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Your fast path to
business agility
A discussion on 3 basic challenges to controlling
your microservice sprawl:
1) Lack of organization.
2) Ambiguous service ownership and profile.
3) Reactive approach – lack of visibility.
Microservices without the complexity.
Meet Tracy Ragan
Microservice Evangelist, Passionate About
Configuration Management and Continuous
• DeployHub CEO and Co-Founder
• Community Director – Ortelius Open-Source
• Top 100 DevOps Visionaries
• Founding Board Member Eclipse Foundation
• Founding Board member of the CD Foundation
• DevOps Institute Ambassador
• 20+ DevOps Experience
Let’s chat – reach me on LinkedIn
Introducing DeployHub and Ortelius
• Ortelius is a microservice management platform that versions and tracks microservices,
their blast radius, and inventory across clusters providing a proactive view of your
microservice architecture as it changes overtime.
• Ortelius is an incubating project under the governance of the CD. Foundation (Linux
• Our mission is to simplify the adoption of microservices through a world-class
microservice management platform driven by a supportive and diverse global open-
source community
• DeployHub contributed 80% of the DeployHub codebase to the open-source

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Why to Cloud Native
Why to Cloud NativeWhy to Cloud Native
Why to Cloud Native

This document provides an overview of cloud native concepts including: - Cloud native is defined as applications optimized for modern distributed systems capable of scaling to thousands of nodes. - The pillars of cloud native include devops, continuous delivery, microservices, and containers. - Common use cases for cloud native include development, operations, legacy application refactoring, migration to cloud, and building new microservice applications. - While cloud native adoption is growing, challenges include complexity, cultural changes, lack of training, security concerns, and monitoring difficulties.

cloud nativekubernetes
My code, my environment, and yes, my data
My code, my environment, and yes, my dataMy code, my environment, and yes, my data
My code, my environment, and yes, my data

This document discusses democratizing data and including it as part of the DevOps toolchain. It argues that data should be made available as a service and provisioned in a secure and compliant manner to empower developers. The document recommends using a DataOps approach and platform like Delphix to virtualize data from various sources and provision production-like test data for developers in an automated way. This helps overcome issues like long test data provisioning times and lack of access to production data, improving the delivery pipeline. Case studies of insurance and banking clients adopting this approach are also presented.

Breaking the Monolith
Breaking the MonolithBreaking the Monolith
Breaking the Monolith

How do you grapple with a legacy portfolio? What strategies do you employ to get an application to cloud native? How do you grapple with a legacy portfolio? What strategies do you employ to get an application to cloud native? This talk will cover tools, process and techniques for decomposing monolithic applications to Cloud Native applications running on Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF). The webinar will build on ideas from seminal works in this area: Working Effectively With Legacy Code and The Mikado Method. We will begin with an overview of the technology constraints of porting existing applications to the cloud, sharing approaches to migrate applications to PCF. Architects & Developers will come away from this webinar with prescriptive replatforming and decomposition techniques. These techniques offer a scientific approach for an application migration funnel and how to implement patterns like Anti-Corruption Layer, Strangler, Backends For Frontend, Seams etc., plus recipes and tools to refactor and replatform enterprise apps to the cloud. Go beyond the 12 factors and see WHY Cloud Foundry is the best place to run any app - cloud native or non-cloud native. Speakers: Pieter Humphrey, Principal Product Manager; Pivotal Rohit Kelapure, PCF Advisory Solutions Architect; Pivotal Hungry for more? Check out this blog from Kenny Bastani:

