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the trouble with context...
                 presented at IA Konferenz, 2011

things used to be
remarkably simple...
public space                                                     distractions

                                                designing for mobile meant
                                 understanding the ‘mobile context’

                               limited aention

                    one hand             tiny screen

                                    tedious input


...long day

                                                        only one hour left

oh no...forgot to go to the bank                 need a quick break

                                                    ...its impact on


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Rethinking the Mobile Web by Yiibu
Rethinking the Mobile Web by YiibuRethinking the Mobile Web by Yiibu
Rethinking the Mobile Web by Yiibu

This document discusses creating an accessible and inclusive mobile experience. It begins by noting that while some devices like the iPhone are popular, they only represent a small portion of the overall mobile device market and user population. It then examines the need to make the mobile web accessible to all users, not just those with certain devices, and provides examples of how usage and capabilities vary greatly across the global mobile landscape. The document advocates for an adaptive approach that considers this diversity and creates an experience optimized for all types of mobile browsers and networks.

htmlipadmedia queries
Why You Should Make Mobile Your Career | Clark College
Why You Should Make Mobile Your Career | Clark CollegeWhy You Should Make Mobile Your Career | Clark College
Why You Should Make Mobile Your Career | Clark College

A variation of my talk on mobile strategy given to Clark College to encourage students to pursue mobile and to encourage the college to adopt mobile curriculum.

Part 2: Designing For Multiple Devices - GA London, 18 Mar 2013
Part 2: Designing For Multiple Devices - GA London, 18 Mar 2013Part 2: Designing For Multiple Devices - GA London, 18 Mar 2013
Part 2: Designing For Multiple Devices - GA London, 18 Mar 2013

Slides from my part 2 class of Designing for multiple devices run at General Assembly in London on the 18th of March 2013. ABSTRACT In Fundamentals for Designing for Multiple Devices, we covered the basics of responsive design and mobile apps (for both Android & iOS). We also looked at how user expectations have shifted behaviour, how consumption patterns have changed and what that has meant for designing products that will be used on multiple devices. This follow-on session will take outset in the guiding principles covered in the previous class and take a closer look at: - common challenges faced when designing for multiple devices and how to address them - content strategy and hierarchy across devices - navigation patterns for responsive design - app structures and navigation patterns - how to test both responsive sites and apps

user experience designresponsive designux
playing a game

   finding a bank nearby             sending a text

checking the time of the next bus

                                                            ...and on

so mobile design guidelines, went something like this...
“   Context is King: circumstances or conditions that surround
    a person, place or thing. Content is of little value if it does
    not address the context of where you are.
    - Cameron Moll, SXSW, 2007

“   Google (2007) breaks down mobile users
    into three behaviour groups:
    A. "Repetitive now"
    B. "Bored now"
    C. "Urgent now"


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UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...
UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...
UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...

The document discusses device agnostic design, which aims to create content that can be accessed and displayed well on any device. It emphasizes building with reusable modular components rather than bespoke designs for each device. The key aspects are understanding content stacking strategies across screens, using content-based rather than device-based breakpoints, and designing interactive elements that work for both touch and non-touch interfaces. The goal is to provide users with a continuous experience regardless of the device they use.

anna dahlstromhow totablet
When responsive web design meets the real world
When responsive web design meets the real worldWhen responsive web design meets the real world
When responsive web design meets the real world

The document discusses responsive web design and some of the challenges it faces. It recommends adopting a mobile first approach where the mobile styles are defined first before desktop styles, allowing for a progressive enhancement. It also emphasizes the importance of performance and ensuring responsive designs are not just focused on layout but also on optimizing for speed. Key techniques discussed include building mobile first, reordering media queries, keeping basic styles outside queries, and scoping images within media queries to avoid unnecessary downloads.

Live streaming: Designing For Multiple Devices - GA, New York, 14 March 2013
Live streaming: Designing For Multiple Devices - GA, New York, 14 March 2013Live streaming: Designing For Multiple Devices - GA, New York, 14 March 2013
Live streaming: Designing For Multiple Devices - GA, New York, 14 March 2013

Slides from my 1 hour live streaming class on March 14th at GA in New York ABSTRACT The rise in mobiles and tablets have changed the way we consume and interact with content, but also the way we design and what we base our design approach on. This class will teach you about the shift in user expectations, behaviour- and consumption patterns and what that means for designing products that will be used on multiple devices. Coming out of it you'll be equipped with guiding principles and tools to tackle the multiple device jungle.

user experience designresponsive designux
“   Mobile user: typically on the go in an unpredictable
    environment, interested in quick glanceable
    information, focused on discrete individual tasks,
    is often distracted.
    - Joe Marini @ MIX 2010

lately however,
we have a problem...
cues and guidelines that were important logical just a few
years months ago are still useful...but no longer reliable
statements such as these are becoming
         far more common

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This is the presentation I will use to discuss issues at the NESC 2009 Forum in Canberra. My aim was to use as many images as possible to illustrate ideas. I tried to reduce my use of words and included all the references I drew upon, particularly in regard to Flickr Creative Commons images.

