SlideShare a Scribd company logo
                                             why responsive design actually begins on the server...             
the tech media loves
a good story...


200 million iOS devices

                            and life on the
                          bleeding edge...


of the US has a

               statistics rane'll
      *current            –w
      fro m 25% to 50%licity...
       u se 1/3 for sim

                      *please note


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Rethinking the Mobile Web by Yiibu
Rethinking the Mobile Web by YiibuRethinking the Mobile Web by Yiibu
Rethinking the Mobile Web by Yiibu

This document discusses creating an accessible and inclusive mobile experience. It begins by noting that while some devices like the iPhone are popular, they only represent a small portion of the overall mobile device market and user population. It then examines the need to make the mobile web accessible to all users, not just those with certain devices, and provides examples of how usage and capabilities vary greatly across the global mobile landscape. The document advocates for an adaptive approach that considers this diversity and creates an experience optimized for all types of mobile browsers and networks.

htmlipadmedia queries
Why You Should Make Mobile Your Career | Clark College
Why You Should Make Mobile Your Career | Clark CollegeWhy You Should Make Mobile Your Career | Clark College
Why You Should Make Mobile Your Career | Clark College

A variation of my talk on mobile strategy given to Clark College to encourage students to pursue mobile and to encourage the college to adopt mobile curriculum.

Part 2: Designing For Multiple Devices - GA London, 18 Mar 2013
Part 2: Designing For Multiple Devices - GA London, 18 Mar 2013Part 2: Designing For Multiple Devices - GA London, 18 Mar 2013
Part 2: Designing For Multiple Devices - GA London, 18 Mar 2013

Slides from my part 2 class of Designing for multiple devices run at General Assembly in London on the 18th of March 2013. ABSTRACT In Fundamentals for Designing for Multiple Devices, we covered the basics of responsive design and mobile apps (for both Android & iOS). We also looked at how user expectations have shifted behaviour, how consumption patterns have changed and what that has meant for designing products that will be used on multiple devices. This follow-on session will take outset in the guiding principles covered in the previous class and take a closer look at: - common challenges faced when designing for multiple devices and how to address them - content strategy and hierarchy across devices - navigation patterns for responsive design - app structures and navigation patterns - how to test both responsive sites and apps

user experience designresponsive designux
of the US has a
               , so 2/3 of the US
                  does not have a smartphone?!


or if you're a fanboy
                                              feel free to use this math*...

of the US has a
                                                does not...

                  t percentage ishe
      *the exac rtant for t
        terribly impo presentation...
     purposes of th

will save us all!

but it's really only kinda useable
on few high-end devices...

                                     will save us all!


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UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...
UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...
UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...

The document discusses device agnostic design, which aims to create content that can be accessed and displayed well on any device. It emphasizes building with reusable modular components rather than bespoke designs for each device. The key aspects are understanding content stacking strategies across screens, using content-based rather than device-based breakpoints, and designing interactive elements that work for both touch and non-touch interfaces. The goal is to provide users with a continuous experience regardless of the device they use.

anna dahlstromhow totablet
When responsive web design meets the real world
When responsive web design meets the real worldWhen responsive web design meets the real world
When responsive web design meets the real world

The document discusses responsive web design and some of the challenges it faces. It recommends adopting a mobile first approach where the mobile styles are defined first before desktop styles, allowing for a progressive enhancement. It also emphasizes the importance of performance and ensuring responsive designs are not just focused on layout but also on optimizing for speed. Key techniques discussed include building mobile first, reordering media queries, keeping basic styles outside queries, and scoping images within media queries to avoid unnecessary downloads.

Live streaming: Designing For Multiple Devices - GA, New York, 14 March 2013
Live streaming: Designing For Multiple Devices - GA, New York, 14 March 2013Live streaming: Designing For Multiple Devices - GA, New York, 14 March 2013
Live streaming: Designing For Multiple Devices - GA, New York, 14 March 2013

Slides from my 1 hour live streaming class on March 14th at GA in New York ABSTRACT The rise in mobiles and tablets have changed the way we consume and interact with content, but also the way we design and what we base our design approach on. This class will teach you about the shift in user expectations, behaviour- and consumption patterns and what that means for designing products that will be used on multiple devices. Coming out of it you'll be equipped with guiding principles and tools to tackle the multiple device jungle.

user experience designresponsive designux
the "tech industry"
...and are we making
promises we can't keep?

     htc Magic
     Android 1.6

                   the " bleeding edge" e of
                     ha ve Android devic stop...
                   200 9 is now a doo

the bleeding edge...
the iPhone
iPhone 3G

 2007     2008

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This is the presentation I will use to discuss issues at the NESC 2009 Forum in Canberra. My aim was to use as many images as possible to illustrate ideas. I tried to reduce my use of words and included all the references I drew upon, particularly in regard to Flickr Creative Commons images.

SparkUp 2010 Mobile UX 101
SparkUp 2010 Mobile UX 101SparkUp 2010 Mobile UX 101
SparkUp 2010 Mobile UX 101

This document discusses improving mobile user experiences. It notes that mobile is the primary way people access the internet in some countries. Constraints on mobile like form factor and battery life must be considered. Simple interfaces work best for mobile. Native apps have advantages over mobile web, but the line is blurring. Windows Mobile was replaced by Windows Phone 7 which improved the user experience. The document emphasizes understanding user behaviors and focusing on usability.

mobile ux poland sparkup 2010
Mobile Tsunami
Mobile TsunamiMobile Tsunami
Mobile Tsunami

Recaps a presentation given to the Portland Web Innovators forum on the upcoming growth in the Mobile industry and in particular the mobile web.

iPhone 3GS
iPhone   3G

2007     2008    2009
iPhone 4
iPhone   3G     3GS

2007     2008   2009     2010
3G     3GS     4

2008   2009   2010   2011
                            iPhone 5...
side effect n.
a peripheral or secondary effect,
especially an undesirable one...


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Mobile Web vs. Native Apps | Design4Mobile
Mobile Web vs. Native Apps | Design4MobileMobile Web vs. Native Apps | Design4Mobile
Mobile Web vs. Native Apps | Design4Mobile

This document provides an overview of a presentation on native mobile apps versus mobile web apps. It includes slides on why developers were fighting over the two approaches, Apple's announcement allowing third-party apps on the iPhone, and the surprise success of the iPhone App Store. It also discusses factors that contributed to the App Store's success like its openness, revenue split, and fewer restrictions compared to mobile carriers. The document debates questions around whether apps create platform lock-in, if app stores are essential to a platform's success, and challenges of developing for multiple mobile platforms. It suggests that HTML5 and WebKit may become the dominant mobile platform.

Mobilising Digital - Perth 13/03/14
Mobilising Digital - Perth 13/03/14Mobilising Digital - Perth 13/03/14
Mobilising Digital - Perth 13/03/14

More people are using mobile platforms to access information - can your business afford to be left behind in an age of rapid digital transformation? When once it was acceptable to be in the late majority when it came to adjusting your business to technological advancements, nowadays you have to lead the pack in order to be a viable business.

Mobel - Think about your mom
Mobel  - Think about your momMobel  - Think about your mom
Mobel - Think about your mom

The document appears to be a collection of links and quotes shared by a UX designer. It includes links to articles about UX design, mobile interfaces, gestures, and technology. Quotes discuss making users feel rewarded through "power" gestures and how technology should get out of the way. The collection seems aimed at sharing references and insights relevant to the designer's work.

the smartphone
                 era begins...

the iPhone
brings touch, gestures
                         and the real web...

         iPhone 3G

 2007     2008
native apps and
                                the rise of Android...


                   iPhone 3GS
iPhone       3G

2007         2008     2009
whither feature phones,
                               and the further rise of Android...

         web os
                             iPhone 4
iPhone   3G           3GS

2007     2008         2009     2010

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Computers in libraries 2012
Computers in libraries 2012Computers in libraries 2012
Computers in libraries 2012

The document discusses personal electronic devices in libraries. It begins by introducing the topic and noting the problems libraries are trying to solve regarding gadgets. It then provides details on the rise of iOS and Android devices and discusses how libraries can manage these operating systems. It concludes by covering legal issues like digital rights management and licensing terms for content on devices like Kindles.

