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A centre of expertise in digital information management
UKOLN is supported by:
Usability testing for the
Emma Tonkin
A centre of expertise in digital information management
• UKOLN, the University of Bath
• Why this session?
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Why do projects fail?
Project Impaired Factors % of the Responses
1. Incomplete Requirements 13.1%
2. Lack of User Involvement 12.4%
3. Lack of Resources 10.6%
4. Unrealistic Expectations 9.9%
5. Lack of Executive Support 9.3%
6. Changing Requirements & Specifications 8.7%
7. Lack of Planning 8.1%
8. Didn't Need It Any Longer 7.5%
9. Lack of IT Management 6.2%
10. Technology Illiteracy 4.3%
11. Other 9.9%
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Introducing usability
• Definition: the measure of a product’s
potential to accomplish the goals of a user
• How easy a user interface is to understand
and use
• Ability of a system to be used [easily?
Efficiently? Quickly?]
• The people who use the project can
accomplish their tasks quickly and easily

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Dyslexia and Digital Design: websites, apps and more, November 2014
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Dyslexia and Digital Design: websites, apps and more, November 2014

A video recording of this webinar is available at Did you know: - There are at least 6 million people with dyslexia in the UK - It has a severe effect on as many as 4 million people There are many ways that web designers, app developers and others involved in digital design can help people with dyslexia. This webinar reviews some of the common issues people with dyslexia face in our digital world and present solutions that can be used in many different situations. The session is delivered AbilityNet's Head of Digital Inclusion Robin Christopherson and Joe Chidzik, a Senior Accessibility Consultant at AbilityNet.

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It’s all too common that once someone leaves the Library they don’t feel they have a need to return unless it is to return a book, access a computer system or utilize another Library resource. In today’s market you need to keep in touch with your users on-site while also driving constant awareness and interaction outside of the facility. This session will talk about how to continue to engage your patrons. We will dive into how to drive a strong online presence that engages them and draws more interaction than your typical point and click web-presence. We will discuss concepts such as online learning, facilitated sessions and building a strong sense of community for both online and on-site consumption.

School Technology Planning
School Technology PlanningSchool Technology Planning
School Technology Planning

Created to supplement the WELSTech 339 panel discussion of technology planning for schools -

A centre of expertise in digital information management
• There are several dimensions to
– Focus on users
– ‘People use products to be productive’
– Users are busy people trying to
accomplish tasks quickly
– Users decide when a product is easy to
• (Adapted from Redish & Dumas, A Practical Guide to User Testing)
A centre of expertise in digital information management
• Are users always busy? Does this imply that
usability is only present in the workplace?!
• Effectiveness vs. efficiency vs. satisfaction
• Do users know when a product is ready?
• Do all users agree about usability?
• Is usability actually measurable?
• Is there one statistic that == ‘% usability’?
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Elements of usability
• Nielsen refers to five elements or
components of usability:
– Learnability
– Efficiency
– Memorability
– Errors
– Satisfaction
– Usability Engineering, 1993, p.26
• These may not be of equal importance in all
A centre of expertise in digital information management
In other words…
• Usability depends on context
– What does the user want to do?
– Who is the user?
• Related to:
– Internationalisation; cultural, social issues
– Task analysis; working out what the user
wants to do (what the goal is) and how
he/she would expect to accomplish it

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This document outlines the agenda for a session on mobile technologies in education. It includes discussions on arguments for and against mobile integration, BYOD policies, issues of scalability and sustainability, and teacher preparation. Groups will present on these topics and create mind maps. They will also discuss self-efficacy and its role in mobile learning, strategies to address teacher confidence, and considerations for technology policies regarding responsible and acceptable use.

1 1 laptop 2013 copy
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This document outlines the details of a 1:1 laptop program being implemented at Shepparton High School. It discusses the vision and expectations of the program, including students bringing laptops to every class. It provides information on program requirements like backing up data, caring for laptops, acceptable use policies, and insurance. Technical support resources are also mentioned. The document aims to ensure students and families understand how to properly use and care for devices in the new program.

