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Securing Windows
Thursday, Jun 02, 2022
Your Speaker Today:
● Reza Ramezanpour - Developer
Advocate @ Tigera (Project
● Calico overview
● A hybrid cluster
● Windows workloads
● Securing Windows workloads
● Demo
Calico overview

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Top 5 benefits of docker
Top 5 benefits of dockerTop 5 benefits of docker
Top 5 benefits of docker

Recording here: Since Docker was open sourced in 2013, the community and adoption around Docker containers has grown to over 6 billion downloads and over 1000 contributors. Learn about why this is, and why you should start using containers for your own applications.

Docker London Meetup: Docker Engine Evolution
Docker London Meetup: Docker Engine EvolutionDocker London Meetup: Docker Engine Evolution
Docker London Meetup: Docker Engine Evolution

A meetup talk on the evolution of the Docker engine from 2014-2019, including the refactoring and spin out of OCI runc and CNCF containerd codebases. This talk was given at the Docker London meetup group on Thursday, 31st January, 2019.

dockercontainerscloud native
Environment management in a continuous delivery world (3)
Environment management in a continuous delivery world (3)Environment management in a continuous delivery world (3)
Environment management in a continuous delivery world (3)

This talk walks through using Kustomize, Skaffold, and Spinnaker to manage your Kubernetes applications across multiple environments.

Slack channel members
Nodes powered by Calico every day
eBPF iptables HNS
Host Network Service
A hybrid cluster

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Introduction to Containers
Introduction to ContainersIntroduction to Containers
Introduction to Containers

Containers are changing development and deployment using technologies like Docker and Kubernetes. Containers leverage cgroups and namespaces in Linux kernels to isolate processes and share resources without full virtual machines. Docker popularized containers by making them easy to build, run and share. Kubernetes is the most popular container orchestrator, allowing containers to run together across clusters with services for load balancing, scaling and failover. Developers can now develop in containers for consistent environments, while operations teams can deploy containerized applications with automation and roll back updates if needed.

GitOps and Its tools.pptx
GitOps and Its tools.pptxGitOps and Its tools.pptx
GitOps and Its tools.pptx

GitOps is an approach to managing infrastructure that uses Git as the single source of truth for declarative infrastructure definitions and configurations. It combines DevOps practices like continuous integration and continuous delivery with infrastructure as code tools like Terraform, Ansible and Kubernetes manifests. GitOps works by having the infrastructure pull configuration changes from Git repositories, keeping live systems in sync with Git. Popular GitOps tools include Argo CD, Flux and Weaveworks. While GitOps provides benefits like easy version tracking and security, it can result in too many repositories to manage and secrets become harder to handle as the number of repos grows.

GitOps and Its tools.pptx
GitOps and Its tools.pptxGitOps and Its tools.pptx
GitOps and Its tools.pptx

GitOps is an approach to managing infrastructure that uses Git as the single source of truth for declarative infrastructure definitions and configurations. It combines DevOps practices like continuous integration and continuous delivery with infrastructure as code tools like Terraform, Ansible and Kubernetes manifests. GitOps works by having the infrastructure pull configuration changes from Git repositories, keeping live systems in sync with Git. Popular GitOps tools include Argo CD, Flux and Weaveworks. While GitOps provides benefits like easy version tracking and security, it can result in too many repositories to manage and secrets become harder to handle as the number of repos grows.

© 2022 Tigera, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential
What is a hybrid cluster?
© 2022 Tigera, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential
● Linux node (System)
● Windows Server 2019 or higher
● Kubernetes v1.21 or higher
Hybrid environment
(psst try Calico)
Windows workloads
© 2022 Tigera, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential
Windows Containers
● Run anywhere *
● Deploy at scale
● Lightweight *
● Isolated *

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Taking Docker to Production: What You Need to Know and Decide
Taking Docker to Production: What You Need to Know and DecideTaking Docker to Production: What You Need to Know and Decide
Taking Docker to Production: What You Need to Know and Decide

DevOps in the Real World is far from perfect, yet we all dream of that amazing auto-healing fully-automated CI/CD micro-service infrastructure that we'll have "someday." But until then, how can you really start using containers today, and what decisions do you need to make to get there? This session is designed for practitioners who are looking for ways to get started now with Docker and Swarm in production. This is not a Docker 101, but rather it's to help you be successful on your way to Dockerizing your production systems. Attendees will get tactics, example configs, real working infrastructure designs, and see the (sometimes messy) internals of Docker in production today.