It's a strange world after all- Wim Janssens
It's a strange world after all- Wim JanssensIt's a strange world after all- Wim Janssens
It's a strange world after all- Wim Janssens

Monkeytalk Fall 2014 We leven in een zeer boeiend tijdperk. Zonder dat we het misschien zelf beseffen, zijn we allemaal onderdeel van een enorme verandering in hoe we leven en omgaan met elkaar en onze omgeving. Met enkele handige voorbeelden gaan we eventjes mee in de wereld van Wim die vooral gekenmerkt wordt door het constant in vraag stellen van vanzelfsprekendheden.

GA London - Designing for multiple devices, 28may2012
GA London - Designing for multiple devices, 28may2012GA London - Designing for multiple devices, 28may2012
GA London - Designing for multiple devices, 28may2012

Slides from my class on May 28 2012 at General Assembly London on designing for multiple devices. ABSTRACT The rise in mobiles and tablets have changed the way we consume and interact with content, but also the way we design and what we base our design approach on. This class will teach you about the shift in user expectations, behaviour- and consumption patterns and what that means for designing products that will be used on multiple devices. Coming out of it you'll be equipped with guiding principles and tools to tackle the multiple device jungle.

user experience designuser experiencemobile
                                      devices go mainstream
                    nook            with great expectations...

                            iPhone 5...
3G     3GS         4

2008   2009       2010       2011
we're now in that
 big grey area...
or from a different perspective...
the bleeding edge...

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Photography Meda and Elisa
Photography Meda and ElisaPhotography Meda and Elisa
Photography Meda and Elisa

This document discusses photo editing effects applied to several images. It shows "before" and "after" versions of a lily with a holga-ish effect, a photo with sepia and vignette added, and a black and white wolf photo with vignette. The document demonstrates different editing techniques applied to multiple pictures.

Iowa Crossing Guard Training 1 Hazzards
Iowa Crossing Guard Training 1 HazzardsIowa Crossing Guard Training 1 Hazzards
Iowa Crossing Guard Training 1 Hazzards

This document discusses pedestrian safety, particularly for children. It notes that 275 children ages 5-15 were killed and 15,000 injured in pedestrian/vehicle crashes annually. School crossing guards and traffic safety measures like signage and crosswalks can help enhance safety for children traveling to and from school. The document also outlines different types of pedestrian crashes and notes children have different visual, auditory and cognitive abilities than adults that impact their safety in traffic situations.

crossing guard
Syrian Homemade Weapons
Syrian Homemade  WeaponsSyrian Homemade  Weapons
Syrian Homemade Weapons

As the Syrian rebels experience a weapon shortage, they started producing their own homemade arms.

the bleeding edge...

                       +   'ish via China

but we still can't see
the forest for the trees...


  of the US does not
have a smartphone...
                              *or 1/2 if you'r
                                 a fanboy...
last year we
asked a simple question...


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Q4) how did you use media terminologies
Q4) how did you use media terminologiesQ4) how did you use media terminologies
Q4) how did you use media terminologies

When researching, Fiona used various media technologies like Blogger, YouTube, Prezi, and Wordle to make her research visual and interesting. These helped structure her analysis. In planning, Fiona's group used Blogger to present initial concepts for their music video and album cover. They created draft designs in Photoshop incorporating different characters to represent themes of freedom and resistance. During construction, Fiona used equipment like cameras on fig rigs and Final Cut/iMovie for editing. Photoshop and DaFont were used for album/advert designs. Screenshots and comparisons were made to evaluate progress and get feedback throughout the process.

Qaep management system pwp
Qaep management system pwpQaep management system pwp
Qaep management system pwp

This document discusses quality assurance, enhancement, and performance management systems at USBI University. It defines key terms like quality assurance, quality enhancement, academic standards, and academic quality. It outlines USBI's goals of achieving international standards and developing quality assurance systems to ensure excellence and build reputation. It also describes USBI's quality assurance approach, including inputs, processes, and outputs. It discusses accreditation requirements from bodies like BAN-PT in Indonesia and SACS internationally. Finally, it provides criteria for internal and external quality assurance.

welcome to the
  mobile web
I asked this a year ago,
i'm not sure anything's

                                    if you want to use the web
                           on a mobile device, is the purchase
                               of an iPhone the cost of entry?

to infinity and beyond...

     well over
by 2015 50% of web traffic is expected
        to come from mobile devices

let me rephrase the question...
still the only
                            device where
                             the Web
                           actually works

                        this is rhetorical, and absurd...

  in 2015, if you want to use the web
on a mobile device, will the purchase
       of an iPhone be mandatory...?


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The document contains definitions and examples of prefixes used in medical and science words. It defines prefixes such as "ante" meaning before, "anti" meaning against, "bi" meaning two, and "circum" meaning around. For each word, it provides the definition, an example using that prefix, and other examples of words using the same prefix. The purpose is to help readers understand common prefixes in medical terminology and their meanings.

word stemsvocabulary listsvocabulary
открытый решение показательных уравненийй 11 кл
открытый решение показательных уравненийй 11 клоткрытый решение показательных уравненийй 11 кл
открытый решение показательных уравненийй 11 кл
Work book10
Work book10Work book10
Work book10

This document contains the activities for Session 1 of an English diploma course. It includes exercises where students must look up word meanings, complete sentences with given adjectives, rewrite sentences using opposite adjectives, write examples using adjectives from a list, add adverbs to sentences correctly, unscramble sentences, and write sentences in English. The activities focus on vocabulary building and basic grammar practice.

gotta get 'em all...

                                                      or even want
                many of us cannot afford to
purchase every shiny new device released...

especially in the light of
        recent events...

most folks have much more
       pressing concerns...


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Este gráfico de barras muestra 4 categorías y 3 series de datos. La Serie 1 es la más alta en la Categoría 1, la Serie 2 es la más alta en la Categoría 2, y la Serie 3 es la más alta en las Categorías 3 y 4.

Overview of water sector development in nigeria hackathon wb project
Overview of  water sector development in nigeria hackathon wb projectOverview of  water sector development in nigeria hackathon wb project
Overview of water sector development in nigeria hackathon wb project

Presentation given by Professor Lekan Oyebande at the meetup ahead of WaterHackathon Lagos 13-10-2011

waterhackathon water lagos nigeria
Deserted Buildings In Detroit
Deserted Buildings In Detroit Deserted Buildings In Detroit
Deserted Buildings In Detroit

This is basically what the crisis in the automotive industry lead to.

detroitfinancefinancial crisis
and far
higher priorities...
which often result in very
different purchasing decisions...

as lots of Android devices are
now available for less than $200*....

                    or very close to it...
                   ...*free is also becoming a popular option!


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Face of a Winner
Face of a WinnerFace of a Winner
Face of a Winner

The looks on the faces of Olympic athletes, as they cling the gold.

olympic gamesolympicsgold
Three record label companies
Three record label companiesThree record label companies
Three record label companies

This document summarizes three record label companies: 111 Entertainment L.L.C is a Detroit-based independent label that develops new R&B, hip hop, pop, alternative, and gospel artists. Cherry Tree Records is an American label founded in 2005 that focuses on new artists, currently signed to artists include Ellie Goulding and LMFAO. Tool Room Records is a dance music label started in 2003 by DJ Mark Knight that signs artists like Avicii and Kate Lawler.