SparkUp 2010 Mobile UX 101
SparkUp 2010 Mobile UX 101SparkUp 2010 Mobile UX 101
SparkUp 2010 Mobile UX 101

This document discusses improving mobile user experiences. It notes that mobile is the primary way people access the internet in some countries. Constraints on mobile like form factor and battery life must be considered. Simple interfaces work best for mobile. Native apps have advantages over mobile web, but the line is blurring. Windows Mobile was replaced by Windows Phone 7 which improved the user experience. The document emphasizes understanding user behaviors and focusing on usability.

mobile ux poland sparkup 2010
Mobile Tsunami
Mobile TsunamiMobile Tsunami
Mobile Tsunami

Recaps a presentation given to the Portland Web Innovators forum on the upcoming growth in the Mobile industry and in particular the mobile web.

“             i love it! nice and clean look, easy to navigate
                           and easy to read. well done! but...can you put a
                           bit more news on there?

Source: Comments from readers regarding The Guardian’s new mobile web site
“             There should be a text only version of the
                              (desktop) site for those of us who don't like the
                              business of the main site.

Source: User talking about his habit of using the mobile Guardian site on his PC
“    users want to see our menu, hours,
                            and delivery number...(but)...desktop users
                            definitely want to see this one megabyte PNG
                            of somebody smiling at a salad.
                                                                                         ...for fun, Google
                                                                                        “Women Laughing
                                                                                        Alone With Salad”

Source: SitePoint Podcast: Responsive web design with Jeremy Keith
“            I’m definitely moving, I’m in a car. I’m going to look at your website.
                This doesn’t mean my intent is to find an address, or quickly use
                a news site...

                Context can’t predict the way a user is going to use the site.
                Mind reading is no way to base fundamental content decisions.

Source: Mark Kirby, The mobile context                   

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Mobile Web vs. Native Apps | Design4Mobile
Mobile Web vs. Native Apps | Design4MobileMobile Web vs. Native Apps | Design4Mobile
Mobile Web vs. Native Apps | Design4Mobile

This document provides an overview of a presentation on native mobile apps versus mobile web apps. It includes slides on why developers were fighting over the two approaches, Apple's announcement allowing third-party apps on the iPhone, and the surprise success of the iPhone App Store. It also discusses factors that contributed to the App Store's success like its openness, revenue split, and fewer restrictions compared to mobile carriers. The document debates questions around whether apps create platform lock-in, if app stores are essential to a platform's success, and challenges of developing for multiple mobile platforms. It suggests that HTML5 and WebKit may become the dominant mobile platform.

Mobel - Think about your mom
Mobel  - Think about your momMobel  - Think about your mom
Mobel - Think about your mom

The document appears to be a collection of links and quotes shared by a UX designer. It includes links to articles about UX design, mobile interfaces, gestures, and technology. Quotes discuss making users feel rewarded through "power" gestures and how technology should get out of the way. The collection seems aimed at sharing references and insights relevant to the designer's work.

Mobilising Digital - Perth 13/03/14
Mobilising Digital - Perth 13/03/14Mobilising Digital - Perth 13/03/14
Mobilising Digital - Perth 13/03/14

More people are using mobile platforms to access information - can your business afford to be left behind in an age of rapid digital transformation? When once it was acceptable to be in the late majority when it came to adjusting your business to technological advancements, nowadays you have to lead the pack in order to be a viable business.

so why this change?
         and what does it all mean?
<historical interlude>

free platforms
+ low cost components
= a perfect storm

a free operating system (Android)
  dual core ARM 9 @ 416MHz2G GSM/EDGE
  2.8” QVGA resistive touch screen
  2MP camera
  WIFI and BlueTooth silicon
+ web browser

= <$90 components + plastic case                                    Actions-Semi, MTK, TongXinDa , Rockchip...
  ~4 weeks to market!



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It's a strange world after all- Wim Janssens
It's a strange world after all- Wim JanssensIt's a strange world after all- Wim Janssens
It's a strange world after all- Wim Janssens

Monkeytalk Fall 2014 We leven in een zeer boeiend tijdperk. Zonder dat we het misschien zelf beseffen, zijn we allemaal onderdeel van een enorme verandering in hoe we leven en omgaan met elkaar en onze omgeving. Met enkele handige voorbeelden gaan we eventjes mee in de wereld van Wim die vooral gekenmerkt wordt door het constant in vraag stellen van vanzelfsprekendheden.

Computers in libraries 2012
Computers in libraries 2012Computers in libraries 2012
Computers in libraries 2012

The document discusses personal electronic devices in libraries. It begins by introducing the topic and noting the problems libraries are trying to solve regarding gadgets. It then provides details on the rise of iOS and Android devices and discusses how libraries can manage these operating systems. It concludes by covering legal issues like digital rights management and licensing terms for content on devices like Kindles.