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Jisc RSC Eastern Technical Managers forum Feb 2013 'Jisc CETIS, Wilbert Kraan'
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Jisc RSC Eastern Technical Managers forum Feb 2013 'Jisc CETIS, Wilbert Kraan'

Wilbert Kraan provides a high-level overview of emerging educational technology trends relevant to further and higher education (F/HE). These include (1) learning analytics which can optimize core processes like teaching and learning by gaining insight from student data, (2) research data management which offers opportunities to streamline processes and share infrastructure by enabling efficient data sharing and reuse, (3) outsourcing, cloud services, and shared services which can save costs by sharing common infrastructure while addressing security and customization challenges, (4) eTextbooks which provide interactive personalized content on any device but lack interoperability standards, and (5) massive open online courses which offer free universal education but have unclear business models and high dropout rates.

jisc cetistechnologytechnical managers forum
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Science vs craft
• Formal approaches:
– Research-driven
– ‘hard science’
– Laboratory-based
• Informal approaches:
– Naturalistic, qualitative observations
– Informal setting
A centre of expertise in digital information management
User model vs user testing
• Either we apply our understanding of
the way users act, and test the
interface that way
• Or we simply observe users...
A centre of expertise in digital information management
A centre of expertise in digital information management
A note about rule-based
• ‘Should be’ vs ‘is’ – model
vs reality
• Great handwriting does not
guarantee a compellingly
readable result

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The document outlines the agenda for the 4th Adobe Connect session of the EDUC5199G course on teaching and learning with mobile technologies. The session will cover instructional design for mobile learning, pedagogical approaches to mobile learning using the CSAM learning design framework, and group presentations. Students will participate in a breakout activity applying pedagogical approaches to designing a mobile learning activity addressing collaboration, situated learning, active learning and learner mobility. The session will include a 15 minute break with students assigned to different Adobe Connect rooms before and after the break. The next session details are provided.

BHS - Mobile Device Pilot
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BHS - Mobile Device Pilot

Cloud computing offers small and medium businesses opportunities to reduce costs, increase flexibility and scalability of their IT infrastructure. However, SMBs must consider security, reliability of service and control over customization when adopting cloud solutions. Tablets are becoming a popular mobile device for both personal and business use due to their lightweight portability and long battery life compared to netbooks or notebooks. While tablets excel for media consumption, netbooks and notebooks are still better suited for productivity tasks requiring physical keyboards and multi-tasking capabilities. Mobile devices are increasingly being used for learning and many educational apps exist to create, deliver and assess content on smartphones and tablets.

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This document outlines the agenda for an online class session covering digital technologies in adult education. The agenda includes: 1. A check-in with students and questions about the previous lesson. 2. Announcing the winner of an eBadge award for best infographic. 3. An introduction to Twitter chats and a video explaining them. 4. An activity where students participate in a live tweet chat using an online platform. 5. A Q&A about an upcoming Assignment 4. 6. A "To Do" list including deadlines for Assignment 4 and future poster presentations.

A centre of expertise in digital information management
Scenario-based user testing
• Based around tasks
• Simple scenarios (‘hypothetical
stories’/’abstract-level test cases’):
– For a company web page, locating and
using contact details
– Registration and login to a wiki
• Process: provide a task and ask the
user to complete it
– It is important to test the right tasks!
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Cognitive walkthrough
• Works something like this:
Task: Climb mountain and
find the highest peak
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Required for CW
• A description of the interface
• A task scenario
• Assumptions: What knowledge does
the user already have?
• Functionality: What actions will
accomplish the task with this
A centre of expertise in digital information management
• Look at each step that is required to
accomplish the task:
– Will the user try this step?
– Will the user notice that this action (control,
button, switch) is available?
– Will the user associate this action with the effect
that they are hoping for?
– If this action is performed, does it appear that
progress is being made?
• Can you 'tell a success story' for each step? If not,
there is a usability problem.

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Mettler et al. 2015
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This research article examines how genetic and phenotypic variation affect the spring arrival dates of blackcap populations across Europe. The researchers analyzed interactions between a candidate gene for migration (ADCYAP1), wing morphology, sex, and spring arrival date in nine blackcap populations. They found female-specific effects, with longer wings associated with earlier arrival for females but not males. There was also an interaction between ADCYAP1 allele size and wing shape on female arrival date. Within one population in Freiburg, males that overwintered in northwest Europe arrived earlier than other groups. This study helps further the understanding of genetic and environmental influences on migratory traits.


