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.NET Core and Docker
Microservices Overview and Demo
.net core
Chris Myers – Consultant, Neudesic
Docker Partner (DTSP, DSP)
• Why Docker?
• Why Microservices?
• Why .NET Core & Microsoft?
• Demonstrations
• Q&A
In the first four months since Docker
• >50,000 pulls
• >4,000 github stars
• >100 significant contributors
• >150 projects built on top of docker
• UIs, mini-PaaS, Remote Desktop….
• 1000’s of Dockerized applications
• Memcached, Redis, Node.js…
• Integration in Jenkins, Travis, Chef,
Puppet, Vagrant and OpenStack
• Meetups arranged around the
world…with organizations like Ebay,
Uber, Mozilla, Cloudflare, and
Rackspace presenting on their use of
Why Docker?

Recommended for you by sergey seletsky by sergey by sergey seletsky by sergey seletsky

Microservices is a software architecture design pattern in which complex applications are composed of small, independent processes communicating with each other using language-agnostic APIs. These services are small, highly decoupled and focus on doing a small task.

Node and Micro-Services at IBM
Node and Micro-Services at IBMNode and Micro-Services at IBM
Node and Micro-Services at IBM

The document discusses IBM's use of Node.js microservices. It describes how IBM initially built monolithic applications but moved to microservices to allow for independent deployment of services and improved scalability. Some key aspects of IBM's microservices architecture using Node.js include having many independent services, communicating via message queues like RabbitMQ, and clustering services locally for horizontal scaling. While microservices provided benefits, the document also notes challenges around legal compliance, operations overhead, and integrating distributed services.

node.js micro-services ibm devops bluemix
Continuous delivery by sergey seletsky
Continuous delivery by sergey seletskyContinuous delivery by sergey seletsky
Continuous delivery by sergey seletsky

Continuous Delivery can help large organizations become as lean, agile and innovative as startups. Through reliable, low-risk releases, Continuous Delivery makes it possible to continuously adapt software in line with user feedback, shifts in the market and changes to business strategy. Test, support, development and operations work together as one delivery team to automate and streamline the build, test and release process.

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Why Kim Kardashian?
• Why Docker?
• Why Microservices?
• Why .NET Core & Microsoft?
• Demonstrations
• Q&A
Micro Services in .NET Core and Docker

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A quick overview of application networking and microservice resilience and how a service mesh like can help alleviate some of this pain.

istioenvoyservice mesh
Managing your camels in the cloud with CI/CD
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Developing integration microservices using CI/CD with apache camel, open shift,, jenkins, et al.

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Azure Service Fabric and the Actor Model: when did we forget Object Orientation?

Session presented at DDD event in TVP/Microsoft UK HQ. Introduction to Azure Service Fabric, and focus on the actor model (formerly known as Project Orleans), with demos and documentation on how it is supported in Service Fabric. Goal: ask ourselves why did we really replace OO with "stateless services".

azure service fabricactor modelazure
• Why Docker?
• Why Microservices?
• Why .NET Core & Microsoft?
• Demonstrations
• Q&A
Why .NET Core?
• C#
• Easy to use language
• Regular updates
• Visual Studio IDE
• OSS, but still supported by MS
• .NET Standard is targeting multi-plat
• “a formal specification of .NET APIs that are intended to be available
on all .NET runtimes”
• But wait Chris! We’re building microservices now… Shouldn’t
platform selection be the choice of autonomous teams of
• Lift and Shift to avoid lock-in
Docker and .NET: Past, Present, Future
• Past: Mono can run on Linux and host .NET code
• Past: OWIN Can run on Mono
• Past: Community creates Mono Docker Image
• 2015: Mono containers leverage OWIN Web API’s
• 2016: .NET Core Released
• 2016: .NET Core Containers
• 2016: Docker for Windows and OSX
• 2016: Windows Containers
• Future: More features integrated into .NET Core
• Future: More Windows containers will be created
• What is Docker?
• Microservices
• Microsoft and Docker
• Demonstrations
• Q & A

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Tokyo Azure Meetup #6 - Azure Monthly Update - June
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This document summarizes new Azure features for June. It discusses updates to Docker, SQL Server, Java, Media Services, App Insights, Blockchain, Notification Hubs, Dev/Test Farms, Azure Search, DocumentDB, SQL Data Warehouse, and other services. It also provides recommended resources for service mappings, naming conventions, disaster recovery, and an upcoming Azure session at Microsoft Ignite.

