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with Spring Cloud
Who are we?
Daniel Eichten Paul Vassu
What are Microservices?
– Wikipedia
“Microservices are a more concrete and modern
interpretation of service-oriented architectures (SOA) used to
build distributed software systems. Like in SOA, services in a
microservice architecture are processes that communicate
with each other over the network in order to fulfill a goal.
Also, like in SOA, these services use technology agnostic
protocols. Microservices architectural style is a first
realisation of SOA that has happened after the introduction
of DevOps and this is becoming the standard for building
continuously deployed systems.”

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Micronaut Deep Dive - Codeone 2019
Micronaut Deep Dive - Codeone 2019Micronaut Deep Dive - Codeone 2019
Micronaut Deep Dive - Codeone 2019

This document discusses Micronaut, an application framework for building microservices and serverless applications. It provides 10 things that can be done with Micronaut, including building microservices, serverless applications, CLI apps, and native images with GraalVM. Micronaut aims to be reflection-free and runtime proxy-free for improved performance, supporting ahead-of-time compilation. It allows for dependency injection, HTTP clients, messaging with Kafka, JDBC access, metrics, tracing, and OpenAPI documentation.

Lagom in Practice
Lagom in PracticeLagom in Practice
Lagom in Practice

"It’s open source. It’s highly opinionated. Build greenfield microservices and decompose your Java EE monolith like a boss." Lightbend (formerly Typesafe) has come up with their own framework, Lagom, for architecting microservices based systems. With Lagom, Lightbend wants to take up the competition with the Spring Cloud stack. Lagom is built upon Akka and Play and focuses on reactive and message-driven APIs, distributed persistence with Event Sourcing and CQRS and high developer productivity. On the 10th of March a first MVP version has been released with a Java API, the Scala API is being worked on. This workshop acts as an introduction to Lagom during which we will have a look at developing and deploying Lagom microservices. As a warm-up, you could check out the newest blogpost on the JWorks Tech Blog: Github repo with presentation: Blogpost Lagom: First Impressions and Initial Comparison to Spring Cloud: Podcast Lightbend Podcast Ep. 09: Andreas Evers test drives Lagom in comparison with Spring Cloud:

Building microservices sample application
Building microservices sample applicationBuilding microservices sample application
Building microservices sample application

The slides provide details on how to build the sample Microservices application that covers the whole distributed system paradigm. Please refer to the introduction to Microservices before following the contents in this slide

distributed systemsspring bootmicroservices
“Microservices are fulfilling the SOA promise!”
– us
By Webysther Nunes - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0
• Small
• Focused
• Doing One Thing Well
“Microservices are small, autonomous services that work
together.” – Sam Newman
• Technology heterogenic
• Resilient
• Scalable
• Easy to deploy

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Mutating Admission Webhook creation
Mutating Admission Webhook creationMutating Admission Webhook creation
Mutating Admission Webhook creation

This document discusses mutating admission webhooks in Kubernetes. It provides context on PNFs, VNFs, and CNFs. It then describes how a mutating admission webhook can be implemented to inject a generic NSE sidecar into pods. It outlines the prerequisites and provides links to example implementations of generating certificates, deploying webhook resources, and creating a MutatingWebhookConfiguration to deploy the webhook.

Automate your development environment with Jira and Saltstack
Automate your development environment with Jira and SaltstackAutomate your development environment with Jira and Saltstack
Automate your development environment with Jira and Saltstack

Presentation by Wojciech from NetworkedAssets for the Atlassian User Group Lower Silesia on April 20th, 2016 about how to automatically manage development environments with simple Jira tickets and Saltstack.

networkedasstesit automationjira
Effective cloud-ready apps with MicroProfile
Effective cloud-ready apps with MicroProfileEffective cloud-ready apps with MicroProfile
Effective cloud-ready apps with MicroProfile