Colombian Education Fund
Colombian Education Fund Colombian Education Fund
Colombian Education Fund

The Colombian Education Fund’s mission is to promote and support the higher education needs of young people and their families by providing scholarships and assistance.

educationcolombianonprofit organization
and some feature phones aimed at
                            the next billion now include WebKit
        ooh, touch...
                                            and a touch screen...

Nokia  C3 Touch & T
   S  eries 40 device

every phone is now (essentially)
                                                   a smartphone*...
                                                                        or soon will be

                        ns of
       ctual definitioy - but to
                ill var
 'smartphone' wey are all magic...
normal folks th
camera, video,
                                         3G connectivity
                                                                            music player, etc.

                                 large, colour
                                 touch sensitive screen
                                                                          a modern web
                                                                          browser (not WAP)

(often) a real, update-able
operating system                loaded with everything we've come
                                    to expect from a smartphone...

                    QWERTY keyboard
                    and/or trackball

less vibrant screens

                                                less responsive
                                                touch screens
limited or no data
plan bundled

                                                 lower spec RAM
                                                 and/or CPU/GPU

                                                few or no OEM
                                                OS updates

                               but not every smartphone
                                       is created equal...


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DIALOGI VIDZEMĒ Intelektuāli lietišķā konference “Sociālā atmiņa un lokālā identitāte”


Mahindra & Mahindra's Defense divisions are one of the largest suppliers to the Indian government, designing and constructing armored vehicles. It supplies up-armored vehicles to the Indian military and police at a reasonable cost using state-of-the-art technology. The defense divisions also provide defense systems like sea mines, surveillance solutions, weapons, ammunition, and partner with other countries to provide defense solutions. The Indian defense industry and M&M face challenges unique to the defense industry and from the recent entry of private sectors.

              this inequality creates diversity
                   and (often) "undesirables"...

"Android WebKit is the closest thing to
being the IE6 of mobile development for me."
- @dalmaer via

this thinking creates...
an optimal experience for
    for a privileged few...

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Monsun & drought
Monsun & drought Monsun & drought
Monsun & drought

The document discusses various aspects of the water cycle and monsoons in India. It explains that the sun's heat causes water to evaporate from oceans, lakes and soil, forming water vapor that rises and condenses into clouds. Clouds release water as precipitation like rain or snow. This water infiltrates soil or flows into bodies of water, completing the cycle. It specifically describes the monsoon system in South Asia being caused by differential land and sea heating, and defines the summer and winter monsoons in India. It also discusses droughts, their causes, impacts, and the need for better water management.

monsoon and droughts
Cardio malformaciones
Cardio malformacionesCardio malformaciones
Cardio malformaciones

Este documento describe diferentes tipos de comunicaciones interauriculares, incluyendo ostium secundum, ostium primum, seno venoso y aurícula común. Explica las anomalías en los cojinetes endocárdicos, la fisiopatología, manifestaciones clínicas, pronóstico, complicaciones y tratamiento quirúrgico para cada tipo. También menciona varios síndromes que se asocian comúnmente con comunicaciones interauriculares.

Its about people, not devices
Its about people, not devicesIts about people, not devices
Its about people, not devices

The document discusses the diversity of mobile devices globally and how this diversity is likely to persist. It notes that while some designers may choose to only design for the newest, most powerful platforms, an inclusive approach is needed to provide accessibility while still ensuring a great user experience across a wide range of contexts, inputs, and users. Context, attention, and usability have changed as mobile devices have become more capable and integrated into more aspects of our lives.

and a missed opportunity
for many more...

           linkedin HTML5 webapp disappointment

                                                                     leeding edge" f 2009
                                                              the "b              o
                                                            have A ndroid device r stop...
                                                             is once again a
2 year old, state-of-the-art
    your smartphone is obsolete,
           please upgrade now...

for most folks these
are not "higher priorities"...


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The trouble with context
The trouble with contextThe trouble with context
The trouble with context

The document discusses how the context in which mobile devices are used has become increasingly complex and unpredictable. Guidelines from a few years ago around mobile design being context-driven are now outdated, as mobile and Internet-connected devices have proliferated and their uses have diversified. Over 5 billion people now own mobile devices, which for many are their primary or only means of Internet access. This shift has dramatically changed user behavior and expectations.

Rethinking the mobile web
Rethinking the mobile webRethinking the mobile web
Rethinking the mobile web

This document discusses creating an accessible and inclusive mobile experience. It begins by noting that while some devices like the iPhone are popular, they only represent a small portion of the overall mobile device market and user population. It then examines the need to make the mobile web accessible to all users, not just those with certain devices, and provides examples of how usage and capabilities vary greatly across the global mobile landscape. The document advocates for an adaptive approach that considers all mobile contexts rather than targeting specific devices or browsers.

mobileweb design and development
Beyond the mobile web
Beyond the mobile webBeyond the mobile web
Beyond the mobile web

The document discusses how the internet and mobile technology have become integrated into everyday life. Key points include: - The internet is no longer an activity confined to desktop computers, but something that people access constantly through mobile devices. - There are now over 5 billion mobile subscribers globally, and mobile phones are becoming as powerful as computers were a few years ago. - People use their mobile devices to engage in many activities like chatting, scheduling, shopping, and following up on things looked up on other devices. - Mobile internet usage is shifting from just short activities to complementing and facilitating longer tasks like research, transactions, and important decisions.

welcome to
the real world...
where we learn to
adapt as required...

             where simply learning to knit
                   can change your life...

from your local library
                                                                          where borrowing books for free
                                                                           is beating paying for ebooks...

Times Are Tough, Libraries Are Thriving       

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Beyond The Mobile Web By Yiibu 110412113255 Phpapp01
Beyond The Mobile Web By Yiibu 110412113255 Phpapp01Beyond The Mobile Web By Yiibu 110412113255 Phpapp01
Beyond The Mobile Web By Yiibu 110412113255 Phpapp01

Mobile internet access is becoming ubiquitous, with over 1.3 billion people now using their mobile devices to access the internet. Context for how the internet is accessed has changed dramatically, with people now commonly using their phones, tablets, and other devices to engage in many online activities both brief and extended. This has disrupted traditional models of web design which focused on desktop access with predictable contexts. A new approach is needed to create engaging mobile content in this environment of tremendous diversity and unpredictability.

Beyond The Mobile Web By Yiibu
Beyond The Mobile Web By YiibuBeyond The Mobile Web By Yiibu
Beyond The Mobile Web By Yiibu

The document discusses how the internet and mobile technology have become integrated into everyday life. Key points include: - The internet is no longer an activity confined to desktop computers, but something that people access constantly through mobile devices. - There are now over 5 billion mobile subscribers globally, and mobile phones are becoming as powerful as computers were a few years ago. - People use their mobile devices to engage in many activities like chatting, scheduling, shopping, and following up on things looked up on other devices. - Mobile internet usage is shifting from just short activities to complementing and facilitating longer tasks like research, transactions, and important decisions.

paymentsdigital commercemobile
Yiibu goingmobile2010-100818120505-phpapp01
Yiibu goingmobile2010-100818120505-phpapp01Yiibu goingmobile2010-100818120505-phpapp01
Yiibu goingmobile2010-100818120505-phpapp01

Mobile devices have seen tremendous growth over the past decade. What began as voice-only devices are now powerful computers that are highly personal, accessible through many operating systems and manufacturers, and support a vast array of applications and services. However, designing for mobile introduces unique constraints around limited screens, battery life, and varied contexts of use. The most popular uses of mobile today include social networking, games, photos, messaging and information searching, though there is opportunity for applications that enhance people's lives in meaningful ways by supporting tasks, learning, self-improvement and quality of life. Successful mobile design focuses on the user, iterates quickly, and views limitations as opportunities rather than barriers.

technologypeople and societymobile
where Hulu, iTunes and sports bars
      are replacing cable services...

and which led @grigs
to pick up those clippers...

the iPhone inspired everyone
to expect more from their devices...


