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designing for diversity
how to stop worrying and embrace the Android revolution
this isn’t just a talk
about Android
it’s a story about Moore’s Law,
of personal computing
globalisation, and the future
on the other side of the world...
rather than start this story in a factory,

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Mobile Web vs. Native Apps | Design4Mobile
Mobile Web vs. Native Apps | Design4MobileMobile Web vs. Native Apps | Design4Mobile
Mobile Web vs. Native Apps | Design4Mobile

This document provides an overview of a presentation on native mobile apps versus mobile web apps. It includes slides on why developers were fighting over the two approaches, Apple's announcement allowing third-party apps on the iPhone, and the surprise success of the iPhone App Store. It also discusses factors that contributed to the App Store's success like its openness, revenue split, and fewer restrictions compared to mobile carriers. The document debates questions around whether apps create platform lock-in, if app stores are essential to a platform's success, and challenges of developing for multiple mobile platforms. It suggests that HTML5 and WebKit may become the dominant mobile platform.

Some Kind of Wonderful
Some Kind of WonderfulSome Kind of Wonderful
Some Kind of Wonderful

The document discusses how mobile devices enable new experiences and applications beyond the devices themselves. It notes that long queues at device launches provide opportunities for user research. While devices have impressive numbers of apps and downloads, people use apps for communication, entertainment, work and a variety of other aspects of modern life. The document advocates developing for the open web in addition to apps so content can reach all devices and browsers.

Casting Off Our Desktop Shackles
Casting Off Our Desktop ShacklesCasting Off Our Desktop Shackles
Casting Off Our Desktop Shackles

No matter how much we try to put ourselves into a mobile first mentality, it is hard for us to do so fully. Our access to PCs prevents us from experiencing mobile the way many in the world do. We're currently fighting for parity among experiences. We're arguing that the mobile version shouldn't be a dumbed down version of the desktop site. But we've set our sights too low. In a true Mobile First world, the mobile version should be the best experience. Mobile shouldn't just match the desktop experience, it should exceed it.

(or more specifically, the Port of Leith
i’m going to start in Scotland
on the north edge of Edinburgh)
Leith is a working harbour,
so as nearby residents, we see
all sorts of ships...
Norwegian submarine
oil and gas exploration vessels,
giant pipe layers, and the occasional
and come spring and summer,
there are cruise ships

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SparkUp 2010 Mobile UX 101
SparkUp 2010 Mobile UX 101SparkUp 2010 Mobile UX 101
SparkUp 2010 Mobile UX 101

This document discusses improving mobile user experiences. It notes that mobile is the primary way people access the internet in some countries. Constraints on mobile like form factor and battery life must be considered. Simple interfaces work best for mobile. Native apps have advantages over mobile web, but the line is blurring. Windows Mobile was replaced by Windows Phone 7 which improved the user experience. The document emphasizes understanding user behaviors and focusing on usability.

mobile ux poland sparkup 2010
Lufthansa Technik TECH TALK
Lufthansa Technik TECH TALKLufthansa Technik TECH TALK
Lufthansa Technik TECH TALK

This document discusses the potential for tablets in the aviation industry. It begins by outlining how tablets could be used for technical publications, data acquisition, utilities, charts and navigation, and eLearning. It then addresses barriers to tablet adoption such as a lack of revenue potential and difficulty changing platforms. It provides options for deploying apps through an app store or custom solutions. It concludes by envisioning further tablet uses and capabilities in the future, such as ruggedized devices, peripheral integration, and near field communication sensors.

Technologies that will disappear in next 5 years
Technologies that will disappear in next 5 yearsTechnologies that will disappear in next 5 years
Technologies that will disappear in next 5 years

This document discusses technologies that will disappear by 2020. It predicts that DVD players will decline as people switch to streaming content from services like Netflix and Hulu. Digital camera sales are also projected to fall as smartphones incorporate better cameras. GPS may become obsolete as DARPA develops the more advanced ASPN system for navigation. Landline phones are expected to lose ground to mobile phones and smartwatches.

when ships dock, the crew head to
the nearby mall to shop for snacks
and use the Internet
the Philippines
crews often come from
more than 25% of the 1.5 million
in fact, Filipino sailors account for
mariners worldwide
Source: Wikipedia
a dramatic change in the devices
over the years, we’ve seen
used by crew at the Port of Leith

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iPhone transfer software
iPhone transfer softwareiPhone transfer software
iPhone transfer software

Tranfer you iPhone data to any device with the help of iPhone transfre software. you can do it very easily with the help of this tool.

Creating Android apps
Creating Android appsCreating Android apps
Creating Android apps

This document provides a summary of the top 20 Android apps of 2011 according to a TechCrunch report from Mobile Banner Intel. It lists the apps, including Any.DO, Lightbox, Amazon MP3, AirDroid, and SwiftKey X Keyboard. For each app, it provides a brief description of the app's functionality and reviews what users are saying about the apps in the Google Play store. The document also includes legal disclaimers about the report.

androidmobile application development
Mind the Gap: Designing the Space Between Devices
Mind the Gap: Designing the Space Between DevicesMind the Gap: Designing the Space Between Devices
Mind the Gap: Designing the Space Between Devices

There's untapped magic in the gaps between gadgets. Multi-screen design is a preoccupying problem as we try to fit our content into many different screens. But as devices multiply, the new opportunity is less about designing individual screens but designing interactions BETWEEN them—often without using a screen at all. Learn to create web and app experiences that share control among multiple devices, designing not only for screens but for sensors. The technology is already here in our pockets, handbags, and living rooms. Learn how to use it right now.

designmultidevicephysical computing
from hulking laptops
in 2010
to netbooks
in 2011...
...and tablets
(or quite often phablets)
throughout 2012 and 2013
and in the hands of people who
all this change in just 3 years,
send a good portion of their wages
home to their families...

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Future of user interface design
Future of user interface designFuture of user interface design
Future of user interface design

The document discusses emerging and future user interface technologies and designs. It describes heads-up displays being used in vehicles and augmented reality being applied to navigation apps. Gesture recognition and spatial motion interfaces are gaining popularity as more intuitive input methods. Neural interfaces may allow controlling devices with thoughts alone. Surface computing is transforming any flat surface into an interactive touchscreen. Voice control is expanding beyond phones to enable new applications. Overall, interfaces are shifting towards touch, gestures, speech and augmented reality to create more natural human-computer interaction.

ucdranjeetui types
Native vs. Web vs. Hybrid: Mobile Development Choices
Native vs. Web vs. Hybrid: Mobile Development ChoicesNative vs. Web vs. Hybrid: Mobile Development Choices
Native vs. Web vs. Hybrid: Mobile Development Choices

The document discusses the choices and tradeoffs between developing native mobile apps, mobile web apps, and hybrid apps. It notes that while native apps have advantages like performance and access to device features, the mobile web is more open and has lower costs. Hybrid apps attempt to combine the best of both by using web technologies like HTML and JavaScript with APIs that allow accessing device capabilities. The performance of mobile web technologies is improving but some applications still require native development.

Beyond The Hamburger Menu - MOBX, 13 Sep 2014
Beyond The Hamburger Menu - MOBX, 13 Sep 2014Beyond The Hamburger Menu - MOBX, 13 Sep 2014
Beyond The Hamburger Menu - MOBX, 13 Sep 2014

The document discusses designing experiences for multiple devices. It notes that users now own and switch between multiple devices throughout the day, from phones to tablets to wearables. As such, designers must consider how to provide equal, continuous experiences across different platforms and prioritize building modular content that can be adapted for any device or input method. Navigation and usability must work seamlessly regardless of device.

multiple devicesmobilewearables
Three factors have enabled such rapid change...
1. Moore’s Law
2. The development of off-the-shelf silicon
3. The rise of an open source mobile OS
Source: Intel
True to Moore’s predictions,
the number of components
on an integrated circuit
(or microchip)
have continued
to double every
18 months. Wikipedia
to build ever cheaper, lighter and
this has enabled us
more powerful devices...
These devices may have been smaller, cheaper and more
powerful, but developing them still took months (or years)
and the skill of hundreds of designers and engineers.

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Android is an open-source mobile operating system that powers a wide variety of smartphones. It allows for extensive customization at a low cost. Android phones can download apps, access the internet, manage contacts and calendars, and more. While Android offers developers flexibility, individual phone manufacturers may restrict some phone functions. Choosing an Android phone requires considering factors like carrier, screen size, memory, processor, and more to find the best match for individual needs and usage.

what_is_next _now_ppt
what_is_next _now_pptwhat_is_next _now_ppt
what_is_next _now_ppt

The document discusses major developments in internet and technology over the past 25 years. It covers the evolution from the early PC internet age to the mobile internet age to current trends. Some key points: - The internet has progressed from basic infrastructure and browsers in the 1990s to today's app economies, cloud computing, and mobile dominance. - Emerging areas discussed include internet of things, artificial intelligence, robotics, virtual reality, smart cars, and wearables. However, many face challenges around standards, costs, and defining killer applications. - Current IT focuses on automation, machine learning, data analytics, and security across cloud environments and enterprise applications. The document questions if recent tech bubbles may be due to hy

Why You Should Make Mobile Your Career | Clark College
Why You Should Make Mobile Your Career | Clark CollegeWhy You Should Make Mobile Your Career | Clark College
Why You Should Make Mobile Your Career | Clark College

A variation of my talk on mobile strategy given to Clark College to encourage students to pursue mobile and to encourage the college to adopt mobile curriculum.

All that changed in 2005, when Taiwanese
semiconductor company MediaTek introduced what
it called “reference designs” for mobile phones.
This “cell phone in a box”
concept bundled all the
necessary mobile
phone components
onto a single chip.
Manufacturers could
customize their chip
from a menu of available
features, and MediaTek
even offered training
and development tools
such as emulators.
MP3 music player
low power consumption
feature phone reference chipset
pre-integrated software
suddenly, tiny companies
with only a handful of engineers could
set up shop producing capable mobile devices
Most of these companies clustered around the electronics
and manufacturing hub of Shenzhen in China, but others
soon appeared in India, Malaysia, Indonesia...

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The Future of Things
The Future of ThingsThe Future of Things
The Future of Things

The document discusses how technology is changing the way people use devices. It notes that in 2011, 39% of devices on a university campus network were Macintosh computers, while 39% were Windows computers. However, by 2012 mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets had increased significantly, with Android and iPhone usage growing substantially. The document discusses how this represents a shift to a "post-PC" world where mobile devices are more prominent. It also examines challenges in predicting future technological developments and possibilities such as wearable computing and how libraries need to prepare for major changes in technology usage.

technologylibrary and information sciencelibraries
UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...
UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...
UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...

The document discusses device agnostic design, which aims to create content that can be accessed and displayed well on any device. It emphasizes building with reusable modular components rather than bespoke designs for each device. The key aspects are understanding content stacking strategies across screens, using content-based rather than device-based breakpoints, and designing interactive elements that work for both touch and non-touch interfaces. The goal is to provide users with a continuous experience regardless of the device they use.

anna dahlstromhow totablet
Everything old is new again
Everything old is new againEverything old is new again
Everything old is new again

Presentation by Stephanie Rieger of Yiibu at the MobX Conference in Berlin, Germany November 17, 2012.