GA London - Designing for multiple devices, 28may2012
GA London - Designing for multiple devices, 28may2012GA London - Designing for multiple devices, 28may2012
GA London - Designing for multiple devices, 28may2012

Slides from my class on May 28 2012 at General Assembly London on designing for multiple devices. ABSTRACT The rise in mobiles and tablets have changed the way we consume and interact with content, but also the way we design and what we base our design approach on. This class will teach you about the shift in user expectations, behaviour- and consumption patterns and what that means for designing products that will be used on multiple devices. Coming out of it you'll be equipped with guiding principles and tools to tackle the multiple device jungle.

user experience designuser experiencemobile
despite this growth
                                             smartphones are not yet
                                                        the majority


Global smartphone penetration is only 23%...
but the featurephone of today is
the smartphone of two years ago...

and (most of) the rest
                                 can easily install one

                     85%         of new handsets now include
                                 a web browser

Source: Tomi Ahonen Consulting                  
but connected devices
      aren’t just small

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Разработка клиентской части приложения информационной системы торговой органи...
Разработка клиентской части приложения информационной системы торговой органи...Разработка клиентской части приложения информационной системы торговой органи...
Разработка клиентской части приложения информационной системы торговой органи...

В рамках учебного курса «Средства визуального программирования приложений» (ИПКиПК) мы познакомились с Qt - кросс-платформенным инструментарием разработки ПО на языке программирования C++. Этап написания курсовой работы состоял из двух частей. В первой части, на занятиях по управлению базами данных мы разработали структуру базы данных MySQL и различные запросы, согласно своему варианту курсовой работы. Во второй части, мы разработали клиентскую часть приложения на Qt с использованием среды разработки Qt Creator и средой разработки графического интерфейса Qt Designer.

A trip to North Korea
A trip to North KoreaA trip to North Korea
A trip to North Korea

It is indeed possible to travel to North Korea as a tourist, but one should not expect to see the real face of the country.

koreanorth koreatrip
Materials - Part II
Materials - Part IIMaterials - Part II
Materials - Part II

We have learned about 'Iron' in detail in the previous presentation: 'Materials Part I'. In part II, we will study about other metals like Copper, Aluminum, their advantages etc. We will also learn about other materials like wood, cement, their advantages, disadvantages and uses etc.

they’re whatever shape
   we need them to be
One of the interesting estimates is that there are
about 35 billion devices connected to the Internet.
Soon, there will be so many that we’ll stop
- Eric Schmidt, Google

...which brings us to the present

</historical interlude>
         even beer
         than cake...

                             they spent about
                             an hour staring
                             like this...
The most profound technologies are those
that disappear. They weave themselves into
the fabric of everyday life until they are
indistinguishable from it.
- Mark Weiser (1991)


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When's The Right Time To Show Your Prototype?
When's The Right Time To Show Your Prototype?When's The Right Time To Show Your Prototype?
When's The Right Time To Show Your Prototype?

Whether you are a 2-person startup or a big company with lots of customers, pulling customers into your innovation cycle is one of the most important things to do. But when is the right time? Should you show an idea on the back of a cocktail napkin? Or should you wait for something near finished so customers have a close-to-true experience? This presentation was given by Brian Gladstein from GYK Antler, at an Alpha Loft Lunch & Learn in November 2014. It's purpose is to help you understand when you should be engaging your target customers and showing off that prototype, and how to turn those meetings into valuable sessions that deliver insights and build relationships, without breaking the bank from a development and production perspective.

prototypelean startupentrepreneurship
Presant identica
Presant identicaPresant identica
Presant identica

The document describes an SMS (Smart Simulator) system that provides simulated firearms training for military and security forces using a laser, camera, projector, and software. The SMS system allows up to 4 trainees to conduct motion, technical, tactical, and video drills on a projected firing range from 1-20 meters without live ammunition for training purposes under friendly control and monitoring of operations and data.

Engagement and creativity in teams
Engagement and creativity in teamsEngagement and creativity in teams
Engagement and creativity in teams

A short introduction to my research on the characteristics of different team work environments and how these contribute to creative behaviours and employee engagement.

employee engagement creativity dynamic teams
                            of the planet
                        owns a mobile devices

or 5.3 billion at the end of 2010 – U.N. Telecommunications Agency,
1.3 billion
  already use the ‘mobile internet’

...includes WAP and ‘real web’ via Tomi Ahonen Consulting
...and for 1/3 of us, a mobile device
                                                                              is the only access point

                                                                             Russia 19%
                                                  UK 22%
                                                                                                                                  China 22%
      USA 25%
                                                                                                 India 59%
   25% of                                                    Egypt 70%
   don’t use the                                                                                  2-3GB                         home ADSL
   Internet at all                                                                                data                          ~$100/mth,
                                                                                                  ~$2/mth                       PAYG unlimited
                                                                                                                                mobile data
                                                                                                     Indonesia 44%
                                                              S. Africa 57%

