications using Spring Cloud. It describes Spring Cloud's goals of abstracting over cloud services and environments. It covers using Java and XML configuration, scanning for services, and acquiring services. It also discusses Spring Cloud's extensibility for cloud platforms, services, and frameworks. The document includes demos of using Spring Cloud on Cloud Foundry, Heroku, and with Hadoop. It describes the integration with Spring Boot.

springcloud computingheroku
* Deploy and scale apps
• Deploy apps
– $ cf push
– $ cf push --buildpack

• Scale app up & down
– $ cf scale APP_NAME
* Something wrong deploying the app?

$ cf app [app name]
$ cf logs [app name]
$ cf crashlogs [app name]
$ cf env [app name]
$ cf events [app name]
$ cf health [app name]
* Push a RoR app
From Ruby on Rails Tutorial sample application:

My local Cloud Foundry API:

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An introduction to Cloud Foundry
An introduction to Cloud FoundryAn introduction to Cloud Foundry
An introduction to Cloud Foundry

During this presentation, we will be going over the basics of CloudFoundry, the open-source PaaS solution, one of the biggest open-source projects in existence at the moment, and Pivotal's CloudFoundry offering more specifically. Watch the livestream at

ordina cloud foundry cloudfoundry pivotal paas
Cloud Foundry Roadmap Update - OSCON - May 2017
Cloud Foundry Roadmap Update - OSCON - May 2017Cloud Foundry Roadmap Update - OSCON - May 2017
Cloud Foundry Roadmap Update - OSCON - May 2017

This document provides updates on various Cloud Foundry projects and roadmaps. It discusses improvements and activities for projects including Diego, Garden, Loggregator, Routing, Container Networking, BOSH, and various services. The focus is on areas like security, scaling, performance, developer experience, and enabling new runtimes.

cloudcloud foundrycloud computing
Building Microservices with the 12 Factor App Pattern on AWS
Building Microservices with the 12 Factor App Pattern on AWSBuilding Microservices with the 12 Factor App Pattern on AWS
Building Microservices with the 12 Factor App Pattern on AWS

by Chris Hein, Partner Solutions Architect, AWS Microservices architectures make applications easier to scale and faster to develop, enabling innovation and accelerating time-to-market for new features. But building containerized microservices across multiple teams means you need well-defined, guiding methodologies for software design and implementation. In this talk we’ll discuss architectural best practices for building containerized microservices on AWS, and how traditional software design patterns evolve in the context of containers. We will deep-dive into Martin Fowler’s principles of microservices and map them to the twelve-factor app pattern and real-life considerations. If you are building or in the process of building microservices on AWS, don’t miss this session.

awsamazon web servicescloud
* Key architectural characteristics

* Key architectural characteristics
* Key architectural characteristics

Open Source
* Key architectural characteristics
• From few servers to thousands

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Comparison of Several PaaS Cloud Computing Platforms
Comparison of Several PaaS Cloud Computing PlatformsComparison of Several PaaS Cloud Computing Platforms
Comparison of Several PaaS Cloud Computing Platforms

Today, the question is less about whether or not to use Platform as a Services (PaaS), but rather which providers to use. PaaS is a computing platform that abstracts the infrastructure, OS, and middleware to drive developer productivity. PaaS offerings are "polyglot" and "polyhost". Selection of Platform as a Service provider is an important process because an ideal vendor will be able to continue to partner with company as company grows. There are many components to be consider while selecting PaaS vendor like Scalability, Availability, Manageability, Performance, Security, Accessibility, Billing At a high-level a PaaS helps organizations, specifically by providing a fast and scalable way to host applications in the cloud.

engine yardcomparison of platform as a serviceredhat openshift
Cloud Foundry Summit 2015: 12 Factor Apps For Operations
Cloud Foundry Summit 2015: 12 Factor Apps For OperationsCloud Foundry Summit 2015: 12 Factor Apps For Operations
Cloud Foundry Summit 2015: 12 Factor Apps For Operations

Speakers: Rags Srini­vas, EMC; Matt Cowger, EMC To learn more about Pivotal Cloud Foundry, visit http:///

cloud foundry summitcfsummit
Workshop paas - ECDay 23 Maggio 2012
Workshop paas - ECDay 23 Maggio 2012Workshop paas - ECDay 23 Maggio 2012
Workshop paas - ECDay 23 Maggio 2012

