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Test Plan Document 
IIT Official Website
1 | P a g e 
Version 1.00 
Submitted To: 
Mohammad Ashik Elahi 
Course Teacher 
SE 605 
Submitted By: 
Md. Arif Ibne Ali – BIT0308 
Nadia Nahar – BIT0327 
Submission Date: 
5th December, 2013
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December 05, 2013 
Mohammad Ashik Elahi 
Course Teacher, SE 605 
Institute of Information Technology 
University of Dhaka 
Subject: Letter of Submission 
Dear Sir, 
We are pleased to submit the Test Plan Document on IIT Web Site that you had asked, we tried to find the scope of this Project Plan and its prospect from a pragmatic point of view. We have faced many obstacles in preparing it. But finally, we have successfully accomplished preparing the document. 
Therefore, we request you to accept this document. We believe that you’ll find it in order. We are eagerly expecting your feedback on the overall document. 
Yours sincerely, 
Md. Arif Ibne Ali - BIT0308 
Nadia Nahar - BIT0327 
3rd Batch, IITDU
3 | P a g e 
Revision History 
Test Plan of IIT Website 

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The document discusses test case structure and specifications. It defines a test case as a set of inputs, expected results, and execution conditions used to test a specific program path or requirement. A test case specification is a document that specifies test cases by outlining objectives, inputs, test actions, expected results, and preconditions. It also provides guidelines for writing effective test cases, such as keeping them short, using simple language, and providing test data and notes when possible. The overall goal is to write test cases early based on design to allow for early bug detection and efficient testing once code is completed.

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Test cases for effective testing - part 1

The document discusses test case components and approaches for writing test cases. It provides guidelines for writing test cases such as covering all requirements, prioritizing test cases based on importance, using simple steps and validation input data, focusing on common user scenarios, and ensuring each defect has a linked test case. The document also outlines a test case format including an ID, title, summary, preconditions, steps, and expected results.

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Table of Contents 
1. Test Plan Identifier .................................................................................................................. 6 
2. References ............................................................................................................................... 6 
3. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 6 
4. Test Items ................................................................................................................................ 7 
5. Software Risk Issues ................................................................................................................ 8 
6. Features to be Tested ............................................................................................................... 9 
7. Features not to be Tested ....................................................................................................... 11 
8. Approach ............................................................................................................................... 12 
8.1 Testing Levels ................................................................................................................ 12 
8.2 Configuration Management/Change Control ................................................................. 12 
8.3 Test Tools ....................................................................................................................... 13 
8.4 Meetings ......................................................................................................................... 13 
8.5 Measures and Metrics..................................................................................................... 13 
9. Item Pass/ Fail Criteria .......................................................................................................... 14 
10. Suspension Criteria and Resumption Requirements ............................................................. 14 
10.1 Suspension Criteria ........................................................................................................ 14 
10.2 Resumption Requirements ............................................................................................. 14 
11. Test Deliverables ................................................................................................................... 15 
12. Remaining Test Tasks ........................................................................................................... 15 
13. Environment .......................................................................................................................... 16 
13.1 Environmental Needs ..................................................................................................... 16 
13.2 Description of Actual Testing Environment .................................................................. 16 
14. Staffing and Testing Needs ................................................................................................... 17 
15. Responsibilities ..................................................................................................................... 17
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16. Schedule ................................................................................................................................ 18 
17. Planning Risks and Contingencies ........................................................................................ 18 
18. Approvals .............................................................................................................................. 19 
19. Glossary ................................................................................................................................. 19 
References ..................................................................................................................................... 22 
Table 1: Features to be tested.......................................................................................................... 9 
Table 2: Features not to be tested ................................................................................................. 11 
Table 3: Remaining test tasks ....................................................................................................... 15 
Table 4: Responsibilities ............................................................................................................... 17 
Table 5: Approvals ........................................................................................................................ 19 
Table 6: Glossary .......................................................................................................................... 19
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1. Test Plan Identifier 
2. References 
List of documents that support this test plan – 
1. Software Requirement Specification Report on IIT Web Site – Version 1.0 
2. IEEE 829 standards and guidelines 
3. Introduction 
“IIT Website” will be the representer of IIT. We have been designing our website with well- equipped technology. IIT website contains all the information of IIT students, teachers, academia, admission etc. This project is now at development phase, so readers can read the Software Requirement Specification document for details. 
This document presents the Master Test Plan of IIT Website. As we know, master test plan is a living and breathing document that summarizes the overall effort required to test a software product. Master test plan will actually contain the details of individual tests to be run during the testing cycle like unit test, system test, beta test etc. However, our document will categorize and describe each test case. It will also outline pass-fail criteria and indicate the planned run day or week. This is a quick-reference tracking document for what has to be tested, the priority of test items, what is left to test etc. 
We followed IEEE-829 format to develop our test plan. We strictly follow the instructions provided by our respective course teacher. This is our first test plan documentation, so we also read some sample test plan (example: Reassigned sales re-write project) to gather knowledge about test plan documentation. 
The estimated time line for this project is a semester (maximum 6 month). The testing activities are to be done in parallel with the development process.
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4. Test Items 
The test items can be recognized from higher level and also from lower level. 
Higher level Test Items 
The following is a list of the items to be tested: 
o IIT Official Website released version 1.0 and supporting infrastructure 
o Website running on different client platforms 
The following is a list of the items not to be tested: 
o SRS of IIT Official Website version 1.0 
o Previous IIT Official Website 
o Other applications that the IIT Official Website application uses 
o The manual processes related to the application 
Lower level Test Items 
For lower levels, test items may be program, unit, module or build. We have considered modules as lower level items here. So, the modules of IIT Official Website are – 
The following is a list of the items to be tested: 
o Achievements 
o Gallery 
o News & Events 
o Program Management 
o Batch Management 
o Course Management 
o Faculty Management 
o Exam Management 
o Result Management 
o Group