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Mobile mapping w3g
Mobile mapping w3gMobile mapping w3g
Mobile mapping w3g

This document discusses lessons learned about developing cross-platform mobile maps. It notes that mobile usage has greatly increased over desktop in recent years. Effective cross-platform mapping requires supporting major mobile browsers out of the box while being optimized for slower 3G connections by reducing accuracy, limiting interactivity, breaking content into smaller pieces, and handling disruptions gracefully. User location detection is also important but poses challenges. Code samples are provided at the given URL.

w3g cross platform mobile mapping
Mobxbeyondthehamburgermenu13sep2014 140916040153-phpapp01
Mobxbeyondthehamburgermenu13sep2014 140916040153-phpapp01Mobxbeyondthehamburgermenu13sep2014 140916040153-phpapp01
Mobxbeyondthehamburgermenu13sep2014 140916040153-phpapp01

The document discusses designing experiences for multiple devices. It notes that users now own and switch between multiple devices throughout the day, from phones to tablets to wearables. As such, designers must consider how to provide equal, continuous experiences across different platforms and prioritize building modular content that can be adapted for any device or input method. Navigation and usability must work seamlessly regardless of screen size or input type.

anna dahlström
Beyond The Hamburger Menu - MOBX, 13 Sep 2014
Beyond The Hamburger Menu - MOBX, 13 Sep 2014Beyond The Hamburger Menu - MOBX, 13 Sep 2014
Beyond The Hamburger Menu - MOBX, 13 Sep 2014

The document discusses designing experiences for multiple devices. It notes that users now own and switch between multiple devices throughout the day, from phones to tablets to wearables. As such, designers must consider how to provide equal, continuous experiences across different platforms and prioritize building modular content that can be adapted for any device or input method. Navigation and usability must work seamlessly regardless of device.

multiple devicesmobilewearables
"...yeah, but people don't actually use
those undesirable devices?"

...have you actually
offered them anything yet?
                         logs, chances aail...
            check your in the long t
           you'll find them

                                    a few companies
                                 most certainly have...

             twitter indonesia



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Adapting to Input — Smashing Conference NYC
Adapting to Input — Smashing Conference NYCAdapting to Input — Smashing Conference NYC
Adapting to Input — Smashing Conference NYC

Input is constantly evolving and expanding beyond traditional keyboard and mouse. The document discusses 7 principles for adapting web design to different inputs: 1. Design for the largest target by default. 2. Design for modes of interaction instead of specific inputs. 3. Make designs accessible to all inputs. 4. Support multiple concurrent inputs. 5. Abstract baseline inputs like tap, click, and point. 6. Progressively enhance with new inputs like gestures and sensors. 7. Include different inputs in testing plans. The key message is that input cannot be detected, is a continuum, and is always changing. Web design needs to be adaptable and not assume certain inputs based on device properties.

web developmentweb designinput
Beyond Progressive Enhancement by yiibu
Beyond Progressive Enhancement by yiibuBeyond Progressive Enhancement by yiibu
Beyond Progressive Enhancement by yiibu

The document discusses how technology is increasingly woven into everyday life and the physical world. It describes several new technologies like smart connected objects, self-driving cars that collect data, smart forks that track eating habits and communicate with apps. It argues that the web needs to embrace these new technologies and find ways to connect physical systems to provide more seamless experiences, rather than trying to compete with native apps. The future may involve the web enabling discovery of physical objects and powering connections between various systems and technologies.

technologyfuturefood and related products
A Mobile Introductory
A Mobile IntroductoryA Mobile Introductory
A Mobile Introductory

A mobile introduction: covering native and cross platform development, fragmentation, UI and UX and some projects ive worked on.

mobilecross platformuser experience
us humans are amazing when it comes
                           to adapting to new circumstances... we still really
   need the dogs?

the web was actually built
   on similar principles...

"The primary design principle underlying the Web's
usefulness and growth is universality.

The Web should be usable by people with disabilities.
It must work with any form of information, be it a
document or a point of data, and information of any
quality–from a silly tweet to a scholarly paper.

And it should be accessible from any kind of hardware
than can connect to the internet: stationary or mobile,
small screen or large."
                                                                    as seen b efore @bdconf
Tim Berners-Lee

Long Live the Web

unfortunately, our current
mental models started back here...


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The effects of digital devices
The effects of digital devicesThe effects of digital devices
The effects of digital devices

The document discusses the effects of digital devices on customers and their lives. It notes that phones demand too much attention taking away from real experiences. It also discusses how analog metaphors make less sense with digital devices and new paradigms are needed for experiencing media like text on screens. Finally, it talks about how all information feeds into something larger than individuals, like a superorganism or colony of digital information, and how greater internet thought is now manifesting locally through events like the Arab Spring.

Mobile Web Vs Mobile Apps
Mobile Web Vs Mobile AppsMobile Web Vs Mobile Apps
Mobile Web Vs Mobile Apps

From the 2010 Internet Usability Conference, how to best determine whether to use the Web or build your own app for mobile devices.

Native vs. Mobile Web vs. Hybrid Apps for Mobile Development
Native vs. Mobile Web vs. Hybrid Apps for Mobile DevelopmentNative vs. Mobile Web vs. Hybrid Apps for Mobile Development
Native vs. Mobile Web vs. Hybrid Apps for Mobile Development

Examining the landscape of the mobile development, the hidden challenges of the iPhone app store, and the middle way provided by hybrid applications.

The Era of mobile dominance is beginning

                            which did not prepare us for a world
paul rouget taiwan africa
                              dominated by devices like these...

“The best, most solid way out of a crisis
in a changing market is through
experiment and adaptation.”
Richard Branson
Business Stripped Bare – Adventures of a Global Entrepreneur


     a tale of clients
       and servers...

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It took 16 years for smartphone penetration to reach 1 billion people. Analysts believe it will take only 3 years to reach the next billion. The devices these consumers buy will be incredibly diverse, yet many will run on Android; a platform that now sees more than 1.5 million activations per day. In this presentation, we explore the fascinating rise of Android around the globe. From dual SIM phones in Indonesia, to dual screen e-ink devices in Russia and crowd-sourced platform modifications in China, we will discover the role open source has played in Android's popularity and how to design for such a diverse environment.

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pastrami on rye...   a client makes a request
                                to a server...

other unique clients make
                                                                similar requests...
                                                                          yet not identical

turkey                                             chilli dog...
         grilled cheese               brisket...

                                                               corned beef...


chilli dog...

                a method to track each client
                        request is required...

as each client request
                                                                  is received...

tra pickle...                         no pickle...     Rueben...
           pastrami on rye... turkey                               chilli dog...
  Rueben...                        Rueben...
                 grilled cheese                      brisket...                corned beef...


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A talk I gave in november 2011 for our internal Web Developer Network at EVRY. Inspirational slides, tweets and flickr photos are credited with links to the sources. Thanks!

responsivemobile experienceweb design
История интерфейсов
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История интерфейсов

Преза Юрия Ветрова.

