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By: Chankey Pathak
• Introduction
• Importance of testing in SDLC
• Testing life cycle
• Test planning
• Types of testing
• Verification & Validation
• Quality Assurance & Control
• Bug reporting
Software Testing Fundamentals
Software testing is a process used to identify the
correctness, completeness and quality of developed
computer software.
It is the process of executing a program /
application under positive and negative conditions
by manual or automated means. It checks for the :-
 Specification
 Functionality
 Performance
Software Testing

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Software testing & Quality Assurance
Software testing & Quality Assurance Software testing & Quality Assurance
Software testing & Quality Assurance

Software testing is an important phase of the software development process that evaluates the functionality and quality of a software application. It involves executing a program or system with the intent of finding errors. Some key points: - Software testing is needed to identify defects, ensure customer satisfaction, and deliver high quality products with lower maintenance costs. - It is important for different stakeholders like developers, testers, managers, and end users to work together throughout the testing process. - There are various types of testing like unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and different methodologies like manual and automated testing. Proper documentation is also important. - Testing helps improve the overall quality of software but can never prove that there

qa training in chandigarhtesting typescope of testing
Testing methodology
Testing methodologyTesting methodology
Testing methodology

This document provides an overview of software testing and the testing process. It discusses: - The purpose of testing is to find errors and ensure software meets requirements. - The testing process includes test planning, analysis and design, execution, evaluation and reporting. - Key methodologies like unit, integration, system and acceptance testing are explained. - Regression testing is described as important for ensuring changes don't break existing functionality. - The roles of different teams in the testing process and the goals at each testing level are outlined.

Testing concepts ppt
Testing concepts pptTesting concepts ppt
Testing concepts ppt

Testing involves finding errors in a program. The goal is to assume a program contains errors and test to find as many as possible. Different testing techniques include white box testing by developers and black box testing by testers. Testing levels include unit, integration, system, and user acceptance testing. Developers and testers have different goals - developers want code to work while testers try to make code fail. Good development practices from a tester's view include doing own acceptance tests, fixing bugs, writing helpful error messages, and not artificially adding bugs. Good relationships between project managers, developers and testers help ensure quality.

Software Testing is important as it may cause
mission failure, impact on operational
performance and reliability if not done
Effective software testing delivers quality
software products satisfying user’s
requirements, needs and expectations.
Why Software Testing ?
Software Testing Fundamentals
What …????
…is an ”ERROR”??
….is a ”Bug”??
….is Fault, Failure ??
Bug, Fault & Failure
Error : An error is a human action that produces the incorrect result that
results in a fault.
Bug : The presence of error at the time of execution of the software.
Fault : State of software caused by an error.
Failure : Deviation of the software from its expected result. It is an event.
A person makes an Error
That creates a fault in software
That can cause a failure in operation

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Unit testing
Unit testing Unit testing
Unit testing

Unit testing involves individually testing small units or modules of code, such as functions, classes, or programs, to determine if they are fit for use. The goal is to isolate each part of a program and verify that it works as intended, helps reduce defects early in the development process, and improves code design. Unit testing is typically done by developers to test their code meets its design before integration testing.

Software testing
Software testingSoftware testing
Software testing

This document provides an introduction to software testing. It defines software testing as a process used to identify correctness, completeness, and quality of computer software. The key points covered include: why software testing is important; who should be involved in testing; when testing should start and stop in the software development lifecycle; the differences between verification and validation; types of errors; types of testing including manual and automation; methods like black box and white box testing; levels of testing from unit to acceptance; and definitions of test plans and test cases.

presentationsoftware testingsoftware development
Introduction to software testing
Introduction to software testingIntroduction to software testing
Introduction to software testing

