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Kubernetes Master Class
June 28, 2022
Avoiding Configuration Drift with Argo CD
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Rancher Master Class Series
• 45 minutes – 75 minutes
• Questions are always welcome!
• Use the questions tab to submit your questions
• We do our best to respond to all questions during the Q&A at
the end, so mark your question as private if needed
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Openshift argo cd_v1_2
Openshift argo cd_v1_2Openshift argo cd_v1_2
Openshift argo cd_v1_2

This document discusses GitOps, an operational framework that uses version control and CI/CD practices to automate infrastructure provisioning. It defines GitOps as using a Git repository as the single source of truth for infrastructure definitions, with merge requests used to approve all infrastructure updates. These updates are then automated through continuous integration and delivery workflows. The document also introduces Argo CD as a GitOps tool that uses declarative specifications to accelerate application deployment and lifecycle management on Kubernetes through a pull-based model where the agent on the cluster pulls the desired application state from Git.

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Kubernetes GitOps featuring GitHub, Kustomize and ArgoCD
Kubernetes GitOps featuring GitHub, Kustomize and ArgoCDKubernetes GitOps featuring GitHub, Kustomize and ArgoCD
Kubernetes GitOps featuring GitHub, Kustomize and ArgoCD

A brief dissertation about using GitOps paradigm to operate an application on multiple Kubernetes environments thanks to GitHub, ArgoCD and Kustomize. A talk about this matters has been taken at the event #CloudConf2020

Introduction and Deep Dive Into Containerd
Introduction and Deep Dive Into ContainerdIntroduction and Deep Dive Into Containerd
Introduction and Deep Dive Into Containerd

Talked at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2021 Virtual about containerd (May 5, 2021).

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Dan Garfield
Co-Founder & Chief Open Source Officer
Argo Proj Maintainer
© Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 6
1 Brief Intro to Rancher
2 Explaining Configuration Drift
3 Intro to GitOps / Argo CD
4 Bidirectional Sync Git < - > Cluster
5 Self-Healing Kubernetes Clusters
Live Demo
© Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 7
Kubernetes with Rancher
© Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 8
What is Configuration Drift?
• Two environments are supposed to be similar – but are
• Nobody knows what is deployed in a specific
• Ad hoc changes, cowboy deployments, undocumented
• Security breach

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Kubernetes 101 - an Introduction to Containers, Kubernetes, and OpenShift

Administrators and developers are increasingly seeking ways to improve application time to market and improve maintainability. Containers and Red Hat® OpenShift® have quickly become the de facto solution for agile development and application deployment. Red Hat Training has developed a course that provides the gateway to container adoption by understanding the potential of DevOps using a container-based architecture. Orchestrating a container-based architecture with Kubernetes and Red Hat® OpenShift® improves application reliability and scalability, decreases developer overhead, and facilitates continuous integration and continuous deployment. In this webinar, our expert will cover: An overview of container and OpenShift architecture. How to manage containers and container images. Deploying containerized applications with Red Hat OpenShift. An outline of Red Hat OpenShift training offerings.

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Upgrade Kubernetes the boring way
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Upgrade Kubernetes the boring way

How to upgrade Kubernetes clusters without pain. What are the scenarios you would like to test your cluster upgrade?

Rancher Rodeo
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Rancher Rodeo

This document provides an agenda for a Rancher Rodeo presentation on March 18th, 2022. It will cover installing and demoing Rancher Server, deploying a Kubernetes cluster, and deploying sample applications. Presenters are listed along with their contact details. The objectives and prerequisites for the presentation are also outlined. A schedule of future Rancher Rodeo events is provided.

#rancher #kubernetes#cluster#docker
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What is Configuration Drift?
© Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 10
Common Symptoms
• Deployments succeed in staging but fail in production
• Some systems are off-limits because people are afraid
to touch them
• Hacks and quick fixes in specific environments are very
• People always try to find differences between
© Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 11
Configuration Drift and Kubernetes
© Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 12
Configuration Drift and Kubernetes

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Openshift Container Platform
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Openshift Container Platform

This document discusses OpenShift Container Platform, a platform as a service (PaaS) that provides a full development and deployment platform for applications. It allows developers to easily manage application dependencies and development environments across basic infrastructure, public clouds, and production servers. OpenShift provides container orchestration using Kubernetes along with developer tools and a user experience to support DevOps practices like continuous integration/delivery.

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Kubernetes for Beginners: An Introductory Guide

Kubernetes is an open-source tool for managing containerized workloads and services. It allows for deploying, maintaining, and scaling applications across clusters of servers. Kubernetes operates at the container level to automate tasks like deployment, availability, and load balancing. It uses a master-slave architecture with a master node controlling multiple worker nodes that host application pods, which are groups of containers that share resources. Kubernetes provides benefits like self-healing, high availability, simplified maintenance, and automatic scaling of containerized applications.

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Kubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes IntroductionKubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes Introduction

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes, an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It describes Kubernetes' architecture including nodes, pods, replication controllers, services, and networking. It also discusses how to set up Kubernetes environments using Minikube or kubeadm and get started deploying pods and services.

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Strategies for Avoiding Configuration Drift
• Documentation
• Audit all manual changes
• Attempt to enforce best practices
• Training and onboarding
All these are doomed to fail
© Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 14
Argo CD and GitOps
© Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 15
How GitOps Works
© Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 16
Argo CD and GitOps

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Kubernetes 101
Kubernetes 101Kubernetes 101
Kubernetes 101

Kubernetes is an open source container orchestration system that automates the deployment, maintenance, and scaling of containerized applications. It groups related containers into logical units called pods and handles scheduling pods onto nodes in a compute cluster while ensuring their desired state is maintained. Kubernetes uses concepts like labels and pods to organize containers that make up an application for easy management and discovery.

