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Picture from Simon Howden!
hacking web
Maximiliano Firtman
mobile+web developer & trainer
Hacking Web Performance

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Happy Browser, Happy User! NY Web Performance Meetup 9/20/19
Happy Browser, Happy User! NY Web Performance Meetup 9/20/19Happy Browser, Happy User! NY Web Performance Meetup 9/20/19
Happy Browser, Happy User! NY Web Performance Meetup 9/20/19

xPerformance is fundamentally, a UX concern. Sites that are slow to render or janky to interact with are a bad user experience. We strive to write performant code for our users, but users don’t directly interact with our code - it all happens through the medium of the browser. The browser is the middleman between us and our users; therefore to make our users happy, we first have to make the browser happy. But how exactly do we do that? In this talk, we’ll learn how browsers work under the hood: how they request, construct, and render a website. At each step along the way, we’ll cover what we can do as developers to make the browser’s job easier, and why those best practices work. You’ll leave with a solid understanding of how to write code that works *with* the browser, not against it, and ultimately improves your users’ experience.

web performanceperformancefront end
Super speed around the globe - SearchLeeds 2018
Super speed around the globe - SearchLeeds 2018Super speed around the globe - SearchLeeds 2018
Super speed around the globe - SearchLeeds 2018

My talk covering some of the very latest in web performance optimisation (paint timings, critical rendering path, custom web fonts, etc.) for technical marketers & SEOs from SearchLeeds 2018.

webperfsite speedsite performance
High-Speed HTML5
High-Speed HTML5High-Speed HTML5
High-Speed HTML5

Modern Web Apps should be focused, rich, and gorgeous, but they also need to be FAST. After all, being rich and beautiful isn't always enough! With web apps, faster is always better; nobody will ever complain that your site is too fast!

application cacheweb workersdata uri
Hacking Web Performance
Hacking Web Performance
Hacking Web Performance

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Client Side Measurement & Performance With Rails
Client Side Measurement & Performance With RailsClient Side Measurement & Performance With Rails
Client Side Measurement & Performance With Rails

This document discusses client-side performance measurement and optimization techniques for Rails applications. It recommends measuring performance using the clientperf gem to identify opportunities for improvement. Specific techniques mentioned include making fewer HTTP requests by combining components, gzipping components to reduce file sizes, adding expires headers to eliminate unnecessary requests, placing stylesheets at the top of pages to allow earlier rendering, and placing scripts at the bottom to avoid blocking other downloads. The document notes this is just a starting point and provides additional resources for further optimization.

Welcome to a new reality - DeepCrawl Webinar 2018
Welcome to a new reality - DeepCrawl Webinar 2018Welcome to a new reality - DeepCrawl Webinar 2018
Welcome to a new reality - DeepCrawl Webinar 2018

My webinar with DeepCrawl talking about mobile-friendliness, assessing keyword targeting on mobile, finding content inconsistencies across devices and much, much more!

seotechnical seomobile seo
Web Performance Madness - brightonSEO 2018
Web Performance Madness - brightonSEO 2018Web Performance Madness - brightonSEO 2018
Web Performance Madness - brightonSEO 2018

My talk from brightonSEO 2018 covering various web performance strategies, this time mainly focussing on critical rendering path, various image optimisation strategies as well as how to handle custom web fonts.

seotechnical seoweb performance
I have 2 goals…
Show you new tricks
Make you feel bad
Let’s Start!

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Sabine Langmann - Brighton SEO 2018 - How to expand to different markets
Sabine Langmann - Brighton SEO 2018 - How to expand to different marketsSabine Langmann - Brighton SEO 2018 - How to expand to different markets
Sabine Langmann - Brighton SEO 2018 - How to expand to different markets

This is my slidedeck for Brighton SEO, taking place on April 27th 2018. It covers my three most important learnings about international SEO and how to set up websites in an international context. Have fun :) Ps: All images were taken from or

brightonseointernational seoonline marketing
Dyna trace
Dyna traceDyna trace
Dyna trace

This document discusses the browser performance analysis tool dynaTrace. It provides an overview of dynaTrace's capabilities such as cross-browser diagnostics, code-level visibility, and deep JavaScript and DOM tracing. It also covers key performance indicators (KPIs) like load time, resource usage, and network connections that dynaTrace measures. Best practices for improving performance, such as browser caching, network optimization, JavaScript handling and server-side performance are outlined. The document aims to explain why and how dynaTrace can help users find and address web performance issues.

performance analysisdynatraceperformance indicator
Walmart pagespeed-slide
Walmart pagespeed-slideWalmart pagespeed-slide
Walmart pagespeed-slide

Walmart proves the obvious, devknob wonders why people don't understand why page speed matters. This has been true and known to be true since the beginning of the internet. Do you think people won't get distracted easily and bounce when they're surfing on 2g, 3g and even 4g connections? Page speed matters, devknob is probably the best page speed optimizer in the world so if you need conversion optimization, you may want to visit devknob online at

wal-martpage speedcase study
I know you know - borrowed fromSteve Souders
Picture from Simon Howden
Picture from Simon Howden

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Optimizing web performance (Fronteers edition)
Optimizing web performance (Fronteers edition)Optimizing web performance (Fronteers edition)
Optimizing web performance (Fronteers edition)

