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Privileged Access Management
(PAM): Understanding
Cybersecurity Breaches: Causes,
Consequences, and Prevention
Cybersecurity breaches are becoming a more common
hazard to people, companies, and governments in
today's interconnected digital world. These hacks not
only jeopardize private information but also erode
confidence in internet services and systems. Protecting
against these ubiquitous risks requires an
understanding of the causes, effects, and preventative
strategies of cybersecurity breaches.
Bert Blevins
What are Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity breaches refer to unauthorized access,
manipulation, or destruction of digital information or
systems. These breaches can occur through various
means, including malware, phishing attacks, insider
threats, and vulnerabilities in software or hardware.
Once a breach occurs, cybercriminals can exploit the
compromised data for financial gain, espionage, or
Bert Blevins
1 Malware
Malicious software designed to infiltrate and
damage computer systems
2 Phishing Attacks
Deceptive attempts to obtain sensitive
information by posing as a trustworthy entity
3 Insider Threats
Security risks originating from within the
4 Software Vulnerabilities
Weaknesses in software that can be exploited by
Causes of
Breaches: Software
and Hardware
Software Bugs
Unintended errors in software code that can create
security loopholes
Programming Errors
Mistakes made during software development that
lead to security weaknesses
Bert Blevins

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This document provides an introduction to cyber security. It defines cyber security as protecting people, processes, and technologies from a full range of threats through computer network operations, information assurance, and law enforcement. It explains that cyber attacks can be expensive for businesses and damage reputations. Regulations now require organizations to better protect personal data. The document outlines common cyber attack types like injection attacks, DNS spoofing, session hijacking, phishing, brute force attacks, and denial of service attacks. It also defines the key aspects of cyber security - confidentiality, integrity, and availability - and provides standard measures to ensure each.

pptcomputer sciencecyber security
Privileged Access Management (PAM): Understanding and Mitigating Insider Secu...
Privileged Access Management (PAM): Understanding and Mitigating Insider Secu...Privileged Access Management (PAM): Understanding and Mitigating Insider Secu...
Privileged Access Management (PAM): Understanding and Mitigating Insider Secu...

Privileged Access Management (PAM): Understanding and Mitigating Insider Security Threats

pamprivileged access managementsecurity
Cyber hygiene Training slide. It focuses on what you need to know to be safe ...
Cyber hygiene Training slide. It focuses on what you need to know to be safe ...Cyber hygiene Training slide. It focuses on what you need to know to be safe ...
Cyber hygiene Training slide. It focuses on what you need to know to be safe ...

Cyber hygiene is a graining that focuses on what you need to do to ensure you are safe from any form of cyber threat and attacks.

Outdated Hardware
Old or unsupported hardware that may lack
necessary security features
Cybercriminals taking advantage of these
vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access
Causes of
Breaches: Phishing
1 Deceptive Communication
Phishing emails, messages, or websites
are crafted to appear legitimate and
2 User Manipulation
Attackers use social engineering tactics
to trick users into revealing sensitive
3 Credential Theft
Users are deceived into providing login
credentials or financial details
4 Data Compromise
Obtained information is used to gain
unauthorized access to systems or
Bert Blevins
Causes of Cybersecurity Breaches:
Insider Threats
Intentional Threats
Employees or contractors
deliberately compromising
data security for personal
gain or malicious intent
Accidental Threats
Unintentional actions by
insiders that lead to data
breaches or security
Privileged Access
Insiders with high-level
access to sensitive
information pose a
significant risk if their
credentials are
Bert Blevins

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This document discusses information security. It defines information security as protecting information systems, hardware, and data. The primary goals of information security are confidentiality, integrity, and availability, known as the CIA triad. Various threats to information security are discussed such as viruses, insider abuse, laptop theft, denial of service attacks, unauthorized access, system penetration, wireless network abuse, telecom fraud, proprietary information theft, financial fraud, misuse of public web applications, and website defacement. The document stresses that companies should implement both preventative and detective controls to mitigate security risks and disruptions.