MediaTek chips provided most of the functionality.
All companies needed to do was slap on a case, add a bit of
branding and develop any product-specific customizations.
Nexian Indonesia
circa 2009
Micromax India
circa 2009
Some companies competed solely on price, while others
specialized in fun and often eccentric devices designed to
suit local needs and fashions....
fake Blackberry
...others simply produced copies
of flagship devices from well
known brands...
iOS lookalike
fake Vodafone
fake Opera Mini
The ever stylish and most desirable
By late 2007, it was estimated
that these small “white-box”*
retailers had captured 10%
of global device sales.
Source: Wikipedia
(Because many of these companies began by
copying other products, they were also often
referred to as “Shanzhai”, or bandit manufacturers,
but this term downplays the presence of many
small legitimate companies who designed their
own products).
not a BlackBerry
man in an
Obama suit?

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Beyond progressive-enhancement
Beyond progressive-enhancementBeyond progressive-enhancement
Beyond progressive-enhancement

This document discusses emerging technologies and how they are blurring the lines between the digital and physical worlds. It explores concepts like smart connected objects, Internet of Things, and how the web can better integrate with native apps and experiences. The document advocates for a more seamless experience where the web enhances and complements other technologies instead of trying to replace them.

nfcweb designomnichannel
Imagining the physical web
Imagining the physical webImagining the physical web
Imagining the physical web

Some people say the web is dying, but I believe it’s just getting started. And what will kick it into overdrive is the Physical Web: the ability to discover, engage, and interact with smart devices (or that “dumb” tree over there) using nothing more than a browser. In this presentation, we explore the impact these new capabilities may have on the way we design and think about this (increasingly near) future web.

proximitybluetoothopera browser
The future of media queries?
The future of media queries?The future of media queries?
The future of media queries?

A brief exploration of proposed Level 4 Media Queries and some thoughts about the future of the web. Presented at Responsive Day Out in Brighton on June 27 2014.

future of the webmobilew3c
didn’t just copy...they innovated
but white-box manufacturers
video caller 2
video caller 1
They ran tiny production runs, experimenting wildly with
industrial design, components and software. If a “feature” didn’t
sell, they simply dreamt up another...
TV antenna
watch phone
music phone
detachable lens
regional designs
special occasion
space for 4 SIM cards
+ projectorQWERTY (popular
in Indonesia)
Photo credit: Bunnies studio blog
With the release of Android in 2008,
things changed once again...
Android provided the entire ecosystem with a unique
opportunity to rapidly transition from building low-cost
feature phones to low, mid-and eventually high-end
smartphones and tablets.
circa 2010
one of Spice, India’s first
Android smartphones

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Exploring the physical web
Exploring the physical webExploring the physical web
Exploring the physical web

Today’s 'smart devices' are a product of the technology and mental models of our past. From a connected lightbulb to a robot vacuum, using most of these devices requires a native app. This in turn greatly limits their contexts of use. Can we really expect users to download an app to interact with a random ’thing’ they encounter at the mall, a space they explore for an hour at the museum, or a city they will only visit for a day? What devices could we build, what 'smart' environments could we enable if users could simply discover, “walk up and use”(and then if needed, abandon) these objects and environments as they do a web site? This workshop will discuss two new technologies--Physical Web and Web Bluetooth--that can enable on-demand interaction with physical things and spaces using no more than a browser.

bluetooth lemobile marketingbluetooth
Designing for conversation
Designing for conversationDesigning for conversation
Designing for conversation

The document discusses the current state of conversational interfaces such as chatbots and voice assistants, noting that while early versions were limited, recent advances in artificial intelligence, data availability, and user expectations have created new opportunities for conversational interfaces to become more useful. However, conversational interfaces still have limitations and work best when focused on simple, well-defined tasks rather than attempting to replace more complex interactions or functions better suited to humans. Designing effective conversational interfaces requires keeping interactions simple, clearly setting user expectations, and in some cases, involving human assistance.

interaction designartificial intelligencebots
The Emerging Global Web
The Emerging Global WebThe Emerging Global Web
The Emerging Global Web

The web was first conceived 25 years ago, by an Englishman. Fifteen years later, as the first crop of dot.coms were going bust, close to 60% of its users (and all Alexa "top 20" sites) came from developed nations. Fast forward to today, and the picture is strikingly different. Almost half the Alexa "top 20" now comes from emerging economies. Economies where close to 3 billion people have yet to use the web, but thanks to mobile--won't have to wait much longer to discover it. This presentation will introduce you to fascinating and innovative services that are re-shaping the web to serve the consumers of tomorrow. Driven by mobile, the power of personal relationships, and the breakneck pace of globalisation, these services provide a glimpse into the business models, opportunities and challenges we will face, when growing a truly global web.

appsomnichannelqr code
Source: EBay, August 2013
Shanzhai circa 2013
...looks like a Nokia Lumia
...looks like Windows Phone OS
Some small device makers still chose to
copy the look and feel of well known brands...
...built on Android
but hey, it’s only £56! ($85)
...but many have evolved into larger companies that now
develop and market devices under their own brand.
Meizu M8 Mini One
667 MHz, 3.2 mp camera
Customized Windows CE
Meizu MX2
quad core 1.6 GHz, 8mp
Customized Android “FlyMe” OS
Meizu M9
1 GHz, 5 mp
Android 2.2
£125 ($200)
£218 ($350)
£250 ($400)
“...designed by Jack
Wong with the help of
30-plus handcrafted
wooden prototypes,
followed by 3-D
Source: Engadget
The slick, NFC-
enabled Meizu MX3
in 2013...
Other chipset vendors such as Rockchip, Broadcom,
Allwinner and Qualcomm now emulate the MediaTek
model, resulting in a veritable explosion of options for
manufacturers and consumers.

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Reset the Web
Reset the WebReset the Web
Reset the Web

Midway through a project, a client of ours recently said "One thing I'm learning is that it's ok to give up on the desktop experience once it stops making sense". This wasn't an isolated incident. In fact, i'm beginning to think desktop web sites stopped making sense quite a while ago. We've just had nothing viable to replace them with. Mobile apps have given us a glimpse, but I think they're merely a glimpse into something bigger. Mobile isn't merely a new stage in the evolution of the web, it's not even merely a new context, it's the very early stages of an entirely new system. A system that has already started to shape our environment, affect the way we live, how we choose to connect with others, and how we're able to spend our time. A system that is also slowly unravelling our assumptions and causing us to question the very reason we build web sites, why people visit them, and where the true value of the web actually lies. Presented by Stephanie Rieger at Breaking Development in Orlando, Florida on April 17, 2012.

Closed society and social diversity in Urban Areas in Germany with some remar...
Closed society and social diversity in Urban Areas in Germany with some remar...Closed society and social diversity in Urban Areas in Germany with some remar...
Closed society and social diversity in Urban Areas in Germany with some remar...

This document discusses closed societies and social diversity in urban areas in Germany. It summarizes several research projects and case studies on topics like intergenerational neighborhoods, housing policies, and quarter development. It also outlines methods and strategies for promoting social diversity at the level of urban quarters, municipalities, and states/nations, including community engagement, coordination of sectors, and long-term support. Finally, it emphasizes the need for integrated, long-term policies and permanent support for urban neighborhoods.

Mobiles Can Make Your Business Fly
Mobiles Can Make Your Business FlyMobiles Can Make Your Business Fly
Mobiles Can Make Your Business Fly

The document discusses mobile trends and how businesses can develop mobile strategies. It notes that over 1.7 billion people use internet on PCs while over 4.1 billion use mobile phones. Further, over 1 million iPhones have been sold in Australia in less than 2 years and iPhone users frequently upgrade the operating system. The document suggests that the key difference mobile brings is context, contact and community and asks how these mobile trends impact a business' model and value chain. It recommends that a mobile strategy focus on context, contact and community.

integratedbusinessinternet The Internet of things is Android and its everywhere
“Every screen variant, mobile chip, and sensor known to man
has been tuned to work with Android...there’s this network
effect, so that now anyone who wants to make a custom
product can take Android and morph it into anything”.
Jim Zemlin, Linux Foundation
Off the shelf components and an open OS have
democratized portable computing.
There is now huge consumer choice in connected
devices reaching almost every price point.
“Good enough” smartphones and tablets can
now be purchased for ~$100.
Very basic models are available for ~$50.
Thanks to Moore’s Law, many of these devices
already rival the specs of top devices sold just
a few years ago.
Android now powers 59% of smart devices
(and 80% of smartphones) being sold.
That works out to a staggering 1.5 million
Android device activations per day*.
*According to Google but not counting many Chinese devices

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Your browser can see and hear and ...
Your browser can see and hear and ...Your browser can see and hear and ...
Your browser can see and hear and ...

New sensor based Web Standards developments have punched a hole in the web that is letting the real world leak into the browser. The getUserMedia API now lets us access cameras and microphones and JSARToolkit and javascript based Natural Feature Tracking like the examples from ICG Graz University have shown that browsers can now be taught to perceive the world around them. Combine this with the <canvas> and WebGL and you have a real working model for a Web Standards based Augmented Reality. On top of this we also have OGCs Sensor Web Enablement and new developments like the Sensor API and the rapid spread of networked sensors and wireless Arduino-ised devices. Massively distributed dynamic immersive visualisation is now the new structural form for the modern web.

augmented realityweb3ar
e is for everywhere - Interactive Mobile Web Presentation
e is for everywhere - Interactive Mobile Web Presentatione is for everywhere - Interactive Mobile Web Presentation
e is for everywhere - Interactive Mobile Web Presentation

This presentation at Web Directions South 2007 captures the screens from an interactive poll held during the presentation. 67 people in the audience joined in and a dynamic profile of their phones, browsers, operating system and network providers is also include. A more involved analysis of the results will be available soon...

RCM - Leveraging Diversity
RCM - Leveraging DiversityRCM - Leveraging Diversity
RCM - Leveraging Diversity

The document describes Maria's journey in joining an art community group called the RCM. It begins with Maria feeling frustrated by her inability to connect with other artists. She learns about the RCM art group from her instructor and decides to get involved. Maria researches the group online, attends a workshop, and joins the Amateur Artists Group. She displays a painting in an upcoming gallery show. Maria sells her painting and receives positive feedback, leaving her happy and content. The rest of the document outlines the RCM's business model, key partners, benefits to stakeholders, and implementation phases.

These devices are designed, developed, manufactured and
marketed by many hundreds of companies, each with their
own audience and product goals.
Part 2: Understanding diversity
Before we discuss how to design for Android’s diversity, let’s dig
deeper to discover how diversity affects day-to-day user experience.
All modern connected devices
consist of a carefully chosen
collection of components.
Source: Samsung
Gyro sensor
Internal memory
1.5GHz DualCore Chip
Antenna and stereo
Light sensor module
3 Megapixel
High capacity battery
Manufacturers can choose
off-the-shelf components,
or customize each aspect
of the device to suit their
intended price-point and
target audience.
capacitive display
FM radio
physical size
operating system
music player
graphics card

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5--Leveraging D&I for a Global Economy March Infoline_FINAL
5--Leveraging D&I for a Global Economy March Infoline_FINAL5--Leveraging D&I for a Global Economy March Infoline_FINAL
5--Leveraging D&I for a Global Economy March Infoline_FINAL

This 3-sentence summary provides the high-level information from the document: The document discusses leveraging diversity and inclusion for a global economy and was published by the American Society for Training & Development in their INFOLINE publication from March 2014. It was written by Marjorie Derven, Ernie Gundling, and Pamela Leri.

