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Air Gap - short intro and why it isn't
complicated at all!
About us
Overview Standard Kubernetes Environment
Air Gap – what is it?
Short demonstration
About us
• Project support for installation of
• Implementation of workshops
• Producer of a Kubernetes distribution for
productive environments
• Training on Kubernetes and

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5 steps to take setting up a streamlined container pipeline
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The document outlines 5 steps to set up a container pipeline: 1. Use versioning and container registries like GitHub, Docker, and private registries to manage code versions and container images. 2. Use an orchestration engine like Kubernetes to manage and orchestrate container processes. Common options are AWS EKS, GCP GKE, and Oracle OKE. 3. Provision the Kubernetes cluster using scripts or Terraform on cloud infrastructure like OCI. 4. Implement container pipelines using tools like Oracle Container Pipelines to automate building, testing, and deploying containers. 5. Use Helm to package and deploy Kubernetes applications and integrate it into the CI/CD pipeline

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Dockerizing OpenStack for High Availability
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This document discusses Dockerizing OpenStack high availability services. It begins by outlining existing challenges with OpenStack HA including complex configuration, scaling complexity, and lack of automation/visibility. It then discusses how Docker can help by allowing applications and dependencies to be packaged in lightweight containers, improving scaling, density, flexibility and reducing overhead. The document provides an example of running OpenStack services like Nova API in Docker containers for improved HA and manageability. It discusses sharing images in a private Docker registry and orchestrating container management.

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Tobias Altmann
DevOps Engineer
Ralf Menti
Kubernetes Trainer
Vincent Mattes
Overview common
Kubernetes Enviroment
Kubernetes Standard Implementation
(Image Source)

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Kubernetes Security
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My cloud native security talk I gave at Innotech Austin 2018. I cover container and Kubernetes security topics, security features in Kubernetes, including opensource projects you will want to consider while building and maintaining cloud native applications.

Kubernetes @ meetic
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Kubernetes @ meetic

3 years ago, Meetic chose to rebuild it's backend architecture using microservices and an event driven strategy. As we where moving along our old legacy application, testing features became gradually a pain, especially when those features rely on multiple changes across multiple components. Whatever the number of application you manage, unit testing is easy, as well as functional testing on a microservice. A good gherkin framework and a set of docker container can do the job. The real challenge is set in end-to-end testing even more when a feature can involve up to 60 different components. To solve that issue, Meetic is building a Kubernetes strategy around testing. To do such a thing we need to : - Be able to generate a docker container for each pull-request on any component of the stack - Be able to create a full testing environment in the simplest way - Be able to launch automated test on this newly created environment - Have a clean-up process to destroy testing environment after tests To separate the various testing environment, we chose to use Kubernetes Namespaces each containing a variant of the Meetic stack. But when it comes to Kubernetes, managing multiple namespaces can be hard. Yaml configuration files need to be shared in a way that each people / automated job can access to them and modify them without impacting others. This is typically why Meetic chose to develop it's own tool to manage namespace through a cli tool, or a REST API on which we can plug a friendly UI. In this talk we will tell you the story of our CI/CD evolution to satisfy the need to create a docker container for each new pull request. And we will show you how to make end-to-end testing easier using Blackbeard, the tool we developed to handle the need to manage namespaces inspired by Helm.

Some facts about Kubernetes
Source: Canonical /Forbes
• 21.4% of respondents are managing more than 500 machines on a day-to-day basis
• As voted by most professionals, lack of in-house skills/limited manpower is the biggest
challenge to adopting Kubernetes and containers.
• 26% are running a version of Kubernetes that is newer than 1.10 but older than 1.17
• 56% chose security as the key criterion for choosing a base image of a container image
• Namespaces are the preferred way to isolate applications, as mentioned by 63%
• Only 54.2% said that they are running a high availability Kubernetes cluster
Survey from Canonical on Forbes, June 2021
• Vulnerable base image and dependencies
• Security features like TLS or RBAC deactivated by
Where do base images or the chart itself come from?
• Questionable Supply chains
• Risk: containers used for attacks like malicious cryptocurrency mining
• Enable Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
Kubernetes Security
• Use Third-Party Authentication for API Server
• Use Process Whitelisting
• Turn on Audit Logging
• Keep Kubernetes Version Up to Date
• Lock Down Kubelet

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An overview on docker and container technology behind it. Lastly, we discuss few tools that might come handy when dealing with large number of containers management.

