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OTel Me All About
The Current & Future State,
Navigating the Project, and
Getting Involved
Reese Lee, New Relic
● Introductions
● Current & Future State
● Navigating the Project
● Getting Involved
● Q&A
Reese Lee
Developer Relations Engineer
OpenTelemetry Community
Team, New Relic
Is also into: the paranormal, stand-up comedy, and all the
What is purpose of this webinar?
● To help end users navigate the community and project
● To encourage contributions

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NUS-ISS Learning Day 2015 - Project Management - May the Agility be with You
NUS-ISS Learning Day 2015 - Project Management - May the Agility be with YouNUS-ISS Learning Day 2015 - Project Management - May the Agility be with You
NUS-ISS Learning Day 2015 - Project Management - May the Agility be with You

The document outlines an unconference discussion on adopting agile practices. It introduces the unconference format and poses questions about experiences implementing agile. Common challenges are discussed, such as whether scrum eliminates the need for a project manager. The tensions between project management and software engineering aspects of agile are also examined. The discussion suggests both considering organizational readiness and marrying traditional project frameworks with scrum. Finally, it encourages an agile mindset and continuous improvement.

Philosophy of Open Source - SFO17-TR01
Philosophy of Open Source - SFO17-TR01Philosophy of Open Source - SFO17-TR01
Philosophy of Open Source - SFO17-TR01

The document discusses the history and philosophy of open source software. It begins by explaining that open source refers to the development methodology, not free software which is a social movement. The origins of open source date back to the 1960s when computer programmers shared source code. However, in the 1980s access to source code became restricted by vendors. This led to the rise of the free software movement and creation of the Free Software Foundation in 1985. In 1998, the Open Source Initiative was formed to promote open source principles to businesses. The document outlines the differences between the goals of OSI and FSF, and describes common open source licenses and development processes like forking.

philosophyopen sourcehistory
Going open source first
Going open source firstGoing open source first
Going open source first

Presentation at Jboye11, in Aarhus, November 10th 20111. Business needs makes it necessary to customizing software, but those changes are hard to maintain when upgrading or simply because the original developer has left. Open source software prides itself by having many eyes that look at the code and many commit their time and energy enhancing OSS. Is open source a viable alternative for commercial off-the shelf software (COTS)? Kristian presents the obstacles and opportunities with OSS. He will also shares some practical advice, based on what they have learnt when starting to use OSS.

open source software public sector
What is the OpenTelemetry project?
● A collection of tools, APIs, and SDKs
● To help you analyze your software’s
performance and behavior
● Merging of OpenTracing and
OpenCensus in 2019
What is OpenTelemetry not?
● OpenTelemetry != backend or
storage solution
● What’s the current state of the project?
● What’s new and upcoming?
What’s the current state of the project?

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Open Source Product Management with KEMP Tech's PM
Open Source Product Management with KEMP Tech's PMOpen Source Product Management with KEMP Tech's PM
Open Source Product Management with KEMP Tech's PM

This document discusses open source product management. It begins by defining open source software as software where the source code is publicly available under an open source license. It then discusses who uses open source including individuals, communities, customers, and corporations. It outlines different business models for open source including pure open source, community open source, subscription models, and multi-license models. Finally, it discusses how to successfully manage an open source project through governance, licensing, usability, communication, and community building.

product schooltechkemp tech
Info Session GDSC USICT
Info Session GDSC USICTInfo Session GDSC USICT
Info Session GDSC USICT

GDSC USICT organized an “INFO SESSION”. In this event the leads of all the teams introduced themselves to all the students and informed them about the benefits of joining GDSC. Leads gave students a broad idea about the technologies they would be working on and how it would help the students to solve real-life problems of society and to grow themselves.