“Le piattaforme di Cloud Computing (PaaS, Platform as a Service)” Indirizzato a: Architetti SW e CTO di ISV, Project Manager di System Integrator, CIO e IT Manager di imprese user. Gli interventi avranno una forte connotazione tecnica e consentiranno ai partecipanti di cogliere gli aspetti che caratterizzano tre tra le piattaforme più evolute disponibili oggi sul mercato, ciascuna con peculiarità adatte a progetti di natura diversa. Agenda -Introduzione alle PaaS Fabio Cecaro, Cloud Architect e VP EuroCloud Italia -Amazon Web Services Carlos Conde, Amazon Web Services -Microsoft Windows Azure Fabio Santini, Microsoft Corp. -Google App Engine Tom Grey, Google Corp. -Debriefing Interazione con i partecipanti, moderatore Fabio Cecaro -Q&A

ecdaycuoafabio cecaro
* Key architectural characteristics
Very few Single Points of Failure which are been improved
(Message Bus -NAT S server-, Collector)
* Key architectural characteristics
Loosely Coupled Components with specific responsibilities and
technology agnostic intercommunication through a message
Ruby? Rewrite in GO lang? No problem
* Core components
* How do I deploy Cloudfoundry?
Altoros Vagrant Installer, developer oriented deployment
Nise Bosh, a lightweight BOSH emulator
Bosh Lite, a lite development environment for BOSH. Wardenized VMs

BOSH, tool chain for release engineering

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Cloud – l’ecosistema platformCloud – l’ecosistema platform
Cloud – l’ecosistema platform
battaglia delle ideecastel dellovonapoli
a Running Tour of Cloud Foundry
a Running Tour of Cloud Foundrya Running Tour of Cloud Foundry
a Running Tour of Cloud Foundry

This was a quick (15 minutes!) tour of Cloud Foundry that I gave at JFokus 2012 introducing Cloud Foundry as the answer to the question, "I've got a working web application and Spring made it easy, but where do I host it?"

Trasformazione digitale fabio-cecaro
Trasformazione digitale fabio-cecaroTrasformazione digitale fabio-cecaro
Trasformazione digitale fabio-cecaro

Anno Accademico 2015 2015-2016 corso di Economia e Organizzazione Aziendale Ingegneria Informatica (Laurea Mag.) 2o Anno (Secondo S.) LEZIONE INTRODUTTIVA – VERSO L’ECONOMIA DIGITALE – I TEMI DELLA TRASFORMAZIONE 07 Marzo 2016 – dalle ore 8.30 alle 10.30 AULA C2A – DIETI Presentazione: La prima lezione del corso di Economia e Organizzazione Aziendale per Ingegneria Informatica (Laurea Mag.) 2o Anno (Secondo S.) introduce i temi della trasformazione in atto per effetto dei cambiamenti delle tecnologie della comunicazione e dell’informazione (ICT) e presenta possibili scenari dell’economia digitale. La lezione è in forma di evento aperto ed ospita ma gli interventi di soggetti che operano nel mercato sul fronte della trasformazione. PROGRAMMA 08,30 08,40 09,00 09,20 09,40 10,00 10,20 Carlo Sansone Coordinatore del CdL in Ingegneria Informatica L’Università e la trasformazione digitale Luigi Bianco – responsabile FEDERMANAGER per l’AGENDA DIGITALE Le sfide del Management per la trasformazione digitale Marco Lombardo – INDUSTRIA ITALIANA DEL SOFTWARE LIBERO – “Didotech” Gli Agenti del mercato dopo la TRASFORMAZIONE DIGITALE Fabio Cecaro, Presidente EUROCLOUD Italy Il CLOUD per le Piccole e Medie Imprese Francesco Castagna – Amministratore Delegato di SMS Engineering Domanda e offerta di servizi per la trasformazione digitale – agenda digitale aziendale Bruno Esposito – FORUM della RESPONSABILITÀ SOCIALE IN CAMPANIA La responsabilità digitale per un’economia sostenibile Valerio Teta docente incaricato del corso

anno accademico 2015 2015-2016lezione introduttivaingegneria informatica (laurea mag.) 2o anno
* What is Bosh? Why BOSH?
Tool chain for release engineering, deployment and lifecycle

