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Software and System
Test Documentation
IEEE 829 - Standard for Software Test Documentation
Master Test Plan
Level Test Plan
Level Test Design
Level Test Case
Level Test Procedure
Interim Test Status Report
Test Log
Level Test Report
Develop Master
Test Plan
Develop Detailed
Test Plans
Unit Test Plan
Integration Test Plan
SystemTest Plan
AcceptanceTest Plan
Level of Test Plan defines what the test plan is being created for.
Test Plan document follows the same structure for each level of test
plan. The only difference is the content and detail.
The purpose of the
MTP is to:
provide the overall framework for all the testing activities
define the scope of the testing
identify whether there is any unnecessary duplication of
testing taking place
identify the departures from the Test Process
documentation set
define the approach to each stage of testing
specify the ABC project’s staff’s responsibilities for testing
activities for each stage of testing

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This document provides an annotated outline for a Software Test Plan, adapted from the IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation. It includes introductory sections that describe the objectives, testing strategy, scope, reference materials, and definitions for the test plan. It also includes sections that specify the test items to be covered, features to be tested and not tested, and the overall testing approach. The approach section describes the types of testing to be performed at different levels, including component, job control, user procedures, and operator procedures testing.

06 template test plan
06 template test plan06 template test plan
06 template test plan

This document provides guidelines and templates for creating a Quality Assurance Test Plan. It outlines the purpose, scope, objectives, and goals of testing. It describes the overall test methodology including entrance and exit criteria. It also covers test execution approaches, test scenarios, environments, assumptions/risks, roles and responsibilities, and defect tracking. The plan is intended to document the testing strategy for an application to ensure requirements are met.

Test plan
Test planTest plan
Test plan

This document presents a test plan for version 1.0 of the IIT official website. It outlines the test items, features to be tested, approach, environment, responsibilities, and schedule. The test items include the website and its modules like achievements, gallery, news, programs, batches, courses, faculty, exams, results, groups, profile, documents, attendance, projects, calendar, and alumni. Features to be tested include adding, modifying, and viewing albums in the gallery module. The test plan follows IEEE 829 standards and will test the website on different client platforms.

test plan documentcomplete test plantest plan
A document describing the
scope, approach, resources and
schedule of intended test
activities. It identifies amongst
others test items, the features to
be tested, the testing tasks, who
will do each task, degree of tester
independence, the test
environment, the test design
techniques and entry and exit
criteria to be used, and the
rationale for their choice, and
any risks requiring contingency
planning. It is a record of the test
planning process.
A test plan that
typically addresses
multiple test levels.
A test plan that
typically addresses
one test phase.
Test Plan
The format and content of a software test plan vary depending on the
processes, standards, and test management tools being implemented. Following
format provides a summary of what a test plan can/should contain.
1) Test Plan ID: Unique No or Name
2) Introduction: Provide an overview of the test plan, specify the goals/objectives.
3) Test Items: Modules/ Functions/ Services/ Features/ etc.
4) Features to be tested: Responsible Modules for Test design
5) Features not to be tested: Which feature is not to be tested and Why?
6) Approach: List of selected testing techniques to be applied on above specified
modules in reference to the TRM (Test Responsible Matrix)
7) Feature pass or fail criteria: When a feature is pass or fail description
8) Suspension criteria
9) Test Environment: Required software & Hardware to be tested on above features
10) Test Deliverables: Required testing document to be prepared
11) Testing Task: Necessary tasks to do before start every feature testing
12) Staff & Training: Names of selected Test Engineers & training requirements to
13) Responsibilities: Work allocation to every member in the team
14) Schedule: Dates & Times of testing modules
15) List & Mitigation: Possible testing level risks & solution to overcome them
16) Approvals: Signatures of Test plan authors & Project Manager / QA
Overall Business
Acceptance Test
System Test
High level
Integration Test
Low level
Component Test
Coding Unit Test Design
Unit Test
Test Execution
Test Execution
System Test
Test Execution
Test Design Phase – In software engineering, test design phase is a process of
reviewing and analyzing test basis, selecting test design techniques and creating
designed test cases, checklists and scenarios for testing software.
Test Design Specification - it is a document that describes features to be tested
and specifies list of all test scenarios or test cases, which should be designed for
providing the testing of software. Basically test design is the act of creating and
writing test suites for testing a software.
Test design could require all or one of:
1) Knowledge of the software, and the business area it operates on
2) Knowledge of the functionality being tested
3) Knowledge of testing techniques
4) Planning skills to schedule in which order the test cases should be designed,
given the effort, time and cost needed or the consequences for the most
important and/or risky features

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Agile Bureaucracy
Agile BureaucracyAgile Bureaucracy
Agile Bureaucracy

Maria Teryokhina presented on testing artifacts in agile projects. She discussed common testing artifacts like test plans, test cases, defects, and reports/metrics. She outlined the pros and cons of having these artifacts, noting they provide assurance and understanding but can also take time. She suggested not writing certain artifacts for small teams/projects or those with dynamic products where risks are not a priority. The presentation aimed to provide solutions to decrease effort on testing documentation in agile while still maintaining quality.