Netflix OSS Meetup Season 4 Episode 4
Netflix OSS Meetup Season 4 Episode 4Netflix OSS Meetup Season 4 Episode 4
Netflix OSS Meetup Season 4 Episode 4

In this episode, we will focus on open sourcing how we run Netflix's open source program. Netflix has been using and contributing to open source for several years. Over the years, Netflix has released over one hundred Netflix Open Source (aka NetflixOSS) libraries, servers, and technologies. Netflix engineers benefit by accepting contributions and gathering feedback with key collaborators around the world. Users of NetflixOSS from many industries benefit from our solutions including Big Data, Build and Delivery Tools, Runtime Services and Libraries, Data Persistence, Insight, Reliability and Performance, Security and User Interface. With such a large and mature open source program, Netflix has worked on approaches and tools that help manage and improve the NetflixOSS source offerings and communities. Netflix has taken a different approach to building support for open source as compared to other Internet scale companies. Come to this session to learn about the unique approaches Netflix has taken to both distribute and automate the responsibilities of building a world-class open source program.

open sourcenetflixossnetflix
What’s the current state of the project?
What’s the current state of the project?
Data Model GA (2020) GA (2021) GA (2022)
API Spec GA (2021) GA (2022) In progress
SDK Spec GA (2021) GA (2022) In progress
Protocol GA (2021) GA (2022) GA (2022)
Implementations 8 GA, 4 in progress 0 GA, 5 RC, 7 in
0 GA, 0 RC,
Collector usable in
Traces Metrics Logs
What’s new and upcoming?
● Metrics RC and GA releases
● Profiles being added as a
new signal
● Logging GA targeted for 2023
● Instrumentation availability and quality
● Community demo application SIG
● End user discussion group
● Concepts & Components
● Community
○ SIGs
○ Governance Committee
○ Technical Committee
● Documentation
● Bonus: OTEPs

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Best Practices for API Adoption - WIP Factory presentation for AnyPresence we...
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Best Practices for API Adoption - WIP Factory presentation for AnyPresence we...

The document discusses best practices for API adoption and onboarding developers. It recommends focusing onboarding efforts on the right developers by understanding their needs and expectations. The onboarding process should make it easy for developers to get started through quick registration, documentation, examples and getting developers to their first "Hello World" quickly to minimize friction. Libraries, SDKs and other tools can help light the path for developers. Managing expectations and understanding different types of developers is also important for effective onboarding.

developer outreachapisapistrategy
It is easy contributing to open source - JCON 2020
It is easy contributing to open source - JCON 2020It is easy contributing to open source - JCON 2020
It is easy contributing to open source - JCON 2020

The problem developers new to open source have is joining the community, starting to contribute, and using common open source tools. In this session, attendees will learn how to contribute and become valuable a part of any open source community. Attendees will learn soft and hard skills based on two case studies: Eclipse MicroProfile and Apache TomEE projects. Attendees will learn to access the culture of open source projects, expected behavior and attitude toward new contributors; how to start small, take risks, ask lots of questions; and how to get started with common open source tools like Maven, Git, and JIRA. Students will leave this workshop the soft skills and the hard skills required to make meaningful contributions.

Open agile is free and open source community agile-
Open agile  is free and open source community agile-Open agile  is free and open source community agile-
Open agile is free and open source community agile-

This document discusses similarities and differences between agile methodologies and open source software development. It analyzes how principles of agile development like early delivery, customer collaboration, responding to change, and valuing individuals align with practices in open source communities. While open source lacks formal business interactions and face-to-face teams, its distributed model relies on self-organizing developers and releasing code frequently in a way that achieves agile goals.

agile software developmentproject managementopen source
What are some of the various OpenTelemetry concepts and components?
● Semantic conventions
● Specification
● Collector
What are some of the various OpenTelemetry concepts and components?
● Semantic conventions
● Specification
● Collector
Provides a standard way to collect
instrumentation data
What are some of the various OpenTelemetry concepts and components?
● Semantic conventions
● Specification
● Collector
Provides standard ways to configure what
we want to do with the instrumentation
data collected by the API
What are some of the various OpenTelemetry concepts and components?
● Semantic conventions
● Specification
● Collector
Conventional attributes that
describe common software

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These slides were used to teach the module "Introduction to Agile Software Development & Python" as a sub-section of the major course "Software Engineering" for the 3rd year undergraduates of the Department of Computer Engineering, University of Peradeniya in 2010.