paasagiledigital transformation
A Microservice Architecture
A service-oriented
architecture (SOA) that
uses APIs instead of a
‘service bus.’
In MSA, the concept of
an ‘application’ is
‘logical.’ SOA was still
‘fine-grained SOA’
Microservices require new DevOps Solutions
New markets for a massive shift in how we write and deliver software
“ 92% - Use containers in production. Up from 84% last year, and up 300% from the first
CNCF survey in 2016.
83% - Use Kubernetes in production. Up from 78% last year.”
CNCF – Linux Foundation 2020 Survey
“Trend #1: Emergence of the Service Catalog. Potential $500M Market That Redefines the
Foundational Nature of Development Infrastructure.”
“Trend #2: Convergence of Continuous Delivery, GitOps, and Experimentation Vendors Are
Creating the Potential for a $500M ARR Progressive Delivery Mega-Market.”
2021 Trends Foretell New Approaches to DevOps, Tyler Jewell, Dell Capital
Moving to
We are taking our
static application
and breaking it into
smaller puzzle
"What happened is we would release an update to a library, and
then one service would use the new service and now all of a
sudden all these other services were using an older version and
we had to try to keep track of which service was using what
version of the library."
Alexandra Noonan, Software Engineer, Segment
SDTimes April 2019 "Microservices: More isn't always better”
Microservice development “falls apart without coherent, disciplined
Randy Heffner, VP and Research Analyst, Forrester
“3 Big Mistakes When It Comes to APIs and Microservices,”
Akana Webinar
• Service
• Independently
• Polyglot
• Reusable but
loosely coupled
• Fault Tolerance
and Auto Scaling

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The Cloud Native Journey
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The Cloud Native Journey

The ability to deliver software is no longer a differentiator. In fact, it is a basic requirement for survival. Companies that embrace cloud native patterns of software delivery will survive; companies that don’t - will not. In this webinar, we: Look at the common patterns that distinguish cloud native companies and the architectures that they employ. Discover that an opinionated platform, one that stretches from the infrastructure all the way to the application framework, rather than ad-hoc automation, is an essential component to an enterprise's cloud native journey. Show that the combination of Pivotal Cloud Foundry and Spring is the complete cloud native platform. To watch the replay, visit

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Building Cloud Native Applications with Oracle Autonomous Database.
Building Cloud Native Applications with Oracle Autonomous Database.Building Cloud Native Applications with Oracle Autonomous Database.
Building Cloud Native Applications with Oracle Autonomous Database.

This document discusses building cloud native applications with Oracle Autonomous Database. It provides an overview of: 1) The evolution of computing and development from monolithic to cloud native applications. 2) The challenges of managing databases with microservices, and how Oracle Autonomous Database can serve as a single database for all development needs. 3) How to build, deploy, and manage cloud native applications using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services like the Container Engine for Kubernetes, Functions, and the Autonomous Transaction Processing database.

cloudnativeoracle cloudautonomous
Building and Deploying Cloud Native Applications
Building and Deploying Cloud Native ApplicationsBuilding and Deploying Cloud Native Applications
Building and Deploying Cloud Native Applications

This deck provides an overview of Oracle's Cloud Native Application Development offerings. It covers developing and deploying cloud native applications like Microservices and Serverless functions using Continuous Integration and Delivery Pipelines. This will be followed by a workshop where you will get a hands-on experience of how to build and deploy simple Java and Node.js microservices using a CI/CD Pipelines and Kubernetes in Oracle Cloud.

kubernetescloud nativedevops
The Problem
• Lack of Organization
• Microservice sprawl is common as
multiple services are written by multiple
teams to do the same function.
• Lack of Service ownership and Profile
• Who wrote it and who uses it?
• What Version are we using?
• Reactive approach
• Impact of a service discovered after a
deployment using observability
Problem - Lack of Organization
Implement a Domain Driven Design
Domain-driven design (DDD)
facilitates the organization and
modeling of services based on
relevant business ‘problem spaces.’
DDD defines ‘problem spaces’ as
Bounded Context.
DDD identifies patterns to further
organize the development and
usage of services in defined ‘layers.’ Source - Microsoft Docs -
Problem - Lack of Organization
Solution - DeployHub’s Domain
Driven Design
DeployHub provides a DDD model to
publish and centralize services based on
the Domain Model with Sub-Domains to
represent all ‘layers.’
DeployHub’s Domain Model encourages
reuse of microservices by providing a
central catalog organized by ‘problem
spaces’ making sharing easy.
Problem - Lack of Service Ownership and Profile
Tracking Ownership and Versions.
• Who created the service?
• Who uses the service?
• What version of the service is
running where?
• What is the deployment meta data,
like Key Value Pairs?