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They provide the workload isolation and security advantages of VMs. but at the same time maintain the speed of deployment and usability of using kata containers, instead of namespace, small virtual machines are created on the kernel and be strongly isolated. The technology of Kata Containers is based on KVM hypervisor. That’s why the level of isolation is equivalent to typical hypervisors. This session will focus on a live production phase when choosing kata instead of docker, and why they are preferable Although containers provides software-level isolation of resources, the kernel needs to be shared. That’s why the isolation level in terms of security is not so high when compared with hypervisors.This learns to shift from Docker as the de facto standard to Kata containers and learn how to obtain higherl level of security

• Secure following directories ! – Only access for Admin!
Kubernetes Security
• /etc/kubernetes/
• /var/lib/kubelet/
• /etc/sysconfig/kubelet
• $HOME/./kube/config.yaml
• Systemctl only for admins of the Cluster!
Misconfiguration is the most common security incident
Example: Security concept whitelisting
What is an Airgap Environment ?
Airgap Environment
• Restricted InternetConnection (e.g. by Firewall)
• Cluster can only connect to Software Hub/Registry via
specific ProxyRules
• Restricted CommandSet available
• specific technical user instead of root user
• Only few sudo commands available
Airgap / Security Features

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Production Grade Edge Computing on Kubernetes Presentation at Open Source Summit Europe October 2018

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Secure your K8s cluster from multi-layers
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Secure your K8s cluster from multi-layers

The document discusses securing a Kubernetes cluster from multiple layers of risk. It covers securing the infrastructure layer by limiting access and exposure, the control plane layer by enabling TLS and RBAC, the workload layer using pod security policies and network policies, the container runtime layer with tools like Kata Containers, the user misconfiguration layer by avoiding defaults and validating configurations, and useful security tools. The presenter then provides contact information for potential job opportunities.

Container security Familiar problems in new technology
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Container security Familiar problems in new technology

Container adoption is on the rise across companies of every size and industry. While containerization is a new and exciting paradigm, it brings with it some of the same technical and organizational issues that security teams have always faced. This presentation will dive into a selection of these familiar issues and suggested solutions to help security teams get a better handle on containers and keep up with the deployment pace that DevOps requires. Check out the Denver Chapter of OWASP! and our annual conference

container securitykubernetesdocker
Kubernetes Air Gap Implementation
Proxy /
Controlled Cluster – no connection outside possible Corp. Network
Priv. registry
Common Problems
• Missing sudo commands when installing kubernetes with yum
• Restriction of permissions for certain directories:
• /etc/kubernetes/
• /var/lib/kubelet/
• /etc/sysconfig/kubelet
• $HOME/./kube/config.yaml
• Update or downgrade to specific versions
• Accessing the registry via proxy requests might be more complex
• Migration from nfs to longhorn (permission problems)
Pro‘s and Con‘s
Pros Cons
Airgap prevents downloading malicious Data Airgap diminishes productivity
Airgap reduces chances for hacks from outside Airgap increases effort/costs (implementation and
Reduce chances of accessing and exfiltrating data by
Airgap doesn‘t ensure 100% security (e.g. insider
Technical User ensures that not everybody can work
with root-permissions
Technical User complicates some tasks (e.g. simple
Linux Commands like cp, mv, ls )
Example: Deploying the ELK
Stack on Kubernetes

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The document provides an overview of Kubernetes concepts including pods, deployments, services, ingress, volumes, and configmaps. It explains that pods are the smallest deployable units that can contain one or more containers running applications. Deployments help manage and scale replicated applications, while services expose pods to other pods or external clients. Ingress manages external access to services. Volumes provide shared storage within a pod. Configmaps and secrets allow injecting configuration and credentials into applications.

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Docker in pratice -chenyifei

Lightweight virtualization uses container technology to isolate processes and their resources through namespaces and cgroups. Docker is a container management system that provides lightweight virtualization. Baidu chose Docker for its BAE platform because containers provide better isolation than sandboxes with fewer restrictions and lower costs. Docker meets BAE's needs but was improved with additional security and resource constraints for its PAAS platform.

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What's New in Docker - February 2017

This document provides an overview of Container as a Service (CaaS) with Docker. It discusses key concepts like Docker containers, images, and orchestration tools. It also covers DevOps practices like continuous delivery that are enabled by Docker. Specific topics covered include Docker networking, volumes, and orchestration with Docker Swarm and compose files. Examples are provided of building and deploying Java applications with Docker, including Spring Boot apps, Java EE apps, and using Docker for builds. Security features of Docker like content trust and scanning are summarized. The document concludes by discussing Docker use cases across different industries and how Docker enables critical transformations around cloud, DevOps, and application modernization.

