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Java EE Microservices
Evolving the monoliths
Red Hat Developer Advocate
/ ˈmɒn(ə)lɪθ/
noun: monolith; plural noun: monoliths
Java EE microservices architecture - evolving the monolith

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Cf summit2014 roadmap
Cf summit2014 roadmapCf summit2014 roadmap
Cf summit2014 roadmap

The document outlines the roadmap and vision for Cloud Foundry, including: - The mission is to create an open source PaaS with a thriving ecosystem that allows for continuous delivery and an agile experience. - The vision includes features like instant routing, log aggregation, metrics/telemetry, access controls, high availability, and extensibility. - Key areas of focus are applications, services, and the platform (BOSH). This includes features for application policy, routing, runtime, logs/metrics, and identity/security. - The roadmap is agile but focuses on areas like the Diego project, Docker support, .NET runtime, loggregator improvements, and service

Microsoft SQL Server internals & architecture
Microsoft SQL Server internals & architectureMicrosoft SQL Server internals & architecture
Microsoft SQL Server internals & architecture

From noted SQL Server expert and author Kevin Kline - Let’s face it. You can effectively do many IT jobs related to Microsoft SQL Server without knowing the internals of how SQL Server works. Many great developers, DBAs, and designers get their day-to-day work completed on time and with reasonable quality while never really knowing what’s happening behind the scenes. But if you want to take your skills to the next level, it’s critical to know SQL Server’s internal processes and architecture. This session will answer questions like: - What are the various areas of memory inside of SQL Server? - How are queries handled behind the scenes? - What does SQL Server do with procedural code, like functions, procedures, and triggers? - What happens during checkpoints? Lazywrites? - How are IOs handled with regards to transaction logs and database? - What happens when transaction logs and databases grow or shrinks? This fast paced session will take you through many aspects of the internal operations of SQL Server and, for those topics we don’t cover, will point you to resources where you can get more information.

sql serverdatadatabase
Scalable Web Architectures: Common Patterns and Approaches - Web 2.0 Expo NYC
Scalable Web Architectures: Common Patterns and Approaches - Web 2.0 Expo NYCScalable Web Architectures: Common Patterns and Approaches - Web 2.0 Expo NYC
Scalable Web Architectures: Common Patterns and Approaches - Web 2.0 Expo NYC

The document discusses common patterns and approaches for scaling web architectures. It covers topics like load balancing, caching, database scaling through replication and sharding, high availability, and storing large files across multiple servers and data centers. The overall goal is to discuss how to architect systems that can scale horizontally to handle increasing traffic and data sizes.

The Curse Of The Monolith
We know how to operate them
• We know how to develop
• We know how to deploy
• We know how to scale
but there is a price to pay
• Large code-bases
• Hard to understand and modify
• Complex configuration
service oriented
Java EE microservices architecture - evolving the monolith
The Curse Of SOA
Increased everything
• Interoperability
• Federation
• Business and technology alignment
but there is a price to pay
• Centralized infrastructures
• Restricted communication protocols
• Vendor driven movement

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Scaling with swagger
Scaling with swaggerScaling with swagger
Scaling with swagger

This document discusses scaling applications and services. It recommends taking a vertical approach by breaking monolithic applications into microservices that communicate through APIs. The Swagger framework is presented as a way to document and test APIs. Swagger can generate client libraries and helps services scale by enabling asynchronous communication through websockets. Taking this vertical, microservices approach with Swagger improves scalability by allowing dedicated teams to own individual services and improves performance through asynchronous communication protocols.

DV03 Smooth Migration to Windows Azure
DV03 Smooth Migration to Windows AzureDV03 Smooth Migration to Windows Azure
DV03 Smooth Migration to Windows Azure

Migrating applications to Windows Azure has the potential to lower costs, reduce management overhead and dramatically improve scalability. This session gave some insight into choosing which applications are suitable for migration, how to map existing technologies to cloud equivalents, and how to overcome common migration challenges based on lesson learned from a successful SaaS migration to Windows Azure Platform.