The document discusses the changing role of laboratories in diagnosis and diagnostic decision making. It notes that historically, diagnoses were labels placed on symptoms with little need for testing or effective treatment. Now, accurate diagnoses have serious consequences given more effective therapies. This has led to increased complexity and expectations in diagnostic medicine. The laboratory now plays a central role in the diagnostic process. Establishing acceptable risk for patients requires understanding how test validity, value, and clinical risk are determined. Factors like test purpose, reliability, and how results are used must be considered to optimize outcomes. Educating clinicians is important so medical decision points factor in test limitations and implications for patient risk.

Structuring EMR Data For Analytics
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Structuring EMR Data For Analytics

Brandon Stange presented on methods for structuring electronic medical record (EMR) data for analytics. He discussed transforming repeated clinical measurements by standardizing the length of time-series data and clustering common trends together. This involves flattening jagged time-series data and grouping similar patient trends using techniques like k-means clustering. The transformed data can then be stored in a flat table or "long" format to facilitate modeling. Stange emphasized that the needs of advanced analytics differ from traditional business intelligence and that simple methods allow for rapid model generation while maintaining interpretability.

analyticspredictionmachine learning
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Recording your test:
• Create a diary format:
– Trying to achieve whatever:
• Looking for something that does whatever
• Found a button marked foo
• But clicking on foo took me to unrelated-
looking screen blah
• Like the mountain-climbing line, you
can go back and try another trajectory
– document this in a similar way.
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Developing appropriate task
• Probably the hardest thing about any
usability testing
• On the one hand, you are not required
to support very improbable scenarios.
• On the other hand, developing and
supporting probable scenarios is key
to a user-centred development
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Trying out a CW
• Who's got a mobile phone?
• In groups:
– Work out a couple of tasks.
– Working from the perspective of a user
with an appropriate level of knowledge
(you will have to define what that means!),
try the tasks. Document the result.
A centre of expertise in digital information management
User testing (with real users!)
• The popular example is heuristic
• Heuristics are rules of thumb.
• Heuristic evaluation requires about six
people and a large amount of coffee.
• Provide them with a list of the ten (or
twelve, or...) heuristics, and ask them
to examine each page ('screen') for
problems, according to the heuristics.

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Patrick Lauke presented on the University of Salford's experience redesigning their website to be compliant with web standards. The redesign involved moving from a design using tables and proprietary code to one using semantic HTML and CSS. This presented many challenges including educating internal web authors and ensuring continuous quality assurance. The new design solved issues like poor printing and inaccessible navigation, resulting in a more professional and standardized website.

Mi comunidad
Mi comunidadMi comunidad
Mi comunidad

Este documento describe la comunidad de El Salado en Cuenca, Ecuador donde vive Andrés Torres. Proporciona información sobre las calles principales de la parroquia (Avenida Loja y Don Bosco), los servicios disponibles como un supermercado, tiendas y una escuela, y cómo llegar utilizando transporte público o taxi a lo largo de las principales rutas de acceso.


The document provides instructions for applying a background design and inserting a table layout in Microsoft Word. It describes how to open Word, insert a background picture by selecting it from a file, and resize it to cover the page behind the text. It then explains how to insert a table with two columns and six rows to arrange a newspaper article layout and merge two cells to add a title centered at the top. The instructions conclude by describing how to save the Word document.

A centre of expertise in digital information management
Ten heuristics
• Visibility of system status: Does the system give timely & appropriate
• Match between system and the real world: Is it speaking the users’ language?
• User control and freedom: How hard is it to undo unwanted actions?
• Consistency and standards: Does it follow conventions and expectations?
• Error prevention: Are potential errors recognised before becoming a problem?
• Recognition rather than recall: Does the system rely on the users’ memory?
• Aesthetic & minimalist design: Are dialogs cluttered with information?
• Help users recognise, diagnose & recover from errors: Are error messages
• Help and documentation: Is there online help? Is it useful?
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Evaluating the results
• Again, a diary form can be helpful:
'Screen 1 violates heuristic 10
• Merge these notes.
• List by frequency order to see most
obvious bugs
• List by heuristic to see severity for your
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Applying the results
Bug fixes
Feature requests
Major objections
Misnamed element
Confusing colours
It would be much easier if…
…‘this textbox autocompleted’
…’the system remembered my
email preferences’
I don’t like [type of application]
I prefer [totally different type of
Strange interaction flow
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Testing layouts via greeked
• Wasn't going to talk about this, but it's
turned out to be useful
• Early stage of web site design often involves
developing layouts/templates
• Because no real content exists yet, these
may be hard to test using the above
• However, a layout should communicate
something about page function. Does it?