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The Making of a Cloud Native Application Platform
The Making of a Cloud Native Application PlatformThe Making of a Cloud Native Application Platform
The Making of a Cloud Native Application Platform

Cloud Foundry CEO Sam Ramji (@sramji) discusses the evolution of modern cloud computing architecture in a keynote speech at O'Reilly's Software Architecture Conference in Boston on March 19, 2015.

Tools and Recipes to Replatform Monolithic Apps to Modern Cloud Environments
Tools and Recipes to Replatform Monolithic Apps to Modern Cloud EnvironmentsTools and Recipes to Replatform Monolithic Apps to Modern Cloud Environments
Tools and Recipes to Replatform Monolithic Apps to Modern Cloud Environments

Digital transformation includes replatforming applications to streamline release cycles, improve availability, and manage apps and services at scale. But many enterprises are afraid to take the first step because they don’t know where to start. In this webinar, Rohit will provide a step-by-step guide that covers: ● How to find high-value modernization projects within your application portfolio ● Easy tools and techniques to minimally change applications in preparation for replatforming ● How to choose the platform with the right level of abstraction for your app ● Examples that show how Java EE Websphere applications can be deployed to Pivotal Cloud Foundry Speaker: Rohit Kelapure, Pivotal Consulting Practice Lead

digital transformationapplication managementapplication delivery
Troubleshooting App Health and Performance with PCF Metrics 1.2
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Troubleshooting App Health and Performance with PCF Metrics 1.2

Join Allen Duet and Pieter Humphrey from Pivotal, to learn how PCF Metrics enhances the developer experience on Pivotal Cloud Foundry, with a simple and powerful way to troubleshoot app health and performance issues. You will see how, with a single, unified interface for events, logs, and metrics, app devs can easily navigate graphs to identify problems and then view logs for that time slice.

pivotal softwareplatformpcf metrics
The DeployHub
Service Catalog is a
logical collection of
microservices and
how they relate to
logical applications.
Problem - Lack of Service Ownership and Profile
Solution - DeployHub’s Microservice Catalog
Problem - Lack of Service Ownership and Profile
Solution - DeployHub’s Microservice Catalog
Problem - Lack of Service Ownership and Profile
Solution - DeployHub’s Microservice Catalog

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Cloud Native Application
Cloud Native ApplicationCloud Native Application
Cloud Native Application

VMware is introducing new platforms to better support cloud-native applications, including containers. The Photon Platform is a lightweight, API-driven control plane optimized for massive scale container deployments. It includes Photon OS, a lightweight Linux distribution for containers. vSphere Integrated Containers allows running containers alongside VMs on vSphere infrastructure for a unified hybrid approach. Both aim to provide the portability and agility of containers while leveraging VMware's management capabilities.

applicationcloud native applicationvmugit
Building Cloud Native Applications
Building Cloud Native Applications Building Cloud Native Applications
Building Cloud Native Applications

This document discusses building cloud native applications. It defines cloud native applications as having services that are published and consumed via web services, can handle failures, are designed for horizontal scalability, use asynchronous processing, and have a stateless model. It then provides an example of a social feed application, outlines its functional and non-functional requirements, and describes how to architect it using patterns like loose coupling, polyglot persistence, fault tolerance, and decoupling services. The key is to design for scalability, failures, and minimize human intervention through a DevOps approach.