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Why Open Source Products Are Important by a Google Tech Manager
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Why Open Source Products Are Important by a Google Tech Manager

This talk was geared towards a non-technical audience interested in the magic and wonder of open source. Danny Rosen went over what open source is, why it's important, what it means to have an open source product and why it's important to customers. He also discussed what it's like to be involved in the open source community from the perspective of a user, a product manager and a developer, and the challenges and opportunities related to community management and community involvement.

productproduct schoolproduct management
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This presentation provides insight into the extent in which Agile and Enterprise Architecture can be combined and how they are related.

enterprise architecturedevopsscrum
What are some of the various OpenTelemetry concepts and components?
● Semantic conventions
● Specification
● Collector
Provides blueprints for all of the
above to bring standardization
across all languages
What are some of the various OpenTelemetry concepts and components?
● Semantic conventions
● Specification
● Collector
A highly configurable system for
processing telemetry data
What are some of the various OpenTelemetry concepts and components?
● Semantic conventions
● Specification
● Collector
● OTLP How each data signal should be
encoded and transferred over
OpenTelemetry’s exchange protocol
What are the SIGs?
● Special Interest Groups
● Improve workflow, manage project efficiently
● Each SIG meets regularly, meeting notes and recordings are
available (check public calendar)
● Examples: Communications, Ruby, Collector

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Foundation Comparison
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Foundation Comparison

OSGeo and LocationTech are both organizations that support open source geospatial software. OSGeo is a non-profit foundation that aims to support collaborative development and promote widespread use of open source geospatial software. LocationTech is an Eclipse working group that develops advanced location technologies. Both organizations provide resources for projects like code sprints, marketing assistance, and incubation processes to help projects with open development. The incubation processes differ in some ways, with LocationTech providing more automated processes through the Eclipse infrastructure and more frequent IP reviews, while OSGeo incubation can take 1-6 years but provides more flexibility. Both organizations complement each other in supporting the geospatial open source community.

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BUD17-TR01: Philosophy of Open Source
BUD17-TR01: Philosophy of Open SourceBUD17-TR01: Philosophy of Open Source
BUD17-TR01: Philosophy of Open Source

"Session ID: BUD17-TR02 Session Name: Upstreaming 101 - BUD17-TR02 Speaker: Track: ★ Session Summary ★ Introduction to the mechanics and norms of upstreaming --------------------------------------------------- ★ Resources ★ Event Page: Presentation: Video: --------------------------------------------------- ★ Event Details ★ Linaro Connect Budapest 2017 (BUD17) 6-10 March 2017 Corinthia Hotel, Budapest, Erzsébet krt. 43-49, 1073 Hungary --------------------------------------------------- Keyword: Upstreaming, 101 --------------------------------------------------- Follow us on Social Media

How To Do A Project
How To Do A ProjectHow To Do A Project
How To Do A Project

The document provides guidance on how to plan and execute a project. It recommends first picking a title and defining the project scope. It then discusses performing requirements analysis, designing the development environment and overall system architecture, coding and testing the project, and managing the project schedule and resources. Finally, it provides some example project ideas and tools to support the development process.

What is the Governance Committee?
● Role: “to be a live, responsive body that can refactor and reform
as necessary to adapt to a changing project and community”
What is the Technical Committee?
● Role: “responsible for all technical development within the
OpenTelemetry project”
What about documentation?
● Communications SIG
● Some languages have more
comprehensive documentation than
● Standardization and improvements
under way
Bonus: What are OTEPs?
● OpenTelemetry Enhancement
● OTEP process for proposing changes to
the specification
● Cross-cutting changes that “introduce
new behaviour, change desired
behaviour, or otherwise modify
● How do I get help with using OpenTelemetry?
● What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute?

