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©  2016,  Amazon  Web  Services,  Inc.  or  its  Affiliates.  All  rights  reserved.
Craig  S.  Dickson,  Solutions  Architect
Amazon  Web  Services
John  Sullivan,  Product  Development  Manager,  Online  SME  and  Practice  Solutions
MYOB  Australia
Smaller  IS  Better
Exploiting  Microservices on  AWS
Technical  201
Presentation  Takeaways
When  you  leave  today,  you  will  be  able  to  answer  the  
following  questions:
• What  are  Microservices?
• What  do  they  look  like  on  AWS?
• What  problems  can  you  address  using  a  Microservices
• Is  there  a  Customer  Success  Story  I  can  Leverage?
• How  do  I  get  “Microserviced”?
Who  am  I?
• Solutions  Architect  at  AWS  since  2012
• Software  Engineer  /  Architect  /  Manager  prior  to  that
• Based  in  Brisbane,  Australia
• Contact
• Email:  
• Twitter:        @craigsdickson
• LinkedIn:
Who  are  You?
• Architect
• Developer
• SysOps /  Server  Admin  /  Networking
• Development  Manager
• Just  waiting  for  a  ride  home?
What  is  a  Microservice?
Google  has  been  Getting  a  Workout  …
High  Expectations  …
“Microservices are  the  first  post  
DevOps revolution  architecture”
– Neal  Ford
(Director,  Software  Architect,  and
Meme  Wrangler  at  ThoughtWorks)
Why  does  everyone  
hate  me?  L
Image:  1869/ptwo/license
What’s  Wrong  with  a  Monolith?
Self  Contained Tightly  Coupled Lacks  Modularity
A  Definition  of  Microservices
“…  is  an  approach  to  developing  a  single  application  as  a  suite  of  small  
services,  each  running  in  its  own  process and  communicating  with  
lightweight  mechanisms,  often  an  HTTP  resource  API.  These  services  
are  built  around  business  capabilities  and  independently  deployable by  
fully  automated  deployment machinery.  There  is  a  bare  minimum  of  
centralized  management  of  these  services,  which  may  be  written  in  
different  programming  languages and  use  different  data  storage  
-­ Martin  Fowler  (Chief  Scientist,  ThoughtWorks)
-­ James  Lewis  (Principal  Consultant,  ThoughtWorks)
µ  ?
“Say  hello  to  my  micro  friend!”
-­ Tony  Montaña
(Cuban  Software  Architect)
Um,  isn’t  this  just  SOA?
SOA Microservices
Smart  pipes,  dumb  endpoints Simple  pipes,  smart  endpoints
Centralised governance (ESB) Minimal governance
Proprietary  standards Open  standards
Services provide myriad  functions Services are  single  purposed
Distributed  monoliths?
A  Well-­Architected  Microservice on  AWS
1. Cannot  be  made  any  smaller
• has  a  single  functional  purpose
• has  minimized  total  lines  of  code,  architecture  components,  etc.
• is  cost  optimised
2. Is  vertically  isolated
• runs  in  its  own  process
• uses  the  best  fit-­for-­purpose  architecture  (app.  &  infra.)
• uses  the  best  fit-­for-­purpose  programming  language
• uses  the  best  fit-­for-­purpose  persistance  option(s)
A  Well-­Architected  Microservice on  AWS  (2)
3. Has  a  well  defined  interface  (API)
• can  be  versioned
• provides  SDKs  &  documentation  for  clients
• no  backdoors
4. Is  automatically  and  independently  deployed
• first  deploy  and  all  updates
• to  all  environments,  not  just  test  and  dev.
5. Is  automatically  tested  thoroughly
• functional,  integration,  performance,  etc.
• baseline  metrics  collected  and  evaluated
A  Well-­Architected  Microservice on  AWS  (3)
6. Is  operationally  mature
• horizontally  scalable
• self  healing
• metrics  &  logs  collected  centrally
• elegantly  handles  failures  of  downstream  services
7. Is  managed  by  a  small  team (2  pizzas?)  
• co-­located  &  cross-­functional
• back-­end  devs,  UX,  ops,  DBA,  etc.