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Things to consider when designing a website to make your site visitor's life easier!! Note: There were some videos which were show to illustrate a point, however the presentation provides sufficient information and suggestion so you will not miss them.

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Your data is great, but does it work for your users
Your data is great, but does it work for your usersYour data is great, but does it work for your users
Your data is great, but does it work for your users

How can you be confident that you’re organising and labelling your content in ways that best meet the needs of the people using it? What appears logical in the data may not turn out to reflect the way your users see the world. It’s tempting to make assumptions about your users based on your own experiences, but it’s far better to find out directly from the users themselves. For effective information architecture (IA), user research is crucial for developing knowledge about users’ information seeking behaviours, the trigger words they're looking for, and how they understand the subject domain. In this session we’ll look at what user research is and the role it plays in figuring out how to structure successful content-rich websites. We’ll take a whistle-stop tour of a toolbox of user research tools and techniques, and how to mix and match the methods to get the best results. For example, during a typical IA project you’d aim to balance the insights gained from search log and usage data analysis with more qualitative techniques such as interviews (to learn about people's information needs), card sorts (to get a sense of how people group and label content) and tree tests (to find out how people look for content). We’ll also briefly cover personas, surveys, contextual inquiry, usability testing, A/B testing, and diary studies. We’ll use examples to show how a better understanding of your users can help you to support them in finding what they need. You’ll discover why it’s always important to do user research, what methods to use when, and how to avoid some of the potential pitfalls (like recruiting the wrong participants, asking the wrong types of questions, or doing the research in the wrong phase of a project). We’ll also discuss the challenges of finding the time and resources to do the research in the first place, framing it in order to challenge your assumptions, and finally making sure you can deliver value from it in ways that will most benefit your users.

User Experience Design: an Overview
User Experience Design: an OverviewUser Experience Design: an Overview
User Experience Design: an Overview

Julie Grundy gives an overview of user experience Design, why it's important, guiding principles, UX research overview, and tactics used by UX professionals. November 2015.

user experienceuxnielsen
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Preparing a template
• Get greeked text from the Lorem
Ipsum generator:
• Place it into template. Do not leave a
single readable word!
• Make yourself a list of elements that
should be visible on the page
• Find/bribe about six test subjects
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Example list:
• Main page content
• Page title
• Person responsible for page
• Navigation elements
• Last updated date
• Logo
• How to get back to the front page?
• News items
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Testing process
• One user at a time:
• On each layout 'greeked', ask the user to
identify each element or group of elements. If
they can't find it, invite them to mark where they
think it ought to be.
• Asking the user to 'think aloud' can be helpful
• Also, ask the user to give a mark (out of ten, or
from -3 to +3, or whatever...) on 'subjective
• Note: Randomising order reduces systematic
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Coming up with a preamble
• This is a strange thing to ask someone to do.
Do not be surprised if you get some funny
• Come up with a short, reassuring introduction to
the test. Useful items to include:
– Introducing the software (purpose, not detail)
– Your participation will help us...
– Remember, we are testing the software, not
your performance...
– Please think out loud...
– This style of test helps us to...

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Intro to ux and how to design a thoughtful ui
Intro to ux and how to design a thoughtful uiIntro to ux and how to design a thoughtful ui
Intro to ux and how to design a thoughtful ui

The document provides an introduction to user experience (UX) design. It defines UX as how users feel when interacting with a product or service, as opposed to the user interface (UI) which refers to what people use to interact. The importance of UX is discussed, noting that good UX can increase sales, loyalty and reduce support costs. UX design is the process of creating meaningful experiences for users. Usability testing involves observing representative users performing tasks to identify difficulties. Evaluation tools discussed include heuristics, which involve experts examining a design against recognized usability principles. The 10 usability heuristics cover visibility of system status, matching system design to the real world, user control and error prevention.

user experienceuiheuristics
Presentation: Why Usability Testing Should be Part of your Accessibility Test...
Presentation: Why Usability Testing Should be Part of your Accessibility Test...Presentation: Why Usability Testing Should be Part of your Accessibility Test...
Presentation: Why Usability Testing Should be Part of your Accessibility Test...