Strategic Leveraging of Diversity, Agility & Emotional Intelligence
Strategic Leveraging of Diversity, Agility & Emotional IntelligenceStrategic Leveraging of Diversity, Agility & Emotional Intelligence
Strategic Leveraging of Diversity, Agility & Emotional Intelligence

This document discusses diversity, emotional intelligence, agility and innovation. It defines diversity as understanding and respecting individual differences. Emotional intelligence involves self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy and social skills. Agile and innovative organizations hire diverse talent, encourage creativity, and develop employee skills. High emotional intelligence in groups creates norms that build trust and allow for disagreements without personal attacks. Diversity, emotional intelligence and agility reinforce each other to produce innovation when leaders harness different perspectives.

Embracing Diversity
Embracing DiversityEmbracing Diversity
Embracing Diversity

Diversity is much-praised for fostering healthier and more innovative workplaces. But whichever way you slice ‘diversity’, the majority of our teams reflect one demographic, and simply adding “a diverse hire” does not magically produce these results. So are the claims true? If so, what else do we need to do? Through our time training and placing coders from widely differing backgrounds we’ve had to get to grips with the realities of integrating teams. This talk looks at different kinds of diversity, and explores the link with quality and innovation. We also investigate some of the unconscious biases and infrastructure challenges that reinforce exclusion. With collaboration at their heart, agile teams are best placed to promote inclusion. How can we extend agile practices to place conscious attention on creating connections and to build truly healthy, demographically representative teams?

unconscious biasdiversityagile software development
At the cheapest price
point, you often find
“generic” device with
an off-the-shelf
chipset, stock Android
and barely-branded
case. There are tons of
these devices for sale
throughout Asia, but
they haven’t (yet)
reached Europe and
North America.
Screenshot: Tmart
Slightly more customized
devices are sold by all
sorts of companies.
Here is an example of
a very popular device that
might fit this category....
¥799 (£83/$130)
nice but basic plastic case
stock MediaTek MT6589T chipset
8 Mp camera
dual SIM w/ dual standby
highly customized MIUI ROM
Xiaomi Hongmi
fancy Gorilla Glass
Part of Hongmi’s huge appeal is its
MIUI ROM. A highly customized (and
customizable) version of Android.
(we’ll have a better look at Android ROMs in a bit...)

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Kelly Services - Understanding Generational Diversity In Workplace
Kelly Services - Understanding Generational Diversity In WorkplaceKelly Services - Understanding Generational Diversity In Workplace
Kelly Services - Understanding Generational Diversity In Workplace

Workplace diversity is a growing business concern and an essential source of competitive advantage for organisations in the ever-growing global economy.

Promoting Diversity in Evolutionary Optimization: Why and How
Promoting Diversity in Evolutionary Optimization: Why and HowPromoting Diversity in Evolutionary Optimization: Why and How
Promoting Diversity in Evolutionary Optimization: Why and How

Divergence of character is a cornerstone of natural evolution. On the contrary, evolutionary optimization processes are plagued by an endemic lack of diversity: all candidate solutions eventually crowd the very same areas in the search space. Such a “lack of speciation” has been pointed out in the seminal work of Holland in 1975, and nowadays is well known among scholars. It has different effects on the different search algorithms, but almost all are quite deleterious. The problem is usually labeled with the oxymoron “premature convergence”, that is, the tendency of an algorithm to convergence toward a point where it was not supposed to converge to in the first place...

diversityevolutionary algorithms
Shrm poll diversity_final
Shrm poll diversity_finalShrm poll diversity_final
Shrm poll diversity_final

This study by SHRM examined how workplace diversity and inclusion has changed over the past 5 years based on surveys of HR professionals in 2010 and 2005. It found that while the percentage of companies with formal diversity practices decreased slightly, likely due to the economic downturn, there were increases in other areas like diversity training and organizations reporting effective diversity programs. The study provides an overview of key findings regarding diversity practices, outcomes, challenges in measuring return on investment, and differences based on company size and sector.

by shrm
In case you’re thinking “Yeah, whatever...”
consider that when the Hongmi went on sale last month,
the first batch of 100,000 devices sold out in just 90 seconds.
(Xiaomi has no shops and until recently, only sold online. This reduces overhead,
and enables customers all over China to purchase a device on the very same day).
What we most often purchase in
Europe and North America is some
manner of highly customized device
built by an established manufacturer.
experiment with different form factors
use Android as a base with which to
these manufacturers
Galaxy NGalaxy Tab 7.0”Galaxy
Galaxy SIII
Galaxy Tab 8.9”Galaxy Tab 7.7”
A new dual screen, dual SIM (with dual standby) luxury clamshell phone developed
by Samsung. The full OS is accessible from back or front. This device is expected to
retail for ~£1500 ($2500).
serve varied audiences...

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ABA TECHSHOW 2016 - Common Grounds: 60 Android and iOS Apps for Lawyers
ABA TECHSHOW 2016 - Common Grounds: 60 Android and iOS Apps for LawyersABA TECHSHOW 2016 - Common Grounds: 60 Android and iOS Apps for Lawyers
ABA TECHSHOW 2016 - Common Grounds: 60 Android and iOS Apps for Lawyers

One of the best parts of ABA TECHSHOW is getting an idea of what toys and tools everyone else uses. Here are the best apps for lawyers, from the ABA TECHSHOW

mobile appsappstechnology
Its about people, not devices
Its about people, not devicesIts about people, not devices
Its about people, not devices

The document discusses the diversity of mobile devices globally and how this diversity is likely to persist. It notes that while some designers may choose to only design for the newest, most powerful platforms, an inclusive approach is needed to provide accessibility while still ensuring a great user experience across a wide range of contexts, inputs, and users. Context, attention, and usability have changed as mobile devices have become more capable and integrated into more aspects of our lives.

It's about people, not devices...
It's about people, not devices...It's about people, not devices...
It's about people, not devices...

This document discusses the diversity of mobile devices and user experiences globally. It notes that while smartphones have gained popularity in some markets, global smartphone penetration remains only around 23% and the mobile experience varies greatly depending on location, device capabilities, and network infrastructure. This diversity is likely to continue as new platforms and low-cost devices disrupt the market.

ux londongesturesios
The KDDI Infobar range
was designed by famed industrial
designer Naoto Fukasawa, and
features iida UI, a highly
customized version of Android.
to differentiate
or leverage fashion
their brand
Open source Android OS also provides an ideal platform on
which to experiment with new interfaces and interactions.
Scrolling turns elements into
translucent teardrops.
iida UI features a modular,
widget based interface.
There are also lots of
platform specific transitions.
On Sony Xperia and newer
Samsung Galaxy devices,
users can trigger resizable
and repositionable
floating windows. These
enable advanced PC-like
copy/paste and multi-
tasking behaviours.
Unlike Android widgets (which are simply mini-data
views), these windows contain a fragment of the full
application that users can interact with.
some customizations require even
tighter coupling of hardware and software

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This document provides an overview of Android development. It begins with a brief history of mobile phones and introduces Android as an open-source operating system developed by Google and the Open Handset Alliance. The document then discusses Android hardware components, software components like the Dalvik virtual machine and application framework, and how to develop Android applications using the Android SDK. It provides examples of using intents to launch built-in functionality and implementing a basic currency converter app. Videos and links are included to provide additional learning resources on Android architecture, application lifecycle, APIs, and development tools.

Yiibu goingmobile2010-100818120505-phpapp01
Yiibu goingmobile2010-100818120505-phpapp01Yiibu goingmobile2010-100818120505-phpapp01
Yiibu goingmobile2010-100818120505-phpapp01

Mobile devices have seen tremendous growth over the past decade. What began as voice-only devices are now powerful computers that are highly personal, accessible through many operating systems and manufacturers, and support a vast array of applications and services. However, designing for mobile introduces unique constraints around limited screens, battery life, and varied contexts of use. The most popular uses of mobile today include social networking, games, photos, messaging and information searching, though there is opportunity for applications that enhance people's lives in meaningful ways by supporting tasks, learning, self-improvement and quality of life. Successful mobile design focuses on the user, iterates quickly, and views limitations as opportunities rather than barriers.

technologypeople and societymobile
Prueba Adelanto Ingles 3º Bd April 2008
Prueba Adelanto Ingles 3º Bd April 2008Prueba Adelanto Ingles 3º Bd April 2008
Prueba Adelanto Ingles 3º Bd April 2008

The document is a sample exam for a Grade 6 English proficiency test consisting of listening comprehension, reading comprehension, language usage, and writing sections. In the listening comprehension section, students are asked to fill in blanks while listening to two passages and choose the correct answers to multiple choice questions about the passages. The reading comprehension section consists of a short news article about the convergence of mobile phones and other devices and related comprehension questions. The language usage section contains exercises on verbs, reported speech, and completing sentences. For the writing section, students are to choose one of two topics and write a 100-word composition using a provided template.

scroll using the
back panel
206° repositionable
take photos remotely
(using Bluetooth LE)
or new extensions to
hardware-based interactions
The new Oppo N1
But (yet again) innovation and experimentation
don’t just come from the big guys...
A dual display smartphone developed by Yota, a Russian broadband
operator. The e-paper powered back display can retain an image for weeks,
even when the device is powered off. This feature enables users to
completely customize their back case, or use it to store a time-and power-
sensitive image such as a map or boarding pass.
with capacitive
touch stripe
Designing for diversity -  how to stop worrying and embrace the Android revolution

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Yiibu rethinkingthemobileweb-100910074556-phpapp01
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The document discusses designing mobile web experiences. It begins by noting that while some devices like the iPhone are popular, the overall penetration of smartphones remains relatively low globally. It then examines the diversity of mobile devices and browsers in use. The document argues for an adaptive approach that works across different browsers and devices, using techniques like responsive design with media queries. It provides guidelines for mobile-friendly development, such as using semantic HTML, limiting animations for performance, and structuring CSS to deliver the right styles for each device type. The goal is to make the mobile web accessible to all users, not just those with specific devices.

What smartphones can teach futurists
What smartphones can teach futuristsWhat smartphones can teach futurists
What smartphones can teach futurists

Smartphones for futurists : What Smartphones Teach Us About the Radical Future of Technology, Business, & Society. Presentation by David Wood at the World Future 2014 event, Orlando Florida, 12th July 2014. Please contact the author to invite him to present animated and/or extended versions of these slides in front of an audience of your choosing. (Commercial rates will apply for commercial settings.)

What Smartphones Can Teach Futurists
What Smartphones Can Teach FuturistsWhat Smartphones Can Teach Futurists
What Smartphones Can Teach Futurists

Presented by David Wood The smartphone industry has seen both remarkable successes and remarkable failures over the last two decades. Developments have frequently confounded the predictions of apparent expert observers. What does this rich history have to teach futurists, technology enthusiasts, and activists for other forms of technology adoption and social improvement?

Designing for diversity -  how to stop worrying and embrace the Android revolution
Toughshield specializes in products for industrial and institutional settings
including construction, healthcare and retail.
Global supermarket chain
Tesco recently announced
Hudl, a ~£100 ($150) family-
friendly tablet featuring
extensive ClubCard loyalty
scheme and blinkbox
entertainment service
Tesco Hudl
Source: Quartz, Photo courtesy Datawind
The Indian government hopes
to distribute at least 220
million Aakash 2 tablets to that
country’s students.
Manufactured in India for a
mere $40, the purchase cost to
students will be subsidized to
further increase access.