• with  cradle-­to-­grave  responsibilities
Microservice Patterns  on  AWS
The  Poor-­Man’s  Microservice
Elastic   IP
Running  EC2  
Auto   Scaling  Group
Min  =  1,  Max  =  1
Future  EC2  
The  Traditional  Microservice
Auto   Scaling  Group
Min  >  1
Elastic  Load  
AWS  Elastic  
And  don’t  forget  …
That’s  nice,  but  can  we  
make  it  smaller?
The  Elastic  Container  Service  Microservice
ECS  Fleet
Elastic  Load  
Servers?  Where  we’re  
going,  we  don’t  need  
-­ Doc  Brown
(Early  Cloud  Adopter)
“No  server  is  easier  to  
manage  than  no  server”
-­ Werner  Vogels
Image:  20081108  DDP  Werner_Vogels/Guido  van  Nispen/license
The  Serverless Microservice
Lambda RDS
Never  pay  for  idle!
The  Serverless Microservice API
Amazon  API  
Amazon   Machine  
The  Hybrid  Microservice API
Amazon  API  
Amazon  ECS
Elastic  Load  
The  Micro-­Microservice API
Amazon  API  
Amazon  API  
Amazon  API  
Amazon  API  
Amazon  ECS
Exploiting  Microservices to  
Address  Business  Problems
• Product  Management  has  a  great  idea
• Even  better:  Product  Management  has  many  
great  ideas,  but  are  not  sure  which  ones  are  
• Takes  weeks,  months  or  worse  to  get  them  in  
front  of  a  customer
• A  massive  barrier  to  innovation
Problem:  Long  Feature  Cycle  Times
• Create  an  architecture  that  enables  rapid  change,  inherently  
supports  agility  and  encourages  innovation
Exploit  Microservices to  …
Conway’s  Law
“organizations  which  design  
systems  ...  are  constrained  to  
produce  designs  which  are  copies  
of  the  communication structures of  
these  organizations”
-­ Melvin  Conway
• Large  pieces  of  software,  require  large  teams
• Increased  inertia,  lack  of  agility
• Hard  to  integrate  work  from  other  teams
• Many  problems  are  actually  people  problems,  not  
technology  problems
Problem:  Large  Teams
• Create  an  architecture  that  encourages  smaller  
software  components
• Better  align  team  size  and  responsibilities   to  
Exploit  Microservices to  …
Smaller is Better - Exploiting Microservice Architectures on AWS - Technical 201
“Being  woken  up  at  3am  every  
night  by  your  pager  is  certainly  a  
powerful  incentive  to  focus  on  
quality  when  writing  your  code.”
-­ Martin  Fowler
• Monoliths  lead  to  “shared”  responsibilities
• Focus  is  on  project  deliverables,  not  full  lifecycle
Problem:  Lack  of  Ownership
• Create  small  teams  working  on  small  pieces  of  
• Provide  an  opportunity  for  cradle-­to-­grave  
• Foster  a  “You  build  it,  you  run  it”  philosophy
Exploit  Microservices to  …
• Geographically,  Temporally,  Organisationally
• Burden  of  orchestration
Problem:  Distributed  Teams
• Provide  a  mechanism  to  divide  work  up  so  that  
only  co-­located  teams  have  to  collaborate  heavily
• Define  service  level  APIs  that  allow  distributed  
teams  to  move  at  different  velocities
Exploit  Microservices to  …
• Upskilling  takes  time
• Unable  to  make  use  of  temporary  resources
Problem:  Inelastic  Human  Capacity
• Reduce  the  surface  area  that  individuals  need  to  
understand  at  any  one  time
• Enable  temporary  resources  to  work  quickly  and  
integrate  easily
Exploit  Microservices to  …
Netflix  slide
• Lack  of  Availability  =  Loss  of  Revenue
• Small  issues  rendering  whole  applications  
Problem:  Availability
• Encourage  a  design-­for-­failure  attitude
• Enable  individual  services  to  implement  
appropriate  fall-­back plans  and  continue  to  
provide  value  to  customers
Exploit  Microservices to  …
• Cannot  create  à la  carte  application  offerings  to  
• Cannot  easily  get  feedback  about  new  ideas  
before  investing  large  resources
Problem:  Product  Management
• Enable  flexibility  for  product  management  and  
increase  innovation
• Quickly  test  ideas  by  combining  strategies  such  as  
Feature  Toggling  and  A/B  Testing
Exploit  Microservices to  …
Exploiting  Microservices to  
Address  Technical  Problems
"I  suppose  it  is  tempting,  if  the  only  tool  you  have  is  
a  hammer,  to  treat  everything  as  if  it  were  a  nail.”