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The ppt is about last and final step of Software testing done by client/end users before releasing the Software product.

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This document provides guidance on how to write effective test cases. It discusses test case components like objectives, preconditions, steps, and expected results. It emphasizes making test cases clear, concise, reusable, and up-to-date to reflect any application changes. The document also highlights techniques like breaking tests into focused subsets and attaching relevant artifacts.

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o Profile 
o Documents 
o Attendance 
o Project & thesis 
o Calendar 
o Alumni 
o Information 
The following is a list of the items not to be tested: 
o User – a default module of codeIgniter, test not needed 
o Admission Management – not released in version1.0 
o Archive – merged with the project-thesis module 
o Faculty Member – merged with faculty management 
o Programs – merged with program management 
Some more modules were included and changed during development phase, which are not fully recognized or documented yet. So, test items of those modules will be included in the next version of the test plan. 
5. Software Risk Issues 
There is several risk issues recognized which can have direct impact on the website application and need to be handled carefully. 
1. Delivery of the website and hosting 
2. Reliability of the web hosting service (measures availability of website) 
3. Poorly documented modules and changes 
4. Backup and recovery of files, database 
5. Database security and safety 
6. Failure of services detection and handling
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6. Features to be Tested 
The features and attributes to be tested are – 
IIT Official Website 
Add Album 
(Upload Picture) 
Modify Album 
View Album 
Add Achievement 
Modify Achievement 
Add News/Events 
Modify News/Events 
View News/Events 
Create Program 
Modify Program 
Create Semester 
Modify Semester 
Create Course 
Modify Course 
Add Faculty Member 
Modify Faculty Member 
Assign Course 
Create Batch 
Modify Batch 
View Batch 
Create Student 
Modify Student 
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Send Program Notification 
Send Batch Notification 
Create Club 
Modify Club 
Edit Profile 
Document Upload 
Document Download 
Add Attendance 
Modify Attendance 
Add Project/Thesis 
Modify Project/Thesis 
Group Post 
Add Examination 
Modify Examination 
View Examination 
View Activity Log 
Add Admin 
Modify Admin 
View Admin 
Promote Batch 
View Calendar 
Table 1: Features to be tested
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7. Features not to be Tested 
Features and attributes with low priority need not be tested. So the list of those features and attributes is – 
IIT Official Website 
View Achievements 
View Programs 
View Semesters 
View Courses 
View Student 
Document Delete 
View Attendance 
View Project/Thesis 
View Dashboard 
View About IIT 
View Academic Info 
View Admission Info 
View Alumni 
Table 2: Features not to be tested

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This document provides guidelines and templates for creating a Quality Assurance Test Plan. It outlines the purpose, scope, objectives, and goals of testing. It describes the overall test methodology including entrance and exit criteria. It also covers test execution approaches, test scenarios, environments, assumptions/risks, roles and responsibilities, and defect tracking. The plan is intended to document the testing strategy for an application to ensure requirements are met.

