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Improving the Testing Process
1 Testing Process 2 Test Management 3 Reviews
Software Testing - ISTQB Advance
Test Manager Exam Preparation
Chapter 5
Neeraj Kumar Singh
4 Defect Management
5 Improving Process 6 Test Tools 7 People Skills
Improving the Testing Process
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Test Improvement Process
5.3 Improving the Test Process
5.4 Improving the Test Process with TMMi
5.5 Improving the Test Process with TPI Next
5.6 Improving the Test Process with CTP
5.7 Improving the Test Process with STEP
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Once established, an organization’s overall test process should undergo continuous improvement.
In this chapter, generic improvement issues are first covered, followed by an introduction to some specific models
which can be used for test process improvement.
Test Managers should assume they will be the driving force behind test process changes and improvements and so
should be familiar with the industry-accepted techniques discussed in this chapter.
Further information on test improvement processes is discussed in the Expert Level Improving the Test Process
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Improving the Testing Process
Improving the Testing Process
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Test Improvement Process
5.3 Improving the Test Process
5.4 Improving the Test Process with TMMi
5.5 Improving the Test Process with TPI Next
5.6 Improving the Test Process with CTP
5.7 Improving the Test Process with STEP
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Just as organizations use testing to improve software, process improvement techniques can be selected and used
to improve the process of developing software and the resulting software deliverables. Process improvement can
also be applied to the testing processes. Different ways and methods are available to improve the testing of
software and of systems containing software. These methods aim at improving the process, and hence the
deliverables, by providing guidelines and areas for improvement.
Testing often accounts for a major part of the total project costs. However, only limited attention is given to the
test process in the various software process improvement models, such as CMMI®
Test improvement models such as the Test Maturity Model integration (TMMi®), Systematic Test and Evaluation
Process (STEP), Critical Testing Processes (CTP) and TPI Next® were developed to address the lack of attention to
testing in most software process improvement models. Properly used, these models can provide a degree of cross-
organization metrics that can be used for benchmark comparisons.
The models presented in this syllabus are not intended to be a recommendation for use, but are presented here to
provide a representative view of how the models work and what they include.
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Improving the Testing Process
Test Improvement Process
Process improvements are relevant to the software development process as well as to the testing process. Learning
from one's own mistakes makes it possible to improve the process that organizations are using to develop and test
The Deming improvement cycle: Plan, Do, Check, Act, has been used for many decades, and is still relevant when
testers need to improve the process in use today.
One premise for process improvement is the belief that the quality of a system is highly influenced by the quality
of the process used to develop the software. Improved quality in the software industry reduces the need for
resources to maintain the software and thus provides more time for creating more and better solutions in the
Process models provide a place to start improving, by measuring the organization’s process capabilities against the
model. The models also provide a framework for improving the organization’s processes based on the outcome of
an assessment.
A process assessment leads to a process capability determination, which motivates a process improvement. This
may invoke a subsequent process assessment to measure the effect of the improvement.
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Improving the Testing Process
Introduction to Process Improvement
The use of assessment models is a common method which ensures a standardized approach to improving test
processes using tried and trusted practices.
Process improvement models are categorized into two types:
1. The process reference model which provides a maturity measurement as part of the assessment in order to
evaluate an organization’s capability compared with the model, to evaluate the organization within the
framework, and to provide a roadmap for improving the process.
2. The content reference model which provides business-driven evaluations of an organization’s opportunities to
improve including, in some cases, benchmarking against industry averages using objective measurements. This
evaluation can be used to create a roadmap for improving the process.
Test process improvement can also be accomplished without models by using, for example, analytical approaches
and retrospective meetings.
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Improving the Testing Process
Types of Process Improvement
Improving the Testing Process
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Test Improvement Process
5.3 Improving the Test Process
5.4 Improving the Test Process with TMMi
5.5 Improving the Test Process with TPI Next
5.6 Improving the Test Process with CTP
5.7 Improving the Test Process with STEP
Neeraj Kumar Singh
The IT industry can work with test process improvement models to reach a higher level of maturity and
professionalism. Industry standard models are helping to develop cross-organization metrics and measures that can
be used for comparison.
Out of the need for process improvement in the testing industry, several sets of recommended processes have
materialized. These include STEP, TMMi, TPI Next and CTP
. The staged models, such as TMMi and CMMI, provide
standards for comparison across different companies and organizations.
The continuous models, such as CTP, STEP and TPI Next, allow an organization to address its highest priority issues
with more freedom in the order of implementation. These are each discussed further in this section.
All of these models allow an organization to determine where it stands in terms of its current test processes. Once
an assessment is performed, TMMi and TPI Next suggest a roadmap for improving the test process.
Alternatively, STEP and CTP provide the organization with means to determine where its greatest process
improvement return on investment will come from and leave it to the organization to select the appropriate
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Improving the Testing Process
Improving the Test Process
Improving the Testing Process
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Test Improvement Process
5.3 Improving the Test Process
5.4 Improving the Test Process with TMMi
5.5 Improving the Test Process with TPI Next
5.6 Improving the Test Process with CTP
5.7 Improving the Test Process with STEP
Neeraj Kumar Singh
The Testing Maturity Model integration (TMMi) is composed of five maturity levels and is intended to complement
CMMI. Each of the maturity levels contains defined process areas that must be 85% complete by achieving specific
and generic goals before the organization can advance to the next level.
The TMMi maturity levels are:
 Level 1: Initial The initial level represents a state where there is no formally documented or structured
testing process. Tests are typically developed in an ad hoc way after coding, and testing is seen as the same as
debugging. The aim of testing is understood to be proving that the software works.
 Level 2: Managed The second level is attained when testing processes are clearly separated from debugging.
It can be reached by setting testing policy and goals, introducing the steps found in a fundamental test process
(e.g., test planning), and implementing basic testing techniques and methods.
 Level 3: Defined The third level is reached when a testing process is integrated into the software
development lifecycle, and documented in formal standards, procedures, and methods. Reviews take place
and there should be a distinct software testing function that can be controlled and monitored.
 Level 4: Measured Level four is achieved when the testing process is capable of being effectively measured
and managed at an organizational level to the benefit of specific projects.
 Level 5: Optimized The final level represents a state of test process maturity where data from the testing
process can be used to help prevent defects, and the focus is on optimizing the established process.
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Improving the Testing Process
Improving the Testing Process with TMMi
Once it has been agreed that test processes should be reviewed and improved, the process improvement
implementation steps to be adopted for this activity could be as defined in the IDEAL model:
 Initiating the improvement process
 Diagnosing the current situation
 Establishing a test process improvement plan
 Acting to implement improvement
 Learning from the improvement program
Depending on the process model used, this stage of the process is where monitoring of the next level of maturity
starts and a decision is made to either start the improvement process again, or to stop the activity at this point.
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Improving the Testing Process
Improving the Test Process
Improving the Testing Process
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Test Improvement Process
5.3 Improving the Test Process
5.4 Improving the Test Process with TMMi
5.5 Improving the Test Process with TPI Next
5.6 Improving the Test Process with CTP
5.7 Improving the Test Process with STEP
Neeraj Kumar Singh
The TPI Next model defines 16 key areas, each of which covers a specific aspect of the test process, such as test
strategy, metrics, test tools and test environment.
Four maturity levels are defined in the model:
 Initial
 Controlled
 Efficient
 Optimizing
Specific checkpoints are defined to assess each key area at each of the maturity levels. Findings are summarized
and visualized by means of a maturity matrix which covers all key areas. The definition of improvement objectives
and their implementation can be tailored according to the needs and capacity of the testing organization.
The generic approach makes TPI Next independent of any software process improvement model. It covers both the
test engineering aspects as well as support for managerial decision making.
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Improving the Testing Process
Improving the Testing Process with TPI Next
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Improving the Testing Process
Improving the Testing Process with TPI Next
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Improving the Testing Process
Improving the Testing Process with TPI Next
Improving the Testing Process
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Test Improvement Process
5.3 Improving the Test Process
5.4 Improving the Test Process with TMMi
5.5 Improving the Test Process with TPI Next
5.6 Improving the Test Process with CTP
5.7 Improving the Test Process with STEP
Neeraj Kumar Singh
The basic premise of the Critical Testing Processes (CTP) assessment model is that certain testing processes are
critical. These critical processes, if carried out well, will support successful test teams. Conversely, if these
activities are carried out poorly, even talented individual testers and Test Managers are unlikely to be successful.