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How To Do A Project?
How To Do A Project?How To Do A Project?
How To Do A Project?

The document provides guidance on how to plan and execute a project. It recommends first picking a title and defining the project scope. It then discusses conducting requirements analysis, designing the development environment and architecture, writing code according to standards, and managing the project schedule and milestones. Finally, it lists some example project ideas and tools to support testing, version control, project management, and development environments.

Its easy! contributing to open source - Devnexus 2020
Its easy! contributing to open source - Devnexus 2020Its easy! contributing to open source - Devnexus 2020
Its easy! contributing to open source - Devnexus 2020

The problem developers new to open source have is joining the community, starting to contribute, and using common open source tools. In this session, attendees will learn how to contribute and become valuable a part of any open source community. Attendees will learn soft and hard skills based on two case studies: Eclipse MicroProfile and Apache TomEE projects. Attendees will learn to access the culture of open source projects, expected behavior and attitude toward new contributors; how to start small, take risks, ask lots of questions; and how to get started with common open source tools like Maven, Git, and JIRA. Students will leave this workshop the soft skills and the hard skills required to make meaningful contributions.

Running distributed tests with k6.pdf
Running distributed tests with k6.pdfRunning distributed tests with k6.pdf
Running distributed tests with k6.pdf

k6 is an open source load testing tool that was acquired by Grafana in 2021. It allows teams to test reliability before problems impact users by simulating user traffic to applications and services. The k6-operator allows running distributed k6 tests on Kubernetes and integrates k6 into developer workflows. It provides many options for configuring and scaling tests through JavaScript scripts.

How do I get help with using OpenTelemetry?
● CNCF Slack
○ General (#opentelemetry)
○ Component-specific (#otel-___)
○ Vendor-specific or #otel-vendor
● Github
How do I get help with using OpenTelemetry?
● End user discussion meeting (incoming)
○ #otel-endusers (invite required -
Rynn Mancuso or myself))
○ Look for updates or reach out to us
in #otel-user-research
What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute?
What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute?
● Honestly, everything
● But particularly:
○ Documentation
○ Instrumentation (defining semantic conventions and
maintaining contributed instrumentation)

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This document discusses extending kubectl functionality through plugins. It introduces kubectl plugins and Krew, a plugin manager for kubectl. It covers developing and publishing plugins, including writing plugins in any language, creating a krew manifest, and automating plugin updates through GitHub actions.

Enhancing Data Protection Workflows with Kanister And Argo Workflows
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This document discusses enhancing data protection workflows with Kanister and Argo Workflows. It begins with discussing the need for data protection of stateful workloads on Kubernetes and challenges with current approaches. It then provides an overview of Kanister, an open source tool for application-level data protection on Kubernetes. Kanister uses custom resources and functions to abstract away complex data protection workflows. It also works with Argo Workflows to scale parallel data operations. The document concludes with a demo of using Kanister's CSI functions to create and restore snapshots and scaling snapshots with Argo Workflows.

Fallacies in Platform Engineering.pdf
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Fallacies in Platform Engineering.pdf

This document discusses 10 common fallacies in platform engineering. It begins by introducing the speaker and topic, which are 10 fallacies seen in platform engineering and how to mitigate them. Some of the fallacies discussed include prioritizing the wrong procedures, relying only on visualizations, trying to replace all tools at once, providing too much freedom without constraints, and trying to compete directly with large cloud providers. The goal of platform engineering is to standardize processes and reduce cognitive load on developers and operations teams.