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8. Approach 
8.1 Testing Levels 
The testing approach for the IIT official website project is Master Testing Plan (MTP). MTP consists of unit testing, system/integration(combined) and acceptance test levels. In our project, most testing part is being accomplished by our development and testing team. All kinds of developers will work in the unit testing part of this project. Proof of unit testing must be provided by the developers to the team leader. All unit test information also need to be provided to the testing team. System/Itegration testing will be done by the testing team and development team. They will enter the programs into System/Itegration test after all critical defects have been corrected. Acceptance testing will be done by the end user- the users of this website with the assistance of the test team and developer team. Program will enter into acceptance test after all critical and major defects have been corrected. Prior to final completation of acceptance testing all open critical and major defects MUST be corrected and verfied by the customer. 
8.2 Configuration Management/Change Control 
The programs under development and those in full test will have the same version controls and tracking of changes. The migration of the website from the development and test phase to the production phase will be done once all testing has been completed according to published plans and guidelines. 
All changes, enhancements and other modification requests to the system will be handled through the published change control procedures. Any modifications to the standard procedures will be according to the SRS change control section (page – 194).
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8.3 Test Tools 
o Selenium – Web Browser Automation 
o Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 – Load Testing 
o CIUnit – Unit testing for CodeIgniter 
o Firebug – Web development tool that facilitates debugging 
o FreeMind - free mind mapping software 
o JSUnit – Unit testing for Javascript 
o Multi-Mechanize – Performance and Load Testing 
o Capybara – Acceptance test framework 
8.4 Meetings 
The test team will meet once in every weeks to evaluate the progress and identify all problems and conduct a solution. Test team will also meet with development team to merge their ideas about testing and quality of our website. Addtional mettings can be called as required for emergency situation. 
8.5 Measures and Metrics 
The following information will be collected by the Development team during the Unit testing process. This information will be provided to the test team at program turnover as well as be provided to the project team on a biweekly basis. 
o Defects by module and severity 
o Defect origin 
o Time spent on defect resolution
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The following information will be collected by the test team during all testing phases. This information will be provided on a biweekly basis to the test manager and to the project team. 
o Defects by module and severity 
o Defect origin 
o Time spent on defect resolution 
o Number of times a program submitted to test team as ready for test 
9. Item Pass/ Fail Criteria 
The test process will be completed when the project leader will be satisfied with the result of the test. For this, at least 90% of test cases must pass; all functionalities must be covered in those test cases and most of all, high and medium severity defects must be detected and fixed. Minor defects can be ignored, but with the assurance that it does not lead to severe defect. 
The project leader will decide whether the detected defects and criticality will cause the release of IIT Website of version 1.0 to delay. 
10. Suspension Criteria and Resumption Requirements 
10.1 Suspension Criteria 
In general, testing will only stop if somehow the website becomes unavailable. But certain portion of tests may be suspended or skipped if prerequisite tests have previously failed. 
10.2 Resumption Requirements 
In the case of website unavailability, testing will be resumed after access to the Website is reestablished. And about the skipped test cases, they can be tested after the related failed cases are fixed.
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11. Test Deliverables 
o Master Test Plan (IW-MTP01.00 – this document) 
o Unit Test Plan 
o System/Integration Test Plan 
o Acceptance Test Plan 
o Screen Prototypes 
o Defect reports and summaries 
o Test logs 
o Automated test scripts and supporting test data 
12. Remaining Test Tasks 
Assigned to 
Define Unit Test rules and procedures 
Test Manager, Project Manager, Developer 
Create System/Integration Test Plan 
Test Manager, Project Manager, Developer 
Create Acceptance Test Plan 
Test Manager, Project Manager, Client 
Verify Prototype of Screens 
Test Manager, Developer, Client 
Verify Prototype of Reports 
Test Manager, Developer, Client 
Automate Test Scripts 
Test Manager, Developer 
Verify Test Data 
Test Manager, Project Manager 
Table 3: Remaining test tasks

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Testing software is conducted to ensure the system meets user needs and requirements. The primary objectives of testing are to verify that the right system was built according to specifications and that it was built correctly. Testing helps instill user confidence, ensures functionality and performance, and identifies any issues where the system does not meet specifications. Different types of testing include unit, integration, system, and user acceptance testing, which are done at various stages of the software development life cycle.


This document outlines a test plan template for testing a product. It includes sections for objectives and tasks, scope, testing strategy, hardware and environment requirements, test schedule, control procedures, features to be tested, resources and responsibilities, schedules, impacted departments, dependencies, risks, tools, and approvals. The testing strategy section describes the different types of testing to be performed, including unit, integration, performance, user acceptance, batch, regression, and beta testing. It provides definitions and outlines the methodology for each type. The document provides a framework to define all aspects of testing for a project.