Based on “Users who never or infrequently use the desktop web”, Source: On Device Research, Dec 2010
Related: Opera mobile-only study specific to India (May 2011) and NY Times article on lack of Internet access in rural America (Feb 2011)

             We're in a world of one line of connectivity. That's us.
             You see...we don't have to "go" to the internet any more.
             Mitch Joel, TedX Montreal

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Nothing to say
Nothing to sayNothing to say
Nothing to say

test presentation with audio


The document discusses two-part verbs in Spanish. It explains that two-part verbs are formed by a verb and a preposition. These verbs are classified as inseparable or separable. Inseparable verbs must always be used together as one phrase, while separable verbs can have nouns or pronouns between the two parts. Examples of common two-part verbs are provided, as well as how they are used in requests with modal verbs like "can", "could" and "may". The difference between using the infinitive and gerund form to express purposes is also covered.

unidad2nivel intermedio
this is having a dramatic impact on
our behaviour and our expectations...

using the internet
is no longer “an activity”...

                      n   t                              focused user



                                                          with a fairly specific context
                                                                                             comfy chair

                              full-sized keyboard
                                                                                            work surface

                                          reliable power source
...people reach for the internet using whatever
      device makes sense to them at that time


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Pulleys and gears.marathi
Pulleys and gears.marathiPulleys and gears.marathi
Pulleys and gears.marathi

This is an Marathi PPT on gears and Pulleys as a simple machine

simple machinegears
“   ...[the Kindle browser] is somewhat slow but
    it definitely works, in fact my teen daughter
    uses hers constantly...among other things
    she uses it to keep in touch with her friends.
    People discussing the Kindle browser on a message board

                                                ...the mobile internet is more convenient
                                                than my home connection...
                                                say 30% of respondents - Yahoo/Nielsen Mobile Shopping PDF
the traditional ‘mobile context’ is still valid...
80% use mobile during
                                                        miscellaneous downtime...

Source: Compete quarterly smartphone report, Jan 2010  

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Beautiful Jellyfish
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Most of us think of jellyfish just as an annoying summertime phenomena, but those "Medusozoa" are beautiful.

jellyfishfishmarine life
Homemade Formula 1 Car
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Homemade Formula 1 Car

In just 3 years and with an invention of 30,000$ this Bosnian automotive enthusiast has built himself his own privet Formula One car.

homemadeformula onecars
Mother's day (10th of may)
Mother's day (10th of may)Mother's day (10th of may)
Mother's day (10th of may)

Presentación en Inglés del "dia de la madre" (Mother's Day). Realizada por los alumnos de 6to Semestre grupo "A" de la UPN 151 subsede Tejupilco, para las asignatruas de Inglés y Habilidades Digitales.

80% use mobile while waiting
                                                         in line or for an appointment...

Source: Compete quarterly smartphone report, Jan 2010      
but the device and the context
 no longer go hand-in-hand
mobile is increasingly being combined with longer
      or completely ‘non-mobile’ activities...
62% use mobile
                                                        while watching TV

Source: Compete quarterly smartphone report, Jan 2010

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Those companies and people have no shame - All they promote are terrible lies!

advertising and marketingliesadvertising
Health psychology chapter 3 part i %281%29
Health psychology   chapter 3 part i %281%29Health psychology   chapter 3 part i %281%29
Health psychology chapter 3 part i %281%29

- The prevalence of infectious diseases has declined due to medical innovations and public health standards, while preventable disorders like heart disease and cancer have increased. Nearly half of Canadian deaths are caused by modifiable health behaviors like smoking, poor diet, and inactivity. - Health behaviors are behaviors that enhance or maintain health, like established habits formed in childhood around ages 11-12. Healthy behaviors reduce lifestyle-related illness and death while improving quality of life. - Many factors influence health behaviors, including demographics, socioeconomics, personal values, social influences, health goals, perceived symptoms, and access to healthcare. Targeting behaviors in adolescence can have lasting effects as those habits often determine future health outcomes.

Farm tank
Farm tankFarm tank
Farm tank

Farm tanks are constructed to harvest rainwater in rural areas. The construction involves digging an area and lining it with a polythene sheet called agrifilm to create a water collection area. The site should be appropriately sized and located to collect rainwater and runoff but avoid areas that are too stony or salty. The embankment around the tank should be high enough to allow access and the depth of the tank should be between 3 to 5 meters to reduce pressure on the bottom. Agrifilm is anchored around the sides and trenches are dug to hold it in place and prevent weeds from growing to effectively collect and store water for small farm needs in a cost effective manner.

farm tankwater conservation
69% use mobile for
                                                        point of sale research
                                                               while shopping

Source: Compete quarterly smartphone report, Jan 2010
and mobile is also used
                         to time-shift

59%            ...and follow up
sometimes      on the PC
visit a site
on mobile

                     Source: Yahoo mobile shopping framework study
visit a site on
                  and follow-up
                   on mobile
the PC

                   Source: Yahoo mobile shopping framework study
Research on smartphone,
67%   then buy in store.

