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Optimising Web
application frontend
  Tomáš Kramár, @tkramar
What happens when I type address
         into browser?
GET /index.html

          GET /index.html

GET /index.html


          GET /assets/favicon.ico



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Tuning Web Performance
Tuning Web PerformanceTuning Web Performance
Tuning Web Performance

This document discusses tuning web performance from a frontend perspective. It covers the impact of performance on user experience, development tools for optimization like Firebug and Chrome DevTools, and various techniques for website optimization including reducing requests, optimizing images, leveraging caching, minimizing JavaScript, and improving loading efficiency. The goal is to provide an overview of concepts and tools for optimizing frontend performance.

Care and feeding notes
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Care and feeding notes

This document discusses how to maintain large web applications over time. It describes how the author's team managed a web application with over 65,000 lines of code and 6,000 automated tests over 2.5 years of development. Key aspects included packaging full releases, automating dependency installation, specifying supported environments, and automating data migrations during upgrades. The goal was to have a sustainable process that allowed for continuous development without slowing down due to maintenance issues.

Consuming Web Services in Android
Consuming Web Services in AndroidConsuming Web Services in Android
Consuming Web Services in Android

This document discusses consuming web services from mobile applications. It covers common mobile development challenges like limited screen space, CPU power, and bandwidth. It then provides an overview of technologies used to access web services like XML, JSON, REST, and SOAP. Examples are given of using AsyncTask and Services in Android to make asynchronous web service calls. Code demonstrations and additional resources are also referenced.

web serviceandroidrest
GET /index.html


          GET /assets/favicon.ico


          GET /assets/application.css

GET /index.html


          GET /assets/favicon.ico


          GET /assets/application.css


          GET /assets/bg.png

GET /index.html

             index.html                 Backend

          GET /assets/favicon.ico


          GET /assets/application.css


          GET /assets/bg.png

Page Load Time
  Backend Time
  Frontend Time

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Are Today’s Good Practices… Tomorrow’s Performance Anti-Patterns?
Are Today’s Good Practices… Tomorrow’s Performance Anti-Patterns?Are Today’s Good Practices… Tomorrow’s Performance Anti-Patterns?
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Talk from Akamai Edge 2014 looking at some of our current web performance optimisation practices and how they may need to change as new standards and protocols emerge

http/2akamaiedgeweb performance
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Getting a Grip on CDN Performance - Why and How

View CDN performance data, learn how you can collect data on CDN performance and get tips on improving CDN performance.

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Pushing the web — WebSockets
Pushing the web — WebSocketsPushing the web — WebSockets
Pushing the web — WebSockets

This document discusses WebSockets as an improvement over previous "fake push" techniques for enabling real-time full duplex communication between web clients and servers. It notes that WebSockets use HTTP for the initial handshake but then provide a persistent, bi-directional connection. Examples are given of how WebSockets work and can be implemented in various programming languages including Ruby. Support in browsers and servers is also discussed.

websockets ruby eventmachine german
Optimisation rule #1
Optimise only when it makes sense
Optimisation rule #1
Optimise only when it makes sense

Waterfall / Firebug

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Service workers: what and why UmbUKFest 2018!

This document compares the performance of normal web page loads to loads that utilize a service worker. It shows that service workers can improve performance by caching resources so that repeat visits are much faster, with the DOM content loading in under 200ms and transferring 0KB of data compared to over 2 seconds and transferring 3KB without a service worker. Resources for learning more about service workers and examples of sites that use them are also provided.

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What does the browser pre-loader do?
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What does the browser pre-loader do?

Slides from talk at London Webstandards (Sept 2014) on what the browser preloader is, how it works and why we need it

browserweb performancelondon web standards
Front End Website Optimization
Front End Website OptimizationFront End Website Optimization
Front End Website Optimization

Yahoo has developed the de facto standard for building fast front-ends for websites. The bad news: you have to follow 34 rules to get there. The good news: I'll take a subset of those rules, explain them, and show how you can implement those rules in an automated fashion to minimize impact on developers and designers for your high-traffic website.

