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1 TTA’s Task in
Risk Based Testing
2 White Box Test
3 Analytical
Software Testing - ISTQB Advance
Technical Test Analyst Exam Preparation
Chapter 5
Neeraj Kumar Singh
4 Quality
5 Reviews
6 Test Tools &
5.1 Technical Test Analyst Tasks in Reviews
5.2 Using Checklists in Reviews
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Technical Test Analyst Tasks in Reviews
Technical Test Analysts must be active participants in the technical review process, providing their unique views. All
review participants should have formal review training to better understand their respective roles and must be
committed to the benefits of a well-conducted technical review.
This includes maintaining a constructive working relationship with the authors when describing and discussing review
comments. For a complete description of technical reviews, including numerous review checklists.
Technical Test Analysts normally participate in technical reviews and inspections where they bring an operational
(behavioral) viewpoint that may be missed by developers. In addition, Technical Test Analysts play an important role in
the definition, application, and maintenance of review checklists and defect severity information.
Regardless of the type of review being performed, the Technical Test Analyst must be allowed adequate time to prepare.
This includes time to review the work product, time to check cross-referenced documentation to verify consistency, and
time to determine what might be missing from the work product.
A good review includes understanding what is written, determining what is missing, and verifying that the described
product is consistent with other products that are either already developed or are in development.
For example, when reviewing an integration level test plan, the Technical Test Analyst must also consider the items that
are being integrated. Are they ready for integration? Are there dependencies that must be documented? Is there data
available to test the integration points?
Neeraj Kumar Singh
1 TTA’s Task in
Risk Based Testing
2 White Box Test
3 Analytical
Software Testing - ISTQB Advance
Technical Test Analyst Exam Preparation
Chapter 5
Neeraj Kumar Singh
4 Quality
5 Reviews
6 Test Tools &

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Chapter 3 - Test AutomationChapter 3 - Test Automation
Chapter 3 - Test Automation

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Chapter 5 - Test Management

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Chapter 6 - Tool Support for Testing
Chapter 6 - Tool Support for TestingChapter 6 - Tool Support for Testing
Chapter 6 - Tool Support for Testing

Tool Support for Testing as Chapter 6 of ISTQB Foundation 2018. Topics covered are Tool Benefits, Test Tool Classification, Benefits of Test Automation, Risk of Test Automation, Selecting a tool for Organization, Pilot Project, Success factor for using a tool

istqb foundation level certificationistqb foundationistqb
5.1 Technical Test Analyst Tasks in Reviews
5.2 Using Checklists in Reviews
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Using Checklists in Reviews
Checklists are used during reviews to remind the participants to verify specific points during the review. Checklists can
also help to de-personalize the review, e.g., "this is the same checklist we use for every review, and we are not targeting
only your work product." Checklists can be generic and used for all reviews or focused on specific quality characteristics
or areas. A targeted checklist might concentrate on security issues or performance efficiency issues.
The most useful checklists are those gradually developed by an individual organization, because they reflect:
 The nature of the product
 The local development environment
 Staff
 Tools
 Priorities
 History of previous successes and defects
 Particular issues (e.g., performance efficiency, security)
Checklists should be customized for the organization and perhaps for the particular project. The checklists provided in
this chapter are meant only to serve as examples.
Some organizations extend the usual notion of a software checklist to include “anti-patterns” that refer to common
errors, poor techniques, and other ineffective practices. The term derives from the popular concept of “design patterns”
which are reusable solutions to common problems that have been shown to be effective in practical situations
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Using Checklists in Reviews
Architectural Reviews
Software architecture consists of the fundamental organization of a system, embodied in its components, their
relationships to each other and the environment, and the principles governing its design and evolution.
Checklists used for architecture reviews could, for example, include verification of the proper implementation of the
following items, which are quoted from:
 “Connection pooling - reducing the execution time overhead associated with establishing database connections by
establishing a shared pool of connections
 Load balancing – spreading the load evenly between a set of resources
 Distributed processing
 Caching – using a local copy of data to reduce access time
 Lazy instantiation
 Transaction concurrency
 Process isolation between Online Transactional Processing (OLTP) and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
 Replication of data”
Neeraj Kumar Singh
1 TTA’s Task in
Risk Based Testing
2 White Box Test
3 Analytical
Software Testing - ISTQB Advance
Technical Test Analyst Exam Preparation
Chapter 5
Neeraj Kumar Singh
4 Quality
5 Reviews
6 Test Tools &

