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Monitor your micro-services

with MicroProfile
• How do you monitor this?
• Observability
Octo Blog
What You’ll Learn Today
• Metrics Background
• MicroProfile: Metrics - Fault Tolerance
• Application Metrics - Prometheus - Grafana
Rudy De Busscher
• Payara
• Service team
• JSR-375
• Java EE Security API Expert group member
• Committer in Eclipse EE4J groups
• Java EE Believer

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Turning OpenStack Swift into a VM storage platform
Turning OpenStack Swift into a VM storage platformTurning OpenStack Swift into a VM storage platform
Turning OpenStack Swift into a VM storage platform

Open vStorage is an open source software that transforms object storage like OpenStack Swift into block storage for virtual machines (VMs). It acts as a middleware layer between the hypervisor and object store, presenting block storage to the hypervisor while storing data in the object store as time-based containers. This allows VMs to leverage the scalability and low cost of object storage. Open vStorage provides caching to improve performance and integrates with OpenStack through the Cinder volume plugin to enable common functions like snapshots. It provides a single, scalable storage platform for both VM block storage and image/backup object storage.

CFWheels - Pragmatic, Beautiful Code
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CFWheels - Pragmatic, Beautiful Code

This is my presentation about CFWheels at CFObjective ANZ, November 2010, Melbourne, Australia. ColdFusion on Wheels (CFWheels), is an elegant framework inspired by Ruby on Rails.

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Lessons Learned from Real-World Deployments of Java EE 7 at JavaOne 2014
Lessons Learned from Real-World Deployments of Java EE 7 at JavaOne 2014Lessons Learned from Real-World Deployments of Java EE 7 at JavaOne 2014
Lessons Learned from Real-World Deployments of Java EE 7 at JavaOne 2014

This document discusses lessons learned from real-world deployments of Java EE 7. Key points include increased developer productivity through features like batch processing, concurrency, simplified JMS, more annotated POJOs, and a cohesive integrated platform. Specific technologies used include JSON, WebSockets, Servlet 3.1 NIO, and REST. Real-world examples of implementations include an application for a UN agency to support refugees and a running social network application for runners.

• Measure of the internal states of a system
• Monitor system(s)
• Metrics
• Tracing
• Health
• Data on the behaviour of systems
• Proactive
• Automation
• Application Performance Management (APM)
• Telemetry data
• Gather data and collected centrally for monitoring
• Just collecting data
• No decisions made
• Collect upfront
• Data need to be available when investigation needed
• Start when there are already issues?
• Base line
• Understanding your application’s behaviour
• Trace single client request
• Details of request flowing though different micro-services
• Debugging purposes
• Finding bottlenecks
• Mostly based on metrics
• Kill the server?
• “Treat your servers like cattle not pets”

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JavaEE Microservices platforms
JavaEE Microservices platformsJavaEE Microservices platforms
JavaEE Microservices platforms

Presentation from JDays discussing JavaEE implementation of Microservices on Payara Micro, Spring Boot and WildFly Swarm

javaee microservices spring payara
Glass fish performance tuning tips from the field
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Glass fish performance tuning tips from the field

GlassFish Performance Tuning Tips: 1. Use asadmin commands to discover the GlassFish configuration and identify performance bottlenecks like resource limitations. 2. The tuning process involves measuring performance, analyzing the data to identify issues, generating hypotheses for fixes, changing configurations, and retesting. 3. Standard JVM tools and the GlassFish monitoring interface can be used to measure performance and identify issues like garbage collection delays. 4. Potential configuration changes include JVM tuning, modifying default settings, Grizzly HTTP tuning, logging reductions, and datasource optimizations.

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Bootstraping real world Jakarta EE/MicroProfile microservices with Maven Arch...
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Bootstraping real world Jakarta EE/MicroProfile microservices with Maven Arch...