Engage your online community
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Engage your online community

This document discusses engaging customers through online dialogue and participation. It makes several key points: 1. The internet is now the center of all communications and experiences are the main brand differentiator. Customers expect individualized treatment and to lead relationships. 2. People trust recommendations from other people like themselves over companies. Blogs and user-generated content are influential so companies must find ways to authentically join online conversations. 3. Web 2.0 thrives on user participation through things like blogs, videos and profiles. If a company does not add blogging or ways to comment to their marketing mix, they are not fully engaging customers online.

the server tailors each request
                                                           to each client...
                                320, hold the pickle...
                                                              one more 320...
                        150, pastrami...              210 to go...

tracking (ticketing, bills, etc)
analytics (what works, what doesn't)
preparation (vs just-in-time)
tacit knowledge

ensuring they get exactly
       what they need...

rather than everything they
          might not want...


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Art of user engagement
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The document discusses different techniques for increasing user engagement and participation on websites and online platforms. It suggests reducing the cost of participation compared to free options, designing for ego rather than self-promotion, using reputation systems, recognition, popularity rankings, and relevant metrics. Social factors that can encourage participation include social pressure, herd mentality, reciprocity, publicly made commitments, and discovery.


The document outlines the layers of the mobile experience design process, including identifying needs and goals, developing strategies and prototypes, testing, and optimization for mobile contexts. It also discusses several "rules" for mobile design such as focusing on user needs, keeping designs simple, and understanding usage contexts. The layers of the design process are idea, needs and goals, context, strategy, device plan, design, prototype, development, testing, optimization, and porting.

Digital Strategy
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Digital Strategy

Gareth Kay discusses strategy in the post-digital world. Some key points include: 1) Strategies need to be interesting, not just right, and trigger desired responses simply and entertainingly. 2) Strategies should be interested in what interests people and have a cultural mission rather than just commercial goals. 3) Companies should create useful experiences and media, not just communicate products. They should experiment with storytelling across screens and make everyday life playful and useful.

digital marketing
...but what does this
have to do with mobile?
accomplish great things together
  working client and server can...



                     yet unknown
                   a client makes
            a request to a server...

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Mobile 2.0
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Mobile 2.0

This document provides an overview of mobile application development. It discusses the history of mobile technology from the brick era to the current touch era. It describes the various layers of the mobile ecosystem including services, applications, platforms, operating systems, and networks. It provides details on popular mobile platforms like Java ME, Brew, Windows Mobile, and Android. It also discusses mobile networks standards including 2G, 2.5G, 3G and technologies like GSM, UMTS, EVDO and WiMAX.

Mobile Developement Choises
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This document discusses the choices between native, web, and hybrid mobile development. It notes that while native apps have advantages like performance and access to device features, the web is more open and has fewer restrictions. Hybrid development using tools like PhoneGap aims to provide native functionality and performance while maintaining the openness of the web. The keys to successful hybrid apps are making the experience feel native, taking advantage of device features, and optimizing performance. Overall, the best approach depends on the specific application and goals.

mobileweb design and development
Prototype like a pro
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Prototype like a pro

This document provides guidance on how to create effective prototypes using Keynote. It recommends planning by defining stories, creating user flows, and sketching screens. The next steps are to build prototypes by designing interfaces and adding interactivity without code. Prototypes should then be tested with users and refined based on feedback. Keynote is promoted as a quick, cheap, and effective tool for prototyping that allows creating multiple interactive versions fast and integrating user feedback.

clouds are hip these days...

...profile please?


              server then asks the client
                  for it's profile cookie...
yeah, you're going to need a profile...


                           if a client doesn't have a profile
                      cookie the server creates one for it...

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                                       let's start with the 'default' profile...

 default profile

*defining a 'default' baseline
profile depends on your
project requirements...

                                                                            or default*

notice that this makes the
                                           begin with a baseline profile
assumption that basic = default   that covers the very basic experience...
(in other words "mobile first")
                               then...grab the client user agent string
                            (trust me, it's more useful than you think)


...oh yes, user-agent please?


hey DeviceAtlas, wanna check this UA for me?


                                           query the user agent string against
                                      a device database such as DeviceAtlas...
                                                                                                        ...or WURFL

  width:480,                                                ...found it, here it comes!
DeviceAtlas profile

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default profile
                               ...hmm, I think I've seen this before?


DeviceAtlas profile                now query the user agent string against
                                any tacit knowledge you have collected...
   "profile":{"width":"800"}                        tacit data
                                                                                         Tacit (or known) profile
                                                               partial profiles are matched via
  {                                                 UA string fragments...
  width:{                          tacit data
default profile

  droid:1,                   yeah, I've seen this before...
  video:true,                            server

Tacit (or known) profile

  height:480,                         this tacit knowledge is gathered
  touch:true,                    over time from other device profiles...
  ...                                                         ...or through knowledge
}                                                               gained during testing
DeviceAtlas profile
  formats:{                              server
Client profile
                                      merge the baseline data, with the data
                               returned from queries into the client profile...

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  width:{                   document
  xhr:true,                             response
  formats:{                           server
Client profile
                               write the profile cookie to the doc header
                                     which will be returned to the client...
  xhr:true,                  response
  canvas:true,                               profile
  formats:{                    server
                                                            for this client
Client profile
                                     server now has a usable profile
                                                 and can continue...
media queries are not a means                           using Javascript to modify
of adapting content contained                            significant portions of the
within the DOM on the client...                       DOM will impact performance
                                                                on mobile devices...


                                                               and adapt
                       the server now begins to filter the content
                     based on the properties in the client profile...
Adaptation Rules
ensure all images are
appropriately sized for
client display
replace any images that
contain fine details or text
replace Flash media with
an appropriate alternative         response
where not supported
remove unnecessary
markup, scripts, etc.                server

                                                              or app
                        adaptation 'rules' will vary from site to site,
                          but adapting <img>'s is most common...

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If you’ve ever had to analyze a map or GPS data, chances are you’ve encountered and even worked with coordinate systems. As historical data continually updates through GPS, understanding coordinate systems is increasingly crucial. However, not everyone knows why they exist or how to effectively use them for data-driven insights. During this webinar, you’ll learn exactly what coordinate systems are and how you can use FME to maintain and transform your data’s coordinate systems in an easy-to-digest way, accurately representing the geographical space that it exists within. During this webinar, you will have the chance to: - Enhance Your Understanding: Gain a clear overview of what coordinate systems are and their value - Learn Practical Applications: Why we need datams and projections, plus units between coordinate systems - Maximize with FME: Understand how FME handles coordinate systems, including a brief summary of the 3 main reprojectors - Custom Coordinate Systems: Learn how to work with FME and coordinate systems beyond what is natively supported - Look Ahead: Gain insights into where FME is headed with coordinate systems in the future Don’t miss the opportunity to improve the value you receive from your coordinate system data, ultimately allowing you to streamline your data analysis and maximize your time. See you there!