Introduction To Ethical Hacking
Introduction To Ethical HackingIntroduction To Ethical Hacking
Introduction To Ethical Hacking

1. The document introduces some essential terminology related to ethical hacking such as hack value, exploits, vulnerabilities, and different types of attacks. 2. It discusses the key elements of information security - confidentiality, integrity, availability, authenticity, and repudiation. 3. The document also covers types of hackers, hacking phases, skills required for an ethical hacker, and penetration testing.

How to avoid cyber security attacks in 2024 - CyberHive.pdf
How to avoid cyber security attacks in 2024 - CyberHive.pdfHow to avoid cyber security attacks in 2024 - CyberHive.pdf
How to avoid cyber security attacks in 2024 - CyberHive.pdf

Technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, presenting both opportunities and challenges. Among these challenges, the threat of cyber security attacks looms large. This poses significant risks to individuals, businesses, and governments alike. The importance of adopting robust security measures cannot be overstated. please visit:

cyber security attacks
Causes of Cybersecurity Breaches: Weak
Easily guessable or
commonly used
passwords that
provide minimal
Default Credentials
Failure to change
default usernames
and passwords on
devices or software
Password Reuse
Using the same
password across
multiple accounts,
Lack of Complexity
Passwords that don't
meet minimum
making them easier
to crack
Causes of
Breaches: Lack of
Security Awareness
Lack of knowledge about cybersecurity
risks and best practices
Careless behavior regarding security
protocols and procedures
Inadequate Training
Insufficient education on cybersecurity for
individuals and organizations
Increased Vulnerability
Higher risk of falling victim to cyber
attacks due to lack of awareness
Bert Blevins
Consequences of Cybersecurity
Breaches: Financial Loss
Direct Theft
Organizations incur significant financial
losses due to theft of funds
Legal Fees
Costs associated with legal proceedings
and settlements following a breach
Repair Costs
Expenses related to repairing the
damage caused by breaches
Long-term Impact
Ongoing financial repercussions due to
loss of business and recovery efforts
Bert Blevins

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PwC provides cybersecurity solutions to social media platforms like Chatter. Chatter faces risks from data breaches, denial of service attacks, and account takeover. PwC's solutions include advising Chatter on security risks and strategies, handling past incidents, training employees, implementing new authentication, and using ethical hackers to test security measures. Ensuring robust cybersecurity is important for Chatter to safeguard user data and maintain trust in the platform against evolving threats.

Ethical Hacking and Network Defence 1.pptx
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Ethical Hacking and Network Defence 1.pptx

This document discusses ethical hacking and network defense. It defines ethical hacking as using hacking skills to identify vulnerabilities in a system in order to strengthen its security, without causing damage. Various types of hackers are described, including black hat hackers who perform malicious acts, white hat hackers who use their skills ethically, and grey hat hackers who work both offensively and defensively. The need for information security and common types of security controls are also outlined. Ethical hacking is presented as using the same tools as malicious hackers but to fix issues rather than exploit systems.

ethical hackingnetwork defencehacking
Top Cyber Security institute in India - Gicseh.pdf
Top Cyber Security institute in India - Gicseh.pdfTop Cyber Security institute in India - Gicseh.pdf
Top Cyber Security institute in India - Gicseh.pdf

GICSEH ranks as India's top cyber security institute, offering comprehensive training and expert guidance to prepare professionals for the dynamic field of cybersecurity. Call us for Detailed Information: 8800955639