This document discusses how to bootstrap microservices using Maven archetypes. It describes how a software company called Nabenik evolved their approach from using custom POMs and sample projects to developing Maven archetypes. The key benefits of archetypes are that they provide a standardized starting project template with curated dependencies and allow easy creation of new microservices by generating projects from the archetype. The document concludes with an overview of how to create a microservices archetype by starting with a base project, converting it to an archetype, replacing strings, and testing the new archetype.

jakarta eemicroprofilejava
• MicroProfile can make your Java EE application more MicroService-ish
• Specifications for
• Configuration
• TypeSafe Rest Client
• Security (JWT Auth)
• Metrics
• OpenTracing
• Fault tolerance
• Health
• OpenAPI
• … (more to come)
Test system

Prometheus Grafana
Time series DB

Expose metrics
Using Docker containers
Setup demo environment
• Creating containers
• Connecting them together
• ‘service’ simulation
• Create load through ‘bad’ parallel Prime values calculation.

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Effective cloud-ready apps with MicroProfile
Effective cloud-ready apps with MicroProfileEffective cloud-ready apps with MicroProfile
Effective cloud-ready apps with MicroProfile

Presented during Payara Japan Tour 2019 ( In this session, you'll learn how to develop applications that evolve according to your needs, can easily run in the cloud and integrate with common cloud technologies. We'll start with a simple application, focusing on business logic. MicroProfile framework, powered by a lightweight opensource Payara Micro runtime, will get us started quickly and allow gradual improvements later. MicroProfile contains a lot of components that make developers productive. It allows separating business logic from common concerns like configuration, failure-recovery, REST service calls, context propagation across service calls and securing services. Adding all of these to existing code is easy. It's also easy to introduce new microservices as needed and adopt cloud technologies as your application grows. I'll show you how, in a step-by-step demo. And if time allows, I'll also show how to run and scale your application effectively with Kubernetes in the cloud.

Deploying Elastic Java EE Microservices in the Cloud with Docker
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Deploying Elastic Java EE Microservices in the Cloud with Docker

This document discusses how to deploy Elastic Java EE microservices in the cloud using Docker. It describes creating a simple RESTful microservice using JAX-RS and JCache that is packaged into a Docker container. The Docker container is then deployed to AWS Elastic Beanstalk, which automatically handles scaling the microservice across multiple containers behind a load balancer. The overall goal is to show how to quickly develop, package, test, and deploy microservices to the cloud using lightweight Java EE technologies like Payara Micro, Docker, and Elastic Beanstalk.

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Oracle has joined Kubernetes to allow applications and infrastructure to be deployed as containers across virtual machines and servers. Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Oracle supports Kubernetes in various ways including certifying WebLogic and Docker, providing an Oracle Kubernetes Engine (OKE) service on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), and developing tools like the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator.

oraclekubernetesoracle weblogic server
MP Metrics
• Expose metrics with Rest endpoint
• Built on CDI only
• Included in MicroProfile 1.2+
• Automatic instrumentation
• No developer code required
• Integration with other MicroProfile specs
• Like Fault Tolerance
• Custom developer metrics
MicroProfile Metrics
• /metrics endpoint
• Prometheus or JSON format
• Different categories
1. System based (default)
2. On events indicated by developer
3. On Fault Tolerance events.
4. Custom defined (business related)
• Why Not JMX?
• Polyglot nature of Micro-services
• JMX difficult for non-java systems.
MicroProfile metrics
Default MP Metrics
• Required by specification
• System based
• Memory - Garbage Collection
• Threads
• Class count

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Play 2 Java Framework with TDD
Play 2 Java Framework with TDDPlay 2 Java Framework with TDD
Play 2 Java Framework with TDD

This document provides an overview of the Play 2 Java framework, including: - A brief introduction to Play and how it allows building web apps with Java and Scala in a lightweight, scalable way based on Akka - A live coding demo showing building a basic app that retrieves user data from GitHub's API - Discussion of deploying the demo app to Heroku cloud platform - Recommendation to ask further questions later via email

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MVC 6 - the new unified Web programming model
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MVC 6 - the new unified Web programming model

Presentation for Dutch Microsoft TechDays 2015: With ASP.NET 5 comes MVC 6 with a programming model that unifies Web Pages, MVC and Web API. Each of these has been rebuilt to reflect Microsoft's vision of lean and composable web applications. In this session you will see the changes that have been made to the programming model. We will cover topics such as the new POCO controllers, View Components, dependency injection and much more. Plus, you are going to see the significant changes to the ASP.NET runtime on which MVC 6 is built.