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user modelinguser profilinguser model
Adaptation Rules
ensure all images are
appropriately sized for
client display
replace any images that
contain fine details or text
replace Flash media with
an appropriate alternative         response
where not supported
remove unnecessary
markup, scripts, etc.                server
adapt large tables as
required, link to data
serve appropriate video
format, codec and size
adapt DOM components
including scripts and styles       <video>, <table> and other DOM
                                  structures also require adaptation
Adaptation Rules                                     Resource Bundles
ensure all images are                                         alternate content
appropriately sized for                                   appropriate for context
client display
                                                       alternate DOM templates,
replace any images that                               components & fragments
contain fine details or text
                                                     alternate sized, formatted +
replace Flash media with                              encoded video as required
an appropriate alternative         response
where not supported                                         alternate images for
                                                            required breakpoints
remove unnecessary
markup, scripts, etc.                server            alternate scripts + styles
                            for required client profiles
adapt large tables as
required, link to data
serve appropriate video
format, codec and size
adapt DOM components
including scripts and styles                       you will often require
                                                        new resources
   "320-­‐720":"resources/images/meego/pinch-­‐zoom@320.png",        Resource Bundles
     },                                                                              alternate content
                                                                                   appropriate for context
   "720-­‐9999":"resources/images/meego/typing.png"                    alternate DOM templates,
     },                                                                      components & fragments
   "0-­‐320":"resources/images/meego/stay-­‐safe@240.png",           alternate sized, formatted +
   "320-­‐720":"resources/images/meego/stay-­‐safe@320.png",          encoded video as required
     },                                                                            alternate images for
     "swipe-­‐more":{                                                              required breakpoints
   "640-­‐9999":"resources/images/meego/swipe.jpg"                     alternate scripts + styles
     },                                                                       for required client profiles
   "720-­‐9999":"resources/images/meego/typing.png"             which can be defined in
       "stay-­‐safe-­‐more":{                                             any number of ways...




these resources can be static, cached
    or even dynamically generated...
                        which would make them
                         even more responsive

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Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

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                all content adaptation is
               performed on the server...
                               before the page is


                                        on the client
alternate resources that may later be required
              are then bundled as references...


                                  feature detection
                an additional profile <script>
is also included in the response to the client...

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Not so much to say

Client profile
                                                     feature detection
                                    the client executes its profile <script>
                               and updates its profile cookie accordingly...

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Support en anglais diffusé lors de l'événement 100% IA organisé dans les locaux parisiens d'Iguane Solutions, le mardi 2 juillet 2024 : - Présentation de notre plateforme IA plug and play : ses fonctionnalités avancées, telles que son interface utilisateur intuitive, son copilot puissant et des outils de monitoring performants. - REX client : Cyril Janssens, CTO d’ easybourse, partage son expérience d’utilisation de notre plateforme IA plug & play.

or screen resize
on an orientation change
    the script fires again...

  width:{                updated
Client profile
                                         and if needed, additional resources
                                                          are downloaded...
                                                                 based on the pre-
                                                                 bundled references

                      a client makes
           a new request to a server...

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...profile please?


             server then asks the client
                 for it's profile cookie...
                               ...ah, wonderful you've filled in the rest!
  formats:{                            server
Client profile
                                                     which now accurately
                                           represents the requesting client...
tacit data


         server captures the client-tested
profile properties for later dB integration...
let me get that for you...


                                                 and adapt
                        server then begins to filter content
                                based on the client profile...

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                              on the client
            any resources required are
         then bundled as references...

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         ...ta da!
and repeat as

Recommended for you

all in preparation for the coming
            zombie apocalypse...
            @scottjenson zombie frog

benefits of this
                              focus on the features,
                                    not the device...


ceçi n'est plus un iphone
 accepts that features
   are rarely binary...

just because it's 'supported', doesn't mean
it works as intended (or works at all)...


Recommended for you

tweaks for "important" devices
(e.g. client-specific requests,
business goal-specific, partners,
high-traffic edge cases etc.)

                                   tacit data enables you to
create custom properties needed
for your specific project              fine tune the profiles...

override false positives

which makes edge cases
         much easier...!/stephanierieger/status/113604185857069056
all heavy lifting occurs
        on the server...
folks and their
supports a broader range of devices
where client-side-only approaches
can be unreliable...


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embrace the future of
"unknown unknowns"...

a few thoughts
  for tomorrow...
the <img> tag...
          was an after thought
...perhaps it's finally time
                                                                       to rethink it?

                       this of course does not exist,
                       and is simply wishful thinking...

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                                queries for the DOM?
...                                                    ie: conditional content


                                        this of course does not exist, and is
...                                     only the simplest form of an idea...
rethinking (and extending)
    content negotiation...

and maybe even go back and
                                          revisit UA strings...
Andrea Trasatti sorting user agent strings out

                               for so me thoughts...srting
                              Andrea  Trasatti's "So ut"
                               User  Agent Strings

"The wise adapt themselves to circumstances,
    as the water moulds itself to the pitcher."
                                             Chinese Proverb


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                                                                       thank you