Presented during Payara Japan Tour 2019 ( In this session, you'll learn how to develop applications that evolve according to your needs, can easily run in the cloud and integrate with common cloud technologies. We'll start with a simple application, focusing on business logic. MicroProfile framework, powered by a lightweight opensource Payara Micro runtime, will get us started quickly and allow gradual improvements later. MicroProfile contains a lot of components that make developers productive. It allows separating business logic from common concerns like configuration, failure-recovery, REST service calls, context propagation across service calls and securing services. Adding all of these to existing code is easy. It's also easy to introduce new microservices as needed and adopt cloud technologies as your application grows. I'll show you how, in a step-by-step demo. And if time allows, I'll also show how to run and scale your application effectively with Kubernetes in the cloud.

Microservices with Spring Cloud
• Increased complexity
through distribution
• Dependency of Services
• Handling of breaking
• Operational overhead
• Testing effort
• Distributed transactions
Microservices with Spring Cloud

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Microservices architecture overview v3
Microservices architecture overview v3Microservices architecture overview v3
Microservices architecture overview v3

This deck is about Microservices Architecture and why do we need it, architecture patterns which need to be followed during Microservices development, and about few tricky questions like API Versioning and Decomposition Recipes

decomposition recipesapi versioningmicroservices
Gradual migration to MicroProfile
Gradual migration to MicroProfileGradual migration to MicroProfile
Gradual migration to MicroProfile

This document discusses gradually migrating Java EE applications to use MicroProfile features. It presents two options for the migration: 1) Adding MicroProfile implementations to an existing Java EE server or 2) Using a Java EE server that integrates MicroProfile implementations. The document demonstrates migrating a sample mortgage application first using Thorntail and then Payara Micro. It highlights some issues that may occur and advantages of each approach.

Glass fish performance tuning tips from the field
Glass fish performance tuning tips from the fieldGlass fish performance tuning tips from the field
Glass fish performance tuning tips from the field

GlassFish Performance Tuning Tips: 1. Use asadmin commands to discover the GlassFish configuration and identify performance bottlenecks like resource limitations. 2. The tuning process involves measuring performance, analyzing the data to identify issues, generating hypotheses for fixes, changing configurations, and retesting. 3. Standard JVM tools and the GlassFish monitoring interface can be used to measure performance and identify issues like garbage collection delays. 4. Potential configuration changes include JVM tuning, modifying default settings, Grizzly HTTP tuning, logging reductions, and datasource optimizations.

javaone payara glassfish performance tuning
Do or don’t …
… there is no try!?

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JavaEE Microservices platforms
JavaEE Microservices platformsJavaEE Microservices platforms
JavaEE Microservices platforms

Presentation from JDays discussing JavaEE implementation of Microservices on Payara Micro, Spring Boot and WildFly Swarm

javaee microservices spring payara
Microservices architecture
Microservices architectureMicroservices architecture
Microservices architecture

Fundamental and Practice. Explain about microservices characters and pattern. And also how to be good build microservices. And also additional the scale cube and CAP theory.

software developmentdeveloperprogramming
Secure JAX-RS
Secure JAX-RSSecure JAX-RS
Secure JAX-RS

With the rise of micro-services, REST communication is more popular than ever. But the communication between the different parts must also be performed in a secure way. First, we need to know if the user or system is allowed to call the JAX-RS endpoint. For this authentication part, self-contained tokens are the best option to not overload any of our services in the system. JWT which contains the authentication but also can contain the authorization info is ideal for this use-case. And secondly, we need guarantees that the message isn't altered, that we can have message integrity. For that part, we can use signatures as specified in the HTTP signature draft specification.

microservicesinformation securitysecurity
Spring Boot
• Convention-over-Configuration
• Creates Standalone Applications
• Embedded Container
• Autoconfiguration
• No XML SitUps
• No Yak Shaving
Hello Weather!
Repository Client
HTML JS (jQuery)

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Micronaut Deep Dive - Devoxx Belgium 2019
Micronaut Deep Dive - Devoxx Belgium 2019Micronaut Deep Dive - Devoxx Belgium 2019
Micronaut Deep Dive - Devoxx Belgium 2019