The model identifies twelve critical testing processes. CTP is primarily a content reference model.
The CTP model is a context-sensitive approach that allows for tailoring the model including:
 Identification of specific challenges
 Recognition of attributes of good processes
 Selection of the order and importance of implementation of process improvements
The CTP model is adaptable within the context of all software development lifecycle models.
In addition to participant interviews, the CTP model includes the use of metrics to benchmark organizations
against industry averages and best practices.
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Improving the Testing Process
Improving the Testing Process with CTP
The model identifies twelve critical testing processes which includes:
 The value of the Test Team and Process: Good
 Alignment of the Test Team with the Organization: Needs Improvement
 Test Estimation: Opportunity to Improve
 Test Planning: Generally Strong, but regression testing strategy need improvement
 Test Team Development: Involving Positively, optimize with directions
 Test System Development: Improving
 Test Release Management: Excellent
 Running Tests: Improving
 Reporting Bugs: Inconsistent, present opportunities to improve
 Test Results Reporting: Incomplete, inadequate for many stakeholders
 Change Management and Bug Triage Process: Needs Improvement
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Improving the Testing Process
Improving the Testing Process with CTP
Improving the Testing Process
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Test Improvement Process
5.3 Improving the Test Process
5.4 Improving the Test Process with TMMi
5.5 Improving the Test Process with TPI Next
5.6 Improving the Test Process with CTP
5.7 Improving the Test Process with STEP
Neeraj Kumar Singh
STEP (Systematic Test and Evaluation Process), like CTP and unlike TMMi and TPI Next, does not require that
improvements occur in a specific order.
STEP is primarily a content reference model which is based upon the idea that testing is a lifecycle activity that
begins during requirements formulation and continues until retirement of the system. The STEP methodology
stresses “test then code" by using a requirements-based testing strategy to ensure that early creation of test cases
validates the requirements specification prior to design and coding.
Basic premises of the methodology include:
 A requirements-based testing strategy
 Testing starts at the beginning of the lifecycle
 Tests are used as requirements and usage models
 Testware design leads software design
 Defects are detected earlier or prevented altogether
 Defects are systematically analyzed
 Testers and developers work together
In some cases the STEP assessment model is blended with the TPI Next maturity model
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Improving the Testing Process
Improving the Testing Process with STEP
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Improving the Testing Process
Improving the Testing Process with STEP
Improving the Testing Process
1 Testing Process 2 Test Management 3 Reviews
Software Testing - ISTQB Advance
Test Manager Exam Preparation
Chapter 5
Neeraj Kumar Singh
4 Defect Management
5 Improving Process 6 Test Tools 7 People Skills
Neeraj Kumar Singh
Improving the Testing Process
Sample Questions Pattern
Source :
1. Assume that you are a test manager and are working to make your testing processes more effective and
efficient. You have already a management-approved initial budget in place for these process improvements. Last
week, an external consultant completed her assessment and delivered her findings.
Which of the following are the remaining steps for this process improvement effort, assuming you are following the
IDEAL model for process improvement?
Select TWO options.
Answer Set
a. Evaluate the benefits, including the return on investment, from the improvements.
b. Initiate the improvement process across the entire testing organization.
c. Create a plan for selecting and implementing the assessment recommendations.
d. Diagnose the current situation by evaluating the sources of inefficiency.
e. Take steps to move your organization to test process maturity level 5.
Improving the Testing Process
Sample Question
2. Which of the following is an example of achieving an objective for the CTP test process improvement model?
Select ONE option.
Answer Set
a. The test team’s test process maturity level goes from 2 to 3.
b. The test team’s defect detection effectiveness improves above industry averages.
c. The test team’s test process maturity level goes from controlled to efficient.
d. The test team undergoes a critical testing process assessment.