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Moore's law & more
Moore's law & moreMoore's law & more
Moore's law & more

1. Moore's Law states that the number of transistors on integrated circuits doubles approximately every two years, leading to faster and cheaper computing capabilities. This phenomenon of faster and cheaper computing opens new markets and opportunities for firms. 2. Companies like Apple and Amazon have leveraged faster and cheaper technologies to their advantage - the iPod and iTunes store vaulted Apple to success, while Amazon's "Search Inside the Book" was enabled by declining storage costs. 3. Managers must anticipate how their industries may be disrupted by emerging technologies and plan strategies accordingly to take advantage of opportunities or respond to threats from competitors leveraging new capabilities.

Platform Fragmentation With Android
Platform Fragmentation With AndroidPlatform Fragmentation With Android
Platform Fragmentation With Android

The document discusses fragmentation in the Android platform and opportunities for competition and cooperation. It identifies three types of Android platforms: standard Google phones, Android powered phones with custom UIs/services, and specialized Android devices. While fragmentation poses challenges, the document argues there are big opportunities for developers if Android supports a common native/managed/web platform across devices. This would provide compelling returns through a single marketplace and development tools to reach multiple OEMs/carriers. Cooperation across device types could accelerate growth.

Mobile News Madness - March 2012
Mobile News Madness - March 2012Mobile News Madness - March 2012
Mobile News Madness - March 2012

This document summarizes the latest mobile news from March 2012. It discusses the growth of smartphones and their increasing market share over "dumb phones". It provides market share numbers for Android, iOS, and other platforms. It also summarizes new products like the new iPad and Samsung Galaxy S3, updates to platforms like Android and Windows Phone, and other miscellaneous mobile news stories from March 2012.

Although many consumers still
primarily purchase devices
designed, developed and
marketed by large
companies...this may not be the
case going forward.
If current patterns hold true,
consumers around the world
may increasingly be just as likely
to own devices developed by
smaller brands and
manufactured through any
number of “other” manufacturers.
Worldwide Smartphone Sales to End Users by
Vendor in 2Q13
ZTE 4%
Lenovo 4%
...but Android’s diversity does not stop
at brands and hardware. The platform
itself is also immensely customizable.
The most common customizations come from large manufacturers,
who attempt to differentiate by offering proprietary user interface
skins, home screens (or “launchers”) and enable unique features and
personalization options such as themeing.
“Vanilla” Android Samsung Touch Whiz HTC Sense Huawei Emotion UI
users can then layer
their own customizations,
ranging from simple interface adjustments,
to more substantial OS-altering modifications

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Android and android phones
Android and android phonesAndroid and android phones
Android and android phones

Android is an open-source operating system designed for touchscreen mobile devices. It was developed by Android Inc, which was later acquired by Google. The first Android phone was released in 2008. There are now many manufacturers that make Android phones like Samsung, HTC, and Motorola. Android phones vary by manufacturer and carrier but share common features like touchscreens and access to the Android app market, which has over 150,000 apps. Five example Android phones described are the HTC Thunderbolt, T-Mobile G2x, Samsung Galaxy S II, Motorola Atrix 4G, and Samsung Epic 4G.

Future Of Consumer Electronics
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Future Of Consumer Electronics

This presentation is meant for retailers and distributors to consider some of the upcoming Consumer Electronics product highlights. It was delivered in Dubai and adapted to local interests.

Android As A Mobile Platform V2
Android As A Mobile Platform V2Android As A Mobile Platform V2
Android As A Mobile Platform V2

This document discusses the opportunities and challenges for Android as a convergence device platform. It outlines three main Android platforms - those standardized by Google, powered by other manufacturers, and based on other operating systems. It suggests manufacturers can differentiate through design, price, custom UIs and own brand services. Evolving with HTML5 brings opportunities. Android offers a big opportunity as a single marketplace, tools and framework for developers across devices.

A relatively common
customization might
be the installation of
an alternate app to
control text input.
This new app could be
triggered just-in-time,
or set to completely
replace the default
SwiftKey with QWERTY and
gesture input
8Pen gesture input
In fact, thanks to a system called intents, users can also specify
favourite apps to complete common tasks such as sharing or
opening URLs. They can do this just-in-time, or choose a
favourite app to complete that task going forward.
Set as default: Choose Firefox as
default app to browse the web from
the current context.
Just in time: Choose which
app you would currently like
to use to “Share” a URL.
A less common, but more transformative customization is to install
a new launcher. This replaces the device’s home and lock screens,
core app menus, and often unlocks extensive collections of themes
and home screen widgets.
The very popular Go Launcher offers an extensive theme collection and enables users to
customize transition effects and define their own shortcut gestures.
The most extreme form of customization involves completely
replacing the build of Android that came with the device.
These third party (and often community-built) modifications (or MODs)
provide not just a new launcher, skins, and themes, but replace many
default apps and enable entirely new (and often experimental) features.

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complete seminar report on simputer technology
complete seminar report on simputer technology complete seminar report on simputer technology
complete seminar report on simputer technology

The document discusses the Simputer, a low-cost portable computer designed to bridge the digital divide. Key points include: - The Simputer runs Linux, has a touchscreen interface, smartcard reader, and is powered by batteries to make it affordable and accessible in developing areas. - It was launched in 2001 to provide a simple, inexpensive computer for those in rural areas or who cannot read to access information technology. - While initial goals were not met, several thousand units were sold and the Simputer was used in applications like land records, banking, and by the military. However, issues like lack of government support hindered larger adoption.

Millicomputing Ignite Talk
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Millicomputing Ignite Talk

The document discusses predictions about the future of millicomputing, or computers that use less than 1 watt of power. It summarizes predictions made between 2007-2009 about developments in mobile devices, processors, memory, storage and networking. These include the rise of smartphones like the iPhone and Android devices, increasing processing power and capabilities of mobile devices, and faster cellular and wireless networking technologies that would allow new mobile applications.

Smartphone Component Trends and Outlook (Sept 2013)
Smartphone Component Trends and Outlook (Sept 2013)Smartphone Component Trends and Outlook (Sept 2013)
Smartphone Component Trends and Outlook (Sept 2013)

This document discusses trends in smartphone components and technologies. It begins with an overview of base smartphone components like memory, displays, processors, cameras, and batteries. It then examines near-term trends, including inductive charging, bendable/flexible designs, mobile payments, and new user interface technologies involving touch, voice, and gestures. The document also provides a breakdown of the key components that make up Google Glass and their estimated costs. In summarizing the presentation, it states that structural components will see continued small cost declines while strategic components require new use cases to maintain profit margins, and that new materials, flexible designs, and authentication technologies will be areas of focus.

Paranoid Android MOD for example
features a Hybrid Mode that lets you
adjust the resolution of every app, widget
or system component on the device.
Because many Android apps adapt to
different screen sizes, this enables you to
choose a preferred “view” for each app.
The most popular MOD in
China is MIUI, developed
by upstart handset
manufacturer Xiaomi.
International versions of
MIUI are maintained by
independent developers
with versions available for
14 countries including
Brazil, India and Indonesia.
(The MIUI is closed source, so it may be in breach of the Android licence.)
MIUI is particularly
popular as its design is
actively crowd sourced
through the discussions
of thousands of Chinese
Mi-Fans on Xiaomi’s
message boards.
Another popular feature is MIUIs’ extensive themeing capabilities,
and an app store containing thousands of community built themes.

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What smartphones teach us about the radical future of technology, business, ...
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What smartphones teach us about the radical future of technology, business, ...

Presentation given by David Wood at Technology Ventures Conference on 23rd June 2014, hosted by CUTEC (Cambridge University Technology Enterprise Club). See for more details about TVC2104.

Simputer new ppt
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Simputer new ppt

The document discusses the Simputer, a low-cost portable computer designed to bridge the digital divide. Key features include a touchscreen interface, text-to-speech in local languages, and a smart card reader allowing devices to be shared within a community. The Simputer runs Linux and uses an open hardware license to encourage innovation. Potential applications include education, banking, health services, and access to government forms and services.

Installing a MOD is far from mainstream (especially in Europe
and North America), but as installation becomes simpler, who
knows what behaviours will develop.
CyanogenMod is now a formal company
with $7M in investment, and plans to
develop a one-click installer that will
soon be available on Google Play.
...your device, your choice
of MOD at purchase
The new Oppo N1
How does all this UI diversity impact design?
Although a device’s core
interfaces, icons and even
input mechanisms may be
customized, manufacturers
are expected* to include the
default Holo system theme
on every device.
*This requirement only extends to “official”
manufacturers who ship devices with Android
Marketplace. Small manufacturers don’t always
qualify, so although they have nothing to gain,
(and everything to lose) by not including Holo,
it’s possible they may choose to omit it.
Holo lightHolo dark

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YOUR RELIABLE WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT TEAM — FOR LASTING SUCCESS WPRiders is a web development company specialized in WordPress and WooCommerce websites and plugins for customers around the world. The company is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, but our team members are located all over the world. Our customers are primarily from the US and Western Europe, but we have clients from Australia, Canada and other areas as well. Some facts about WPRiders and why we are one of the best firms around: More than 700 five-star reviews! You can check them here. 1500 WordPress projects delivered. We respond 80% faster than other firms! Data provided by Freshdesk. We’ve been in business since 2015. We are located in 7 countries and have 22 team members. With so many projects delivered, our team knows what works and what doesn’t when it comes to WordPress and WooCommerce. Our team members are: - highly experienced developers (employees & contractors with 5 -10+ years of experience), - great designers with an eye for UX/UI with 10+ years of experience - project managers with development background who speak both tech and non-tech - QA specialists - Conversion Rate Optimisation - CRO experts They are all working together to provide you with the best possible service. We are passionate about WordPress, and we love creating custom solutions that help our clients achieve their goals. At WPRiders, we are committed to building long-term relationships with our clients. We believe in accountability, in doing the right thing, as well as in transparency and open communication. You can read more about WPRiders on the About us page.

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In the modern digital era, social media platforms have become integral to our daily lives. These platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Snapchat, offer countless ways to connect, share, and communicate.

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Holo provides a consistent look and feel for core components.
When designing an Android app, you are free to provide your own
theme, but using Holo will guarantee a consistent look across
devices, and reduce the need to extensively test your brand-
specific theme with the many other themed variants of Android.
Thanks to Holo, the Twitter image picker interface
remains consistent.
The Holo-themed settings
screen on a Galaxy Nexus
running stock-Android.
The customized settings
screen on a Xiaomi M2S
running MiUI.
What you will need to plan for however
is diversity in platform versions.
Because Android OS is itself just another
component, manufacturers are free to
use whichever version best suits a
device’s overall capabilities and
performance profile.
(And if a manufacturer has highly customized their
build, they may not be able to immediately update
it each time Google releases a new version).
Jelly Bean (2012)
Ice Cream Sandwich
Gingerbread (2010)
Older versions 2.5%
Source:, September 4 2013
Note: Older versions of Android often support
different features, include different APIs and follow
different design patterns. Google provides
compatibility and support libraries that help smooth
out many of these differences.
Android 4.0
£7,000 ($11,000)
Vertu Ti
For this reason, consumers
purchasing a device today
may not automatically end up
with the latest version of the OS.
Source: Henry Fong, Yodo1, presented at GDC 2013
Users may also not access their content
through the channels you’d expect...
A snapshot of the complexity of Android app discovery, distribution
and payment in China. The Chinese ecosystem is particularly
complex and include over 200 app stores.