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Chapter 3 - Static TestingChapter 3 - Static Testing
Chapter 3 - Static Testing

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Chapter 4 - Test Design Techniques
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equivalence partitionboundary value analysisstate transition testing
ISTQB Foundation - Chapter 2
ISTQB Foundation - Chapter 2ISTQB Foundation - Chapter 2
ISTQB Foundation - Chapter 2

The document discusses various types and stages of software testing in the software development lifecycle, including: 1. Component testing, the lowest level of testing done in isolation on individual software modules. 2. Integration testing in small increments to test communication between components and non-functional aspects. 3. System testing to test functional and non-functional requirements at the full system level, often done by an independent test group. 4. The document provides details on planning, techniques, and considerations for each type of testing in the software development and integration process.

5.1 Technical Test Analyst Tasks in Reviews
5.2 Using Checklists in Reviews
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Using Checklists in Reviews
Code Reviews
Checklists for code reviews are necessarily very detailed, and, as with checklists for architecture reviews, are most
useful when they are language, project and company-specific. The inclusion of code level anti-patterns is helpful,
particularly for less experienced software developers. Checklists used for code reviews could include the following items:
1. Structure
 Does the code completely and correctly implement the design?
 Does the code conform to any pertinent coding standards?
 Is the code well-structured, consistent in style, and consistently formatted?
 Are there any uncalled or unneeded procedures or any unreachable code?
 Are there any leftover stubs or test routines in the code?
 Can any code be replaced by calls to external reusable components or library functions?
 Are there any blocks of repeated code that could be condensed into a single procedure?
 Is storage use efficient?
 Are symbolics used rather than “magic number” constants or string constants?
 Are any modules excessively complex and should be restructured or split into multiple modules?
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Using Checklists in Reviews
Code Reviews
2. Documentation
 Is the code clearly and adequately documented with an easy-to-maintain commenting style?
 Are all comments consistent with the code?
 Does the documentation conform to applicable standards?
3. Variables
 Are all variables properly defined with meaningful, consistent, and clear names?
 Are there any redundant or unused variables?
4. Arithmetic Operations
 Does the code avoid comparing floating-point numbers for equality?
 Does the code systematically prevent rounding errors?
 Does the code avoid additions and subtractions on numbers with greatly different magnitudes?
 Are divisors tested for zero or noise?
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Using Checklists in Reviews
Code Reviews
5. Loops and Branches
 Are all loops, branches, and logic constructs complete, correct, and properly nested?
 Are the most common cases tested first in IF-ELSEIF chains?
 Are all cases covered in an IF-ELSEIF or CASE block, including ELSE or DEFAULT clauses?
 Does every case statement have a default?
 Are loop termination conditions obvious and invariably achievable?
 Are indices or subscripts properly initialized, just prior to the loop?
 Can any statements that are enclosed within loops be placed outside the loops?
 Does the code in the loop avoid manipulating the index variable or using it upon exit from the loop?
Neeraj Kumar Singh

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This is the chapter 6 of ISTQB Advance Test Analyst certification. This presentation helps aspirants understand and prepare content of certification.

istqbistqb advanceistqb advance test analyst
Chapter 6 - Transitioning Manual Testing to an Automation Environment
Chapter 6 - Transitioning Manual Testing to an Automation EnvironmentChapter 6 - Transitioning Manual Testing to an Automation Environment
Chapter 6 - Transitioning Manual Testing to an Automation Environment

The document discusses factors to consider when transitioning from manual to automated testing. It states that traditionally organizations have developed manual test cases, and when deciding to automate, one must evaluate current manual tests and determine the most effective approach to automating these assets. Not all tests can or should be automated. There are criteria provided for determining what types of tests are good candidates for automation, such as frequency of use and complexity. Steps for automating regression tests are also outlined.