3 hour deep dive presentation by Micronaut creator, Graeme Rocher, at Devoxx Belgium 2019 showing how to use advanced features such as Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP), compiler plugins and so on. Associated YouTube video can be found at

Microservices and modularity with java
Microservices and modularity with javaMicroservices and modularity with java
Microservices and modularity with java

This document summarizes key concepts and implementation patterns related to microservices and modularity with Java. It defines microservices as smaller, separated services that communicate with lightweight mechanisms like REST APIs. Core patterns discussed include API gateways, service registries, configuration services, monitoring, and distributed tracing. While microservices improve modularity, the document advocates first considering a modular monolith approach for new projects before splitting into separate services and processes.

SaltStack - An open source software story
SaltStack - An open source software storySaltStack - An open source software story
SaltStack - An open source software story

Mike Ainsworth, SaltStack director of technical sales and services, shares the SaltStack story at the All Things Open conference in 2013.

saltstackossconfiguration management
Why Monoliths are bad!
• Changeability / Flexibility
• Maintainability
• Scalability
• Resilience
• Framework/Tech-Stack Lock-in
So, where to start?!?

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Building Services with WSO2 Application Server and WSO2 Microservices Framewo...
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Building Services with WSO2 Application Server and WSO2 Microservices Framewo...

This document summarizes a presentation about building microservices with WSO2 technologies. It introduces the microservices architecture and framework MSF4J, which allows developing microservices in Java using annotations. MSF4J provides high performance, metrics collection, and integration with Kubernetes for deployment. Hands-on examples are provided to demonstrate creating a sample stock quote microservice with MSF4J and deploying it to Kubernetes. The presentation also covers the WSO2 Application Server and its transition to being based on Tomcat rather than Carbon for improved performance and classloading.

microservicewso2con eu 2016wso2con
JEE Conf 2015: Less JS!
JEE Conf 2015: Less JS!JEE Conf 2015: Less JS!
JEE Conf 2015: Less JS!

This document discusses reducing JavaScript usage for backend developers by exploring web components, Polymer, and JavaServer Faces (JSF). It provides an overview of web components goals and standards, introduces Polymer and how it builds on web components, discusses JSF and the PrimeFaces component library, and demos how to use Polymer and PrimeFaces. The goals of web components, Polymer, and PrimeFaces are to reduce code, improve readability and reusability through composable elements. Browser support for the various web component specifications is outlined.

web_components polymer prime_faces
Microservices designing deploying
Microservices designing deployingMicroservices designing deploying
Microservices designing deploying

This document discusses microservices and their advantages over traditional monolithic applications. It covers topics like building microservices, using an API gateway, inter-process communication methods, service discovery, and event-driven data management. It also provides strategies for refactoring existing monolithic applications into microservices architectures.

microservices designing deploying
Spring Cloud [Netflix]
• Proxy/Router – Zuul
• Service Registry and Discovery — Eureka
• Cirtcuit Breaker — Hystrix
• (Client Side) Load Balancing — Ribbon
• Configuration Management — Archaius
Say hello to Zuul!
Works, but not nice!
Static routes
• are hard to maintain
• have to be updated when service instance
• do not offer load balancing between multiple
• do not cater for service failures

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Machine Learning in Ecommerce
Machine Learning in EcommerceMachine Learning in Ecommerce
Machine Learning in Ecommerce

This document discusses how machine learning can be used in ecommerce applications such as email marketing, cross-selling, personalized recommendations, and abandoned cart emails. It explains that the process involves collecting customer data on purchases, views, likes, and wishlists, training a model with this data, and then making predictions. An example is given of a wine company that saw a 45% increase in session length, 22% increase in conversion rate, and 37% increase in average order size after implementing personalized recommendations and similar product suggestions based on machine learning.