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16 | P a g e 
13. Environment 
Our project is the official website of Institute of Information Technology, University of Dhaka. There are essentially two part of our system with many of its functionalities. One part of the application is going to be accessed over the internet by students, teachers, office staffs and outsiders (general visitors). And other is IIT maintainance side (for admin/ maintenance officer). Following elements support the overal test strategy and effort to improve the quality of our website. 
13.1 Environmental Needs 
The following represent the essential hardware and software needs. I. Any kind of Operating system supports this website II. Minimum Hardware (comparing with this era) configaration of pc’s and servers. III. Relaible communication link with our website supported software 
13.2 Description of Actual Testing Environment 
I. Available Client side envirnoment - no need to buy a new hardware because it runs with minimum hardware configartion - Normal browsers are able load this side. II. Available admin (server) side environment - Testing and development team do their job related to testing and QA on the total development period. - Unit, system, acceptance, load, performence testing task III. Avaiable testing tools - Use 3rd party tool for further testing. - Selenium, FreeMind, VS-2012, Firewall etc
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14. Staffing and Testing Needs 
In our project there is a testing team consisting of 04-06 members. It’s an academic project (in students’ perspective) as well as a business project (IIT perspective). It seems like a bridge between academia and industry. The tester(s) and development engineers will ensure that teachers, other students, staffs assign to this project are experienced with: 
Development period: 
1. General development and testing techniques and QA process. 
2. Simple knowledge about website development lifecycles, DB management 
3. Development tools, testing tools that they may be required to use 
Production period: 
1. Relevant people (internal user) should be trained by developer and tester. 
2. Train at least two persons who will maintain and solve general problems of IIT website. 
15. Responsibilities 
Overall Operations 
Test Manager 
Project Manager 
Client Unit test documentation and execution X 
X X 
System/integration test documentation and execution X X 
Acceptance test documentation and execution 
X X X System design review X X X 
Detail design review X X 
Test procedures and rules X X 
Regression testing X 
X X 
Table 4: Responsibilities
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16. Schedule 
Scheduling is an important part in project management. In a software project there are many different steps like requirements gathering, designing, development, QA & Testing. Every step has fixed timestamps. To develop a test plan we need to consider these following parts: 
I. Review of requirements documents 
II. Create test Design, observe test execution and produce the test incident/summary report 
III. Development of master test plan (MTP) 
IV. Develop the system/integration and acceptance test plans of this project 
V. Review of the system design document 
VI. Unit test time within the development process 
VII. Allocate time for system/integration, acceptance 
All steps must be accomplished within the fixed budget and time. 
17. Planning Risks and Contingencies 
Following are the likely project risks and possible contingencies of them – 
o Unavailability of Website: Testing will be delayed until the website is reestablished. Possible contingency can be to increase testers or reduce number of test cases. 
o Unavailability of Testing Software: This can be caused because of the disability of the tools to handle cookie and it can lead to delay of automated testing and increase manual testing. Possible contingency can be to increase testers or reduce number of test cases. 
o Time problem: There may not be enough time to complete all test cases. In that case we can skip the cases with lower priorities. 
o Lack of Tester: If testers are unavailable, test cases can be reduced by eliminating cases with low priority. 
o Large Number of Defects: A large number of defects make it functionally impossible to run all of the test cases. In that case release of the version need to be delayed.
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18. Approvals 
Approvals need to be taken from the following persons – 
Project Sponsor – Institute of Information Technology, University of Dhaka 
Project Manager – Dr. Md. Mahbubul Alam Joarder 
Project Supervisor – Asif Imtiaz 
Development Team Leader – Upal Roy, Nadia Nahar 
Testing Team Leader – Ahmad Tahmid 
Management Team Leader – Sujit Ghosh 
Table 5: Approvals 
19. Glossary 
Acceptance Testing 
Testing conducted to enable a user/customer to determine whether to accept a software product. Normally performed to validate the software meets a set of agreed acceptance criteria. 
Automated Testing 
Testing employing software tools which execute tests without manual intervention. 
Beta Testing 
Testing of a rerelease of a software product conducted by customers. 
A fault in a program which causes the program to perform in an unintended or unanticipated manner. 
The generation of source code. 
Configuration Management 
A discipline applying technical and administrative direction and surveillance to: identify and document the functional and physical characteristics of a configuration item, control changes to those characteristics, record and report change processing and implementation status, and verify compliance with specified requirements. [IEEE 610]

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This Slideshare will give you the basics introduction of the ISTQB Foundation level testing certification. ISTQB stands for the “International Software Testing Qualifications Board.” ISTQB Certification is a universally acknowledged programming testing affirmation that is directed online by its Member Boards through a testing Exam Provider.

20 | P a g e 
The process of finding and removing the causes of software failures. 
Nonconformance to requirements or functional / program specification 
Any (work) product that must be delivered to someone other that the (work) product’s author. 
Functional Testing 
Testing the features and operational behavior of a product to ensure they correspond to its specifications. 
Impact Analysis 
The assessment of change to the layers of development documentation, test documentation and components, in order to implement a given change to specified requirements. 
Load Test 
A test type concerned with measuring the behavior of a component or system with increasing load, e.g. number of parallel users and/or numbers of transactions to determine what load can be handled by the component or system. 
pass/fail criteria 
Decision rules used to determine whether a test item (function) or feature has passed or failed a test. [IEEE 829] 
Performance Testing 
The process of testing to determine the performance of a software product. 
Risk Analysis 
The process of assessing identified risks to estimate their impact and probability of occurrence (likelihood). 
Security Testing 
Testing which confirms that the program can restrict access to authorized personnel and that the authorized personnel can access the functions available to their security level. 
The degree of impact that a defect has on the development or operation of a component or system. [After IEEE 610] 
Software Requirements Specification 
A deliverable that describes all data, functional and behavioral requirements, all constraints, and all validation requirements for software 
Software Testing 
A set of activities conducted with the intent of finding errors in software. 
The process of exercising software to verify that it satisfies specified requirements and to detect errors.
21 | P a g e 
Test Approach 
The implementation of the test strategy for a specific project. It typically includes the decisions made that follow based on the (test) project’s goal and the risk assessment carried out, starting points regarding the test process, the test design techniques to be applied, exit criteria and test types to be performed. 
Test Case 
A set of inputs, execution preconditions, and expected outcomes developed for a particular objective, such as to exercise a particular program path or to verify compliance with a specific requirement. 
Test Environment 
The hardware and software environment in which tests will be run, and any other software with which the software under test interacts when under test including stubs and test drivers. 
Test Item 
The individual element to be tested. There usually is one test object and many test items. See also test object. 
Test Plan 
A document describing the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of intended testing activities. It identifies test items, the features to be tested, the testing tasks, who will do each task, and any risks requiring contingency planning. Ref IEEE Std 829. 
Test Tools 
Computer programs used in the testing of a system, a component of the system, or its documentation. 
A technically skilled professional who is involved in the testing of a component or system. 
Use Case 
The specification of tests that are conducted from the end-user perspective. Use cases tend to focus on operating software as an end-user would conduct their day-to-day activities. 
Unit Testing 
Testing of individual software components. 
Table 6: Glossary
22 | P a g e 
1., accessed on 3rd December, 2013 
2., accessed on 3rd December, 2013 
3., accessed on 2nd December, 2013 
4. BDonline Release 1.0 MASTER TEST PLAN, accessed on 1st December,2013 
5. TEST PLAN OUTLINE (IEEE 829 FORMAT), accessed on 21st October, 2013 
6. MASTER TEST PLAN on Reassigned sales re-write project, accessed on 1st December,2013 