Oracle WebLogic 12c New Multitenancy features
Oracle WebLogic 12c New Multitenancy featuresOracle WebLogic 12c New Multitenancy features
Oracle WebLogic 12c New Multitenancy features

WebLogic 12.2 introduces new multitenancy features including: - Improved high density deployment features through microcontainers and partitions that allow for increased isolation between tenant applications and resources. - Enhanced multitenancy capabilities including live partition migration to move running partitions between clusters with zero downtime. - Continuous availability features such as automated data center setup and failover, cross-domain transaction recovery, and multitenant live partition migration.

oracle weblogic servermicrocontainer
micro services
Java EE microservices architecture - evolving the monolith
What Are Microservices?
SOA for DevOps
• Single, self-contained, autonomous
• Easy(er) to understand individually
• Scalability
• Testing independently
• Individually deployed, has own lifecycle
• Single service going down should not impact
other services
• Right technology stack for the problem
(language, databases, etc)
• Fail fast
• Faster innovation, iteration
We want flexible systems
and organizations that
can adapt to their
complex environments,
make changes without
rigid dependencies and
coordination, can learn,
experiment, and exhibit
emergent behavior.
Why now?
Why me?

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SharePoint 24x7x365 Architecting for High Availability, Fault Tolerance and D...
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Building SharePoint farms for development and testing is easy. But building highly available farms to meet enterprise service level agreements that are fault tolerant, scalable and fully recoverable? Not so simple. Learn how to plan, design and implement a highly available on-premises farm architecture for 2016 and 2019 using proven, field-tested techniques and practical guidance.

What's New for the Windows Azure Developer? Lots!!
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What's New for the Windows Azure Developer? Lots!!

Overview of new Windows Azure features since June 7, 2012. This covers Windows Azure Web Sites, Windows Azure Virtual Machines, and

windows azure
Building better SQL Server Databases
Building better SQL Server DatabasesBuilding better SQL Server Databases
Building better SQL Server Databases

This document provides an overview of a presentation on building better SQL Server databases. The presentation covers how SQL Server stores and retrieves data by looking under the hood at tables, data pages, and the process of requesting data. It then discusses best practices for database design such as using the right data types, avoiding page splits, and tips for writing efficient T-SQL code. The presentation aims to teach attendees how to design databases for optimal performance and scalability.

Java EE microservices architecture - evolving the monolith
Enterprise Goals and Objectives
Resistant to Change and Economically Efficient
Developers Left Alone
Technology-Centric Versus Business-Centric
Single Vendor Platform decisions increasingly unattractive
OpenSource moves quickly into this direction
Platform as a Service offerings mature
Increasing need for business value from software
Quicker turnaround cycles for changes required
We need to build systems
for flexibility and resiliency, not
just efficiency and robustness.

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ADF Mobile: 10 Things you don't get from the developers guide
ADF Mobile: 10 Things you don't get from the developers guideADF Mobile: 10 Things you don't get from the developers guide
ADF Mobile: 10 Things you don't get from the developers guide

Real Life ADF Mobile: 10 things you don't learn from the devguide Oracle ADF Mobile has been around for over a year by now. There is a great developer guide available for everybody who wants to create an ADF Mobile application. However, when you are building your first ADF Mobile application you will definitely run into issues that cannot be solved by reading the developer guide. Think of performance issues when taking pictures with modern devices. Images can take up to 5 Megabytes. What can you do to create a grid like springboard ? These are all topics not covered by the developer guide or by any available ADF mobile training. In this session you will learn solutions for these and more real life ADF Mobile issues.

adf mobile
An AMIS overview of database 12c
An AMIS overview of database 12cAn AMIS overview of database 12c
An AMIS overview of database 12c