Sprechen Sie Firebug?
●   Blocking - request is queued and waiting
●   DNS Lookup - time to resolve hostname
●   Connection - time to create TCP connection
●   Sending - sending request headers
●   Waiting - backend is busy now
●   Receiving - reading the response

● blue and red vertical lines:
  DOMContentLoaded and load events
Optimisation rule #2
Download resources in parallel
Resource downloading rules
Clients that use persistent connections
SHOULD limit the number of simultaneous
connections that they maintain to a given
server. A single-user client SHOULD NOT
maintain more than 2 connections with any
server or proxy.

                     -- RFC 2616 (HTTP 1.1)

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Introduction to WebSockets
Introduction to WebSocketsIntroduction to WebSockets
Introduction to WebSockets

WebSocket is a protocol that provides bidirectional communication over a single TCP connection. It uses an HTTP handshake to establish a connection and then transmits messages as frames that can contain text or binary data. The frames include a header with metadata like opcode and payload length. WebSocket aims to provide a standard for browser-based applications that require real-time data updates from a server.

Front end performance optimization
Front end performance optimizationFront end performance optimization
Front end performance optimization

80% of the time it takes for a web page to load is on the client side. Using all the tips in this presentation should cut 25% to 50% off the load time of optimized page requests. Drupal (6 or 7) can be used to, fairly easily, implement a whole bunch of these “front-end performance” upgrades, and knock a ton of errors off of the Yahoo! and Google speed-checker tools validation checklists. Get firebug first.

drupalpagespeed upgradespressflow
Improving web site performance and scalability while saving
Improving web site performance and scalability while savingImproving web site performance and scalability while saving
Improving web site performance and scalability while saving

This document discusses various techniques for improving web site performance and scalability while reducing costs, including: 1. Optimizing code to reduce HTTP requests and payload size. 2. Leveraging browser caching through content expiration, HTTP compression, and cache validation. 3. Minifying and consolidating CSS and JavaScript files. 4. Using a content delivery network (CDN) to distribute static assets globally. 5. Caching data and view state to reduce database queries and payload size.

Solution: Asset subdomains
● ...

● Extra:
   ○ Cookie-less domain
   ○ HTTP Keep-Alive

● Pitfalls:
   ○ DNS lookups
Optimisation rule #3
Fastest request is the one that doesn't happen
Avada Kedavra Request!
●   Merge
●   Inline
●   Sprite
●   Cache
● Merge multiple CSS files into a single file
● Merge multiple JS files into a single file
   ○ -> Rails/Sprockets/Asset pipeline
  $ cat app/assets/javascripts/application.js
     //= require jquery_ujs
     //= require_tree ./vendor
     //= require document_viewer/dv
     //= require_tree .

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Front-End Performance Optimizing
Front-End Performance OptimizingFront-End Performance Optimizing
Front-End Performance Optimizing

Front-end performance optimizing involves optimizing a website's HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and image files to achieve the fastest possible loading speed. This includes minimizing HTTP requests by combining files, compressing files, optimizing code by removing unused code and errors, leveraging browser caching, and parallelizing downloads across domains. The document outlines nine techniques for front-end optimization, such as optimizing file sizes, reducing download size through compression and caching, and minimizing HTTP requests through file combining and CSS sprites.

Front End Performance
Front End PerformanceFront End Performance
Front End Performance

The document discusses various techniques for improving front-end website performance, including reducing the number of HTTP requests, using content delivery networks and caching, gzip compression, optimizing CSS and JavaScript loading, image optimization, and lazy loading of content not visible initially. Specific techniques mentioned include combining files, setting long cache expiration headers, minifying files, parallelizing downloads, and deferring non-critical JavaScript initialization. The goal is to render an initial version as fast as possible through optimizations that reduce page load time.