What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute?
What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute?
Implementers have one view of the universe, end
users have another. We need more end users to speak
up and have a voice in the project!
Ted Young, co-founder of OpenTelemetry and
Director of Developer Education, Lightstep
What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute?
Juraci Paixão Kröhling, OpenTelemetry maintainer and
Software Engineer, Grafana
What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute?
…the biggest advantage is that companies can help shape the
project's direction according to their needs, and I don't mean it in a
bad way at all: a lot of times, the project maintainers make
decisions based on what they think users would want. Sometimes,
we have data or requests from actual customers, but it's not the
same thing: having the opinions of a diverse user base is essential
for the project's success.
Juraci Paixão Kröhling, OpenTelemetry maintainer and
Software Engineer, Grafana

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This document introduces Fluvio, an open-source data streaming platform founded by the creators of Nginx's open-source service mesh. It provides a programmable platform for data in motion that can be used to build analytics pipelines, track user behavior and sensor data, and enable fraud detection. Fluvio offers better performance and lower costs compared to Kafka. The roadmap details ongoing development of Fluvio and its cloud offering from InfinyOn, including adding smart modules, connectors, and pipelines.

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The document summarizes a CNCF webinar about Project Updates with LitmusChaos. The webinar agenda covers what's new in LitmusChaos 2.0, use cases from iFood and HaloDoc, and a demo of making an e-commerce application resilient. For iFood, the challenges of a growing online food delivery platform moving to microservices are described. For HaloDoc, the service reliability challenges of a hybrid cloud-native healthcare application are covered. LitmusChaos helps both companies by providing experiments, observability, and automation to test reliability.

What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute?
But one thing I see companies doing wrong is just telling their folks
to contribute, without a strategy in mind. So, my advice is to focus
on the areas that matter to the company, with a plan and strategic
direction. If they can get measurable goals attached to the
company's own goal, so much the better: this way, their open
source contributions become relevant to the company!
Juraci Paixão Kröhling, OpenTelemetry maintainer and
Software Engineer, Grafana
What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute?
I love working in open source because its
global nature exposes me to a very diverse set
of people, ideas, and opinions that would
otherwise be difficult to tap into.
Daniel Dyla, OpenTelemetry maintainer & Governance
Committee Member, and Senior Open Source Architect,
What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute?
I also especially love the community feeling in
OpenTelemetry where vendors and platforms
who would ordinarily be considered competitors
can work together to improve the state of the
ecosystem for everybody involved.
Daniel Dyla, OpenTelemetry maintainer & Governance
Committee Member, and Senior Open Source Architect,
What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute?
…participating and contributing to OSS helps
you hone your skills. If you have not worked for
a remote-first company before, joining an OSS
project will help you gain real world experience.
Ariel Valentin, OpenTelemetry contributor & adopter, and
Software Engineer Observability, GitHub

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Oh The Places You'll Sign.pdf
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Oh The Places You'll Sign.pdf

This document discusses Sigstore, a new standard for signing, verifying, and protecting software. It provides three key pieces - Cosign for signing things, Fulcio for signing with short-lived certificates, and Rekor for verification and monitoring. Sigstore allows signing of software artifacts, documents like SBOMs and attestations, and git commits. Attestations provide signed statements about software, and Sigstore ensures their integrity. Sigstore supports achieving different levels in the SLSA framework for supply chain security. It also aligns with frameworks from NIST and CIS. Tools like Gitsign allow "keyless" signing of git commits to meet requirements for verified history and two-person review.

Rancher MasterClass - Avoiding-configuration-drift.pptx
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Rancher MasterClass - Avoiding-configuration-drift.pptx

This document summarizes a presentation on avoiding configuration drift with Argo CD. It introduces configuration drift as differences between environments that are supposed to be similar, such as undocumented changes or "cowboy deployments". It then discusses how configuration drift can occur in Kubernetes and strategies like GitOps and Argo CD that use bidirectional synchronization between code repositories and clusters. This helps guarantee clusters always deploy the desired configuration from Git and can self-heal if manual changes are made. The presentation includes a live demo of these concepts using Rancher and Argo CD.

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This document summarizes a virtual meetup on app modernization. It discusses that 79% of app modernization efforts fail, with the average cost being $1.5 million and time being 16 months. App modernization aims to improve scalability, engineering velocity, and remove technical debt. Common obstacles include complexity, technical debt, and lack of resources. Modernizing just the UI without the business logic is ineffective. The document recommends prioritizing modernizing the business logic first to achieve the most benefits, and provides guidance for successful modernization projects such as defining requirements, securing resources, training teams, and providing the right tools.