Taking Docker to Production: What You Need to Know and Decide
Taking Docker to Production: What You Need to Know and DecideTaking Docker to Production: What You Need to Know and Decide
Taking Docker to Production: What You Need to Know and Decide

This document provides advice on taking Docker to production. It recommends starting simply by focusing on Dockerfiles and containerizing existing applications before complex orchestration. It also warns against common anti-patterns like using the "latest" tag or trapping data in containers. The document outlines sample swarm architectures and tech stacks and notes that outsourcing non-critical components can simplify operations. It closes by suggesting that an orchestrator may not always be needed and that running one container per VM is a valid approach.

Developer workflow with docker
Developer workflow with dockerDeveloper workflow with docker
Developer workflow with docker

This document discusses developer workflows using Docker from development to production. It covers using Docker Compose and Docker Swarm for local development and Docker Cloud for managing production deployments. It also discusses using Kubernetes and cloud native PaaS solutions like Deis, OpenShift, and Rancher that are based on Kubernetes. Specifically, it demos deploying a sample application to OpenShift using the Red Hat Container Development Kit.

red hatatomic developer bundle. docker toolboxdocker cloud
© 2022 Tigera, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential
Choose your base image wisely
It can be lightweight
Windows Server (ltsc2022+) ServerCore NanoServer
7GB+ 4.8GB+ 2.5GB+ 90M+
© 2022 Tigera, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential
Kernel Compatibility
© 2022 Tigera, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential
Securing Windows workloads

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The State of CI/CD Tooling in 2019
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At the first Jenkins Meetup in Montreal, CloudOps' Khosrow Moossavi discussed some CI/CD tools that can help you set up efficient and dynamic DevOps pipelines.

OpenStack Cinder - Victoria Release Update - 2020
OpenStack Cinder - Victoria Release Update - 2020OpenStack Cinder - Victoria Release Update - 2020
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Cinder Block Storage Service project overview and update. Highlights from the Victoria release, state of the project, and planning for the Wallaby development cycle.

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[20200720]cloud native develoment - Nelson Lin
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[20200720]cloud native develoment - Nelson Lin

There is no shortage now of development and CI/CD tools for cloud-native application development. But how do we put the cloud-native concept and think as the cloud-native way on the leftmost side of CI/CD pipeline. During developing phrase, the tools provided with cloud code can help you expedite iteration of source codes, run and debug cloud native applications in an easy and fast way, making cloud-native development turn into real-time process, reduce the gap between deployment and development. 現在不乏用於雲原生應用程序開發的開發和 CI/CD工具。 但是,我們如何將雲原生概念放在的 CI/CD 流水線的最左側呢? 在開發階段,如何用 Cloud code 協助您加快原始碼的迭代速度,以簡便快捷的方式運行和調用雲原生應用程序,使雲原生開發變為即使過程,縮小開發與部署之間的差

© 2022 Tigera, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential
● Networking
● Policy engine
Securing workloads
K8s Node
Networking layer
eth0 eth1
Network Foundation
Demo (Azure Cloud)
Demo (On-premises)
Stuff used for the demo:
Do-It-Yourself Resources
When things are not working:

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Delivering a bleeding edge community-led openstack distribution: RDO

This talk was presented at FOSS ASIA 2018 summit at Singapore on 25th Mar, 2018.

WTF is GitOps & Why Should You Care?
WTF is GitOps & Why Should You Care?WTF is GitOps & Why Should You Care?
WTF is GitOps & Why Should You Care?