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Test plan

  • 1. Test Plan Document IIT Official Website
  • 2. 1 | P a g e TEST PLAN OF IIT OFFICIAL WEBSITE Version 1.00 Submitted To: Mohammad Ashik Elahi Course Teacher SE 605 Submitted By: Md. Arif Ibne Ali – BIT0308 Nadia Nahar – BIT0327 Submission Date: 5th December, 2013
  • 3. 2 | P a g e December 05, 2013 Mohammad Ashik Elahi Course Teacher, SE 605 Institute of Information Technology University of Dhaka Subject: Letter of Submission Dear Sir, We are pleased to submit the Test Plan Document on IIT Web Site that you had asked, we tried to find the scope of this Project Plan and its prospect from a pragmatic point of view. We have faced many obstacles in preparing it. But finally, we have successfully accomplished preparing the document. Therefore, we request you to accept this document. We believe that you’ll find it in order. We are eagerly expecting your feedback on the overall document. Yours sincerely, Md. Arif Ibne Ali - BIT0308 Nadia Nahar - BIT0327 3rd Batch, IITDU
  • 4. 3 | P a g e Revision History Name Date Changes Version Signature Test Plan of IIT Website 5.12.13 - 1.0
  • 5. 4 | P a g e Table of Contents 1. Test Plan Identifier .................................................................................................................. 6 2. References ............................................................................................................................... 6 3. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 6 4. Test Items ................................................................................................................................ 7 5. Software Risk Issues ................................................................................................................ 8 6. Features to be Tested ............................................................................................................... 9 7. Features not to be Tested ....................................................................................................... 11 8. Approach ............................................................................................................................... 12 8.1 Testing Levels ................................................................................................................ 12 8.2 Configuration Management/Change Control ................................................................. 12 8.3 Test Tools ....................................................................................................................... 13 8.4 Meetings ......................................................................................................................... 13 8.5 Measures and Metrics..................................................................................................... 13 9. Item Pass/ Fail Criteria .......................................................................................................... 14 10. Suspension Criteria and Resumption Requirements ............................................................. 14 10.1 Suspension Criteria ........................................................................................................ 14 10.2 Resumption Requirements ............................................................................................. 14 11. Test Deliverables ................................................................................................................... 15 12. Remaining Test Tasks ........................................................................................................... 15 13. Environment .......................................................................................................................... 16 13.1 Environmental Needs ..................................................................................................... 16 13.2 Description of Actual Testing Environment .................................................................. 16 14. Staffing and Testing Needs ................................................................................................... 17 15. Responsibilities ..................................................................................................................... 17
  • 6. 5 | P a g e 16. Schedule ................................................................................................................................ 18 17. Planning Risks and Contingencies ........................................................................................ 18 18. Approvals .............................................................................................................................. 19 19. Glossary ................................................................................................................................. 19 References ..................................................................................................................................... 22 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Features to be tested.......................................................................................................... 9 Table 2: Features not to be tested ................................................................................................. 11 Table 3: Remaining test tasks ....................................................................................................... 15 Table 4: Responsibilities ............................................................................................................... 17 Table 5: Approvals ........................................................................................................................ 19 Table 6: Glossary .......................................................................................................................... 19