A presentation on software testing importance , types, and levels,... This presentation contains videos, it may be unplayable on slideshare and need to download

software testing
Who is a Software
Software Tester is the one who performs testing and
find bugs, if they exist in the tested application.
The Testing Team
 Program Manager-
• The planning and execution of the project to ensure the success
of a project minimizing risk throughout the lifetime of the project.
• Responsible for writing the product specification, managing the schedule
and making the critical decisions and trade-offs.
 QA Lead-
• Coach and mentor other team members to help improve QA effectiveness
• Work with other department representatives to collaborate on
joint projects and initiatives
• Implement industry best practices related to testing automation and to
streamline the QA Department.
Test AnalystLead-
• Responsible for planning, developing and executing automated test
systems, manual test plans and regressions test plans.
• Identifying the Target Test Items to be evaluated by the test effort
• Defining the appropriate tests required and any associated Test
• Gathering and managing the Test Data
• Evaluating the outcome of each test cycle
Test Engineer-
• Writing and executing test cases and Reporting defects
• Test engineers are also responsible for determining the best way a
test can be performed in order to achieve 100% test coverage of all
Software Testing Fundamentals

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Software testing ppt

Testing is the process of identifying bugs and ensuring software meets requirements. It involves executing programs under different conditions to check specification, functionality, and performance. The objectives of testing are to uncover errors, demonstrate requirements are met, and validate quality with minimal cost. Testing follows a life cycle including planning, design, execution, and reporting. Different methodologies like black box and white box testing are used at various levels from unit to system. The overall goal is to perform effective testing to deliver high quality software.

What is Integration Testing? | Edureka
What is Integration Testing? | EdurekaWhat is Integration Testing? | Edureka
What is Integration Testing? | Edureka

YouTube Link: (**Test Automation Masters Program: **) This Edureka PPT on "What is Integration Testing?" will help you get in-depth knowledge on integration testing and why it is important to subject software builds to integration tests before moving on to next level of testing. Levels of Software Testing What is Integration Testing? Different Approaches to Integration Testing How to do Integration Testing? Examples of Integration Testing Integration Testing Challenges & Best Practices Follow us to never miss an update in the future. YouTube: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: Castbox:

what is integration testingintegration testing toolsadvantages of integration testing
Software testing
Software testingSoftware testing
Software testing

The objective of software testing is to find greatest possible number of errors with a manageable amount of effort applied over a realistic time span

mean time to recoverydebugging processstatic testing
When to Start Testing in
• Requirement
• Analysis
• Design
• Coding
• Testing
• Implementation
• Maintenance
Testing starts from Requirement
Project Initiation
System Study
Summary Reports
Regression Test
Report Defects
Execute Test Cases
( manual /automated )
Design Test Cases
Test Plan
Testing Life Cycle
Software Testing Fundamentals
Test Plan
A test plan is a systematic approach to testing a
system i.e. software. The plan typically contains a
detailed understanding of what the eventual testing
workflow will be.

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Types of testing
Types of testingTypes of testing
Types of testing

This PPT deals with: What is Software Testing? Why testing is necessary? Who does the testing? What do we test?

Basic Guide to Manual Testing
Basic Guide to Manual TestingBasic Guide to Manual Testing
Basic Guide to Manual Testing

In this presentation you will get brief idea about software testing, objective of software testing,testing life cycle & testing type.

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Software quality assurance
Software quality assuranceSoftware quality assurance
Software quality assurance

The document discusses software quality assurance (SQA) and defines key terms related to quality. It describes SQA as encompassing quality management, software engineering processes, formal reviews, testing strategies, documentation control, and compliance with standards. Specific SQA activities mentioned include developing an SQA plan, participating in process development, auditing work products, and ensuring deviations are addressed. The document also discusses software reviews, inspections, reliability, and the reliability specification process.

software quality assurance
Test Case
A test case is a specific procedure of
testing a particular requirement.
It will include:
• Identification of specific
requirement tested
• Test case success/failure criteria
• Specific steps to execute test
• Test Data
Software Testing Fundamentals
Unit Testing
1.1. Test each module individually.
2. Follows a white box testing (Logic of the program)
3. Done by Developers
Integration Testing
After completing the unit testing and
dependent modules development,
programmers connect the modules with
respect to HLD for Integration Testing
through below approaches.