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Cloud expo 2018: From Apollo 13 to Google SRE - When DevOps meets SRE
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Cloud expo 2018: From Apollo 13 to Google SRE - When DevOps meets SRE

This document discusses Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), which is Google's approach to service management. It outlines the key tenets of SRE, which include ensuring a durable focus on engineering, pursuing maximum change velocity without violating service-level objectives, monitoring, emergency response, change management, demand forecasting and capacity planning, provisioning, and efficiency and performance. The document also discusses best practices for incident management in SRE and how DevOps and SRE can be applied in the enterprise.

devopssreservice reliability
Problem Reactive Approach
A new version of a microservice impacts all consuming ‘logical’ applications.
We call this the ‘Blast Radius.’
Solution - DeployHub’s Proactive Visibility
Knowing your Blast Radius can reduce errors and incidents
while increasing your microservice sharing by as much as
Problem Reactive Approach
Solution - DeployHub’s Proactive Visibility
Before you ever release a
microservice, DeployHub can
tell you which consuming
application teams will be
impacted and where the
updates need to be installed
across Clusters and
Bonus – Tracking Logical Applications
DeployHub starts the process by defining a logical application based on what services
it consumes.
The Blast Radius is tracked based on this Application ‘base version’ information.
DeployHub Automated Configuration Managment
Container Registry Push.
Triggers DeployHub to version microservices,
track application configuration management
and builds relationship maps.
Scheduled, on-demand or
CD triggers the deployment.
DeployHub records and tracks
inventory across all clusters.

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vCloud Automation Center and Pivotal Cloud Foundry – Better PaaS Solution (VM...
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David Benedict - Member of Technical Staff, VMware Cornelia Davis - Platform Engineer, Cloud Foundry, Pivotal Vipul Shah - Director of Product Management, VMware vCloud Automation Center provides powerful capabilities for policy-based orchestration of complex infrastructure and application deployments. A Platform as a Service (PaaS) such as Pivotal CF, built on the open-source Cloud Foundry, presents a set of abstractions and capabilities that focus on the application implementation and the run-time services it will leverage. The value of a PaaS installation is equally driven by the set of application-centric capabilities provided, such as performance monitoring or logging, and by the set of services that can easily be integrated into an application; exposing the offerings in the vCloud Automation Center services catalog for leverage by apps deployed into Pivotal CF allows an enterprise faster time to value. And a vCloud Automation Center user can model system deployments, automating infrastructure provisioning and software deployments; this modeling is equally valuable even when the targets of the orchestrations are the PaaS abstractions of applications and services. These products are very complementary and we’ll show you how. Understand how the combined vCloud Automation Center / Pivotal CF solutions provide the basis for a comprehensive PaaS solution. See a demo of and roadmap for the integrated solution. Learn how to use vCloud Automation Center to model applications for deployment into Pivotal CF and how to draw vCloud Automation Center services into Pivotal CF. After a brief overview of both products, we will describe the capabilities and derived value of the joint solution that will have early access availability at the time of the conference.

Continuous Delivery to the Cloud: Automate Thru Production with CI + Spinnaker
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Continuous Delivery to the Cloud: Automate Thru Production with CI + Spinnaker

SpringOne Tour Toronto 2018 by Pivotal Continuous Delivery to the Cloud: Automate Thru Production with CI + Spinnaker - Olga Kundzich and Jammy Louie

Service Mesh: Two Big Words But Do You Need It?
Service Mesh: Two Big Words But Do You Need It?Service Mesh: Two Big Words But Do You Need It?
Service Mesh: Two Big Words But Do You Need It?

Today, one of the big concepts buzzing in the app development world is service mesh. A service mesh is a configurable infrastructure layer for microservices application that makes communication flexible, reliable and fast. Let’s take a step back, though, and answer this question: Do you need a service mesh? Join this webinar to learn: What a service mesh is; when and why you need it — or when and why you may not App modernization journey and traffic management approaches for microservices-based apps How to make an informed decision based on cost and complexity before adopting service mesh Learn about NGINX Service Mesh in a live demo, and how it provides the best service mesh option for container-based L7 traffic management

nginxf5service mesh
DeployHub Automated Configuration Management
As new container images are registered, DeployHub creates a new version of the
microservices, and a new version of the ‘logical’ application.
DeployHub’s secret sauce is a version control engine, built on top of a relational
model and datastore.
BOM Report Blast Radius Report
Difference Report
DeployHub Maps
DeployHub Pro Comparison Reports
Environment Comparisons
Application Comparisons
Summary – Microservices without Complexity
Controlling the Sprawl
DeployHub’s microservice catalog simplifies microservices by providing a proactive
view of microservices, their versions and usage across all of your clusters.
• Improve confidence and eliminate risk - know your microservice ‘blast radius’ before you go.
• Restore control - create your ‘logical application’ with
versions and change tracking.
• Add visibility - version your microservices and track their
inventory across all clusters.
• Reduce development cost - encourage microservice reuse organized by domains, relationships,
and usage.