                                 and so on...
      Research on smartphone,
23%   then visit store to check
      product out, then buy on PC.

      Research on smartphone,
16%   then visit store to check product
      out, then buy on smartphone.

      Visit store, then buy
9%    on smartphone.

                  Source: The mobile movement study, Google

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Multisite for multilingual
Multisite for multilingualMultisite for multilingual
Multisite for multilingual

Presentation slides from WordCamp Toronto 2014 talk. This talk is about creating a multilingual WordPress site using WordPress multisite. The talk will cover: the basics of setting up multisite, some plugins to make it easier to create a multilingual site, pros & cons of using multisite for multilingual sites, and some tips and tricks to help with your sites.

Equipment list
Equipment listEquipment list
Equipment list

The document lists equipment used for a film project, including a camcorder for capturing video, a tripod for stabilizing the camera, SD memory cards for storing footage, email and word processing software for communication and writing, blogging software to display work online, video editing software to assemble footage, social media to promote the film, USB drives for backing up files, and a laptop for running software and storing files.

Beyond the mobile web
Beyond the mobile webBeyond the mobile web
Beyond the mobile web

The document discusses how the internet and mobile technology have become integrated into everyday life. Key points include: - The internet is no longer an activity confined to desktop computers, but something that people access constantly through mobile devices. - There are now over 5 billion mobile subscribers globally, and mobile phones are becoming as powerful as computers were a few years ago. - People use their mobile devices to engage in many activities like chatting, scheduling, shopping, and following up on things looked up on other devices. - Mobile internet usage is shifting from just short activities to complementing and facilitating longer tasks like research, transactions, and important decisions.

...facilitating completion
                                                        of larger tasks

“The most expensive item sold via eBay’s
mobile app was a 1985 Piper PA-46-310P
Malibu airplane for $265,000.“ src: Mashable
“The largest purchase on the M&S mobile
web site last Christmas was two sofas
costing over £3000 ($5000)“ src: Marketing Week

                                   and important life decisions...

“           With current growth rates, Web access by people
              on the move—via laptops and smart mobile devices—
              is likely to exceed web access from desktop
              computers within the next five years.

...or by 2015 - Source: ITU vis mobiThinking
public space


                                    so while this is (still) ‘mobile’...

                          limited aention

               one hand              simple?

                               tedious input



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Beyond The Mobile Web By Yiibu 110412113255 Phpapp01
Beyond The Mobile Web By Yiibu 110412113255 Phpapp01Beyond The Mobile Web By Yiibu 110412113255 Phpapp01
Beyond The Mobile Web By Yiibu 110412113255 Phpapp01

Mobile internet access is becoming ubiquitous, with over 1.3 billion people now using their mobile devices to access the internet. Context for how the internet is accessed has changed dramatically, with people now commonly using their phones, tablets, and other devices to engage in many online activities both brief and extended. This has disrupted traditional models of web design which focused on desktop access with predictable contexts. A new approach is needed to create engaging mobile content in this environment of tremendous diversity and unpredictability.

Beyond The Mobile Web By Yiibu
Beyond The Mobile Web By YiibuBeyond The Mobile Web By Yiibu
Beyond The Mobile Web By Yiibu

The document discusses how the internet and mobile technology have become integrated into everyday life. Key points include: - The internet is no longer an activity confined to desktop computers, but something that people access constantly through mobile devices. - There are now over 5 billion mobile subscribers globally, and mobile phones are becoming as powerful as computers were a few years ago. - People use their mobile devices to engage in many activities like chatting, scheduling, shopping, and following up on things looked up on other devices. - Mobile internet usage is shifting from just short activities to complementing and facilitating longer tasks like research, transactions, and important decisions.

paymentsdigital commercemobile

The document discusses how responsive design begins on the server by adapting to different devices. It notes that as more devices have become capable of accessing the web, including lower-cost smartphones and basic phones, the definition of what constitutes a "smartphone" has expanded. It argues that while there is diversity in mobile devices, many lower-end devices still provide web access and basic smartphone functionality at an affordable price for many users.

environment                             reliable
  focused user

                         unlimited data

                         it’s now also this...

comfy                                           work surface

                                reliable power source

                  1hr train ride

          network?                  comfy
        unlimited wi ?               chair


reliable power source?

                                                       and this...
                                       chair                             privacy

                           one hand
reliable power                                                      prone to
    source                                                       interruptions


                                         and maybe some of this?

being mobile
                                                     it’s not just about...

      your type of device...

                               your location...

your intent...

                                            how long you’ve be there
         your bandwidth...