What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute?
● Was a great way to learn about PHP stuff from
experienced people, given I had little
● Helped me learn more about OTEL and the o11y
space as a whole
● Was a fun gateway to other OTEL channels to
learn even more and be aware of more people too
OpenTelemetry end user & contributor
What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute?
By contributing to an open source project
you will learn a lot from amazing engineers,
be at the forefront of innovation, and if the
project is success …being proud of all work
Henrik Rexed, OpenTelemetry contributor and Cloud
Native Advocate, Dynatrace
What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute?
● What are you interested in?
● Code and non-code contributions welcome
● Join:
○ Mailing lists
○ The appropriate SIG
○ Community meetings
What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute?
● Share your experiences and feedback about using
OpenTelemetry with us!
○ #otel-user-research (public)
○ #otel-endusers (invite-only)

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CNCF Live Webinar: Low Footprint Java Containers with GraalVM
CNCF Live Webinar: Low Footprint Java Containers with GraalVMCNCF Live Webinar: Low Footprint Java Containers with GraalVM
CNCF Live Webinar: Low Footprint Java Containers with GraalVM

GraalVM Native Image can compile Java applications into native executables for improved performance and lower resource usage compared to the traditional Java Runtime. It works by ahead-of-time compiling Java applications into native images that have a smaller footprint when deployed in containers and start faster than traditionally interpreted Java applications. Native images generated by GraalVM Native Image were shown to use half the memory and achieve better throughput than the same application running on the Java Runtime when deployed to Oracle Kubernetes Engine.


This document summarizes a workshop about using EnRoute and Open Policy Agent (OPA) to enforce policies at the ingress level. It includes an overview of EnRoute and OPA, a system diagram, differences between EnRoute and other ingress controllers, how OPA can be used for attribute-based access control (ABAC). It then demonstrates configuring EnRoute with OPA integration, installing an example workload secured with JWT, enforcing JWT claims using an OPA policy, and verifying the policy is applied.


1. An air-gapped Kubernetes environment restricts internet access to increase security by preventing downloads of malicious data and attacks from outside entities. 2. Implementing an air-gapped Kubernetes cluster is more difficult than a standard one and requires additional effort for maintenance, but provides protections such as preventing data exfiltration by third parties. 3. Deploying components like the ELK stack in an air-gapped environment requires manually downloading, transferring, and installing charts and images due to the lack of access to external registries and repositories. Processes and permissions must be tightly controlled to maintain security.

What else would you
like to know?
OpenTelemetry links
● Official site
● Community Github
● Google calendar
● CNCF Slack
Get or keep in touch with me!
● LinkedIn (reese-lee)
● @reesesbytes (Twitter)

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Copy of OTel Me All About OpenTelemetry The Current & Future State, Navigating the Project, and Getting Involved (2).pdf