    the font we
    use is

         many thanks to the
         amazing photographers


         licensed under


             available on


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  • 1. Adaptation why responsive design actually begins on the server...
  • 2. the tech media loves a good story... TechCrunch
  • 3. 200 million iOS devices and life on the bleeding edge...
  • 4. 1/3 * of the US has a smartphone ge statistics rane'll *current –w fro m 25% to 50%licity... p u se 1/3 for sim *please note
  • 5. 1/3 of the US has a, so 2/3 of the US does not have a smartphone?! smartphone
  • 6. or if you're a fanboy feel free to use this math*... 1/2 of the US has a and 1/2 does not... smartphone n't t percentage ishe *the exac rtant for t terribly impo presentation... is purposes of th
  • 7. will save us all!
  • 8. but it's really only kinda useable on few high-end devices... will save us all!
  • 9. the "tech industry" ...and are we making promises we can't keep? htc Magic Android 1.6 must the " bleeding edge" e of ha ve Android devic stop... r 200 9 is now a doo
  • 13. iPhone 3GS iPhone 3G 2007 2008 2009
  • 14. iPhone 4 iPhone 3G 3GS 2007 2008 2009 2010
  • 15. 3G 3GS 4 2008 2009 2010 2011 iPhone 5...
  • 16. side effect n. a peripheral or secondary effect, especially an undesirable one...
  • 17. the smartphone era begins... original the iPhone 2007
  • 18. brings touch, gestures and the real web... web touch iPhone 3G iPhone 2007 2008
  • 19. native apps and the rise of Android... android apps iPhone 3GS iPhone 3G 2007 2008 2009
  • 20. whither feature phones, and the further rise of Android... htc g-five samsung web os iPhone 4 iPhone 3G 3GS 2007 2008 2009 2010
  • 21. blackberry kindle devices go mainstream nook with great expectations... htc LG samsung motorola iPhone 5... 3G 3GS 4 2008 2009 2010 2011
  • 22. we're now in that big grey area...
  • 23. or from a different perspective...
  • 25. the bleeding edge... + 'ish via China opportunity
  • 26. but we still can't see the forest for the trees...
  • 27. 2/3 * of the US does not have a smartphone... e *or 1/2 if you'r a fanboy...
  • 28. last year we asked a simple question...
  • 29. welcome to the mobile web I asked this a year ago, i'm not sure anything's changed!! if you want to use the web on a mobile device, is the purchase of an iPhone the cost of entry?
  • 30. to infinity and beyond... well over by 2015 50% of web traffic is expected to come from mobile devices
  • 31. let me rephrase the question...
  • 32. still the only device where the Web actually works this is rhetorical, and absurd... in 2015, if you want to use the web on a mobile device, will the purchase of an iPhone be mandatory...?
  • 33. gotta get 'em all... or even want many of us cannot afford to purchase every shiny new device released...
  • 34. especially in the light of recent events...
  • 36. most folks have much more pressing concerns...
  • 37. and far higher priorities...
  • 38. which often result in very different purchasing decisions...
  • 40. as lots of Android devices are now available for less than $200*.... or very close to it... ...*free is also becoming a popular option!
  • 41. and some feature phones aimed at the next billion now include WebKit ooh, touch... and a touch screen... ype Nokia C3 Touch & T S eries 40 device
  • 42. every phone is now (essentially) a smartphone*... or soon will be ns of ctual definitioy - but to *a ill var 'smartphone' wey are all magic... normal folks th
  • 43. camera, video, 3G connectivity music player, etc. large, colour touch sensitive screen a modern web browser (not WAP) (often) a real, update-able operating system loaded with everything we've come to expect from a smartphone... QWERTY keyboard and/or trackball
  • 44. less vibrant screens less responsive touch screens limited or no data plan bundled lower spec RAM and/or CPU/GPU few or no OEM OS updates but not every smartphone is created equal...
  • 45. UNDESIRABLE this inequality creates diversity and (often) "undesirables"...
  • 46. "Android WebKit is the closest thing to being the IE6 of mobile development for me." - @dalmaer via
  • 48. an optimal experience for for a privileged few...
  • 49. and a missed opportunity for many more... linkedin HTML5 webapp disappointment must leeding edge" f 2009 the "b o have A ndroid device r stop... doo is once again a
  • 50. 2 year old, state-of-the-art your smartphone is obsolete, please upgrade now...
  • 51. um...
  • 52. for most folks these are not "higher priorities"...
  • 53. welcome to the real world...
  • 54. where we learn to adapt as required...
  • 55. craftivism where simply learning to knit can change your life...
  • 56. from your local library where borrowing books for free is beating paying for ebooks... Times Are Tough, Libraries Are Thriving
  • 57. where Hulu, iTunes and sports bars are replacing cable services... expensive
  • 58. and which led @grigs to pick up those clippers...
  • 60. the iPhone inspired everyone to expect more from their devices...
  • 61. "...yeah, but people don't actually use those undesirable devices?"
  • 62. yup
  • 63. ...have you actually offered them anything yet? re logs, chances aail... check your in the long t you'll find them
  • 64. small a few companies most certainly have... twitter indonesia 0.facebook OperaMini
  • 65. us humans are amazing when it comes to adapting to new circumstances... we still really need the dogs?
  • 66. the web was actually built on similar principles...
  • 67. "The primary design principle underlying the Web's usefulness and growth is universality. The Web should be usable by people with disabilities. It must work with any form of information, be it a document or a point of data, and information of any quality–from a silly tweet to a scholarly paper. And it should be accessible from any kind of hardware than can connect to the internet: stationary or mobile, small screen or large." ... as seen b efore @bdconf Tim Berners-Lee Long Live the Web
  • 68. unfortunately, our current mental models started back here...
  • 69. The Era of mobile dominance is beginning which did not prepare us for a world paul rouget taiwan africa dominated by devices like these...
  • 70. “The best, most solid way out of a crisis in a changing market is through experiment and adaptation.” Richard Branson Business Stripped Bare – Adventures of a Global Entrepreneur
  • 71. <diversion>
  • 72. short a tale of clients and servers...
  • 73. pastrami on rye... a client makes a request to a server...
  • 74. other unique clients make similar requests... yet not identical Rueben... turkey chilli dog... grilled cheese brisket... corned beef...
  • 75. Rueben... chilli dog... a method to track each client request is required...
  • 76. as each client request is received... tra pickle... no pickle... Rueben... pastrami on rye... turkey chilli dog... Rueben... Rueben... grilled cheese brisket... corned beef...
  • 77. the server tailors each request to each client... 320, hold the pickle... one more 320... 150, pastrami... 210 to go... tracking (ticketing, bills, etc) analytics (what works, what doesn't) preparation (vs just-in-time) tacit knowledge
  • 78. ensuring they get exactly what they need...
  • 79. rather than everything they might not want...
  • 80. <diversion/>
  • 81. ...but what does this have to do with mobile?
  • 82. accomplish great things together working client and server can...
  • 84. client yet unknown a client makes a request to a server...
  • 86. clouds are hip these days... server
  • 87. ...profile please? server server then asks the client for it's profile cookie...
  • 88. yeah, you're going to need a profile... server if a client doesn't have a profile cookie the server creates one for it...
  • 89. {    width:{        screen:240,        document:240    } } let's start with the 'default' profile... default profile *defining a 'default' baseline profile depends on your project requirements... server or default* notice that this makes the begin with a baseline profile assumption that basic = default that covers the very basic experience... (in other words "mobile first")
  • 90. eww.... then...grab the client user agent string (trust me, it's more useful than you think) server ...oh yes, user-agent please? Mozilla/5.0  (Linux;  U;  Android  2.1-­‐update1;  en-­‐gb;  Nexus  One  Build/ERE27)   AppleWebKit/530.17  (KHTML,  like  Gecko)  Version/4.0  Mobile  Safari/530.17
  • 91. Mozilla/5.0  (Linux;  U;  Android  2.1-­‐update1;  en-­‐gb;  Nexus  One  Build/ERE27)   AppleWebKit/530.17  (KHTML,  like  Gecko)  Version/4.0  Mobile  Safari/530.17 hey DeviceAtlas, wanna check this UA for me? server query the user agent string against a device database such as DeviceAtlas... ...or WURFL
  • 92. Mozilla/5.0  (Linux;  U;  Android  2.1-­‐update1;  en-­‐gb;  Nexus  One  Build/ERE27)   AppleWebKit/530.17  (KHTML,  like  Gecko)  Version/4.0  Mobile  Safari/530.17 {  width:480, ...found it, here it comes!  height:480,  color-­‐depth:8,  touch:true,  cookie:true,  ... } DeviceAtlas profile
  • 93. {    width:{        screen:240,        document:240    } } default profile ...hmm, I think I've seen this before? server {  width:480,  height:480,  color-­‐depth:8,  touch:true,  cookie:true,  ... } DeviceAtlas profile now query the user agent string against any tacit knowledge you have collected... may
  • 94.         "profile":{"width":"240"}      },      "desktop":  {         "match":"#windows|macintosh|linux#i",         "profile":{"width":"800"} tacit data      },      "iphone":  {         "match":"#iphone#i",         "profile":{"ios":"1",  "width":"320",  "svg":true,  "canvas":true}      },      "ipad":  {         "match":"#ipad#i",         "profile":{"ios":"1",  "width":"768",  "svg":true,  "canvas":true}      },    "android":  {         "match":"#android#i",         "profile":{"droid":"1",  "width":"320",  "flash":true,  "canvas":true,  "video":true}      },      "symbian^3":  { Tacit (or known) profile         "match":"#symbian/3#i",         "profile":{"sym3":"1",  "width":"360"}      },      "symbian9.4":  {         "match":"#symbianos/9.4#i",         "profile":{"sym94":"1",  "width":"360"}      },      "symbian9.3":  {         "match":"#symbianos/9.3#i",         "profile":{"sym93":"1",  "width":"360"} partial profiles are matched via      },      "n73":  { UA string fragments...         "match":"#N73#i",         "profile":{"sym91":"1",  "width":"240"}      },      "series602.x":  {         "match":"#series60/2.8|{series60/2.9}#i",