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Beyond Progressive Enhancement by yiibu
Beyond Progressive Enhancement by yiibuBeyond Progressive Enhancement by yiibu
Beyond Progressive Enhancement by yiibu

The document discusses how technology is increasingly woven into everyday life and the physical world. It describes several new technologies like smart connected objects, self-driving cars that collect data, smart forks that track eating habits and communicate with apps. It argues that the web needs to embrace these new technologies and find ways to connect physical systems to provide more seamless experiences, rather than trying to compete with native apps. The future may involve the web enabling discovery of physical objects and powering connections between various systems and technologies.

technologyfuturefood and related products
Its about people, not devices
Its about people, not devicesIts about people, not devices
Its about people, not devices

The document discusses the diversity of mobile devices globally and how this diversity is likely to persist. It notes that while some designers may choose to only design for the newest, most powerful platforms, an inclusive approach is needed to provide accessibility while still ensuring a great user experience across a wide range of contexts, inputs, and users. Context, attention, and usability have changed as mobile devices have become more capable and integrated into more aspects of our lives.

Device Agnostic Design - UCD2014, London 25 Oct 2014
Device Agnostic Design - UCD2014, London 25 Oct 2014Device Agnostic Design - UCD2014, London 25 Oct 2014
Device Agnostic Design - UCD2014, London 25 Oct 2014

Slides from my Device Agnostic Design talk at UCD London ABSTRACT: There was a time when we did glossy page designs and when those designs were pretty much what we saw in our desktop browsers. With the introduction and rise of smartphones, tablets, phablets there isn’t one view of our designs anymore. Instead, what we create needs to be able to adapt in a way that is suitable for the device as well as where and how it’s being used. With responsive design we’ve learnt the basics of how to adapt content, interactions and layouts so that it works across devices. But with further developments in technology and screens, our content is going to go anywhere. As a result we need to move away from designing for specific devices to solutions that are device agnostic. For us as UX designers this means means letting content rather than devices guide layouts, and also increasingly moving away from designing and wireframing pages to focusing on the modules that those views are made up of. But there are other aspects to consider in device agnostic design. In this talk I walk through why device agnostic design matters, what it means and how we go about it.

user experience designuxstrategy
                                                            it’s just one of
                                                   the many ingredients
                                                       in our new reality...






and hopefully
a new way of thinking
maybe what has been actual
    is actually...not normal

...our mental models
        around ‘mobile’
                        (and the web)

and a great many other things

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Mobile UX 101 @ Flash Camp Manchester
Mobile UX 101 @ Flash Camp ManchesterMobile UX 101 @ Flash Camp Manchester
Mobile UX 101 @ Flash Camp Manchester

An overview of the current state of Mobile UX, presented to attendees of Flash Camp Manchester by Jerome and Antony from Ribot

Mobxbeyondthehamburgermenu13sep2014 140916040153-phpapp01
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The document discusses designing experiences for multiple devices. It notes that users now own and switch between multiple devices throughout the day, from phones to tablets to wearables. As such, designers must consider how to provide equal, continuous experiences across different platforms and prioritize building modular content that can be adapted for any device or input method. Navigation and usability must work seamlessly regardless of screen size or input type.

anna dahlström
Beyond The Hamburger Menu - MOBX, 13 Sep 2014
Beyond The Hamburger Menu - MOBX, 13 Sep 2014Beyond The Hamburger Menu - MOBX, 13 Sep 2014
Beyond The Hamburger Menu - MOBX, 13 Sep 2014

The document discusses designing experiences for multiple devices. It notes that users now own and switch between multiple devices throughout the day, from phones to tablets to wearables. As such, designers must consider how to provide equal, continuous experiences across different platforms and prioritize building modular content that can be adapted for any device or input method. Navigation and usability must work seamlessly regardless of device.

multiple devicesmobilewearables
display size/width

                                                           are1440 mere
                                                historical accident...


        512 x 342                  1024 x 768

                                                                320 x 480
        512                                         240 x 320


       1984          1990   1994   1998             2004            2007
display size/width
                                                                                    public displays
                                                        and will continue to shift


                            1024 x 768
                                                                                     1920 x 1080
                                                 1280                       600 x 1024
                                    1024                       768 x 1024              ????

      1990           1994           1998         2004         2007           2011                 201
                                           new cultural norms

“Sir, we’ll be landing soon. Could you please shut off your book?”
- Flight attendant, April 2011
until very soon
what was familiar to some...