Test Plan Simplicity
Test Plan SimplicityTest Plan Simplicity
Test Plan Simplicity

This document discusses simplifying test plans by removing unnecessary information and keeping them dynamic. It recommends including only essential information like test ownership, the system configuration under test, definition of done, identified risks, test activities, and a dynamic test schedule. The test plan should evolve continuously through a self-learning loop to improve test scope based on lessons learned. Static information can be moved to other documents to keep the test plan focused on guiding the test project.

test plantestrisk matrix
Test planning
Test planningTest planning
Test planning

The document discusses test planning and outlines several topics that should be addressed in a test plan, including high-level expectations, people and resources, definitions, test phases and strategies, resource requirements, tester assignments, schedules, test cases, bug reporting, metrics, and risks. The overall goal of test planning is to communicate the testing team's intentions, expectations, and understanding of the testing to be performed.

software testingtest planning
Review and Analyze
Test Basis
Select Test Design
Create Test Design
Create Test Cases
Test Plan
Test Design
Test Case
• The internal factors that influence the decision about which technique to use are:
– Tester knowledge and experience
– Expected defects
– Test objectives
– Documentation
– Life cycle model
• The external factors are:
– Risks
– Customer requirements
– System type
– Time and budget
Choosing A Test Design Technique
According to IEEE-829 standard template structure looks in the following way:
1. Test Design Specification Identifier
1.1 Purpose
1.2 References
1.3 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations
2. Features to be Tested
3. Approach Refinements
4. Test Identification
4.1 <Test Item 1>
4.2 <Test Item …>
4.3 <Test Item N>
5. Feature Pass/Fail Criteria
Test Design Specification StructureBelow–theexplanation
3)Approach Refinements section describes the
– Specific test techniques to be used for testing
features or combinations of features
– Types of testing which will be provided
– Methods of analyzing test results
– Test results reporting
– Whether automation of test cases will be
provided or not
– Any other information which describes
approach to testing
Test Design Specification Structure
1) Test Design Specification Identifier section
– Purpose of the document
– Scope of the document
– List of references which should include
references on test plan, functional
specification, test case specification, etc.
– Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations
used in Test Design Specification
2) Features to be Tested identifies test items and
describes features and combinations of features
that are the object of this design specification.
Reference on Functional Specification for each
feature or combination of features should be
4) Feature Pass/Fail Criteria specifies the criteria to
be used to determine whether the feature or feature
combination has passed or failed.
The following items can be considered as “pass /
fail criteria”:
1) Feature works according to stated requirements
2) Feature works correctly on the test platforms
3) Feature works correctly with other modules of
4) All issues with High and Medium Priority will be
verified and closed

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Test planning
Test planningTest planning
Test planning

Aliaa delivered a session in the topic of “Test planning” using a new technique of delivering content through games and knowledge sharing instead of instructive technique. The session covered all test planning activities including defining test items, risk assessment techniques, testing strategies, planning for testing resources, testing scheduling, and test deliverables and the final test plan documents. The session introduced to quality team at ITWorx (June , 2013)

software testingqualityplanning
Sample test-plan-template
Sample test-plan-templateSample test-plan-template
Sample test-plan-template

This document outlines a test plan template for testing a product. It includes sections for objectives and tasks, scope, testing strategy, hardware and environment requirements, test schedule, control procedures, features to be tested, resources and responsibilities, schedules, impacted departments, dependencies, risks, tools, and approvals. The testing strategy section describes the different types of testing to be performed, including unit, integration, performance, user acceptance, batch, regression, and beta testing. It provides definitions and outlines the methodology for each type. The document provides a framework to define all aspects of testing for a project.

03 software test-plan-template
03 software test-plan-template03 software test-plan-template
03 software test-plan-template

This software test plan document provides details on testing for a software project called XXX. It describes the test environment, identification of planned tests, schedules, and traceability of requirements to tests. Tests are divided into phases and categories and will verify requirements from the software requirements specification document for XXX.

