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Metronet Information Literacy

  An Introduction to a Year Devoted to
  Research, Reliable Resources, &
         Responsible Use
• Multicounty multitype library system
• One of 7 in Minnesota
• Serve libraries of all types with continuing
  education, networking, and special projects
• Metronet Board is committed to the cause of
  Information Literacy & teaching the skills
  needed for lifelong learning
Metronet Activities

History Day @ your library

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Senior techies mla
Senior techies mlaSenior techies mla
Senior techies mla

The Senior Techies program provided technology education classes to older adults across 14 Minnesota libraries. Over 1,000 people attended the 243 classes on topics like basic computer skills, email, digital photography, and internet searching. The classes aimed to boost confidence with technology for participants ages 47-95. Funding from state and national library agencies supported the equipment, staffing, and collaboration needed for the successful multi-library program, which participants found helpful for continuing to use technology and which they hope to see expanded in the future.

2.0 World: Classroom 2.0, Library 2.0, Research 2.0
2.0 World: Classroom 2.0, Library 2.0, Research 2.02.0 World: Classroom 2.0, Library 2.0, Research 2.0
2.0 World: Classroom 2.0, Library 2.0, Research 2.0

The document discusses the evolution from Classroom 1.0, Library 1.0, and Research 1.0 to their Web 2.0 counterparts. Classroom 1.0 involved teacher-centered imparting of knowledge while Classroom 2.0 enables knowledge access from anywhere using mobile devices and online collaboration. Similarly, Library 1.0 focused on print resources and individual work, while Library 2.0 provides 24/7 access to electronic resources and encourages community spaces and learning. Research has expanded from limited on-site resources to include online tools like eBooks, databases, and social media for collaboration. The document advocates for Web 2.0 approaches to encourage engagement and involve students in personalized, proactive learning.

OLLI-2012 aws
OLLI-2012 awsOLLI-2012 aws
OLLI-2012 aws

Minnesota has a robust library infrastructure at the state, regional, and local levels to support information access for residents. At the state level, key organizations include the Minnesota Department of Education's State Library Services, the Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library, and Minitex. Regional public library systems and multitype library systems further strengthen services. Locally, academic, public, school, and special libraries meet community needs. This infrastructure helps libraries collaborate to serve Minnesotans at all stages of life.

Information is now as infinite as the
                     universe, but finding the answers
                     you need is harder than ever.
New Yorker Cartoon Bank
What is Information Literacy?
     "To be information literate, a person must be able
       to recognize when information is needed and
       have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use
       effectively the needed information."
 The American Library Association’s (ALA) Presidential Committee on Information Literacy, Final Report, 1989
In the real world…
       • The ability to solve problems & answer
         questions using information & technology

       • An understanding of the ethical/legal issues
         surrounding the access and use of

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Social Media for Bremer Bank
Social Media for Bremer BankSocial Media for Bremer Bank
Social Media for Bremer Bank

This document provides an overview of social media and how organizations can use various social media tools. It defines social media as people using tools like blogs, videos, and sites like Facebook and Twitter to create and share content online. The document discusses many popular social media tools including blogs, microblogging, social networks, photo/video sharing, wikis, and their benefits for organizations. It provides tips for organizations on how to participate in social media, including starting with personal interests, listening first, finding people to follow, and developing a plan with goals and resources. It stresses the importance of regular evaluation to determine what is working.

Introduction to MILI: District 112, 2009
Introduction to MILI: District 112, 2009Introduction to MILI: District 112, 2009
Introduction to MILI: District 112, 2009

This document provides information about the Metronet Information Literacy Initiative (MILI). MILI aims to improve information literacy skills among teachers and students. It does this through professional development for teachers and library media specialists on integrating information literacy standards into classroom teaching. MILI's goals are to influence the teaching of research, increase awareness and use of Web 2.0 tools, and encourage more collaboration between teachers and library media specialists on teaching the research process. The document discusses key aspects of information literacy and 21st century skills, as well as trends in technology, business, and education that demonstrate the need for these skills. It provides an overview of MILI's focus on research, reliable resources, and responsible use of

MILI Introduction 2009
MILI Introduction 2009MILI Introduction 2009
MILI Introduction 2009

The document outlines Metronet's Information Literacy Initiative (MILI) which aims to teach teachers and librarians information literacy and 21st century skills through professional development opportunities. MILI focuses on developing skills in research, finding reliable resources, and responsible use of information. It promotes using Web 2.0 tools to encourage collaboration, communication, and student content creation. The goal is to prepare students for post-secondary education and careers through integrating information literacy into classroom instruction.

Information & Communication

     • Interpret text, data, media, &
       more for context & meaning
     • Communicate concepts, ideas,
Thinking & problem-solving
     • Critical thinking & systems thinking
     • Problem identification, formulation
       & solution
     • Creativity & intellectual curiosity
Interpersonal &
                            self-direction skills
      •     Lead & follow: collaborative skills
      •     Manage time & information
      •     Accountability & adaptability
      •     Social responsibility
More 21st Century Skills
     • Global awareness
     • Financial, economic and business literacy, and
       developing entrepreneurial skills to enhance
       workplace productivity and career options
     • Civic literacy

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Mpls MILI Intro 14 15
Mpls MILI Intro 14 15Mpls MILI Intro 14 15
Mpls MILI Intro 14 15

Introduction to Metronet's Information Literacy Initiative (MILI) program, present to Minneapolis Public Schools.

metronetmiliminneapolis public schools
Ecrl blueprint workshop
Ecrl blueprint workshopEcrl blueprint workshop
Ecrl blueprint workshop

This document provides guidance on building a strong Friends group to support the local library. It begins with an overview of the different roles Friends can play, including advocacy, fundraising, public relations, recruiting volunteers, and planning events and special projects. It then gives 10 "commandments" for a successful Friends group, such as having support from the library director and staff, clear roles for all partners, and regular evaluation and evolution. The second part focuses on finding new Friends members and provides tips on developing a recruitment plan, targeting different demographic groups, using various marketing strategies including social media, and following up with potential members. It also shares examples from other libraries of innovative ways to engage younger adults. The overall message is that Friends groups need to

Social Software In Academic Libraries
Social Software In Academic LibrariesSocial Software In Academic Libraries
Social Software In Academic Libraries

This document discusses how academic libraries are using various social software tools. It describes social tools like wikis, social bookmarking, media sharing, social networking, blogs, instant messaging, and microblogging. For each tool, it provides examples of how libraries use them, such as using wikis for intranets, training, and subject guides. It also discusses the growth of social media and how mainstream adoption of these tools has increased.

Information Literacy
                   Key to Success

•   Academic
•   Work life
•   Daily life
•   Lifelong learning
In the beginning of the Web

•   Static Web sites
•   Source of information/simple answers
•   Limited media--photos & illustrations
•   One-way communication
•   Needed design & coding skills
•   Needed proprietary software
•   Access to a server
Web 1.0                                    Web 2.0
  Read only                                  Read/Write/Collaborate
  Web as reading platform                    Web as publishing platform
  Developer authorship                       Public authorship
  Software applications                      Web as software platform
  Commercial/Proprietary                     Open source/shared
  Static                                     Dynamic
  Impersonal                                 It knows you and your needs
  Restricted collaboration                   Collaborative
  Short Tail                                 Long Tail
  Official Releases                          Constantly versioning—Beta
  HD as storage platform                     Web as storage platform
  Lecture                                    Conversation

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iPads in School Libraries TCEA Presentation
iPads in School Libraries  TCEA PresentationiPads in School Libraries  TCEA Presentation
iPads in School Libraries TCEA Presentation

This document discusses bringing iPads into libraries and how they can be used as learning stations, research tools for students, and e-readers by circulating iPad sets. It addresses logistics like using iPads for 1:1 programs and their impact on library services like e-books, research databases, printing, and embedded librarianship. Key impacts discussed include changes to library instruction, design, book circulation/selection, and the librarian's role with technology.

McMaster LIBS602 Conference Presentation
McMaster LIBS602 Conference PresentationMcMaster LIBS602 Conference Presentation
McMaster LIBS602 Conference Presentation

This document introduces several free Web 2.0 tools that can be used in middle school classrooms including Big Huge Labs, Piktochart, QR Code Monkey, and Animoto. It provides descriptions of each tool's features and limitations. Several curriculum connections are outlined for each tool, such as using Big Huge Labs to create trading cards in English Language Arts or using Piktochart to create timelines in History.

#DEANZ14 | Social networking and professional learning
#DEANZ14  |   Social networking and professional learning#DEANZ14  |   Social networking and professional learning
#DEANZ14 | Social networking and professional learning

ABSTRACT The trend towards collaborative social software and technology in education appears to be exponential. The notion of ‘Web 2.0’ seems almost traditional in the face of aggregation tools and multi-platform spaces, intertwined by a proliferation of social networking tools. With the roll-out of ultrafast broadband and the development of the N4L managed network in New Zealand, it is timely to consider the extent to which online social networks present both challenge and opportunity for educators’ professional learning. This paper, derived from a thesis completed in partial fulfillment of a Masters in Education, explores the experiences of educators using the VLN Groups network ( to determine how far this user generated mode of professional learning might extend professional practices in school. The study considered the ways and the extent to which the affordances of the VLN Groups social network site combine to affect educators' abilities to engage in effective professional learning. This study suggests that the VLN Groups can provide a thriving participatory system that enables educators to engage in an informal kind of professional learning focused on immediate concerns and contexts in their own teaching and leadership situations. It also raises questions related to 'counts' as professional learning and how self-driven learning can be integrated into a cycle of active inquiry into practice. The study makes recommendations for teachers, schools and policy makers related to connecting and coordinating professional learning in ways that maximise opportunities in the digital age.

social networkingnzvln
Classroom Was the World
                                                       • Teacher as authority in
                                                         all things
                                                       • Standardized curriculum
                                                       • Textbooks
                                                       • Memorization
                                                       • Cursive
                                                       • Multiple choice
                                                       • ―Do your own work‖
Classroom 1.0
•   Teacher imparting knowledge
•   Group work F2F
•   Desktop computing—one to many
•   $oftwarelicenses
•   Email attachments/Flash drives
•   Textbooks
•   Poster board
•   Little tech integration into
•   Oregon Trail
•   Audience was the teacher & maybe
    the class

Classroom 2.0
 • Teacher as guide to using • Knowledge everywhere
 tools & technology          • Mobile devices
 • No longer sole source of • Online learning
                             • Collaboration in the
                             • Online apps for writing,
                             • Multimedia tools
                             • Global authentic
Why Classroom 2.0?
     • Encourage collaboration and engagement to
       involve every student in something that is
       personally engaging
     • More opportunities for content creation on a
       broader stage
     • Involves the students in a very proactive learning
     • It’s the future—school, work, life

www.flic 089413@N00/1516930505

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School libraries in a European Worldwide context: Trends, competences, needs ...
School libraries in a European Worldwide context: Trends, competences, needs ...School libraries in a European Worldwide context: Trends, competences, needs ...
School libraries in a European Worldwide context: Trends, competences, needs ...

School libraries in a European Worldwide context: Trends, competences, needs and demands by Lourense Das Presentation at SLAMIT4 course in Caparica Portugal 2009

lourense dasslamitcoursesslamit4
Using the Web 2.0 in the English classroom
Using the Web 2.0 in the English classroomUsing the Web 2.0 in the English classroom
Using the Web 2.0 in the English classroom

The document discusses using technology and the internet in English language classrooms. It describes how teachers currently use resources like videos, presentations and online dictionaries. Web 2.0 tools like blogs, wikis and social networks are highlighted as ways to encourage collaboration. Effective uses of technology focus on interactive and authentic materials to support a constructive learning environment centered around student-led tasks and projects. Challenges around over-reliance on internet access and low-level activities are also noted.

web2.0webteaching english
TTS ISLN PD presentation Feb 2014
TTS ISLN PD presentation Feb 2014TTS ISLN PD presentation Feb 2014
TTS ISLN PD presentation Feb 2014

This document provides an overview of a professional development session for library support staff at Tanglin Trust School. The session covered topics like job shadowing experiences, courses provided by the National Library Board Academy and WDA to upgrade skills, and challenges to providing professional development like budget, time, and mindset issues. Strategies discussed to address these challenges included online training, in-house sessions during holidays, and reframing perceptions of "training". The document aims to show how the school makes professional development opportunities happen for its library support team.

by isln
Library Research
                                                      • Quiet!
                                                      • Librarians as keepers
                                                      • Print
                                                      • Resources limited to
                                                        what was on hand
                                                      • Borrowing limits, often by
                                                      • Stand alone—few
Library Research 1.0
• Librarian as teacher                                 •   Local sources
• Print encyclopedia,                                  •   Microfilm/fiche
  books                                                •   CD-ROM encyclopedia
• Citation manuals                                     •   Photocopies
• Readers’ Guide                                       •   Index cards
• Specialized indexes                                  •   Static presentations
• Interlibrary Loan                                        – Research papers
• Fax                                                      – Posters

Image: '"Citation needed"'
Library Research 2.0

•   Librarian as guide                                 • Document delivery
•   eBooks                                             • Skype, Twitter,
•   Multimedia presentation                              Facebook
•   Wikipedia                                          • Citation tools
•   WorldCat                                           • Delicious, Diigo,
•   Google                                               Evernote …
•   ELM subscription                                   • Google Book/Scholar
    databases                                          • Mobile apps
Characteristics of Web 2.0 Tools

 • Not tied to a device--                      • User-generated content
   Internet access needed                      • Sharing--
 • Portability--available                        content, expertise
   from any device
                                               • Global connections
 • No software--but Web
   plug-ins                                    • Perpetual Beta
 • No programming
 • OS not an issue usually
       (although browser may

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Using the Web 2.0 in the English classroom
Using the Web 2.0 in the English classroomUsing the Web 2.0 in the English classroom
Using the Web 2.0 in the English classroom

The document discusses using technology in English language classrooms. It describes how teachers now use the internet and multimedia resources to find information, create presentations, and record audio and video. Web 2.0 tools like blogs, wikis, and social networks enable collaboration between students. The document outlines some common problems like overreliance on internet access and superficial use of technology. It advocates for creative, constructivist activities using technology and highlights keys like planning realistic lessons and facilitating learning.

web2.0teaching english
Intro to Digital Humanities Workshop
Intro to Digital Humanities WorkshopIntro to Digital Humanities Workshop
Intro to Digital Humanities Workshop

This document provides an overview of an introductory workshop on digital humanities held at Villanova University. The workshop agenda includes introductions to digital tools like Omeka and mapping as well as discussions around integrating digital humanities in the classroom. The document also summarizes the history and key areas of digital humanities including text analysis, visualization, and online publishing. Guidelines are provided for teaching with digital tools and resources for further learning are listed.

MILI iPad Intro--MPS 2012
MILI iPad Intro--MPS 2012MILI iPad Intro--MPS 2012
MILI iPad Intro--MPS 2012

The document introduces the Metronet Information Literacy Initiative (MILI), which aims to promote information literacy skills among students. MILI will focus on teaching the research process, identifying reliable resources, and promoting responsible use of information. It will encourage collaboration between libraries and teachers to incorporate these skills into classroom instruction. MILI will provide guidance on using new tools and the research process to develop assignments that encourage 21st century skills over simply repeating information. The goals are to help students conduct effective research and evaluate information critically and ethically.

iPad Tools
• Personalized device
• Apps are device specific
• Often tied to the device—not so much in the
• Apps generally do one thing

                          Image: 'The future of books'
Classroom/Library/Web 2.0
                 tools help us
   • Improve productivity
   • Manage information
   • Collaborate
   • Expand our reach
But we know. . .

• It is not the technology or the tool; it is how they
  are used to enhance teaching and engage
  students that makes successful integration into
  schools, libraries, & classrooms.

MPS iPad MILI 2012

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Sharman - The roving librarian: keep taking the tablets
Sharman - The roving librarian: keep taking the tabletsSharman - The roving librarian: keep taking the tablets
Sharman - The roving librarian: keep taking the tablets

The document discusses the "Roving Librarian" initiative at the University of Huddersfield library. [1] The initiative aims to promote library resources to students outside traditional library spaces using tablets. [2] Librarians trialled using iPads and Android tablets to engage with and help students at locations like cafes and student unions. [3] Early assessments found the roving librarians approach was positively received by students and academics, though continued work is needed to develop the strategy and branding.

lilac 2012information literacylilac12
Roving librarian - keep taking the tablets
Roving librarian - keep taking the tabletsRoving librarian - keep taking the tablets
Roving librarian - keep taking the tablets

Presentation given at "Change, Challenge and Collaborate" event held at De Montfort University Kimberlin Library on 22nd May 2012, an event organised by the East Midlands ARL Group of CILIP.

MPS MILI 2018-19
MPS MILI 2018-19MPS MILI 2018-19
MPS MILI 2018-19

This document provides an introduction to Metronet's year-long Information Literacy Initiative for the 2018-2019 school year in Elk River and Minneapolis Public Schools. It discusses how information literacy and 21st century skills are key to student success in academics, careers and daily life. The initiative aims to teach students how to effectively find, evaluate and use information and technology through the development of critical thinking, problem solving, communication and other vital skills.

Why does information
          literacy matter?
Students are content creators
They need traditional & new
Using new & traditional media

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Mass cue2012 r cicchetti
Mass cue2012 r cicchettiMass cue2012 r cicchetti
Mass cue2012 r cicchetti

This document discusses transitioning a traditional school library to a dynamic learning commons. It outlines why the transition is needed to better support student and faculty needs in the digital age. Key aspects of the transition include going bookless, providing curated learning resources, and transforming the space into an active learning environment instead of a quiet study space. The transition process at one school took place from 2007 to 2011 and involved changes to staffing, technology, space design, and priorities to make the library a more collaborative and student-centered learning commons.

library and information sciencelibrarieslearning commons
Transitioning a Traditional School Library to a Dynamic Learning Commons Mass...
Transitioning a Traditional School Library to a Dynamic Learning Commons Mass...Transitioning a Traditional School Library to a Dynamic Learning Commons Mass...
Transitioning a Traditional School Library to a Dynamic Learning Commons Mass...

Visit the CCHS LC @ Twitter: @robincicchetti Email:

librarieslearning commonsmasscue
Web 2 and mobile tools for learning and research
Web 2 and mobile tools for learning and researchWeb 2 and mobile tools for learning and research
Web 2 and mobile tools for learning and research

The document discusses various web 2.0 and mobile tools that can be used for learning and research, including tools for networking, organizing references, collecting and curating research materials, collaborative writing, and disseminating work. It provides information on social networks, reference managers, online notebooks, blogs, and academic profiling platforms and encourages researchers to start using some of these tools.

To understand their need for

Image: 'Q & A 2.0: Nothing Is Off Limits!'
To find & evaluate reliable
To draw conclusions & present
In an ethical way

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A tour of the library of the future
A tour of the library of the futureA tour of the library of the future
A tour of the library of the future

The document discusses predictions for libraries in 2020. It describes how library spaces may evolve from places for quiet study to active learning hubs. It also explores how print collections may decrease as electronic resources grow, though reliability and access issues remain. The role of librarians is envisioned to shift from stamping books to providing expertise through embedded roles and research support. The future library catalog is predicted to involve more collaborative cataloging and value-added features rather than exhaustive records.

Alternative careers
Alternative careersAlternative careers
Alternative careers

The document discusses alternative careers for librarians and information professionals. It outlines various career paths outside of traditional librarian roles that still utilize important skills, including working in different sectors, jobs, or industries. Examples are given such as technology roles, research, communications, and more. The document provides advice on exploring alternative careers, including skills audits, networking, tailoring applications, and believing in one's abilities to find new opportunities.

lmdcpdlibrary and information sciencesla
Web 2.0 Tools for Researchers
Web 2.0 Tools for ResearchersWeb 2.0 Tools for Researchers
Web 2.0 Tools for Researchers

This presentation was delivered 8 May 2012 to researchers in the College of Arts and Humanities of University of Leicester, UK.

researchersresearchonline academic profile
To prepare
for post-
for the global
society &
they will face.

And, because . . .

 We limit students if we do not help them
develop and use information literacy skills
          across the curriculum.

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Book as iPad App
Book as iPad AppBook as iPad App
Book as iPad App

The document discusses introducing book apps for iPads in libraries, including what book apps are, why librarians should care about them, and various features they provide like visual and audio elements, social interaction, and new ways to browse and search. It also covers issues like the digital divide, examples of book apps, and resources for librarians to learn more about book apps and their potential role in libraries.

Introducing the Book as iPad App
Introducing the Book as iPad AppIntroducing the Book as iPad App
Introducing the Book as iPad App

The document discusses introducing book apps for iPads in libraries, including what book apps are, why librarians should care about them, and various features they provide like visual and audio elements, social interaction, and new ways to browse and search. It also covers issues like the digital divide, examples of book apps, and resources for librarians to learn more about book apps and their potential role in libraries.

Academic e-reading: themes from user experience studies
Academic e-reading: themes from user experience studiesAcademic e-reading: themes from user experience studies
Academic e-reading: themes from user experience studies

The document summarizes key themes from a user experience study on academic e-reading. It found that convenience is important to students, as they prefer familiar systems. However, fragmentation of content across multiple tools and devices hurts the experience. Collaboration and social features are important to support the social aspects of learning. Finally, e-books need to better take advantage of the digital medium, such as improved annotation tools, zooming of images, and integration with other tools and platforms to reduce fragmentation. The document discusses how e-books could address these themes to better meet student and researcher needs.

      • Profoundly affects the way we work, collaborate,
        communicate, and succeed
      • Changes how people work, play, learn, socialize,
        and collaborate
      • Explosive growth of mobile devices and
        applications drives more—daily—change
Business & Society
                   and maybe school

•   User-created content
•   Social networking
•   Collaborative work
•   Collective intelligence to solve problems
•   Participatory Leadership
•   Online civic engagement
•   Global reach and influence
Moving (fast) Towards . . .
    •     Tablet Computing
    •     Mobile Devices & Apps
    •     Cloud apps, storage, collaboration
    •     Collaborative Environments
    •     Game-based learning
    •     Personal Learning Environments

The Horizon Report K-12
Students are changing
  • Technology is how they communicate &
  • Ubiquitous, transparent part of their lives
  • Empowered by being connected to information
    & each other 24/7
  • Globally connected
  • Expect guides not experts

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iPad project - Moving forward
iPad project - Moving forwardiPad project - Moving forward
iPad project - Moving forward

The document summarizes findings from a pilot project integrating iPads into learning, teaching, and assessment at Leeds University Business School. Key findings included that effective iPad use requires support and training, and that it increased student engagement both in and outside of class. Moving forward, the school plans to provide all students in the MSc International Business program with iPads starting in September and support their use through training, app guides, and dedicated support sessions.

ipadhigher educationtechnology
Reinventing information literacy instruction through experimentation and play
Reinventing information literacy instruction through experimentation and playReinventing information literacy instruction through experimentation and play
Reinventing information literacy instruction through experimentation and play

The document discusses reinventing information literacy instruction through experimentation and play. It summarizes that traditional library instruction was seen as scary and stern, but that cultural changes in libraries and information needs have led to more expansive and engaging forms of instruction. New approaches discussed include gaming elements, interactive online videos and social media, collaboration with faculty, and fun events to promote engagement and a positive library experience. Evaluation of these new approaches has been positive based on student feedback.

Introducing the Book as iPad App
Introducing the Book as iPad AppIntroducing the Book as iPad App
Introducing the Book as iPad App

Slides for ALA webinar, March 1, 2013. Self-study version of this course:

If this is what they are used

Image: 'Start 'em Young'                               Image: 'Jan 27 12 ipad Carson 27/366'
What will they expect in
Students’Expectations are changing

• Want interactive communication
• Use tools in the classroom that they use in the
  real world
• 24/7 assignments
• Creativity in assignments
• Hands-on learning
• Real life experience/application

                             Image: 'pencil case'
Learning Environments are changing

       • No longer tied to a physical space
       • ―Spaces‖ are becoming more community-driven,
       • Spaces & technologies that allow virtual
         communication and collaboration
       • World comes into the classroom
       • Flipped classrooms

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Wikis and blogs can be
Wikis and blogs can be Wikis and blogs can be
Wikis and blogs can be

Wikis and blogs can provide an environment for collaboration and sharing of information without physical walls. They allow teachers to create websites to share resources, students to access learning materials anywhere at any time, and administrators to communicate and store information for staff and parents. Wikis and blogs give students and teachers the freedom to develop websites cheaply and easily to support teaching and learning.

Using Web 2.0 tools in the library
Using Web 2.0 tools in the libraryUsing Web 2.0 tools in the library
Using Web 2.0 tools in the library

This document discusses practical uses of Web 2.0 tools in libraries and organizations. It emphasizes that Web 2.0 is about adopting a mindset of user activity and freeing up time rather than just using specific tools. It provides examples of how libraries can use blogs, Flickr, Delicious, RSS, wikis, Google Docs, Twitter, and other tools to communicate, share resources, and engage users. The document concludes that libraries should blend different Web 2.0 tools together and take control of their online presence rather than remaining loyal to any single tool.

Practical uses for Web2.0 in your organisation
Practical uses for Web2.0 in your organisationPractical uses for Web2.0 in your organisation
Practical uses for Web2.0 in your organisation

A practical overview of potential uses for Web2.0 in library services. Delivered by Phil Bradley, Freelance Librarian and Internet Consultant. Part of Enterprise, engagement and new communication: Web2.0 in the library, which was organised by CILIP in Scotland (CILIPS) and took place 2 Jul 2009.

Access beyond the walls
       •     Online learning
       •     ELM and other database access
       •     Public/academic libraries online resources
       •     Virtual collaboration

Image: 'Chairs'
Will they be ready for this future—which really
                is now?
If. . .

Image: 'Yes!'
S who can

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Curation for schools
Curation for schoolsCuration for schools
Curation for schools

The document discusses content curation for learning. It notes the massive growth of online content like photos, videos, and emails. Effective content curation tools can help learners stay up-to-date by providing curated information that is relevant, trustworthy, and timely. Popular curation tools mentioned include Pinterest, Scoopit, LiveBinders, and Evernote. Developing skills like curiosity, media literacy, and information evaluation are important for content curation. Visual tools like Pearl Trees and Pinterest allow users to organize and share curated content.

Pinterest dist 112 dec 2013
Pinterest dist 112 dec 2013Pinterest dist 112 dec 2013
Pinterest dist 112 dec 2013

Pinterest is a visual bookmarking tool that allows users to curate content by creating virtual cork boards called boards and pinning images, links and videos to the boards to organize around topics. Members can like and re-pin pins from other members and search for new pins to add to their boards from Pinterest. Teachers can use Pinterest for lesson planning, collecting resources for student projects and collaborating with other teachers.

Drafting the Blueprint: Building Friends for Minnesota Association of LIbrary...
Drafting the Blueprint: Building Friends for Minnesota Association of LIbrary...Drafting the Blueprint: Building Friends for Minnesota Association of LIbrary...
Drafting the Blueprint: Building Friends for Minnesota Association of LIbrary...

The document provides an agenda and background information for a workshop titled "Building Friends" put on by the Minnesota Association of Library Friends. The morning sessions will cover building and finding Friends groups. The afternoon will include panels on fundraising and keeping Friends groups active. The document also provides information on the Minnesota Association of Library Friends and the resources it offers to library Friends groups. It emphasizes the important roles Friends groups play in advocacy, fundraising, public relations, volunteering, and event planning for libraries.

Through the research process
To reliable resources
While understanding
responsible use

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Mn lib futures for pla annws
Mn lib futures for pla annwsMn lib futures for pla annws
Mn lib futures for pla annws

This document outlines the process undertaken by the Multitype Library Systems in Minnesota to establish a group of library futurists to examine challenges and opportunities facing Minnesota libraries. It describes how the futurists group was formed, including inviting representation from different library types and regions, appointing a steering committee, selecting 25 futurists ages 25-35 through an application process, and holding kickoff meetings. The goal was for the futurists to have a focused conversation on the future of Minnesota libraries and initiate a wider discussion on developing a strategic plan.

Annws ignite mlis may 11
Annws ignite mlis may 11Annws ignite mlis may 11
Annws ignite mlis may 11

This document summarizes Ann Walker Smalley's career path in libraries and related fields. She began her career at the State Library of Ohio and later worked at Battelle Memorial Institute, the Department of Housing and Urban Development Library, and the National Restaurant Association. Throughout her career, she utilized skills like research, writing, public speaking, and relationship building. After taking a 13-year sabbatical, she returned to librarianship through various consulting roles. She advises MLIS students to gain a variety of experiences, advocate for themselves, and look beyond traditional library roles.

Mile advocacy may 2011
Mile advocacy may 2011Mile advocacy may 2011
Mile advocacy may 2011

This document discusses library advocacy and who should be responsible for advocating for libraries. It emphasizes that advocacy is important at the federal, state, and local levels to raise awareness of libraries' value and secure necessary funding and support. While organizations like ALA and library associations advocate at higher levels, the document stresses that every library staff member and user should see themselves as advocates and work to articulate their library's importance to stakeholders. A variety of advocacy strategies are presented, but the overriding message is that advocacy is important and everyone should play a role.

MILI’s Purpose
           • Influence how you teach the research process
           • Encourage more collaboration between LMS &
             teachers around the research process
           • Encourage teachers/LMS to incorporate the 3
             Rs into teaching
           • Help you integrate information literacy skills into
             your curriculum
Libraries & Librarians
               Vital for research at all levels

 • Information experts
 • Access to resources
 • Ability to connect people & resources
 • Ability to connect information &
 • On the front lines in the info search
MILI will be your guide
• To the research
• Finding reliable
• Identifying new tools
• Information literacy
• 21st century skills
MILI Focus
        • On the research process
        • On the resources
        • On the tools that make it happen

Recommended for you

Google news
Google newsGoogle news
Google news

This document provides an overview of Google News and related tools for staying up-to-date on current events and accessing archived news articles. It describes how Google News can be personalized based on user activity and preferences. It also introduces related Google services for receiving alerts on topics of interest, quickly browsing news articles, subscribing to RSS feeds, and searching historical news archives from various sources. The tools allow users to efficiently organize and access news both currently and retrospectively.

Teacher tools mounds park june11
Teacher tools mounds park june11Teacher tools mounds park june11
Teacher tools mounds park june11

This document provides a summary of various free online tools that can be used for education purposes, including for creating quizzes, flashcards, word games, image generators, and conducting polls. It notes that many of these tools require creating a user account, have limited free features, or have age restrictions. Examples of specific tools are given for each category.

One trick tools june 2011
One trick tools june 2011One trick tools june 2011
One trick tools june 2011

This document provides summaries of and links to various online tools across different categories: 1) Cellblock allows for instant multimedia publishing across websites, desktops, and mobile devices. Users can drag and drop files and embed content on other sites. 2) QuietTube allows users to watch videos without distractions by removing ads, comments, and other elements from videos. 3) Today's Meet enables backchannel conversations during presentations by allowing private audience comments, questions, and answers. 4) Several additional tools are listed for image search, scheduling meetings, cropping/resizing pictures, pronunciation help, reminders, screen recording, shortening URLs, speed reading, text-to-speech, checking website

The MILI 3 Rs
     • Research Process
     • Reliable Resources
     • Responsible Use
          Improve the ability of students & teachers to conduct effective research
                                     by using a process that includes 5 steps

      •     Question
      •     Gather & Evaluate information
      •     Conclude
      •     Communicate information & conclusion
      •     Evaluate process & product
Reliable Resources
            Identify & use available, reliable resources

    • ―Format agnostic‖--the format of the
      information is not the point
    • Evaluate all print, electronic, online, &
      human resources for authenticity &
    • Resource is appropriate in the context of
      this research
Responsible Use
          Promote the understanding & practice of the responsible use of
                           information & technology

     • Advise & assist teachers in the creation of
       plagiarism-proof assignments
     • Provide resources for teaching responsible
       use including copyright, Creative
       Commons, technology use

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Metronet in 5 minutes 8 10.ppt
Metronet in 5 minutes 8 10.pptMetronet in 5 minutes 8 10.ppt
Metronet in 5 minutes 8 10.ppt

Metronet is a consortium of libraries in the Twin Cities metropolitan area that was established in 1980. It is funded by the Minnesota state legislature and facilitates cooperation among different types of libraries. Metronet provides resources for librarians and the community on its website. It also offers continuing education scholarships, guides to library jobs and children's authors in Minnesota, and programs like History Day at local libraries and the Metronet Information Literacy Initiative for teachers.

15 Things To Try This Year
15 Things To Try This Year15 Things To Try This Year
15 Things To Try This Year

This document lists 15 things for educators to try in the upcoming year related to technology integration and online tools. Some suggestions include starting or improving a blog, making screencasts, using a backchannel during events, taking free webinars, finding creative commons media, collaborating via wikis, making word clouds, setting up alerts on topics, trying new Google tools, joining a free online community for educators, using alternative browsers like Firefox, and storing documents and photos in the cloud.

Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx
Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptxTools for OnlineCommunities.pptx
Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx

The document discusses the need for an online community tool to facilitate communication and sharing of reviews between participants of a summer camp. It notes key requirements for the tool, including ease of use, cost, security, and enabling campers to access information and share reviews. Additionally, it mentions restructuring existing groups and forums on the tool and adding virtual counselors.

By developing research projects that
       encourage 21st Century Learning skills
       & promote Information Literacy

      Creating assignments that encourage
       building knowledge, not just repeating
Together, we can
     • Improve your research project to
       incorporate the 5 steps
     • Learn Web 2.0 tools that work in
       classrooms and school buildings for
       collaboration, communication, & creation
     • Share what we know & what we learn

www.flic 894194320@N01/83992798
Standards & Classroom 2.0
• AASL-Standards for 21st Century
• ISTE-National Educational Technology
• MEMO-Information & Technology
  Literacy Standards

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One Trick 2 0 Tools Tds March 2011a
One Trick 2 0 Tools Tds March 2011aOne Trick 2 0 Tools Tds March 2011a
One Trick 2 0 Tools Tds March 2011a

This document lists various one-trick productivity tools organized by category, including alarms, backchannels, cloud backup, image search, cropping pictures, email scheduling, finding broken links, WiFi locations, Google 411, highlighting on the web, password management, scheduling meetings, converting PDFs, resizing pictures, pronunciation help, polling, quick polls, paper printing, reading the web later, reminders, screencasting, shortening URLs, speed reading, text to speech, weather reports, checking web status, white noise generators, and editing YouTube videos. Each tool is briefly described and includes a URL.

Metronet in 5 minutes v3 march10
Metronet in 5 minutes v3 march10Metronet in 5 minutes v3 march10
Metronet in 5 minutes v3 march10

Metronet is a nonprofit organization that started in 1980 to facilitate cooperation among libraries in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul area. It provides various programs and services to support libraries, including History Day activities, online learning programs, professional development for teachers and librarians, and an annual information literacy conference.

Mla Web Junction Update
Mla Web Junction UpdateMla Web Junction Update
Mla Web Junction Update

WebJunction Minnesota (WJMN) is a portal for Minnesota library staff to connect, create, and learn through online courses, social networking, and shared content. Key features of WJMN include a blog, calendar of events, and course catalog on the front page. Members can personalize their experience by creating profiles, joining groups, and bookmarking content. WJMN aims to connect members by providing ways for them to share activities and interests, start discussions, and see what their friends are doing on the site. Members are encouraged to contribute by authoring articles, commenting, tagging content, and volunteering to be featured on the site.

1. Inquire, think critically, and
   gain knowledge.
2. Draw conclusions, make
   informed decisions, apply
   knowledge to new
   situations, and create new
3. Share knowledge and
   participate ethically and
   productively as members
   of our democratic society.
4. Pursue personal and
   aesthetic growth.

AASL Standards for 21st Century Learners
          National Educational Technology
                 Standards (NETS)
  1. Creativity and Innovation
  2. Communication and Collaboration
  3. Research and Information Fluency
  4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and
     Decision Making
  5. Digital Citizenship
  6. Technology Operations and Concepts
MEMO Standards for
    Information & Technology Literacy

                                                   1. The Research Process
                                                   2. Technology Use
                                                   3. Reading and Media
                                                   4. Responsible Use of
                                                      Information and
Bloom’s Taxonomy

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single sign onoktasso
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matatag curriculum education for Kindergarten

for educational purposes only

Bloom’s Remixed






iPad App Remix
They are proficient
      with the (commercial) tools they know

Communication               Google
  •   Facebook                   •   Quick answers
  •   Twitter                    •   Maps
  •   Tumblr                     •   Gmail
  •   Text                       •   Docs
                   • YouTube
                   • Music
                                 Image: 'A Conversation'

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Lecture_Notes_Unit4_Chapter_8_9_10_RDBMS for the students affiliated by alaga...

Title: Relational Database Management System Concepts(RDBMS) Description: Welcome to the comprehensive guide on Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) concepts, tailored for final year B.Sc. Computer Science students affiliated with Alagappa University. This document covers fundamental principles and advanced topics in RDBMS, offering a structured approach to understanding databases in the context of modern computing. PDF content is prepared from the text book Learn Oracle 8I by JOSE A RAMALHO. Key Topics Covered: Main Topic : DATA INTEGRITY, CREATING AND MAINTAINING A TABLE AND INDEX Sub-Topic : Data Integrity,Types of Integrity, Integrity Constraints, Primary Key, Foreign key, unique key, self referential integrity, creating and maintain a table, Modifying a table, alter a table, Deleting a table Create an Index, Alter Index, Drop Index, Function based index, obtaining information about index, Difference between ROWID and ROWNUM Target Audience: Final year B.Sc. Computer Science students at Alagappa University seeking a solid foundation in RDBMS principles for academic and practical applications. About the Author: Dr. S. Murugan is Associate Professor at Alagappa Government Arts College, Karaikudi. With 23 years of teaching experience in the field of Computer Science, Dr. S. Murugan has a passion for simplifying complex concepts in database management. Disclaimer: This document is intended for educational purposes only. The content presented here reflects the author’s understanding in the field of RDBMS as of 2024. Feedback and Contact Information: Your feedback is valuable! For any queries or suggestions, please contact

data integritytypes of integrityintegrity constraints
In-depth use of technology?
             Not so much
• Not efficient or effective searchers
• Little evaluation of what they find—don’t know
  how to evaluate
• Application of technology limited to product
• Not really using technology to solve/answer

       Image: 'Open access overview: Focusing on open access+to+peer-reviewed+research+articles+and+their+preprints'
Research Report
Truth Be Told:
How College Students Evaluate and
Use Information in the Digital Age

Project Information Literacy: A large-scale study about
early adults and their research habits
University of Washington Information School
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MPS iPad MILI 2012

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In Odoo 17, you can enhance the visual appearance of your Kanban view by adding color-coded records using the Notebook feature. This allows you to categorize and distinguish between different types of records based on specific criteria. By adding colors, you can quickly identify and prioritize tasks or items, improving organization and efficiency within your workflow.

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MPS iPad MILI 2012
MILI will help you

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www.flic 645804@N00/2102790208

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we may assume that God created the cosmos to be his great temple, in which he rested after his creative work. Nevertheless, his special revelatory presence did not fill the entire earth yet, since it was his intention that his human vice-regent, whom he installed in the garden sanctuary, would extend worldwide the boundaries of that sanctuary and of God’s presence. Adam, of course, disobeyed this mandate, so that humanity no longer enjoyed God’s presence in the little localized garden. Consequently, the entire earth became infected with sin and idolatry in a way it had not been previously before the fall, while yet in its still imperfect newly created state. Therefore, the various expressions about God being unable to inhabit earthly structures are best understood, at least in part, by realizing that the old order and sanctuary have been tainted with sin and must be cleansed and recreated before God’s Shekinah presence, formerly limited to heaven and the holy of holies, can dwell universally throughout creation

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• Emphasize the lifelong learning skills embodied
  in information literacy to help students be ready
  for their next step

                                Image: 'Upwards Spiral'
• Weave these new tools & concepts into the
  fabric of what you teach

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The Gift of Our Time

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You teach


Image: 'chemistry bottles with liquid inside'     Image: '2008-01-26 (Editing a paper) - 27'             Image: 'What's the worry? Ecosystems are for+kids.'
You are not a beginner computer user

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 Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)- Concept, Features, Elements, Role of advertising in IMC  Advertising: Concept, Features, Evolution of Advertising, Active Participants, Benefits of advertising to Business firms and consumers.  Classification of advertising: Geographic, Media, Target audience and Functions.

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Now we can take look into how to configure time off types in odoo 17 through this slide. Time-off types are used to grant or request different types of leave. Only then the authorities will have a clear view or a clear understanding of what kind of leave the employee is taking.

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You are open to using technology & tools

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   RetroLibrary Poster

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Presented as a plenary session in iTELL 2024 in Salatiga on 4 July 2024. The plenary focuses on understanding and intepreting relevant TPACK competence for teachers to be adept in teaching multimodality in the digital age. It juxtaposes the results of research on multimodality with its contextual implementation in the teaching of English subject in the Indonesian Emancipated Curriculum.

You have a

You must

Arrive on time & stay throughout

MEETINGS                           Image: 'Lego old skool desktop wallpaper'

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Reflection on using new tool

                                                            New tool discovery

                                         Philosophical question

Share what you are learning & thinking

Respond to monthly

FORUM QUESTIONS      Image: 'Not all questions...'
LEARNING           Image: 'Game Over'
                 Image: 'This box, it suggests?'

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Final Presentation & Report

TEACH RESEARCH                Image: 'An explosion of assistance'
School District
  • Manage credits for CE, Board
    Credits, other incentive, etc.
  • Monitor attendance & compliance for
    participation using rubric
  • Make it possible for teachers/LMS to use
    tools in class
Metronet will
   • Design & conduct orientation + monthly
     Webinars and F2Fafter school meetings
   • Work with district on the rubric for credit
   • Maintain the MILI Ning
   • Provide support via the
     Wiki, email, newsletter…
   • Food! (You provide beverage)

www.flic 966598@N00/210586449
MILI will help you help


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With the
Find and evaluate
Use online
                                                        tools to
                                                        organize &
To solve problems using the information

               Answer their research questions using
               the information
Image: 'student_ipad_school - 092'

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Present their conclusions
While using
as 21st
Ann Walker Smalley, Director, Metronet, St. Paul

LeAnn Suchy, Program Coordinator, Metronet, St. Paul
MPS iPad MILI 2012

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MPS iPad MILI 2012
As communicators
As Creators

Recommended for you

As commentators
As Collectors
As Contributors

Recommended for you

As Community Members
Sites and tools that let us
   • Explore
   • Customize
   • Collaborate
   • Create
   • Share
   • Communicate
 in a whole new ^way!
MILI will reduce the noise

• Emphasize the lifelong
• Tools help optimize           learning skills embodied
  learning by making            in information literacy to
  learning anywhere             help students be ready
  possible                      for their next step
• Tools optimize
  productivity for teachers
  & students & families.

Recommended for you

• Research
• Reliable Resources
• Responsible Use

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MPS iPad MILI 2012

  • 1. Metronet Information Literacy Initiative An Introduction to a Year Devoted to Research, Reliable Resources, & Responsible Use
  • 2. Metronet • Multicounty multitype library system • One of 7 in Minnesota • Serve libraries of all types with continuing education, networking, and special projects • Metronet Board is committed to the cause of Information Literacy & teaching the skills needed for lifelong learning
  • 5. Information is now as infinite as the universe, but finding the answers you need is harder than ever.
  • 6. New Yorker Cartoon Bank
  • 7. What is Information Literacy? "To be information literate, a person must be able to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information." The American Library Association’s (ALA) Presidential Committee on Information Literacy, Final Report, 1989
  • 8. In the real world… • The ability to solve problems & answer questions using information & technology • An understanding of the ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and use of information
  • 9. Information & Communication Skills • Interpret text, data, media, & more for context & meaning • Communicate concepts, ideas, conclusions…
  • 10. Thinking & problem-solving • Critical thinking & systems thinking • Problem identification, formulation & solution • Creativity & intellectual curiosity
  • 11. Interpersonal & self-direction skills • Lead & follow: collaborative skills • Manage time & information • Accountability & adaptability • Social responsibility
  • 12. More 21st Century Skills • Global awareness • Financial, economic and business literacy, and developing entrepreneurial skills to enhance workplace productivity and career options • Civic literacy
  • 13. Information Literacy Key to Success • Academic • Work life • Daily life • Lifelong learning
  • 14. NEW WORLD: WEB 2.0, CLASSROOM 2.0, & LIBRARY 2.0
  • 15. In the beginning of the Web • Static Web sites • Source of information/simple answers • Limited media--photos & illustrations • One-way communication • Needed design & coding skills • Needed proprietary software • Access to a server
  • 16. Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Read only Read/Write/Collaborate Web as reading platform Web as publishing platform Developer authorship Public authorship Software applications Web as software platform Commercial/Proprietary Open source/shared Static Dynamic Impersonal It knows you and your needs Restricted collaboration Collaborative Short Tail Long Tail Official Releases Constantly versioning—Beta HD as storage platform Web as storage platform Lecture Conversation
  • 17. Classroom Was the World • Teacher as authority in all things • Standardized curriculum • Textbooks • Memorization • Cursive • Multiple choice • ―Do your own work‖
  • 18. Classroom 1.0 • Teacher imparting knowledge • Group work F2F • Desktop computing—one to many • $oftwarelicenses • Email attachments/Flash drives • Textbooks • Poster board • Little tech integration into curriculum • Oregon Trail • Audience was the teacher & maybe the class
  • 19. Classroom 2.0 • Teacher as guide to using • Knowledge everywhere tools & technology • Mobile devices • No longer sole source of • Online learning information • Collaboration in the cloud • Online apps for writing, presentations • Multimedia tools • Global authentic audience
  • 20. Why Classroom 2.0? • Encourage collaboration and engagement to involve every student in something that is personally engaging • More opportunities for content creation on a broader stage • Involves the students in a very proactive learning environment • It’s the future—school, work, life www.flic 089413@N00/1516930505
  • 21. Library Research • Quiet! • Librarians as keepers • Print • Resources limited to what was on hand • Borrowing limits, often by age • Stand alone—few systems 0
  • 22. Library Research 1.0 • Librarian as teacher • Local sources • Print encyclopedia, • Microfilm/fiche books • CD-ROM encyclopedia • Citation manuals • Photocopies • Readers’ Guide • Index cards • Specialized indexes • Static presentations • Interlibrary Loan – Research papers • Fax – Posters Image: '"Citation needed"'
  • 23. Library Research 2.0 • Librarian as guide • Document delivery • eBooks • Skype, Twitter, • Multimedia presentation Facebook • Wikipedia • Citation tools • WorldCat • Delicious, Diigo, • Google Evernote … • ELM subscription • Google Book/Scholar databases • Mobile apps
  • 24. Characteristics of Web 2.0 Tools • Not tied to a device-- • User-generated content Internet access needed • Sharing-- • Portability--available content, expertise from any device • Global connections • No software--but Web plug-ins • Perpetual Beta • No programming • OS not an issue usually (although browser may matter)
  • 25. iPad Tools • Personalized device • Apps are device specific • Often tied to the device—not so much in the cloud • Apps generally do one thing Image: 'The future of books'
  • 26. Classroom/Library/Web 2.0 tools help us • Improve productivity • Manage information • Collaborate • Expand our reach
  • 27. But we know. . . • It is not the technology or the tool; it is how they are used to enhance teaching and engage students that makes successful integration into schools, libraries, & classrooms. whats_in_your_bag
  • 29. Why does information literacy matter?
  • 30. Students are content creators
  • 31. They need traditional & new skills
  • 32. Using new & traditional media
  • 33. To understand their need for information Image: 'Q & A 2.0: Nothing Is Off Limits!'
  • 34. To find & evaluate reliable information
  • 35. To draw conclusions & present information
  • 37. To prepare for post- secondary education and
  • 38. for the global society & economy they will face.
  • 39. And, because . . . We limit students if we do not help them develop and use information literacy skills across the curriculum.
  • 41. Technology • Profoundly affects the way we work, collaborate, communicate, and succeed • Changes how people work, play, learn, socialize, and collaborate • Explosive growth of mobile devices and applications drives more—daily—change
  • 42. Business & Society and maybe school • User-created content • Social networking • Collaborative work • Collective intelligence to solve problems • Participatory Leadership • Online civic engagement • Global reach and influence
  • 43. Moving (fast) Towards . . . • Tablet Computing • Mobile Devices & Apps • Cloud apps, storage, collaboration • Collaborative Environments • Game-based learning • Personal Learning Environments The Horizon Report K-12
  • 44. Students are changing • Technology is how they communicate & socialize • Ubiquitous, transparent part of their lives • Empowered by being connected to information & each other 24/7 • Globally connected • Expect guides not experts
  • 45. If this is what they are used to… Image: 'Start 'em Young' Image: 'Jan 27 12 ipad Carson 27/366'
  • 46. What will they expect in school?
  • 47. Students’Expectations are changing • Want interactive communication • Use tools in the classroom that they use in the real world • 24/7 assignments • Creativity in assignments • Hands-on learning • Real life experience/application Image: 'pencil case'
  • 48. Learning Environments are changing • No longer tied to a physical space • ―Spaces‖ are becoming more community-driven, interdisciplinary • Spaces & technologies that allow virtual communication and collaboration • World comes into the classroom • Flipped classrooms
  • 49. Access beyond the walls • Online learning • ELM and other database access • Public/academic libraries online resources • Virtual collaboration Image: 'Chairs'
  • 50. Will they be ready for this future—which really is now?
  • 51. If. . . Image: 'Yes!'
  • 52. Students have teachers/LM S who can guide them…
  • 53. Through the research process
  • 55. While understanding responsible use
  • 57. MILI’s Purpose • Influence how you teach the research process • Encourage more collaboration between LMS & teachers around the research process • Encourage teachers/LMS to incorporate the 3 Rs into teaching • Help you integrate information literacy skills into your curriculum
  • 58. Libraries & Librarians Vital for research at all levels • Information experts • Access to resources • Ability to connect people & resources • Ability to connect information & technology • On the front lines in the info search
  • 59. MILI will be your guide • To the research process • Finding reliable resources • Identifying new tools • Information literacy • 21st century skills
  • 60. MILI Focus • On the research process • On the resources • On the tools that make it happen
  • 61. The MILI 3 Rs • Research Process • Reliable Resources • Responsible Use
  • 62. Research Improve the ability of students & teachers to conduct effective research by using a process that includes 5 steps • Question • Gather & Evaluate information • Conclude • Communicate information & conclusion • Evaluate process & product
  • 63. Reliable Resources Identify & use available, reliable resources • ―Format agnostic‖--the format of the information is not the point • Evaluate all print, electronic, online, & human resources for authenticity & accuracy • Resource is appropriate in the context of this research
  • 64. Responsible Use Promote the understanding & practice of the responsible use of information & technology • Advise & assist teachers in the creation of plagiarism-proof assignments • Provide resources for teaching responsible use including copyright, Creative Commons, technology use
  • 65. By developing research projects that encourage 21st Century Learning skills & promote Information Literacy Creating assignments that encourage building knowledge, not just repeating information
  • 66. Together, we can • Improve your research project to incorporate the 5 steps • Learn Web 2.0 tools that work in classrooms and school buildings for collaboration, communication, & creation • Share what we know & what we learn www.flic 894194320@N01/83992798
  • 68. Standards & Classroom 2.0 • AASL-Standards for 21st Century Learners • ISTE-National Educational Technology Standards • MEMO-Information & Technology Literacy Standards
  • 69. 1. Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge. 2. Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. 3. Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society. 4. Pursue personal and aesthetic growth. AASL Standards for 21st Century Learners
  • 70. ISTE National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Communication and Collaboration 3. Research and Information Fluency 4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making 5. Digital Citizenship 6. Technology Operations and Concepts
  • 71. MEMO Standards for Information & Technology Literacy 1. The Research Process 2. Technology Use 3. Reading and Media Literacy 4. Responsible Use of Information and Technology
  • 73. Bloom’s Remixed Creating Evaluating Analysis Applying Understanding Remembering
  • 76. They are proficient with the (commercial) tools they know Communication Google • Facebook • Quick answers • Twitter • Maps • Tumblr • Gmail • Text • Docs Entertainment • YouTube •GarageBand • Music Image: 'A Conversation'
  • 77. In-depth use of technology? Not so much • Not efficient or effective searchers • Little evaluation of what they find—don’t know how to evaluate • Application of technology limited to product creation • Not really using technology to solve/answer problems Image: 'Open access overview: Focusing on open access+to+peer-reviewed+research+articles+and+their+preprints'
  • 78. Research Report Truth Be Told: How College Students Evaluate and Use Information in the Digital Age Project Information Literacy: A large-scale study about early adults and their research habits University of Washington Information School
  • 84. MILI will help you Image: ' 2007 ... a good time was had by all' www.flic 645804@N00/2102790208
  • 85. • Emphasize the lifelong learning skills embodied in information literacy to help students be ready for their next step Image: 'Upwards Spiral'
  • 86. • Weave these new tools & concepts into the fabric of what you teach Image: 'basket-weaving'
  • 87. The Gift of Time
  • 88. The Gift of Our Time
  • 89. NUTS & BOLTS Image: 'Stand up stand out'
  • 91. You teach A RESEARCH PROJECT Image: 'chemistry bottles with liquid inside' Image: '2008-01-26 (Editing a paper) - 27' Image: 'What's the worry? Ecosystems are for+kids.' 645102295 3290
  • 92. You are not a beginner computer user YOU KNOW HOW TO USE THE IPAD! Image: 'iPad Education in Use' 89015
  • 93. You are open to using technology & tools IN THE CLASSROOM & IN YOUR PERSONAL LIFE Image: 'iPad & Friends' 486938721
  • 94. iPad YOU DID NOT JOIN MILI FOR THE EQUIPMENT mage: 'A Sad Key on my Continsouza' 2
  • 95. You want to LEARN NEW THINGS Image: 'Teach/Learn'
  • 96. You encourage students to USE LIBRARIES & LIBRARIANS RetroLibrary Poster
  • 97. You have a PUBLIC LIBRARY CARD
  • 100. Arrive on time & stay throughout ATTEND MONTHLY F2F MEETINGS Image: 'Lego old skool desktop wallpaper'
  • 101. Reflection on using new tool New tool discovery Philosophical question Share what you are learning & thinking BLOG, BLOG, BLOG, BLOG
  • 102. Respond to monthly FORUM QUESTIONS Image: 'Not all questions...' 237636853
  • 103. BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR LEARNING Image: 'Game Over' 74@N05/6904976502
  • 104. MAKE SUGGESTIONS—APPS & THEIR USES, LESSONS, TOPICS… Image: 'This box, it suggests?' 84107787
  • 105. Final Presentation & Report ON WHAT YOU LEARNED & HOW IT CHANGED HOW YOU TEACH RESEARCH Image: 'An explosion of assistance'
  • 106. School District • Manage credits for CE, Board Credits, other incentive, etc. • Monitor attendance & compliance for participation using rubric • Make it possible for teachers/LMS to use tools in class
  • 107. Metronet will • Design & conduct orientation + monthly Webinars and F2Fafter school meetings • Work with district on the rubric for credit • Maintain the MILI Ning • Provide support via the Wiki, email, newsletter… • Food! (You provide beverage) www.flic 966598@N00/210586449
  • 108. MILI will help you help students…
  • 109. With the research process 3
  • 110. Find and evaluate information
  • 111. Use online tools to organize & manage information
  • 112. To solve problems using the information Answer their research questions using the information Image: 'student_ipad_school - 092'
  • 114. While using the information& tools responsibly as 21st century learners
  • 115. Contact Ann Walker Smalley, Director, Metronet, St. Paul LeAnn Suchy, Program Coordinator, Metronet, St. Paul
  • 119. As Collaborators
  • 126. Sites and tools that let us • Explore • Customize • Collaborate • Create • Share • Communicate in a whole new ^way!
  • 127. MILI will reduce the noise 72157613331811096/
  • 128. • Emphasize the lifelong • Tools help optimize learning skills embodied learning by making in information literacy to learning anywhere help students be ready possible for their next step • Tools optimize productivity for teachers & students & families.
  • 129. Repetition • Research • Reliable Resources • Responsible Use

Editor's Notes

  1. We provide this expertise and training free to MPS and other districts who collaborate with us. The district provides the incentives/credit….
  2. In MILI we focus on the first three of these
  3. There are few situations or jobs that do not require information and the ability to apply it.Translitercy is a term that has come into vogue lately—encompasses all types of
  4. Let’s set the stage
  5. Old web to new web---more dynamic, more interactive, very wide and very deep (long tail),
  6. What changes have we seen in school—and how quickly and well integrated?What was our technology—pencils? Fountain pens? Carbon paper? Mimeograph machines? Slide rules?Classroom was the world—what happened in the classroom stayed in the classroom (unless the teacher called your mom about discipline)Often the first “out of family” experience for kids
  7. You can play on the computer when your work is done--Oregon Trail!Technology as an end in itselfFocus on programs—Word, PPT, ExcelPhotocopiers
  8. Easier to question authority and support questions with informationOnline content online delivery online creation online sharingiMovie, GarageBand—sophisticated creativity tools in almost everyone’s handsPost your creations on the Internet—a global authentic audience willing and able to tell you what they thinkParents are well-connected, too
  9. AuthenticaudienceLearning everywhere
  10. Typewriters in the 30sTelephones!Readers Guide since about 1901Gentile, refined places—although not really because Carnegie libraries were founded for the “working class”
  11. Librarians teaching Dewey and using card catalog—subject headingsResources in school or college or public libraryEarly adopters of technology for things like ILL and cataloging and organizing & retrieving information
  12. Same characteristics as classroom 2.0 access and learning everywhereCollaboration and cooperation in information creation and information deliveryLibrarians are needed now more than ever to help users navigate the vastness of information availableGoogle replaced ready reference—when, who, where—but librarians needed to guide users to the whys and hows of finding and using information 7 letter word for umbrella=parasol. Who was in 1932 world series=Yankees & Cubs
  13. Still learning the power of personal devices in schools and librariesByod programs—iPads, iPods, iPhones, smartphones, tablets really allow learning everywhereWe need to direct that learningBut we know the power ofiPads in creating personal learning environments that allow teachers, students, families to create a personalized curriculum/experience for every child Heavy use in special ed for communication, learning…
  14. Flipped classrooms expand our reach—more time to deliver content, more time to differentiate lessons and learning, more time for hands-onMILI using the flipped model for 5 or so years—webinar, f2f, hands on, support via chat/email and other methods.
  15. Content is very broad—phone videos, blogs, yelp reviews along with the more formal traditional types of content creation
  16. And therefore—limit their lifelong ability to question, evaluate, and use information in any form
  17. Email, Google Drive (docs), Facebook, Twitter, SmartphonesConnected 24/7It is not “bad”—learn to use the tools to enhance your life
  18. Yelp, Zagat other review sitesFlickr, Picasa, photo sitesBlogger, WordpressE-democracySupplying the framework for users to input the content—they are not creating the content
  19. iPads—eg larger presonal devicesBYOD model—often phonesCloud spaces for collaboration—Google Drive (aka Docs), Moodle, otherMany games develop the skills we want to teach—problem-solving, collaboration, economics, creativity, higher order thinking skillsPersonal learning environmentsways to support self-directed and group- based learning, designed around each user’s goals, with great capacity for flexibility and customization. PLEs are conceived as drawing on a variety of discrete tools, often chosen by the learner, which can be connected or used in concert in a transparent way. Using a growing set of free and simple tools and applications, such as a collection of apps on a table
  20. No longer can we be expected to remain unchallenged in what we say—we can be contradicted and corrected easily Gaming culture, parenting styles, level of independenceUse pf Facebook and other social tools not translating into using Web 2.0 tools in research and productivity—there is still the mindset that computers are for “play”—they need to be taught how to use the tools for organizing their research and displaying their conclusions and products
  21. In the 4 or so years before they get to you
  22. And what do parents expect? Traditional teaching? Hybrid? Tech-based?
  23. We can debate whether or not this is “good” but that doesn’t change reality—they want to be digital learnersHow do we teach what students need to know in this new interactive environment.Do they need to memorize facts when they can just do a quick Google search? Or do they need to know what those facts mean in context of history, geography, math…
  24. Wi-fi enabled devices—iPads, phones, netbooks—and ubiquitous free wifi at public and academic libraries not to mention at public libraries and commercial spaces McDonalds, Starbucks, Panera and the various Minneapolis hot spots=learning everywhere in almost any space
  25. Some estimates say that by 2014 more than 22 million post-secondary students will take courses online—double the number today. Only about ¼ of total students will take all classes F2FIn Minnesota, by 2014 all teachers must be prepared to teach online courses, hybrid courses…
  26. Yes if
  27. Standards that address 21st century skills and information literacy. Summaries of the standards are handouts
  28. Even though they are starting at a young age using technology—most 3 yr olds are not writing longform blog posts. A lot of that activity is monkey see, monkey do. If you sat around gazing at a Speak n Spell or that animal sounds toy, they would want to do that, too. Still parents are using these tools to engage & entertain their children. But tha play doesn’t translate into being an expert in anything beyond the mechanics of swiping or pinching…But we do know that older students do use technology—a lot
  29. We know a lot about how students seek information from various research studies. Recent study of Illinois college students showed that 75% of students could not perform a “well-executed” Google search.College Libraries and Student Culture: What We Now Know5 colleges
  30. A lot of info here on how college students do research for class and for every day life. Does show that students struggle with research in college—you can help prepare themPulling out two tables related to MILI content
  31. eight in 10 of the 8,353 respondents reported having overwhelming difficulty even starting research assignments and determining the nature and scope of what was expected of them.Nearly half of the students in our survey sample experienced nagging uncertainty about how to conclude and assess the quality of their research efforts. They struggled with the same frustrating open-endedness whether they were researching something for a college course or in their personal lives.
  32. The data counter the argument that most college students aredigital natives and that the majority of them are comfortable with technology to the point ofembracing participatory engaging learning environments.The finding suggests even though students may be heavy users of social networking sites, suchas Facebook, Web 2.0 applications for course research have not yet found their way intostudentsʼ research repertoire—yet. Recent research suggests that this trend is very likely tochange within the next few years as students demand for digital course work and time-shiftedinstruction inevitably increase.3030
  33. All the standards, all the skills, all the pieces are focused on the students—defining and teaching the skills they need to succeed now and the future.
  34. There is a lot of noise, a lot to learn, A lot of noise and a lot of competition
  35. To learn, to share, to try, to play—so you can really understand the concepts and toolsIt is a commit, but one we know pays off
  36. To make MILI most effective for the most people
  37. The class is based on these expectations and assumptions
  38. A project where the student answers a question that emphasizes higher order thinking and they they answer with research using resources from reliable sources and document/present their results/answer. What would happen if… What are the causes of…. What is the best pet for my family…What changes….THIS IS CRITICAL—WE FOCUS ON THE RESEARCH PROCESS. THE TOOLS & CONCEPTS—AND THE ORDER OF THIS COURSE—FOLLOW A PLAN THAT STARTS WITH RESEARCH.
  39. Download and remove apps, home button, put in folders, find apps that matter, copy & paste, watch flash, use a browser….
  40. We are not here to convince you to use the tools. You are here because you want more information & experience around the concepts & tools.
  41. Great to have a new tool, but we aren’t about the tool itself—we want to help you use it wisely and productively for yourself and your classroom. The concepts in the research process are valid without the iPad or any computer. Many tools work on iPads and other computers.
  42. As they conduct their research. Librarians are your friends--And you collaborate with the school librarian/media specialist in teaching research skills, identifying resources, teaching responsible use.
  43. Which opens a world of information and resources. Encourage students get a card.
  44. If you watch the archived webinar, do it before the in-person meeting.
  45. On the Ning (teachers lounge) Through your blog posts, two longform blog posts that demonstrate original thinking, application of concepts, real life experience with tools, or other in-depth reflection on MILI, teaching, best practices, technology. This is how your progress is tracked.
  46. Each month a different question to spark conversation around a topic.
  47. Help identify tools for the purpose—sort out the old tools, those that don’t work, keep up with the changes