  • 1. OTel Me All About OpenTelemetry The Current & Future State, Navigating the Project, and Getting Involved Reese Lee, New Relic
  • 2. AGENDA ● Introductions ● Current & Future State ● Navigating the Project ● Getting Involved ● Q&A
  • 3. INTRODUCTIONS Reese Lee Developer Relations Engineer OpenTelemetry Community Team, New Relic Is also into: the paranormal, stand-up comedy, and all the foods
  • 4. INTRODUCTIONS What is purpose of this webinar? ● To help end users navigate the community and project ● To encourage contributions
  • 5. INTRODUCTIONS What is the OpenTelemetry project? ● A collection of tools, APIs, and SDKs ● To help you analyze your software’s performance and behavior ● Merging of OpenTracing and OpenCensus in 2019
  • 6. INTRODUCTIONS What is OpenTelemetry not? ● OpenTelemetry != backend or storage solution
  • 7. CURRENT & FUTURE STATE ● What’s the current state of the project? ● What’s new and upcoming?
  • 8. CURRENT & FUTURE STATE What’s the current state of the project?
  • 9. CURRENT & FUTURE STATE What’s the current state of the project?
  • 10. CURRENT & FUTURE STATE What’s the current state of the project? Data Model GA (2020) GA (2021) GA (2022) API Spec GA (2021) GA (2022) In progress SDK Spec GA (2021) GA (2022) In progress Protocol GA (2021) GA (2022) GA (2022) Implementations 8 GA, 4 in progress 0 GA, 5 RC, 7 in progress 0 GA, 0 RC, Collector usable in prod Traces Metrics Logs
  • 11. CURRENT & FUTURE STATE What’s new and upcoming? ● Metrics RC and GA releases ● Profiles being added as a new signal ● Logging GA targeted for 2023 ● Instrumentation availability and quality ● Community demo application SIG ● End user discussion group
  • 12. NAVIGATING THE PROJECT ● Concepts & Components ● Community ○ SIGs ○ Governance Committee ○ Technical Committee ● Documentation ● Bonus: OTEPs
  • 13. NAVIGATING THE PROJECT What are some of the various OpenTelemetry concepts and components? ● API ● SDK ● Semantic conventions ● Specification ● Collector ● OTLP
  • 14. NAVIGATING THE PROJECT What are some of the various OpenTelemetry concepts and components? ● API ● SDK ● Semantic conventions ● Specification ● Collector ● OTLP Provides a standard way to collect instrumentation data
  • 15. NAVIGATING THE PROJECT What are some of the various OpenTelemetry concepts and components? ● API ● SDK ● Semantic conventions ● Specification ● Collector ● OTLP Provides standard ways to configure what we want to do with the instrumentation data collected by the API
  • 16. NAVIGATING THE PROJECT What are some of the various OpenTelemetry concepts and components? ● API ● SDK ● Semantic conventions ● Specification ● Collector ● OTLP Conventional attributes that describe common software operations
  • 17. NAVIGATING THE PROJECT What are some of the various OpenTelemetry concepts and components? ● API ● SDK ● Semantic conventions ● Specification ● Collector ● OTLP Provides blueprints for all of the above to bring standardization across all languages
  • 18. NAVIGATING THE PROJECT What are some of the various OpenTelemetry concepts and components? ● API ● SDK ● Semantic conventions ● Specification ● Collector ● OTLP A highly configurable system for processing telemetry data
  • 19. NAVIGATING THE PROJECT What are some of the various OpenTelemetry concepts and components? ● API ● SDK ● Semantic conventions ● Specification ● Collector ● OTLP How each data signal should be encoded and transferred over OpenTelemetry’s exchange protocol
  • 20. NAVIGATING THE PROJECT What are the SIGs? ● Special Interest Groups ● Improve workflow, manage project efficiently ● Each SIG meets regularly, meeting notes and recordings are available (check public calendar) ● Examples: Communications, Ruby, Collector
  • 21. NAVIGATING THE PROJECT What is the Governance Committee? ● Role: “to be a live, responsive body that can refactor and reform as necessary to adapt to a changing project and community” What is the Technical Committee? ● Role: “responsible for all technical development within the OpenTelemetry project”
  • 22. NAVIGATING THE PROJECT What about documentation? ● ● Communications SIG ● Some languages have more comprehensive documentation than others ● Standardization and improvements under way
  • 23. NAVIGATING THE PROJECT Bonus: What are OTEPs? ● OpenTelemetry Enhancement Proposal ● OTEP process for proposing changes to the specification ● Cross-cutting changes that “introduce new behaviour, change desired behaviour, or otherwise modify requirements”
  • 24. GETTING INVOLVED ● How do I get help with using OpenTelemetry? ● What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute?
  • 25. GETTING INVOLVED How do I get help with using OpenTelemetry? ● CNCF Slack ○ General (#opentelemetry) ○ Component-specific (#otel-___) ○ Vendor-specific or #otel-vendor ● Github