Improving the Testing Process
Sample Question

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ISTQB Performance Tester Sample Questions' Answers
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Neeraj Kumar Singh
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Chapter 5 - Improving the Testing Process

  • 1. Improving the Testing Process 1 Testing Process 2 Test Management 3 Reviews Software Testing - ISTQB Advance Test Manager Exam Preparation Chapter 5 Neeraj Kumar Singh 4 Defect Management 5 Improving Process 6 Test Tools 7 People Skills
  • 2. Improving the Testing Process Contents 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Test Improvement Process 5.3 Improving the Test Process 5.4 Improving the Test Process with TMMi 5.5 Improving the Test Process with TPI Next 5.6 Improving the Test Process with CTP 5.7 Improving the Test Process with STEP Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 3. Once established, an organization’s overall test process should undergo continuous improvement. In this chapter, generic improvement issues are first covered, followed by an introduction to some specific models which can be used for test process improvement. Test Managers should assume they will be the driving force behind test process changes and improvements and so should be familiar with the industry-accepted techniques discussed in this chapter. Further information on test improvement processes is discussed in the Expert Level Improving the Test Process syllabus. Neeraj Kumar Singh Improving the Testing Process Introduction
  • 4. Improving the Testing Process Contents 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Test Improvement Process 5.3 Improving the Test Process 5.4 Improving the Test Process with TMMi 5.5 Improving the Test Process with TPI Next 5.6 Improving the Test Process with CTP 5.7 Improving the Test Process with STEP Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 5. Just as organizations use testing to improve software, process improvement techniques can be selected and used to improve the process of developing software and the resulting software deliverables. Process improvement can also be applied to the testing processes. Different ways and methods are available to improve the testing of software and of systems containing software. These methods aim at improving the process, and hence the deliverables, by providing guidelines and areas for improvement. Testing often accounts for a major part of the total project costs. However, only limited attention is given to the test process in the various software process improvement models, such as CMMI® Test improvement models such as the Test Maturity Model integration (TMMi®), Systematic Test and Evaluation Process (STEP), Critical Testing Processes (CTP) and TPI Next® were developed to address the lack of attention to testing in most software process improvement models. Properly used, these models can provide a degree of cross- organization metrics that can be used for benchmark comparisons. The models presented in this syllabus are not intended to be a recommendation for use, but are presented here to provide a representative view of how the models work and what they include. Neeraj Kumar Singh Improving the Testing Process Test Improvement Process
  • 6. Process improvements are relevant to the software development process as well as to the testing process. Learning from one's own mistakes makes it possible to improve the process that organizations are using to develop and test software. The Deming improvement cycle: Plan, Do, Check, Act, has been used for many decades, and is still relevant when testers need to improve the process in use today. One premise for process improvement is the belief that the quality of a system is highly influenced by the quality of the process used to develop the software. Improved quality in the software industry reduces the need for resources to maintain the software and thus provides more time for creating more and better solutions in the future. Process models provide a place to start improving, by measuring the organization’s process capabilities against the model. The models also provide a framework for improving the organization’s processes based on the outcome of an assessment. A process assessment leads to a process capability determination, which motivates a process improvement. This may invoke a subsequent process assessment to measure the effect of the improvement. Neeraj Kumar Singh Improving the Testing Process Introduction to Process Improvement
  • 7. The use of assessment models is a common method which ensures a standardized approach to improving test processes using tried and trusted practices. Process improvement models are categorized into two types: 1. The process reference model which provides a maturity measurement as part of the assessment in order to evaluate an organization’s capability compared with the model, to evaluate the organization within the framework, and to provide a roadmap for improving the process. 2. The content reference model which provides business-driven evaluations of an organization’s opportunities to improve including, in some cases, benchmarking against industry averages using objective measurements. This evaluation can be used to create a roadmap for improving the process. Test process improvement can also be accomplished without models by using, for example, analytical approaches and retrospective meetings. Neeraj Kumar Singh Improving the Testing Process Types of Process Improvement