5) Test Identification section is separated to sub-section according to the amount of
test items identifying future documentation which will be created for testing features or
combinations of features that are the object of this design specification.
Features can be covered by test objectives in different ways depending on projects
needs, approaches for testing etc.
of such
covered by
test cases
covered by
test scenarios
covered by
Test Case Specification
Test Specification – It is a detailed summary of what scenarios will be tested, how they
will be tested, how often they will be tested, and so on and so forth, for a given feature.
Revision History - This section contain information like Who created the test specification?
When was it created? When was the last time it was updated?
Feature Description – A brief description of what area is being tested.
What is tested? – An overview of what scenarios are tested.
What is not tested? - Are there any areas that are not being tested.
Nightly Test Cases – A list of the test cases and high-level description of what is tested whenever a
new build becomes available.
Breakout of Major Test Areas - It is the most interesting part of the test specification where testers
arrange test cases according to what they are testing.
Specific Functionality Tests – Tests to verify the feature is working according to the design
specification. This area also includes verifying error conditions.
Security tests – Any tests that are related to security.
Accessibility Tests – Any tests that are related to accessibility.
Performance Tests - This section includes verifying any performance requirements for your
Localization / Globalization - tests to ensure you’re meeting your product’s Local and
International requirements.
NOTE: Test Specification document should prioritize the test case easily like nightly test
cases, weekly test cases and full test pass etc:
Nightly - Must run whenever a new build is available.
Weekly - Other major functionality tests run once every three or four builds.
Lower priority - Run once every major coding milestone.
Test cases are a set of conditions or variables
under which a tester will determine if a requirement
upon an application is partially or fully satisfied. There
must be at least one test case for each requirement for
Test Cases
Test Step – specifies
an action to
perform, and the
expected response of
the test application.
For example: Action :
Type the password in
the password
box, Expected result:
Your password
should be dotted /
Test Case – a list of
test steps. Also
defines the
situation and may
link to related
bugs, requirements
Test Scenario –
usually comes directly
from business
requirements or user
story. Scenario
contains a list of test
cases and often their
Test scenario Test case Test Step
Standard fields of sample test case template:
Test case ID: Unique ID for each test case.
Test priority (Low/Medium/High): This is useful while test execution. Test priority for business rules and
functional test cases can be medium or higher whereas minor user interface cases can be low priority.
Module Name – Mention name of main module or sub module.
Test Designed By: Name of tester
Test Designed Date: Date when wrote
Test Executed By: Name of tester who executed this test. To be filled after test execution.
Test Execution Date: Date when test executed.
Test Title/Name: Test case title.
Test Summary/Description: Describe test objective in brief.
Pre-condition: Any prerequisite that must be fulfilled before execution of this test case. List all pre-
conditions in order to successfully execute this test case.
Dependencies: Mention any dependencies on other test cases or test requirement.
Test Steps: List all test execution steps in detail. Write test steps in the order in which these should be
executed. Make sure to provide as much details as you can.
Test Data: Use of test data as an input for this test case. You can provide different data sets with exact
values to be used as an input.
Expected Result: What should be the system output after test execution?
Status (Pass/Fail): If actual result is not as per the expected result mark this test as failed. Otherwise passed.
Notes/Comments/Questions: To support above fields if there are some special conditions which can’t be
described in any of the above fields or there are questions related to expected or actual results mention
those here.

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What is Test Plan? Edureka
What is Test Plan? EdurekaWhat is Test Plan? Edureka
What is Test Plan? Edureka

YouTube Link: **Test Automation Masters Program: ** This Edureka PPT on "Test Plan in Software Testing" will give you in-depth knowledge on how to create a Test Plan in Software Testing and why it is important. The following are the topics covered in the session: Software Testing Documentation What is Test Plan? Benefits of Using Test Plan Types of Test Plan How to Write a Test Plan? Test Plan Template / Test Plan Document Software Testing Blog playlist: Selenium playlist: Selenium Blog playlist: Follow us to never miss an update in the future. YouTube: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: Castbox:

what is test planwhat is test plan in software testingtest plan in software testing
Software Test Planning and Design
Software Test Planning and DesignSoftware Test Planning and Design
Software Test Planning and Design

The test planning stage involves identifying standards and protocols for test procedure creation, hardware and software requirements for the test environment, test data needs, a preliminary test schedule, and defect tracking procedures. The test plan will outline roles and responsibilities, the test project schedule, planning and design activities, test environment setup, risks and issues, and the required level of thoroughness. Test design addresses defining the number and types of tests, test paths and functions, and required test conditions. Test requirements must be clearly defined and documented before test design so that the basis for test efforts is understood. During test planning, the test team estimates the number and types of test techniques and procedures needed.