Example: Deploying ELK Stack on Kubernetes
Official Documentation:
• Many helm charts contain more content then necessary (bloated images)
• Users don‘t really know what they are installing
• Charts can contain insecure images
• Installscripts can contain any commands
• Therefore an attacker could take control of a cluster
Example: Deploying ELK Stack on Kubernetes
Non-Airgap Environment:
Airgap Environment:
Example: Deploying ELK Stack on Kubernetes
Non-Airgap Environment:
Airgap Environment:
Example: Deploying ELK Stack on Kubernetes
How to install helm in an Airgap Environment
1. Download helm binary to local maschine
2. Transfer binary to admin node (via scp)
3. Transfer to directoryof technical user on admin node
4. Unzip file
5. Make executable by moving to /usr/local/bin
Commands must be in sudoers

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This Slide Presented in May 2019 at the "Cluster and Grid Computing" course at the "Iran University Of Science at Technology" by me.

Docker and kubernetes
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Docker and kubernetes

Docker allows building portable software that can run anywhere by packaging an application and its dependencies in a standardized unit called a container. Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery. Kubernetes can replicate containers, provide load balancing, coordinate updates between containers, and ensure availability. Defining applications as Kubernetes resources allows them to be deployed and updated easily across a cluster.

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Running distributed tests with k6.pdf

k6 is an open source load testing tool that was acquired by Grafana in 2021. It allows teams to test reliability before problems impact users by simulating user traffic to applications and services. The k6-operator allows running distributed k6 tests on Kubernetes and integrates k6 into developer workflows. It provides many options for configuring and scaling tests through JavaScript scripts.

Example: Deploying ELK Stack on Kubernetes
How to deploy ELK Stack in an Airgap Environment
1. Download chartto local machine
2. Grep charts for unnecessarythings
• check values.yaml file
3. Registry:
• Connection to registry must be
given (e.g. by Proxy)
• Images must be available in an
accessible registry
4. Transfer chartto cluster (via sftp, scp)
5. Move chartto directory of technical user
6. Install chart via helm
Package through tool SINA
More Security in an Air Gap Area

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Extending Kubectl.pptx

This document discusses extending kubectl functionality through plugins. It introduces kubectl plugins and Krew, a plugin manager for kubectl. It covers developing and publishing plugins, including writing plugins in any language, creating a krew manifest, and automating plugin updates through GitHub actions.

Enhancing Data Protection Workflows with Kanister And Argo Workflows
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Enhancing Data Protection Workflows with Kanister And Argo Workflows

This document discusses enhancing data protection workflows with Kanister and Argo Workflows. It begins with discussing the need for data protection of stateful workloads on Kubernetes and challenges with current approaches. It then provides an overview of Kanister, an open source tool for application-level data protection on Kubernetes. Kanister uses custom resources and functions to abstract away complex data protection workflows. It also works with Argo Workflows to scale parallel data operations. The document concludes with a demo of using Kanister's CSI functions to create and restore snapshots and scaling snapshots with Argo Workflows.

Fallacies in Platform Engineering.pdf
Fallacies in Platform Engineering.pdfFallacies in Platform Engineering.pdf
Fallacies in Platform Engineering.pdf

This document discusses 10 common fallacies in platform engineering. It begins by introducing the speaker and topic, which are 10 fallacies seen in platform engineering and how to mitigate them. Some of the fallacies discussed include prioritizing the wrong procedures, relying only on visualizations, trying to replace all tools at once, providing too much freedom without constraints, and trying to compete directly with large cloud providers. The goal of platform engineering is to standardize processes and reduce cognitive load on developers and operations teams.

• Kubernetes standard implementation can be fast installed
• But Kubernetes has open doors
• A safe security concept prior installation is mandatory
• Kubernetes in an airgapped enviroment isn‘t easy at all – but worthwile
• a controlled cluster is worth more than the convenience of the users
• Does Airgap really diminish productivity ? – it depends on tool-sets
• Airgap increases effort/costs (implementation and maintenance) – yes, but a
hacked environment costs more (log4j)
• Protection against malicious data downloads or certain third-party attacks
Questions? Let‘s connect!