  • 8. Improving the Testing Process Contents 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Test Improvement Process 5.3 Improving the Test Process 5.4 Improving the Test Process with TMMi 5.5 Improving the Test Process with TPI Next 5.6 Improving the Test Process with CTP 5.7 Improving the Test Process with STEP Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 9. The IT industry can work with test process improvement models to reach a higher level of maturity and professionalism. Industry standard models are helping to develop cross-organization metrics and measures that can be used for comparison. Out of the need for process improvement in the testing industry, several sets of recommended processes have materialized. These include STEP, TMMi, TPI Next and CTP . The staged models, such as TMMi and CMMI, provide standards for comparison across different companies and organizations. The continuous models, such as CTP, STEP and TPI Next, allow an organization to address its highest priority issues with more freedom in the order of implementation. These are each discussed further in this section. All of these models allow an organization to determine where it stands in terms of its current test processes. Once an assessment is performed, TMMi and TPI Next suggest a roadmap for improving the test process. Alternatively, STEP and CTP provide the organization with means to determine where its greatest process improvement return on investment will come from and leave it to the organization to select the appropriate roadmap. Neeraj Kumar Singh Improving the Testing Process Improving the Test Process
  • 10. Improving the Testing Process Contents 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Test Improvement Process 5.3 Improving the Test Process 5.4 Improving the Test Process with TMMi 5.5 Improving the Test Process with TPI Next 5.6 Improving the Test Process with CTP 5.7 Improving the Test Process with STEP Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 11. The Testing Maturity Model integration (TMMi) is composed of five maturity levels and is intended to complement CMMI. Each of the maturity levels contains defined process areas that must be 85% complete by achieving specific and generic goals before the organization can advance to the next level. The TMMi maturity levels are:  Level 1: Initial The initial level represents a state where there is no formally documented or structured testing process. Tests are typically developed in an ad hoc way after coding, and testing is seen as the same as debugging. The aim of testing is understood to be proving that the software works.  Level 2: Managed The second level is attained when testing processes are clearly separated from debugging. It can be reached by setting testing policy and goals, introducing the steps found in a fundamental test process (e.g., test planning), and implementing basic testing techniques and methods.  Level 3: Defined The third level is reached when a testing process is integrated into the software development lifecycle, and documented in formal standards, procedures, and methods. Reviews take place and there should be a distinct software testing function that can be controlled and monitored.  Level 4: Measured Level four is achieved when the testing process is capable of being effectively measured and managed at an organizational level to the benefit of specific projects.  Level 5: Optimized The final level represents a state of test process maturity where data from the testing process can be used to help prevent defects, and the focus is on optimizing the established process. Neeraj Kumar Singh Improving the Testing Process Improving the Testing Process with TMMi
  • 12. Once it has been agreed that test processes should be reviewed and improved, the process improvement implementation steps to be adopted for this activity could be as defined in the IDEAL model:  Initiating the improvement process  Diagnosing the current situation  Establishing a test process improvement plan  Acting to implement improvement  Learning from the improvement program Depending on the process model used, this stage of the process is where monitoring of the next level of maturity starts and a decision is made to either start the improvement process again, or to stop the activity at this point. Neeraj Kumar Singh Improving the Testing Process Improving the Test Process
  • 13. Improving the Testing Process Contents 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Test Improvement Process 5.3 Improving the Test Process 5.4 Improving the Test Process with TMMi 5.5 Improving the Test Process with TPI Next 5.6 Improving the Test Process with CTP 5.7 Improving the Test Process with STEP Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 14. The TPI Next model defines 16 key areas, each of which covers a specific aspect of the test process, such as test strategy, metrics, test tools and test environment. Four maturity levels are defined in the model:  Initial  Controlled  Efficient  Optimizing Specific checkpoints are defined to assess each key area at each of the maturity levels. Findings are summarized and visualized by means of a maturity matrix which covers all key areas. The definition of improvement objectives and their implementation can be tailored according to the needs and capacity of the testing organization. The generic approach makes TPI Next independent of any software process improvement model. It covers both the test engineering aspects as well as support for managerial decision making. Neeraj Kumar Singh Improving the Testing Process Improving the Testing Process with TPI Next