-­ Abraham  Maslow  (1966)
Maslow’s  Hammer
Image:  DSC_1607/Justin  Baeder/license
“Give  a  small  boy  
a  hammer,  and  he  
will  find  that  
everything  he  
needs  pounding.”
-­ Abraham
Kaplan  (1964)
Image:  Thor  and  his  hammer/tenthousandcubans/license
• Different  teams  forced  to  use/learn  technologies  
that  they  are  not  effective  with,  just  because  it  is  
“the  standard”
• Inability  to  adopt  different  or  emerging  
Problem:  Single  Technology  Syndrome
• Encourage  a  polyglot  attitude
• Allow  the  best  solution  for  each  problem  to  be  
Exploit  Microservices to  …
• Fear  of  deployments  due  to  assumed  risk
• Large  deployment  sizes  due  to  dependencies
Problem:  Constrained  Delivery  Velocities
• Allow  different  parts  of  applications  to  move  at  
different  speeds  for  development  and  deployment  
• Minimise risk  by  reducing  the  deployment  sizes  
down  to  single  services
Exploit  Microservices to  …
• Large  functional  surface  area
• All  potential  failure  scenarios  are  hard  to  define
• Long  running  tests  delay  feedback
Problem:  Lack  of  Testability
• Provide  well  defined  APIs  that  can  be  deployed  in  
• Allow  for  quicker,  yet  more  complete  testing
Exploit  Microservices to  …
• Standardising onto  limited  EC2  instance  types
• Using  generic  scaling  strategies
• Scaling  every  thing,  every  time
• Failing  to  use  existing  AWS  services
Problem:  Inefficient  Scaling
• Allow  the  correct  scaling  option  for  each  service  to  
be  selected
• Scale  services  independently
• Quickly  adopt  new  AWS  services
Exploit  Microservices to  …
• Inability  to  easily/safely  try  new  algorithms  or  
• Inability  to  quickly  adopt  disruptive  technologies
Problem:  Lack  of  Technical  Innovation
• To  encourage  vertical  decoupling  of  components
• Evolve  individual  services  quickly  without  
interfering  with  other  parts  of  an  application
Exploit  Microservices to  …
©  2016,  Amazon  Web  Services,  Inc.  or  its  Affiliates.  All  rights  reserved.
John  Sullivan  – Product  Development  Manager,  Online  SME  and  Practice  Solutions,  MYOB  Australia
MYOB’s  Journey  to  Microservices
An  AWS  Customer  Success  Story
MYOB  &  Microservices?
“Why  Microservices”  came  
together  like  a  puzzle  :
• Move  to  online.
• Demand  for  feature  richness.  
• Functionality  reuse.
• Skills  reuse.
• Hosting  products.
Microservices:  The  Tool  not  The  Destination
Safety  Gear
Smaller is Better - Exploiting Microservice Architectures on AWS - Technical 201
Evolving  to  Microservices
Microservices may  not  be  
the  right  choice  for  you.­ethical-­hacking-­course-­in-­kolkata/shocked-­woman-­1/
Before  Adopting  Microservices
• Are  you  are  a  startup?
• Is  this  a  brand  new  green  field  project?
• Do  you  have  a  deep  understanding  of  the  domain?
• Is  your  organisational structure  compatible?
• Have  you  adopted  DevOps practices?
Consider  these  questions  …
“A  microservices-­first  approach  for  a  
brand  new  project  that  we  didn’t  fully  
understand  the  domain  for  led  to  a  
lot  of  unexpected  complexity.    We  
are  however,  having  great  success  
on  another  project  refactoring  an  
existing  monolithic  service  into  
-­ Mark  Bond
(Group  Architect,  Dominos  Pizza  Enterprises)
Mo’  services,  mo’  problems
The  Notorious  B.I.G.
(Influential  East-­Coast  Software  Architect)
Focus  on  DevOps and  Automation
• Even  a  medium  scale  microservices architecture  (10s  or  
100s  of  services)  is  difficult  to  manage  by  hand
• Invest  in  automating  EVERYTHING
• Code  builds  and  testing  (CI)
• Code  deployments  to  all  environments  (CD)
• Operational  monitoring
• CloudWatch Metrics,  CloudWatch Logs,  custom  dashboards  etc.
