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Test Planning
 The

goal of a software tester is:

to find bugs, find them as early as possible, and
make sure they get fixed.

 Properly

communicating and documenting
the test effort with well-constructed test
plans, test cases, and test reports will make it
more likely that testers will achieve goal.
The Goal of Test Planning

If software testers don't communicate:


what plan to test,
what resources need, and
what your schedule is

Project will have little chance of succeeding.
The software test plan is the primary means by
which software testers communicate to the product
development team what they intend to do?
The Goal of Test Planning

Standard 8291998 for Software Test
Documentation states:

To prescribe the scope, approach, resources, and
schedule of the testing activities.
To identify the items being tested, the features to
be tested, the testing tasks to be performed, the
personnel responsible for each task, and the risks
associated with the plan.
The Goal of Test Planning
a test plan is required by law for reference and
archiving in some industries.
The ultimate goal of the test planning process is:



communicating (not recording) the software test team's
intent, its expectations, and its understanding of the testing
that's to be performed.

make sure that everyone has been informed and
understands what the test team is planning to do

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The document discusses software testing, outlining key achievements in the field, dreams for the future of testing, and ongoing challenges. Some of the achievements mentioned include establishing testing as an essential software engineering activity, developing test process models, and advancing testing techniques for object-oriented and component-based systems. The dreams include developing a universal test theory, enabling fully automated testing, and maximizing the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of testing. Current challenges pertain to testing modern complex systems and evolving software.

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Software quality assurance

The document discusses software quality assurance (SQA) and defines key terms related to quality. It describes SQA as encompassing quality management, software engineering processes, formal reviews, testing strategies, documentation control, and compliance with standards. Specific SQA activities mentioned include developing an SQA plan, participating in process development, auditing work products, and ensuring deviations are addressed. The document also discusses software reviews, inspections, reliability, and the reliability specification process.

software quality assurance
Software testing
Software testingSoftware testing
Software testing

This document provides an introduction to software testing. It defines software testing as a process used to identify correctness, completeness, and quality of computer software. The key points covered include: why software testing is important; who should be involved in testing; when testing should start and stop in the software development lifecycle; the differences between verification and validation; types of errors; types of testing including manual and automation; methods like black box and white box testing; levels of testing from unit to acceptance; and definitions of test plans and test cases.

presentationsoftware testingsoftware development
Test Planning Topics
 High-Level


What's the purpose of the test planning process
and the software test plan?
What product is being tested? Is it being
developed in house or by a third party?
There must be a complete understanding of what
the product is, its magnitude, and its scope.
What are the quality and reliability goals of the
Test Planning Topics

People, Places, and Things


Test planning needs to identify the people working on the
project, what they do, and how to contact them.
The test plan should include names, titles, addresses,
phone numbers, email addresses, and areas of
responsibility for all key people on the project.
Where documents are stored, where the software can be
downloaded from, where the test tools are located.
If hardware is necessary for running the tests, where is it
stored and how is it obtained? If there are external test labs
for configuration testing, where are they located and how
are they scheduled?
Test Planning Topics





Build. A compilation of code and content that the
programmers put together to be tested. The test plan
should define the frequency of builds (daily, weekly) and the
expected quality level.
Test release document (TRD). A document that the
programmers release with each build stating what's new,
different, fixed, and ready for testing.
Alpha release. A very early build intended for limited
distribution to a few key customers and to marketing for
demonstration purposes.
Beta release. The formal build intended for widespread
distribution to potential customers.
Test Planning Topics


Spec complete. A schedule date when the specification is
supposedly complete and will no longer change.
Feature complete. A schedule date when the programmers
will stop adding new features to the code and concentrate
on fixing bugs.
Bug committee. A group made up of the test manager,
project manager, development manager, and product
support manager that meets weekly to review the bugs and
determine which ones to fix and how they should be fixed.