AMIS organiseerde op maandagavond 15 juli het seminar ‘Oracle database 12c revealed’. Deze avond bood AMIS Oracle professionals de eerste mogelijkheid om de vernieuwingen in Oracle database 12c in actie te zien! De AMIS specialisten die meer dan een jaar bèta testen hebben uitgevoerd lieten zien wat er nieuw is en hoe we dat de komende jaren gaan inzetten! Deze presentatie is deze avond gegeven als een plenaire sessie!

oracle databaselucas jellemamarco gralike
AMIS Oracle OpenWorld 2013 Review Part 2 - Platform Middleware Publication
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AMIS Oracle OpenWorld 2013 Review Part 2 - Platform Middleware Publication

The document provides information on Oracle's platform middleware and cloud services, including: - Extended support for WebLogic 11g and WebLogic as a Service on Microsoft Azure. - Details on Oracle's Java Cloud Service, Developer Cloud Service, and Messaging Cloud Service which are available on preview. - Roadmaps and upcoming features for these cloud services, including improved integration between services and support for additional technologies like JEE 6.

oow reviewadminoracle openworld2013
And we need to start building them
today with what we have.
From monolith to microservice architecture
Technology alone
won’t solve your problem.
Software Design
Outer Architecture
Methodology and Organization
Distributed Systems
Platform As A Service

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AMIS Oracle OpenWorld 2013 Review Part 1 - Intro Overview Innovation, Hardwar...
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AMIS Oracle OpenWorld 2013 Review Part 1 - Intro Overview Innovation, Hardwar...

The document provides an agenda and overview of announcements from Oracle OpenWorld 2013. Key announcements include the Oracle Database In Memory option, Sparc M6-32 server, Backup Logging and Recovery Appliance, expanded cloud services, and new capabilities for big data and JSON. Oracle aims to lead in areas around big data, in-memory computing, and cloud services and hopes to ease customers' transition to mobile, cloud, and big data technologies.

oow reviewoow13oracle openworld
Oracle OpenWorld 2014 Review Part Four - PaaS Middleware
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This document summarizes key points from Oracle OpenWorld 2014 about Oracle's Platform as a Service (PaaS) and middleware offerings. It discusses Oracle Cloud Application Foundation platforms like WebLogic Server and Coherence that can be deployed on engineered systems, public clouds, or private clouds. It also covers new features for WebLogic Server, SOA Suite, Java Cloud Service, and mobile services like the Oracle Mobile Cloud.

oow reviewoow 2014oracle openworld 2014
Windows Azure: Lessons From the Field
Windows Azure: Lessons From the FieldWindows Azure: Lessons From the Field
Windows Azure: Lessons From the Field

The document provides tips and lessons for using various Windows Azure services, including: - Windows Azure Table Storage and how to model data for storage in tables - Access Control Service (ACS) for claims-based authentication and common issues to address - Windows Azure Diagnostics for collecting logging data across roles and storing in tables or blobs - Best practices for deployment, environments, tools, and selling Azure's capabilities to customers

windows azure
• Autonomous, self-directed teams
• Transparency
• Small (2-pizza rule)
• Purpose, Trust, Empathy driven
• Feedback
• Experimentation
• Respond quickly to change
• Own services, delivery, operations
• Build it, you own it
Model culture after open source
organizations: meritocracy, shared
consciousness, transparency,
network, platforms.
(Christian Posta, Red Hat)
Continuously deliver
Focus on adding value,
not maintenance
Deliver features
Minimize manual,
repetitive work
Stabilize operating
Encounter issues of
reduced complexity
Resolve problems

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Running Oracle EBS in the cloud (UKOUG APPS16 edition)

This presentation is based on a real life experience migrating Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1 production to AWS. We will talk about: - Certification basics. - How to architect. Recommendations. - Advanced configurations. - R12.2. - Microsoft Azure and Oracle Cloud review. - Horizontal auto-scaling. Is this a supported configuration?