Pete McNally, Senior Consultant at User Experience Center receives the Best Paper award at the recent ICT 2017 ICT Accessibility Testing Symposium in Washington, DC.

user experienceusabilityaccessibility testing
Usability Testing by Rajdeep Gupta, Misys
Usability Testing by Rajdeep Gupta, MisysUsability Testing by Rajdeep Gupta, Misys
Usability Testing by Rajdeep Gupta, Misys

The usability testing document discusses various methods for conducting usability testing, including remote screen sharing, recording user interactions, and analyzing task completion times, errors, and user feedback. It describes card sorting, task elicitation, and enhanced analytics as alternatives if an evaluator prefers machines over people. The document also provides recommendations for open-ended questioning, eye tracking, and using prototypes during testing. Overall, the summary emphasizes different approaches to usability testing and gaining user feedback.

usabillaclickheatusability testing
A centre of expertise in digital information management
Examining the results
• Build a table:
• As the layout is improved, the number
of misidentified elements should

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IWMW 2007: Usability Testing for the WWW

  • 1. A centre of expertise in digital information management UKOLN is supported by: Usability testing for the WWW Emma Tonkin UKOLN
  • 2. A centre of expertise in digital information management Introduction • UKOLN, the University of Bath • Why this session?
  • 3. A centre of expertise in digital information management Why do projects fail? Project Impaired Factors % of the Responses 1. Incomplete Requirements 13.1% 2. Lack of User Involvement 12.4% 3. Lack of Resources 10.6% 4. Unrealistic Expectations 9.9% 5. Lack of Executive Support 9.3% 6. Changing Requirements & Specifications 8.7% 7. Lack of Planning 8.1% 8. Didn't Need It Any Longer 7.5% 9. Lack of IT Management 6.2% 10. Technology Illiteracy 4.3% 11. Other 9.9%
  • 4. A centre of expertise in digital information management Introducing usability • Definition: the measure of a product’s potential to accomplish the goals of a user • How easy a user interface is to understand and use • Ability of a system to be used [easily? Efficiently? Quickly?] • The people who use the project can accomplish their tasks quickly and easily
  • 5. A centre of expertise in digital information management Assumptions • There are several dimensions to usability – Focus on users – ‘People use products to be productive’ – Users are busy people trying to accomplish tasks quickly – Users decide when a product is easy to use • (Adapted from Redish & Dumas, A Practical Guide to User Testing)
  • 6. A centre of expertise in digital information management However… • Are users always busy? Does this imply that usability is only present in the workplace?! • Effectiveness vs. efficiency vs. satisfaction • Do users know when a product is ready? • Do all users agree about usability? • Is usability actually measurable? • Is there one statistic that == ‘% usability’?
  • 7. A centre of expertise in digital information management Elements of usability • Nielsen refers to five elements or components of usability: – Learnability – Efficiency – Memorability – Errors – Satisfaction – Usability Engineering, 1993, p.26 • These may not be of equal importance in all cases.
  • 8. A centre of expertise in digital information management In other words… • Usability depends on context – What does the user want to do? – Who is the user? • Related to: – Internationalisation; cultural, social issues – Task analysis; working out what the user wants to do (what the goal is) and how he/she would expect to accomplish it
  • 9. A centre of expertise in digital information management Science vs craft • Formal approaches: – Research-driven – ‘hard science’ – Laboratory-based • Informal approaches: – Naturalistic, qualitative observations – Informal setting
  • 10. A centre of expertise in digital information management User model vs user testing • Either we apply our understanding of the way users act, and test the interface that way • Or we simply observe users...
  • 11. A centre of expertise in digital information management
  • 12. A centre of expertise in digital information management A note about rule-based testing/validation • ‘Should be’ vs ‘is’ – model vs reality • Great handwriting does not guarantee a compellingly readable result
  • 13. A centre of expertise in digital information management Scenario-based user testing • Based around tasks • Simple scenarios (‘hypothetical stories’/’abstract-level test cases’): – For a company web page, locating and using contact details – Registration and login to a wiki • Process: provide a task and ask the user to complete it – It is important to test the right tasks!
  • 14. A centre of expertise in digital information management Cognitive walkthrough • Works something like this: Task: Climb mountain and find the highest peak
  • 15. A centre of expertise in digital information management Required for CW • A description of the interface • A task scenario • Assumptions: What knowledge does the user already have? • Functionality: What actions will accomplish the task with this interface?