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Software Testing
Software TestingSoftware Testing
Software Testing

The document provides an overview of software testing basics, including definitions of key terms like testing, debugging, errors, bugs, and failures. It describes different types of testing like manual testing, automation testing, unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and more. It also covers test planning, test cases, test levels, who should test, and the importance of testing in the software development life cycle.

Software testing.ppt
Software testing.pptSoftware testing.ppt
Software testing.ppt

Software testing is the process of evaluation a software item to detect differences between given input and expected output. Also to assess the feature of A software item. Testing assesses the quality of the product. Software testing is a process that should be done during the development process. In other words software testing is a verification and validation process. Software testing can also provide an objective, independent view of the software to allow the business to appreciate and understand the risks of software implementation. Test techniques include, but are not limited to the process of executing a program or application with the intent of finding software bugs (errors or other defects). Software testing can be stated as the process of validating and verifying that a computer program/application/product: • meets the requirements that guided its design and development, • works as expected, • can be implemented with the same characteristics, • and satisfies the needs of stakeholders. Software Development Process Cycle:-  PLAN (P): Device a plan. Define your objective and determine the strategy and supporting methods required to achieve that objective.  DO (D): Execute the plan. Create the conditions and perform the necessary training to execute the plan.  CHECK (C): Check the results. Check to determine whether work is progressing according to the plan and whether the results are obtained.  ACTION (A): Take the necessary and appropriate action if checkup reveals that the work is not being performed according to plan or not as anticipated.

Black Box Testing
Black Box TestingBlack Box Testing
Black Box Testing

Black box testing tests the functionality of software without knowledge of its internal structure or design. It is performed by testers and clients to test the software from an end user's perspective. There are various techniques used in black box testing including equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, and error guessing.

System Testing
After completing Unit and Integration testing
through white box testing techniques development
team release an .exe build (all integrated module) to
perform black box testing.
• Usability Testing
• Functional Testing
• Performance Testing
• Security Testing
Usability Testing
During this test, testing team concentrates on the user friendliness of
build interface. It consists of following sub tests.
• User Interface Test: Ease of use (screens should be understandable
to operate by End User)
• Look & Feel :- attractive
• Speed in interface :- Less number of task to complete task
• Manual Support Test :- Context sensitiveness of user manual.
Testing• The process of checking the
behavior of the application.
• It is geared to functional
requirements of an application.
• To check the correctness of
• Data validation and Integration
i.e. inputs are correct or not.
Performance Testing
• LOAD TESTING – Also Known as Scalability Testing. During this
test, test engineers execute application build under customer expected
configuration and load to estimate performance.
• STRESS TESTING – During this test, Test engineers estimates the
peak load. To find out the maximum number of users for execution of
out application user customer expected configuration to estimate peak
• DATA VOLUME TESING -- Testing team conducts this test to find
the maximum limit of data volume of your application.

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A presentation to explain the goals and methods of testing to a variety of colleagues who help with testing on certain projects...


The document outlines the software testing life cycle (STLC) which is a systematic and planned process for testing software. The STLC includes requirement analysis to define what will be tested, test planning to identify activities, resources and schedules, test case development to detail test cases and data, test execution to run test cases and log results, and test cycle closure to generate reports and complete testing.

Software Testing
Software TestingSoftware Testing
Software Testing

The document discusses software testing concepts including the importance of testing, the testing life cycle, types of testing, quality assurance and control, and bug reporting. It provides definitions and descriptions of key testing terms like errors, bugs, faults, failures, test plans, test cases, unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and regression testing. Testing roles like testers, QA leads, and test analysts are also outlined.

#software testingslidesharesoftware testing
Security Testing
Testing how well the system protects
against unauthorized internal or
external access, willful damage, etc,
may require sophisticated testing
Smoke testing is non-exhaustive
software testing, ascertaining that
the most crucial functions of a
program work, but not bothering
with finer details.
Smoke testing
Alpha Testing
1. The application is tested by the users who doesn’t know about
the application.
2. Done at developer’s site under controlled conditions
3. Under the supervision of the developers.
Acceptance Testing
A formal test conducted to determine whether or not a system
satisfies its acceptance criteria and to enable the customer to
determine whether or not to accept the system.
It is the final test action before deploying the software. The
goal of acceptance testing is to verify that the software is ready
and can be used by the end user to perform the functions for
which the software was built.