  • 95. {    width:{ tacit data        screen:240,        document:240    } } default profile {  width:320,  droid:1, yeah, I've seen this before...  canvas:true,  flash:true,  video:true, server  ... } Tacit (or known) profile {  width:480,  height:480, this tacit knowledge is gathered  color-­‐depth:8,  touch:true, over time from other device profiles...  cookie:true,  ... ...or through knowledge } gained during testing DeviceAtlas profile
  • 96. {    width:{        screen:320,        document:320    },    xhr:true,    canvas:true,    flash:false,    video:true,    formats:{ server    h264:probably,    ogg:false,    webm:false    },    offline:true } Client profile merge the baseline data, with the data returned from queries into the client profile...
  • 97. cookie {    width:{ document        screen:320,        document:320    },    xhr:true, response    canvas:true,    flash:false,    video:true,    formats:{ server    h264:probably,    ogg:false,    webm:false    },    offline:true } Client profile write the profile cookie to the doc header which will be returned to the client...
  • 98. {    width:{        screen:320,        document:320    },    xhr:true, response    canvas:true, profile    flash:false,    video:true,    formats:{ server    h264:probably,    ogg:false,    webm:false    },    offline:true } for this client Client profile server now has a usable profile and can continue...
  • 99. media queries are not a means using Javascript to modify of adapting content contained significant portions of the within the DOM on the client... DOM will impact performance on mobile devices... response filter server and adapt the server now begins to filter the content based on the properties in the client profile...
  • 100. Adaptation Rules ensure all images are appropriately sized for client display replace any images that contain fine details or text replace Flash media with an appropriate alternative response where not supported remove unnecessary markup, scripts, etc. server or app adaptation 'rules' will vary from site to site, but adapting <img>'s is most common...
  • 101. Adaptation Rules ensure all images are appropriately sized for client display replace any images that contain fine details or text replace Flash media with an appropriate alternative response where not supported remove unnecessary markup, scripts, etc. server adapt large tables as required, link to data serve appropriate video format, codec and size adapt DOM components including scripts and styles <video>, <table> and other DOM structures also require adaptation may
  • 102. Adaptation Rules Resource Bundles ensure all images are alternate content appropriately sized for appropriate for context client display alternate DOM templates, replace any images that components & fragments contain fine details or text alternate sized, formatted + replace Flash media with encoded video as required an appropriate alternative response where not supported alternate images for required breakpoints remove unnecessary markup, scripts, etc. server alternate scripts + styles for required client profiles adapt large tables as required, link to data serve appropriate video format, codec and size adapt DOM components including scripts and styles you will often require new resources
  • 103.   "pinch-­‐zoom":{     "0-­‐320":"resources/images/meego/pinch-­‐zoom@240.png",     "320-­‐720":"resources/images/meego/pinch-­‐zoom@320.png", Resource Bundles     "720-­‐9999":"resources/images/meego/pinch-­‐zoom.png"   }, alternate content   "typing":{     "0-­‐320":"resources/images/meego/typing@240.png", appropriate for context     "320-­‐720":"resources/images/meego/typing@320.png",     "720-­‐9999":"resources/images/meego/typing.png" alternate DOM templates,   }, components & fragments   "stay-­‐safe":{     "0-­‐320":"resources/images/meego/stay-­‐safe@240.png", alternate sized, formatted +     "320-­‐720":"resources/images/meego/stay-­‐safe@320.png", encoded video as required     "720-­‐9999":"resources/images/meego/stay-­‐safe.png"   }, alternate images for   "swipe-­‐more":{ required breakpoints     "0-­‐320":"resources/images/meego/swipe@240.jpg",     "320-­‐640":"resources/images/meego/swipe@320.jpg",     "640-­‐9999":"resources/images/meego/swipe.jpg" alternate scripts + styles   }, for required client profiles   "pinch-­‐zoom-­‐more":{     "0-­‐320":"resources/images/meego/pinch-­‐zoom@240.png",     "320-­‐720":"resources/images/meego/pinch-­‐zoom@320.png",     "720-­‐9999":"resources/images/meego/pinch-­‐zoom.png"   },   "typing-­‐more":{     "0-­‐320":"resources/images/meego/typing@240.png",       "320-­‐720":"resources/images/meego/typing@320.png",   "720-­‐9999":"resources/images/meego/typing.png" which can be defined in     }, "stay-­‐safe-­‐more":{ any number of ways...     "0-­‐320":"resources/images/meego/stay-­‐safe@240.png",     "320-­‐720":"resources/images/meego/stay-­‐safe@320.png",     "720-­‐9999":"resources/images/meego/stay-­‐safe.png"   },   "location":{
  • 104. video data images response server these resources can be static, cached or even dynamically generated... which would make them even more responsive
  • 105. response server all content adaptation is performed on the server... before the page is downloaded
  • 106. response server on the client alternate resources that may later be required are then bundled as references...
  • 107. {} response server feature detection an additional profile <script> is also included in the response to the client...
  • 108. {}
  • 111. client
  • 112. {    width:{        screen:480,        document:480    },    xhr:true,    canvas:true,    flash:true,    video:true,    formats:{    h264:probably,    ogg:true,    webm:false    },    offline:true } Client profile feature detection the client executes its profile <script> and updates its profile cookie accordingly...
  • 114. or screen resize on an orientation change the script fires again...
  • 115. images {    width:{ updated        screen:800,        document:800    },    xhr:true,    canvas:true,    flash:true,    video:true,    formats:{    h264:probably,    ogg:true,    webm:false    },    offline:true } Client profile and if needed, additional resources are downloaded... based on the pre- bundled references
  • 116. known a client makes a new request to a server...
  • 117. ...profile please? server server then asks the client for it's profile cookie...
  • 118. {    width:{ ...ah, wonderful you've filled in the rest!        screen:800,        document:800    },    xhr:true,    canvas:true,    flash:true,    video:true,    formats:{ server    h264:probably,    ogg:true,    webm:false    },    offline:true } Client profile which now accurately represents the requesting client...
  • 119. tacit data server server captures the client-tested profile properties for later dB integration...
  • 120. let me get that for you... response server and adapt server then begins to filter content based on the client profile...
  • 121. response server on the client any resources required are then bundled as references...
  • 122. {}
  • 125. client ...ta da!
  • 126. and repeat as required...
  • 129. all in preparation for the coming zombie apocalypse... @scottjenson zombie frog
  • 130. benefits of this approach...
  • 131. known focus on the features, not the device... OperaMini ceçi n'est plus un iphone
  • 132. browser accepts that features are rarely binary... just because it's 'supported', doesn't mean it works as intended (or works at all)...
  • 133. tweaks for "important" devices (e.g. client-specific requests, business goal-specific, partners, high-traffic edge cases etc.) tacit data enables you to create custom properties needed for your specific project fine tune the profiles... override false positives
  • 134. handling which makes edge cases much easier...!/stephanierieger/status/113604185857069056
  • 135. all heavy lifting occurs on the server...
  • 136. folks and their supports a broader range of devices where client-side-only approaches can be unreliable...
  • 137. embrace the future of "unknown unknowns"...
  • 138. a few thoughts for tomorrow...
  • 139. the <img> tag... was an after thought
  • 140. ...perhaps it's finally time to rethink it? <image  alt="butterfly"> <source  src="butterfly-­‐small.png"  width="100"  height="80"  /> <source  src="butterfly.png"  width="200"  height="160"  /> <source  src="butterfly-­‐large.svg"  width="400"  height="400"  media="min-­‐device-­‐width:320px"  /> </image> this of course does not exist, and is simply wishful thinking...
  • 141. <html> queries for the DOM? ... ie: conditional content @media  all  (max-­‐device-­‐width:320px)  {    <img  src="butterfly-­‐small.png"  width="100"  height="80"  /> } @media  all  (min-­‐device-­‐width:320px)  {    <img  src="butterfly.png"  width="200"  height="160"  /> } @media  all  (min-­‐device-­‐width:320px)  and  (svg:true)  {    <img  src="butterfly.svg"  width="400"  height="400"  /> } this of course does not exist, and is ... only the simplest form of an idea... </html>
  • 142. rethinking (and extending) content negotiation...
  • 143. and maybe even go back and revisit UA strings... Andrea Trasatti sorting user agent strings out ee for so me thoughts...srting Andrea Trasatti's "So ut" O User Agent Strings
  • 144. "The wise adapt themselves to circumstances, as the water moulds itself to the pitcher." Chinese Proverb
  • 145. @yiibu please say hi thank you the font we use is Museo many thanks to the amazing photographers on licensed under available on