Upcoming JDeveloper ADF Business Components REST support
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This document discusses upcoming support for REST web services in Oracle JDeveloper using ADF Business Components. Key points include: - Oracle has established REST standards for resource naming, URIs, metadata, pagination, security, and caching across all Oracle products. - ADF BC will generate RESTful services using JSON payloads from VO instances defined in a resource definition file. - Resources will include collections, single resources, and resources in a "context" that allow filtering and expanding links between related data. - Features like pagination, filtering, payload filtering, and a resource catalog will provide metadata about the REST resources and allow customized requests. - A new ADF Mobile REST Data Control is being developed

restoracle adfjson

Security in applications is a never-ending story. Most of the knowledge about how to build secure applications is derived from knowledge and experience. And we've all done the same mistakes every Java EE developer does over and over again. But how to solve the real business requirements behind access and authorization with Java EE? Can I have a 15k rights matrix? Does that perform? How to secure the transport layer? How does session binding works? Can I implement 2-Factor-Authentication? And what about social integrations? This talk outlines the key capabilities of the Java EE platform and introduces the audience to additional frameworks and concepts which do help by implementing all kinds of security requirements in Java EE based applications.

Software Design
Architecture Principles
• Single Responsible Principle
• Service Oriented
• Encapsulation
• Separation of Concern
• Loose Coupling
• Hexagonal Architecture
Design Patterns
• Domain-driven Design
• Bounded Contexts
• Event Sourcing
• Eventual Consistency
• Context Maps
Design Constraints
• Availability
• Scalability
• Performance
• Usability
• Flexibility
Best Practices
• Design for Automation
• Designed for failure
• Service load balancing and automatic scaling
• Design for Data Separation
• Design for Integrity
• Design for Performance
Strategies For Decomposing
Verb or Use Case
e.g. Checkout UI
e.g. Catalog product service
Single Responsible Principle
e.g. Unix utilities

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Wild Flies and a Camel - Chicago JUG - 03/15
Wild Flies and a Camel - Chicago JUG - 03/15Wild Flies and a Camel - Chicago JUG - 03/15
Wild Flies and a Camel - Chicago JUG - 03/15

The document provides examples of Apache Camel route configuration using Java DSL, XML DSL, and code snippets. It demonstrates how to configure routes that use choice/when logic to route messages to different endpoints based on message properties or content. It also includes links to Apache Camel documentation on core concepts like components, data formats, languages, and how to download, use IDE tools, and deploy Camel applications on servers like WildFly.

Wild Flies and a Camel Java EE Integration Stories
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Wild Flies and a Camel Java EE Integration Stories

Apache Camel is one of the most complete integration frameworks out there. With more than 150 components and a large community it clearly has it's fans. Deploying the lightweight core is easy. Getting into modules and even more components makes this challenging. There are different approaches to ride that Camel. How to get the most out of it with Java EE and WildFly is exactly the topic of this session. It will introduce you to both Java EE 7 and Apache Camel in a very brief way and follows up with the different integration and deployment scenarios along with introducing the tools which help you the most on the way to your integration solution.

apache camelwildflyjavaee
Microservice Come in Systems
Microservice Come in SystemsMicroservice Come in Systems
Microservice Come in Systems

One microservice is not enough and microservices should be built as systems. Building a single microservice is generally easy, but building a system of microservices that are integrated is challenging due to increased complexity from deployment, large development teams, and separating functionality from monolithic applications. The Lagom framework is designed to help with building microservice systems by providing an opinionated development environment, service API, and persistence API to address these challenges.