• A/B  testing,  function  toggling
Focus  on  Your  Organisation
• Evolve  team  sizes  and  responsibilities
• Moving  towards  smaller,  cross-­functional  teams
• With  cradle-­to-­grave  responsibilities
• Integrate  Product  Management,  QA,  Ops,  etc.
Focus  on  Your  Services
• Business  capability,  rather  than  technical  function
• Everything  fails,  all  the  time
• retry,  fail-­over  and  service  down  scenarios
• the  circuit-­breaker  pattern
• Netflix  Hystrix
• Centralised metrics  and  logging  collection
7  Tenets
7  Architecture  Patterns                           8  Business  Problems
6  Technical  Problems 1  Great  Customer  Story
1  Big  Warning 3  Tips  for  Evolving
13  Awesome  Jokes  (at  least)
What  You  Should  Do  Next
AWS  Lambda Amazon  API  Gateway Identify  problems
Hunt  MonolithsChampion  Microservices Get  Help
• Microservices – Martin  Fowler  &  James  Lewis
• Introduction  to  Microservices – Chris  Richardson
• Are  You  Well  Architected?  – AWS  Blog
• Netflix  Hystrix
AWS  Training  &  Certification
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Smaller is Better - Exploiting Microservice Architectures on AWS - Technical 201

  • 1. ©  2016,  Amazon  Web  Services,  Inc.  or  its  Affiliates.  All  rights  reserved. Craig  S.  Dickson,  Solutions  Architect Amazon  Web  Services John  Sullivan,  Product  Development  Manager,  Online  SME  and  Practice  Solutions MYOB  Australia Smaller  IS  Better Exploiting  Microservices on  AWS Technical  201
  • 2. Presentation  Takeaways When  you  leave  today,  you  will  be  able  to  answer  the   following  questions: • What  are  Microservices? • What  do  they  look  like  on  AWS? • What  problems  can  you  address  using  a  Microservices Architecture? • Is  there  a  Customer  Success  Story  I  can  Leverage? • How  do  I  get  “Microserviced”?
  • 3. Who  am  I? • Solutions  Architect  at  AWS  since  2012 • Software  Engineer  /  Architect  /  Manager  prior  to  that • Based  in  Brisbane,  Australia • Contact • Email:   • Twitter:        @craigsdickson • LinkedIn:
  • 4. Who  are  You? • Architect • Developer • SysOps /  Server  Admin  /  Networking • Development  Manager • CTO • Just  waiting  for  a  ride  home?
  • 5. What  is  a  Microservice?
  • 6. Google  has  been  Getting  a  Workout  …
  • 8. “Microservices are  the  first  post   DevOps revolution  architecture” – Neal  Ford (Director,  Software  Architect,  and Meme  Wrangler  at  ThoughtWorks) Image:
  • 9. Why  does  everyone   hate  me?  L Image:  1869/ptwo/license
  • 10. What’s  Wrong  with  a  Monolith? Self  Contained Tightly  Coupled Lacks  Modularity
  • 11. A  Definition  of  Microservices “…  is  an  approach  to  developing  a  single  application  as  a  suite  of  small   services,  each  running  in  its  own  process and  communicating  with   lightweight  mechanisms,  often  an  HTTP  resource  API.  These  services   are  built  around  business  capabilities  and  independently  deployable by   fully  automated  deployment machinery.  There  is  a  bare  minimum  of   centralized  management  of  these  services,  which  may  be  written  in   different  programming  languages and  use  different  data  storage   technologies.” -­ Martin  Fowler  (Chief  Scientist,  ThoughtWorks) -­ James  Lewis  (Principal  Consultant,  ThoughtWorks)
  • 13. “Say  hello  to  my  micro  friend!” -­ Tony  Montaña (Cuban  Software  Architect) Image:­Limited-­Edition-­Blu-­ray-­Digital/dp/B0019N94X6
  • 14. Um,  isn’t  this  just  SOA? SOA Microservices Smart  pipes,  dumb  endpoints Simple  pipes,  smart  endpoints Centralised governance (ESB) Minimal governance Proprietary  standards Open  standards Services provide myriad  functions Services are  single  purposed Distributed  monoliths?