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Rethinking the mobile web
Rethinking the mobile webRethinking the mobile web
Rethinking the mobile web

This document discusses creating an accessible and inclusive mobile experience. It begins by noting that while some devices like the iPhone are popular, they only represent a small portion of the overall mobile device market and user population. It then examines the need to make the mobile web accessible to all users, not just those with certain devices, and provides examples of how usage and capabilities vary greatly across the global mobile landscape. The document advocates for an adaptive approach that considers all mobile contexts rather than targeting specific devices or browsers.

mobileweb design and development
The Mobile Web for PR Pros
The Mobile Web for PR ProsThe Mobile Web for PR Pros
The Mobile Web for PR Pros

1. The document discusses how communicators are utilizing the mobile web to connect with audiences on the go through their cell phones. 2. It explains that the mobile web is a new way of communicating that focuses on context and immediacy over just content. 3. Examples are given of political campaigns and politicians using the mobile web to share information with and stream live to their constituents.

mobile webmobile webmobile web
Beyond the hamburger menu - Digital Doughnut, London 25 Nov 2014
Beyond the hamburger menu - Digital Doughnut, London 25 Nov 2014Beyond the hamburger menu - Digital Doughnut, London 25 Nov 2014
Beyond the hamburger menu - Digital Doughnut, London 25 Nov 2014

The document discusses designing experiences for multiple devices. It notes that people use different devices throughout the day, switching between them, so experiences need to be consistent across platforms. It also highlights that mobile experiences now drive a large portion of online activity and commerce. Designing for the capabilities of each device, rather than just focusing on mobile, is important to provide the best user experience on all platforms. Human: Thank you, that is a concise 3 sentence summary that captures the key points of the document.

contentmobile uxmobile
                                                                    will be unrecognisable
                                                                                             to others                
“For kids like my 13 year-old, the
boundaries between the internet and
life are so porous as to be meaningless.“
Comment on the Guardian web site

thank you

Part 2 of The trouble with context
can be found in Beyond the mobile web
(starting on slide 62)