ecommercemachine learning
Nginx Conference 2016 - Learnings and State of the Industry
Nginx Conference 2016 - Learnings and State of the IndustryNginx Conference 2016 - Learnings and State of the Industry
Nginx Conference 2016 - Learnings and State of the Industry

In this presentation, I talk in brief about what I learned by going to the 2016 Nginx Conference. There was a wide range of talks covering a huge amount of topics. In this presentation, I cover points on Nginx functionality, best practices for APIs, API Gateways, microservices, and things to come in the near future.

api gatewaynginxapi
Microservices with Spring Boot
Microservices with Spring BootMicroservices with Spring Boot
Microservices with Spring Boot

The document discusses microservices and their advantages over monolithic applications. It defines microservices as small, independent components that are built, deployed, and scaled independently. The document outlines characteristics of microservices like being organized around business capabilities, infrastructure automation, and evolutionary design. It also discusses tools that can help build microservices architectures.

microservicesjavaspring boot
Please welcome Eureka!
The services are still mixing
members with weather.

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Microservices with Spring
Microservices with SpringMicroservices with Spring
Microservices with Spring

This document discusses microservices and provides an overview of related concepts. It begins with definitions of microservices and comparisons to monolithic applications. Key features of microservices like independent processes communicating over HTTP are outlined. The document then covers reasons for using HTTP, REST, and JSON in microservice architectures. An example online shopping application is used to illustrate how it could be decomposed into microservices. Challenges of monolithic applications are contrasted with advantages of the microservice approach. The document concludes with a summary of Spring Cloud which provides tools to help implement microservices patterns.

Tech Talks Microservices
Tech Talks MicroservicesTech Talks Microservices
Tech Talks Microservices

This document discusses microservices and building REST services with Spring. It begins by defining microservices as an approach to developing applications as suites of small, independent services. It then covers microservice benefits like autonomy, scalability and innovation, as well as challenges like network latency and increased complexity. Structural principles for microservices like resilience, security and elastic scaling are outlined. Common microservices patterns and anti-patterns are also discussed. The document concludes by demonstrating how to build a basic REST service with Spring.

rest apimicroservices
introduce to spring cloud
introduce to spring cloudintroduce to spring cloud
introduce to spring cloud

스프링 클라우드에 대한 소개

springeurekaspring cloud

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The craft of meta programming on JVM
The craft of meta programming on JVMThe craft of meta programming on JVM
The craft of meta programming on JVM

The document discusses various metaprogramming techniques in Java, including annotations, reflection, bytecode manipulation libraries like ASM and BCEL, Java agents, and dynamic languages like Groovy. It provides examples of using annotations to mark classes as commands, reflecting on annotated classes, enhancing classes at runtime by modifying bytecode with ASM, and dynamically adding methods in Groovy using its metaprogramming features.

Next-gen OData/ui5 microservices with Spring Boot
Next-gen OData/ui5 microservices with Spring BootNext-gen OData/ui5 microservices with Spring Boot
Next-gen OData/ui5 microservices with Spring Boot

The document discusses microservices, Spring Boot, UI5, and OData. It describes how microservices are stateless, service-oriented, and loosely coupled. It explains that Spring Boot allows for quick development while including features like metrics and pluggable capabilities. It then discusses how UI5 tiles can each have their own backend microservice with isolated databases and communication through APIs. The document promotes using OData with UI5 for entity definition and CRUD operations and using Spring Boot for entity definition and repository logic without additional code. It introduces an OData/UI5 boilerplate project that applies the microservices pattern and includes plumbing for UI5, OData, and linking to JPA entities to rapidly build prototypes.