  • 26. GETTING INVOLVED How do I get help with using OpenTelemetry? ● End user discussion meeting (incoming) ○ #otel-endusers (invite required - Rynn Mancuso or myself)) ○ Look for updates or reach out to us in #otel-user-research
  • 27. GETTING INVOLVED What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute?
  • 28. GETTING INVOLVED What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute? ● Honestly, everything ● But particularly: ○ Documentation ○ PHP ○ Instrumentation (defining semantic conventions and maintaining contributed instrumentation)
  • 29. GETTING INVOLVED What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute?
  • 30. GETTING INVOLVED What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute? Implementers have one view of the universe, end users have another. We need more end users to speak up and have a voice in the project! Ted Young, co-founder of OpenTelemetry and Director of Developer Education, Lightstep
  • 31. GETTING INVOLVED What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute? Juraci Paixão Kröhling, OpenTelemetry maintainer and Software Engineer, Grafana
  • 32. GETTING INVOLVED What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute? …the biggest advantage is that companies can help shape the project's direction according to their needs, and I don't mean it in a bad way at all: a lot of times, the project maintainers make decisions based on what they think users would want. Sometimes, we have data or requests from actual customers, but it's not the same thing: having the opinions of a diverse user base is essential for the project's success. Juraci Paixão Kröhling, OpenTelemetry maintainer and Software Engineer, Grafana
  • 33. GETTING INVOLVED What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute? But one thing I see companies doing wrong is just telling their folks to contribute, without a strategy in mind. So, my advice is to focus on the areas that matter to the company, with a plan and strategic direction. If they can get measurable goals attached to the company's own goal, so much the better: this way, their open source contributions become relevant to the company! Juraci Paixão Kröhling, OpenTelemetry maintainer and Software Engineer, Grafana
  • 34. GETTING INVOLVED What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute? I love working in open source because its global nature exposes me to a very diverse set of people, ideas, and opinions that would otherwise be difficult to tap into. Daniel Dyla, OpenTelemetry maintainer & Governance Committee Member, and Senior Open Source Architect, Dynatrace
  • 35. GETTING INVOLVED What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute? I also especially love the community feeling in OpenTelemetry where vendors and platforms who would ordinarily be considered competitors can work together to improve the state of the ecosystem for everybody involved. Daniel Dyla, OpenTelemetry maintainer & Governance Committee Member, and Senior Open Source Architect, Dynatrace
  • 36. GETTING INVOLVED What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute? …participating and contributing to OSS helps you hone your skills. If you have not worked for a remote-first company before, joining an OSS project will help you gain real world experience. Ariel Valentin, OpenTelemetry contributor & adopter, and Software Engineer Observability, GitHub
  • 37. GETTING INVOLVED What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute? ● Was a great way to learn about PHP stuff from experienced people, given I had little ● Helped me learn more about OTEL and the o11y space as a whole ● Was a fun gateway to other OTEL channels to learn even more and be aware of more people too OpenTelemetry end user & contributor
  • 38. GETTING INVOLVED What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute? By contributing to an open source project you will learn a lot from amazing engineers, be at the forefront of innovation, and if the project is success …being proud of all work done Henrik Rexed, OpenTelemetry contributor and Cloud Native Advocate, Dynatrace
  • 39. GETTING INVOLVED What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute? ● What are you interested in? ● Code and non-code contributions welcome ● Join: ○ Mailing lists ○ The appropriate SIG ○ Community meetings
  • 40. GETTING INVOLVED What areas need help, and why should/how can I contribute? ● Share your experiences and feedback about using OpenTelemetry with us! ○ #otel-user-research (public) ○ #otel-endusers (invite-only)
  • 41. Q&A What else would you like to know?
  • 42. RESOURCES OpenTelemetry links ● Official site ● Community Github ● Google calendar ● CNCF Slack Get or keep in touch with me! ● LinkedIn (reese-lee) ● @reesesbytes (Twitter)