Building Lightning Fast Websites (for Twin Cities .NET User Group)
Building Lightning Fast Websites (for Twin Cities .NET User Group)Building Lightning Fast Websites (for Twin Cities .NET User Group)
Building Lightning Fast Websites (for Twin Cities .NET User Group)

1. A website is loaded by a browser through a multi-step process involving DNS lookups, TCP connections, downloading resources like HTML, CSS, JS, and images. This process can be slow due to the number of individual requests and dependencies between resources. 2. Ways to optimize the loading process include making the server fast, inlining critical resources, gzip compression, an optimized caching strategy, optimizing file delivery through techniques like CDNs and HTTP/2, bundling resources, optimizing images, avoiding unnecessary domains, minimizing web fonts, and JavaScript techniques like PJAX. Minifying assets can also speed up loading.

● Inline JavaScript
  ○ Replace <script src=".."></script> with
● Inline CSS
  ○ <style>body { color: red; }</style>
● Usable only for small resources, larger
  resources benefit more from caching
● Inline images using data URIs
   ○ <img src='data:image/jpeg;base64,
   ○ background-image: url(data:image/jpeg;base64,
   ○ Pitfalls: size limit, IE <= 7
CSS sprites
Merge multiple images
into one, use background-
position to place.
First request: cache miss, hit the server, obtain
Additional requests: use the token from first
request to make conditional request

Conditional requests
● If-None-Match
● If-Modified-Since

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Building Scalable Websites with Perl
Building Scalable Websites with PerlBuilding Scalable Websites with Perl
Building Scalable Websites with Perl

This document discusses techniques for building scalable websites with Perl, including: 1) Caching at various levels (page, partial page, and database caching) to improve performance and reduce load on application servers. 2) Using job queuing and worker processes to distribute processing-intensive tasks asynchronously instead of blocking web requests. 3) Leveraging caching and queueing libraries like Cache::FastMmap, Memcached, and Spread::Queue to implement caching and job queueing in Perl applications.

HTTP2 is Here!
HTTP2 is Here!HTTP2 is Here!
HTTP2 is Here!

HTTP/2 provides improvements over HTTP/1.1 such as multiplexed requests, header compression and priority hints from browsers that can reduce latency. While it shows benefits in testing, real-world impacts may be more modest depending on server and client configurations. Further optimizations are still needed and HTTP/2 opens up new possibilities around features like server pushing and progressive content delivery that could enhance performance.

http2web performance
Lesson 6 optimisation
Lesson 6  optimisationLesson 6  optimisation
Lesson 6 optimisation

This document discusses optimizing graphics for their intended output. It aims to help students consider why graphics need to be optimized for quality and discuss technical aspects like bit depth, resolution, dimensions, file type and compression that must be tailored to the intended output such as screen or web. Students will complete tasks in pairs researching how the final destination of graphics impacts these settings and will write about optimizing graphics using their client brief as a reference.

If-None-Match: First request
First request:

Request headers:

Response headers:
Status: 200 OK
Etag: "be5c5a3edac0592617693fa..."
If-None-Match: Next requests
Request headers:
If-None-Match: "be5c5a3edac0592617693fa..."

Response headers:
Status: 304 Not Modified
Etag: "be5c5a3edac0592617693fa..."
● Server needs to calculate ETag (fingerprint)
● How?
  ○ it depends
  ○ easiest way: generate output, calculate hash
● If ETag matches, send 304 Not Modified, no
  response body
● You save on the data transfer ("Receiving" in
If-Modified-Since: First request
Request headers:

Response headers:
Status: 200 OK
Expires: Thu, 31 Dec 2037 23:55:55 GMT
Last-Modified: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 13:36:26 GMT

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New media & technologies of representations
New media & technologies of representationsNew media & technologies of representations
New media & technologies of representations

The document discusses several topics related to new media technologies and their social impact. It covers the rise of user-generated content online, moral panics about new technologies, issues of copyright infringement with digital music, the evolution of the internet to incorporate user interactivity and social media, and how new devices and media platforms are changing representation and culture. New media refers to on-demand digital content across any device as well as interactive and user-generated content online.