REST API Best (Recommended) Practices
REST API Best (Recommended) PracticesREST API Best (Recommended) Practices
REST API Best (Recommended) Practices

This document discusses best practices for REST APIs. It recommends using HTTP methods appropriately, with GET for retrieving resources, POST for creating, PUT for updating entirely and PATCH for partial updates, and DELETE for removing. It also suggests making APIs intuitive, hypermedia-driven, versioned, discoverable and secured. Resources should be addressable and have clear relationships defined between them.

rest api
What’s next?
Distributed Tracing
Microservices with Spring Cloud

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Implementing a Fileserver with Nginx and Lua
Implementing a Fileserver with Nginx and LuaImplementing a Fileserver with Nginx and Lua
Implementing a Fileserver with Nginx and Lua

Using the power of Nginx it is easy to implement quite complex logic of file upload with metadata and authorization support, and without need of any heavy application server. In this article you can find the basic implementation of such Fileserver using Nginx and Lua only.

Microservices with spring boot
Microservices  with spring bootMicroservices  with spring boot
Microservices with spring boot

This document discusses microservices architecture and how it compares to monolithic architecture. It notes some advantages of microservices such as independent scalability, fault isolation and faster deployments. However, microservices also introduce more operational complexity. The document recommends Spring Boot as a solution for building microservices due to its features like embedded servers, auto-configuration and production-ready environments without XML configuration. It also describes Spring Boot Actuator which adds monitoring endpoints.

software craftsmanshipmicroservice architecturerest
Roll Your Own API Management Platform with nginx and Lua
Roll Your Own API Management Platform with nginx and LuaRoll Your Own API Management Platform with nginx and Lua
Roll Your Own API Management Platform with nginx and Lua

We recently replaced a proprietary API management solution with an in-house implementation built with nginx and Lua that let us get to a continuous delivery practice in a handful of months. Learn about our development process and the overall architecture that allowed us to write minimal amounts of code, enjoying native code performance while permitting interactive codeing, and how we leveraged other open source tools like Vagrant, Ansible, and OpenStack to build an automation-rich delivery pipeline. We will also take an in-depth look at our capacity management approach that differs from the rate limiting concept prevalent in the API community.

Greetings Zipkin
Circuit Breaker
Request H
99.5% uptime( )1010 components: ≈ 95% — 1 hour down / day
99.5% uptime( )2020 components: ≈ 90% — 2.5 hour down / day
99.5% uptime( )3030 components: ≈ 86% — 3+ hour down / day

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Accelerating Your Web Application with NGINX
Accelerating Your Web Application with NGINXAccelerating Your Web Application with NGINX
Accelerating Your Web Application with NGINX

This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation about accelerating web applications with NGINX. The presentation covers the history and architecture of NGINX, its core features including load balancing, caching, and health checking. It also discusses NGINX Plus' additional capabilities such as advanced load balancing, security controls, and high availability. The agenda concludes with a live demo of NGINX.

nginx plusload balancingortus solutions
Microservices in Action
Microservices in ActionMicroservices in Action
Microservices in Action

Microservice architecture is a new way of developing an application as a suite of independently deployable and manageable small services talking to each other using web services(REST) or a message broker(AMQP). While there is no precise definition and others consider microservices to be simply an ideal, refined form of SOA(Service-oriented architecture ), each microservice should be relatively small so that it's easier for a developer to understand, use suitable framework and IDE, deploy, scale, easily isolate fault.

microservicespring bootnetflix
The Fintechs
The FintechsThe Fintechs
The Fintechs

This document discusses fintechs and provides definitions and examples. It begins by defining fintech as the use of technology to make financial systems more efficient. It then discusses what fintechs do, including providing services like lending, payments and money transfers in a more convenient way than traditional banks. The document provides examples of fintech applications and companies. It also discusses topics like open banking, APIs, fintech adoption rates in different parts of the world, and the fintech ecosystem in Turkey.