  • 16. A centre of expertise in digital information management Method: • Look at each step that is required to accomplish the task: – Will the user try this step? – Will the user notice that this action (control, button, switch) is available? – Will the user associate this action with the effect that they are hoping for? – If this action is performed, does it appear that progress is being made? • Can you 'tell a success story' for each step? If not, there is a usability problem.
  • 17. A centre of expertise in digital information management Recording your test: • Create a diary format: – Trying to achieve whatever: • Looking for something that does whatever • Found a button marked foo • But clicking on foo took me to unrelated- looking screen blah • Like the mountain-climbing line, you can go back and try another trajectory – document this in a similar way.
  • 18. A centre of expertise in digital information management Developing appropriate task scenarios • Probably the hardest thing about any usability testing • On the one hand, you are not required to support very improbable scenarios. • On the other hand, developing and supporting probable scenarios is key to a user-centred development process.
  • 19. A centre of expertise in digital information management Trying out a CW • Who's got a mobile phone? • In groups: – Work out a couple of tasks. – Working from the perspective of a user with an appropriate level of knowledge (you will have to define what that means!), try the tasks. Document the result.
  • 20. A centre of expertise in digital information management User testing (with real users!) • The popular example is heuristic evaluation. • Heuristics are rules of thumb. • Heuristic evaluation requires about six people and a large amount of coffee. • Provide them with a list of the ten (or twelve, or...) heuristics, and ask them to examine each page ('screen') for problems, according to the heuristics.
  • 21. A centre of expertise in digital information management Ten heuristics • Visibility of system status: Does the system give timely & appropriate feedback? • Match between system and the real world: Is it speaking the users’ language? • User control and freedom: How hard is it to undo unwanted actions? • Consistency and standards: Does it follow conventions and expectations? • Error prevention: Are potential errors recognised before becoming a problem? • Recognition rather than recall: Does the system rely on the users’ memory? • Aesthetic & minimalist design: Are dialogs cluttered with information? • Help users recognise, diagnose & recover from errors: Are error messages useful? • Help and documentation: Is there online help? Is it useful?
  • 22. A centre of expertise in digital information management Evaluating the results • Again, a diary form can be helpful: 'Screen 1 violates heuristic 10 because...' • Merge these notes. • List by frequency order to see most obvious bugs • List by heuristic to see severity for your purposes
  • 23. A centre of expertise in digital information management Applying the results Bug fixes Feature requests Major objections Misnamed element Confusing colours It would be much easier if… …‘this textbox autocompleted’ …’the system remembered my email preferences’ I don’t like [type of application] I prefer [totally different type of application] …(Oh) Strange interaction flow ‘Low- hanging fruit’?
  • 24. A centre of expertise in digital information management Testing layouts via greeked text • Wasn't going to talk about this, but it's turned out to be useful • Early stage of web site design often involves developing layouts/templates • Because no real content exists yet, these may be hard to test using the above methods • However, a layout should communicate something about page function. Does it?
  • 25. A centre of expertise in digital information management Preparing a template • Get greeked text from the Lorem Ipsum generator: – • Place it into template. Do not leave a single readable word! • Make yourself a list of elements that should be visible on the page • Find/bribe about six test subjects
  • 26. A centre of expertise in digital information management Example list: • Main page content • Page title • Person responsible for page • Navigation elements • Last updated date • Logo • How to get back to the front page? • News items
  • 27. A centre of expertise in digital information management Testing process • One user at a time: • On each layout 'greeked', ask the user to identify each element or group of elements. If they can't find it, invite them to mark where they think it ought to be. • Asking the user to 'think aloud' can be helpful • Also, ask the user to give a mark (out of ten, or from -3 to +3, or whatever...) on 'subjective appeal' • Note: Randomising order reduces systematic error
  • 28. A centre of expertise in digital information management Coming up with a preamble • This is a strange thing to ask someone to do. Do not be surprised if you get some funny looks. • Come up with a short, reassuring introduction to the test. Useful items to include: – Introducing the software (purpose, not detail) – Your participation will help us... – Remember, we are testing the software, not your performance... – Please think out loud... – This style of test helps us to...
  • 29. A centre of expertise in digital information management Examining the results • Build a table: • As the layout is improved, the number of misidentified elements should reduce