Distributed Systems
• The network is unreliable
• Design time coupling
• Unintended, run-time coupling
• Components will fail
• Design for resilience, not just
Control Dependencies
• What components depend on the
• Which teams need to engage to
make a change
• What services need to be changed
if one changes
• Coordination, contention,
synchronization, blocking
• Hidden dependencies
Platform as a Service
• Docker, Kubernetes
• Developer focused workflow
• Source 2 Image builds
• Build as first-class citizen
• Deployments as first-class citizen
• Software Defined Networking
• Docker native format/packaging
• Run docker images
• CLI/Web based tooling
Outer Architecture
ServiceAA DBClient Cache
Operational Capabilities (Scaling, SLA, Monitoring, Logging, Deployment)
Developer Enablement (Documentation, Discovery, Debugging)

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OpenShift for Java EE Developers
OpenShift for Java EE DevelopersOpenShift for Java EE Developers
OpenShift for Java EE Developers

We're all aware of cloud computing and the operational ability to easily create, configure and manage instances in an IaaS environment. But many of us are not Unix system admins and just want to focus on developing and deploying our Java applications. RedHat OpenShift (which is of course open source) is a developer-friendly PaaS that offers auto-scalability and reliability as native features. So if you are tired of configuring and administering servers, come see how OpenShift PaaS can make you a happier and more productive Java EE software engineer. Learn about the base platform, how to use existing developer frameworks (cartridges) and how to integrate them into your development life cycle. And learn about the exciting Docker and Kubernetes plans for OpenShift v3.

Community and Java EE @ DevConf.CZ
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Community and Java EE @ DevConf.CZ

The document discusses Java EE specifications and the Java Community Process (JCP) for developing specifications. It describes the roles of expert groups and specification leads in developing specs, as well as the reference implementation, test cases, and documentation that are produced. It also provides statistics on participation in the JCP and links to resources for getting involved in the process.


Slides for my vJUG session: In the past I've been building component oriented applications with what I had at hand. Mostly driven by the features available in the Java EE standard to be "portable" and easy to use. Looking back this has been a perfect fit for many customers and applications. With an increasing demand for highly integrated applications which use already available services and processes from all over the place (departmental, central or even cloud services) this approach starts to feel more and more outdated. And this feel does not come from a technology perspective but from all the requirements around it. Having this in mind this post is the starting point of a series of how-to's and short tutorials which aim to showcase some more diverse ways of building (Java EE) applications that fit better into today's requirements and landscapes.

Why now?
Why me?
Java EE 7 Features
Migration Approaches
Load Balancer
Java EE .ear

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Architecting Large Enterprise Projects @DevConf.CZ
Architecting Large Enterprise Projects @DevConf.CZArchitecting Large Enterprise Projects @DevConf.CZ
Architecting Large Enterprise Projects @DevConf.CZ

This document discusses microservices architecture. It describes how a monolithic application can be broken into multiple independent services with their own processes that communicate over a network. The benefits of this approach include improved scalability, flexibility, and resilience. It also discusses technologies like Docker that can be used to package and deploy microservices and patterns for circuit breaking to handle failures.

Modernizing Applications with Microservices
Modernizing Applications with MicroservicesModernizing Applications with Microservices
Modernizing Applications with Microservices

Presentation from the Chicago Reactive Roundtable about modernizing applications with microservices. Learn more:

microservices lagom lightbend roundtable
Nine Neins - where Java EE will never take you
Nine Neins - where Java EE will never take youNine Neins - where Java EE will never take you
Nine Neins - where Java EE will never take you