  • 15. A  Well-­Architected  Microservice on  AWS 1. Cannot  be  made  any  smaller • has  a  single  functional  purpose • has  minimized  total  lines  of  code,  architecture  components,  etc. • is  cost  optimised 2. Is  vertically  isolated • runs  in  its  own  process • uses  the  best  fit-­for-­purpose  architecture  (app.  &  infra.) • uses  the  best  fit-­for-­purpose  programming  language • uses  the  best  fit-­for-­purpose  persistance  option(s)
  • 16. A  Well-­Architected  Microservice on  AWS  (2) 3. Has  a  well  defined  interface  (API) • can  be  versioned • provides  SDKs  &  documentation  for  clients • no  backdoors 4. Is  automatically  and  independently  deployed • first  deploy  and  all  updates • to  all  environments,  not  just  test  and  dev. 5. Is  automatically  tested  thoroughly • functional,  integration,  performance,  etc. • baseline  metrics  collected  and  evaluated
  • 17. A  Well-­Architected  Microservice on  AWS  (3) 6. Is  operationally  mature • horizontally  scalable • self  healing • metrics  &  logs  collected  centrally • elegantly  handles  failures  of  downstream  services 7. Is  managed  by  a  small  team (2  pizzas?)   • co-­located  &  cross-­functional • back-­end  devs,  UX,  ops,  DBA,  etc. • with  cradle-­to-­grave  responsibilities
  • 19. The  Poor-­Man’s  Microservice Clients Elastic   IP RDS HTTP REST Running  EC2   Instance Auto   Scaling  Group AZ-­A AZ-­B Min  =  1,  Max  =  1 Future  EC2   Instance
  • 20. The  Traditional  Microservice Clients RDS HTTP REST EC2   Instance Auto   Scaling  Group AZ-­A AZ-­B Min  >  1 Elastic  Load   Balancing EC2   Instance AWS OpsWorks AWS  Elastic   Beanstalk And  don’t  forget  … .
  • 21. That’s  nice,  but  can  we   make  it  smaller? Image:­i-­shrunk-­the-­kids-­1989/
  • 22. The  Elastic  Container  Service  Microservice Clients RDS HTTP REST ECS  Fleet AZ-­A AZ-­B Elastic  Load   Balancing
  • 23. Servers?  Where  we’re   going,  we  don’t  need   servers -­ Doc  Brown (Early  Cloud  Adopter) Image:
  • 24. “No  server  is  easier  to   manage  than  no  server” -­ Werner  Vogels (CTO, Image:  20081108  DDP  Werner_Vogels/Guido  van  Nispen/license
  • 26. The  Serverless Microservice API Amazon  API   GatewayClients HTTP REST AWS Lambda Amazon S3 Amazon DynamoDB Amazon   Machine   Learning Amazon SNS Amazon SQS Amazon   Kinesis Lambda   Blueprints
  • 27. The  Hybrid  Microservice API Amazon  API   GatewayClients HTTP REST Amazon   EC2 AWS Lambda Lambda   Blueprints Amazon  ECS Elastic  Load   Balancing
  • 28. The  Micro-­Microservice API Clients Amazon  API   Gateway Free Amazon  API   Gateway Premium Amazon  API   Gateway Partner Amazon  API   Gateway Experimental Amazon   EC2 Amazon  ECS AWS Lambda Lambda   Blueprints
  • 29. Exploiting  Microservices to   Address  Business  Problems
  • 30. • Product  Management  has  a  great  idea • Even  better:  Product  Management  has  many   great  ideas,  but  are  not  sure  which  ones  are   winners • Takes  weeks,  months  or  worse  to  get  them  in   front  of  a  customer • A  massive  barrier  to  innovation Problem:  Long  Feature  Cycle  Times • Create  an  architecture  that  enables  rapid  change,  inherently   supports  agility  and  encourages  innovation Exploit  Microservices to  …
  • 31. Conway’s  Law “organizations  which  design   systems  ...  are  constrained  to   produce  designs  which  are  copies   of  the  communication structures of   these  organizations” -­ Melvin  Conway Image:
  • 32. • Large  pieces  of  software,  require  large  teams • Increased  inertia,  lack  of  agility • Hard  to  integrate  work  from  other  teams • Many  problems  are  actually  people  problems,  not   technology  problems Problem:  Large  Teams • Create  an  architecture  that  encourages  smaller   software  components • Better  align  team  size  and  responsibilities   to   services Exploit  Microservices to  …
  • 34. “Being  woken  up  at  3am  every   night  by  your  pager  is  certainly  a   powerful  incentive  to  focus  on   quality  when  writing  your  code.” -­ Martin  Fowler Image:
  • 35. • Monoliths  lead  to  “shared”  responsibilities • Focus  is  on  project  deliverables,  not  full  lifecycle Problem:  Lack  of  Ownership • Create  small  teams  working  on  small  pieces  of   functionality • Provide  an  opportunity  for  cradle-­to-­grave   ownership • Foster  a  “You  build  it,  you  run  it”  philosophy Exploit  Microservices to  …