Designed for large scale, distributed services
Two floors up from Chef/Puppet. Multi-cloud, IaaS Provider independent
Already Supports AWS, OpenStack & VMware vSphere (Cloudstack)
Deploys & Manages Clusters of Cloud Foundry, Databases
Updates & Operates Deployments
* What is BOSH? Main components

Director, public API for the bosh CLI and coordinator of bosh behavior
Blobstore, to store and retrieve precompiled packages
Agents, run on each server within deployments
The Health Manager, to track the state of deployed systems (the
infrastructure and running jobs)
• Internal DNS, called PowerDNS, for internal unique naming of servers
within bosh deployments
• Registry, for example AWS Registry, for tracking the infrastructure that
has been provisioned (servers, persistent disks)
* BOSH deployments HOW-TOs

Deploy to AWS
Deploy to OpenStack
Deploy to vSphere
Deploy to vCloud Director
Deploying Community Services
* Cloud Foundry: W.T.H.I.G.O?
BOSH: status at a deployment level (CF, services
and custom releases)
Metrics / Monitoring
Logs management

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Platform as a Service - Cloud Foundry and IBM Bluemix
Platform as a Service - Cloud Foundry and IBM BluemixPlatform as a Service - Cloud Foundry and IBM Bluemix
Platform as a Service - Cloud Foundry and IBM Bluemix

This document provides an overview of Platform as a Service (PaaS) using Cloud Foundry and IBM Bluemix. It discusses what PaaS is, demos Cloud Foundry and Bluemix, covers the Cloud Foundry architecture including buildpacks and services, and demos DevOps with PaaS.

paas cloudfoundry bluemix
The Cloud Foundry Story
The Cloud Foundry StoryThe Cloud Foundry Story
The Cloud Foundry Story

Cloud Foundry open Platform as a Service makes it easy to operate, scale and deploy application for your dedicated cloud environments. It enables developers and operators to be significantly more agile, writing great applications and deliver them in days instead of months. Cloud Foundry takes care of all the infrastructure and network plumbing that you need to build, run and operate your applications and can do this while patching and updating systems and services without any downtime.

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Distributed Design and Architecture of Cloud Foundry
Distributed Design and Architecture of Cloud FoundryDistributed Design and Architecture of Cloud Foundry
Distributed Design and Architecture of Cloud Foundry

In this session we will dig deep into Cloud Foundry's core architecture and design principles. We will discuss the challenges around scaling and operating a large scale service as we combined the PaaS and traditional IaaS layers, and how we achieve multiple updates per week to the system with no perceived downtime. Allowing user to download a single virtual machine that is a complete replica of the service presented some challenges as well, and we will discuss our approach to offering up the downloadable private cloud.

distributed computingpaascloud
BOSH: Status at a deployment
* level
• $ bosh vms --vitals –dns
* Metrics / Monitoring
Cloud Foundry Metric Collector

Send metrics wherever you want.
Pluginable architecture
Out of the box:
• OpenTSDB
• AWS CloudWatch
• DataDog

Cloud Foundry: Hands-on Deployment Workshop

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Cloud foundry architecture and deep dive
Cloud foundry architecture and deep diveCloud foundry architecture and deep dive
Cloud foundry architecture and deep dive

This document provides an overview of the key components of Cloud Foundry, including: - The Cloud Controller which manages application deployments, services, user roles, and more. - Buildpacks which stage and compile applications to create droplets run by DEAs on VMs. - DEAs which manage application container lifecycles using Warden containers for isolation. - Routers which route traffic to applications and maintain dynamic routing tables. - Services which provide interfaces to both native and 3rd party services running on Service Nodes. - UAA which handles user authentication, authorization, and manages OAuth access credentials. It also describes how organizations and spaces segment the platform and how domains

Cloud foundry presentation
Cloud foundry presentation Cloud foundry presentation
Cloud foundry presentation

Cloudfoundry is the open platform as a service providing a faster and easier way to build, test, deploy and scale applications.Deploy & Scale in seconds on your choice of clouds.

