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Paul Balogh
Developer Advocate, k6 OSS
Running distributed
load tests with k6
What is k6?
What is load testing?
Introducing the k6-operator
Where do we go from here?
● Formerly known as Load Impact
● Open Source since 2016
● ~18.5k Github Stars
● Promote “shift-left” testing
● Acquired by Grafana in 2021
By bringing k6 and Grafana together, we enable teams
to radically improve the time to prevent, detect,
and remediate problems before they impact end users.
Raj Dutt
Grafana Labs CEO/Co-founder
A reliability testing tool.
k6: a reliability testing tool
Although it’s easy to get started with k6 [OSS] all on its
own, it really shines with its ease of integration into a
developer ecosystem.
Thoughtworks Technology Radar
April 2021
OSS is at the
heart of what
we do and
helps leave the
world a little
better than we
found it
designed for
your tests with
pass/fail criteria
using JavaScript
A k6 engine
written in Go
making it one of
the the best
tools available
Use Go(lang) code
to add support for
new outputs,
protocols, and
products from
within your test
OpenSource Scriptable Performant Extensible
k6: a reliability testing tool
k6: a reliability testing tool
What is k6?
What is load testing?
Introducing the k6-operator
Where do we go from here?
Load testing is the process of putting demand on a system
and measuring its response.
The Internet
Knower of all things
● Performance testing == load testing
● It is only for large companies
● Is expensive to do
● Should only be in production
● Unnecessary if you have o11y
Myths about load testing
Why do load testing today?
Why do load testing today?
Proactively test
Common types of load tests
Average and Peak test
Soak test
Spike test
Breakpoint test
Constant Arrival Rate
Ramping Arrival Rate
Ramping VUs
Per VU iterations
Constant VUs
Shared iterations
Modeling your load tests
“Shape” activity with Executors
What is k6?
What is load testing?
Introducing the k6-operator
Where do we go from here?
Same k6 test script, multiple execution modes!
Custom Resource Definition (CRD) launcher
kubectl create cm test-scripts –from-file=script.js
k8s-worker-1 k8s-worker-2 k8s-worker-3 k8s-worker-4
57 configurable options →
CLI flags
ENV variables
Script options
Default Config file
Order of preference
Worker nodes
Running distributed tests with k6.pdf
What is k6?
What is load testing?
Introducing the k6-operator
Where do we go from here?
The “Golden Signals”
Network quality, Geolocation
Special events, Cyber attacks
Bugs, 500s, Security/Auth
Underprovisioning, Infra issues
Pre-production Production
Virtual User
Real User
Virtual User
System in
System in
Proactively improve reliability grafana/k6
Connect with Paul as
@javaducky or linkedin/in/pabalogh
Demonstration project available at
Thanks for participating!

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