02 test planning
02   test planning02   test planning
02 test planning

The document discusses test planning and outlines the key phases and activities in a test planning process. It emphasizes that an important part of planning is creating a test plan that is derived from an overall master test plan. The planning phase involves determining what will be tested based on business needs and risks, and managing the test process and different test types. It stresses the importance of coordination across test levels, phases, and types using a master test plan to avoid duplicative testing.

Fields of sample test case template, if necessary:
Defect ID/Link: If test status is fail, then include the link to
defect log or mention the defect number.
Test Type/Keywords: This field can be used to classify tests
based on test types. E.g. functional, usability, business rules
Requirements: Requirements for which this test case is being
written. Preferably the exact section number of the
requirement doc.
Attachments/References: This field is useful for complex
test scenarios.
Automation? (Yes/No): Whether this test case is automated
or not. Useful to track automation status when test cases are
The purpose of an LTPr is to specify the steps for
executing a set of test cases or, more generally, the steps
used to exercise a software product or software-based
system item in order to evaluate a set of features.
1. Identification (Each Test Procedure Specification should be assigned a
unique identifier.)
2. Purpose (explain the purpose of the test procedure and reference any test
cases it executes.)
3. Special Requirements (list any special hardware, software or training
requirements for this procedure.)
4. Procedure Steps (actual steps of the procedure are described. IEEE has
listed several steps:
Log: explain methods / formats for logging results of test execution.
Set up : actions necessary to prepare for the execution of procedure.
Start : actions necessary to begin execution of the procedure.
Proceed : actions necessary during the execution of the procedure.
Measure : explain ho test measurements need to be made.
Shutdown : actions necessary to suspend testing when some unscheduled
event happens.
Restart : actions necessary to restart the procedure.
Stop : actions necessary to bring execution to systematic halt.
Level Test
ID Unique identifier given to the defect.
Project Project name.
Release Version Release version of the product. (e.g. 1.2.3)
Module Specific module of the product where the defect was detected.
Detected Build Version Build version of the product where the defect was detected (e.g.
Summary Summary of the defect. Keep this clear and concise.
Description Detailed description of the defect. Describe as much as possible but without repeating anything
or using complex words. Keep it simple but comprehensive.
Steps to Reproduce Step by step description of the way to reproduce the defect. Number the steps.
Actual Result The actual result you received when you followed the steps.
Expected Results The expected results.
Attachments Attach any additional information like screenshots and logs.
Remarks Any additional comments on the defect.
Defect Severity The seriousness of defect with respect to functionality
High(Show Stopper):-Without fixing this defect tester not able to continue testing.
Medium:-Able to continue but mandatory to fix.
Low:-Able to continue testing but may or may not to fix.
Defect Priority The importance of defect fixing with respect to customer interest.
Reported By The name of the person who reported the defect.
Assigned To The name of the person that is assigned to analyze/fix the defect.
Status The status of the defect. (new/reopen)
Fixed Build Version Build version of the product where the defect was fixed (e.g.
Test Log
Test Log is details of what tests cases were run,
who ran the tests, in what order they were run, and
whether or not individual tests were passed or
The purpose of the Level Test Log is to provide a
chronological record of relevant details about the
execution of tests. An automated tool may capture
all or part of this information.

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How to create a 'Master Test Plan'How to create a 'Master Test Plan'
How to create a 'Master Test Plan'

Find out: - what is a master test plan - common parts of a master test plan -master test plan in an Agile age Full webinar recording video:

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Strategies For Software Test Documentation
Strategies For Software Test Documentation Strategies For Software Test Documentation
Strategies For Software Test Documentation

Strategies For Software Test Documentation by Suriya G of for Anna University Workshop on testing

testing documentation
Fundamental test process
Fundamental test processFundamental test process
Fundamental test process

In this section, we will describe the fundamental test process and activities. These start with test planning and continue through to test closure. For each part of the test process, we'll discuss the main tasks of each test activity. In this section, you'll also encounter the glossary terms confirmation testing, exit criteria, incident, regression testing, test basis, test condition, test coverage, test data, test execution, test log, test plan, test strategy, test summary report and testware.