Virtual JUG Session: With Microservices taking the software industry by storm, classical Enterprises are forced to re-think what they’ve been doing for almost a decade. It’s not the first time, that technology shocked the well-oiled machine to it’s core. We’ve seen software design paradigms changing over time and also project management methodologies evolving. Old hands might see this as another wave that will gently find it’s way to the shore of daily business. But this time it looks like the influence is bigger than anything we’ve seen before. And the interesting part is, that microservices aren’t new from the core. Talking about compartmentalization and introducing modules belongs to the core skills of architects. Our industry also learned about how to couple services and build them around organizational capabilities. The really new part in microservices based architectures is the way how truly independent services are distributed and connected back together. Building an individual service is easy with all technologies. Building a system out of many is the real challenge because it introduces us to the problem space of distributed systems. And the difference to classical, centralized infrastructures couldn’t be bigger. There are very little concepts from the old world which still fit into a modern architecture. And there are more differences between Java EE and distributed and reactive systems. For example, APIs are inherently synchronous, so most Java EE app servers have to scale by adding thread pools as so many things are blocking on I/O (remote JDBC calls, JTA calls, JNDI look ups, even JMS has a lot of synchronous parts). As we know adding thread pools doesn't get you too far in terms of scalability. This talk is going to explore the nine most important differences between classical middleware and distributed, reactive microservices architectures and explains in which cases the distributed approach takes you, where Java EE never would.

Load Balancer
Java EE .ear
Java EE microservices architecture - evolving the monolith
Let’s look at some patterns

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Cloud Native Java Microservices
Cloud Native Java MicroservicesCloud Native Java Microservices
Cloud Native Java Microservices

In this talk, Kenny Bastani will introduce you to Spring Cloud, a set of tools for building cloud-native JVM applications. We will take a look at some of the common patterns for microservice architectures and how to use Cloud Foundry to deploy multiple microservices to the cloud. We will also dive into a microservices example project of a cloud-native application built using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. Using this example project, I'll show you how to use Cloud Foundry to spin up a microservice cluster. We will then explore what a cloud-native application looks like when using self-describing REST APIs that link multiple microservices together.

spring bootspringmicroservice
Architecting for failure - Why are distributed systems hard?
Architecting for failure - Why are distributed systems hard?Architecting for failure - Why are distributed systems hard?
Architecting for failure - Why are distributed systems hard?

Devnexus 2017 As we architect our systems for greater demands, scale, uptime, and performance, the hardest thing to control becomes the environment in which we deploy and the subtle but crucial interactions between complicated systems. And microservices obviously are the way to go forward with those complicated systems. But what makes it so hard to build them? And why should you embrace failure instead of doing what we can do best: Preventing failure. This talk introduces you to the problem domain of a distributed system which consists of a couple of microservices. It shows how to build, deploy and orchestrate the chaos and introduces you to a couple of patterns to prevent and compensate failure.

microservicesarchitecturedistributed systems
Microservices: Where do they fit within a rapidly evolving integration archit...
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Microservices: Where do they fit within a rapidly evolving integration archit...

Do microservices force us to look differently at the way we lay down and evolve our integration architecture, or are they purely about how we build applications? Are microservices a new concept, or an evolution of the many ideas that came before them? What is the relationship between microservices and other key initiatives such as APIs, SOA, and Agile. In this session, we will unpick what microservices really are, and indeed what they are not. We will consider whether there is something unique about this particular point time in technology that has enables microservice concepts to take hold. Finally, we will look at if, when, where and how an enterprise can take on the benefits of microservices, and what products and technologies are applicable for that journey.

LB / Proxy
Cache Cache

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Dockercon State of the Art in Microservices
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Dockercon State of the Art in Microservices

Keynote at Dockercon Europe Amsterdam Dec 4th, 2014. Speeding up development with Docker. Summary of some interesting web scale microservice architectures. Please send me updates and corrections to the architecture summaries @adrianco Thanks Adrian

dockercontinuous deliverycloud computing
CipherCloud Microservice Meetup - Managing Services in a Lean Startup
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Shobana Radhakrishnan discusses how Mindflash manages service integration and implements a microservices architecture to achieve high uptime and continuous deployment in a lean startup. Mindflash relies on many external services and has evolved its deployment process from monthly major releases with fallouts to near-continuous deployment with high automation and alignment between test and production environments. Mindflash implements a microservices architecture with independent services communicating through APIs to improve scalability, deployment speed, and allow incremental improvements. This approach helps Mindflash continuously upgrade services while maintaining high performance and uptime.