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Presented at Gartner Data & Analytics, London Maty 2024. BT Group has used the Neo4j Graph Database to enable impressive digital transformation programs over the last 6 years. By re-imagining their operational support systems to adopt self-serve and data lead principles they have substantially reduced the number of applications and complexity of their operations. The result has been a substantial reduction in risk and costs while improving time to value, innovation, and process automation. Join this session to hear their story, the lessons they learned along the way and how their future innovation plans include the exploration of uses of EKG + Generative AI.

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This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and transcript: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

a11yaccessibilityalt text
An unofficial app store in a Bangkok mega mall selling
Android (and iOS :-) apps to passersby. We’ve been told
that in parts of APAC, stores like this can also help you
install and maintain a custom Android MOD.
FWIW: This is not a new behaviour. The platforms and
devices may have changed but we first noticed (J2ME,
SWF & ringtone) app store booths in APAC malls in 2002!
the more creative people will get
the more open the ecosystem,
social discovery
(...and fun!)
curation and
tech support
Part 3: Designing for diversity
Throughout the remainder of this presentation, we will explore
strategies that can help you design for such a diverse environment.
Disclaimer: Android is incredibly versatile and now powers
thousands of “devices” including cars, TVs, fridges, stoves and
Although this presentation primarily discusses consumer
electronics products such as smartphones and tablets, many
of the guidelines and approaches discussed will be relevant to
the design of other types of products.
1. Be flexible
2. Provide assets for all
3. Optimize layouts
4. Enable diverse experiences
Android design 101
Four key principles
...these no doubt seem familiar if you regularly
design for the (mobile) web
First three principles provided by Google but expanded by yiibu..

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Principle 1: Be flexible
...create flexible, density-independent layouts
“We have seen
11,868 distinct
devices download
our app in the past
few months. In our
report last year we
saw 3,997.
OpenSignal device fragmentation report, 2013
With so many distinctly different devices, you can expect a wide
range of screen sizes and pixel densities.
Screen size and pixel density diversity makes defining layouts
using pixels problematic.
On screens with different densities, an identical number of pixels,
will correspond to different physical sizes.
this 4 x 2 pixel button is
too big on a low density
...just right on a medium
density display...
...and far too small on a
high density display
To solve this problem, Android enables you to define layouts using
density independent pixels (dp).
Use these virtual pixel units to express dimensions or position,
and the system will automatically scale them as appropriate to the
device’s screen size and density.
medium density
high density
(adjusted so physical size
remains consistent)
low density
(adjusted so physical size
remains consistent)
Tip: 1dp corresponds to approximately 1px on a 160ppi display.

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This presentation, delivered at the Postgres Bangalore (PGBLR) Meetup-2 on June 29th, 2024, dives deep into connection pooling for PostgreSQL databases. Aakash M, a PostgreSQL Tech Lead at Mydbops, explores the challenges of managing numerous connections and explains how connection pooling optimizes performance and resource utilization. Key Takeaways: * Understand why connection pooling is essential for high-traffic applications * Explore various connection poolers available for PostgreSQL, including pgbouncer * Learn the configuration options and functionalities of pgbouncer * Discover best practices for monitoring and troubleshooting connection pooling setups * Gain insights into real-world use cases and considerations for production environments This presentation is ideal for: * Database administrators (DBAs) * Developers working with PostgreSQL * DevOps engineers * Anyone interested in optimizing PostgreSQL performance Contact for PostgreSQL Managed, Consulting and Remote DBA Services

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Similar to designing flexibly
for the web, you should
don’t specify dimensions in
cases where elements are
simply meant to stretch to
fill the available space.
Android enables you to
specify how components
should scale to fit this space,
and ways to define the
weight of each component
within the interface.
resizable area,
no fixed height
resizable and of equal weight
Layouts that scale and flex are great, but to provide the best
experience, you will often need to go further:
• Provide alternate bitmaps to reduce the blurring and
pixelation caused by automatic scaling.
• Specify alternate layouts to improve legibility and overall
user experience.
• Specify alternate content or behaviours to suit a user’s
language, device form factor or capabilities.
but that’s not all...
Principle 2: Provide assets for all
...using built-in layout and resource adaptation
Each Android app includes
a collection of resources that
are used to define and
construct the user interface.
These include bitmap images,
layouts, colour palettes, text
strings and numeric values
containing content or key
dimensions such as global or
component-specific margins
and font sizes.

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Blockchain technology is transforming industries and reshaping the way we conduct business, manage data, and secure transactions. Whether you're new to blockchain or looking to deepen your knowledge, our guidebook, "Blockchain for Dummies", is your ultimate resource.

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Resources can be grouped
using qualifiers that specify
their intended context of use.
Similar (in spirit) to CSS media
queries (but far more
versatile)...this system enables
you to indicate which
resources should be used
based on common contexts
such as screen size,
orientation, pixel density, and
pixel density
All you have to do is group
assets using the necessary
resources and qualifiers.
At runtime, Android will
detect the current device
capabilities and load the
appropriate resources for
your application.
only high dpi devices
will use these images
only devices set to German
will use what’s in this folder
You can also combine
qualifiers to increase
context specificity.
pixel density
A critical use-case for qualifiers is to specify alternate bitmaps for
different screen densities. These are specified using standard
groupings (called generalized densities) that map to common
Android screen densities.
nodpi can be used to specify for bitmap resources that should not be scaled to match the device density.
Although still rare, you can also use tvdpi to specify bitmaps for mid-density (~213dpi) televisions.
hdpi ~240dpi xhdpi ~320dpi xxhdpi ~480dpi

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Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

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Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time

Is your patent a vanity piece of paper for your office wall? Or is it a reliable, defendable, assertable, property right? The difference is often quality. Is your patent simply a transactional cost and a large pile of legal bills for your startup? Or is it a leverageable asset worthy of attracting precious investment dollars, worth its cost in multiples of valuation? The difference is often quality. Is your patent application only good enough to get through the examination process? Or has it been crafted to stand the tests of time and varied audiences if you later need to assert that document against an infringer, find yourself litigating with it in an Article 3 Court at the hands of a judge and jury, God forbid, end up having to defend its validity at the PTAB, or even needing to use it to block pirated imports at the International Trade Commission? The difference is often quality. Quality will be our focus for a good chunk of the remainder of this season. What goes into a quality patent, and where possible, how do you get it without breaking the bank? ** Episode Overview ** In this first episode of our quality series, Kristen Hansen and the panel discuss: ⦿ What do we mean when we say patent quality? ⦿ Why is patent quality important? ⦿ How to balance quality and budget ⦿ The importance of searching, continuations, and draftsperson domain expertise ⦿ Very practical tips, tricks, examples, and Kristen’s Musts for drafting quality applications

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Research Directions for Cross Reality Interfaces
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An invited talk given by Mark Billinghurst on Research Directions for Cross Reality Interfaces. This was given on July 2nd 2024 as part of the 2024 Summer School on Cross Reality in Hagenberg, Austria (July 1st - 7th)

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Put assets in folders labelled
with the correct qualifiers,
and the platform will
automatically choose the
most appropriate assets to
suit a device’s screen density.
Android regularly publishes
screen density statistics.
Take these into account when
deciding which alternate
resources to include.
xxhdpi 7%
Source:, September 4 2013
Principle 3: Optimize layouts
...using built-in “responsive design”
Creating layouts that are flexible, and adapt to different screen
densities, isn’t always enough to deliver the best experience.
excessive line
to use space
reduced visual

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UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference
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UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference

We are honored to launch and host this event for our UiPath Polish Community, with the help of our partners - Proservartner! We certainly hope we have managed to spike your interest in the subjects to be presented and the incredible networking opportunities at hand, too! Check out our proposed agenda below 👇👇 08:30 ☕ Welcome coffee (30') 09:00 Opening note/ Intro to UiPath Community (10') Cristina Vidu, Global Manager, Marketing Community @UiPath Dawid Kot, Digital Transformation Lead @Proservartner 09:10 Cloud migration - Proservartner & DOVISTA case study (30') Marcin Drozdowski, Automation CoE Manager @DOVISTA Pawel Kamiński, RPA developer @DOVISTA Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 09:40 From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Citizen Development in action (25') Pawel Poplawski, Director, Improvement and Automation @McCormick & Company Michał Cieślak, Senior Manager, Automation Programs @McCormick & Company 10:05 Next-level bots: API integration in UiPath Studio (30') Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 10:35 ☕ Coffee Break (15') 10:50 Document Understanding with my RPA Companion (45') Ewa Gruszka, Enterprise Sales Specialist, AI & ML @UiPath 11:35 Power up your Robots: GenAI and GPT in REFramework (45') Krzysztof Karaszewski, Global RPA Product Manager 12:20 🍕 Lunch Break (1hr) 13:20 From Concept to Quality: UiPath Test Suite for AI-powered Knowledge Bots (30') Kamil Miśko, UiPath MVP, Senior RPA Developer @Zurich Insurance 13:50 Communications Mining - focus on AI capabilities (30') Thomasz Wierzbicki, Business Analyst @Office Samurai 14:20 Polish MVP panel: Insights on MVP award achievements and career profiling

Android provides two additional tools that dramatically improve
the experience when dealing with screen size diversity.
A way to specify alternate layouts
using qualifiers to correlate layouts
with screen size breakpoints.
A way to construct layouts using reusable
and adaptable user interface components
called fragments.
Using qualifiers, you can define breakpoints between layouts,
or tweak existing layouts to better suit the screen size.
600dp 720dp320dp 1020dp
Instead of filling these buckets with distinct “smartphone” or “tablet”
layouts, construct highly adaptive layouts that rely on smart
combinations of flexible and adaptable components.
600dp 720dp320dp 1020dp
here’s how it works...

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Android apps are made up of activities (things you can do)
and fragments (components that provide the content and
functionality within each activity).
fragment(s) fragment(s) fragment(s)
On small screens, it’s always best to focus the interaction.
There's often only room to display one fragment at a time,
so users must drill-down to access other fragments or activities.
On larger screens, there is an opportunity to combine these
fragments to enrich interactions, improve usability, and make
better use of available space.
12:00 12:00
On the largest screens Evernote combines up to three fragments into one activity.
Swipe left on fragment B to reveal a split screen containing fragments B and C. Swipe left
on C to reveal a full-screen view of that fragment.

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Evernote also relies heavily on flexible components, and lots of
fragment-specific design tweaks. It’s this combination of design
decisions that enables a consistently great experience.
linear layout
expand to fill
the screen
grid layout
grid scales vertically and horizontallyfragment
with larger
One fragment per
activity, accessible
using tabs.
Many fragments grouped as a
single activity.
Many fragments grouped as a single activity.
Google I/O app
The list and detail fragments as
one activity. Swipe right to slide
open the menu panel fragment.
The menu panel, list and detail fragments as one activity.
Wordpress app
One fragment per
activity. Swipe right
to slide open the
menu panel
These layout changes can
once again be defined
using a collection of
resources and qualifiers.