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Using Checklists in Reviews
Code Reviews
6. Defensive Programming
 Are indices, pointers, and subscripts tested against array, record, or file bounds?
 Are imported data and input arguments tested for validity and completeness?
 Are all output variables assigned?
 Is the correct data element operated on in each statement?
 Is every memory allocation released?
 Are timeouts or error traps used for external device access?
 Are files checked for existence before attempting to access them?
 Are all files and devices left in the correct state upon program termination?
Neeraj Kumar Singh
1 TTA’s Task in
Risk Based Testing
2 White Box Test
3 Analytical
Software Testing - ISTQB Advance
Technical Test Analyst Exam Preparation
Chapter 5
Neeraj Kumar Singh
4 Quality
5 Reviews
6 Test Tools &
Exam Pattern
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Sample Questions
1. A technical test analyst has been invited to the review of an architectural design specification. The review has
been called at short notice for the following day and although there is nothing in the analyst’s diary for that time,
there is no time to prepare.
Which of the following would be the most appropriate response to the invitation?
Select ONE Option
A. I am free at that time and I will be pleased to attend.
B. I do not have time to prepare but I will attend rather than cause a delay.
C. I will not have enough time to prepare for a review meeting tomorrow, so I must decline unless the review can
be postponed.
D. I cannot attend the review because I am unfamiliar with the specification.
Neeraj Kumar Singh

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Chapter 2 - Testing in Agile
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This is chapter 2 of ISTQB Advance Agile Technical Tester certification. This presentation helps aspirants understand and prepare the content of the certification.

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Sample Questions
2. You have been participating in an architectural review of a new product design. This is an embedded product
that has severe memory restrictions. Consider the following lists of programming practices and problems that can
result from using those practices.
Programming Practices:
1. Connection pooling
2. Data caching
3. Lazy instantiation
4. Transaction concurrency
Which of the above is a programming practice that can be used to reduce unnecessary memory use in this scenario
and what are the possible problems in using this practice?
Select ONE Option
A. Practice 2, Problem D
B. Practice 4, Problem C
C. Practice 3, Problem A
D. Practice 1, Problem B
Neeraj Kumar Singh
A. Performance impact when the instantiation is needed
B. Transaction loss due to processor unavailability
C. Errors in multi-threading logic
D. Stale data
Sample Questions
3. You have been participating in an architectural design review of a new product design. This is a web-based
currency trading product that provides real-time information of prices for currencies selected by the user.
The following list of practices are mentioned in the design as options for ensuring response times of less than 1
second and real-time data accuracy under maximum expected loads.
Which of the following practices would you highlight as most promising for achieving the requirement?
Select ONE Option
A. Load balancing
B. Data caching
C. Object orientation
D. Data replication
Neeraj Kumar Singh