  • 36. • Geographically,  Temporally,  Organisationally • Burden  of  orchestration Problem:  Distributed  Teams • Provide  a  mechanism  to  divide  work  up  so  that   only  co-­located  teams  have  to  collaborate  heavily • Define  service  level  APIs  that  allow  distributed   teams  to  move  at  different  velocities Exploit  Microservices to  …
  • 37. • Upskilling  takes  time • Unable  to  make  use  of  temporary  resources Problem:  Inelastic  Human  Capacity • Reduce  the  surface  area  that  individuals  need  to   understand  at  any  one  time • Enable  temporary  resources  to  work  quickly  and   integrate  easily Exploit  Microservices to  …
  • 39. • Lack  of  Availability  =  Loss  of  Revenue • Small  issues  rendering  whole  applications   unusable Problem:  Availability • Encourage  a  design-­for-­failure  attitude • Enable  individual  services  to  implement   appropriate  fall-­back plans  and  continue  to   provide  value  to  customers Exploit  Microservices to  …
  • 40. • Cannot  create  à la  carte  application  offerings  to   users • Cannot  easily  get  feedback  about  new  ideas   before  investing  large  resources Problem:  Product  Management • Enable  flexibility  for  product  management  and   increase  innovation • Quickly  test  ideas  by  combining  strategies  such  as   Feature  Toggling  and  A/B  Testing Exploit  Microservices to  …
  • 41. Exploiting  Microservices to   Address  Technical  Problems
  • 42. "I  suppose  it  is  tempting,  if  the  only  tool  you  have  is   a  hammer,  to  treat  everything  as  if  it  were  a  nail.” -­ Abraham  Maslow  (1966) Maslow’s  Hammer Image:  DSC_1607/Justin  Baeder/license
  • 43. “Give  a  small  boy   a  hammer,  and  he   will  find  that   everything  he   encounters   needs  pounding.” -­ Abraham Kaplan  (1964) Image:  Thor  and  his  hammer/tenthousandcubans/license
  • 44. • Different  teams  forced  to  use/learn  technologies   that  they  are  not  effective  with,  just  because  it  is   “the  standard” • Inability  to  adopt  different  or  emerging   technologies Problem:  Single  Technology  Syndrome • Encourage  a  polyglot  attitude • Allow  the  best  solution  for  each  problem  to  be   selected Exploit  Microservices to  …
  • 45. • Fear  of  deployments  due  to  assumed  risk • Large  deployment  sizes  due  to  dependencies Problem:  Constrained  Delivery  Velocities • Allow  different  parts  of  applications  to  move  at   different  speeds  for  development  and  deployment   activities • Minimise risk  by  reducing  the  deployment  sizes   down  to  single  services Exploit  Microservices to  …
  • 46. • Large  functional  surface  area • All  potential  failure  scenarios  are  hard  to  define • Long  running  tests  delay  feedback Problem:  Lack  of  Testability • Provide  well  defined  APIs  that  can  be  deployed  in   isolation • Allow  for  quicker,  yet  more  complete  testing Exploit  Microservices to  …
  • 47. • Standardising onto  limited  EC2  instance  types • Using  generic  scaling  strategies • Scaling  every  thing,  every  time • Failing  to  use  existing  AWS  services Problem:  Inefficient  Scaling • Allow  the  correct  scaling  option  for  each  service  to   be  selected • Scale  services  independently • Quickly  adopt  new  AWS  services Exploit  Microservices to  …
  • 48. • Inability  to  easily/safely  try  new  algorithms  or   patterns • Inability  to  quickly  adopt  disruptive  technologies Problem:  Lack  of  Technical  Innovation • To  encourage  vertical  decoupling  of  components • Evolve  individual  services  quickly  without   interfering  with  other  parts  of  an  application Exploit  Microservices to  …
  • 49. ©  2016,  Amazon  Web  Services,  Inc.  or  its  Affiliates.  All  rights  reserved. John  Sullivan  – Product  Development  Manager,  Online  SME  and  Practice  Solutions,  MYOB  Australia MYOB’s  Journey  to  Microservices An  AWS  Customer  Success  Story
  • 50. MYOB  &  Microservices? “Why  Microservices”  came   together  like  a  puzzle  : • Move  to  online. • Demand  for  feature  richness.   • Functionality  reuse. • Skills  reuse. • Hosting  products.