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What is Test Plan? Edureka

YouTube Link: **Test Automation Masters Program: ** This Edureka PPT on "Test Plan in Software Testing" will give you in-depth knowledge on how to create a Test Plan in Software Testing and why it is important. The following are the topics covered in the session: Software Testing Documentation What is Test Plan? Benefits of Using Test Plan Types of Test Plan How to Write a Test Plan? Test Plan Template / Test Plan Document Software Testing Blog playlist: Selenium playlist: Selenium Blog playlist: Follow us to never miss an update in the future. YouTube: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: Castbox:

what is test planwhat is test plan in software testingtest plan in software testing
Software testing & Quality Assurance
Software testing & Quality Assurance Software testing & Quality Assurance
Software testing & Quality Assurance

Software testing is an important phase of the software development process that evaluates the functionality and quality of a software application. It involves executing a program or system with the intent of finding errors. Some key points: - Software testing is needed to identify defects, ensure customer satisfaction, and deliver high quality products with lower maintenance costs. - It is important for different stakeholders like developers, testers, managers, and end users to work together throughout the testing process. - There are various types of testing like unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and different methodologies like manual and automated testing. Proper documentation is also important. - Testing helps improve the overall quality of software but can never prove that there

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Test Planning Topics
 Inter-Group



Inter-group responsibilities identify tasks and
deliverables that potentially affect the test
The types of tasks that need to be defined
aren't the obvious ones testers test,
programmers program. The troublesome
tasks potentially have multiple owners or
sometimes no owner or a shared
table to help organize inter-group
Test Planning Topics

What Will and Won't Be Tested

There may be components of the software that were
previously released and have already been tested.
An outsourcing company may supply pre-tested portions of
the product.
The planning process needs to identify each component of
the software and make known whether it will be tested.
If it's not tested, there needs to be a reason it won't be
Test Planning Topics

Test Phases



To plan the test phases, the test team will look at the
proposed development model and decide whether unique
phases, or stages, of testing should be performed over the
course of the project.
In the waterfall and spiral models, there can be several test
phases from examining the product spec to acceptance
Test planning is one of the test phases.
The test planning process should identify each proposed
test phase and make each phase known to the project

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This lecture is about the detail definition of software quality and quality assurance. Provide details about software tesing and its types. Clear the basic concepts of software quality and software testing.

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Software testing methods
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Software testing methods

The document discusses various software testing methods, including static testing, white box testing, black box testing, unit testing, integration testing, and system testing. It outlines the benefits and pitfalls of each method. For example, static testing can find defects early but is time-consuming, while black box testing tests from a user perspective but may leave code paths untested. The document recommends using a black box approach combined with top-down integration testing, breaking the system into subsystems and assigning specific test responsibilities.

Test Planning Topics

Two very important concepts associated with the test
phases are:
the entrance and
 exit criteria.
 Each phase must have criteria defined for it that objectively
and absolutely declares if the phase is over and the next one
has begun.



For example, the beta test stage might begin when the
testers have completed an acceptance test pass with no
new bugs found on the proposed beta release build.
Without explicit entrance and exit criteria, the test effort will
dissolve into single, undirected test effort much like the
code-and-fix development model.
Test Planning Topics

Test Strategy


The test strategy describes the approach that the test team
will use to test the software both overall and in each phase.
It might be a good idea to test some of the code manually
and other code with tools and automation. If tools will be
used, do they need to be developed or can existing
commercial solutions be purchased? If so, which ones?
Maybe it would be more efficient to outsource the entire test
effort to a specialized testing company and require only a
skeleton testing crew to oversee their work.
Deciding on the strategy is a complex task one that needs
to be made by very experienced testers because it can
determine the success or failure of the test effort.
Test Planning Topics

Resource Requirements

People. How many, what experience, what expertise?
Should they be full-time, part-time, contract, students?
Equipment. Computers, test hardware, printers, tools.
Office and lab space. Where will they be located? How big
will they be? How will they be arranged?
Software. Word processors, databases, custom tools.
What will be purchased, what needs to be written?
Outsource companies. Will they be used? What criteria
will be used for choosing them? How much will they cost?
Miscellaneous supplies. Disks, phones, reference books,
training material. What else might be necessary over the
course of the project?
Test Planning Topics
 Tester


Planning the tester assignments identifies the
testers responsible for each area of the software
and for each testable feature.

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Verification & Validation

Verification and Validation (V&V) are used to ensure software quality. Verification confirms that the software meets its design specifications, while Validation confirms it meets the user's requirements. There are different types of reviews conducted at various stages of development to detect defects early. Reviews include informal peer reviews, semiformal walkthroughs, and formal inspections. Standards help improve quality by providing consistent processes and frameworks for software testing.


Software testing is an investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the product or service under test. I hope this ppt will help u to learn about software testing.

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The 7 software testing principles briefly explained. Everyone who works in software development company should know these principles. It happens frequently that testers or qa people are not taken into account as part of the process in the software development lifecycle and this happens expecially when the principles are not known.

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Test Planning Topics

Test Schedule


The test schedule takes all the information presented so far
and maps it into the overall project schedule.
Completing a test schedule as part of test planning will
provide the product team and project manager with the
information needed to better schedule the overall project.
Based on the testing schedule, to cut certain features from
the product or postpone them to a later release.
Test Planning Topics
Test Planning Topics
Test Planning Topics

Test Cases


The test planning process will decide what approach will be
used to write them, where the test cases will be stored, and
how they'll be used and maintained.

Bug Reporting

"Reporting What You Find," will describe the techniques
that can be used to record and track the bugs you find. The
possibilities range from shouting over a cubicle wall to
sticky notes to complex bug-tracking databases. Exactly
what process will be used to manage the bugs needs to be
planned so that each and every bug is tracked from when
it's found to when it's fixed and never, ever forgotten.

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A brief that includes the following: - Software Testing - Quality Assurance - Quality Control - Types of Testing - Levels of Software Testing - Types of Performance Testing - API - Verification & Validation - Test Plan & Testing Strategy - Agile & Waterfall - Software Development Life Cycle - Career Path

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Acceptance testing
Acceptance testingAcceptance testing
Acceptance testing

Acceptance testing is formal testing conducted by clients or end users to determine if a system meets business needs and requirements. There are two main types: user acceptance testing (UAT) ensures the system satisfies contractual criteria before being approved, while business acceptance testing (BAT) is conducted by the supplier's development team to ensure the system will pass acceptance. Acceptance testing has the objectives of confirming the system criteria and identifying any discrepancies.

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Types of testing
Types of testingTypes of testing
Types of testing

This PPT deals with: What is Software Testing? Why testing is necessary? Who does the testing? What do we test?

Test Planning Topics

Metrics and Statistics


Metrics and statistics are the means by which the progress
and the success of the project, and the testing, are tracked.
"Measuring Your Success." The test planning process
should identify exactly what information will be gathered,
what decisions will be made with them, and who will be
responsible for collecting them.
Examples of test metrics are
Total bugs found daily over the course of the project
 List of bugs that still need to be fixed
 Current bugs ranked by how severe they are
 Total bugs found per tester
 Number of bugs found per software feature or area
Test Planning Topics
 Risks


and Issues

To identify potential problem or risky areas of the
project ones that could have an impact on the test
As a software tester, you'll be responsible for
identifying risks during the planning process and
communicating your concerns to your manager
and the project manager.

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Test planning

  • 1. Test Planning  The – goal of a software tester is: to find bugs, find them as early as possible, and make sure they get fixed.  Properly communicating and documenting the test effort with well-constructed test plans, test cases, and test reports will make it more likely that testers will achieve goal.
  • 2. The Goal of Test Planning  If software testers don't communicate: – – –   what plan to test, what resources need, and what your schedule is Project will have little chance of succeeding. The software test plan is the primary means by which software testers communicate to the product development team what they intend to do?
  • 3. The Goal of Test Planning  IEEE Standard 8291998 for Software Test Documentation states: – – To prescribe the scope, approach, resources, and schedule of the testing activities. To identify the items being tested, the features to be tested, the testing tasks to be performed, the personnel responsible for each task, and the risks associated with the plan.
  • 4. The Goal of Test Planning a test plan is required by law for reference and archiving in some industries. The ultimate goal of the test planning process is:  –  communicating (not recording) the software test team's intent, its expectations, and its understanding of the testing that's to be performed. make sure that everyone has been informed and understands what the test team is planning to do
  • 5. Test Planning Topics  High-Level – – – – Expectations What's the purpose of the test planning process and the software test plan? What product is being tested? Is it being developed in house or by a third party? There must be a complete understanding of what the product is, its magnitude, and its scope. What are the quality and reliability goals of the product?
  • 6. Test Planning Topics  People, Places, and Things – – – – Test planning needs to identify the people working on the project, what they do, and how to contact them. The test plan should include names, titles, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and areas of responsibility for all key people on the project. Where documents are stored, where the software can be downloaded from, where the test tools are located. If hardware is necessary for running the tests, where is it stored and how is it obtained? If there are external test labs for configuration testing, where are they located and how are they scheduled?
  • 7. Test Planning Topics  Definitions – – – – Build. A compilation of code and content that the programmers put together to be tested. The test plan should define the frequency of builds (daily, weekly) and the expected quality level. Test release document (TRD). A document that the programmers release with each build stating what's new, different, fixed, and ready for testing. Alpha release. A very early build intended for limited distribution to a few key customers and to marketing for demonstration purposes. Beta release. The formal build intended for widespread distribution to potential customers.
  • 8. Test Planning Topics – – – Spec complete. A schedule date when the specification is supposedly complete and will no longer change. Feature complete. A schedule date when the programmers will stop adding new features to the code and concentrate on fixing bugs. Bug committee. A group made up of the test manager, project manager, development manager, and product support manager that meets weekly to review the bugs and determine which ones to fix and how they should be fixed.
  • 9. Test Planning Topics  Inter-Group – – Responsibilities Inter-group responsibilities identify tasks and deliverables that potentially affect the test effort. The types of tasks that need to be defined aren't the obvious ones testers test, programmers program. The troublesome tasks potentially have multiple owners or sometimes no owner or a shared responsibility.
  • 10. table to help organize inter-group responsibilities
  • 11. Test Planning Topics  What Will and Won't Be Tested – – – – There may be components of the software that were previously released and have already been tested. An outsourcing company may supply pre-tested portions of the product. The planning process needs to identify each component of the software and make known whether it will be tested. If it's not tested, there needs to be a reason it won't be covered.
  • 12. Test Planning Topics  Test Phases – – – – To plan the test phases, the test team will look at the proposed development model and decide whether unique phases, or stages, of testing should be performed over the course of the project. In the waterfall and spiral models, there can be several test phases from examining the product spec to acceptance testing. Test planning is one of the test phases. The test planning process should identify each proposed test phase and make each phase known to the project team.
  • 13. Test Planning Topics – Two very important concepts associated with the test phases are: the entrance and  exit criteria.  Each phase must have criteria defined for it that objectively and absolutely declares if the phase is over and the next one has begun.  – – For example, the beta test stage might begin when the testers have completed an acceptance test pass with no new bugs found on the proposed beta release build. Without explicit entrance and exit criteria, the test effort will dissolve into single, undirected test effort much like the code-and-fix development model.
  • 14. Test Planning Topics  Test Strategy – – – The test strategy describes the approach that the test team will use to test the software both overall and in each phase. It might be a good idea to test some of the code manually and other code with tools and automation. If tools will be used, do they need to be developed or can existing commercial solutions be purchased? If so, which ones? Maybe it would be more efficient to outsource the entire test effort to a specialized testing company and require only a skeleton testing crew to oversee their work. Deciding on the strategy is a complex task one that needs to be made by very experienced testers because it can determine the success or failure of the test effort.
  • 15. Test Planning Topics  Resource Requirements – – – – – – People. How many, what experience, what expertise? Should they be full-time, part-time, contract, students? Equipment. Computers, test hardware, printers, tools. Office and lab space. Where will they be located? How big will they be? How will they be arranged? Software. Word processors, databases, custom tools. What will be purchased, what needs to be written? Outsource companies. Will they be used? What criteria will be used for choosing them? How much will they cost? Miscellaneous supplies. Disks, phones, reference books, training material. What else might be necessary over the course of the project?
  • 16. Test Planning Topics  Tester – Assignments Planning the tester assignments identifies the testers responsible for each area of the software and for each testable feature.
  • 17. Test Planning Topics  Test Schedule – – – The test schedule takes all the information presented so far and maps it into the overall project schedule. Completing a test schedule as part of test planning will provide the product team and project manager with the information needed to better schedule the overall project. Based on the testing schedule, to cut certain features from the product or postpone them to a later release.
  • 20. Test Planning Topics  Test Cases –  The test planning process will decide what approach will be used to write them, where the test cases will be stored, and how they'll be used and maintained. Bug Reporting – "Reporting What You Find," will describe the techniques that can be used to record and track the bugs you find. The possibilities range from shouting over a cubicle wall to sticky notes to complex bug-tracking databases. Exactly what process will be used to manage the bugs needs to be planned so that each and every bug is tracked from when it's found to when it's fixed and never, ever forgotten.
  • 21. Test Planning Topics  Metrics and Statistics – – – Metrics and statistics are the means by which the progress and the success of the project, and the testing, are tracked. "Measuring Your Success." The test planning process should identify exactly what information will be gathered, what decisions will be made with them, and who will be responsible for collecting them. Examples of test metrics are Total bugs found daily over the course of the project  List of bugs that still need to be fixed  Current bugs ranked by how severe they are  Total bugs found per tester  Number of bugs found per software feature or area 
  • 22. Test Planning Topics  Risks – – and Issues To identify potential problem or risky areas of the project ones that could have an impact on the test effort. As a software tester, you'll be responsible for identifying risks during the planning process and communicating your concerns to your manager and the project manager.