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GWT Enterprise Edition
GWT Enterprise EditionGWT Enterprise Edition
GWT Enterprise Edition

GWT brings a lot to the table on the client side: the comprehensive browser compatibility and the ease of writing in java are just a few examples to name. But, when looking at the server side, GWT can be a bit lacking with the technologies it uses. Learn how to build powerful end to end Enterprise applications with GWT as your frontend and how to back it up with your favorite arsenal of tools, including, Spring, Guice and Hibernate

hibernategwtspring framework
• Open Source
• Started by SoundCloud in 2012
• Now Cloud Native Computing Foundation.
• Multi-dimensional data model with time series
• Query Language
• Pull data
• Alert Manager
Prometheus alternatives
• Graphite
• Need to push metrics to it
• Influx DB
• Needs rest of stack (Telegraf - Chronograf - Capacitor)
• Open Source tool for visualization
• query, visualize, alert on
• For time series
• Kibana
• Recent improved support for time-series
• Works only on top of ElasticSearch
Grafana alternatives

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Developing Java EE applications with NetBeans and Payara
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Developing Java EE applications with NetBeans and Payara

This document discusses developing Java EE applications with NetBeans and Payara. It introduces Payara as an open source drop-in replacement for GlassFish Server that provides enhancements, bug fixes and patches. It also notes that Java EE 7 is less complex than older J2EE, using annotations and POJOs rather than being XML-driven, and provides features like dependency injection. The document includes an agenda and code demo section.

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JPA 2.1 on Payara Server
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JPA 2.1 on Payara Server

The document provides an overview of JPA 2.1 on Payara. It introduces Payara Server as a drop-in replacement for GlassFish Server that provides product enhancements, bug fixes and patches. It also outlines a JPA demo that will show JPA code and performance optimizations, including how the code is broken down and how performance can be further improved.

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Kubernetes and Oracle - a guiding whitepaper
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Kubernetes and Oracle - a guiding whitepaper

Companies these days are on the cutting edge of making important decisions regarding containerizeation of their IT Landscape, and also whether, how and when they should move to the cloud. This whitepaper helps then to make the right decisions regarding the comatiner orchestration platform and how it works together with the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Lots of tips, takeaways and considerations to read an think over, so at the end you can make the most optimal choice for your companies strategy

On events
• Invocation Count
• @Counted
• Execution time information
• @Timed
• @Metered
• More detailed information with Tracing
Fault Tolerance
• Number of retries
• @Retry
• @CircuitBreaker
• Open, Half-Open, Closed
• @BulkHead
• Accepted, Rejected
• @Callback
• # calls
Monitor Micro-service with MicroProfile metrics
Developer defined
• Custom defined values
• @Gauge
• On field or getter
• If business value, store them somewhere

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Security for devs
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Security for devs

This document provides an overview of security best practices for developers. It discusses the software development lifecycle (SDLC) and phases like planning, architecture, testing, and release. It also summarizes Microsoft's recommendations for securing the SDLC, which include training, defining security requirements, threat modeling, using cryptography standards, and regularly penetration testing. The document then covers topics like how HTTP works with different request and response types, common vulnerabilities from the OWASP Top 10, and ways to test applications through penetration testing and bug bounty programs. It provides tips on applying security best practices and knowing about new vulnerabilities, and recommends securing continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) through techniques like code analysis, container hardening, and

Control and monitor_microservices_with_microprofile
Control and monitor_microservices_with_microprofileControl and monitor_microservices_with_microprofile
Control and monitor_microservices_with_microprofile

Microservices architecture has many benefits. But it comes at a cost. Running microservices and monitoring what’s going on is tedious. That’s why MicroProfile adopts monitoring as a first-class concept. In this session, learn how MicroProfile runtimes collect metrics and how to seamlessly collect them with tools like Prometheus and Grafana. Learn how MicroProfile makes it easy to connect information about interrelated service calls, how to gather the information and analyze system bottlenecks, how to deploy and scale MicroProfile applications with Kubernetes and how to react to their health status to detect and automatically recover from failures.