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Pivotal Cloud Foundry 2.4: A First Look
Pivotal Cloud Foundry 2.4: A First LookPivotal Cloud Foundry 2.4: A First Look
Pivotal Cloud Foundry 2.4: A First Look

Join Dan Baskette and Jared Ruckle for a view into Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) 2.4 capabilities with demos and expert Q&A. We’ll review the latest features for Pivotal’s flagship app platform, including the following: - Native zero downtime push and native zero downtime restarts - Dynamic egress policies - Operations Manager updates - Zero downtime stack updates to cflinuxfs3 - Zero downtime OS updates - New pathways protected by TLS - New scanning tools to assist with compliance Plus much more! Presenters : Dan Baskette, Director, Technical Marketing, Jared Ruckle, Principal Product Marketing Manager

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PaaS on Openstack
PaaS on OpenstackPaaS on Openstack
PaaS on Openstack

The document discusses different approaches to Platform as a Service (PaaS) and proposes building a PaaS on OpenStack to provide more control without complexity. It describes existing PaaS offerings like Google App Engine, Heroku, and Amazon Elastic Beanstalk that emphasize simplicity over control. The proposed OpenStack-based PaaS would use GigaSpaces technology to offer deployment, management, high availability, scalability, multi-tenancy, and monitoring capabilities while allowing flexibility to choose operating systems, middleware stacks, and other configuration options. It demonstrates deploying and managing a Cassandra service and discusses the current status of integrating GigaSpaces with OpenStack.

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The Reality of Managing Microservices in Your CD Pipeline
The Reality of Managing Microservices in Your CD PipelineThe Reality of Managing Microservices in Your CD Pipeline
The Reality of Managing Microservices in Your CD Pipeline

As we shift from monolithic software development practices to microservices, our well-designed CD pipeline will need to change. Microservices are small functions, deployed independently and linked via APIs at run-time. While these differences seem minor, they actually have a large impact on your overall CD structure. Think hundreds of workflows, small of any builds and the loss of a monolithic 'application.' Join Tracy Ragan, CEO of DeployHub and Brendan O'Leary, Developer Evangelist at GitLab, to learn more. It's never too early to start the conversation.

devops.comdevops webinarsdevops
The Results
Visibility gives Site
Reliability Engineers
the clarity of what’s
going on and the
ability to make data-
driven decisions
quickly before a
Management saves
1-2 hours of manual
work per deployment
and breaks down
release bottlenecks.
Microservice catalog
reduces sprawl and
redundant coding by
up to 50%.
Delivers successful
high frequency
updates, achieving
business agility.
Feedback from our early adopters
DeployHub Pro Value Add
Feature DeployHub
Enterprise Level Support.
Secured User Groups.
Additional Domains for modeling organizational structure.
Secured Deployments to Endpoints (Clusters, VMs, etc.).
Comparison Reports, Burn Down Rates, Change Request Tracking.
Smart Calendars for Deployment Scheduling and Control.
Release Train Management for coordination of multiple deployments.
Microservice Catalog for improving reuse.
Microservice Versioning with core deployment metadata.
Logical application mapping with BOM, Difference Maps and
microservice ‘blast radius.’
Microservice inventory tracking across all clusters.
• Join the Open-Source Community
• Sign-up for the Free SaaS Version – DeployHub Team:
• Follow me:
• @tracyragan
• in/tracy-ragan-oms/
More Information

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A Guide on What Are Microservices: Pros, Cons, Use Cases, and More

IT organizations can be benefitted from a microservices approach to application development with more agile and accelerated time to market. However, there is a catch in order to break an app into fine-grained services.