  • 15. Neeraj Kumar Singh Improving the Testing Process Improving the Testing Process with TPI Next
  • 16. Neeraj Kumar Singh Improving the Testing Process Improving the Testing Process with TPI Next
  • 17. Improving the Testing Process Contents 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Test Improvement Process 5.3 Improving the Test Process 5.4 Improving the Test Process with TMMi 5.5 Improving the Test Process with TPI Next 5.6 Improving the Test Process with CTP 5.7 Improving the Test Process with STEP Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 18. The basic premise of the Critical Testing Processes (CTP) assessment model is that certain testing processes are critical. These critical processes, if carried out well, will support successful test teams. Conversely, if these activities are carried out poorly, even talented individual testers and Test Managers are unlikely to be successful. The model identifies twelve critical testing processes. CTP is primarily a content reference model. The CTP model is a context-sensitive approach that allows for tailoring the model including:  Identification of specific challenges  Recognition of attributes of good processes  Selection of the order and importance of implementation of process improvements The CTP model is adaptable within the context of all software development lifecycle models. In addition to participant interviews, the CTP model includes the use of metrics to benchmark organizations against industry averages and best practices. Neeraj Kumar Singh Improving the Testing Process Improving the Testing Process with CTP
  • 19. The model identifies twelve critical testing processes which includes:  The value of the Test Team and Process: Good  Alignment of the Test Team with the Organization: Needs Improvement  Test Estimation: Opportunity to Improve  Test Planning: Generally Strong, but regression testing strategy need improvement  Test Team Development: Involving Positively, optimize with directions  Test System Development: Improving  Test Release Management: Excellent  Running Tests: Improving  Reporting Bugs: Inconsistent, present opportunities to improve  Test Results Reporting: Incomplete, inadequate for many stakeholders  Change Management and Bug Triage Process: Needs Improvement Neeraj Kumar Singh Improving the Testing Process Improving the Testing Process with CTP
  • 20. Improving the Testing Process Contents 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Test Improvement Process 5.3 Improving the Test Process 5.4 Improving the Test Process with TMMi 5.5 Improving the Test Process with TPI Next 5.6 Improving the Test Process with CTP 5.7 Improving the Test Process with STEP Neeraj Kumar Singh
  • 21. STEP (Systematic Test and Evaluation Process), like CTP and unlike TMMi and TPI Next, does not require that improvements occur in a specific order. STEP is primarily a content reference model which is based upon the idea that testing is a lifecycle activity that begins during requirements formulation and continues until retirement of the system. The STEP methodology stresses “test then code" by using a requirements-based testing strategy to ensure that early creation of test cases validates the requirements specification prior to design and coding. Basic premises of the methodology include:  A requirements-based testing strategy  Testing starts at the beginning of the lifecycle  Tests are used as requirements and usage models  Testware design leads software design  Defects are detected earlier or prevented altogether  Defects are systematically analyzed  Testers and developers work together In some cases the STEP assessment model is blended with the TPI Next maturity model Neeraj Kumar Singh Improving the Testing Process Improving the Testing Process with STEP
  • 22. Neeraj Kumar Singh Improving the Testing Process Improving the Testing Process with STEP
  • 23. Improving the Testing Process 1 Testing Process 2 Test Management 3 Reviews Software Testing - ISTQB Advance Test Manager Exam Preparation Chapter 5 Neeraj Kumar Singh 4 Defect Management 5 Improving Process 6 Test Tools 7 People Skills
  • 24. Neeraj Kumar Singh Improving the Testing Process Sample Questions Pattern Source :
  • 25. 1. Assume that you are a test manager and are working to make your testing processes more effective and efficient. You have already a management-approved initial budget in place for these process improvements. Last week, an external consultant completed her assessment and delivered her findings. Which of the following are the remaining steps for this process improvement effort, assuming you are following the IDEAL model for process improvement? Select TWO options. Answer Set a. Evaluate the benefits, including the return on investment, from the improvements. b. Initiate the improvement process across the entire testing organization. c. Create a plan for selecting and implementing the assessment recommendations. d. Diagnose the current situation by evaluating the sources of inefficiency. e. Take steps to move your organization to test process maturity level 5. Improving the Testing Process Sample Question
  • 26. 2. Which of the following is an example of achieving an objective for the CTP test process improvement model? Select ONE option. Answer Set a. The test team’s test process maturity level goes from 2 to 3. b. The test team’s defect detection effectiveness improves above industry averages. c. The test team’s test process maturity level goes from controlled to efficient. d. The test team undergoes a critical testing process assessment. Improving the Testing Process Sample Question