Interim Test
Status Report
The purpose of the ITSR is to
summarize the results of the
designated testing activities and
optionally to provide evaluations
and recommendations based on
these results.
Eight Interim
Age of
d Defects
by Type
Functional Testing Status Report
Fully tested
Tested with
Not tested
This report will
percentages of
the functions
which have been:
Functions Working Timeline
This report will
show the actual
plan to have all
working versus
the current
status of
An ideal
could be
a line
Expected versus Actual Defects Uncovered Timeline
This report will provide an analysis between the number of defects being generated
against the expected number of defects expected from the planning stage.

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Test Plan Template
Test Plan TemplateTest Plan Template
Test Plan Template

This sample Test Plan template gives you an idea about how to preparation of Test Plan . Test Plan Templates, Test Plan sample Template and Fundamentals.

test preparationtest plan fundamentalstest plan templates
Istqb ctfl syll 2011
Istqb ctfl syll 2011Istqb ctfl syll 2011
Istqb ctfl syll 2011

This document provides a 3-sentence summary of the Certified Tester Foundation Level Syllabus document: The syllabus outlines the key concepts and topics covered in foundation level certification for software testing, including testing techniques, test management, and quality assurance. It provides the copyright information and history of revisions to the certification syllabus. The International Software Testing Qualifications Board maintains and updates the syllabus.

Software testing basic concepts
Software testing basic conceptsSoftware testing basic concepts
Software testing basic concepts

The document discusses software testing concepts and processes. It covers definitions of testing, objectives of testing, types of defects and their costs. It also describes the typical software testing process which includes test planning, preparation, execution, reporting and defect tracking. Additionally, it discusses test strategies such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing and acceptance testing. The overall purpose is to provide an introduction and overview of basic software testing concepts.

This report, ideally in a line graph format, will
show the number of defects uncovered versus
the number of defects being corrected and
accepted by the testing group.
If the gap grows too large, the project may not
be ready when originally planned.
Defects Detected versus Corrected Gap
This report will show the average days of
outstanding defects by type. In the planning stage, it
is beneficial to determine the acceptable open days
by defect type.
Average Age Uncorrected Defects by Type
This report will show the defect distribution by function or module. It can also show items such
as numbers of tests completed.
Defect Distribution
This report will take the previous report (Defect Distribution) and normalize the level of defects. An
example would be one application might be more in depth than another, and would probably have a higher
level of defects. However, when normalized over the number of functions or lines of code, would show a
more accurate level of defects.
Relative Defect Distribution
This report can show many different things, including possible shortfalls in
testing. Examples of data to show might be number of Sev 1 defects, tests that
are behind schedule, and other information that would present an accurate testing
Testing Action

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Testing strategies

Software testing involves testing at different levels from the component level up to integration testing of the entire system. Different testing techniques are used at each stage including unit testing, integration testing, validation, acceptance, and performance testing. Thorough documentation of testing requirements, test cases, expected and actual results is needed to guide the testing process.

Interview questions
Interview questionsInterview questions
Interview questions

The document contains 150 questions related to software testing. It covers topics like definitions of software testing terms, test case design, test management tools, testing techniques like black box testing and white box testing, testing methodologies like agile testing, defect management, quality concepts, database testing, and programming concepts. It also includes project-specific and company-specific questions related to the interviewee's work experience.

Test Life Cycle - Manual Testing Concept.
Test Life Cycle - Manual Testing Concept.Test Life Cycle - Manual Testing Concept.
Test Life Cycle - Manual Testing Concept.

The document outlines the key steps in a software testing life cycle including test plan preparation, test case design, test execution and logging, defect tracking, and test reporting. It provides details on each step such as what a test plan and test case include, how defects are tracked and prioritized, and the roles and responsibilities of various testers.

The purpose of the
Level Test Report
(LTR) is to summarize
the results of the
designated testing
activities and to provide
evaluations and
based on these results
The purpose of the MTR is to
summarize the results of the levels of
the designated testing activities and to
provide evaluations based on these
results. This report may be used by
any organization using the MTP.
Whenever an MTP is generated and
implemented, there needs to be a
corresponding MTR that describes
the results of the MTP
Qa documentation pp