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In a world where software has become the key differentiator, enterprises are forced to transform the way they build, ship and run software in order to stay in the game. Adopting a microservices architecture enables organisations to not only become more agile but also to cut costs and increase stability.

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Containing your microservice sprawl

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Containing your microservice sprawl

  • 2. A discussion on 3 basic challenges to controlling your microservice sprawl: 1) Lack of organization. 2) Ambiguous service ownership and profile. 3) Reactive approach – lack of visibility. Microservices without the complexity.
  • 3. Meet Tracy Ragan Microservice Evangelist, Passionate About Configuration Management and Continuous Deployment • DeployHub CEO and Co-Founder • Community Director – Ortelius Open-Source Project • Top 100 DevOps Visionaries • Founding Board Member Eclipse Foundation • Founding Board member of the CD Foundation • DevOps Institute Ambassador • 20+ DevOps Experience Let’s chat – reach me on LinkedIn
  • 4. Introducing DeployHub and Ortelius • Ortelius is a microservice management platform that versions and tracks microservices, their blast radius, and inventory across clusters providing a proactive view of your microservice architecture as it changes overtime. • Ortelius is an incubating project under the governance of the CD. Foundation (Linux Foundation). • Our mission is to simplify the adoption of microservices through a world-class microservice management platform driven by a supportive and diverse global open- source community • DeployHub contributed 80% of the DeployHub codebase to the open-source community.
  • 5. A Microservice Architecture A service-oriented architecture (SOA) that uses APIs instead of a ‘service bus.’ In MSA, the concept of an ‘application’ is ‘logical.’ SOA was still monolithic. ‘fine-grained SOA’
  • 6. Microservices require new DevOps Solutions New markets for a massive shift in how we write and deliver software “ 92% - Use containers in production. Up from 84% last year, and up 300% from the first CNCF survey in 2016. 83% - Use Kubernetes in production. Up from 78% last year.” CNCF – Linux Foundation 2020 Survey “Trend #1: Emergence of the Service Catalog. Potential $500M Market That Redefines the Foundational Nature of Development Infrastructure.” “Trend #2: Convergence of Continuous Delivery, GitOps, and Experimentation Vendors Are Creating the Potential for a $500M ARR Progressive Delivery Mega-Market.” 2021 Trends Foretell New Approaches to DevOps, Tyler Jewell, Dell Capital
  • 7. Moving to Microservices We are taking our static application and breaking it into smaller puzzle pieces. "What happened is we would release an update to a library, and then one service would use the new service and now all of a sudden all these other services were using an older version and we had to try to keep track of which service was using what version of the library." Alexandra Noonan, Software Engineer, Segment SDTimes April 2019 "Microservices: More isn't always better” Microservice development “falls apart without coherent, disciplined management” Randy Heffner, VP and Research Analyst, Forrester “3 Big Mistakes When It Comes to APIs and Microservices,” Akana Webinar
  • 8. Benefits • Service Granularity • Independently Deployed • Polyglot programming • Reusable but loosely coupled • Fault Tolerance and Auto Scaling
  • 9. The Problem • Lack of Organization • Microservice sprawl is common as multiple services are written by multiple teams to do the same function. • Lack of Service ownership and Profile • Who wrote it and who uses it? • What Version are we using? • Reactive approach • Impact of a service discovered after a deployment using observability Container Image Registry Container Image Build
  • 10. Problem - Lack of Organization Implement a Domain Driven Design Domain-driven design (DDD) facilitates the organization and modeling of services based on relevant business ‘problem spaces.’ DDD defines ‘problem spaces’ as Bounded Context. DDD identifies patterns to further organize the development and usage of services in defined ‘layers.’ Source - Microsoft Docs - us/dotnet/architecture/microservices/microservice-ddd-cqrs- patterns/ddd-oriented-microservice