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Touch screen UI mode API level
Layout direction Language & region MCC & MNC
loosely maps
to platform
version e.g.
Jelly Bean
country code
with a...
no display!!
network code
e.g. AT&T,
right to
And that’s just the start of what you can do. Qualifiers can be
also used to specify a wide range of alternate experiences.
(Here are just a few of the more interesting ones...)
For a full list see Providing resources
Almost any application will benefit from the inclusion of
alternate resources to support diversity (be they images,
layouts, content or behaviours).
It’s not necessary however to account for all combinations.
Small well-chosen adjustments can make a big difference.
When in doubt, keep things simple. Don’t micro-manage
the design or introduce complexity just “because you can”.
Principle 4: Enable diverse experiences
...leverage intents to embrace diversity and personalization

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Intents are the glue between application
components, both within an app, and across different
apps. They allow apps to outsource tasks to other
apps (that they may not even know about).
“ - Roman Nurik, Google
An intent is simply a
combination of an action,
and a piece of data.
Source: Nick Butcher, Google
EDIT Contact “Bryan Rieger”
Android apps can
register their ability
to handle each type of
intent (or if you
prefer...their ability to
assist the user in
completing an activity).
I can....
Source: Nick Butcher, Google
EXAMPLE Diversity-friendly social sharing

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There are hundreds of social networks, email clients, messenger
apps or utilities that a user might prefer to use to share a URL.
On other platforms, a brand decides (ahem...guesses, presumes)
which services to enable, and hard codes these into their app.
(Or...if a user is lucky, the platform may enable them to pre-configure a few popular
default services such as Facebook and Twitter.)
...thanks to intents, users can choose how they wish to share.
you “save”
you edit/compose
your noteyou click “share”
you choose an app*the intent is
*only apps that are capable of fulfilling a share request are displayed
you “save”
you edit/compose
your noteyou click “share”
the intent is
...completing the action automatically brings you back to the Twitter app
Intents also enable out-of-the-box seamless experiences.
Once a task is complete, the user automatically ends up back
where they initiated that task.
*only apps that are capable of fulfilling a share request are displayed
you choose an app*

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EXAMPLE Enabling multi-app experiences
Clicking a URL also triggers an intent. It’s therefore possible for
brands with both an app, and a mobile optimized site to enable
behaviours like this....
Pick me!!
Two apps respond
“I can handle ”view”
intents on”
browser resolves
the URL
app resolves
the URL*the user clicks a link
(within a web page, in an
email, or in another app...)
<a href=”http://
the intent is
Amazon Chrome
*this doesn’t happen by magic, but the additional work is worth it!
The beauty here is that this is a (progressive) enhancement.
The web page simply contains a URL. If there’s no Amazon app
installed, the URL simply opens in a browser.
(If the user has two browsers installed (for example, a text to speech browser), and hasn’t
designated a default, both will respond...and the user can make a choice).
The more apps support intents, the more users can chain apps
and activities together to complete very personal experiences...
Share (i.e. open)
using Google Translate
...then Share in an SMS
hardware Back
open Tweet
using your
chosen “app”
click a URL in the
Tweet and open using
your favourite “app” seamless auto Back
seamless auto Back
hardware Back
For a deeper exploration of multi-app experiences, see Beyond Progressive Enhancement

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Using intents reduces the need to design, build, and
maintain a bespoke system to manage sharing, or build
regional variants of your app to enable region- or audience-
specific social sharing.
It also enables your app to deliver a more personalized and
future-friendly user experience.
Be flexible
Create density-independent layouts that stretch and compress to
accommodate various heights and widths.
Provide assets for all
Provide resources for different screen densities to ensure that your app
looks great on any device. Take advantage of built-in resource switching to
optimize other aspects of the experience.
Optimize layouts
On larger devices, take advantage of extra screen real estate.
Create compound views to reveal more content and ease navigation.
Enable diverse experiences
Enable personalization, and provide a more global experience using intents.
recap: four key principles
First three principles provided by Google but expanded by yiibu..
A few final words...
In the summer of 2013, the Android
platform surpassed 1 billion activations....

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this doesn’t include the many
“unofficial” devices being imagined
and assembled by makers around the world
Source: The Internet of things is Android and its everywhere
the growing number of
Android-based interfaces
found in cars...
Internet enabled treadmill. Currently considered a luxury product (...give it 18 months).
...the emerging
Android-based “appliances”
or experimental Android-powered
Source: SSTL
“things” like these nanosats
that will one day orbit the earth

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and once we begin to embed swarms of
Android-tethered “smart dust” throughout the world,
we may lose count altogether...
Source: MIT Technology Review, smart dust mage: UCLA
“By equipping the clothing and bodies of users with a mesh of multiple
sensors - known as “smart dust” - that report to an Android-powered phone,
researchers are pioneering an open-source route to realizing the dream of
always-on medical monitoring”.
what these “devices”
all have in common is
the magic that happens...
when easily available
components and fabrication...
meet an open
and widely-distributed
“Because Android is open-source, the researchers were able to
develop on top of it using the SPINE platform for remote sensing,
and to add to it their own API...these platforms allowed them free
reign to experiment”.
- Android powered sensors monitor vital signs
“I ran into [SAIC] at this trade show where they
were placed next to all these other carmakers
with massive software teams...they said:
‘We just have six dudes and Android.’
- The Internet of things is Android and its everywhere
“Nanosats based on Android phones offerthe...advantage of a standardized appplatform for running experiments. Thisopens up space experiments to studentsand hackers around the world.’
- Android and Linux Nanosats shine bright

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some people believe
to be squashed...
Android’s diversity is a thing
but i’m pretty sure
diversity is not a bug...
it’s an opportunity...
thank you
many thanks to the
amazing photographers on
contact us
Presentation deck available @

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Designing for diversity - how to stop worrying and embrace the Android revolution