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The document discusses software testing and quality assurance. It describes the importance of testing in the software development life cycle (SDLC) and outlines different types of testing like unit testing, integration testing, and system testing. It also defines key terms like bugs, faults, errors, and failures. Verification is described as confirming the software meets its specifications while validation confirms it meets user requirements. The quality of software is defined and a bug reporting lifecycle is presented.

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DISE - Software Testing and Quality ManagementDISE - Software Testing and Quality Management
DISE - Software Testing and Quality Management

ESOFT Metro Campus - Diploma in Software Engineering - (Module VIII) Software Testing and Quality Management (Template - Virtusa Corporate) Contents: Introduction to Testing Verification and Validation Testing Methods Black Box Testing White Box Testing Testing Strategy Testing Stages Unit Testing Integration Testing Bottom-up Integration Top-Down Integration Validation Testing Alpha Testing Beta Testing System Testing Recovery Testing Security Testing Stress Testing Performance Testing Test Case Debugging Testing, QA and QC Quality Management Quality Planning Process Quality Assurance Process Quality Control Process

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Software testing
Software testingSoftware testing
Software testing

A brief that includes the following: - Software Testing - Quality Assurance - Quality Control - Types of Testing - Levels of Software Testing - Types of Performance Testing - API - Verification & Validation - Test Plan & Testing Strategy - Agile & Waterfall - Software Development Life Cycle - Career Path

software testingagilequality assurance
Beta Testing
1. This Testing is done before the final
release of the software to end-users.
2. Before the final release of the software
is released to users for testing where
there will be no controlled conditions
and the user here is free enough to do
what ever he wants to do on the system
to find errors.
Regression Testing
Testing with the intent of determining
if bug fixes have been successful and
have not created any new problems.
Also, this type of testing is done to
ensure that no degradation of baseline
functionality has occurred.
Monkey Testing
Testing the application randomly like hitting
keys irregularly and try to breakdown the
system there is no specific test cases and
scenarios for monkey testing.
Software Testing Fundamentals

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Testing is the process of evaluating a system or its component(s) with the intent to find whether it satisfies the specified requirements or not. In simple words, testing is executing a system in order to identify any gaps, errors, or missing requirements in contrary to the actual requirements.

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Software Testing - A sneak preview By SrikanthSoftware Testing - A sneak preview By Srikanth
Software Testing - A sneak preview By Srikanth

The document provides an overview of software testing, including: - The testing life cycle and types of testing such as unit, integration, system, and regression testing. - Key terms like errors, bugs, faults, and failures. - The roles of testers, test leads, and test managers. - When testing occurs in the software development life cycle. - Test planning, test cases, and test tools like JIRA, Confluence, and TestRail. - Certifications available in testing and common job opportunities in the software industry.


This document provides a summary of key concepts in software development lifecycles (SDLC), testing, and related topics: - It defines SDLC as the process that ensures good software is built and outlines common SDLC phases like planning, analysis, design, development, testing, deployment, and support. - It also describes different SDLC models like waterfall, iterative, agile, and V-model approaches. - Key aspects of software testing are defined like validation, verification, manual vs. automation testing, and common test types like unit, integration, system, and user acceptance testing. - The roles of subject matter experts and types of testing portfolios are briefly covered. -

 Verification is the process confirming
that -software meets its specification, done
through inspections and walkthroughs
Use – To identify defects in the product
early in the life cycle
 Validation is the process confirming
that it meets the user’s requirements. It
is the actual testing.
Verification : Is the Product Right
Validation : Is it the Right Product
Software Testing Fundamentals
Quality is defined as meeting the customer’s requirements and
according to the standards
The best measure of Quality is given by FURPS
What is Quality ?