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Presentació a càrrec de Raúl Sánchez (Rancher Labs) duta a terme a l'OpenNebula TechDay celebrat al CSUC el 8 de maig de 2019.

DevOps with Kubernetes
DevOps with KubernetesDevOps with Kubernetes
DevOps with Kubernetes

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes including: - Kubernetes is an open source system for managing containerized applications and services across clusters of hosts. It provides tools to deploy, maintain, and scale applications. - Kubernetes objects include pods, services, deployments, jobs, and others to define application components and how they relate. - The Kubernetes architecture consists of a control plane running on the master including the API server, scheduler and controller manager. Nodes run the kubelet and kube-proxy to manage pods and services. - Kubernetes can be deployed on AWS using tools like CloudFormation templates to automate cluster creation and management for high availability and scalability.

out of the boxawsmanaging and orchestrating containerized cluster a
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Always Guarantee that Git <-> Cluster
© Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 18
Auto-Detect Manual Changes
© Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 19
© Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 20
Rancher + Argo CD

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OpenShift 4, the smarter Kubernetes platform
OpenShift 4, the smarter Kubernetes platformOpenShift 4, the smarter Kubernetes platform
OpenShift 4, the smarter Kubernetes platform

OpenShift 4 introduces automated installation, patching, and upgrades for every layer of the container stack from the operating system through application services.

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Everything You Need To Know About Persistent Storage in Kubernetes

This document discusses Kubernetes persistent storage options for stateful applications. It covers common use cases that require persistence like databases, messaging systems, and content management systems. It then describes Kubernetes persistent volume (PV), persistent volume claim (PVC), and storage class objects that are used to provision and consume persistent storage. Finally, it compares deployments with statefulsets and covers other volume types like emptyDir, hostPath, daemonsets and their use cases.

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Scaling DevSecOps Culture for Enterprise
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Scaling DevSecOps Culture for Enterprise

We already seen the important and start to transform our organization to DevSecOps Culture to prepare response for quickly change in business. This session will explain how you can scale DevSecOps on Enterprise Organization from pilot team and project to org-wide adoption with 5 techniques. Youtube Recorded: TechTalkThai Conference 2021: Enterprise Software Development on July 16, 2021

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About Codefresh
• Hosted GitOps
• Argo Control Plane
• Built-in Argo Rollouts,
Workflows, Events
• Security, enterprise
• DORA metrics
• CI Integrations
• Use Argo at Scale
What’s in the
● Git commits
● Pull requests
● Jira issues
Which release is
● Filtered timeline
of all releases
● Failure
Which services
are rolling out?
● View of canary
and blue/green
● Health metrics
● 1-click rollbacks
Where are
● Universal view
across org and
● Associated
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Q & A
© Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 23 23
Thank You

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  • 1. © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 1 © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. 1 Kubernetes Master Class June 28, 2022 Avoiding Configuration Drift with Argo CD by SUSE
  • 2. © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 2 Crowdcast ● Ask questions and upvote ● Look out for polls ● Say something nice in the chat ● Session is recorded
  • 3. © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 3 3 Rancher Master Class Series • 45 minutes – 75 minutes • Questions are always welcome! • Use the questions tab to submit your questions • We do our best to respond to all questions during the Q&A at the end, so mark your question as private if needed
  • 4. © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 4 This session is being recorded!
  • 5. © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 5 Dan Garfield Co-Founder & Chief Open Source Officer Argo Proj Maintainer Speaker
  • 6. © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 6 Overview 1 Brief Intro to Rancher 2 Explaining Configuration Drift 3 Intro to GitOps / Argo CD 4 Bidirectional Sync Git < - > Cluster 5 Self-Healing Kubernetes Clusters Live Demo Q/A 6 7
  • 7. © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 7 Kubernetes with Rancher
  • 8. © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 8 What is Configuration Drift? • Two environments are supposed to be similar – but are not • Nobody knows what is deployed in a specific environment • Ad hoc changes, cowboy deployments, undocumented hotfixes • Security breach
  • 9. © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 9 What is Configuration Drift?
  • 10. © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 10 Common Symptoms • Deployments succeed in staging but fail in production • Some systems are off-limits because people are afraid to touch them • Hacks and quick fixes in specific environments are very common • People always try to find differences between environments
  • 11. © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 11 Configuration Drift and Kubernetes
  • 12. © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 12 Configuration Drift and Kubernetes
  • 13. © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 13 Strategies for Avoiding Configuration Drift • Documentation • Audit all manual changes • Attempt to enforce best practices • Training and onboarding All these are doomed to fail
  • 14. © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 14 Argo CD and GitOps
  • 15. © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 15 How GitOps Works
  • 16. © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 16 Argo CD and GitOps
  • 17. © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 17 Always Guarantee that Git <-> Cluster
  • 18. © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 18 Auto-Detect Manual Changes
  • 19. © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 19 Self-Healing
  • 20. © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 20 Rancher + Argo CD DEMO
  • 21. © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 21 About Codefresh • Hosted GitOps • Argo Control Plane • Built-in Argo Rollouts, Workflows, Events • Security, enterprise support • DORA metrics • CI Integrations • Use Argo at Scale What’s in the release? ● Git commits ● Pull requests ● Jira issues Which release is impacting production? ● Filtered timeline of all releases ● Failure identification Which services are rolling out? ● View of canary and blue/green deployments ● Health metrics ● 1-click rollbacks Where are artifacts deployed? ● Universal view across org and apps ● Associated pipelines/trigger s
  • 22. © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 22 Q & A
  • 23. © Copyright 2020 Rancher Labs. All Rights Reserved. Confidential 23 23 Thank You