  • 7. 6 | P a g e 1. Test Plan Identifier IW-MTP01.00 2. References List of documents that support this test plan – 1. Software Requirement Specification Report on IIT Web Site – Version 1.0 2. IEEE 829 standards and guidelines 3. Introduction “IIT Website” will be the representer of IIT. We have been designing our website with well- equipped technology. IIT website contains all the information of IIT students, teachers, academia, admission etc. This project is now at development phase, so readers can read the Software Requirement Specification document for details. This document presents the Master Test Plan of IIT Website. As we know, master test plan is a living and breathing document that summarizes the overall effort required to test a software product. Master test plan will actually contain the details of individual tests to be run during the testing cycle like unit test, system test, beta test etc. However, our document will categorize and describe each test case. It will also outline pass-fail criteria and indicate the planned run day or week. This is a quick-reference tracking document for what has to be tested, the priority of test items, what is left to test etc. We followed IEEE-829 format to develop our test plan. We strictly follow the instructions provided by our respective course teacher. This is our first test plan documentation, so we also read some sample test plan (example: Reassigned sales re-write project) to gather knowledge about test plan documentation. The estimated time line for this project is a semester (maximum 6 month). The testing activities are to be done in parallel with the development process.
  • 8. 7 | P a g e 4. Test Items The test items can be recognized from higher level and also from lower level. Higher level Test Items The following is a list of the items to be tested: o IIT Official Website released version 1.0 and supporting infrastructure o Website running on different client platforms The following is a list of the items not to be tested: o SRS of IIT Official Website version 1.0 o Previous IIT Official Website o Other applications that the IIT Official Website application uses o The manual processes related to the application Lower level Test Items For lower levels, test items may be program, unit, module or build. We have considered modules as lower level items here. So, the modules of IIT Official Website are – The following is a list of the items to be tested: o Achievements o Gallery o News & Events o Program Management o Batch Management o Course Management o Faculty Management o Exam Management o Result Management o Group
  • 9. 8 | P a g e o Profile o Documents o Attendance o Project & thesis o Calendar o Alumni o Information The following is a list of the items not to be tested: o User – a default module of codeIgniter, test not needed o Admission Management – not released in version1.0 o Archive – merged with the project-thesis module o Faculty Member – merged with faculty management o Programs – merged with program management Some more modules were included and changed during development phase, which are not fully recognized or documented yet. So, test items of those modules will be included in the next version of the test plan. 5. Software Risk Issues There is several risk issues recognized which can have direct impact on the website application and need to be handled carefully. 1. Delivery of the website and hosting 2. Reliability of the web hosting service (measures availability of website) 3. Poorly documented modules and changes 4. Backup and recovery of files, database 5. Database security and safety 6. Failure of services detection and handling
  • 10. 9 | P a g e 6. Features to be Tested The features and attributes to be tested are – IIT Official Website Likelihood Impact Priority Features Attributes Add Album (Upload Picture) Medium Medium 4 Modify Album Medium Medium 4 View Album Medium Low 3 Add Achievement Medium Medium 4 Modify Achievement Medium Medium 4 Add News/Events Medium Medium 4 Modify News/Events Medium Medium 4 View News/Events Low Medium 3 Create Program Medium High 5 Modify Program Medium High 5 Create Semester Medium High 5 Modify Semester Medium High 5 Create Course Medium High 5 Modify Course Medium High 5 Add Faculty Member Medium High 5 Modify Faculty Member Medium Medium 4 Assign Course High High 6 Create Batch High High 6 Modify Batch High High 6 View Batch Medium Low 3 Create Student Medium High 5 Modify Student Medium High 5
  • 11. 10 | P a g e Send Program Notification Medium Medium 4 Send Batch Notification Medium Medium 4 Create Club Low Medium 3 Modify Club Medium Low 3 Edit Profile High High 6 Document Upload High Medium 5 Document Download Medium Medium 4 Add Attendance Medium High 5 Modify Attendance Medium Low 3 Add Project/Thesis Medium High 5 Modify Project/Thesis Medium Low 3 Group Post High Medium 5 Add Examination Medium High 5 Modify Examination Medium High 5 View Examination Low High 4 View Activity Log Low Medium 3 Add Admin Medium High 5 Modify Admin Medium Medium 4 View Admin Low Medium 3 Promote Batch High High 6 View Calendar Medium Low 3 Capability Medium Medium 4 Reliability Medium High 5 Usability Medium High 5 Security Medium High 5 Compatibility Medium Medium 4 Table 1: Features to be tested
  • 12. 11 | P a g e 7. Features not to be Tested Features and attributes with low priority need not be tested. So the list of those features and attributes is – IIT Official Website Likelihood Impact Priority Features Attributes View Achievements Low Low 2 View Programs Low Low 2 View Semesters Low Low 2 View Courses Low Low 2 View Student Low Low 2 Document Delete Low Low 2 View Attendance Low Low 2 View Project/Thesis Low Low 2 View Dashboard Low Low 2 View About IIT Low Low 2 View Academic Info Low Medium 3 View Admission Info Low Medium 3 View Alumni Low Low 2 Scalability Low Medium 3 Performance Low Medium 3 Table 2: Features not to be tested
  • 13. 12 | P a g e 8. Approach 8.1 Testing Levels The testing approach for the IIT official website project is Master Testing Plan (MTP). MTP consists of unit testing, system/integration(combined) and acceptance test levels. In our project, most testing part is being accomplished by our development and testing team. All kinds of developers will work in the unit testing part of this project. Proof of unit testing must be provided by the developers to the team leader. All unit test information also need to be provided to the testing team. System/Itegration testing will be done by the testing team and development team. They will enter the programs into System/Itegration test after all critical defects have been corrected. Acceptance testing will be done by the end user- the users of this website with the assistance of the test team and developer team. Program will enter into acceptance test after all critical and major defects have been corrected. Prior to final completation of acceptance testing all open critical and major defects MUST be corrected and verfied by the customer. 8.2 Configuration Management/Change Control The programs under development and those in full test will have the same version controls and tracking of changes. The migration of the website from the development and test phase to the production phase will be done once all testing has been completed according to published plans and guidelines. All changes, enhancements and other modification requests to the system will be handled through the published change control procedures. Any modifications to the standard procedures will be according to the SRS change control section (page – 194).