cloudfoundrycloud computingplatform as a service
Pivotal Cloud Foundry: A Technical Overview
Pivotal Cloud Foundry: A Technical OverviewPivotal Cloud Foundry: A Technical Overview
Pivotal Cloud Foundry: A Technical Overview

"Do your teams release software to production weekly, daily or every hour ? Do you practice software development with tools, process and culture that can respond to the speed of market and customer changes? Agility allows you to experiment with new business models, learn from your mistakes and identify patterns that work. Deliver faster, look for feedback, gain knowledge. In every market, speed wins. Cloud Native describes the patterns of high performing organizations delivering software faster, consistently and reliably at scale. Continuous delivery, DevOps, and microservices label the why, how and what of the cloud natives, the true digital enterprises." Speaker: Vijay Rajagopal, Advisory Platform Architect, Pivotal

istanbul digital transformation forum 2016
* Workshop - Prerequisites
• Vagrant
• Vagrant plugins
• $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
• $vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
* Workshop - Prerequisites
• Vagrant
• Vagrant plugins
• $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
• $vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
• Add prebuilt Vagrant box
• $ vagrant box add altoros-cf-installer
* Workshop – VM setup

$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
$ cd /vagrant
$ ./
$ ./
* Workshop – Cloud Foundry

Directory structure
Running processes
Start / Stop / Status

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Cloud Google App Engine Paas
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Introduction to Platform-as-a-Service and Cloud Foundry
Introduction to Platform-as-a-Service and Cloud FoundryIntroduction to Platform-as-a-Service and Cloud Foundry
Introduction to Platform-as-a-Service and Cloud Foundry

From the Austin Cloud Foundry PaaS Meetup here is my presentation that introduces Platform-as-a-Service and Cloud Foundry.

platform-as-a-servicepaascloud foundry
Cloud Foundry Technical Overview
Cloud Foundry Technical OverviewCloud Foundry Technical Overview
Cloud Foundry Technical Overview

This presentation covers both the Cloud Foundry Elastic Runtime (known by many as just "Cloud Foundry") as well as the Operations Manager (known by many as BOSH). For each, the main components are covered with interactions between them.

boshcloud foundryarchitecture
* Workshop – As a developer
• Log in
• $ cf target
• $ cf login
• Email> admin
• Password> password
* Workshop – Orgs, spaces & users
• $ cf create-org myorg
• $ cf create-space myspace
• $ cf switch-space myspace
* Workshop – Push an App
• $ cd test/fixtures/apps/sinatra
• Review manifest.yml
• $ cf push
• (wait….. I asume a slow connection)
* Workshop – App details
• $ cf app
• $ cf env
• $ cf health

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Run Your Java Code on Cloud Foundry - Andy Piper (Pivotal)
Run Your Java Code on Cloud Foundry - Andy Piper (Pivotal)Run Your Java Code on Cloud Foundry - Andy Piper (Pivotal)
Run Your Java Code on Cloud Foundry - Andy Piper (Pivotal)

Presented at JAX London 2013 Public, private, and hybrid; software, platform, and infrastructure. This talk will discuss the current state of the Platform-as-a-Service space, and why the keys to success lie in enabling developer productivity, and providing openness and choice. We'll do this by considering the success of Open Source in general, look at the Cloud Foundry project, and find out why Cloud Foundry-based PaaSes are the best places to host your applications written in Java and other JVM-based languages.

DevOps and BigData Analytics
DevOps and BigData Analytics DevOps and BigData Analytics
DevOps and BigData Analytics

How to build "AutoScale and AutoHeal" systems using DevOps practices by using modern technologies. A complete build pipeline and the process of architecting a nearly unbreakable system were part of the presentation. These slides were presented at 2018 DevOps conference in Singapore.

big datadockerkubernetes
PHP Buildpacks in the Cloud on Bluemix
PHP Buildpacks in the Cloud on BluemixPHP Buildpacks in the Cloud on Bluemix
PHP Buildpacks in the Cloud on Bluemix

This document summarizes a presentation about deploying PHP applications to Cloud Foundry. The presentation covers Cloud Foundry concepts like buildpacks, services, and scaling applications. It includes demos of pushing a simple PHP app and binding it to a MySQL database service, as well as scaling the app and performing zero downtime deployments. The presentation is aimed at PHP developers and helping them understand how to design their applications to take advantage of Cloud Foundry and the cloud.

