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Konveyor Virtual Meetup – July 19, 2022
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© 2022 vFunction 3
The Time to Modernize is Now
© 2022 vFunction
Of App
Efforts Fail
Modernization Majority - High Cost of Failure
Average Cost of
16 mo
Average Time of a

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Project success 123Project success 123
Project success 123

This document provides guidance on successful project execution through 18 chapters. It discusses that project success is highly predictable when proper project management procedures are followed. Some key elements of success include accurate planning, reasonable goals, experienced resources, and allowing for adequate contingencies to address unforeseen conditions. While no project manager can guarantee success, they can manage projects to stay within budget and schedule by closely following proven project management steps such as developing a work breakdown structure, estimating durations, creating a logical schedule, controlling procurement, monitoring daily progress, implementing recovery plans if needed, and closing out the project upon completion.

project managementproyectosingenieria
Michigan Agile Presentation
Michigan Agile PresentationMichigan Agile Presentation
Michigan Agile Presentation

This document provides an overview of an Agile summit held by the Michigan Digital Government. It introduces Agile concepts and frameworks like Scrum. Key benefits of Agile cited include accelerated time to market, improved ability to manage changing priorities, and enhanced software quality. The summit objectives were to introduce Agile, discuss how it differs from traditional approaches, consider its application in the public sector, and allow for discussion. Agile principles like early delivery of working software, self-organizing teams, and responding to change are outlined. The document also discusses scaling Agile to multiple teams, risks, and contracting approaches to support Agile projects.

Scope creep - cylfe campain
Scope creep - cylfe campainScope creep - cylfe campain
Scope creep - cylfe campain

The document discusses scope creep, providing cases and preventative actions. It defines scope and scope creep, noting that scope creep is a common issue on many projects that can lead to going over budget and missing deadlines. The document then provides tips for controlling scope creep such as thoroughly understanding requirements, having a well-defined WBS, using change control forms, and expect some scope creep to occur. It encourages sharing lessons learned from experience to help improve projects and careers.

constructionmanagementproject management
© 2022 vFunction 5
Defining App Modernization
© 2022 vFunction 6
What Is the Goal of App Modernization?
© 2022 vFunction 7
Projects Face Many Obstacles
© 2022 vFunction 8
Why App Modernization Projects Fail

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CV-Kyramar-August 2016
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CV-Kyramar-August 2016

Mary Kyriakopoulos has over 30 years of experience in project management, operations, and business analysis. She has managed projects across multiple industries including banking, capital markets, pensions, and facilities management. She is skilled in all aspects of the project life cycle including requirements gathering, change management, testing, and implementation. She is looking for a new opportunity to contribute her extensive experience and skills.

Cv kyramar-august 2016
Cv kyramar-august 2016Cv kyramar-august 2016
Cv kyramar-august 2016

Mary Kyriakopoulos has over 30 years of experience in project management, operations, and business analysis. She has managed projects across multiple industries including banking, capital markets, pensions, and facilities management. She is skilled in all aspects of the project life cycle including requirements gathering, change management, testing, and implementation. She is looking for a new opportunity to contribute her extensive experience in leading projects and teams.

Webinar Critical Chain Project Management - Marris Consulting - June 2020
Webinar Critical Chain Project Management  - Marris Consulting - June 2020Webinar Critical Chain Project Management  - Marris Consulting - June 2020
Webinar Critical Chain Project Management - Marris Consulting - June 2020

Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) is a project management approach that allows you to finish nearly all your projects on time, to reduce their durations by about 40%, to provide excellent visibility and anticipation capability, and to create a much better working environment with much less stress and firefighting. CCPM is the Theory of Constraints' project management "solution". In this webinar, Philip Marris, who has more than 30 years of experience in the use of the Theory Of Constraints (TOC) in over 250 different companies, presents the essential components of the "Critical Chain Way": how to plan projects, how to execute them, how to implement CCPM and how to further improve performance with a focused continuous improvement process. Many real life examples will be included drawn from Marris Consulting's extensive Critical Chain experience in a great variety of environments and a great variety of types of projects: new product development, MRO, Capex projects, 10 day projects and 10 year projects... He explains the why he recommends using TOC's 5 focusing steps to project portfolios, a process often resulting in increases in productivity of more than 100% (2 to 3 times more projects completed per year). He adds his own points of view and recommendations: the possibility of combining Agile with CCPM, the relationship between CCPM and the PMI's (Project Management Institute) body of knowledge, the combination of CCPM with Lean Engineering...and how easy it is to get these extraordinary results.