  • 14. 13 | P a g e 8.3 Test Tools o Selenium – Web Browser Automation o Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 – Load Testing o CIUnit – Unit testing for CodeIgniter o Firebug – Web development tool that facilitates debugging o FreeMind - free mind mapping software o JSUnit – Unit testing for Javascript o Multi-Mechanize – Performance and Load Testing o Capybara – Acceptance test framework 8.4 Meetings The test team will meet once in every weeks to evaluate the progress and identify all problems and conduct a solution. Test team will also meet with development team to merge their ideas about testing and quality of our website. Addtional mettings can be called as required for emergency situation. 8.5 Measures and Metrics The following information will be collected by the Development team during the Unit testing process. This information will be provided to the test team at program turnover as well as be provided to the project team on a biweekly basis. o Defects by module and severity o Defect origin o Time spent on defect resolution
  • 15. 14 | P a g e The following information will be collected by the test team during all testing phases. This information will be provided on a biweekly basis to the test manager and to the project team. o Defects by module and severity o Defect origin o Time spent on defect resolution o Number of times a program submitted to test team as ready for test 9. Item Pass/ Fail Criteria The test process will be completed when the project leader will be satisfied with the result of the test. For this, at least 90% of test cases must pass; all functionalities must be covered in those test cases and most of all, high and medium severity defects must be detected and fixed. Minor defects can be ignored, but with the assurance that it does not lead to severe defect. The project leader will decide whether the detected defects and criticality will cause the release of IIT Website of version 1.0 to delay. 10. Suspension Criteria and Resumption Requirements 10.1 Suspension Criteria In general, testing will only stop if somehow the website becomes unavailable. But certain portion of tests may be suspended or skipped if prerequisite tests have previously failed. 10.2 Resumption Requirements In the case of website unavailability, testing will be resumed after access to the Website is reestablished. And about the skipped test cases, they can be tested after the related failed cases are fixed.
  • 16. 15 | P a g e 11. Test Deliverables o Master Test Plan (IW-MTP01.00 – this document) o Unit Test Plan o System/Integration Test Plan o Acceptance Test Plan o Screen Prototypes o Defect reports and summaries o Test logs o Automated test scripts and supporting test data 12. Remaining Test Tasks Task Assigned to Status Define Unit Test rules and procedures Test Manager, Project Manager, Developer Create System/Integration Test Plan Test Manager, Project Manager, Developer Create Acceptance Test Plan Test Manager, Project Manager, Client Verify Prototype of Screens Test Manager, Developer, Client Verify Prototype of Reports Test Manager, Developer, Client Automate Test Scripts Test Manager, Developer Verify Test Data Test Manager, Project Manager Table 3: Remaining test tasks
  • 17. 16 | P a g e 13. Environment Our project is the official website of Institute of Information Technology, University of Dhaka. There are essentially two part of our system with many of its functionalities. One part of the application is going to be accessed over the internet by students, teachers, office staffs and outsiders (general visitors). And other is IIT maintainance side (for admin/ maintenance officer). Following elements support the overal test strategy and effort to improve the quality of our website. 13.1 Environmental Needs The following represent the essential hardware and software needs. I. Any kind of Operating system supports this website II. Minimum Hardware (comparing with this era) configaration of pc’s and servers. III. Relaible communication link with our website supported software 13.2 Description of Actual Testing Environment I. Available Client side envirnoment - no need to buy a new hardware because it runs with minimum hardware configartion - Normal browsers are able load this side. II. Available admin (server) side environment - Testing and development team do their job related to testing and QA on the total development period. - Unit, system, acceptance, load, performence testing task III. Avaiable testing tools - Use 3rd party tool for further testing. - Selenium, FreeMind, VS-2012, Firewall etc
  • 18. 17 | P a g e 14. Staffing and Testing Needs In our project there is a testing team consisting of 04-06 members. It’s an academic project (in students’ perspective) as well as a business project (IIT perspective). It seems like a bridge between academia and industry. The tester(s) and development engineers will ensure that teachers, other students, staffs assign to this project are experienced with: Development period: 1. General development and testing techniques and QA process. 2. Simple knowledge about website development lifecycles, DB management 3. Development tools, testing tools that they may be required to use Production period: 1. Relevant people (internal user) should be trained by developer and tester. 2. Train at least two persons who will maintain and solve general problems of IIT website. 15. Responsibilities Overall Operations Test Manager Project Manager Development Team Testing Team Client Unit test documentation and execution X X X System/integration test documentation and execution X X X Acceptance test documentation and execution X X X System design review X X X Detail design review X X Test procedures and rules X X X Regression testing X X X Table 4: Responsibilities
