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Wordpress Horsepower
10 Ways to speed up Wordpress
Wordpress horsepower
Who am I?
Ross Johnson
We all have schweet
computers and fast
interwebs, right?

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Caching strategy and apc
Caching strategy and apcCaching strategy and apc
Caching strategy and apc

This document discusses caching strategies and the Alternative PHP Cache (APC). It introduces different caching strategies such as where to cache, what to cache, and how long to cache. It also discusses APC which is a free PHP extension that acts as an opcode cache and supports user data caching. The document provides instructions on installing and configuring APC, and tips for using it effectively such as caching strings over arrays and using long time to live settings to avoid fragmentation. Case studies are presented showing how caching can optimize feed systems.

Measuring Web Performance
Measuring Web Performance Measuring Web Performance
Measuring Web Performance

Today, a web page can be delivered to desktop computers, televisions, or handheld devices like tablets or phones. While a technique like responsive design helps ensure that our web sites look good across that spectrum of devices we may forget that we need to make sure that our web sites also perform well across that same spectrum. More and more of our users are shifting their Internet usage to these more varied platforms and connection speeds with some moving entirely to mobile Internet. In this session we’ll look at the tools that can help you understand, measure and improve the web performance of your web sites and applications. The talk will also discuss how new server-side techniques might help us optimize our front-end performance. Finally, since the best way to test is to have devices in your hand, we’ll discuss some tips for getting your hands on them cheaply. This presentation builds upon Dave’s “Optimization for Mobile” chapter in Smashing Magazine’s “The Mobile Book.” This talk was given at the Responsive Web Design Summit hosted by Environments for Humans.

webperfresponsive designresponsive web design
WordPress vs Other Content Management System
WordPress vs Other Content Management SystemWordPress vs Other Content Management System
WordPress vs Other Content Management System

Deciding upon the type of content management system required for your website is a crucial task, however it is upto the user to choose between the top CMS i.e. WordPress, Joomla or Drupal. It also allows you to create, manage and modifies the content of your website without having to know about coding skills.

Wordpress horsepower
Yes, we are actually less patient...
You could lose up to 33% of
 your visitors if your page took
 more than 4 seconds to load on
 a broadband connection.
- Akamai, 2006

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Web performance optimization (WPO)
Web performance optimization (WPO)Web performance optimization (WPO)
Web performance optimization (WPO)

A presentation from SEO Campixx Barcamp 2011 in Berlin. Web Performance Optimization is about making websites faster. Here i discussed different measures and show the impact on competitive advantage and possibly rankings on Google. Undeniably you can say that better performance leads to more sales and better usability in terms of bouncing rates. View image slides here:

wpocrofast website
WordPress Performance 101
WordPress Performance 101WordPress Performance 101
WordPress Performance 101

WordPress Performance 101 provides tips to optimize WordPress site performance in 3 sentences: It discusses how poor performance can negatively impact users, money and SEO, and outlines steps to diagnose a site using tools to measure speed before and after installing caching plugins like W3 Total Cache and a CDN like Cloudflare. Proper server configuration, hosting, plugin usage, image optimization and caching are emphasized as ways to boost speed for a better user and search engine experience.

wordpressperformancewordpress performance
How to Speed up your Website
How to Speed up your WebsiteHow to Speed up your Website
How to Speed up your Website

Learning how to speed up your website is one of the most important things you can do as fast loading speed is necessary for website success.

For every 100ms increase in load
time, sales would decrease 1%.
- Amazon 2007
Going from 10 to 30 results per
page increased load time by a
mere 0.5 seconds, but resulted in
a 20% drop in traffic.
- Google 2006
There are some common problems you are
likely to run into...
Code Bloat

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Keep the Web Fast
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Keep the Web Fast

With the growth of mobile devices, performance is now more important than ever. But the web is actually getting slower! Fight back by learning how to monitor performance, the critical rendering path and finding where to optimize.