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  • 1. Software and System Test Documentation
  • 2. IEEE 829 - Standard for Software Test Documentation TEST PLANNING AND CONTROL Master Test Plan Level Test Plan TEST ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Level Test Design Level Test Case TEST IMPLEMENTATION AND EXECUTION Bug Report Level Test Procedure EVALUATING EXIT CRITERIA AND REPORTING Interim Test Status Report Test Log Level Test Report TEST CLOSURE ACTIVITIES Master Test Report
  • 3. LEVELS OF TEST PLAN Develop Master Test Plan Develop Detailed Test Plans Unit Test Plan Integration Test Plan SystemTest Plan AcceptanceTest Plan Level of Test Plan defines what the test plan is being created for. Test Plan document follows the same structure for each level of test plan. The only difference is the content and detail. TEST PLANNING AND CONTROL
  • 4. MASTER TEST PLAN The purpose of the MTP is to: provide the overall framework for all the testing activities define the scope of the testing identify whether there is any unnecessary duplication of testing taking place identify the departures from the Test Process documentation set define the approach to each stage of testing specify the ABC project’s staff’s responsibilities for testing activities for each stage of testing
  • 5. A document describing the scope, approach, resources and schedule of intended test activities. It identifies amongst others test items, the features to be tested, the testing tasks, who will do each task, degree of tester independence, the test environment, the test design techniques and entry and exit criteria to be used, and the rationale for their choice, and any risks requiring contingency planning. It is a record of the test planning process. A test plan that typically addresses multiple test levels. A test plan that typically addresses one test phase. Test Plan
  • 6. The format and content of a software test plan vary depending on the processes, standards, and test management tools being implemented. Following format provides a summary of what a test plan can/should contain. 1) Test Plan ID: Unique No or Name 2) Introduction: Provide an overview of the test plan, specify the goals/objectives. 3) Test Items: Modules/ Functions/ Services/ Features/ etc. 4) Features to be tested: Responsible Modules for Test design 5) Features not to be tested: Which feature is not to be tested and Why? 6) Approach: List of selected testing techniques to be applied on above specified modules in reference to the TRM (Test Responsible Matrix) 7) Feature pass or fail criteria: When a feature is pass or fail description 8) Suspension criteria 9) Test Environment: Required software & Hardware to be tested on above features 10) Test Deliverables: Required testing document to be prepared 11) Testing Task: Necessary tasks to do before start every feature testing 12) Staff & Training: Names of selected Test Engineers & training requirements to them 13) Responsibilities: Work allocation to every member in the team 14) Schedule: Dates & Times of testing modules 15) List & Mitigation: Possible testing level risks & solution to overcome them 16) Approvals: Signatures of Test plan authors & Project Manager / QA Whattotest?Howtotest?Whentotest?
  • 7. TEST DESIGN LEVELS STRUCTURE BASED ON THE V-MODEL Overall Business Requirements Acceptance Test Design Software requirements System Test Design High level requirements Integration Test Design Low level requirements Component Test Design Coding Unit Test Design Unit Test Execution Component Test Execution Integration Test Execution System Test Execution Acceptance Test Execution TEST ANALYSIS AND DESIGN
  • 8. TEST DESIGN Test Design Phase – In software engineering, test design phase is a process of reviewing and analyzing test basis, selecting test design techniques and creating designed test cases, checklists and scenarios for testing software. Test Design Specification - it is a document that describes features to be tested and specifies list of all test scenarios or test cases, which should be designed for providing the testing of software. Basically test design is the act of creating and writing test suites for testing a software. Test design could require all or one of: 1) Knowledge of the software, and the business area it operates on 2) Knowledge of the functionality being tested 3) Knowledge of testing techniques 4) Planning skills to schedule in which order the test cases should be designed, given the effort, time and cost needed or the consequences for the most important and/or risky features
  • 9. Review and Analyze Test Basis Select Test Design Techniques Create Test Design Specification Create Test Cases Specification Test Plan Requirements Mock-ups Test Design Specification Test Case Specification BASIC TEST DESIGN STEPS:
  • 10. • The internal factors that influence the decision about which technique to use are: – Tester knowledge and experience – Expected defects – Test objectives – Documentation – Life cycle model • The external factors are: – Risks – Customer requirements – System type – Time and budget Choosing A Test Design Technique
  • 11. According to IEEE-829 standard template structure looks in the following way: 1. Test Design Specification Identifier 1.1 Purpose 1.2 References 1.3 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations 2. Features to be Tested 3. Approach Refinements 4. Test Identification 4.1 <Test Item 1> 4.2 <Test Item …> 4.3 <Test Item N> 5. Feature Pass/Fail Criteria Test Design Specification StructureBelow–theexplanation