File types pro forma
File types pro formaFile types pro forma
File types pro forma

This document discusses different types of digital file formats for graphics, including raster graphics like JPEG, TIFF, GIF, and BMP, as well as vector graphics like PSD, AI, FLA, and WMF. It provides information on what each file format stands for, examples of how it is used, advantages, and disadvantages. Methods for capturing and optimizing images are also covered, such as using scanners, cameras, and graphics tablets. Optimizing images makes the file size smaller but can lower the resolution and quality.

Optimising Graphics
Optimising GraphicsOptimising Graphics
Optimising Graphics

This document discusses optimizing graphics in Adobe Photoshop CS3 by resizing images to reduce both visual size and file size. Optimizing graphics makes images smaller in size but retains enough quality for intended uses like the web or email. The document suggests resizing graphics to around 10 times smaller for optimizing.

If-Modified-Since: Local cache
Request headers:

Response headers:

Current time is < resource's Expire header
If-Modified-Since: Forced refresh
Request headers:
If-Modified-Since: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 13:36:26

Response headers:
Status: 304 Not Modified
Expires: Thu, 31 Dec 2037 23:55:55 GMT
Last-Modified: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 13:36:26 GMT
Regular click on a link: uses local cache and no
request is made

F5: Skips local cache, sends If-Modified-Since
request, potentially 304-ing

Ctrl+F5: Sends requests without If-None-
Match and If-Modified-Since

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This is my presentation which I will be giving on 27 March 2008 at the 2nd Annual New Media Marketing Conference at Gallagher Estate, Midrand, South Africa

Legal Aspects of Social Media
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Legal Aspects of Social Media

Social media has come a long way in a very short time and organisations are struggling to keep up. What started as a clever way to keep in touch with old school friends ten years ago has become a core part of the work of many people and their employers and so it is vital that use of social media is compliant with the laws of the land and works as a promotional tool and not a source of potential risk. Matthew Stephenson, head of information governance at the University of Salford and chairman of the Information and Records Management Society will guide you through this complex and uncertain area. Presentation by Matthew Stephenson, delivered at UCISA Using Social Media for Training on 18/04/2012.

Optimising your web application
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Optimising your web application

Praveen Umanath, Product Manager at BigRock conducts a session on how to optimise web applications at httpX 2013, New Delhi

web applicationbigrockhttpx
Far future expires strategy
Set the Expires header far in the future

Q: But what if I need to change the resource?
A: Use a different name

Rails gotcha
Asset pipeline sets fingerprints, but not Expire
headers. You need to DIY.


location ~* .(js|css|jpg|jpeg|gif|png|swf|ico)$ {
  expires max;
Optimisation rule #3
If you need to make the request, make the
response (and request) small.
Follow these rules
● Minify and gzip CSS and JavaScript.
● Do not send/set cookies unless necessary
  (asset subdomains)
● Do not scale images in HTML
  ○ do not use <img size=""/>, scale image on server
● Optimize images

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This document repeats the phrases "¡¦£" and "! " " !#$%" multiple times with no other discernible words or context. It concludes with repeating the phrase "! " " !#$%".

Tim Hill 4.4 PPP Presentation
Tim Hill 4.4 PPP PresentationTim Hill 4.4 PPP Presentation
Tim Hill 4.4 PPP Presentation

Tim grew up loving animation and used toys to tell stories. He studied computer animation in college and learned skills like 3D modeling. His goal is to have a career in character creation or animation and someday open his own studio. He hopes to use his creative skills, problem-solving abilities, and teamwork from his family to succeed in the animation industry.