critical chain project managementproject managementtheory of constraints
Migration to Modernization Strategy
from the
X No code modernization
X No technical debt removal
X No architectural changes
 Improves security
 Simplifies DevOps
X No scalability/elasticity
X No accelerated eng velocity
 Accelerated engineering velocity
 Shorter test & release cycles
 Increased scalability & elasticity
 Increased innovation
Setting Expectations 1: Migration vs. Modernization
 Accelerated rate of change -
aging all applications faster
 Today's apps will be legacy
What are you trying to achieve?
Business Logic
Setting Expectations 2:
Avoiding Quick Fixes
❌ Backend business logic is still unchanged
❌ Code is still monolithic
❌ No change in scalability, engineering velocity,
or technical debt.
Still a
Monolithic Architecture
Modernizing Everything But
the Business Logic
Modernizing the UI first is just putting a shiny
wrapper on a still persistent problem
UI tightly coupled with the business logic
Modernizing the Business Logic
 Break down the monolith business logic and
create new micro frontends for each service
 Tackle technical debt head on
 Support rapid innovation & engineering velocity
<Decompose the
Business Logic
Modernizing the busines logic will bring the
most value and competitive edge
© 2022 vFunction 11
Most Difficult Steps
© 2022 vFunction 12
Challenges with Refactoring

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Ch22 - Project Management
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Ch22 - Project Management

The document discusses several aspects of software project management including risk management, managing people, and teamwork. It describes the risk management process of identifying, analyzing, planning for, and monitoring risks. Examples of different types of project, product, and business risks are provided. The document also discusses the importance of people management in projects and different personality types and motivations that managers should consider. Motivation factors like an individual's needs hierarchy and creating a balanced environment are addressed.

software engineeringian sommerville
Ch22 project management
Ch22 project managementCh22 project management
Ch22 project management

The document discusses several topics related to software project management including risk management, managing people, and teamwork. It describes the key activities of a project manager including planning, risk assessment, people management, reporting, and proposal writing. Specific risks at the project, product, and business levels are defined and strategies for risk identification, analysis, planning, monitoring, and mitigation are outlined. Effective people management is also emphasized, including motivating team members through satisfying different human needs and personality types. A case study demonstrates how addressing an individual team member's motivation issues can improve project outcomes.

Making Your Apps Cloudy - Migrating to Microservices
Making Your Apps Cloudy - Migrating to MicroservicesMaking Your Apps Cloudy - Migrating to Microservices
Making Your Apps Cloudy - Migrating to Microservices

Converting from a three tier or monolithic application to microservices can be daunting, and often comes at a non-trivial cost or effort. So why are organizations doing it, and how do they justify the expense? We will discuss some of the practices and migration strategies used by organizations who undergo this sort of transformation, such as extracting functions through refactoring and converting them to microservices. As the journey progresses, we learn that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to making applications cloud-native… so the real question needs to be ‘how do I find the right approach for me?’ We can help you begin to answer that question for yourself, by discussing the facets of consideration such as technical, procedural, and risk tolerance to name a few.

cloudcloud computingmicroservices
© 2022 vFunction 13
Maintaining Monoliths is Fraught with Real
© 2022 vFunction 14
Secrets to Successful Projects
© 2022 vFunction 15
Guidance for Success
1. Make the Case - first analyze the portfolio for architectural complexity, technical debt and to
identify aging frameworks; from here, prioritizations can be made, and then scoping the time, budget
and team members needed can be aligned.
2. Secure Budget & Resources - armed with the right business case, securing budget and
resources may be easier, especially when tied to the strategic business outcomes
3. Give It Consistent Report - support needed from executive management through changing
tides quarter to quarter is key to a successful project. Losing site of it in priorities and faltering on
commitment is a reason project stall, stop or end.
4. Define, Align & Train the Team - look across your team to determine what skills are in house
already, and what skills are need to add to the team. Next, gather the stakeholders and put the right
people in the right places. Finally, organize your team around the microservices - a critical element of
successful projects.
5. Provide Your Architects with Intelligent Tools - architects noted that not having the right
tools was as top reason for failure. Giving them intelligent tools will help reduce time and risk
© 2022 vFunction 16
Key Takeaways

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Managing Project Success
Managing Project SuccessManaging Project Success
Managing Project Success

The document discusses criteria for determining project success. It argues that using only time and budget constraints is too simplistic, as projects can exceed budgets but still be successful, or finish on time/budget but fail to achieve business goals. The document recommends setting a single target for project net present value at a defined point in time to account for schedule, cost, and revenue/profit forecasts. This allows managers to make decisions based on full business consequences and define success targets with contingency reserves for the project team, management team, and management.