  • 12. 3)Approach Refinements section describes the following: – Specific test techniques to be used for testing features or combinations of features – Types of testing which will be provided – Methods of analyzing test results – Test results reporting – Whether automation of test cases will be provided or not – Any other information which describes approach to testing Test Design Specification Structure 1) Test Design Specification Identifier section covers: – Purpose of the document – Scope of the document – List of references which should include references on test plan, functional specification, test case specification, etc. – Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations used in Test Design Specification 2) Features to be Tested identifies test items and describes features and combinations of features that are the object of this design specification. Reference on Functional Specification for each feature or combination of features should be included. 4) Feature Pass/Fail Criteria specifies the criteria to be used to determine whether the feature or feature combination has passed or failed. The following items can be considered as “pass / fail criteria”: 1) Feature works according to stated requirements 2) Feature works correctly on the test platforms 3) Feature works correctly with other modules of application 4) All issues with High and Medium Priority will be verified and closed
  • 13. 5) Test Identification section is separated to sub-section according to the amount of test items identifying future documentation which will be created for testing features or combinations of features that are the object of this design specification. Features can be covered by test objectives in different ways depending on projects needs, approaches for testing etc. Three examples of such coverage: Feature covered by test cases Feature covered by test scenarios Feature covered by checklists
  • 14. Test Case Specification Test Specification – It is a detailed summary of what scenarios will be tested, how they will be tested, how often they will be tested, and so on and so forth, for a given feature. Revision History - This section contain information like Who created the test specification? When was it created? When was the last time it was updated? Feature Description – A brief description of what area is being tested. What is tested? – An overview of what scenarios are tested. What is not tested? - Are there any areas that are not being tested. Nightly Test Cases – A list of the test cases and high-level description of what is tested whenever a new build becomes available. Breakout of Major Test Areas - It is the most interesting part of the test specification where testers arrange test cases according to what they are testing. Specific Functionality Tests – Tests to verify the feature is working according to the design specification. This area also includes verifying error conditions. Security tests – Any tests that are related to security. Accessibility Tests – Any tests that are related to accessibility. Performance Tests - This section includes verifying any performance requirements for your feature. Localization / Globalization - tests to ensure you’re meeting your product’s Local and International requirements. NOTE: Test Specification document should prioritize the test case easily like nightly test cases, weekly test cases and full test pass etc: Nightly - Must run whenever a new build is available. Weekly - Other major functionality tests run once every three or four builds. Lower priority - Run once every major coding milestone. ContentsofaTestSpecification:
  • 15. Test cases are a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will determine if a requirement upon an application is partially or fully satisfied. There must be at least one test case for each requirement for traceability. Test Cases Test Step – specifies an action to perform, and the expected response of the test application. For example: Action : Type the password in the password box, Expected result: Your password should be dotted / hidden. Test Case – a list of test steps. Also defines the environmental situation and may link to related bugs, requirements etc. Test Scenario – usually comes directly from business requirements or user story. Scenario contains a list of test cases and often their sequence. Test scenario Test case Test Step
  • 16. Standard fields of sample test case template: Test case ID: Unique ID for each test case. Test priority (Low/Medium/High): This is useful while test execution. Test priority for business rules and functional test cases can be medium or higher whereas minor user interface cases can be low priority. Module Name – Mention name of main module or sub module. Test Designed By: Name of tester Test Designed Date: Date when wrote Test Executed By: Name of tester who executed this test. To be filled after test execution. Test Execution Date: Date when test executed. Test Title/Name: Test case title. Test Summary/Description: Describe test objective in brief. Pre-condition: Any prerequisite that must be fulfilled before execution of this test case. List all pre- conditions in order to successfully execute this test case. Dependencies: Mention any dependencies on other test cases or test requirement. Test Steps: List all test execution steps in detail. Write test steps in the order in which these should be executed. Make sure to provide as much details as you can. Test Data: Use of test data as an input for this test case. You can provide different data sets with exact values to be used as an input. Expected Result: What should be the system output after test execution? Status (Pass/Fail): If actual result is not as per the expected result mark this test as failed. Otherwise passed. Notes/Comments/Questions: To support above fields if there are some special conditions which can’t be described in any of the above fields or there are questions related to expected or actual results mention those here.
  • 17. Fields of sample test case template, if necessary: Defect ID/Link: If test status is fail, then include the link to defect log or mention the defect number. Test Type/Keywords: This field can be used to classify tests based on test types. E.g. functional, usability, business rules etc. Requirements: Requirements for which this test case is being written. Preferably the exact section number of the requirement doc. Attachments/References: This field is useful for complex test scenarios. Automation? (Yes/No): Whether this test case is automated or not. Useful to track automation status when test cases are automated.