Real-Time Integration Between MongoDB and SQL Databases
Real-Time Integration Between MongoDB and SQL DatabasesReal-Time Integration Between MongoDB and SQL Databases
Real-Time Integration Between MongoDB and SQL Databases

This document describes how WebMD uses Apache Storm to build a real-time data pipeline that moves data from MongoDB to SQL databases. A Storm topology is constructed with a spout that reads continuously from the MongoDB oplog and emits tuples. These tuples are then processed by bolts that extract fields from embedded arrays, parse documents, and write the data to SQL databases. This pipeline allows for real-time analytics on user activity data stored in MongoDB to be performed using SQL queries. The topology scales easily to handle increasing data volumes and velocities.

mongodbstormbusiness i
Respect The Challenge
• No silver bullet; distributed systems are *hard*
• Dependency hell, custom shared libraries
• Fragmented and inconsistent management
• Team communication challenges
• Health checking, monitoring, liveness
• Over architecting, performance concerns, things spiraling out
of control fast
The fulcrum of whether or not to use
microservices is the complexity of the
system you're contemplating.
Lessons Learned Today
• Correct functional decomposition is crucial for microservices:
• pretty hard to get right from the start
• a modular system can evolve to microservices
• balance the needs with the costs
• work on it evolutionary
• Java EE can be a platform for microservices
• You need a lot more than just technology
Fit all the pieces together

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Architecting Large Enterprise Java Projects
Architecting Large Enterprise Java ProjectsArchitecting Large Enterprise Java Projects
Architecting Large Enterprise Java Projects

In the past I've been building component oriented applications with what I had at hand. Mostly driven by the features available in the Java EE standard to be "portable" and easy to use. Looking back this has been a perfect fit for many customers and applications. With an increasing demand for highly integrated applications which use already available services and processes from all over the place (departmental, central or even cloud services) this approach starts to feel more and more outdated. And this feel does not come from a technology perspective but from all the requirements around it. Having this in mind this post is the starting point of a series of how-to's and short tutorials which aim to showcase some more diverse ways of building (Enterprise Java) applications that fit better into today's requirements and landscapes.

From XaaS to Java EE – Which damn cloud is right for me?
From XaaS to Java EE – Which damn cloud is right for me? From XaaS to Java EE – Which damn cloud is right for me?
From XaaS to Java EE – Which damn cloud is right for me?

With Java EE 7 cloud should have been added to the specification. Allowing for a broad ecosystem of PaaS providers to jump on the train. Because of the missing maturity and field experiences this has been delayed to EE 8. However there are some offerings on the market already. This talk throws light onto how they differentiate from each other and which ones are the right ones for Java EE. Featuring: CloudBees, OpenShift, Elastic Beanstalk, Jelastic and Oracle Java Service.

Architecting Large Enterprise Java Projects
Architecting Large Enterprise Java ProjectsArchitecting Large Enterprise Java Projects
Architecting Large Enterprise Java Projects

In the past I've been building component oriented applications with what I had at hand. Mostly driven by the features available in the Java EE standard to be "portable" and easy to use. Looking back this has been a perfect fit for many customers and applications. With an increasing demand for highly integrated applications which use already available services and processes from all over the place (departmental, central or even cloud services) this approach starts to feel more and more outdated. And this feel does not come from a technology perspective but from all the requirements around it. Having this in mind this post is the starting point of a series of how-to's and short tutorials which aim to showcase some more diverse ways of building (Java EE) applications that fit better into today's requirements and landscapes.

• Understand the challenges of starting a greenfield
development vs tearing apart an existing brownfield
application into services
• Examine your business domain to see if microservices
would be a good fit
• Explore best practices for automation, high availability,
data separation, and performance
• Align your development teams around business
capabilities and responsibilities
• Inspect design patterns such as aggregator, proxy,
pipeline, or shared resources to model service
Java EE microservices architecture - evolving the monolith

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