1 Initial Breach
News of the cybersecurity breach
becomes public
2 Public Reaction
Negative publicity and loss of trust
among customers, partners, and
3 Brand Impact
Tarnished reputation of affected
individuals or businesses
Bert Blevins
Consequences of Cybersecurity
Breaches: Intellectual Property Theft
1 Loss of Competitive Advantage
Theft of intellectual property through
cyber breaches undermines innovation
and competitiveness in various
2 Economic Impact
Significant financial losses due to stolen
research and development efforts
3 Market Disruption
Competitors gaining unfair advantages
through stolen intellectual property
4 Long-term Consequences
Potential loss of market share and
industry leadership position
Consequences of Cybersecurity
Breaches: Disruption of Services
Healthcare Disruption
Cyber attacks can disrupt
critical healthcare services,
potentially endangering
patient lives
Transportation Chaos
Breaches in transportation
systems can lead to delays,
accidents, and widespread
Utility Outages
Attacks on utility networks
can cause power outages
and disrupt essential
Bert Blevins
Prevention Measures: Network
Deploying firewalls to monitor and control
incoming and outgoing network traffic
Intrusion Detection Systems
Implementing systems to identify and respond
to suspicious network activities
Encryption Mechanisms
Using encryption to protect data transmitted
over networks
Network Defenses
Fortifying network defenses against
unauthorized access and data breaches
Bert Blevins

Recommended for you

Top Cyber Security institute in India - Gicseh.pdf
Top Cyber Security institute in India - Gicseh.pdfTop Cyber Security institute in India - Gicseh.pdf
Top Cyber Security institute in India - Gicseh.pdf

GICSEH ranks as India's top cyber security institute, offering comprehensive training and expert guidance to prepare professionals for the dynamic field of cybersecurity. Call us for Detailed Information: 8800955639


There are three core principles of data security: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Confidentiality means that sensitive data should not be accessed by unauthorized individuals. Integrity refers to ensuring data is not modified without permission. Availability means information must be accessible on demand. Data security controls aim to protect data from threats like unauthorized access, alteration, and destruction. Common threats include malware, hacking, and data loss from system failures. Organizations implement measures like encryption, firewalls, and monitoring to prevent threats and ensure the security of their data and IT systems.

data security


Prevention Measures: Data Encryption
and Security Updates
Data Encryption
Encrypting sensitive data
both at rest and in transit
adds an extra layer of
protection against
unauthorized interception or
Regular Software
Patching software
vulnerabilities promptly
helps prevent exploitation by
cyber attackers
Continuous Monitoring
Implementing systems to
detect and respond to
potential security threats in
Bert Blevins
About the Presenter
Bachelor's Degree in
Advertising, Master of
Business Administration
Bert Blevins is a passionate and experienced professional who is constantly seeking knowledge and professional
development. With a diverse educational background and numerous certifications, Bert is dedicated to making a
positive impact in the field of server security and privilege management.
Bert Blevins

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Understanding Cybersecurity Breaches: Causes, Consequences, and Prevention