• Fail fast, fail silent, rapidly recover
• Stop cascading issues
• Fallback gracefully (where possible)
• Enable Monitoring, Alerting
Hej Hystrix/Turbine
One more thing
A few

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Architecture & Workflow of Modern Web Apps
Architecture & Workflow of Modern Web AppsArchitecture & Workflow of Modern Web Apps
Architecture & Workflow of Modern Web Apps

Here is the blog: In the IT industry the biggest problem we regularly face is the abundance of choice. We have tons of frameworks, languages, tools, platforms, etc. Although for competition purposes; multiple choices are ultimately very good but we usually find ourselves in paralysis when we have to choose among them for our next project. People usually still consider that (frontend) of web applications are created by mixing together HTML, CSS & JavaScript without giving any thoughts about the frontend architecture, workflow and testing; but things have definitely changed now since last couple of years and in this presentation I try to explain that how JavaScript and it’s related stuff has become first class citizen and how the new workflow looks like. And I will also explain that how the architecture of modern web applications is migrating from thick server-side applications to smart clients and services on their journey North to pure Microservices. Here is the list of different tools and frameworks that have been discussed in this presentation: * Yeoman: ( Yeoman is the web’s scaffolding tool for modern webapps. Yeoman helps you to kickstart new projects, prescribing best practices and tools to help you stay productive. * Bower: ( Bower is used for dependency management, so that you no longer have to manually download and manage your scripts. Web sites are made of lots of things — frameworks, libraries, assets, utilities, and rainbows. Bower manages all these things for you. * Grunt: ( Grunt is a task-based command line build tool for JavaScript projects. When you work on large projects you have couple of things that you do regularly and you would like them to be automated; Grunt is the tool to solve that problem! * HTML5 Boilerplate: ( HTML5 Boilerplate is a professional front-end template for building fast, robust, and adaptable web apps or sites. * Twitter Bootstrap: ( Sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development. * Jasmine: ( Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code. It does not depend on any other JavaScript frameworks. It does not require a DOM. And it has a clean, obvious syntax so that you can easily write tests. * Karma: ( A simple tool that allows you to execute JavaScript code in multiple real browsers. * PhantomJS: ( PhantomJS is a headless WebKit scriptable with JavaScript. * Protractor: ( Protractor is an end-to-end test framework for AngularJS applications.

Deployment - Done Right!
Deployment - Done Right!Deployment - Done Right!
Deployment - Done Right!

There are many different deployment options - package managers, tools like Chef or Puppet, PaaS and orchestration tools. This presentation give an overview of these tools and approaches like idempotent installation or immutable server. Held at Continuous Lifecycle 2016

infrastructure as codecontinuous deliverydeployment
Building Scalable Services with Amazon API Gateway - Technical 201
Building Scalable Services with Amazon API Gateway - Technical 201Building Scalable Services with Amazon API Gateway - Technical 201
Building Scalable Services with Amazon API Gateway - Technical 201

Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. It allows developers to create a unified API that acts as a gateway for multiple backend services, providing features like authentication, throttling, monitoring and documentation. The document discusses Amazon API Gateway and how it can be used with AWS Lambda to build scalable and secure APIs. It also provides a case study of how shipping company Temando used API Gateway and Lambda to migrate their monolithic architecture to a microservices approach.

• different languages
• different frameworks
• different datastores
• Eureka very specific for AWS  😕
• Eureka Client lib Java only 😩
What about .net?
• Nancy – Microservice Framework
• Polly – Circuit Breaker
• a lot to come with ASP.Net Core
11/13 chapters done
release in Fall 2016
• distributed Key-Value-Store
• REST Interface
• DNS Interface #
• Multi Datacenter
• Client libs for Go, Python, PHP,
Scala, Java, Erlang, Ruby, node.js
and C#
• Replaces Eureka, Config Server,
Cloud Bus

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The 3 Models in the NGINX Microservices Reference Architecture
The 3 Models in the NGINX Microservices Reference ArchitectureThe 3 Models in the NGINX Microservices Reference Architecture
The 3 Models in the NGINX Microservices Reference Architecture