Presented at Open Source 101 2022 Presented by Priyanka Ravi, Weaveworks Abstract: If you’re interested in learning more about Cloud Native Computing or are already in the Kubernetes community you may have heard the term GitOps. It’s become a bit of a buzzword, but it’s so much more! The benefits of GitOps are real - they bring you security, reliability, velocity and more! And the project that started it all was Flux - a CNCF Incubating project developed and later donated by Weaveworks (the GitOps company who coined the term). Pinky will share from personal experience why GitOps has been an essential part of achieving a best-in-class delivery and platform team. Pinky will give a brief overview of definitions, CNCF-based principles, and Flux's capabilities: multi-tenancy, multi-cluster, (multi-everything!), for apps and infra, and more. Pinky will cover a little of Flux's microservices architecture and how the various components deliver this robust, secure, and trusted open source solution. Through the components of the Flux project, users today are enjoying compatibility with Helm, Jenkins, Terraform, Prometheus, and more as well as with cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and more. Join us for this informative session and get all of your GitOps questions answered by an end user in the community!

open sourceopen source 101os101
WTF is GitOps and Why You Should Care?
WTF is GitOps and Why You Should Care?WTF is GitOps and Why You Should Care?
WTF is GitOps and Why You Should Care?

Slides from Talk ( If you’re interested in learning more about Cloud Native Computing or are already in the Kubernetes community you may have heard the term GitOps. It’s become a bit of a buzzword, but it’s so much more! The benefits of GitOps are real – they bring you security, reliability, velocity and more! And the project that started it all was Flux – a CNCF Incubating project developed and later donated by Weaveworks (the GitOps company who coined the term). Pinky will share from personal experience why GitOps has been an essential part of achieving a best-in-class delivery and platform team. Pinky will give a brief overview of definitions, CNCF-based principles, and Flux’s capabilities: multi-tenancy, multi-cluster, (multi-everything!), for apps and infra, and more. Pinky will cover a little of Flux’s microservices architecture and how the various components deliver this robust, secure, and trusted open source solution. Through the components of the Flux project, users today are enjoying compatibility with Helm, Jenkins, Terraform, Prometheus, and more as well as with cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and more. Join us for this informative session and get all of your GitOps questions answered by an end user in the community! Speaker: Priyanka (aka “Pinky”) is a Developer Experience Engineer at Weaveworks. She has worked on a multitude of topics including front end development, UI automation for testing and API development. Previously she was a software developer at State Farm where she was on the delivery engineering team working on GitOps enablement. She was instrumental in the multi-tenancy migration to utilize Flux for an internal Kubernetes offering. Outside of work, Priyanka enjoys hanging out with her husband and two rescue dogs as well as traveling around the globe.

gitopsgit opscontinuous delivery
Securing Windows workloads.pdf
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Calico for WIndows
AKS Netwokring
Kubernetes Windows (community)
Wincontiner workload
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In this talk we review what Docker is and why it's important to Developers, Admins and DevOps. We also cover the following topics: - Using Docker to Orchestrate a multi container application (Flask + MongoDB) - Injecting HAProxy and other production requirements as we deploy to production - Scaling the Web and MongoDB cluster to grow to meet demand This presentation includes an interactive demo showcasing the core Docker components (Machine, Engine, Swarm and Compose) as well as some of Docker's new components (libnetowrk, runC) from the experimental branch along with MongoDB. We hope you will see how much simpler Docker can make building and deploying multi-node applications. <hr> <b>What's next?</b> See how you can push MongoDB performance to meed the needs of your mission-critical app with our best practices for MongoDB operations. <a>Read the guide</a>

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k6 is an open source load testing tool that was acquired by Grafana in 2021. It allows teams to test reliability before problems impact users by simulating user traffic to applications and services. The k6-operator allows running distributed k6 tests on Kubernetes and integrates k6 into developer workflows. It provides many options for configuring and scaling tests through JavaScript scripts.

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