  • 1. designing for diversity how to stop worrying and embrace the Android revolution
  • 3. it’s a story about Moore’s Law, of personal computing globalisation, and the future
  • 4. on the other side of the world... rather than start this story in a factory,
  • 5. (or more specifically, the Port of Leith i’m going to start in Scotland on the north edge of Edinburgh)
  • 6. Leith is a working harbour, Source: so as nearby residents, we see all sorts of ships...
  • 7. Norwegian submarine oil and gas exploration vessels, giant pipe layers, and the occasional
  • 8. and come spring and summer, there are cruise ships Scoish
  • 9. when ships dock, the crew head to the nearby mall to shop for snacks and use the Internet
  • 10. the Philippines crews often come from
  • 11. more than 25% of the 1.5 million in fact, Filipino sailors account for mariners worldwide Source: Wikipedia
  • 12. a dramatic change in the devices over the years, we’ve seen used by crew at the Port of Leith
  • 15. ...and tablets (or quite often phablets) throughout 2012 and 2013
  • 16. and in the hands of people who all this change in just 3 years, send a good portion of their wages home to their families...
  • 17. Three factors have enabled such rapid change... 1. Moore’s Law 2. The development of off-the-shelf silicon 3. The rise of an open source mobile OS 1 2 3
  • 18. Source: Intel True to Moore’s predictions, the number of components on an integrated circuit (or microchip) have continued to double every 18 months.
  • 19. Wikipedia to build ever cheaper, lighter and this has enabled us more powerful devices...
  • 20. These devices may have been smaller, cheaper and more powerful, but developing them still took months (or years) and the skill of hundreds of designers and engineers.
  • 21. All that changed in 2005, when Taiwanese semiconductor company MediaTek introduced what it called “reference designs” for mobile phones.
  • 22. This “cell phone in a box” concept bundled all the necessary mobile phone components onto a single chip. Manufacturers could customize their chip from a menu of available features, and MediaTek even offered training and development tools such as emulators. camera MP3 music player low power consumption feature phone reference chipset GSM/GPRS pre-integrated software ARM7-EJ 52MHz ultra-low-cost MT6233
  • 23. suddenly, tiny companies with only a handful of engineers could set up shop producing capable mobile devices
  • 24. Most of these companies clustered around the electronics and manufacturing hub of Shenzhen in China, but others soon appeared in India, Malaysia, Indonesia...
  • 25. MediaTek chips provided most of the functionality. All companies needed to do was slap on a case, add a bit of branding and develop any product-specific customizations. Nexian Indonesia circa 2009
  • 26. Micromax India circa 2009 Some companies competed solely on price, while others specialized in fun and often eccentric devices designed to suit local needs and fashions....
  • 27. fake Blackberry ...others simply produced copies of flagship devices from well known brands... iOS lookalike fake Vodafone fake Opera Mini The ever stylish and most desirable Voda-Pod-Berry Source:
  • 28. By late 2007, it was estimated that these small “white-box”* retailers had captured 10% of global device sales. Source: Wikipedia (Because many of these companies began by copying other products, they were also often referred to as “Shanzhai”, or bandit manufacturers, but this term downplays the presence of many small legitimate companies who designed their own products). not a BlackBerry man in an Obama suit?
  • 29. didn’t just copy...they innovated but white-box manufacturers video caller 2 video caller 1
  • 30. They ran tiny production runs, experimenting wildly with industrial design, components and software. If a “feature” didn’t sell, they simply dreamt up another... TV antenna watch phone music phone detachable lens regional designs special occasion space for 4 SIM cards + projectorQWERTY (popular in Indonesia) Photo credit: Bunnies studio blog
  • 31. With the release of Android in 2008, things changed once again...
  • 32. Android provided the entire ecosystem with a unique opportunity to rapidly transition from building low-cost feature phones to low, mid-and eventually high-end smartphones and tablets. circa 2010 one of Spice, India’s first Android smartphones
  • 33. Source: EBay, August 2013 Shanzhai circa 2013 ...looks like a Nokia Lumia ...looks like Windows Phone OS Some small device makers still chose to copy the look and feel of well known brands... ...built on Android but hey, it’s only £56! ($85)
  • 34. ...but many have evolved into larger companies that now develop and market devices under their own brand. Meizu M8 Mini One 667 MHz, 3.2 mp camera Customized Windows CE Meizu MX2 quad core 1.6 GHz, 8mp Customized Android “FlyMe” OS Meizu M9 1 GHz, 5 mp Android 2.2 2007 £125 ($200) 2011 £218 ($350) 2012 £250 ($400)
  • 35. “...designed by Jack Wong with the help of 30-plus handcrafted wooden prototypes, followed by 3-D scanning...” Source: Engadget The slick, NFC- enabled Meizu MX3 in 2013...
  • 36. Other chipset vendors such as Rockchip, Broadcom, Allwinner and Qualcomm now emulate the MediaTek model, resulting in a veritable explosion of options for manufacturers and consumers.
  • 37. The Internet of things is Android and its everywhere “Every screen variant, mobile chip, and sensor known to man has been tuned to work with Android...there’s this network effect, so that now anyone who wants to make a custom product can take Android and morph it into anything”. Jim Zemlin, Linux Foundation
  • 38. Off the shelf components and an open OS have democratized portable computing. There is now huge consumer choice in connected devices reaching almost every price point.
  • 39. “Good enough” smartphones and tablets can now be purchased for ~$100. Very basic models are available for ~$50. Thanks to Moore’s Law, many of these devices already rival the specs of top devices sold just a few years ago.
  • 40. Android now powers 59% of smart devices (and 80% of smartphones) being sold. That works out to a staggering 1.5 million Android device activations per day*. *According to Google but not counting many Chinese devices
  • 41. These devices are designed, developed, manufactured and marketed by many hundreds of companies, each with their own audience and product goals.
  • 42. Part 2: Understanding diversity Before we discuss how to design for Android’s diversity, let’s dig deeper to discover how diversity affects day-to-day user experience.
  • 43. All modern connected devices consist of a carefully chosen collection of components. Source: Samsung Gyro sensor Internal memory 1.5GHz DualCore Chip LTE, HSPDA Modem Antenna and stereo speakers Light sensor module 3 Megapixel back-facing camera High capacity battery DMB antenna
  • 44. Manufacturers can choose off-the-shelf components, or customize each aspect of the device to suit their intended price-point and target audience. WI-FI Bluetooth capacitive display multi-SIM FM radio GPS CPU speakers physical size ppi responsiveness gyroscope proximity light motion operating system 2G/3G/4G battery camera browser music player SIM sensors graphics card clarity toggle simultaneous standby front back
  • 45. At the cheapest price point, you often find “generic” device with an off-the-shelf chipset, stock Android and barely-branded case. There are tons of these devices for sale throughout Asia, but they haven’t (yet) reached Europe and North America. Screenshot: Tmart off-the-shelf stock off-the-shelf
  • 46. Slightly more customized devices are sold by all sorts of companies. Here is an example of a very popular device that might fit this category.... customized customized off-the-shelf
  • 47. ¥799 (£83/$130) nice but basic plastic case stock MediaTek MT6589T chipset 8 Mp camera dual SIM w/ dual standby highly customized MIUI ROM Xiaomi Hongmi fancy Gorilla Glass
  • 48. Part of Hongmi’s huge appeal is its MIUI ROM. A highly customized (and customizable) version of Android. (we’ll have a better look at Android ROMs in a bit...)
  • 49. In case you’re thinking “Yeah, whatever...” consider that when the Hongmi went on sale last month, the first batch of 100,000 devices sold out in just 90 seconds. (Xiaomi has no shops and until recently, only sold online. This reduces overhead, and enables customers all over China to purchase a device on the very same day).
  • 50. What we most often purchase in Europe and North America is some manner of highly customized device built by an established manufacturer. customized customized customized
  • 51. experiment with different form factors use Android as a base with which to these manufacturers Galaxy NGalaxy Tab 7.0”Galaxy Player 5.8” Galaxy Note 5.3” Galaxy SIII 4.8” Admire 3.5” Intercept 3.0” Gravity 2.3” Galaxy Tab 8.9”Galaxy Tab 7.7”
  • 52. A new dual screen, dual SIM (with dual standby) luxury clamshell phone developed by Samsung. The full OS is accessible from back or front. This device is expected to retail for ~£1500 ($2500). serve varied audiences...
  • 53. The KDDI Infobar range was designed by famed industrial designer Naoto Fukasawa, and features iida UI, a highly customized version of Android. to differentiate or leverage fashion their brand Infobar C01 Infobar A01
  • 54. Open source Android OS also provides an ideal platform on which to experiment with new interfaces and interactions. Scrolling turns elements into translucent teardrops. iida UI features a modular, widget based interface. There are also lots of platform specific transitions.
  • 55. On Sony Xperia and newer Samsung Galaxy devices, users can trigger resizable and repositionable floating windows. These enable advanced PC-like copy/paste and multi- tasking behaviours. Unlike Android widgets (which are simply mini-data views), these windows contain a fragment of the full application that users can interact with.
  • 56. some customizations require even tighter coupling of hardware and software
  • 57. scroll using the back panel 206° repositionable camera take photos remotely (using Bluetooth LE) or new extensions to hardware-based interactions The new Oppo N1
  • 58. But (yet again) innovation and experimentation don’t just come from the big guys...
  • 59. A dual display smartphone developed by Yota, a Russian broadband operator. The e-paper powered back display can retain an image for weeks, even when the device is powered off. This feature enables users to completely customize their back case, or use it to store a time-and power- sensitive image such as a map or boarding pass. e-paper with capacitive touch stripe standard multi-touch display FRONT BACK
  • 62. Toughshield specializes in products for industrial and institutional settings including construction, healthcare and retail.
  • 63. Global supermarket chain Tesco recently announced Hudl, a ~£100 ($150) family- friendly tablet featuring extensive ClubCard loyalty scheme and blinkbox entertainment service integration. Tesco Hudl
  • 64. Source: Quartz, Photo courtesy Datawind The Indian government hopes to distribute at least 220 million Aakash 2 tablets to that country’s students. Manufactured in India for a mere $40, the purchase cost to students will be subsidized to further increase access.
  • 65. Although many consumers still primarily purchase devices designed, developed and marketed by large companies...this may not be the case going forward. If current patterns hold true, consumers around the world may increasingly be just as likely to own devices developed by smaller brands and manufactured through any number of “other” manufacturers. Worldwide Smartphone Sales to End Users by Vendor in 2Q13 Apple 14% Samsung 32% LG 5% ZTE 4% Lenovo 4% Others 40%
  • 66. ...but Android’s diversity does not stop at brands and hardware. The platform itself is also immensely customizable.
  • 67. The most common customizations come from large manufacturers, who attempt to differentiate by offering proprietary user interface skins, home screens (or “launchers”) and enable unique features and personalization options such as themeing. “Vanilla” Android Samsung Touch Whiz HTC Sense Huawei Emotion UI customized versions
  • 68. users can then layer their own customizations, ranging from simple interface adjustments, to more substantial OS-altering modifications
  • 69. A relatively common customization might be the installation of an alternate app to control text input. This new app could be triggered just-in-time, or set to completely replace the default keyboard. SwiftKey with QWERTY and gesture input 8Pen gesture input
  • 70. In fact, thanks to a system called intents, users can also specify favourite apps to complete common tasks such as sharing or opening URLs. They can do this just-in-time, or choose a favourite app to complete that task going forward. Set as default: Choose Firefox as default app to browse the web from the current context. Just in time: Choose which app you would currently like to use to “Share” a URL.
  • 71. A less common, but more transformative customization is to install a new launcher. This replaces the device’s home and lock screens, core app menus, and often unlocks extensive collections of themes and home screen widgets. The very popular Go Launcher offers an extensive theme collection and enables users to customize transition effects and define their own shortcut gestures.
  • 72. The most extreme form of customization involves completely replacing the build of Android that came with the device. These third party (and often community-built) modifications (or MODs) provide not just a new launcher, skins, and themes, but replace many default apps and enable entirely new (and often experimental) features.
  • 73. Paranoid Android MOD for example features a Hybrid Mode that lets you adjust the resolution of every app, widget or system component on the device. Because many Android apps adapt to different screen sizes, this enables you to choose a preferred “view” for each app.
  • 74. The most popular MOD in China is MIUI, developed by upstart handset manufacturer Xiaomi. International versions of MIUI are maintained by independent developers with versions available for 14 countries including Brazil, India and Indonesia. (The MIUI is closed source, so it may be in breach of the Android licence.)
  • 75. MIUI is particularly popular as its design is actively crowd sourced through the discussions of thousands of Chinese Mi-Fans on Xiaomi’s message boards.
  • 76. Another popular feature is MIUIs’ extensive themeing capabilities, and an app store containing thousands of community built themes.
  • 77. Installing a MOD is far from mainstream (especially in Europe and North America), but as installation becomes simpler, who knows what behaviours will develop. CyanogenMod is now a formal company with $7M in investment, and plans to develop a one-click installer that will soon be available on Google Play.
  • 78. ...your device, your choice of MOD at purchase The new Oppo N1
  • 80. Although a device’s core interfaces, icons and even input mechanisms may be customized, manufacturers are expected* to include the default Holo system theme on every device. *This requirement only extends to “official” manufacturers who ship devices with Android Marketplace. Small manufacturers don’t always qualify, so although they have nothing to gain, (and everything to lose) by not including Holo, it’s possible they may choose to omit it. Holo lightHolo dark
  • 81. Holo provides a consistent look and feel for core components. When designing an Android app, you are free to provide your own theme, but using Holo will guarantee a consistent look across devices, and reduce the need to extensively test your brand- specific theme with the many other themed variants of Android. Thanks to Holo, the Twitter image picker interface remains consistent. The Holo-themed settings screen on a Galaxy Nexus running stock-Android. The customized settings screen on a Xiaomi M2S running MiUI.
  • 82. What you will need to plan for however is diversity in platform versions. Because Android OS is itself just another component, manufacturers are free to use whichever version best suits a device’s overall capabilities and performance profile. (And if a manufacturer has highly customized their build, they may not be able to immediately update it each time Google releases a new version). Jelly Bean (2012) 45.1% Ice Cream Sandwich (2011) 21.7% Gingerbread (2010) 30.7% Older versions 2.5% Source:, September 4 2013
  • 83. Note: Older versions of Android often support different features, include different APIs and follow different design patterns. Google provides compatibility and support libraries that help smooth out many of these differences. Android 4.0 £7,000 ($11,000) Vertu Ti For this reason, consumers purchasing a device today may not automatically end up with the latest version of the OS.
  • 84. Source: Henry Fong, Yodo1, presented at GDC 2013 Users may also not access their content through the channels you’d expect... A snapshot of the complexity of Android app discovery, distribution and payment in China. The Chinese ecosystem is particularly complex and include over 200 app stores.
  • 85. An unofficial app store in a Bangkok mega mall selling Android (and iOS :-) apps to passersby. We’ve been told that in parts of APAC, stores like this can also help you install and maintain a custom Android MOD. FWIW: This is not a new behaviour. The platforms and devices may have changed but we first noticed (J2ME, SWF & ringtone) app store booths in APAC malls in 2002! the more creative people will get the more open the ecosystem, social discovery serendipity (...and fun!) curation and tech support
  • 86. Part 3: Designing for diversity Throughout the remainder of this presentation, we will explore strategies that can help you design for such a diverse environment.
  • 87. Disclaimer: Android is incredibly versatile and now powers thousands of “devices” including cars, TVs, fridges, stoves and watches. Although this presentation primarily discusses consumer electronics products such as smartphones and tablets, many of the guidelines and approaches discussed will be relevant to the design of other types of products.
  • 88. 1. Be flexible 2. Provide assets for all 3. Optimize layouts 4. Enable diverse experiences Android design 101 Four key principles ...these no doubt seem familiar if you regularly design for the (mobile) web First three principles provided by Google but expanded by yiibu..
  • 89. Principle 1: Be flexible ...create flexible, density-independent layouts
  • 90. “We have seen 11,868 distinct devices download our app in the past few months. In our report last year we saw 3,997. OpenSignal device fragmentation report, 2013 With so many distinctly different devices, you can expect a wide range of screen sizes and pixel densities.
  • 91. Screen size and pixel density diversity makes defining layouts using pixels problematic. On screens with different densities, an identical number of pixels, will correspond to different physical sizes. this 4 x 2 pixel button is too big on a low density display... ...just right on a medium density display... ...and far too small on a high density display
  • 92. To solve this problem, Android enables you to define layouts using density independent pixels (dp). Use these virtual pixel units to express dimensions or position, and the system will automatically scale them as appropriate to the device’s screen size and density. medium density (baseline) high density (adjusted so physical size remains consistent) low density (adjusted so physical size remains consistent) Tip: 1dp corresponds to approximately 1px on a 160ppi display.
  • 93. Similar to designing flexibly for the web, you should don’t specify dimensions in cases where elements are simply meant to stretch to fill the available space. Android enables you to specify how components should scale to fit this space, and ways to define the weight of each component within the interface. resizable area, no fixed height resizable and of equal weight 12dp10dp 48dp 48dp 32x32dp Source:
  • 94. Layouts that scale and flex are great, but to provide the best experience, you will often need to go further: • Provide alternate bitmaps to reduce the blurring and pixelation caused by automatic scaling. • Specify alternate layouts to improve legibility and overall user experience. • Specify alternate content or behaviours to suit a user’s language, device form factor or capabilities. but that’s not all...
  • 95. Principle 2: Provide assets for all ...using built-in layout and resource adaptation
  • 96. Each Android app includes a collection of resources that are used to define and construct the user interface. These include bitmap images, layouts, colour palettes, text strings and numeric values containing content or key dimensions such as global or component-specific margins and font sizes. <abcd/> <200dp>
  • 97. Resources can be grouped using qualifiers that specify their intended context of use. Similar (in spirit) to CSS media queries (but far more versatile)...this system enables you to indicate which resources should be used based on common contexts such as screen size, orientation, pixel density, and language. color drawable drawable-mhdpi res drawable-port-hdpi layout values values-de orientation pixel density language
  • 98. values-de All you have to do is group assets using the necessary resources and qualifiers. At runtime, Android will detect the current device capabilities and load the appropriate resources for your application. color drawable res values logo.png icon.png drawable-hdpi logo.png icon.png only high dpi devices will use these images only devices set to German will use what’s in this folder
  • 99. You can also combine qualifiers to increase context specificity. drawable-en-rUS-land-hdpi language region orientation pixel density
  • 100. A critical use-case for qualifiers is to specify alternate bitmaps for different screen densities. These are specified using standard groupings (called generalized densities) that map to common Android screen densities. nodpi can be used to specify for bitmap resources that should not be scaled to match the device density. Although still rare, you can also use tvdpi to specify bitmaps for mid-density (~213dpi) televisions. ldpi ~120dpi mdpi ~160dpi hdpi ~240dpi xhdpi ~320dpi xxhdpi ~480dpi BASELINE 0.75x 1.5x 2.0x 3.0x
  • 101. drawable-ldpi drawable-mhdpi drawable-hdpi drawable-xhdpi drawable-xxhdpi 0.75x 1x 1.5x 2x 3x Put assets in folders labelled with the correct qualifiers, and the platform will automatically choose the most appropriate assets to suit a device’s screen density. res
  • 102. Android regularly publishes screen density statistics. Take these into account when deciding which alternate resources to include. xhdpi 23.7% hdpi 34.3% tvdpi 1.2% mdpi 23.5% ldpi 10.2% xxhdpi 7% TIP Source:, September 4 2013
  • 103. Principle 3: Optimize layouts ...using built-in “responsive design”
  • 104. Creating layouts that are flexible, and adapt to different screen densities, isn’t always enough to deliver the best experience. excessive line length missed opportunity to use space reduced visual grouping
  • 105. Android provides two additional tools that dramatically improve the experience when dealing with screen size diversity. layout layout-sw480dp layout-sw720dp res A way to specify alternate layouts using qualifiers to correlate layouts with screen size breakpoints. A way to construct layouts using reusable and adaptable user interface components called fragments. layout-land-w900dp
  • 106. Using qualifiers, you can define breakpoints between layouts, or tweak existing layouts to better suit the screen size. 600dp 720dp320dp 1020dp baseline experience and onwards...
  • 107. Instead of filling these buckets with distinct “smartphone” or “tablet” layouts, construct highly adaptive layouts that rely on smart combinations of flexible and adaptable components. 600dp 720dp320dp 1020dp baseline experience and onwards...
  • 109. Android apps are made up of activities (things you can do) and fragments (components that provide the content and functionality within each activity). fragment(s) fragment(s) fragment(s)
  • 110. On small screens, it’s always best to focus the interaction. There's often only room to display one fragment at a time, so users must drill-down to access other fragments or activities.
  • 111. On larger screens, there is an opportunity to combine these fragments to enrich interactions, improve usability, and make better use of available space. 12:00 12:00 A B A B
  • 112. A B C On the largest screens Evernote combines up to three fragments into one activity. Swipe left on fragment B to reveal a split screen containing fragments B and C. Swipe left on C to reveal a full-screen view of that fragment.
  • 113. Evernote also relies heavily on flexible components, and lots of fragment-specific design tweaks. It’s this combination of design decisions that enables a consistently great experience. linear layout fragments expand to fill the screen grid layout grid scales vertically and horizontallyfragment with larger thumbnail
  • 114. One fragment per activity, accessible using tabs. Many fragments grouped as a single activity. Many fragments grouped as a single activity. Google I/O app
  • 115. The list and detail fragments as one activity. Swipe right to slide open the menu panel fragment. The menu panel, list and detail fragments as one activity. Wordpress app One fragment per activity. Swipe right to slide open the menu panel fragment.
  • 116. These layout changes can once again be defined using a collection of resources and qualifiers. layout layout-sw480dp res layout-land-sw720pd activity_notebook.xml fragment_notebook.xml layout-sw720dp activity_notebook.xml fragment_notebook.xml layout breakpoint layout breakpoint default layout orientation breakpoint
  • 117. Touch screen UI mode API level notouch stylus trackball finger car desk television appliance v1 v2 v3 Layout direction Language & region MCC & MNC ldrtl ldltr en fr en-rUS fr-rFR mcc310 loosely maps to platform version e.g. Gingerbread, Jelly Bean country code mnc004 docked with a... no display!! network code e.g. AT&T, T-Mobile right to left And that’s just the start of what you can do. Qualifiers can be also used to specify a wide range of alternate experiences. (Here are just a few of the more interesting ones...) For a full list see Providing resources
  • 118. Almost any application will benefit from the inclusion of alternate resources to support diversity (be they images, layouts, content or behaviours). It’s not necessary however to account for all combinations. TIP
  • 119. Small well-chosen adjustments can make a big difference. When in doubt, keep things simple. Don’t micro-manage the design or introduce complexity just “because you can”. layout-en-rUS-land-car-hdpi-night-qwerty-trackball-...
  • 120. Principle 4: Enable diverse experiences ...leverage intents to embrace diversity and personalization
  • 121. Intents are the glue between application components, both within an app, and across different apps. They allow apps to outsource tasks to other apps (that they may not even know about). “ - Roman Nurik, Google
  • 122. An intent is simply a combination of an action, and a piece of data. Source: Nick Butcher, Google VIEW EDIT Contact “Bryan Rieger”
  • 123. Android apps can register their ability to handle each type of intent (or if you prefer...their ability to assist the user in completing an activity). I can.... ...VIEW ...EDIT ...SHARE ...CHOOSE “ Source: Nick Butcher, Google
  • 125. There are hundreds of social networks, email clients, messenger apps or utilities that a user might prefer to use to share a URL.
  • 126. On other platforms, a brand decides (ahem...guesses, presumes) which services to enable, and hard codes these into their app. (Or...if a user is lucky, the platform may enable them to pre-configure a few popular default services such as Facebook and Twitter.)
  • 127. ...thanks to intents, users can choose how they wish to share. you “save” you edit/compose your noteyou click “share” SHARE {data} Share you choose an app*the intent is broadcast *only apps that are capable of fulfilling a share request are displayed
  • 128. you “save” you edit/compose your noteyou click “share” the intent is broadcast SHARE {data} ...completing the action automatically brings you back to the Twitter app Intents also enable out-of-the-box seamless experiences. Once a task is complete, the user automatically ends up back where they initiated that task. Share *only apps that are capable of fulfilling a share request are displayed you choose an app*
  • 130. Clicking a URL also triggers an intent. It’s therefore possible for brands with both an app, and a mobile optimized site to enable behaviours like this.... Pick me!! Two apps respond “I can handle ”view” intents on” browser resolves the URL app resolves the URL*the user clicks a link (within a web page, in an email, or in another app...) <a href=”http:// bookReference”> the intent is broadcast VIEW {URI} Share Amazon Chrome *this doesn’t happen by magic, but the additional work is worth it!
  • 131. The beauty here is that this is a (progressive) enhancement. The web page simply contains a URL. If there’s no Amazon app installed, the URL simply opens in a browser. (If the user has two browsers installed (for example, a text to speech browser), and hasn’t designated a default, both will respond...and the user can make a choice). Reminder:
  • 132. The more apps support intents, the more users can chain apps and activities together to complete very personal experiences... Share (i.e. open) using Google Translate ...then Share in an SMS hardware Back open Tweet using your chosen “app” click a URL in the Tweet and open using your favourite “app” seamless auto Back seamless auto Back hardware Back For a deeper exploration of multi-app experiences, see Beyond Progressive Enhancement
  • 133. Using intents reduces the need to design, build, and maintain a bespoke system to manage sharing, or build regional variants of your app to enable region- or audience- specific social sharing. It also enables your app to deliver a more personalized and future-friendly user experience. CORE BENEFITS
  • 134. Be flexible Create density-independent layouts that stretch and compress to accommodate various heights and widths. Provide assets for all Provide resources for different screen densities to ensure that your app looks great on any device. Take advantage of built-in resource switching to optimize other aspects of the experience. Optimize layouts On larger devices, take advantage of extra screen real estate. Create compound views to reveal more content and ease navigation. Enable diverse experiences Enable personalization, and provide a more global experience using intents. recap: four key principles First three principles provided by Google but expanded by yiibu..
  • 136. In the summer of 2013, the Android platform surpassed 1 billion activations....
  • 137. this doesn’t include the many “unofficial” devices being imagined and assembled by makers around the world
  • 138. Source: The Internet of things is Android and its everywhere the growing number of Android-based interfaces found in cars...
  • 139. Internet enabled treadmill. Currently considered a luxury product (...give it 18 months). ...the emerging Android-based “appliances”
  • 140. or experimental Android-powered Source: SSTL “things” like these nanosats that will one day orbit the earth
  • 141. and once we begin to embed swarms of Android-tethered “smart dust” throughout the world, we may lose count altogether... Source: MIT Technology Review, smart dust mage: UCLA “By equipping the clothing and bodies of users with a mesh of multiple sensors - known as “smart dust” - that report to an Android-powered phone, researchers are pioneering an open-source route to realizing the dream of always-on medical monitoring”.
  • 142. what these “devices” all have in common is the magic that happens...
  • 143. when easily available components and fabrication...
  • 144. meet an open and widely-distributed “Because Android is open-source, the researchers were able to develop on top of it using the SPINE platform for remote sensing, and to add to it their own API...these platforms allowed them free reign to experiment”. - Android powered sensors monitor vital signs platform... “I ran into [SAIC] at this trade show where they were placed next to all these other carmakers with massive software teams...they said: ‘We just have six dudes and Android.’ - The Internet of things is Android and its everywhere “Nanosats based on Android phones offerthe...advantage of a standardized appplatform for running experiments. Thisopens up space experiments to studentsand hackers around the world.’ - Android and Linux Nanosats shine bright
  • 145. some people believe to be squashed... Android’s diversity is a thing
  • 146. but i’m pretty sure diversity is not a bug...
  • 148. thank you many thanks to the amazing photographers on @yiibu contact us at Presentation deck available @