project managementpmp
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Are You Thinking Of Mobile Application Modernization-OpenTeQ.pptxAre You Thinking Of Mobile Application Modernization-OpenTeQ.pptx
Are You Thinking Of Mobile Application Modernization-OpenTeQ.pptx

In this blog, we will discuss what are the key benefits of application modernization and what is the right way of implementing it. Visit:

mobile app development
The Real Reason That Projects Fail and How to Fix it - An Introduction to Cri...
The Real Reason That Projects Fail and How to Fix it - An Introduction to Cri...The Real Reason That Projects Fail and How to Fix it - An Introduction to Cri...
The Real Reason That Projects Fail and How to Fix it - An Introduction to Cri...

The document discusses project management techniques and introduces Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM). It notes that traditional project management methods often result in projects being late, over budget, below specifications and below quality. It then outlines some of the key principles of CCPM, which aims to resolve issues in traditional approaches that slow things down and lead to inefficiencies. Specifically, CCPM uses a schedule with few internal due dates to allow for early finishes, aggregates contingency at the project level rather than at the task level, and accounts for resource constraints that the critical path method does not. The document argues this approach can deliver projects on time, faster and with increased productivity compared to traditional methods.

project managementccpmproject failure
Thank You.

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  • 1. 1 Konveyor Virtual Meetup – July 19, 2022
  • 3. © 2022 vFunction 3 The Time to Modernize is Now
  • 4. © 2022 vFunction 79% Of App Modernization Efforts Fail 4 Modernization Majority - High Cost of Failure $1.5m Average Cost of Modernization Efforts. 16 mo Average Time of a Modernization Project
  • 5. © 2022 vFunction 5 Defining App Modernization
  • 6. © 2022 vFunction 6 What Is the Goal of App Modernization?
  • 7. © 2022 vFunction 7 Projects Face Many Obstacles
  • 8. © 2022 vFunction 8 Why App Modernization Projects Fail
  • 9. Migration to Modernization Strategy Value from the Cloud Re-host Re-platform Refactor Rearchitect Rewrite Continuous Modernization BREADTH OF CHANGE BENEFITS TACTICAL (CONTAINERIZATION) X No code modernization X No technical debt removal X No architectural changes  Improves security  Simplifies DevOps X No scalability/elasticity X No accelerated eng velocity STRATEGIC (MICROSERVICES)  Accelerated engineering velocity  Shorter test & release cycles  Increased scalability & elasticity  Increased innovation Setting Expectations 1: Migration vs. Modernization MIGRATION MODERNIZATION  Accelerated rate of change - aging all applications faster  Today's apps will be legacy tomorrow What are you trying to achieve?
  • 10. UI Business Logic Database Setting Expectations 2: Avoiding Quick Fixes ❌ Backend business logic is still unchanged ❌ Code is still monolithic ❌ No change in scalability, engineering velocity, or technical debt. Still a Monolith Monolithic Architecture Modernizing Everything But the Business Logic Modernizing the UI first is just putting a shiny wrapper on a still persistent problem UI tightly coupled with the business logic Modernizing the Business Logic First Monolith  Break down the monolith business logic and create new micro frontends for each service  Tackle technical debt head on  Support rapid innovation & engineering velocity <Decompose the Business Logic Monolith Modernizing the busines logic will bring the most value and competitive edge
  • 11. © 2022 vFunction 11 Most Difficult Steps
  • 12. © 2022 vFunction 12 Challenges with Refactoring
  • 13. © 2022 vFunction 13 Maintaining Monoliths is Fraught with Real Challenges
  • 14. © 2022 vFunction 14 Secrets to Successful Projects
  • 15. © 2022 vFunction 15 Guidance for Success 1. Make the Case - first analyze the portfolio for architectural complexity, technical debt and to identify aging frameworks; from here, prioritizations can be made, and then scoping the time, budget and team members needed can be aligned. 2. Secure Budget & Resources - armed with the right business case, securing budget and resources may be easier, especially when tied to the strategic business outcomes 3. Give It Consistent Report - support needed from executive management through changing tides quarter to quarter is key to a successful project. Losing site of it in priorities and faltering on commitment is a reason project stall, stop or end. 4. Define, Align & Train the Team - look across your team to determine what skills are in house already, and what skills are need to add to the team. Next, gather the stakeholders and put the right people in the right places. Finally, organize your team around the microservices - a critical element of successful projects. 5. Provide Your Architects with Intelligent Tools - architects noted that not having the right tools was as top reason for failure. Giving them intelligent tools will help reduce time and risk
  • 16. © 2022 vFunction 16 Key Takeaways