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Testing is the process of executing software to find defects and verify requirements are met. It involves executing a program or modules to observe behavior and outcomes, and analyze failures to locate and fix faults. The main purposes of testing are to demonstrate quality and proper behavior, and to detect and fix defects. Testing strategies include starting with individual component tests and progressing to integrated system tests. Different techniques like black-box and white-box testing are used at various stages. Manual testing is time-consuming while automated testing is faster and more reliable. Testing continues until quality goals are met or resources run out. Debugging locates and removes defects found via testing.

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This is a part of my guest lecture to 2nd year Computer Science Students of Excel Engineering College - Salem

information technologysoftware testingsoftware development
Quality is the important factor
affecting an organization’s long term
 Quality improves productivity and
competitiveness in any organization.
Why Quality ?
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance is a planned and
systematic set of activities necessary to
provide adequate confidence that
products and services will conform to
specified requirements and meets user
•It is process oriented.
•Defect prevention based.
•Throughout the Life Cycle.
•It’s a management process.
Quality Control
Quality control is the process
by which product quality is
compared with the applicable
standards and the action
taken when non
conformance is detected.
• It is product oriented
• Defect detection based
QA vs. QC• Quality Assurance makes sure
that we are doing the right things,
the right Way.
• QA focuses on building in quality
and hence preventing defects.
• QA deals with process.
• QA is for entire life cycle.
• QA is preventive process.
• Quality Control makes sure the
results of what we’ve done are
what we expected .
• QC focuses on testing for quality
and hence detecting defects.
• QC deals with product.
• QC is for testing part in SDLC.
• QC is corrective process.

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This lecture is about the detail definition of software quality and quality assurance. Provide details about software tesing and its types. Clear the basic concepts of software quality and software testing.

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Here we are discussing the worth of software testing i.e how testing improves the quality of any product before its launching. You will also learn techniques of software testing in brief and benefits .

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The process of executing and verifying whether the application or a program or system meets the customer requirements with the intent of finding errors.

phpjavadot net
Bug Life Cycle
Tester finds the bug
and report it to Test Lead
Test Lead confirms
that it is a valid BugBug
Re-open Verified
Software Testing Fundamentals
Amount of Testing
Cost incurred
Bugs ratio
Stop Testing
When to Stop Testing
Software Testing Fundamentals

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An introduction to Software Testing and Test ManagementAn introduction to Software Testing and Test Management
An introduction to Software Testing and Test Management

The document provides an introduction to software testing and test management. It discusses key concepts like quality, software testing definitions, why testing is important, who does testing, what needs to be tested, when testing is done, and testing standards. It also covers testing methodologies like black box and white box testing and different levels of testing like unit testing, integration testing, and system testing. The document is intended to give a basic overview of software testing and related topics.

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The document provides an overview of software testing, including definitions of key terms, objectives and goals of testing, different testing methodologies and levels, and the typical phases of the software testing lifecycle. It describes error, bug, fault, and failure. It also outlines different types of testing like white box and black box testing and discusses unit, integration, and system testing. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of planning testing to be most effective and cost-efficient.


This document provides an overview of software testing. It discusses the objectives, goals, methodologies and phases of testing. Testing aims to identify correctness, completeness and quality of software. Various types of testing are covered, including white box and black box testing, as well as unit, integration and system testing. Testing levels like alpha, beta and acceptance testing are also summarized. The document concludes that effective testing requires investigation rather than just following procedures, and should focus testing efforts in the most effective areas.