  • 1. Privileged Access Management (PAM): Understanding Cybersecurity Breaches: Causes, Consequences, and Prevention Cybersecurity breaches are becoming a more common hazard to people, companies, and governments in today's interconnected digital world. These hacks not only jeopardize private information but also erode confidence in internet services and systems. Protecting against these ubiquitous risks requires an understanding of the causes, effects, and preventative strategies of cybersecurity breaches. Bert Blevins 02.07.2024
  • 2. What are Cybersecurity Breaches? Cybersecurity breaches refer to unauthorized access, manipulation, or destruction of digital information or systems. These breaches can occur through various means, including malware, phishing attacks, insider threats, and vulnerabilities in software or hardware. Once a breach occurs, cybercriminals can exploit the compromised data for financial gain, espionage, or sabotage. Bert Blevins
  • 3. 1 Malware Malicious software designed to infiltrate and damage computer systems 2 Phishing Attacks Deceptive attempts to obtain sensitive information by posing as a trustworthy entity 3 Insider Threats Security risks originating from within the organization 4 Software Vulnerabilities Weaknesses in software that can be exploited by attackers
  • 4. Causes of Cybersecurity Breaches: Software and Hardware Vulnerabilities Software Bugs Unintended errors in software code that can create security loopholes Programming Errors Mistakes made during software development that lead to security weaknesses Bert Blevins
  • 5. Outdated Hardware Old or unsupported hardware that may lack necessary security features Exploitation Cybercriminals taking advantage of these vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access
  • 6. Causes of Cybersecurity Breaches: Phishing Attacks 1 Deceptive Communication Phishing emails, messages, or websites are crafted to appear legitimate and trustworthy 2 User Manipulation Attackers use social engineering tactics to trick users into revealing sensitive information
  • 7. 3 Credential Theft Users are deceived into providing login credentials or financial details 4 Data Compromise Obtained information is used to gain unauthorized access to systems or accounts Bert Blevins
  • 8. Causes of Cybersecurity Breaches: Insider Threats Intentional Threats Employees or contractors deliberately compromising data security for personal gain or malicious intent Accidental Threats Unintentional actions by insiders that lead to data breaches or security vulnerabilities Privileged Access Insiders with high-level access to sensitive information pose a significant risk if their credentials are compromised Bert Blevins
  • 9. Causes of Cybersecurity Breaches: Weak Passwords Insecure Passwords Easily guessable or commonly used passwords that provide minimal protection Default Credentials Failure to change default usernames and passwords on devices or software Password Reuse Using the same password across multiple accounts, increasing vulnerability Lack of Complexity Passwords that don't meet minimum complexity requirements, making them easier to crack
  • 10. Causes of Cybersecurity Breaches: Lack of Security Awareness Ignorance Lack of knowledge about cybersecurity risks and best practices Negligence Careless behavior regarding security protocols and procedures
  • 11. Inadequate Training Insufficient education on cybersecurity for individuals and organizations Increased Vulnerability Higher risk of falling victim to cyber attacks due to lack of awareness Bert Blevins
  • 12. Consequences of Cybersecurity Breaches: Financial Loss Direct Theft Organizations incur significant financial losses due to theft of funds Legal Fees Costs associated with legal proceedings and settlements following a breach Repair Costs Expenses related to repairing the damage caused by breaches Long-term Impact Ongoing financial repercussions due to loss of business and recovery efforts Bert Blevins
  • 13. 1 Initial Breach News of the cybersecurity breach becomes public 2 Public Reaction Negative publicity and loss of trust among customers, partners, and stakeholders 3 Brand Impact Tarnished reputation of affected individuals or businesses Bert Blevins
  • 14. Consequences of Cybersecurity Breaches: Intellectual Property Theft 1 Loss of Competitive Advantage Theft of intellectual property through cyber breaches undermines innovation and competitiveness in various industries 2 Economic Impact Significant financial losses due to stolen research and development efforts 3 Market Disruption Competitors gaining unfair advantages through stolen intellectual property 4 Long-term Consequences Potential loss of market share and industry leadership position
  • 15. Consequences of Cybersecurity Breaches: Disruption of Services Healthcare Disruption Cyber attacks can disrupt critical healthcare services, potentially endangering patient lives Transportation Chaos Breaches in transportation systems can lead to delays, accidents, and widespread inconvenience Utility Outages Attacks on utility networks can cause power outages and disrupt essential services Bert Blevins
  • 16. Prevention Measures: Network Security Firewalls Deploying firewalls to monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic Intrusion Detection Systems Implementing systems to identify and respond to suspicious network activities Encryption Mechanisms Using encryption to protect data transmitted over networks Network Defenses Fortifying network defenses against unauthorized access and data breaches Bert Blevins
  • 17. Prevention Measures: Data Encryption and Security Updates Data Encryption Encrypting sensitive data both at rest and in transit adds an extra layer of protection against unauthorized interception or tampering Regular Software Updates Patching software vulnerabilities promptly helps prevent exploitation by cyber attackers Continuous Monitoring Implementing systems to detect and respond to potential security threats in real-time Bert Blevins
  • 18. About the Presenter Phone 832-281-0330 Email LinkedIn /in/bertblevins/ Qualifications Bachelor's Degree in Advertising, Master of Business Administration Bert Blevins is a passionate and experienced professional who is constantly seeking knowledge and professional development. With a diverse educational background and numerous certifications, Bert is dedicated to making a positive impact in the field of server security and privilege management. Bert Blevins