  • 11. Problem - Lack of Organization Solution - DeployHub’s Domain Driven Design DeployHub provides a DDD model to publish and centralize services based on the Domain Model with Sub-Domains to represent all ‘layers.’ DeployHub’s Domain Model encourages reuse of microservices by providing a central catalog organized by ‘problem spaces’ making sharing easy.
  • 12. Problem - Lack of Service Ownership and Profile Tracking Ownership and Versions. Unclear: • Who created the service? • Who uses the service? • What version of the service is running where? • What is the deployment meta data, like Key Value Pairs?
  • 13. The DeployHub Service Catalog is a logical collection of microservices and how they relate to logical applications.
  • 14. Problem - Lack of Service Ownership and Profile Solution - DeployHub’s Microservice Catalog Who How
  • 15. What Problem - Lack of Service Ownership and Profile Solution - DeployHub’s Microservice Catalog
  • 16. Problem - Lack of Service Ownership and Profile Solution - DeployHub’s Microservice Catalog
  • 17. Problem Reactive Approach A new version of a microservice impacts all consuming ‘logical’ applications. We call this the ‘Blast Radius.’ Solution - DeployHub’s Proactive Visibility Knowing your Blast Radius can reduce errors and incidents while increasing your microservice sharing by as much as 50%.
  • 18. Problem Reactive Approach Solution - DeployHub’s Proactive Visibility Before you ever release a microservice, DeployHub can tell you which consuming application teams will be impacted and where the updates need to be installed across Clusters and Namespaces.
  • 19. Bonus – Tracking Logical Applications DeployHub starts the process by defining a logical application based on what services it consumes. The Blast Radius is tracked based on this Application ‘base version’ information.
  • 20. DeployHub Automated Configuration Managment 1 Container Registry Push. Triggers DeployHub to version microservices, track application configuration management and builds relationship maps. 2 Scheduled, on-demand or CD triggers the deployment. 3 DeployHub records and tracks inventory across all clusters. 4 DeployHub APIs PostgreSQL Datastore
  • 21. DeployHub Automated Configuration Management As new container images are registered, DeployHub creates a new version of the microservices, and a new version of the ‘logical’ application. DeployHub’s secret sauce is a version control engine, built on top of a relational model and datastore.
  • 22. BOM Report Blast Radius Report Difference Report DeployHub Maps
  • 23. DeployHub Pro Comparison Reports Environment Comparisons Application Comparisons
  • 24. Summary – Microservices without Complexity Controlling the Sprawl DeployHub’s microservice catalog simplifies microservices by providing a proactive view of microservices, their versions and usage across all of your clusters. • Improve confidence and eliminate risk - know your microservice ‘blast radius’ before you go. • Restore control - create your ‘logical application’ with versions and change tracking. • Add visibility - version your microservices and track their inventory across all clusters. • Reduce development cost - encourage microservice reuse organized by domains, relationships, and usage.
  • 25. The Results Visibility gives Site Reliability Engineers the clarity of what’s going on and the ability to make data- driven decisions quickly before a deployment. Automated configuration Management saves 1-2 hours of manual work per deployment and breaks down release bottlenecks. Microservice catalog reduces sprawl and redundant coding by up to 50%. Delivers successful high frequency updates, achieving business agility. Feedback from our early adopters
  • 27. DeployHub Pro Value Add Feature DeployHub Team DeployHub Pro Enterprise Level Support. Secured User Groups. Additional Domains for modeling organizational structure. Secured Deployments to Endpoints (Clusters, VMs, etc.). Comparison Reports, Burn Down Rates, Change Request Tracking. Smart Calendars for Deployment Scheduling and Control. Release Train Management for coordination of multiple deployments. Microservice Catalog for improving reuse. Microservice Versioning with core deployment metadata. Logical application mapping with BOM, Difference Maps and microservice ‘blast radius.’ Microservice inventory tracking across all clusters.
  • 28. • Join the Open-Source Community • • • Sign-up for the Free SaaS Version – DeployHub Team: – • Follow me: • @tracyragan • in/tracy-ragan-oms/ More Information