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Software Testing Fundamentals

  • 2. Agenda:- • Introduction • Importance of testing in SDLC • Testing life cycle • Test planning • Types of testing • Verification & Validation • Quality Assurance & Control • Bug reporting
  • 4. Software testing is a process used to identify the correctness, completeness and quality of developed computer software. It is the process of executing a program / application under positive and negative conditions by manual or automated means. It checks for the :-  Specification  Functionality  Performance Software Testing
  • 5. Software Testing is important as it may cause mission failure, impact on operational performance and reliability if not done properly. Effective software testing delivers quality software products satisfying user’s requirements, needs and expectations. Why Software Testing ?
  • 7. What …???? …is an ”ERROR”?? ….is a ”Bug”?? ….is Fault, Failure ??
  • 8. Bug, Fault & Failure Error : An error is a human action that produces the incorrect result that results in a fault. Bug : The presence of error at the time of execution of the software. Fault : State of software caused by an error. Failure : Deviation of the software from its expected result. It is an event. A person makes an Error That creates a fault in software That can cause a failure in operation
  • 9. Who is a Software Tester??.. Software Tester is the one who performs testing and find bugs, if they exist in the tested application.
  • 10. The Testing Team  Program Manager- • The planning and execution of the project to ensure the success of a project minimizing risk throughout the lifetime of the project. • Responsible for writing the product specification, managing the schedule and making the critical decisions and trade-offs.  QA Lead- • Coach and mentor other team members to help improve QA effectiveness • Work with other department representatives to collaborate on joint projects and initiatives • Implement industry best practices related to testing automation and to streamline the QA Department.
  • 11. Test AnalystLead- • Responsible for planning, developing and executing automated test systems, manual test plans and regressions test plans. • Identifying the Target Test Items to be evaluated by the test effort • Defining the appropriate tests required and any associated Test Data • Gathering and managing the Test Data • Evaluating the outcome of each test cycle Test Engineer- • Writing and executing test cases and Reporting defects • Test engineers are also responsible for determining the best way a test can be performed in order to achieve 100% test coverage of all components
  • 13. When to Start Testing in SDLC • Requirement • Analysis • Design • Coding • Testing • Implementation • Maintenance Testing starts from Requirement Phase
  • 14. Project Initiation System Study Summary Reports Analysis Regression Test Report Defects Execute Test Cases ( manual /automated ) Design Test Cases Test Plan Testing Life Cycle
  • 16. Test Plan A test plan is a systematic approach to testing a system i.e. software. The plan typically contains a detailed understanding of what the eventual testing workflow will be.
  • 17. Test Case A test case is a specific procedure of testing a particular requirement. It will include: • Identification of specific requirement tested • Test case success/failure criteria • Specific steps to execute test • Test Data
  • 19. Unit Testing 1.1. Test each module individually. 2. Follows a white box testing (Logic of the program) 3. Done by Developers
  • 20. Integration Testing After completing the unit testing and dependent modules development, programmers connect the modules with respect to HLD for Integration Testing through below approaches.
  • 21. System Testing After completing Unit and Integration testing through white box testing techniques development team release an .exe build (all integrated module) to perform black box testing. • Usability Testing • Functional Testing • Performance Testing • Security Testing
  • 22. Usability Testing During this test, testing team concentrates on the user friendliness of build interface. It consists of following sub tests. • User Interface Test: Ease of use (screens should be understandable to operate by End User) • Look & Feel :- attractive • Speed in interface :- Less number of task to complete task • Manual Support Test :- Context sensitiveness of user manual.
  • 23. Functional Testing• The process of checking the behavior of the application. • It is geared to functional requirements of an application. • To check the correctness of outputs. • Data validation and Integration i.e. inputs are correct or not.
  • 24. Performance Testing • LOAD TESTING – Also Known as Scalability Testing. During this test, test engineers execute application build under customer expected configuration and load to estimate performance. • STRESS TESTING – During this test, Test engineers estimates the peak load. To find out the maximum number of users for execution of out application user customer expected configuration to estimate peak load. PEAK LOAD > CUSTOMER LOAD (EXPECTED) • DATA VOLUME TESING -- Testing team conducts this test to find the maximum limit of data volume of your application.
  • 25. Security Testing Testing how well the system protects against unauthorized internal or external access, willful damage, etc, may require sophisticated testing techniques
  • 26. Smoke testing is non-exhaustive software testing, ascertaining that the most crucial functions of a program work, but not bothering with finer details. Smoke testing
  • 27. Alpha Testing 1. The application is tested by the users who doesn’t know about the application. 2. Done at developer’s site under controlled conditions 3. Under the supervision of the developers.
  • 28. Acceptance Testing A formal test conducted to determine whether or not a system satisfies its acceptance criteria and to enable the customer to determine whether or not to accept the system. It is the final test action before deploying the software. The goal of acceptance testing is to verify that the software is ready and can be used by the end user to perform the functions for which the software was built.
  • 29. Beta Testing 1. This Testing is done before the final release of the software to end-users. 2. Before the final release of the software is released to users for testing where there will be no controlled conditions and the user here is free enough to do what ever he wants to do on the system to find errors.
  • 30. Regression Testing Testing with the intent of determining if bug fixes have been successful and have not created any new problems. Also, this type of testing is done to ensure that no degradation of baseline functionality has occurred.
  • 31. Monkey Testing Testing the application randomly like hitting keys irregularly and try to breakdown the system there is no specific test cases and scenarios for monkey testing.
  • 33. Verification  Verification is the process confirming that -software meets its specification, done through inspections and walkthroughs Use – To identify defects in the product early in the life cycle
  • 34. Validation  Validation is the process confirming that it meets the user’s requirements. It is the actual testing. Verification : Is the Product Right Validation : Is it the Right Product
  • 36. Quality is defined as meeting the customer’s requirements and according to the standards The best measure of Quality is given by FURPS Functionality Usability Reliability Performance Scalability What is Quality ?
  • 37. Quality is the important factor affecting an organization’s long term performance.  Quality improves productivity and competitiveness in any organization. Why Quality ?
  • 38. Quality Assurance Quality Assurance is a planned and systematic set of activities necessary to provide adequate confidence that products and services will conform to specified requirements and meets user needs. •It is process oriented. •Defect prevention based. •Throughout the Life Cycle. •It’s a management process.
  • 39. Quality Control Quality control is the process by which product quality is compared with the applicable standards and the action taken when non conformance is detected. • It is product oriented • Defect detection based
  • 40. QA vs. QC• Quality Assurance makes sure that we are doing the right things, the right Way. • QA focuses on building in quality and hence preventing defects. • QA deals with process. • QA is for entire life cycle. • QA is preventive process. • Quality Control makes sure the results of what we’ve done are what we expected . • QC focuses on testing for quality and hence detecting defects. • QC deals with product. • QC is for testing part in SDLC. • QC is corrective process.
  • 41. Bug Life Cycle New Assigned Tester finds the bug and report it to Test Lead Test Lead confirms that it is a valid BugBug Resolved Re-open Verified Closed Deferred
  • 43. Cost Amount of Testing No.ofBugs Cost incurred Bugs ratio Stop Testing When to Stop Testing