Today, a web page can be delivered to desktop computers, televisions, or handheld devices like tablets or phones. While a technique like responsive design helps ensure that our web sites look good across that spectrum of devices we may forget that we need to make sure that our web sites also perform well across that same spectrum. More and more of our users are shifting their Internet usage to these more varied platforms and connection speeds with some moving entirely to mobile Internet. In this session we’ll look at the tools that can help you understand, measure and improve the web performance of your web sites and applications. The talk will also discuss how new server-side techniques might help us optimize our front-end performance. Finally, since the best way to test is to have devices in your hand, we’ll discuss some tips for getting your hands on them cheaply.

web performanceresponsive web designmobile
Whats Next in SEO & CRO - 3XE Conference 2018 Dublin
Whats Next in SEO & CRO - 3XE Conference 2018 DublinWhats Next in SEO & CRO - 3XE Conference 2018 Dublin
Whats Next in SEO & CRO - 3XE Conference 2018 Dublin

My talk from 3XE in Dublin covering why I believe that thinking in silos will hurt your 2018 marketing efforts significantly!

seocrovoice search
Migration Best-Practices: Successfully re-launching your website - SMX New Yo...
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Migration Best-Practices: Successfully re-launching your website - SMX New Yo...

This document provides best practices for successfully migrating a website from HTTP to HTTPS. It recommends a granular, multi-step approach including thorough planning, documentation, testing, and preparation work. Key steps include updating internal and external links, XML sitemaps, structured data, headers, and more to reference the new HTTPS URLs. It also covers monitoring rankings, using search console tools, and redirecting URLs with 301 redirects after all changes are made before the official migration go-live. The goal is to minimize any potential negative SEO impacts from the migration.

seotechnical seorelaunch
500ms delay, +26% user’s frustration
Source: Radware
500ms delay, -20% Google’s traffic
+100ms delay, -1% Amazon’s sales
User-centric metrics

First Meaningful Paint 

Recommended for you

Resource Prioritization
Resource PrioritizationResource Prioritization
Resource Prioritization

This document discusses resource prioritization strategies to optimize loading performance. It explains that the browser processes resources sequentially and blocks on certain resource types. It then provides recommendations for developers to inform the browser of dependencies and priorities through techniques like preloading. The document also analyzes HTTP/1.x versus HTTP/2 prioritization and compares performance of loading scripts and fonts with different approaches. It evaluates tools for testing prioritization and discusses why prioritization can fail or appear broken. Finally, it offers suggestions for servers and networks to better support prioritization.

Cache is keeping you from reaching the full potential as a developer (word ca...
Cache is keeping you from reaching the full potential as a developer (word ca...Cache is keeping you from reaching the full potential as a developer (word ca...
Cache is keeping you from reaching the full potential as a developer (word ca...

by @thoaud from WordCamp Nordic 2019. Introduction to The Performance First Workflow in WordPress.

Page Speed Insights: The Ballad of Improving Performance
Page Speed Insights: The Ballad of Improving PerformancePage Speed Insights: The Ballad of Improving Performance
Page Speed Insights: The Ballad of Improving Performance

Site speed is important for your bottom line and understandably, with so many metrics and details, it can get confusing. This session should help the audience understand how important performance is to Google, and the why and how webmasters can take initiative to improve.

User-centric metrics

First Interactive 

User-centric metrics

Consistently Interactive 

User-centric metrics

Visually Complete 

User-centric metrics

Custom Metric 

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Automated Duplicate Content Consolidation with Google Cloud Functions
Automated Duplicate Content Consolidation with Google Cloud FunctionsAutomated Duplicate Content Consolidation with Google Cloud Functions
Automated Duplicate Content Consolidation with Google Cloud Functions

Avoid duplicate content and don’t leave money on the table with unoptimized groups of pages linked by canonical declarations! Particularly in e-commerce, you can increase Google’s confidence by making sure your groups of product URLs are perfectly canonicalized and clear to search engines.

Automating Google Lighthouse
Automating Google LighthouseAutomating Google Lighthouse
Automating Google Lighthouse

Google Lighthouse is super valuable but it only checks one page at a time. Hamlet will show you how to get it to check all pages of a site, and how to run automated Lighthouse checks on-demand at scheduled intervals and from automated tests. He'll also cover how to set performance budgets, how to get alerts when budgets are exceeded, and how to aggregate page reports using BigQuery and Google Data Studio.

performancelighthousecore web vitals
Hacking Web Performance
Hacking Web PerformanceHacking Web Performance
Hacking Web Performance

Session at ConFoo Montreal 2019 on the latest tips and tricks for achieving the best Web Performance on sites and apps.

web performancenetworkjavascript
I know you know
Performance is important
We need a great Speed Index
We need goals to achieve

Speed Index: 1,100-2,500
First Meaningful Paint: 1-3s
First Interactive: 2-4s
You are already…
Optimizing the network transfer

You are already

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Hacking Web Performance 2019
Hacking Web Performance 2019Hacking Web Performance 2019
Hacking Web Performance 2019

This document discusses techniques for optimizing web performance on mobile. It begins by noting common metrics for performance goals like first meaningful paint and interactive. It then discusses challenges of mobile like slower cellular networks and how users leave pages that take over 3 seconds to load. The rest of the document provides tips in several areas: optimizing the first load, improving data transfer, better resource loading, optimizing images, and enhancing the user experience. Specific techniques mentioned include avoiding extra roundtrips, using modern cache controls, preloading resources, lazy loading images, leveraging new APIs, and getting reports from the browser. The overall message is that web performance should be a top priority.

web performanceweb designweb development

This document provides practical strategies for improving front-end performance of websites. It discusses specific techniques like making fewer HTTP requests by combining files, leveraging browser caching with far-future expires headers, gzipping components, using CSS sprites, and deploying assets on a content delivery network. It also summarizes key rules from tools like YSlow and PageSpeed for optimizing front-end performance.