Optimisation rule #4
If possible, defer parsing of JavaScripts
How browsers process JavaScript
When browsers encounter <script> tag, the
script is downloaded, parsed and executed.
Main parsing thread is busy processing the

Speculative parsing continues downloading and
building the DOM in the background, so main
thread can pull this fast, but you still pay the
parse and execute penalty.
Do you need to execute the script
Probably not.

Is your code waiting for document.ready?
Mouse action?

Then definitely not.
Then defer it
<script type="text/javascript">
function downloadJSAtOnload() {
  var element = document.createElement("script");
  element.src = "application.js";

if (window.addEventListener)
  window.addEventListener("load", downloadJSAtOnload,
else if (window.attachEvent)
  window.attachEvent("onload", downloadJSAtOnload);
else window.onload = downloadJSAtOnload;

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18 Phobias Every Creative MUST Overcome!

This document lists 18 different phobias that creatives must overcome, including the fear of empty spaces, colors, imperfection, praise, vertigo, words, paper, shadows, balancing, and images or icons. It encourages creatives to face their fears in order to improve their work by addressing phobias such as the fear of colors, straight lines, praise, or clusters of shapes. The list covers a wide range of potential phobias or anxieties that may hold creatives back from reaching their full potential.

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The document appears to be a collection of thoughts on art and career from an individual. It discusses taking various art courses and learning different styles. Projects mentioned include designing an album cover for a band and creating spreads, flyers, and nameplates for class. The person views their creativity as an advantage and defines success as financial stability, happiness, and being able to provide for others.

Optimisation rule #5
As a last resort: simply cheat.
Perceived speed matters
Move all CSS to the top so DOM nodes can be
rendered progressively
If you cannot defer, at least move <script> to
the bottom of the page.
Post-load parts of page that are slow to render.
Optimisation rule #5
Think globally.

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This document provides an overview of a WordPress training course presented by John Overall of It begins with a Henry Ford quote about building a reputation through actions rather than plans. The document then gives a brief history of WordPress starting in 2003 with basic typography enhancements. It outlines the main sections of the WordPress admin dashboard including general settings, managing pages, posts, and blogroll links.

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56 alumbrado
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El documento habla sobre un proyecto de investigación que estudia el comportamiento de los consumidores. El proyecto analiza cómo los consumidores toman decisiones sobre qué productos comprar y cómo las empresas pueden usar esta información para mejorar sus estrategias de marketing. El documento no proporciona más detalles sobre el proyecto debido a que las páginas están en blanco.

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Location matters
Downloading image placed on a server in
Slovakia is relatively cheap than say
downloading the same image from Canada.
Use CDN (content delivery network)
Servers spread through the world.

Use CDN on common assets (jQuery etc.).
Chance is, you will get a cache hit.
Web Page Test,
Newrelic RUM,
Optimising Web Application Frontend

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Install Magento 2 on Window's environment (XAMPP) by just following the using some simple steps which has been created by our Magent Expert. Do check it and let us know if there are any issue you faced.

John Overall at Word Camp Victoria 2011
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This document discusses 9 popular WordPress plugins that can enhance a website: WP-Touch makes websites mobile-friendly with a few simple settings. WordBooker and Twitter Blog easily connect websites to Facebook and Twitter with automated updates. Gravity Forms allows easy creation of forms. Mail Press manages email lists and subscriptions. Blubrry Power Press easily adds podcasts. XML Sitemaps and iRobots.txt help with search engine optimization. Headspace 2 allows control over SEO. These plugins can help improve websites with usability and marketing features.

Optimising Web Application Frontend
Optimising Web Application Frontend
Optimising Web Application Frontend
Is this all I can do?
Definitely not.

Google Page Speed,

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jclouds is a Java multi-cloud SDK that connects tools portably to over 40 cloud providers through consistent APIs. It helps projects become cloud projects by simplifying modeling of cloud services through standards-focused APIs and strategies for addressing service differences. Code examples show initializing contexts for the CloudFiles blob store and OpenStack Nova compute service to create containers, upload blobs, and launch virtual machines across different cloud providers using a common API approach.

Frontend performance
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Frontend performance

The document provides best practices for optimizing frontend performance by reducing page load time. It discusses ways to reduce the number of HTTP requests, DNS lookups, redirects and duplicate scripts. It also recommends techniques like minifying assets, leveraging caching, prioritizing critical components, optimizing images and using content delivery networks.

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Optimising Web Application Frontend
HTTP archives
local storage
1. Optimise only when it makes sense
2. Download resources in parallel
3. Fastest request is the one that doesn't
4. If you need to make the request, make the
   response (and request) small
5. If possible, defer parsing of JavaScripts
6. Think globally

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Optimising Web Application Frontend

  • 1. Optimising Web application frontend Tomáš Kramár, @tkramar
  • 2. What happens when I type address into browser?
  • 3. GET /index.html GET /index.html Browser Server
  • 4. GET /index.html index.html GET /assets/favicon.ico favicon.ico Browser Server
  • 5. GET /index.html index.html GET /assets/favicon.ico favicon.ico Browser Server GET /assets/application.css application.css
  • 6. GET /index.html index.html GET /assets/favicon.ico favicon.ico Browser Server GET /assets/application.css application.css GET /assets/bg.png bg.png
  • 7. GET /index.html index.html Backend GET /assets/favicon.ico favicon.ico Browser Server GET /assets/application.css application.css GET /assets/bg.png bg.png
  • 8. Page Load Time = Backend Time + Frontend Time
  • 9. Optimisation rule #1 Optimise only when it makes sense
  • 10. Optimisation rule #1 Optimise only when it makes sense *
  • 12. Demo
  • 13. Sprechen Sie Firebug? ● Blocking - request is queued and waiting ● DNS Lookup - time to resolve hostname ● Connection - time to create TCP connection ● Sending - sending request headers ● Waiting - backend is busy now ● Receiving - reading the response ● blue and red vertical lines: DOMContentLoaded and load events ○ com/testdrive/HTML5/DOMContentLoaded/Default. html
  • 14. Optimisation rule #2 Download resources in parallel
  • 15. Resource downloading rules Clients that use persistent connections SHOULD limit the number of simultaneous connections that they maintain to a given server. A single-user client SHOULD NOT maintain more than 2 connections with any server or proxy. -- RFC 2616 (HTTP 1.1)
  • 16. Demo
  • 17. Solution: Asset subdomains ● ● ● ... ● Extra: ○ Cookie-less domain ○ HTTP Keep-Alive ● Pitfalls: ○ DNS lookups
  • 18. Optimisation rule #3 Fastest request is the one that doesn't happen
  • 19. Avada Kedavra Request! ● Merge ● Inline ● Sprite ● Cache
  • 20. Merge ● Merge multiple CSS files into a single file ● Merge multiple JS files into a single file ○ -> Rails/Sprockets/Asset pipeline $ cat app/assets/javascripts/application.js //= require jquery_ujs //= require_tree ./vendor //= require document_viewer/dv //= require_tree .
  • 21. Inline ● Inline JavaScript ○ Replace <script src=".."></script> with <script>//code</script> ● Inline CSS ○ <style>body { color: red; }</style> ● Usable only for small resources, larger resources benefit more from caching ● Inline images using data URIs ○ <img src='data:image/jpeg;base64, /9j/4AAQSkZJR'/> ○ background-image: url(data:image/jpeg;base64, /9j/4AAQS); ○ Pitfalls: size limit, IE <= 7
  • 22. Demo
  • 23. CSS sprites Merge multiple images into one, use background- position to place.
  • 24. Caching First request: cache miss, hit the server, obtain token Additional requests: use the token from first request to make conditional request Conditional requests ● If-None-Match ● If-Modified-Since
  • 25. If-None-Match: First request First request: Request headers: GET / Response headers: Status: 200 OK Etag: "be5c5a3edac0592617693fa..."