WordPress website optimization
WordPress website optimizationWordPress website optimization
WordPress website optimization

The document provides tips for optimizing the speed of a WordPress site. It recommends benchmarking loading times to identify performance issues, prioritizing problems by severity and fix time, reducing page size by limiting posts per page and using progressive loading. Other tips include minimizing social widgets and external fonts, optimizing images, avoiding bloated themes, minifying CSS and JS, enabling compression, leveraging browser caching, moving scripts to footers, caching content, and using object caching and CDNs. Regular optimization is important to see ongoing rewards in site speed.

WordPress Optimization with Litespeed Cache #wpjkt14
WordPress Optimization with Litespeed Cache  #wpjkt14WordPress Optimization with Litespeed Cache  #wpjkt14
WordPress Optimization with Litespeed Cache #wpjkt14

This document summarizes an presentation about optimizing WordPress site speed. It introduces the presenter Ivan Kristianto and his background with WordPress. It then discusses how fast a site needs to be, with metrics on loading times from various studies. The bulk of the document outlines specific techniques for optimizing WordPress sites for speed, including server configuration options, plugins like LiteSpeed Cache, and settings within that plugin. It then shares results of speed tests on the presenter's site using tools like GTMetrix, Pingdom, and WebPageTest to demonstrate how these optimizations were able to make the site fast even on a shared hosting plan.

Large Media
    Optimize dat shiz!
Database Queries
Shall we take MySQL or YourSQL?
Server Processing
Like food processing, but totally different...
Server Calls
Here server, come here boy!

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Word campktm speed-security
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Word campktm speed-security

1. The document discusses speed and security as the active and passive components of a WordPress site. It provides tips to optimize speed through good hosting, CDNs, minification, and caching. 2. For security, it recommends prevention through regular backups, security plugins, and hardening measures. Common vulnerabilities include outdated plugins/themes and lack of security updates or measures. 3. Testing tools like GTmetrix and PageSpeed Insights can evaluate page speed, but their recommendations shouldn't always be followed. Ignoring site speed can lead to abandonment issues.

Leeward WordPress Meetup- Caching and Website Speed
Leeward WordPress Meetup- Caching and Website SpeedLeeward WordPress Meetup- Caching and Website Speed
Leeward WordPress Meetup- Caching and Website Speed

This document discusses how caching can improve website speed. It begins by explaining how websites load files sequentially and sets a goal of under 2 seconds. It recommends getting a fast web host as the first step, then optimizing images, code minification/concatenation, and lazy loading. There are different types of caches like browser, server, and memcache caches that store content to reduce load times. Common caching plugins like WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache are recommended, or paying for WP Rocket for e-commerce sites. The key steps are to get a fast host, optimize the site, then cache it to improve performance.

Meta Refresh 2014
Meta Refresh 2014Meta Refresh 2014
Meta Refresh 2014

This document discusses techniques for improving perceived performance of websites. It explains that perceived performance is how quickly a site seems to load from a user's perspective, rather than actual technical performance metrics. Some key techniques discussed include using skeleton screens, progressive enhancement, and showing loading progress to trick users into thinking a site is loading faster than it actually is. The document also advocates for measuring real user performance data through APIs to identify actual bottlenecks and prioritize improvements.

Wordpress horsepower
Sh*t Server
Vroom Vroom yo!
1. Improve your Code
remove extra <div>’s, no more tables, strip
unnecessary CSS, etc...

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Front-End Performance Optimizing
Front-End Performance OptimizingFront-End Performance Optimizing
Front-End Performance Optimizing

Front-end performance optimizing involves optimizing a website's HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files to achieve the fastest possible loading speed. This includes minimizing HTTP requests by combining files, compressing files, optimizing code by removing unused code and errors, leveraging browser caching, and parallelizing downloads across domains. The document outlines nine techniques for front-end optimization, such as optimizing file sizes, reducing download size through compression and caching, and minimizing HTTP requests through file combining and CSS sprites.

High Performance Web/Mobile Pages - Automation
High Performance Web/Mobile Pages - AutomationHigh Performance Web/Mobile Pages - Automation
High Performance Web/Mobile Pages - Automation

This document discusses optimizing website performance and speed. It notes that slow page speeds can negatively impact key metrics like conversion rates. It then outlines several standard optimization methods like reducing HTTP requests, using content delivery networks, caching files, and image/file compression. The document introduces HTTP/2 and its benefits over HTTP/1.1. It proposes automating performance optimization with a proxy server that intercepts requests, applies optimizations like payload reduction and caching, and returns optimized content to users. Results show the proxy reduced page sizes by 70% and load times by over 30%.

I Can Haz More Performanz?
I Can Haz More Performanz?I Can Haz More Performanz?
I Can Haz More Performanz?

This document summarizes Andy Melichar's presentation at WordCamp Omaha about optimizing WordPress performance. He began with introductions and explained his background in web development. He then discussed common performance issues hosting companies see and why performance matters for user experience and revenue. Andy outlined key areas to optimize like WordPress plugins/themes, web server configuration, and using content delivery networks. He demonstrated the significant impact of enabling caching, compression, browser caching and switching to Nginx on a test site's performance. In the end, Andy emphasized there are many options to try and the WordPress community can help with configurations.

a2 hostingcachingoptimization
Compress your Javascript

Clean up your HTML

Compress and Clean your CSS
2. Optimize
Optimize your images...
Shrink O Matic -
3. Reduce Server Calls
Get off the phone!
Combine Your Files

Use Sprites

Share the Wealth

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What makes a WordPress site feel slow? Why does it matter? We'll discuss a few plugins and technical advice on how you can ensure that your site loads quickly so your visitors aren't kept waiting. Presented at: Dayton WordPress Meetup (August 2017), Cincinnati WordPress Meetup (March 2017)

Technical SEO for WordPress - 2019 edition
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Slides from presentation given at WordCamp Stuttgart 2019 See blog at for more tips!

seoseo frameworkyoast
Caching 101
Caching 101Caching 101
Caching 101

An overview of caching, optimization, and performance measurement tips. Presented to the Detroit WordPress Meetup on April 10, 2017.

4. Cache
I make it rain...
Top Caching Plugins
•WP Super Cache
•Hyper Cache
•DB Cache
•WP Widget Cache
•W3 Total Cache
5. Compress
I don’t have any good jokes for this one.
GZIP Output
If your friend!
Force Gzip -
WP Compressor -

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Show Me The Cache!
Show Me The Cache!Show Me The Cache!
Show Me The Cache!

This document is the presentation slides for a talk on caching for WordPress sites. It begins with introductions and then discusses the importance of measuring site performance. It explains different types of caching including browser caching, page caching, object caching, bytecode caching, and CDN caching. It highlights tools for measuring performance and common caching plugins. Example results are shown comparing no caching and caching configurations. The presentation emphasizes that caching is one of the easiest ways to improve WordPress performance and various options are available depending on needs and server environment.

How to optimize your Magento store
How to optimize your Magento store How to optimize your Magento store
How to optimize your Magento store

This white paper discusses various methods for optimizing performance on Magento, an ecommerce platform. It begins with basic optimizations like minifying files, optimizing images, enabling caching and gzip compression. More advanced techniques include implementing memcached, Redis and Varnish caching, using a content delivery network, optimizing the database with measures like flat categories and products. The paper provides details on implementing each technique and the benefits to Magento performance. Key contacts at the authoring company RetailOn are provided.

retailonhow to optimize your magento store
Introduction to Optimizing WordPress for Website Speed
Introduction to Optimizing WordPress for Website SpeedIntroduction to Optimizing WordPress for Website Speed
Introduction to Optimizing WordPress for Website Speed

The document provides an introduction to optimizing WordPress for website speed. It discusses optimizing various areas like plugins, themes, cache, images, CSS, and JavaScript. It recommends using a caching plugin, optimizing images by reducing file sizes, minifying CSS and JavaScript, and using a content delivery network. Regular updates and testing website speed using tools like GTMetrix are also advised to improve load times and user experience.

optimize siteoptimize websiteoptimize wordpress
6. CDN
4 Words... Content Delivery Network, Awesome
Browsers limit number of connections to the
same server...

As low as TWO
Intelligent delivery...
CDN Plugins

W3 Total Cache

CDN Tools

Free CDN

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SEO 101 - Google Page Speed Insights Explained

During our second SEO webinar lesson, we spoke about the importance of site speed. We ran through an explanation of the Google Page Speed insights tool and how to take care of the most common optimizations the tool sugests to site oweners.

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How to Fix a Slow WordPress Site (and get A+ scores)

Full Guide - In this site speed optimization guide, we provide 25-Tips to get blazing fast website speeds of under 0.5s.

fastsite speedslow
Magento Performance Improvements with Client Side Optimizations
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Magento Performance Improvements with Client Side Optimizations

Discussion of various optimizations that can be applied to Magento community and enterprise installations for speed improvements. Techniques include common WPO techniques such as gzip, cache control, CSS spriting, domain sharding, byte code caches, reverse proxies and more. Various steps are applied to an Amazon AWS instance with the results from shown afterwards.

wpoweb site performanceweb design and development
CDN Networks
       • Amazon CloudFront
•   Akamai
•   CacheFly
•   EdgeCast Networks
•   Internap
•   Level 3 Communications
•   Limelight Networks
7. Server Upgrade
With our power combined, we become...
Shared vs VPS

Dedicated Server
8. Improve your Database
Data is in the eye of the beholder...

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Core Web Vitals to improve your website performance for better SEO results with CWV. CWV Topics include: - Understanding the latest Core Web Vitals including the significance of LCP, INP and CLS + their impact on SEO - Optimisation techniques from our experts on how to improve your CWV on platforms like WordPress and WP Engine - The impact of user experience and SEO

Web Client Performance
Web Client PerformanceWeb Client Performance
Web Client Performance

The document provides tips for optimizing web page performance based on Yahoo's YSlow guidelines. It discusses 12 tips, including making fewer HTTP requests, using a content delivery network, adding expires headers, gzipping components, putting CSS at the top, moving scripts to the bottom, avoiding CSS expressions, making JavaScript and CSS external, reducing DNS lookups, minifying JavaScript, avoiding redirects, and removing duplicate scripts. It also discusses optimizing JavaScript performance through choosing optimal algorithms and data structures, refactoring code, minimizing DOM interactions, and using local optimizations. Measurement of performance is recommended at each stage of the optimization process.

Site Speed = Success – Optimising WordPress from the Server Up - Presented by...
Site Speed = Success – Optimising WordPress from the Server Up - Presented by...Site Speed = Success – Optimising WordPress from the Server Up - Presented by...
Site Speed = Success – Optimising WordPress from the Server Up - Presented by...

I’d like to talk on how to make WordPress fly on the various different levels available to you, from right down as simple as basic steps to take within WordPress or as advanced as server tweaks, will use my time hosting Techzim as a case study example

A Clean Database is a Happy Database
WP-Optimize -
# BEGIN WordPress
RewriteEngine on
# Unless you have set a different RewriteBase preceding this
# point, you may delete or comment-out the following
# RewriteBase directive:
RewriteBase /
# if this request is for "/" or has already been rewritten to WP
RewriteCond $1 ^(index.php)?$ [OR]
# or if request is for image, css, or js file
RewriteCond $1 .(gif|jpg|css|js|ico)$ [NC,OR]
# or if URL resolves to existing file
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
# or if URL resolves to existing directory
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
# then skip the rewrite to WP
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [S=1]
# else rewrite the request to WP
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END wordpress
10. Spamburger
Does a blogger bad...

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WordCamp Harare 2016 - Site Speed = Success

My talk on wordpress and website performance and quick tips + advanced on how to improve website performance Video at

Optimize wordpress
Optimize wordpressOptimize wordpress
Optimize wordpress

This presentation was presented on October 31, 2012 at BarCamp Tampa Bay, FL. It was made to discuss the basics of Optimizing your WordPress Site.

23 Ways To Speed Up WordPress
23 Ways To Speed Up WordPress23 Ways To Speed Up WordPress
23 Ways To Speed Up WordPress

Some practical ways to speed up your WordPress website. Looking at plugins, configurations, do's & don'ts, server software and hardware changes.

wordpressspeed up wordpresswebsite speed
Recaptcha -

Akismat -
WP-Spam Free -

Bad Behavior -
Thank ya!

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Design for Non-Designers
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Starting a Successful Premium Pluging Business
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Creating Influence
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