PAC 2019 virtual Mark Tomlinson
PAC 2019 virtual Mark TomlinsonPAC 2019 virtual Mark Tomlinson
PAC 2019 virtual Mark Tomlinson

This document discusses web performance optimization techniques. It is a summary of rules for web performance by Mark Tomlinson, who has 27 years of experience in performance. Some of the key techniques discussed include reducing HTTP requests, optimizing file compression, minimizing code, improving web font and image performance, prefetching resources, avoiding unnecessary redirects, and optimizing infrastructure and databases. The document emphasizes measuring performance through load testing and monitoring to identify bottlenecks.

Working with TLS and HTTP/2

You are already
CSS as Appetizer

You are already
JavaScript as Dessert

You are already
Optimizing Images

You are already

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Tips for a Faster Website
Tips for a Faster WebsiteTips for a Faster Website
Tips for a Faster Website

The document provides tips for optimizing various aspects of a website including the front end, application and database, web server, and miscellaneous topics. It recommends techniques such as minimizing HTTP requests, leveraging caching, optimizing databases and queries, offloading processing, and load balancing between web servers to improve page loading speeds and site performance. The overall goal is to analyze bottlenecks and apply solutions such as file compression, caching, and leveraging CDNs or reverse proxies to make websites faster and more scalable.

High performance website
High performance websiteHigh performance website
High performance website

The document provides 14 tips for optimizing website performance based on the 80/20 rule. The tips include minimizing HTTP requests by combining files, using a CDN, adding caching headers, gzipping files, optimizing CSS and JS placement, avoiding redirects and duplicate scripts, and making Ajax cacheable. Following these best practices can significantly improve page load times by reducing network requests and making better use of browser caching.

Http/2 - What's it all about?
Http/2  - What's it all about?Http/2  - What's it all about?
Http/2 - What's it all about?

HTTP/2 is a new version of the HTTP network protocol that aims to improve website performance. It uses a single TCP connection to allow multiple requests and responses to be multiplexed together. This improves efficiency over HTTP/1.1. Additionally, HTTP/2 allows servers to push critical resources like CSS files to clients, potentially reducing load times. While HTTP/2 brings performance benefits, challenges remain around widespread server support and differing optimizations between HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2.

http/2shropgeek revolutionweb performance
Have an HTTP Cache Policy

You are already
Using Service Workers

You are already
Avoiding Redirects

You are already
You are already doing this

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SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Mat Clayton | Site Speed for Digital Marketers
SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Mat Clayton | Site Speed for Digital MarketersSearchLove San Diego 2018 | Mat Clayton | Site Speed for Digital Marketers
SearchLove San Diego 2018 | Mat Clayton | Site Speed for Digital Marketers

We all know that site speed matters not only for users but also for search rankings. As marketers, how can we measure and improve the impact of site speed? Mat will cover a range of topics and tools, from the basic quick wins to some of the more surprising and cutting-edge techniques used by the largest websites in the world.

searchlovesearchlove san diegosite speed
Web Performance Optimization (WPO)
Web Performance Optimization (WPO)Web Performance Optimization (WPO)
Web Performance Optimization (WPO)

This document discusses web performance optimization and provides tips to improve performance. It emphasizes that performance is important for user experience, search engine optimization, conversion rates, and costs. It outlines common causes of performance issues like round-trip times, payload sizes, browser rendering delays, and inefficient JavaScript. Specific recommendations are given to optimize images, stylesheets, scripts, and browser rendering through techniques like compression, caching, deferred loading, and efficient coding practices. A variety of tools for measuring and improving performance are also listed.

Its timetostopstalling androidcork
Its timetostopstalling androidcorkIts timetostopstalling androidcork
Its timetostopstalling androidcork

The document discusses various tools and techniques for optimizing mobile and web performance, including testing sites using tools like WebPageTest and Video Optimizer, optimizing delivery of content like images, videos and text through techniques like compression and CDNs, and best practices for mobile video streaming to reduce startup delays and prevent stalls. Common issues covered include large file sizes, unnecessary connections, and choosing video streams appropriate for available bandwidth.

What’s the problem then?
Average time to load a mobile landing page

The problem
22 seconds
Research by
If a page takes more than 3 seconds to load

The problem
53% leave it
Research by
The problem
We always

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Making the web faster
Making the web fasterMaking the web faster
Making the web faster

Presentation from the June 28, 2011 National Capital Area Google Technology Users Group on some of Google's efforts to make the web faster.

SearchLeeds 2018 - Bastian Grimm - Peak Ace - International site speed: Going...
SearchLeeds 2018 - Bastian Grimm - Peak Ace - International site speed: Going...SearchLeeds 2018 - Bastian Grimm - Peak Ace - International site speed: Going...
SearchLeeds 2018 - Bastian Grimm - Peak Ace - International site speed: Going...

Especially in a mobile-first world, fast loading websites are of utmost importance. Also, Google has been very vocal about anything web performance in the last few years and is pushing hard to innovate repeatedly. But performance is so much more! User satisfaction should be the main goal because expectations are clear: You’ve got two to three seconds maximum to deliver, so make it count. During Bastian's SearchLeeds 2018 talk he walked through various advanced topics around web performance optimisation going way beyond Accelerated Mobile Pages (and other short-term solutions) to make any website really, really fast.

Spreadshirt Techcamp 2018 - Hold until Told
Spreadshirt Techcamp 2018 - Hold until ToldSpreadshirt Techcamp 2018 - Hold until Told
Spreadshirt Techcamp 2018 - Hold until Told

The document discusses using content tagging and purging to improve caching strategies for dynamic content at the edge network. It describes how caching everything can lead to serving stale content. Instead, tagging content with surrogate keys allows caching both dynamic and static content, while purging specific resources by tag when they change. This provides better performance than low expiry caching while maintaining freshness. Purging is fast through the Fastly API. Tag-based purging allows invalidating multiple related resources at once from the edge cache.

cdncontent freshnessfastly
iOS and Android
Safari and Chrome?
browsers with market share
Hacking Web Performance

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腾讯大讲堂09 如何建设高性能网站
腾讯大讲堂09 如何建设高性能网站腾讯大讲堂09 如何建设高性能网站
腾讯大讲堂09 如何建设高性能网站

The document discusses techniques for optimizing front-end web performance. It provides examples of how much time is spent loading different parts of top websites, both with empty caches and full caches. The "performance golden rule" is that 80-90% of end-user response time is spent on the front-end. The document also outlines Yahoo's 14 rules for performance optimization, which include making fewer HTTP requests, using content delivery networks, adding Expires headers, gzipping components, script and CSS placement, and more.

GDD Japan 2009 - Designing OpenSocial Apps For Speed and Scale
GDD Japan 2009 - Designing OpenSocial Apps For Speed and ScaleGDD Japan 2009 - Designing OpenSocial Apps For Speed and Scale
GDD Japan 2009 - Designing OpenSocial Apps For Speed and Scale

Google Developer Days Japan 2009 - Designing OpenSocial Apps For Speed and Scale Original slides from Arne Roomann-Kurrik & Chris Chabot with a few Zen quotes and references added by me:-)

The 5 most common reasons for a slow WordPress site and how to fix them – ext...
The 5 most common reasons for a slow WordPress site and how to fix them – ext...The 5 most common reasons for a slow WordPress site and how to fix them – ext...
The 5 most common reasons for a slow WordPress site and how to fix them – ext...

Presentation given in WP Meetup in October 2019. Includes fresh new tips from summer/fall 2019! A Must read for all WordPress site owners and developers.

wordpresswebsite optimizationsoftware speed
Using Cellular Networks!
We have 4G! We don't need to
worry about performance...
) - Dec 2017
~10% of the time 4G is not used

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Cvcc performance tuning
Cvcc performance tuningCvcc performance tuning
Cvcc performance tuning

Web Performance tuning presentation given at Covers basic http flow, measuring performance, common changes to improve performance now, and several tools and techniques you can use now.

Web Performance: 3 Stages to Success
Web Performance: 3 Stages to SuccessWeb Performance: 3 Stages to Success
Web Performance: 3 Stages to Success

A performance optimization presentation for WordCamp Sacramento 2016. Presented by Austin Gil. This presentation addresses issues in design, development, and project management, where performance is most greatly affected. We look at various opportunities and techniques within each stage that may offer more speed. The subjects range from beginner to advanced with tips and advice that just about anyone can walk away with, and we end with a collection of recommended tools. This presentation was designed so the slides would be useful even out of context of the presentation. Please enjoy.

Web performance
Web performanceWeb performance
Web performance

This document discusses ways to measure and improve web performance. It provides an overview of common web performance metrics and best practices, including minimizing HTTP requests, using content delivery networks, gzipping components, and reducing payload sizes. The document also introduces WebPageTest, an open-source tool for measuring page load performance that provides metrics on load times, waterfall charts, and TCP network traces. Finally, it discusses future opportunities to improve performance through technologies like HTTP/2 and continued optimization of images, scripts, and page weight.

web performancewebpagetestfrontend
RTT - latency
cellular networks
0 250 500 750 1000
Min Max
Let’s hack Web Performance!
Hack First Load
Avoid more than one roundtrip
First Load
• TCP Slow Start - initial congestion window 

• Linux: 14.6 KiB (10 segments)
• CDNs are playing with different values

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implement lighthouse-ci with your web development workflow
implement lighthouse-ci with your web development workflowimplement lighthouse-ci with your web development workflow
implement lighthouse-ci with your web development workflow

This presentation is about implementing the performance as first approach in web development and a bit of real case study. Then implement the Lighthouse-CI in the development workflow to keep the site performance high.

ChatGPT and AI for Web Developers
ChatGPT and AI for Web DevelopersChatGPT and AI for Web Developers
ChatGPT and AI for Web Developers

Session delivered at Malaga, Spain in the Wey Wey Web conference about how to use and integrate IA, ChatGPT and other LLMs into your websites including: plugins, how ChatGPT browses the web, and how to use prompt engineering for formatted data generation. AI is everywhere nowadays, but if you are a web developer, you don't know where it fits in your work. In this session, you will quickly understand how to add AI models to your website. You will also see how ChatGPT plugins work, how to create one, and how to gain control of the content used by LLMs. In this session, you'll learn about API integration with OpenAI and Google LaMDA APIs, tokens, and how to keep things secure while scaling up. We'll walk you through real examples and hands-on demos, so you'll be ready to bring AI magic to your web projects quickly. But that's not all! We'll also discuss how to create your plugin for LLMs, how Bing Chat and ChatGPT browser plugin works when browsing your web content, and how to opt out or optimize the results for AI. We'll cover basic concepts of data preprocessing, structuring, and how to tweak the model for your needs. Let's have fun and unlock ChatGPT and AI's power together!

machine learningweb design and developmentux
PWA Cheat Sheet 2023
PWA Cheat Sheet 2023PWA Cheat Sheet 2023
PWA Cheat Sheet 2023

The document discusses various features and capabilities of progressive web apps (PWAs). It covers topics like installation experiences, app experiences, platform integration, and more. Some key points include: - PWAs can be installed on devices for app-like experiences while working offline or online. Features like custom install buttons and enhanced install dialogs improve this experience. - App-related capabilities include theming, icons, splash screens, and desktop enhancements. Proper icons and splash screens optimize the experience across platforms. - Platform integration examines modern authentication, background syncing, and OS integration using APIs for files, protocols, notifications, and more. - The document provides an overview of developing PWAs

pwaweb developmentweb
Deliver ATF in 14.6 KiB
First Load
• Embed all CSS and JavaScript needed
• If space, embed logo and/or low-res images
Avoid http to httpS redirect
First Load
• Use HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security)
• Header
• Opt-in at
Hack Data Transfer
Data Transfer
• Experimental transport protocol over UDP
• Reduces latency and connection messages
• HTTP/2 Interface with T?LS

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Hacking Web Performance en Español - JSConf México 2020
Hacking Web Performance en Español - JSConf México 2020Hacking Web Performance en Español - JSConf México 2020
Hacking Web Performance en Español - JSConf México 2020

Por qué es importante la web performance, estado actual del problema de rendimiento en la web y los trucos para hackear la performance todavía más.

web performancejavascriptwebapps
The modern PWA Cheat Sheet
The modern PWA Cheat SheetThe modern PWA Cheat Sheet
The modern PWA Cheat Sheet

The document discusses the modern Progressive Web App (PWA) development model. It covers key aspects of PWAs like service workers, app lifecycles, installation experiences, and platform integration. The goal is to build PWAs that provide native-like experiences across devices and platforms while avoiding app stores when possible by using technologies like web app manifests, service workers, and app shell architecture.

pwaprogressive web appjavascript
Progressive Web Apps Keynote
Progressive Web Apps KeynoteProgressive Web Apps Keynote
Progressive Web Apps Keynote

The document discusses progressive web apps (PWAs) as an innovative new way to create mobile applications. PWAs use modern web capabilities to deliver native-like experiences to users. PWAs are easy to update and provide instant distribution to users. While support exists across browsers and operating systems, challenges remain around installation models and full capabilities on all platforms. Overall, PWAs provide the best of both web and native applications.

progressive web apppwaperformance
Data Transfer
Image from Chromium Blog
Data Transfer
• Google’s search page: 3% improvement
• YouTube: reduced 30% buffering
• Facebook similar protocol: 2% improvement
• 75% of requests can be optimized
Use Zopfli
Data Transfer
• Save 3-8% data transfer with GZIP
• It’s ~80x slower
Use Brotli
Data Transfer
• Save ~25% data transfer compared with GZIP
• Check Encoding Header

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Uncovering Secrets of Progressive Web Apps
Uncovering Secrets of Progressive Web AppsUncovering Secrets of Progressive Web Apps
Uncovering Secrets of Progressive Web Apps

Slides for a talk at Web Directions 2018 in Melbourne, Australia. The current state of PWAs as August 2018 and the challenges and problems we have, and how to deal with them.

La Web Salta al Mundo Físico - Web meets Physical World (spanish)
La Web Salta al Mundo Físico - Web meets Physical World (spanish)La Web Salta al Mundo Físico - Web meets Physical World (spanish)
La Web Salta al Mundo Físico - Web meets Physical World (spanish)

Slides of my talk at DevFest 2016 in Cochabamba, Bolivia (en español - in spanish) about Web APIs for hardware access, the Physical Web, WebVR and other technologies.

physical webbluetoothiot
Progressive Web Apps (español - spanish)
Progressive Web Apps (español - spanish)Progressive Web Apps (español - spanish)
Progressive Web Apps (español - spanish)

Slides of my talk about Progressive Web Apps - The Web strikes again (La Web contraataca) delivered in Cochabamba Bolivia, for DevFest 2016 in November 2016.

pwaprogressive web appmobile
Use Brotli
Data Transfer
• LinkedIn: 4% savings in load time
• Facebook: 17% savings on CSS, 20% on JavaScript
Readable Streams
Data Transfer
• Process data as it arrives in chunks
• 45% savings on paint metrics 

(when data is client-side rendered)
Hack Resource Loading
HTTP/2 Push (?)
Resource Loading
• On most situations it can be an anti-pattern
• You can be pushing files that are in the client

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High Performance Web - Full Stack Toronto
High Performance Web - Full Stack TorontoHigh Performance Web - Full Stack Toronto
High Performance Web - Full Stack Toronto

An introduction to Web Performance Optimization in 2016 - Talk delivered in Toronto, Canada, October 18th, 2016

webweb performancefullstack
Responsive Images and Performance
Responsive Images and PerformanceResponsive Images and Performance
Responsive Images and Performance

Talk delivered in New York, Sep 19, 2016 during an O'Reilly meetup before Velocity Conference about Web Performance and Images, including HTTP Client Hints and new Image Formats

mobile webweb performanceimages
The Physical World meets the Web
The Physical World meets the WebThe Physical World meets the Web
The Physical World meets the Web

The document provides an agenda and summary for a talk on how the physical world is meeting the web through various technologies. The topics discussed include mobile and IoT, the Physical Web, Progressive Web Apps, and connecting through web APIs. Specific emerging APIs that allow access to device sensors and hardware are demonstrated, such as ambient light detection, web Bluetooth, and web audio. The talk aims to show how the web is becoming a universal platform to enable new experiences at the intersection of the digital and physical worlds.

html5virtual realityhololens
Modern Cache Control
Resource Loading
• Hash in filenames is common for versioning
• Browsers make conditional requests
Modern Cache Control
Resource Loading
• Hello to Cache-Control: immutable
Modern Cache Control
Resource Loading
• It’s a common new pattern to
• 1) serve from the cache
• 2) update it in the background for later
Modern Cache Control
Resource Loading
Cache-Control: stale-while-revalidate=99

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Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices

This document summarizes a presentation about extreme performance for mobile web. It discusses understanding the mobile web ecosystem today, focusing on performance differences for mobile and tools to measure performance. It also covers HTML5 APIs and specifications for performance as well as tips for extreme performance including optimizing the network layer, reducing redirects and stop signs, prioritizing responsive design, minimizing above-the-fold content, loading CSS asynchronously, treating JavaScript as optional, and ensuring fast user interfaces. The overall message is that perception of performance is more important than actual load times and focuses on techniques to optimize for mobile.

wpo performance iphone android
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Device Fluent 2015
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Device Fluent 2015Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Device Fluent 2015
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Device Fluent 2015

This document discusses optimizing web performance for mobile devices. It covers the current mobile web ecosystem, importance of performance, tools for measuring performance, optimizing initial loading and perception, and responsiveness. The key points discussed are understanding the diversity of mobile browsers and platforms, keeping content above the fold loading within 1 second, using tools like navigation timing API to measure performance, avoiding redirects and unnecessary resources, and ensuring smooth scrolling and responsiveness.

web performancemobilehtml5
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014

This document summarizes key points about optimizing performance for mobile web: 1. Mobile platforms are dominated by iOS and Android, with different browsers on each (Safari, Chrome). Understanding the ecosystem is important for testing and optimization. 2. Perception of speed is critical - aim for responses within 1 second. Mobile hardware is less powerful so optimization is needed. Tools like emulators, remote inspectors, and APIs help measure performance. 3. For initial loading, focus on getting above-the-fold content within 1 second using techniques like avoiding redirects, gzipping files, separating critical CSS, and deferring non-essential assets.

web performance
Warming up engines
Resource Loading
• Help the browser to start processes ASAP
• DNS Queries: ~200ms
• TCP and TLS connection: ~200ms
Announce DNS queries ASAP

<link rel="dns-prefetch" href=“">
Resource Loading
Announce TLS connections ASAP

<link rel="preconnect" href=“”
Resource Loading
Announce on HTTP Response

Link: <>; rel=preconnect;
Resource Loading

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Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity NY
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity NYExtreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity NY
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity NY

The document discusses optimizing web performance for mobile devices. It covers mobile web platforms and browsers, the importance of performance on mobile, tools for measuring performance, optimizing initial loading and above-the-fold content within 1 second, and maintaining responsiveness. The key recommendations are to measure on real devices, avoid redirects, reduce requests, load above-the-fold content quickly and defer the rest, and prioritize simplicity over complex designs and frameworks.

html5optimizationweb performance
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile DevicesExtreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices

Maximiliano Firtman gave a presentation on extreme web performance for mobile devices. He covered: 1. The current state of the mobile web including platforms, browsers and web apps 2. Factors affecting mobile performance like perception, hardware differences, and network speeds 3. Tools for measuring performance like emulators, online tools, and HTML5 APIs 4. Optimizing initial loading and the above-the-fold content in the first second 5. Ensuring responsiveness through consistent frame rates, immediate feedback, and smooth scrolling.

Modeveast Keynote: "Mobile. Change is the only constant"
Modeveast Keynote: "Mobile. Change is the only constant"Modeveast Keynote: "Mobile. Change is the only constant"
Modeveast Keynote: "Mobile. Change is the only constant"

This document discusses the future of mobile development and how constant change will impact it. Over the past 18 years, mobile technology has advanced significantly from early devices like the Blackberry and Windows Mobile to modern smartphones like the iPhone and Android. However, some things have remained constant like performance issues, battery life frustrations, and how users get accustomed to new technologies quickly. The future of mobile is unknown, but boundaries between native, web and cloud will blur and users will be in control. Devices will act as hubs and sync smartly while wearables grow. Developers must embrace change, focus on content over apps, and optimize for performance and ubiquity across diverse platforms.

To bundle or not to bundle
Resource Loading
• On HTTP/2 might seem an anti-pattern
• But it’s not!
Resource Loading
To bundle or not to bundle
Resource Loading
• Bundle!
• But not everything
• First, code-splitting and load only the important
Web Fonts
Resource Loading
• Avoid FOUT (Flash of Unstyled Text)
• font-display: optional or swap

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FINHTML5 - Breaking the mobile web
FINHTML5 - Breaking the mobile webFINHTML5 - Breaking the mobile web
FINHTML5 - Breaking the mobile web

This document summarizes Max Firtman's presentation on breaking limits with HTML5 on mobile. The presentation covered hacks for improving the user interface, such as making the screen full screen, supporting high resolution canvases, and handling different screen densities. It also discussed hacks for enhancing device interaction like accessing the device's camera and notifications. Finally, it provided ways to enhance apps through tricks like customizing the home screen title and live tiles. The overall presentation focused on pushing the boundaries of HTML5's capabilities on mobile through creative coding techniques.

Breaking Limits on Mobile HTML5 - TopConf Tallinn
Breaking Limits on Mobile HTML5 - TopConf TallinnBreaking Limits on Mobile HTML5 - TopConf Tallinn
Breaking Limits on Mobile HTML5 - TopConf Tallinn

Hacks for mobile web development and HTML5 that you might not known. Android Browser+Chrome+iOS+Firefox+others.

google chromeiossafari
Gearing Up Google Glass Development - August 2013
Gearing Up Google Glass Development - August 2013Gearing Up Google Glass Development - August 2013
Gearing Up Google Glass Development - August 2013

The document discusses Google Glass development. It covers the Glass experience, developing Glassware applications using the Mirror API and Google Glass Development Kit (GDK), the timeline interface, the experimental browser, and coding examples. Next steps discussed include the upcoming GDK, localization, and more voice commands. The presentation encourages understanding the Glass experience and interfaces and notes this is an early stage for Glass development.

google glasshtml5glass
Resource Loading
• Help the browser prioritize resources for rendering
Resource Loading

<link rel="preload" href=“styles.css” as=“style”>
Resource Loading

Link: <>; rel=preload;
as=font; crossorigin
Cache Storage
Resource Loading
• With Service Workers now everywhere
• Time to use Cache Storage everywhere we can

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Choose our Linux Web Hosting for a seamless and successful online presence
Choose our Linux Web Hosting for a seamless and successful online presenceChoose our Linux Web Hosting for a seamless and successful online presence
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Our Linux Web Hosting plans offer unbeatable performance, security, and scalability, ensuring your website runs smoothly and efficiently. Visit-

cheap linux hosting
Understanding Insider Security Threats: Types, Examples, Effects, and Mitigat...
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Understanding Insider Security Threats: Types, Examples, Effects, and Mitigat...

Today’s digitally connected world presents a wide range of security challenges for enterprises. Insider security threats are particularly noteworthy because they have the potential to cause significant harm. Unlike external threats, insider risks originate from within the company, making them more subtle and challenging to identify. This blog aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of insider security threats, including their types, examples, effects, and mitigation techniques.

insider securitycybersecurity threatsenterprise security
Fluttercon 2024: Showing that you care about security - OpenSSF Scorecards fo...
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Fluttercon 2024: Showing that you care about security - OpenSSF Scorecards fo...

Have you noticed the OpenSSF Scorecard badges on the official Dart and Flutter repos? It's Google's way of showing that they care about security. Practices such as pinning dependencies, branch protection, required reviews, continuous integration tests etc. are measured to provide a score and accompanying badge. You can do the same for your projects, and this presentation will show you how, with an emphasis on the unique challenges that come up when working with Dart and Flutter. The session will provide a walkthrough of the steps involved in securing a first repository, and then what it takes to repeat that process across an organization with multiple repos. It will also look at the ongoing maintenance involved once scorecards have been implemented, and how aspects of that maintenance can be better automated to minimize toil.

Hack Images - borrowed fromSteve Souders
A picture is worth a thousand
… if it loads
Embrace Responsive Images
Data Transfer
• Not just 3 versions of your image
• 65% of the traffic is for images (HttpArchive)
• 84% improvement creating n versions (ScientiaMobile)

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Advanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly Detection
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Advanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly Detection

Cybersecurity is a major concern in today's connected digital world. Threats to organizations are constantly evolving and have the potential to compromise sensitive information, disrupt operations, and lead to significant financial losses. Traditional cybersecurity techniques often fall short against modern attackers. Therefore, advanced techniques for cyber security analysis and anomaly detection are essential for protecting digital assets. This blog explores these cutting-edge methods, providing a comprehensive overview of their application and importance.

cybersecurityanomaly detectionadvanced techniques
UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference
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UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference

We are honored to launch and host this event for our UiPath Polish Community, with the help of our partners - Proservartner! We certainly hope we have managed to spike your interest in the subjects to be presented and the incredible networking opportunities at hand, too! Check out our proposed agenda below 👇👇 08:30 ☕ Welcome coffee (30') 09:00 Opening note/ Intro to UiPath Community (10') Cristina Vidu, Global Manager, Marketing Community @UiPath Dawid Kot, Digital Transformation Lead @Proservartner 09:10 Cloud migration - Proservartner & DOVISTA case study (30') Marcin Drozdowski, Automation CoE Manager @DOVISTA Pawel Kamiński, RPA developer @DOVISTA Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 09:40 From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Citizen Development in action (25') Pawel Poplawski, Director, Improvement and Automation @McCormick & Company Michał Cieślak, Senior Manager, Automation Programs @McCormick & Company 10:05 Next-level bots: API integration in UiPath Studio (30') Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 10:35 ☕ Coffee Break (15') 10:50 Document Understanding with my RPA Companion (45') Ewa Gruszka, Enterprise Sales Specialist, AI & ML @UiPath 11:35 Power up your Robots: GenAI and GPT in REFramework (45') Krzysztof Karaszewski, Global RPA Product Manager 12:20 🍕 Lunch Break (1hr) 13:20 From Concept to Quality: UiPath Test Suite for AI-powered Knowledge Bots (30') Kamil Miśko, UiPath MVP, Senior RPA Developer @Zurich Insurance 13:50 Communications Mining - focus on AI capabilities (30') Thomasz Wierzbicki, Business Analyst @Office Samurai 14:20 Polish MVP panel: Insights on MVP award achievements and career profiling

RPA In Healthcare Benefits, Use Case, Trend And Challenges 2024.pptx
RPA In Healthcare Benefits, Use Case, Trend And Challenges 2024.pptxRPA In Healthcare Benefits, Use Case, Trend And Challenges 2024.pptx
RPA In Healthcare Benefits, Use Case, Trend And Challenges 2024.pptx

Your comprehensive guide to RPA in healthcare for 2024. Explore the benefits, use cases, and emerging trends of robotic process automation. Understand the challenges and prepare for the future of healthcare automation

rpa in healthcarerpa in healthcare usarpa in healthcare industry
Time to replace JPEG and PNG
Lossy format: WebP (weppy) 25-40%
Lossy format: JPEG 2000 (JPX) 20%
Lossy format: JPEG XR (JXR) 25%

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Sustainability requires ingenuity and stewardship. Did you know Pigging Solutions pigging systems help you achieve your sustainable manufacturing goals AND provide rapid return on investment. How? Our systems recover over 99% of product in transfer piping. Recovering trapped product from transfer lines that would otherwise become flush-waste, means you can increase batch yields and eliminate flush waste. From raw materials to finished product, if you can pump it, we can pig it.

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This is a powerpoint that features Microsoft Teams Devices and everything that is new including updates to its software and devices for May 2024

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DealBook of Ukraine: 2024 edition
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The DealBook is our annual overview of the Ukrainian tech investment industry. This edition comprehensively covers the full year 2023 and the first deals of 2024.

Lossy format: HEIF (heef) 25%
Lossless format: Zopfli PNG
Lossless format: Guetzli JPEG
Deal with compatibility!
• Service Workers decoders
• Hello to <picture>

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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry

Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

cloudcloud native observabilitycloud native
Transcript: Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - T...
Transcript: Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - T...Transcript: Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - T...
Transcript: Details of description part II: Describing images in practice - T...

This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and slides: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

a11yaccessibilityalt text
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Everything that I found interesting last month about the irresponsible use of machine intelligence

<source type="image/webp" src="image.webp">
<source type="image/" src="image.jxr">
<source type="image/jp2" src="image.jp2">
<source type="image/png" src=“image.zf.png">
<img src=“image.zf.png" alt=“description">
Meet HTTP Client Hints
• Browser will expose data to the server

<meta http-equiv="Accept-CH"
content="DPR, Viewport-Width, Downlink, Device-Memory”>
Meet HTTP Client Hints
• Chrome 67 includes more Hints
• Downlink
• ECT (2g, 3g, 4g, slow-2g)
Decode images in a thread

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microsoftmicrosoft copilot
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In the modern digital era, social media platforms have become integral to our daily lives. These platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Snapchat, offer countless ways to connect, share, and communicate.

social media hackerfacebook hackerhire a instagram hacker
Stop using Animated GIFs!
• Use Animated PNGs or Animated WebP
• Use muted videos
• Use <img> with video (iOS 12)
The future looks interesting!
Hack User Experience
Consistent Frame Rate and
Response Times
User Experience
• Don’t execute JS for more than 50ms
• Use LongTask API for detection
• Use WebWorkers or requestIdleCallback

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Kief Morris rethinks the infrastructure code delivery lifecycle, advocating for a shift towards composable infrastructure systems. We should shift to designing around deployable components rather than code modules, use more useful levels of abstraction, and drive design and deployment from applications rather than bottom-up, monolithic architecture and delivery.

infrastructure as codeclouddevops
WhatsApp Image 2024-03-27 at 08.19.52_bfd93109.pdf
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WhatsApp Image 2024-03-27 at 08.19.52_bfd93109.pdf

Profile portofolio

Avoid calculations and repaints
User Experience
• Promote animated layers to the GPU 

CSS will-change
• Limit browser’s ability to style, layout and paint

CSS Containment
Passive Event Listener
User Experience
Reactive Web Performance
User Experience
Know about the context
User Experience
• Client-side Performance APIs
• Network Information API
• Device Memory Client Hint
• Save-Data Client Hint

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Slide of the tutorial entitled "Paradigm Shifts in User Modeling: A Journey from Historical Foundations to Emerging Trends" held at UMAP'24: 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (July 1, 2024 | Cagliari, Italy)

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To help you choose the best DiskWarrior alternative, we've compiled a comparison table summarizing the features, pros, cons, and pricing of six alternatives.

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Consistent Experience
User Experience
• Web Fonts
• Change SW’s cache policy
• Reduce amount of loaded data
• 1x image not matter DPR
Feeling bad enough?
Performance is TOP PRIORITY
Push it even more
It’s a worthwhile effort
Make it fast!

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Foto de

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Web Performance Optimization (WPO)
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Making the web faster
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Web Performance: 3 Stages to Success
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Maximiliano Firtman
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices
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Maximiliano Firtman
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Maximiliano Firtman
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Maximiliano Firtman
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Hacking Web Performance