  • 26. If-None-Match: Next requests Request headers: GET / If-None-Match: "be5c5a3edac0592617693fa..." Response headers: Status: 304 Not Modified Etag: "be5c5a3edac0592617693fa..."
  • 27. If-None-Match ● Server needs to calculate ETag (fingerprint) ● How? ○ it depends ○ easiest way: generate output, calculate hash ● If ETag matches, send 304 Not Modified, no response body ● You save on the data transfer ("Receiving" in Firebug)
  • 28. If-Modified-Since: First request Request headers: GET / Response headers: Status: 200 OK Expires: Thu, 31 Dec 2037 23:55:55 GMT Last-Modified: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 13:36:26 GMT
  • 29. If-Modified-Since: Local cache Request headers: none Response headers: none Current time is < resource's Expire header
  • 30. If-Modified-Since: Forced refresh Request headers: GET / If-Modified-Since: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 13:36:26 GMT Response headers: Status: 304 Not Modified Expires: Thu, 31 Dec 2037 23:55:55 GMT Last-Modified: Mon, 30 Jan 2012 13:36:26 GMT
  • 31. Refresh Regular click on a link: uses local cache and no request is made F5: Skips local cache, sends If-Modified-Since request, potentially 304-ing Ctrl+F5: Sends requests without If-None- Match and If-Modified-Since
  • 32. Demo
  • 33. Far future expires strategy Set the Expires header far in the future FAQ Q: But what if I need to change the resource? A: Use a different name application-f7fd224c9bc0fd4c2f7.css fingerprint
  • 34. Rails gotcha Asset pipeline sets fingerprints, but not Expire headers. You need to DIY. Nginx: location ~* .(js|css|jpg|jpeg|gif|png|swf|ico)$ { expires max; }
  • 35. Optimisation rule #3 If you need to make the request, make the response (and request) small.
  • 36. Follow these rules ● Minify and gzip CSS and JavaScript. ● Do not send/set cookies unless necessary (asset subdomains) ● Do not scale images in HTML ○ do not use <img size=""/>, scale image on server ● Optimize images ○
  • 37. Optimisation rule #4 If possible, defer parsing of JavaScripts
  • 38. How browsers process JavaScript When browsers encounter <script> tag, the script is downloaded, parsed and executed. Main parsing thread is busy processing the script. Speculative parsing continues downloading and building the DOM in the background, so main thread can pull this fast, but you still pay the parse and execute penalty.
  • 39. Do you need to execute the script immediately? Probably not. Is your code waiting for document.ready? Mouse action? Then definitely not.
  • 40. Then defer it <script type="text/javascript"> function downloadJSAtOnload() { var element = document.createElement("script"); element.src = "application.js"; document.body.appendChild(element); } if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("load", downloadJSAtOnload, false); else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload", downloadJSAtOnload); else window.onload = downloadJSAtOnload; </script>
  • 41. Demo
  • 42. Optimisation rule #5 As a last resort: simply cheat.
  • 43. Perceived speed matters Move all CSS to the top so DOM nodes can be rendered progressively If you cannot defer, at least move <script> to the bottom of the page. Post-load parts of page that are slow to render.
  • 45. Location matters Downloading image placed on a server in Slovakia is relatively cheap than say downloading the same image from Canada.
  • 46. Use CDN (content delivery network) Servers spread through the world. Use CDN on common assets (jQuery etc.). Chance is, you will get a cache hit.
  • 47. Tools Web Page Test, Newrelic RUM,
  • 52. Is this all I can do? Definitely not. Google Page Speed, com/speed/pagespeed/ YSlow,
  • 55. Summary 1. Optimise only when it makes sense 2. Download resources in parallel 3. Fastest request is the one that doesn't happen 4. If you need to make the request, make the response (and request) small 5. If possible, defer parsing of JavaScripts 6. Think globally