  • 19. 18 | P a g e 16. Schedule Scheduling is an important part in project management. In a software project there are many different steps like requirements gathering, designing, development, QA & Testing. Every step has fixed timestamps. To develop a test plan we need to consider these following parts: I. Review of requirements documents II. Create test Design, observe test execution and produce the test incident/summary report III. Development of master test plan (MTP) IV. Develop the system/integration and acceptance test plans of this project V. Review of the system design document VI. Unit test time within the development process VII. Allocate time for system/integration, acceptance All steps must be accomplished within the fixed budget and time. 17. Planning Risks and Contingencies Following are the likely project risks and possible contingencies of them – o Unavailability of Website: Testing will be delayed until the website is reestablished. Possible contingency can be to increase testers or reduce number of test cases. o Unavailability of Testing Software: This can be caused because of the disability of the tools to handle cookie and it can lead to delay of automated testing and increase manual testing. Possible contingency can be to increase testers or reduce number of test cases. o Time problem: There may not be enough time to complete all test cases. In that case we can skip the cases with lower priorities. o Lack of Tester: If testers are unavailable, test cases can be reduced by eliminating cases with low priority. o Large Number of Defects: A large number of defects make it functionally impossible to run all of the test cases. In that case release of the version need to be delayed.
  • 20. 19 | P a g e 18. Approvals Approvals need to be taken from the following persons – Post Signature Project Sponsor – Institute of Information Technology, University of Dhaka Project Manager – Dr. Md. Mahbubul Alam Joarder Project Supervisor – Asif Imtiaz Development Team Leader – Upal Roy, Nadia Nahar Testing Team Leader – Ahmad Tahmid Management Team Leader – Sujit Ghosh Table 5: Approvals 19. Glossary Term Definition Acceptance Testing Testing conducted to enable a user/customer to determine whether to accept a software product. Normally performed to validate the software meets a set of agreed acceptance criteria. Automated Testing Testing employing software tools which execute tests without manual intervention. Beta Testing Testing of a rerelease of a software product conducted by customers. Bug A fault in a program which causes the program to perform in an unintended or unanticipated manner. Coding The generation of source code. Configuration Management A discipline applying technical and administrative direction and surveillance to: identify and document the functional and physical characteristics of a configuration item, control changes to those characteristics, record and report change processing and implementation status, and verify compliance with specified requirements. [IEEE 610]
  • 21. 20 | P a g e Debugging The process of finding and removing the causes of software failures. Defect Nonconformance to requirements or functional / program specification deliverable Any (work) product that must be delivered to someone other that the (work) product’s author. Functional Testing Testing the features and operational behavior of a product to ensure they correspond to its specifications. Impact Analysis The assessment of change to the layers of development documentation, test documentation and components, in order to implement a given change to specified requirements. Load Test A test type concerned with measuring the behavior of a component or system with increasing load, e.g. number of parallel users and/or numbers of transactions to determine what load can be handled by the component or system. pass/fail criteria Decision rules used to determine whether a test item (function) or feature has passed or failed a test. [IEEE 829] Performance Testing The process of testing to determine the performance of a software product. Risk Analysis The process of assessing identified risks to estimate their impact and probability of occurrence (likelihood). Security Testing Testing which confirms that the program can restrict access to authorized personnel and that the authorized personnel can access the functions available to their security level. severity The degree of impact that a defect has on the development or operation of a component or system. [After IEEE 610] Software Requirements Specification A deliverable that describes all data, functional and behavioral requirements, all constraints, and all validation requirements for software Software Testing A set of activities conducted with the intent of finding errors in software. Testing The process of exercising software to verify that it satisfies specified requirements and to detect errors.
  • 22. 21 | P a g e Test Approach The implementation of the test strategy for a specific project. It typically includes the decisions made that follow based on the (test) project’s goal and the risk assessment carried out, starting points regarding the test process, the test design techniques to be applied, exit criteria and test types to be performed. Test Case A set of inputs, execution preconditions, and expected outcomes developed for a particular objective, such as to exercise a particular program path or to verify compliance with a specific requirement. Test Environment The hardware and software environment in which tests will be run, and any other software with which the software under test interacts when under test including stubs and test drivers. Test Item The individual element to be tested. There usually is one test object and many test items. See also test object. Test Plan A document describing the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of intended testing activities. It identifies test items, the features to be tested, the testing tasks, who will do each task, and any risks requiring contingency planning. Ref IEEE Std 829. Test Tools Computer programs used in the testing of a system, a component of the system, or its documentation. Tester A technically skilled professional who is involved in the testing of a component or system. Use Case The specification of tests that are conducted from the end-user perspective. Use cases tend to focus on operating software as an end-user would conduct their day-to-day activities. Unit Testing Testing of individual software components. Table 6: Glossary
  • 23. 22 | P a g e References 1., accessed on 3rd December, 2013 2., accessed on 3rd December, 2013 3., accessed on 2nd December, 2013 4. BDonline Release 1.0 MASTER TEST PLAN, accessed on 1st December,2013 5. TEST PLAN OUTLINE (IEEE 829 FORMAT), accessed on 21st October, 2013 6. MASTER TEST PLAN on Reassigned sales re-write project, accessed on 1st December,2013 7.