JakartaOne Livestream CN4J: Eclipse MicroProfile - Your Cloud-Native Companion
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JakartaOne Livestream CN4J: Eclipse MicroProfile - Your Cloud-Native Companion

This document discusses Eclipse MicroProfile, a specification that optimizes Enterprise Java for microservices architectures. It introduces key MicroProfile specifications including Config, OpenTracing, and Metrics. Config allows configuration from sources like etcd. OpenTracing provides distributed tracing across services using tools like Jaeger. Metrics monitors system parameters and exposes them in formats like Prometheus. The document demonstrates these features and concludes that MicroProfile provides an easy way to integrate common CNCF projects into Java applications.

• Orchestration
• Docker-compose
• Ideal for smaller ‘installations’
• Open-Source Platform to Manage containers
• Not only docker containers
• Core tasks
• Deployment
• Scale
• Monitoring
Monitor Micro-service with MicroProfile metrics
Kubernetes Monitoring
• Metrics
• Metrics for k8s processes/actions
• Metrics-server
• Monitoring
• Restart pods
• Keep system ‘healthy'
K8s monitoring
• Demo
• Kill server
• Automatic recovering

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Cloud Design Pattern at Carlerton University External Config Pattern, Cache Aside, Federated Identity Pattern, Valet Key Pattern, Gatekeeper Pattern, Circuit Breaker Pattern, Retry Pattern and the Strangler Pattern. These patterns depicts common problems in designing cloud-hosted applications and design patterns that offer guidance.

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Monitoring Oracle SOA Suite
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Presented by Matt Brasier, C2B2 Principal Consultant, at the Oracle User Group Scotland Conference on the 10th of June 2015 Find out more about C2B2 Oracle SOA Suite servcies here:

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Resolving problems & high availability
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Resolving problems & high availability

This is episode 3 of the building the perfect PHP app for the enterprise webinar series. Your application is your reputation – how do you ensure it's always available and meets demand without breaking the bank? Learn techniques and tools to quickly pinpoint and fix bugs, crashes, and stability issues in production.

high availabilitysoftware problemsphp
Take aways
• Get Metrics from your app/‘server’
• Connect to Prometheus
• Show time series with Grafana
• Different types of metrics
• System
• ‘Events’
• From other MP
• Kubernetes
• Keep app healthy
• MicroProfile
• Demo code
Q & A
Thank You
Not using the Payara Platform yet? Download the open
source software: Payara Server or Payara Micro

Need support for the Payara Platform?

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Cloud Design Patterns - Hong Kong Codeaholics
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Talk on Cloud Design Patterns at Hong Kong Codeaholics Meetup Group. Talk includes External Config Pattern, Cache Aside, Federated Identity Pattern, Valet Key Pattern, Gatekeeper Pattern, Circuit Breaker Pattern, Retry Pattern and the Strangler Pattern. These patterns depicts common problems in designing cloud-hosted applications and design patterns that offer guidance.

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Scalable and Reliable Logging at Pinterest
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Pinterest uses Kafka as the central logging system to collect over 120 billion messages per day from thousands of hosts. They developed Singer, a lightweight logging agent, to reliably upload application logs to Kafka with low latency. Data is then moved from Kafka to cloud storage using systems like Secor and Merced that ensure exactly-once processing. Maintaining high log quality requires monitoring for anomalies, auditing new features, and catching issues both before and after releases through automated tooling.

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Monitor Micro-service with MicroProfile metrics

  • 2. • How do you monitor this? • Observability Octo Blog
  • 3. What You’ll Learn Today • Metrics Background • MicroProfile: Metrics - Fault Tolerance • Application Metrics - Prometheus - Grafana
  • 4. Rudy De Busscher • Payara • Service team • JSR-375 • Java EE Security API Expert group member • Committer in Eclipse EE4J groups • Java EE Believer @rdebusscher
  • 5. Observability • Measure of the internal states of a system • Monitor system(s) • Metrics • Tracing • Health • Data on the behaviour of systems • Proactive • Automation • Application Performance Management (APM)
  • 6. Metrics • Telemetry data • Gather data and collected centrally for monitoring • Just collecting data • No decisions made • Collect upfront • Data need to be available when investigation needed • Start when there are already issues? • Base line
  • 7. Tracing • Understanding your application’s behaviour • Trace single client request • Details of request flowing though different micro-services • Debugging purposes • Finding bottlenecks
  • 8. Health • Mostly based on metrics • Kill the server? • “Treat your servers like cattle not pets”
  • 9. MicroProfile • MicroProfile can make your Java EE application more MicroService-ish • Specifications for • Configuration • TypeSafe Rest Client • Security (JWT Auth) • Metrics • OpenTracing • Fault tolerance • Health • OpenAPI • … (more to come)
  • 10. Test system Payara
 Server Prometheus Grafana Time series DB Graphics
 Dashboards Expose metrics Using Docker containers
  • 11. Setup demo environment • Creating containers • Connecting them together • ‘service’ simulation • Create load through ‘bad’ parallel Prime values calculation.
  • 12. Demo
  • 13. MP Metrics • Expose metrics with Rest endpoint • Built on CDI only • Included in MicroProfile 1.2+ • Automatic instrumentation • No developer code required • Integration with other MicroProfile specs • Like Fault Tolerance • Custom developer metrics
  • 14. MicroProfile Metrics • /metrics endpoint • Prometheus or JSON format • Different categories 1. System based (default) 2. On events indicated by developer 3. On Fault Tolerance events. 4. Custom defined (business related)
  • 15. • Why Not JMX? • Polyglot nature of Micro-services • JMX difficult for non-java systems. MicroProfile metrics
  • 16. Default MP Metrics • Required by specification • System based • CPU • Memory - Garbage Collection • Threads • Class count Freepik 1
  • 17. Prometheus • Open Source • Started by SoundCloud in 2012 • Now Cloud Native Computing Foundation. • Multi-dimensional data model with time series • Query Language • Pull data • Alert Manager
  • 18. Prometheus alternatives • Graphite • Need to push metrics to it • Influx DB • Needs rest of stack (Telegraf - Chronograf - Capacitor)
  • 19. Grafana • Open Source tool for visualization • query, visualize, alert on • For time series
  • 20. • Kibana • Recent improved support for time-series • Works only on top of ElasticSearch Grafana alternatives
  • 21. On events • Invocation Count • @Counted • Execution time information • @Timed • @Metered • More detailed information with Tracing Freepik 2
  • 22. Fault Tolerance • Number of retries • @Retry • @CircuitBreaker • Open, Half-Open, Closed • @BulkHead • Accepted, Rejected • @Callback • # calls Freepik 3
  • 24. Developer defined • Custom defined values • @Gauge • On field or getter • If business value, store them somewhere Freepik 4
  • 25. Kubernetes • Orchestration • Docker-compose • Ideal for smaller ‘installations’ • Open-Source Platform to Manage containers • Not only docker containers • Core tasks • Deployment • Scale • Monitoring
  • 27. Kubernetes Monitoring • Metrics • Metrics for k8s processes/actions • Metrics-server • Monitoring • Restart pods • Keep system ‘healthy'
  • 28. K8s monitoring • Demo • Kill server • Automatic recovering
  • 29. Take aways • Get Metrics from your app/‘server’ • Connect to Prometheus • Show time series with Grafana • Different types of metrics • System • ‘Events’ • From other MP • Kubernetes • Keep app healthy
  • 30. Code • MicroProfile • • Demo code •
  • 31. Q & A
  • 32. Thank You Not using the Payara Platform yet? Download the open source software: Payara Server or Payara Micro 
 Need support for the Payara Platform?