Editor's Notes

  1. Advantages of Usability Testing Usability test can be modified to cover many other types of testing such as functional testing, system integration testing, unit testing, smoke testing etc. (with keeping the main objective of usability testing in mind) in order to make it sure that testing is done in all the possible directions. Usability testing can be very economical if planned properly, yet highly effective and beneficial. If proper resources (experienced and creative testers) are used, usability test can help in fixing all the problems that user may face even before the system is finally released to the user. This may result in better performance and a standard system. Usability testing can help in uncovering potential bugs and potholes in the system which generally are not visible to developers and even escape the other type of testing. Usability testing is a very wide area of testing and it needs fairly high level of understanding of this field along with creative mind. People involved in the usability testing are required to possess skills like patience, ability to listen to the suggestions, openness to welcome any idea, and the most important of them all is that they should have good observation skills to spot and fix the problems on fly.
  2. Testing where user plays a role/user is required: User Acceptance Testing: In this type of testing, the software is handed over to the user in order to find out if the software meets the user expectations and works as it is expected to. Alpha Testing: In this type of testing, the users are invited at the development center where they use the application and the developers note every particular input or action carried out by the user. Any type of abnormal behavior of the system is noted and rectified by the developers. Beta Testing: In this type of testing, the software is distributed as a beta version to the users and users test the application at their sites. As the users explore the software, in case if any exception/defect occurs that is reported to the developers.