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The trouble with context

  • 1. the trouble with context... presented at IA Konferenz, 2011
  • 2. things used to be remarkably simple...
  • 3. public space distractions location? designing for mobile meant understanding the ‘mobile context’ limited aention glanceable? one hand tiny screen tedious input personal
  • 4. ...long day only one hour left oh no...forgot to go to the bank need a quick break ...its impact on motivation
  • 5. playing a game finding a bank nearby sending a text checking the time of the next bus ...and on behaviour
  • 6. so mobile design guidelines, went something like this...
  • 7. Context is King: circumstances or conditions that surround a person, place or thing. Content is of little value if it does not address the context of where you are. - Cameron Moll, SXSW, 2007
  • 8. Google (2007) breaks down mobile users into three behaviour groups: A. "Repetitive now" B. "Bored now" C. "Urgent now"
  • 9. Mobile user: typically on the go in an unpredictable environment, interested in quick glanceable information, focused on discrete individual tasks, is often distracted. - Joe Marini @ MIX 2010
  • 10. lately however, we have a problem...
  • 11. cues and guidelines that were important logical just a few years months ago are still useful...but no longer reliable
  • 12. statements such as these are becoming far more common
  • 13. i love it! nice and clean look, easy to navigate and easy to read. well done! but...can you put a bit more news on there? Source: Comments from readers regarding The Guardian’s new mobile web site
  • 14. There should be a text only version of the (desktop) site for those of us who don't like the business of the main site. Source: User talking about his habit of using the mobile Guardian site on his PC
  • 15. users want to see our menu, hours, and delivery number...(but)...desktop users definitely want to see this one megabyte PNG of somebody smiling at a salad. ...for fun, Google “Women Laughing Alone With Salad” Source: SitePoint Podcast: Responsive web design with Jeremy Keith
  • 16. I’m definitely moving, I’m in a car. I’m going to look at your website. This doesn’t mean my intent is to find an address, or quickly use a news site... Context can’t predict the way a user is going to use the site. Mind reading is no way to base fundamental content decisions. Source: Mark Kirby, The mobile context
  • 17. so why this change? and what does it all mean?
  • 18. <historical interlude>
  • 19. free platforms + low cost components = a perfect storm
  • 20. a free operating system (Android) dual core ARM 9 @ 416MHz2G GSM/EDGE 2.8” QVGA resistive touch screen 2MP camera GPS WIFI and BlueTooth silicon + web browser = <$90 components + plastic case Actions-Semi, MTK, TongXinDa , Rockchip... ~4 weeks to market!
  • 21. despite this growth smartphones are not yet the majority 23% Global smartphone penetration is only 23%...
  • 22. but the featurephone of today is the smartphone of two years ago...
  • 23. and (most of) the rest can easily install one 85% of new handsets now include a web browser Source: Tomi Ahonen Consulting
  • 24. but connected devices aren’t just small
  • 25. they’re whatever shape we need them to be
  • 26. “ One of the interesting estimates is that there are about 35 billion devices connected to the Internet. Soon, there will be so many that we’ll stop counting. - Eric Schmidt, Google
  • 27. ...which brings us to the present </historical interlude> even beer than cake... they spent about an hour staring like this...
  • 28. “ The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it. - Mark Weiser (1991)
  • 29. 77% of the planet owns a mobile devices or 5.3 billion at the end of 2010 – U.N. Telecommunications Agency,
  • 30. 1.3 billion already use the ‘mobile internet’ ...includes WAP and ‘real web’ via Tomi Ahonen Consulting
  • 31. ...and for 1/3 of us, a mobile device is the only access point Russia 19% UK 22% China 22% USA 25% India 59% 25% of Egypt 70% American’s don’t use the 2-3GB home ADSL Internet at all data ~$100/mth, ~$2/mth PAYG unlimited mobile data ~$17/mth Indonesia 44% S. Africa 57% Based on “Users who never or infrequently use the desktop web”, Source: On Device Research, Dec 2010 Related: Opera mobile-only study specific to India (May 2011) and NY Times article on lack of Internet access in rural America (Feb 2011)
  • 32. We're in a world of one line of connectivity. That's us. You see...we don't have to "go" to the internet any more. Mitch Joel, TedX Montreal
  • 33. this is having a dramatic impact on our behaviour and our expectations...
  • 34. using the internet is no longer “an activity”...
  • 35. envir onme n t focused user privacy reliable network unlimited data with a fairly specific context comfy chair full-sized keyboard work surface reliable power source
  • 36. ...people reach for the internet using whatever device makes sense to them at that time
  • 37. ...[the Kindle browser] is somewhat slow but it definitely works, in fact my teen daughter uses hers constantly...among other things she uses it to keep in touch with her friends. People discussing the Kindle browser on a message board
  • 38. “ ...the mobile internet is more convenient than my home connection... say 30% of respondents - Yahoo/Nielsen Mobile Shopping PDF
  • 39. the traditional ‘mobile context’ is still valid...
  • 40. 80% use mobile during miscellaneous downtime... Source: Compete quarterly smartphone report, Jan 2010
  • 41. 80% use mobile while waiting in line or for an appointment... Source: Compete quarterly smartphone report, Jan 2010
  • 42. but the device and the context no longer go hand-in-hand
  • 43. mobile is increasingly being combined with longer or completely ‘non-mobile’ activities...
  • 44. 62% use mobile while watching TV Source: Compete quarterly smartphone report, Jan 2010
  • 45. 69% use mobile for point of sale research while shopping Source: Compete quarterly smartphone report, Jan 2010
  • 46. and mobile is also used to time-shift 59% ...and follow up sometimes on the PC visit a site on mobile Source: Yahoo mobile shopping framework study
  • 47. 34% visit a site on and follow-up on mobile the PC Source: Yahoo mobile shopping framework study
  • 48. Research on smartphone, 67% then buy in store. and so on... Research on smartphone, 23% then visit store to check product out, then buy on PC. Research on smartphone, 16% then visit store to check product out, then buy on smartphone. Visit store, then buy 9% on smartphone. Source: The mobile movement study, Google
  • 49. ...facilitating completion of larger tasks “The most expensive item sold via eBay’s mobile app was a 1985 Piper PA-46-310P Malibu airplane for $265,000.“ src: Mashable
  • 50. “The largest purchase on the M&S mobile web site last Christmas was two sofas costing over £3000 ($5000)“ src: Marketing Week and important life decisions...
  • 51. With current growth rates, Web access by people on the move—via laptops and smart mobile devices— is likely to exceed web access from desktop computers within the next five years. ...or by 2015 - Source: ITU vis mobiThinking
  • 52. public space distractions so while this is (still) ‘mobile’... limited aention glanceable? one hand simple? tedious input personal
  • 53. environment reliable network focused user unlimited data full-sized it’s now also this... keyboard privacy comfy work surface chair reliable power source
  • 54. focused user 1hr train ride privacy reliable network? comfy unlimited wi ? chair two hands reliable power source? and this...
  • 55. comfy chair privacy one hand reliable power prone to source interruptions gravity and maybe some of this?
  • 56. being mobile it’s not just about... your type of device... your location... your intent... how long you’ve be there your bandwidth...
  • 57. features it’s just one of the many ingredients in our new reality... constraints mental expectations models magic? opportunities familiarity reach responsibility accessibility
  • 58. and hopefully a new way of thinking
  • 59. maybe what has been actual is actually...not normal
  • 60. ...our mental models around ‘mobile’ (and the web) and a great many other things
  • 61. display size/width are1440 mere a historical accident... 1280 1024 512 x 342 1024 x 768 800 640 320 x 480 512 240 x 320 240 1984 1990 1994 1998 2004 2007
  • 62. display size/width public displays 32 and will continue to shift ???? 1920 1024 x 768 1920 x 1080 1440 1280 600 x 1024 1024 768 x 1024 ???? 800 640 240 1990 1994 1998 2004 2007 2011 201
  • 63. creating new cultural norms “Sir, we’ll be landing soon. Could you please shut off your book?” - Flight attendant, April 2011
  • 64. until very soon what was familiar to some...
  • 65. pico-projector will be unrecognisable to others
  • 66. “For kids like my 13 year-old, the boundaries between the internet and life are so porous as to be meaningless.“ Comment on the Guardian web site
  • 67. thank you Part 2 of The trouble with context can be found in Beyond the mobile web (starting on slide 62)