by IBM
Workshop – Errors / Logs /
* Files

$ cf logs
$ cf crashlogs
$ cf env
$ cf events
$ cf health
* Workshop – Scaling
• $ cf scale
• Memory
• Instances
• Up
• Down
* Workshop – CF Internals

Cloud Controller
Router (gorouter)
Health Manager
* Workshop – CF Internals
• Everything goes through NATS
• $ nats-sub ‘>’
• $ nats-sub ‘router.register’

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.NET Cloud-Native Bootcamp
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Slides from the .NET Cloud-Native Bootcamp, hosted by Pivotal, Microsoft, and Magenic in New York and New Jersey on April 9th & 11th, 2019.

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A presentation about container technology for the enterprise held at Ekito's geek breakfast the 4th of November 2016.

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Muchas Gracias!
(650) 395-7002

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Cloud Foundry: Hands-on Deployment Workshop

  • 1. Dive into Cloud Foundry Internals Quick Start Manuel Garcia / / @rmgarciap
  • 2. Altoros Fact Sheet & Overview
  • 3. * *our vision Transform the way applications are being delivered, making a dramatic impact.
  • 4. Solution Pack #1: Application * Fabric B IL F R UT O Expertise Cloud Foundry Consulting Customers NoSQL & Hadoop Integration Multi-Cloud Clustered SQL/NoSQL Databases as CF Automation Services 24/7 Managed Services Single or multi-site deployments Legacy application migration High Availability & Disaster Recovery Security - Testing & Certification
  • 5. * In the past you had to deal with the full stack Apps Data/Services Runtime You scale, make resilient and manage Middleware OS Virtualization Servers Storage Networking
  • 6. * Today you deal with the IaaS Apps You scale, make resilient and manage Data/Services Runtime Middleware OS Virtualization Servers Storage Networking Managed by IaaS Provider
  • 7. * In the future you PaaS everything but your app You manage Apps Data/Services Runtime Code and add value instead of dealing with overwhelming system’s maintenance and interoperability issues Middleware OS Virtualization Servers Storage Networking Scale, resilient and managed by you or a Provider
  • 8. Big Boss: The application is ready, lets put it in production now You: but I need to follow the process. 1 month Big Boss: blah blah blah … MAKE IT HAPPEN !!!
  • 9. To Do: We need the experts • Define requirements (CPU, RAM, Storage, networking, etc) • Provision new servers • Setup Load Balancing • Apply security policies Bring me the SWAT team who can deal with this. FAST! Sorry man, they are busy Your team will have to do it Thanks Lord my boss gave The guy who knows this left the team me a cloud (AWS account!)
  • 11. * Why PaaS? You don’t care about: • • • • • Multiple environments chaos (dev, test, prod) Managing instances Deal with IaaS APIs/clients Become a cook with Chef/Puppet/.. IaaS lock-in
  • 12. * What PaaS is not? • • • • Middleware over IaaS Application hosting Application orchestration deployment tool Preinstalled packages/services for me to manage
  • 13. * What do I care about as a developer? My code runs Not just run-time Monitori ng Not just code CI Databases / Cache / Message Queues … CD Manual (Auto?) - scaling Automated Test Load-balancing
  • 14. * PaaS vs IaaS Features PaaS IaaS App goes live Hours, days, or weeks Minutes App Scalability / High Availability Architects link each app to IaaS APIs Centralized service by PaaS, for any app Time to be productive Server setup, dev-ops requests Manage app by API? None. Build your own? Restfull API Self-healing No Yes Portability between Clouds None. Build your own? Use a simple CLI: $ cf push Yes (move entire app portfolios between IaaS
  • 15. * Will my app run on Cloud Foundry just as it is? • Avoid Writing to the Local File System – It is short-lived – Instances of the same app do not share a local file system • HTTP Sessions Not Persisted or Replicated • HTTP and HTTPS Port Limitations • Runtimes and Frameworks?
  • 16. * Buildpacks • • • • Based on Heroku buildpacks Fork and customize Develope your own Search ‘buildpack’: We've found 811 repository results Open Source