  • 18. The purpose of an LTPr is to specify the steps for executing a set of test cases or, more generally, the steps used to exercise a software product or software-based system item in order to evaluate a set of features. 1. Identification (Each Test Procedure Specification should be assigned a unique identifier.) 2. Purpose (explain the purpose of the test procedure and reference any test cases it executes.) 3. Special Requirements (list any special hardware, software or training requirements for this procedure.) 4. Procedure Steps (actual steps of the procedure are described. IEEE has listed several steps: Log: explain methods / formats for logging results of test execution. Set up : actions necessary to prepare for the execution of procedure. Start : actions necessary to begin execution of the procedure. Proceed : actions necessary during the execution of the procedure. Measure : explain ho test measurements need to be made. Shutdown : actions necessary to suspend testing when some unscheduled event happens. Restart : actions necessary to restart the procedure. Stop : actions necessary to bring execution to systematic halt. Level Test Procedure TestProcedureSpecificationshouldhave thefollowingelements: TEST IMPLEMENTATION AND EXECUTION
  • 19. ID Unique identifier given to the defect. Project Project name. Release Version Release version of the product. (e.g. 1.2.3) Module Specific module of the product where the defect was detected. Detected Build Version Build version of the product where the defect was detected (e.g. Summary Summary of the defect. Keep this clear and concise. Description Detailed description of the defect. Describe as much as possible but without repeating anything or using complex words. Keep it simple but comprehensive. Steps to Reproduce Step by step description of the way to reproduce the defect. Number the steps. Actual Result The actual result you received when you followed the steps. Expected Results The expected results. Attachments Attach any additional information like screenshots and logs. Remarks Any additional comments on the defect. Defect Severity The seriousness of defect with respect to functionality High(Show Stopper):-Without fixing this defect tester not able to continue testing. Medium:-Able to continue but mandatory to fix. Low:-Able to continue testing but may or may not to fix. Defect Priority The importance of defect fixing with respect to customer interest. Reported By The name of the person who reported the defect. Assigned To The name of the person that is assigned to analyze/fix the defect. Status The status of the defect. (new/reopen) Fixed Build Version Build version of the product where the defect was fixed (e.g. DEFECT REPORT
  • 20. Test Log Test Log is details of what tests cases were run, who ran the tests, in what order they were run, and whether or not individual tests were passed or failed. The purpose of the Level Test Log is to provide a chronological record of relevant details about the execution of tests. An automated tool may capture all or part of this information. EVALUATING EXIT CRITERIA AND REPORTING
  • 21. Interim Test Status Report The purpose of the ITSR is to summarize the results of the designated testing activities and optionally to provide evaluations and recommendations based on these results. Eight Interim Reports: Functional Testing Status Functions Working Timeline Expected verses Actual Defects Uncovered Timeline Defects Uncovered verses Corrected Gap Timeline Average Age of Uncorrecte d Defects by Type Defect Distribution Relative Defect Distribution Testing Action
  • 22. Functional Testing Status Report Fully tested Tested with open defects Not tested This report will show percentages of the functions which have been:
  • 23. Functions Working Timeline This report will show the actual plan to have all functions working versus the current status of functions working. An ideal format could be a line graph.
  • 24. Expected versus Actual Defects Uncovered Timeline This report will provide an analysis between the number of defects being generated against the expected number of defects expected from the planning stage.
  • 25. This report, ideally in a line graph format, will show the number of defects uncovered versus the number of defects being corrected and accepted by the testing group. If the gap grows too large, the project may not be ready when originally planned. Defects Detected versus Corrected Gap
  • 26. This report will show the average days of outstanding defects by type. In the planning stage, it is beneficial to determine the acceptable open days by defect type. Average Age Uncorrected Defects by Type
  • 27. This report will show the defect distribution by function or module. It can also show items such as numbers of tests completed. Defect Distribution
  • 28. This report will take the previous report (Defect Distribution) and normalize the level of defects. An example would be one application might be more in depth than another, and would probably have a higher level of defects. However, when normalized over the number of functions or lines of code, would show a more accurate level of defects. Relative Defect Distribution This report can show many different things, including possible shortfalls in testing. Examples of data to show might be number of Sev 1 defects, tests that are behind schedule, and other information that would present an accurate testing picture. Testing Action
  • 29. Level Test Report (LTR) The purpose of the Level Test Report (LTR) is to summarize the results of the designated testing activities and to provide evaluations and recommendations based on these results Master Test Report The purpose of the MTR is to summarize the results of the levels of the designated testing activities and to provide evaluations based on these results. This report may be used by any organization using the MTP. Whenever an MTP is generated and implemented, there needs to be a corresponding MTR that describes the results of the MTP implementation TEST CLOSURE ACTIVITIES