On-demand recording: The new NGINX Microservices Reference Architecture (MRA) goes into depth on the entire architecture. Join this webinar to explore all three models in the MRA: the Proxy Model, the Router Mesh Model, and the Fabric Model. The Proxy Model gives you a leg up into microservices, including support for API gateways. The Router Mesh Model adds power, with a second server exclusively for microservices support. And the Fabric Model pairs an NGINX Plus instance with every microservice instance for secure SSL/TLS communications between service instances. Check out this webinar to learn about building a secure and scalable microservices app: * When to take the leap into deploying microservices * Why you should consider adopting the MRA for your app * How to choose a model that works for your app * How to start the process of converting a monolith to microservices

nginx plusmicroservicesnginx
node.js and Containers: Dispatches from the Frontier
node.js and Containers: Dispatches from the Frontiernode.js and Containers: Dispatches from the Frontier
node.js and Containers: Dispatches from the Frontier

This document discusses node.js and containers for microservices architectures. It describes how microservices architectures break large monolithic applications into many smaller independent services. Node.js is well-suited for microservices due to its lightweight footprint and asynchronous nature. Containers provide an efficient way to run many independent services on a single machine by virtualizing at the operating system level. The document outlines lessons learned from rewriting a cloud orchestration system called SmartDataCenter using a microservices and container-based architecture.

Accelerate DevOps/Microservices and Kubernetes
Accelerate DevOps/Microservices and KubernetesAccelerate DevOps/Microservices and Kubernetes
Accelerate DevOps/Microservices and Kubernetes

The business case for MicroServices, DevOps / Agile, adopting CI/CD, and Kubernetes with best practices.

leanlean managementkubernetes
• distributed Key-Value-Store
• REST Interface
• DNS Interface with SkyDNS
• very lightweight
• easy to use
• Client libs for Go, Python, Java,
Scala, node.js, Ruby, C, C++, C#,
Clojure, Erlang, PHP, Haskell, R,
• Replaces Eureka, Config Server
• distributed Key-Value-Store
• build in Java originally to do Leader Election for Hadoop
• very mature and stable / huge community
• Client libs for Java, C#, PHP, Ruby, node.js, …
• Curator by Netflix makes things easier
• Replaces Eureka, Config Server and brings Leader Election,
e.g. for Scheduled tasks in a whole cluster.
What else?
• Spring Cloud Task – AWS 𝜆-like API
• Spring Cloud Security – OAuth2 Infrastructure
• Spring Cloud Bus – Messaging between all
components using Redis, AMQP, RabbitMQ, …
• Spring Cloud Stream – Message driven
Microservices using Redis, Kafka, RabbitMQ, …

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Intro to spring cloud &microservices by Eugene Hanikblum
Intro to spring cloud &microservices by Eugene HanikblumIntro to spring cloud &microservices by Eugene Hanikblum
Intro to spring cloud &microservices by Eugene Hanikblum

This document provides an introduction to microservices and Spring Cloud. It discusses the benefits of a microservices architecture such as improved scalability, failover, and team agility. It then covers the history and concepts behind microservices including Conway's Law. Finally, it demonstrates how to build a simple Spring Cloud topology consisting of a configuration server, discovery server, sample service, and API gateway for routing requests between services. Hystrix is also introduced as a way to add circuit breaking and failure tolerance between communicating microservices.

Exploring microservices in a Microsoft landscape
Exploring microservices in a Microsoft landscapeExploring microservices in a Microsoft landscape
Exploring microservices in a Microsoft landscape

Presentation for Dutch Microsoft TechDays 2015 with Marcel de Vries: During this session we will take a look at how to realize a Microservices architecture (MSA) using the latest Microsoft technologies available. We will discuss some fundamental theories behind MSA and show you how this can actually be realized with Microsoft technologies such as Azure Service Fabric. This session is a real must-see for any developer that wants to stay ahead of the curve in modern architectures.

azureservice fabricarchitecture
The DIY Punk Rock DevOps Playbook
The DIY Punk Rock DevOps PlaybookThe DIY Punk Rock DevOps Playbook
The DIY Punk Rock DevOps Playbook

My (very brief!) presentation at on March 11, 2015. A more in depth exploration of these ideas can be found at video:

Daniel Eichten
Paul Vassu

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