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Chapter 5 - Reviews

  • 1. Reviews 1 TTA’s Task in Risk Based Testing 2 White Box Test Techniques 3 Analytical Techniques Software Testing - ISTQB Advance Technical Test Analyst Exam Preparation Chapter 5 Neeraj Kumar Singh 4 Quality Characteristics 5 Reviews 6 Test Tools & Automation
  • 2. Reviews Contents 5.1 Technical Test Analyst Tasks in Reviews 5.2 Using Checklists in Reviews Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 3. Reviews Technical Test Analyst Tasks in Reviews Technical Test Analysts must be active participants in the technical review process, providing their unique views. All review participants should have formal review training to better understand their respective roles and must be committed to the benefits of a well-conducted technical review. This includes maintaining a constructive working relationship with the authors when describing and discussing review comments. For a complete description of technical reviews, including numerous review checklists. Technical Test Analysts normally participate in technical reviews and inspections where they bring an operational (behavioral) viewpoint that may be missed by developers. In addition, Technical Test Analysts play an important role in the definition, application, and maintenance of review checklists and defect severity information. Regardless of the type of review being performed, the Technical Test Analyst must be allowed adequate time to prepare. This includes time to review the work product, time to check cross-referenced documentation to verify consistency, and time to determine what might be missing from the work product. A good review includes understanding what is written, determining what is missing, and verifying that the described product is consistent with other products that are either already developed or are in development. For example, when reviewing an integration level test plan, the Technical Test Analyst must also consider the items that are being integrated. Are they ready for integration? Are there dependencies that must be documented? Is there data available to test the integration points? Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 4. Reviews 1 TTA’s Task in Risk Based Testing 2 White Box Test Techniques 3 Analytical Techniques Software Testing - ISTQB Advance Technical Test Analyst Exam Preparation Chapter 5 Neeraj Kumar Singh 4 Quality Characteristics 5 Reviews 6 Test Tools & Automation
  • 5. Reviews Contents 5.1 Technical Test Analyst Tasks in Reviews 5.2 Using Checklists in Reviews Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 6. Using Checklists in Reviews Introduction Checklists are used during reviews to remind the participants to verify specific points during the review. Checklists can also help to de-personalize the review, e.g., "this is the same checklist we use for every review, and we are not targeting only your work product." Checklists can be generic and used for all reviews or focused on specific quality characteristics or areas. A targeted checklist might concentrate on security issues or performance efficiency issues. The most useful checklists are those gradually developed by an individual organization, because they reflect:  The nature of the product  The local development environment  Staff  Tools  Priorities  History of previous successes and defects  Particular issues (e.g., performance efficiency, security) Checklists should be customized for the organization and perhaps for the particular project. The checklists provided in this chapter are meant only to serve as examples. Some organizations extend the usual notion of a software checklist to include “anti-patterns” that refer to common errors, poor techniques, and other ineffective practices. The term derives from the popular concept of “design patterns” which are reusable solutions to common problems that have been shown to be effective in practical situations Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 7. Using Checklists in Reviews Architectural Reviews Software architecture consists of the fundamental organization of a system, embodied in its components, their relationships to each other and the environment, and the principles governing its design and evolution. Checklists used for architecture reviews could, for example, include verification of the proper implementation of the following items, which are quoted from:  “Connection pooling - reducing the execution time overhead associated with establishing database connections by establishing a shared pool of connections  Load balancing – spreading the load evenly between a set of resources  Distributed processing  Caching – using a local copy of data to reduce access time  Lazy instantiation  Transaction concurrency  Process isolation between Online Transactional Processing (OLTP) and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)  Replication of data” Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 8. Reviews 1 TTA’s Task in Risk Based Testing 2 White Box Test Techniques 3 Analytical Techniques Software Testing - ISTQB Advance Technical Test Analyst Exam Preparation Chapter 5 Neeraj Kumar Singh 4 Quality Characteristics 5 Reviews 6 Test Tools & Automation