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Tokyo Azure Meetup #5 - Microservices and Azure Service Fabric
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Azure Service Fabric is now Generally Available! In this meetup we will start from the beginning and define what is microservice. Next we will have a deep dive in Azure Service Fabric. Azure Service Fabric is one of the most interesting Azure service. Used internally in Microsoft for 5 years and backing up one of the most demanding Azure services today such as Azure SQL, Document DB, Cortana and Skype for Business. We will be talking about the two models that are supported by Azure Service Fabric: - Reliable Services (We will explore the reasons for having both stateful and stateless offerings in this model) - Reliable Actors Then we will talk how you can create Azure Service Fabric cluster on premise or in another cloud. We will demo deployments in Azure for the various models. Azure Service Fabric is the most advanced and complete offering for developing and hosting microservices in Azure. It builds on years experience Microsoft acquired running one of the most demanding services such as Azure SQL. Moreover, Azure Service Fabric solves very difficult distributed computing problems such as data synchronization, zero downtime deployment, update and rollback operations at large scale. Join us to learn more about Azure Service Fabric and start using it immediately after the meetup!

microsoft azureservice fabricmicroservices
Microservices with Apache Camel, DDD, and Kubernetes
Microservices with Apache Camel, DDD, and KubernetesMicroservices with Apache Camel, DDD, and Kubernetes
Microservices with Apache Camel, DDD, and Kubernetes

Building microservices requires more than just infrastructure, but infrastructure does have a role. In this talk we look at microservices from an enterprise perspective and talk about DDD, Docker, Kubernetes and how established open-source projects in the integration space fits a microservices architecture

Microservices Patterns
• Database per service
• Services must be loosely coupled so that they can be developed,
deployed and scaled independently
• Different services have different data storage requirements
• Pattern: Single Service Instance per Host
• Services are written using a variety of languages, frameworks, and
framework versions
• You want deployment to be reliable
• Service instances need to be isolated from one another
Pre-Requisites for Demos
• Docker:
• Docker for Windows
• Docker for OSX
• Docker Toolbox
• Visual Studio Code
• .NET Core
• Demo 1: First Dockerized .NET Core App
• Demo 2: Yeoman Generators FTW
• Demo 3: Creating the KeyValue Service
• Optional Demos:
• Unit Testing
• Automation

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A Microservice Journey
A Microservice JourneyA Microservice Journey
A Microservice Journey

The document discusses Christian Posta's journey with microservices architectures. It begins by explaining why organizations are moving to microservices and defines microservices. It then covers related topics like cloud platforms, container technologies like Kubernetes and OpenShift, benefits and drawbacks of microservices, and tools for developing microservices like Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift, and Camel.

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Kubernetes on OpenStack @eBay
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Kubernetes on OpenStack @eBay

This document summarizes how Kubernetes can be used on OpenStack. It discusses integrating Kubernetes with OpenStack services for networking (Neutron), identity and access management (Keystone), storage (Cinder and Swift), cluster setup/management, and container registry. For each area, it provides an overview of the current integration and potential future enhancements.

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Making it easy to integrate legacy and iterative microservices with REST/CQRS and deploy to Docker/Kubernetes/OpenShift all on a developer laptop!


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Micro Services in .NET Core and Docker

  • 1. .NET Core and Docker Microservices Overview and Demo .net core Chris Myers – Consultant, Neudesic Docker Partner (DTSP, DSP) @myerscj
  • 2. Contents • Why Docker? • Why Microservices? • Why .NET Core & Microsoft? • Demonstrations • Q&A
  • 3. In the first four months since Docker launched • >50,000 pulls • >4,000 github stars • >100 significant contributors • >150 projects built on top of docker • UIs, mini-PaaS, Remote Desktop…. • 1000’s of Dockerized applications • Memcached, Redis, Node.js… • Integration in Jenkins, Travis, Chef, Puppet, Vagrant and OpenStack • Meetups arranged around the world…with organizations like Ebay, Uber, Mozilla, Cloudflare, and Rackspace presenting on their use of Docker
  • 6. Contents • Why Docker? • Why Microservices? • Why .NET Core & Microsoft? • Demonstrations • Q&A
  • 9. Contents • Why Docker? • Why Microservices? • Why .NET Core & Microsoft? • Demonstrations • Q&A
  • 10. Why .NET Core? • C# • Easy to use language • Regular updates • Visual Studio IDE • OSS, but still supported by MS • .NET Standard is targeting multi-plat • “a formal specification of .NET APIs that are intended to be available on all .NET runtimes” • But wait Chris! We’re building microservices now… Shouldn’t platform selection be the choice of autonomous teams of developers? • Lift and Shift to avoid lock-in
  • 11. Docker and .NET: Past, Present, Future • Past: Mono can run on Linux and host .NET code • Past: OWIN Can run on Mono • Past: Community creates Mono Docker Image • • 2015: Mono containers leverage OWIN Web API’s • docker/ • 2016: .NET Core Released • 2016: .NET Core Containers • • 2016: Docker for Windows and OSX • 2016: Windows Containers • Future: More features integrated into .NET Core • Future: More Windows containers will be created
  • 12. Contents • What is Docker? • Microservices • Microsoft and Docker • Demonstrations • Q & A
  • 13. Microservices Patterns • Database per service • Services must be loosely coupled so that they can be developed, deployed and scaled independently • Different services have different data storage requirements • Pattern: Single Service Instance per Host • Services are written using a variety of languages, frameworks, and framework versions • You want deployment to be reliable • Service instances need to be isolated from one another
  • 14. Pre-Requisites for Demos • Docker: • Docker for Windows • Docker for OSX • Docker Toolbox • Visual Studio Code • .NET Core • NPM
  • 16. Demos • Demo 1: First Dockerized .NET Core App • Demo 2: Yeoman Generators FTW • Demo 3: Creating the KeyValue Service • Optional Demos: • Unit Testing • Automation