  • 17. * Deploy and scale apps • Deploy apps – $ cf push – $ cf push --buildpack • Scale app up & down – $ cf scale APP_NAME
  • 18. * Something wrong deploying the app? • • • • • • $ cf app [app name] $ cf logs [app name] $ cf crashlogs [app name] $ cf env [app name] $ cf events [app name] $ cf health [app name]
  • 19. * Push a RoR app From Ruby on Rails Tutorial sample application: My local Cloud Foundry API:
  • 20. *
  • 21. * Key architectural characteristics • • • • Portable Scalable Reliable Extensible
  • 22. * Key architectural characteristics Portable
  • 23. * Key architectural characteristics Portable Open Source
  • 24. * Key architectural characteristics Scalable • From few servers to thousands
  • 25. * Key architectural characteristics Reliable Very few Single Points of Failure which are been improved (Message Bus -NAT S server-, Collector)
  • 26. * Key architectural characteristics Extensible Loosely Coupled Components with specific responsibilities and technology agnostic intercommunication through a message bus. Ruby? Rewrite in GO lang? No problem
  • 28. * How do I deploy Cloudfoundry? Altoros Vagrant Installer, developer oriented deployment Nise Bosh, a lightweight BOSH emulator Bosh Lite, a lite development environment for BOSH. Wardenized VMs BOSH, tool chain for release engineering
  • 29. * What is Bosh? Why BOSH? Tool chain for release engineering, deployment and lifecycle management Designed for large scale, distributed services Two floors up from Chef/Puppet. Multi-cloud, IaaS Provider independent Already Supports AWS, OpenStack & VMware vSphere (Cloudstack) Deploys & Manages Clusters of Cloud Foundry, Databases Updates & Operates Deployments
  • 30. * What is BOSH? Main components • • • • Director, public API for the bosh CLI and coordinator of bosh behavior Blobstore, to store and retrieve precompiled packages Agents, run on each server within deployments The Health Manager, to track the state of deployed systems (the infrastructure and running jobs) • Internal DNS, called PowerDNS, for internal unique naming of servers within bosh deployments • Registry, for example AWS Registry, for tracking the infrastructure that has been provisioned (servers, persistent disks)
  • 31. * BOSH deployments HOW-TOs • • • • • Deploy to AWS Deploy to OpenStack Deploy to vSphere Deploy to vCloud Director Deploying Community Services
  • 32. * Cloud Foundry: W.T.H.I.G.O? BOSH: status at a deployment level (CF, services and custom releases) Metrics / Monitoring Logs management
  • 33. BOSH: Status at a deployment * level BOSH • $ bosh vms --vitals –dns
  • 34. * Metrics / Monitoring Cloud Foundry Metric Collector Send metrics wherever you want. Pluginable architecture Out of the box: • OpenTSDB • AWS CloudWatch • DataDog ?% Average Utilization
  • 35. *
  • 37. * Workshop - Prerequisites • Vagrant • Vagrant plugins • $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf • $vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
  • 38. * Workshop - Prerequisites • Vagrant • Vagrant plugins • $ vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf • $vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus • Add prebuilt Vagrant box • $ vagrant box add altoros-cf-installer
  • 39. * Workshop – VM setup • • • • • $ vagrant up $ vagrant ssh $ cd /vagrant $ ./ $ ./
  • 40. * Workshop – Cloud Foundry • • • • Directory structure Running processes logs Start / Stop / Status
  • 41. * Workshop – As a developer • Log in • $ cf target • $ cf login • Email> admin • Password> password
  • 42. * Workshop – Orgs, spaces & users • $ cf create-org myorg • $ cf create-space myspace • $ cf switch-space myspace
  • 43. * Workshop – Push an App • $ cd test/fixtures/apps/sinatra • Review manifest.yml • $ cf push • (wait….. I asume a slow connection)
  • 44. * Workshop – App details • $ cf app • $ cf env • $ cf health
  • 45. Workshop – Errors / Logs / * Files • • • • • $ cf logs $ cf crashlogs $ cf env $ cf events $ cf health
  • 46. * Workshop – Scaling • $ cf scale • Memory • Instances • Up • Down
  • 47. * Workshop – CF Internals • • • • • • UAA Cloud Controller Router (gorouter) DEA Health Manager Warden
  • 48. * Workshop – CF Internals • Everything goes through NATS • $ nats-sub ‘>’ • $ nats-sub ‘router.register’