  • 9. Reviews Contents 5.1 Technical Test Analyst Tasks in Reviews 5.2 Using Checklists in Reviews Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 10. Using Checklists in Reviews Code Reviews Checklists for code reviews are necessarily very detailed, and, as with checklists for architecture reviews, are most useful when they are language, project and company-specific. The inclusion of code level anti-patterns is helpful, particularly for less experienced software developers. Checklists used for code reviews could include the following items: 1. Structure  Does the code completely and correctly implement the design?  Does the code conform to any pertinent coding standards?  Is the code well-structured, consistent in style, and consistently formatted?  Are there any uncalled or unneeded procedures or any unreachable code?  Are there any leftover stubs or test routines in the code?  Can any code be replaced by calls to external reusable components or library functions?  Are there any blocks of repeated code that could be condensed into a single procedure?  Is storage use efficient?  Are symbolics used rather than “magic number” constants or string constants?  Are any modules excessively complex and should be restructured or split into multiple modules? Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 11. Using Checklists in Reviews Code Reviews 2. Documentation  Is the code clearly and adequately documented with an easy-to-maintain commenting style?  Are all comments consistent with the code?  Does the documentation conform to applicable standards? 3. Variables  Are all variables properly defined with meaningful, consistent, and clear names?  Are there any redundant or unused variables? 4. Arithmetic Operations  Does the code avoid comparing floating-point numbers for equality?  Does the code systematically prevent rounding errors?  Does the code avoid additions and subtractions on numbers with greatly different magnitudes?  Are divisors tested for zero or noise? Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 12. Using Checklists in Reviews Code Reviews 5. Loops and Branches  Are all loops, branches, and logic constructs complete, correct, and properly nested?  Are the most common cases tested first in IF-ELSEIF chains?  Are all cases covered in an IF-ELSEIF or CASE block, including ELSE or DEFAULT clauses?  Does every case statement have a default?  Are loop termination conditions obvious and invariably achievable?  Are indices or subscripts properly initialized, just prior to the loop?  Can any statements that are enclosed within loops be placed outside the loops?  Does the code in the loop avoid manipulating the index variable or using it upon exit from the loop? Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 13. Using Checklists in Reviews Code Reviews 6. Defensive Programming  Are indices, pointers, and subscripts tested against array, record, or file bounds?  Are imported data and input arguments tested for validity and completeness?  Are all output variables assigned?  Is the correct data element operated on in each statement?  Is every memory allocation released?  Are timeouts or error traps used for external device access?  Are files checked for existence before attempting to access them?  Are all files and devices left in the correct state upon program termination? Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 14. Reviews 1 TTA’s Task in Risk Based Testing 2 White Box Test Techniques 3 Analytical Techniques Software Testing - ISTQB Advance Technical Test Analyst Exam Preparation Chapter 5 Neeraj Kumar Singh 4 Quality Characteristics 5 Reviews 6 Test Tools & Automation
  • 16. Reviews Sample Questions 1. A technical test analyst has been invited to the review of an architectural design specification. The review has been called at short notice for the following day and although there is nothing in the analyst’s diary for that time, there is no time to prepare. Which of the following would be the most appropriate response to the invitation? Select ONE Option A. I am free at that time and I will be pleased to attend. B. I do not have time to prepare but I will attend rather than cause a delay. C. I will not have enough time to prepare for a review meeting tomorrow, so I must decline unless the review can be postponed. D. I cannot attend the review because I am unfamiliar with the specification. Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 17. Reviews Sample Questions 2. You have been participating in an architectural review of a new product design. This is an embedded product that has severe memory restrictions. Consider the following lists of programming practices and problems that can result from using those practices. Programming Practices: 1. Connection pooling 2. Data caching 3. Lazy instantiation 4. Transaction concurrency Which of the above is a programming practice that can be used to reduce unnecessary memory use in this scenario and what are the possible problems in using this practice? Select ONE Option A. Practice 2, Problem D B. Practice 4, Problem C C. Practice 3, Problem A D. Practice 1, Problem B Neeraj Kumar Singh Problems: A. Performance impact when the instantiation is needed B. Transaction loss due to processor unavailability C. Errors in multi-threading logic D. Stale data
  • 18. Reviews Sample Questions 3. You have been participating in an architectural design review of a new product design. This is a web-based currency trading product that provides real-time information of prices for currencies selected by the user. The following list of practices are mentioned in the design as options for ensuring response times of less than 1 second and real-time data accuracy under maximum expected loads. Which of the following practices would you highlight as most promising for achieving the requirement? Select ONE Option A. Load balancing B. Data caching C. Object orientation D. Data replication Neeraj Kumar Singh