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  • 1. 1 Air Gap - short intro and why it isn't complicated at all!
  • 2. 2 Content 01 02 03 04 05 About us Overview Standard Kubernetes Environment Air Gap – what is it? Short demonstration Conclusion
  • 4. 4 Portfolio • Project support for installation of Kubernetes • Implementation of workshops • Producer of a Kubernetes distribution for productive environments • Training on Kubernetes and Microservices
  • 5. 5 Presenter Tobias Altmann DevOps Engineer Ralf Menti Kubernetes Trainer Vincent Mattes Developer
  • 7. 7
  • 9. 9 Some facts about Kubernetes Source: Canonical /Forbes • 21.4% of respondents are managing more than 500 machines on a day-to-day basis • As voted by most professionals, lack of in-house skills/limited manpower is the biggest challenge to adopting Kubernetes and containers. • 26% are running a version of Kubernetes that is newer than 1.10 but older than 1.17 • 56% chose security as the key criterion for choosing a base image of a container image • Namespaces are the preferred way to isolate applications, as mentioned by 63% • Only 54.2% said that they are running a high availability Kubernetes cluster Survey from Canonical on Forbes, June 2021
  • 10. 10 • Vulnerable base image and dependencies • Security features like TLS or RBAC deactivated by default Vulnerable Image-Source:
  • 11. 11 Where do base images or the chart itself come from? • Questionable Supply chains • Risk: containers used for attacks like malicious cryptocurrency mining Source:
  • 12. 12 • Enable Kubernetes Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Kubernetes Security • Use Third-Party Authentication for API Server • Use Process Whitelisting • Turn on Audit Logging • Keep Kubernetes Version Up to Date • Lock Down Kubelet
  • 13. 13 • Secure following directories ! – Only access for Admin! Kubernetes Security • /etc/kubernetes/ • /var/lib/kubelet/ • /etc/sysconfig/kubelet • $HOME/./kube/config.yaml • Systemctl only for admins of the Cluster! • Misconfiguration is the most common security incident
  • 14. 14 Example: Security concept whitelisting Environment Cluster Node Pod Container
  • 15. 15 What is an Airgap Environment ?
  • 16. 16 Airgap Environment • Restricted InternetConnection (e.g. by Firewall) • Cluster can only connect to Software Hub/Registry via specific ProxyRules • Restricted CommandSet available • specific technical user instead of root user • Only few sudo commands available Airgap / Security Features
  • 17. 17 Kubernetes Air Gap Implementation Internet Image: Proxy / Firewall Controlled Cluster – no connection outside possible Corp. Network Priv. registry
  • 18. 18 Common Problems • Missing sudo commands when installing kubernetes with yum • Restriction of permissions for certain directories: • /etc/kubernetes/ • /var/lib/kubelet/ • /etc/sysconfig/kubelet • $HOME/./kube/config.yaml • Update or downgrade to specific versions • Accessing the registry via proxy requests might be more complex • Migration from nfs to longhorn (permission problems)
  • 19. 19 Pro‘s and Con‘s Pros Cons Airgap prevents downloading malicious Data Airgap diminishes productivity Airgap reduces chances for hacks from outside Airgap increases effort/costs (implementation and maintenance) Reduce chances of accessing and exfiltrating data by third-parties Airgap doesn‘t ensure 100% security (e.g. insider threats) Technical User ensures that not everybody can work with root-permissions Technical User complicates some tasks (e.g. simple Linux Commands like cp, mv, ls )
  • 20. 20 Example: Deploying the ELK Stack on Kubernetes
  • 21. 21 Example: Deploying ELK Stack on Kubernetes Official Documentation: Risks: • Many helm charts contain more content then necessary (bloated images) • Users don‘t really know what they are installing • Charts can contain insecure images • Installscripts can contain any commands • Therefore an attacker could take control of a cluster
  • 22. 22 Example: Deploying ELK Stack on Kubernetes Non-Airgap Environment: Airgap Environment:
  • 23. 23 Example: Deploying ELK Stack on Kubernetes Non-Airgap Environment: Airgap Environment:
  • 24. 24 Example: Deploying ELK Stack on Kubernetes How to install helm in an Airgap Environment 1. Download helm binary to local maschine 2. Transfer binary to admin node (via scp) 3. Transfer to directoryof technical user on admin node 4. Unzip file 5. Make executable by moving to /usr/local/bin Commands must be in sudoers file!!!
  • 25. 25 Example: Deploying ELK Stack on Kubernetes How to deploy ELK Stack in an Airgap Environment 1. Download chartto local machine 2. Grep charts for unnecessarythings • check values.yaml file 3. Registry: • Connection to registry must be given (e.g. by Proxy) • Images must be available in an accessible registry 4. Transfer chartto cluster (via sftp, scp) 5. Move chartto directory of technical user 6. Install chart via helm
  • 27. 27 More Security in an Air Gap Area
  • 29. 29 Conclusion • Kubernetes standard implementation can be fast installed • But Kubernetes has open doors • A safe security concept prior installation is mandatory • Kubernetes in an airgapped enviroment isn‘t easy at all – but worthwile • a controlled cluster is worth more than the convenience of the users • Does Airgap really diminish productivity ? – it depends on tool-sets • Airgap increases effort/costs (implementation and maintenance) – yes, but a hacked environment costs more (log4j) • Protection against malicious data downloads or certain third-party attacks