  • 51. Microservices:  The  Tool  not  The  Destination
  • 55. Microservices may  not  be   the  right  choice  for  you.­ethical-­hacking-­course-­in-­kolkata/shocked-­woman-­1/
  • 56. Before  Adopting  Microservices • Are  you  are  a  startup? • Is  this  a  brand  new  green  field  project? • Do  you  have  a  deep  understanding  of  the  domain? • Is  your  organisational structure  compatible? • Have  you  adopted  DevOps practices? Consider  these  questions  …
  • 57. “A  microservices-­first  approach  for  a   brand  new  project  that  we  didn’t  fully   understand  the  domain  for  led  to  a   lot  of  unexpected  complexity.    We   are  however,  having  great  success   on  another  project  refactoring  an   existing  monolithic  service  into   microservices.” -­ Mark  Bond (Group  Architect,  Dominos  Pizza  Enterprises)
  • 58. Mo’  services,  mo’  problems The  Notorious  B.I.G. (Influential  East-­Coast  Software  Architect) Image:­big-­top-­ten-­songs
  • 59. Focus  on  DevOps and  Automation • Even  a  medium  scale  microservices architecture  (10s  or   100s  of  services)  is  difficult  to  manage  by  hand • Invest  in  automating  EVERYTHING • Code  builds  and  testing  (CI) • Code  deployments  to  all  environments  (CD) • Operational  monitoring • CloudWatch Metrics,  CloudWatch Logs,  custom  dashboards  etc. • A/B  testing,  function  toggling
  • 60. Focus  on  Your  Organisation • Evolve  team  sizes  and  responsibilities • Moving  towards  smaller,  cross-­functional  teams • With  cradle-­to-­grave  responsibilities • Integrate  Product  Management,  QA,  Ops,  etc.
  • 61. Focus  on  Your  Services • Business  capability,  rather  than  technical  function • Everything  fails,  all  the  time • retry,  fail-­over  and  service  down  scenarios • the  circuit-­breaker  pattern • Netflix  Hystrix • Centralised metrics  and  logging  collection
  • 63. µ Summary 7  Tenets 7  Architecture  Patterns                           8  Business  Problems 6  Technical  Problems 1  Great  Customer  Story 1  Big  Warning 3  Tips  for  Evolving 13  Awesome  Jokes  (at  least)
  • 64. What  You  Should  Do  Next µ AWS  Lambda Amazon  API  Gateway Identify  problems Hunt  MonolithsChampion  Microservices Get  Help
  • 65. Resources • Microservices – Martin  Fowler  &  James  Lewis • • Introduction  to  Microservices – Chris  Richardson •­to-­microservices/ • Are  You  Well  Architected?  – AWS  Blog •­you-­well-­architected/ • Netflix  Hystrix •
  • 66. AWS  Training  &  Certification Intro  Videos  &  Labs   Free  videos  and  labs  to   help  you  learn  to  work   with  30+  AWS  services   – in  minutes! Training  Classes In-­person  and  online   courses  to  build   technical  skills  – taught  by  accredited   AWS  instructors Online  Labs   Practice  working  with   AWS  services  in  live   environment  – Learn  how  related   services  work   together AWS  Certification Validate  technical   skills  and  expertise  – identify  qualified  IT   talent  or  show  you   are  AWS  cloud  ready Learn  more:
  • 67. Your  Training  Next  Steps: ü Visit  the  AWS  Training  &  Certification  pod  to  discuss  your   training  plan  &  AWS  Summit  training  offer ü Register  &  attend  AWS  instructor  led  training ü Get  Certified AWS  Certified?  Visit  the  AWS  Summit  Certification  Lounge  to  pick  up  your  swag Learn  more: