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Java EE Microservice
platforms - which is best?
Steve Millidge – Founder Payara
The Best is?
Get Serious
• What is a Microservice
• Features of the platforms
• Experiences in Use
What is a Microservice?
In computing, microservices is a
software architecture style in which
complex applications are composed of
small, independent processes
communicating with each other using
language-agnostic APIs.

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Effective cloud-ready apps with MicroProfile
Effective cloud-ready apps with MicroProfileEffective cloud-ready apps with MicroProfile
Effective cloud-ready apps with MicroProfile

Presented during Payara Japan Tour 2019 ( In this session, you'll learn how to develop applications that evolve according to your needs, can easily run in the cloud and integrate with common cloud technologies. We'll start with a simple application, focusing on business logic. MicroProfile framework, powered by a lightweight opensource Payara Micro runtime, will get us started quickly and allow gradual improvements later. MicroProfile contains a lot of components that make developers productive. It allows separating business logic from common concerns like configuration, failure-recovery, REST service calls, context propagation across service calls and securing services. Adding all of these to existing code is easy. It's also easy to introduce new microservices as needed and adopt cloud technologies as your application grows. I'll show you how, in a step-by-step demo. And if time allows, I'll also show how to run and scale your application effectively with Kubernetes in the cloud.

Micronaut Deep Dive - Devoxx Belgium 2019
Micronaut Deep Dive - Devoxx Belgium 2019Micronaut Deep Dive - Devoxx Belgium 2019
Micronaut Deep Dive - Devoxx Belgium 2019

3 hour deep dive presentation by Micronaut creator, Graeme Rocher, at Devoxx Belgium 2019 showing how to use advanced features such as Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP), compiler plugins and so on. Associated YouTube video can be found at

Microservices in Azure
Microservices in AzureMicroservices in Azure
Microservices in Azure

The document discusses microservices and how Azure supports the microservices architecture for modern applications. It defines microservices and service-oriented architecture as an approach to building applications as independent, interoperable services. It then describes the various Azure PaaS options for hosting microservices, such as App Service, Functions, and Service Fabric. It also covers supporting Azure services for state management, caching, storage, and monitoring microservices applications. Finally, it provides an example topology of a photo sharing solution built with multiple Azure microservices.

What is a Microservice?
The term "Microservice Architecture" has sprung up over
the last few years to describe a particular way of
designing software applications as suites of
independently deployable services. While there is no
precise definition of this architectural style, there are
certain common characteristics around organization
around business capability, automated deployment,
intelligence in the endpoints, and decentralized control of
languages and data.
Martin Fowler
Some Principles of MicroServices
• Componentization via Services
• Independently replaceable and upgradable
• Organized around Business Capabilities
• One team one capability across the stack
• Products not Projects
• Team manages the whole lifecycle of the service(s)
• Independent Replacement and Upgradeability
• Infrastructure Automation
• Decentralized Data Management
Micro Service Architecture
Customers Shipping
You can’t build microservice architectures with
Java EE.
It is heavyweight and monolithic.

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Micronaut: Evolving Java for the Microservices and Serverless Era

Presentation by Micronaut creator Graeme Rocher on how frameworks like Micronaut are evolving Java for the Microservice and Serverless Era through the use of innovative techniques like Ahead of Time Compilation (AoT)

Monitor Micro-service with MicroProfile metrics
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Monitor Micro-service with MicroProfile metrics

Microservices architecture has many benefits. But it comes at a cost. Running microservices and monitoring what’s going on is tedious. That’s why MicroProfile adopts monitoring as a first-class concept. In this session, learn how MicroProfile runtimes collect metrics and how to seamlessly collect them with tools like Prometheus and Grafana. Learn how MicroProfile makes it easy to connect information about interrelated service calls, how to gather the information and analyze system bottlenecks, how to deploy and scale MicroProfile applications with Kubernetes and how to react to their health status to detect and automatically recover from failures.

Microservices with Spring Cloud
Microservices with Spring CloudMicroservices with Spring Cloud
Microservices with Spring Cloud

The document discusses microservices and Spring Cloud. It defines microservices as small, autonomous services that work together to build distributed systems. It then explains key Spring Cloud Netflix components like Zuul for routing, Eureka for service discovery and registration, and Hystrix for circuit breaking. The document also discusses other challenges in building microservices architectures like distributed tracing, polyglotism, and alternative solutions to Eureka like Consul and Zookeeper.

Why Java EE and not ######?
• Java EE is incredibly lightweight
• Rapid to develop
• Majority of alternative Java frameworks
based on Java EE apis
• Concentrate on building business
• Produces small skinny wars
• Versioned runtime – aids operations
Idea for Testing
REST Interface
Payara Micro
• Derived from GlassFish Open Source
• Key Design Goals
• Elastic (auto clustering)
• Container Friendly (no installation)
• Small Footprint
• Very Easy to Use (no maven messing)
• Run wars on the command line

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This document discusses lessons learned from real-world deployments of Java EE 7. Key points include increased developer productivity through features like batch processing, concurrency, simplified JMS, more annotated POJOs, and a cohesive integrated platform. Specific technologies used include JSON, WebSockets, Servlet 3.1 NIO, and REST. Real-world examples of implementations include an application for a UN agency to support refugees and a running social network application for runners.

Streaming to a New Jakarta EE
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Streaming to a New Jakarta EE

The world is moving from a model where data sits at rest, waiting for people to make requests of it, to where data is constantly moving and streams of data flow to and from devices with or without human interaction. Decisions need to be made based on these streams of data in real-time, models need to be updated, and intelligence needs to be gathered. In this context, our old-fashioned approach of CRUD REST APIs serving CRUD database calls just doesn't cut it. It's time we moved to a stream-centric view of the world.

jakarta eemarkus eiselejvm
Serverless: The future of application delivery
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Serverless: The future of application delivery

This presentation, given at the Fort Worth .NET User Group on 19 Sept. 2017, talks about serverless technology: What it is, when it's best to use, its features and limitations. It specifically focuses on Azure Functions and Azure Logic Apps.

WildFly Swarm
• Derived from WildFly
• Flexible
• Specify components with maven dependencies
• Generates Uber Jar
• Integrates with other Red Hat projects
• Java EE based
• Integrates with Service Discovery
Spring Boot
• Encapsulates Spring
• Creates Standalone Spring Applications
• Embeds Runtime
• Jetty, Tomcat, Undertow
• Opinionated Starter POMs
• Automatically Configures itself
• No XML
• Provides production ready capabilities
Code Walkthrough
Platforms Tested
Feature Payara Micro WildFly Swarm Spring Boot
Composable X √ √
X X √
Needs Maven X √ √
File Size 60MB +
1MB war
100MB 26MB
Boot Time 4s 4s 4s
Memory (full
Meta 63MB
Meta 83MB
Meta 51MB
√ √ √

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Adjusting carbon topology to match high availability scenario requirements
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Adjusting carbon topology to match high availability scenario requirements

High availability is a core enterprise requirement in any modern deployment. This ensures that systems can continue to function correctly even when there are failures. Ideally such systems should continue to function correctly and provide services while there are several failures. Another important aspect is that system deployment architectures should ensure there are no single points of failure. Redundancy is the most widely used technique in designing such fault tolerant systems. This includes data redundancy, information redundancy, time redundancy etc. However, redundancy always comes at a cost and hence there is a cost vs. availability trade-off. Certain availability techniques may also result in performance overheads. In this webinar, Afkham Azeez, Director of Architecture, will take a look at how these techniques are employed in the WSO2 platform to achieve high availability and fault tolerance, while taking the cost and performance factors into consideration. We will also look at some key aspects which will enable enterprise architects to make deployment topology decisions based on availability requirements at an optimum cost.

wso2carbonhigh availability
Life of our small product
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Life of our small product

The document summarizes the development of a small product by a team to search social networks and report results. It describes their motivation to create new software products after maintaining various systems. They developed a minimum viable product in JavaFX that searched Twitter and reported results. Over time they expanded it to add real-time search capabilities and considered new sales approaches. However, the company then required following an older standard, which went against the team's agile approach, leading to the end of the project.

Introduction to Micronaut at Oracle CodeOne 2018
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Introduction to Micronaut at Oracle CodeOne 2018

Micronaut is a new framework designed from the ground up for microservices and serverless computing. It uses ahead-of-time compilation to have ultra-lightweight runtimes with low memory footprints. This allows micronaut applications to start very quickly and run with small jar sizes. Micronaut natively supports features important for microservices like service discovery, configuration sharing, load balancing, and serverless functions. The documentation, examples, and community resources are available on the micronaut website.

Payara Micro Thoughts
I’ll leave that to you as I wrote it!!!
• Very Simple to learn
• Marginally different from JavaEE
• Slightly different REST annotations
• Small Footprint
• Fast Startup
• Smallest jar size but could grow depending on needs
• Slightly larger memory footprint
• Good composability
• I didn’t have to figure it out
WildFly Swarm
• A little complexity in composing dependencies
• Repeatedly failed for a while
• Needed jaxrs-weld not jaxrs + weld !
• After all that largest jar
• Small Footprint
• Fast Startup
• Small Memory Footprint
• No Real Advantage to assembling your container
• ALL Solutions
• Lightweight
• Small Footprint
• Fast
• Choose what you are Familiar with
• If you know Spring stick with Spring
• If you know JavaEE, JavaEE does microservices.
• Java EE apps are cross container
• Including datasource definition

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Building Services with WSO2 Microservices framework for Java and WSO2 AS
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This document provides an overview of building microservices with WSO2 technologies. It introduces microservices architecture and the WSO2 Microservices Framework for Java (MSF4J). MSF4J allows developing microservices using Java annotations in a lightweight and high-performance way. The document demonstrates hands-on examples of creating microservices with MSF4J and deploying them to Kubernetes. It also discusses the current and future state of the WSO2 Application Server, including its integration with other WSO2 products.

10 tips to make your ASP.NET Apps Faster
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10 tips to make your ASP.NET Apps Faster

10 tips to make ASP.NET apps faster including: 1. Enabling kernel caching in IIS for static and dynamic content to reduce context switches. 2. Using asynchronous code, handlers, and modules to prevent thread blocking on I/O-bound operations. 3. Configuring the CLR thread pool to optimize thread usage. 4. Switching to integrated pipeline mode for a unified request processing pipeline. 5. Optimizing static file handling by selectively running managed modules. 6. Understanding the ASP.NET pipeline and placing modules strategically. 7. Avoiding direct SQL connections by using a data source. 8. Removing unused view engines to reduce overhead. 9. Avoiding

[WSO2] Deployment Synchronizer for Deployment Artifact Synchronization Betwee...
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[WSO2] Deployment Synchronizer for Deployment Artifact Synchronization Betwee...

Setting up a cluster is important when developing enterprise software and deploying them in production environments. Distributing deployment artifacts & related metadata to all nodes in a homogeneous cluster is a typical requirement for a clustered deployment of any middleware platform. In such a cluster, all nodes should contain the deployed artifacts as well as the related metadata. The Deployment Synchronizer (DepSync) is the mechanism used in the WSO2 platform for distributing these artifacts and metadata across all nodes in the cluster. It provides the ability to synchronize data between the worker nodes of a product cluster. When used with the WSO2 Application Server, or the WSO2 ESB, you can synchronize your deployable artifacts like web services, and web applications etc. across the cluster nodes. In addition, with the latest WSO2 Carbon 4 release, WSO2 provides the ability to synchronize service metadata which includes service policies, transports, and service-type specific data. Now you only have to deploy and configure services in one node - called the manager. Then, DepSync will replicate those to other nodes - workers. In this presentation, we present how this is done in the WSO2 Cloud-enabled middleware platform. Typical deployment artifacts will include webapps, JAXWS/JAXRS apps, data services, proxy services, and BPEL processes . The WSO2 platform also natively supports multi-tenancy. Tenants & tenant artifacts are loaded on demand. We will demonstrate how DepSync works efficiently with multi-tenancy. Kasun Gajasinghe did the demonstration section of this webinar presentation while Pradeep Fernando provided technical aspects of Deployment Synchronizer

artifact synchronizationwso2cluster

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JavaEE Microservices platforms

  • 1. Java EE Microservice platforms - which is best? Steve Millidge – Founder Payara
  • 3. Get Serious • What is a Microservice • Features of the platforms • Experiences in Use
  • 4. What is a Microservice? In computing, microservices is a software architecture style in which complex applications are composed of small, independent processes communicating with each other using language-agnostic APIs. Wikipedia
  • 5. What is a Microservice? The term "Microservice Architecture" has sprung up over the last few years to describe a particular way of designing software applications as suites of independently deployable services. While there is no precise definition of this architectural style, there are certain common characteristics around organization around business capability, automated deployment, intelligence in the endpoints, and decentralized control of languages and data. Martin Fowler
  • 6. Some Principles of MicroServices • Componentization via Services • Independently replaceable and upgradable • Organized around Business Capabilities • One team one capability across the stack • Products not Projects • Team manages the whole lifecycle of the service(s) • Independent Replacement and Upgradeability • Infrastructure Automation • Decentralized Data Management
  • 7. Micro Service Architecture Customers Shipping Product Catalogue Billing Warehouse Loyalty Card Stock Control Offers Discounts Stock Control Offers Discounts Warehouse Product CatalogueCustomers Shipping Billing Product Catalogue Product Catalogue Product Catalogue Customers Customers Shipping Loyalty Card
  • 8. FUD! You can’t build microservice architectures with Java EE. It is heavyweight and monolithic.
  • 9. Why Java EE and not ######? • Java EE is incredibly lightweight • Rapid to develop • Majority of alternative Java frameworks based on Java EE apis • Concentrate on building business functionality • Produces small skinny wars • Versioned runtime – aids operations
  • 12. Payara Micro • Derived from GlassFish Open Source • Key Design Goals • Elastic (auto clustering) • Container Friendly (no installation) • Small Footprint • Very Easy to Use (no maven messing) • Run wars on the command line
  • 13. WildFly Swarm • Derived from WildFly • Flexible • Specify components with maven dependencies • Generates Uber Jar • Integrates with other Red Hat projects • Java EE based • Integrates with Service Discovery
  • 14. Spring Boot • Encapsulates Spring • Creates Standalone Spring Applications • Embeds Runtime • Jetty, Tomcat, Undertow • Opinionated Starter POMs • Automatically Configures itself • No XML • Provides production ready capabilities
  • 16. Platforms Tested Feature Payara Micro WildFly Swarm Spring Boot Composable X √ √ Requires Platform Knowledge X X √ Needs Maven X √ √ File Size 60MB + 1MB war 100MB 26MB Boot Time 4s 4s 4s Memory (full GC) 34MB Meta 63MB 35MB Meta 83MB 44MB Meta 51MB Embeddable API √ √ √
  • 17. Payara Micro Thoughts I’ll leave that to you as I wrote it!!!
  • 18. SpringBoot • Very Simple to learn • Marginally different from JavaEE • Slightly different REST annotations • Small Footprint • Fast Startup • Smallest jar size but could grow depending on needs • Slightly larger memory footprint • Good composability • I didn’t have to figure it out
  • 19. WildFly Swarm • A little complexity in composing dependencies • Repeatedly failed for a while • Needed jaxrs-weld not jaxrs + weld ! • After all that largest jar • Small Footprint • Fast Startup • Small Memory Footprint
  • 20. Conclusions • No Real Advantage to assembling your container • ALL Solutions • Lightweight • Small Footprint • Fast • Choose what you are Familiar with • If you know Spring stick with Spring • If you know JavaEE, JavaEE does microservices. • Java EE apps are cross container • Including datasource definition