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What is Social Media?
    And does it matter?
About Me
Director, Metronet
• Librarian
• Project Manager for 23
   Things On a Stick/More
   Things On a Stick

Prior to Metronet
• Consultant to libraries on
   special projects
• Worked with various MN non-
Why Me
The social me

                                   Minn23 on Delicious

                                  Nings (Social Networks)

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SPPS MILI Intro--2014-15
SPPS MILI Intro--2014-15SPPS MILI Intro--2014-15
SPPS MILI Intro--2014-15

This document provides an introduction to Metronet's Information Literacy Initiative for the 2014-2015 school year in Saint Paul Public Schools. It discusses the changing nature of research, classrooms, and libraries due to advances in technology and the internet. While students are accustomed to new technologies, they still need guidance to effectively find, evaluate, and use information, as well as to understand related ethical and legal issues. The initiative aims to teach these important information literacy skills.

MPS MILI 2014-15
MPS MILI 2014-15MPS MILI 2014-15
MPS MILI 2014-15

The document introduces the Metronet Information Literacy Initiative (MILI), which aims to influence how teachers teach the research process and encourage collaboration between teachers and librarians. MILI will focus on the three Rs: research process, reliable resources, and responsible use of information. It will provide guidance on conducting effective research using a defined process, identifying reliable resources in various formats, and promoting the responsible use of information and technology. The goal is to improve student and teacher research skills and incorporate information literacy into curriculums through collaborative projects.

Mili intro 2010 mps
Mili intro 2010 mpsMili intro 2010 mps
Mili intro 2010 mps

This document provides an introduction to the Metronet Information Literacy Initiative (MILI), which aims to improve information literacy skills among students and teachers. MILI focuses on developing skills in research, identifying reliable resources, and responsible use of information. It emphasizes using a process approach to research and incorporating 21st century skills. MILI will provide professional development for teachers and librarians to help students develop these skills and prepare for further education and careers. Key aspects of MILI include improving research abilities, evaluating various resource formats, understanding issues like plagiarism, and encouraging critical thinking and collaboration.


In the beginning of the Web

•   Static Web sites
•   Source of information/simple answers
•   Limited media--photos & illustrations
•   One-way communication
•   Needed design & coding skills
•   Access to a server

                                     Image: 'Macintosh SE'
In Web 2.0
•   Social & Interactive
•   User-generated content
•   Encourages & facilitates communication
•   Collaborative
•   Tools for productivity & online “cloud” of apps
•   Tools for creation & communication
•   Hosted services
The new social Web 2.0 tools to make it
    •   Communicate
    •   Create
    •   Collaborate
    •   Connect

Image: 'motion gears -team force'

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Ver 2 Bloomington mili intro 2011
Ver 2 Bloomington mili intro 2011Ver 2 Bloomington mili intro 2011
Ver 2 Bloomington mili intro 2011

The document introduces Metronet's Information Literacy Initiative, which aims to teach skills for finding, evaluating, and using information effectively. Metronet is a library system serving Minnesota that is committed to information literacy. The initiative focuses on activities like History Day and 21st century skills. It discusses how information literacy, research, classrooms, and libraries have evolved from print-based to incorporating more digital tools and user-generated content for collaboration. The goals are to improve productivity, manage information, and expand reach through communication and creation.

Senior techies mla
Senior techies mlaSenior techies mla
Senior techies mla

The Senior Techies program provided technology education classes to older adults across 14 Minnesota libraries. Over 1,000 people attended the 243 classes on topics like basic computer skills, email, digital photography, and internet searching. The classes aimed to boost confidence with technology for participants ages 47-95. Funding from state and national library agencies supported the equipment, staffing, and collaboration needed for the successful multi-library program, which participants found helpful for continuing to use technology and which they hope to see expanded in the future.

Hd@your library aasl
Hd@your library aaslHd@your library aasl
Hd@your library aasl

This document describes a collaboration between Metronet, MELSA, and Minnesota History Day to hold an event called "History Day @ your library" that aims to: 1) Introduce teachers, librarians, and students participating in History Day to library resources in the Twin Cities area. 2) Help teachers teach research skills and help librarians understand History Day. 3) The all-day event includes keynote speakers and breakout sessions on researching, finding reliable sources, and responsible use of information. The goal is to improve connections between libraries and History Day students.

What Is Social Media?
Social media is people
  using tools (blogs video)
  and sites (facebook
  twitter) to create and
  share content. It is the
  new way to connect and
  converse online.
Why It Matters
• Changing how people communicate, create, & interact
• Word-of-mouth via these tools is powerful
• It’s affordable

• Everybody’s doing it…and not just who you think
78% of people are reading
                                     blogs, an increase from 66%
                                     in the previous study

  48% of the people surveyed
  listen to podcasts

Image: 'Gathered for the IHR
Headphone Roundup'
                                       Image: 'Morning in the Spengler household'
83% of people are
           watching online

                                                     57% of internet users
                                                     are members of social
                                                Image: 'My social network'
mage: 'online video ecology; in a grid'
                                                Data Source: Universal McCann- Power To The People - Wave3. March 2008

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Ecrl blueprint workshop
Ecrl blueprint workshopEcrl blueprint workshop
Ecrl blueprint workshop

This document provides guidance on building a strong Friends group to support the local library. It begins with an overview of the different roles Friends can play, including advocacy, fundraising, public relations, recruiting volunteers, and planning events and special projects. It then gives 10 "commandments" for a successful Friends group, such as having support from the library director and staff, clear roles for all partners, and regular evaluation and evolution. The second part focuses on finding new Friends members and provides tips on developing a recruitment plan, targeting different demographic groups, using various marketing strategies including social media, and following up with potential members. It also shares examples from other libraries of innovative ways to engage younger adults. The overall message is that Friends groups need to

Social Software In Academic Libraries
Social Software In Academic LibrariesSocial Software In Academic Libraries
Social Software In Academic Libraries

This document discusses how academic libraries are using various social software tools. It describes social tools like wikis, social bookmarking, media sharing, social networking, blogs, instant messaging, and microblogging. For each tool, it provides examples of how libraries use them, such as using wikis for intranets, training, and subject guides. It also discusses the growth of social media and how mainstream adoption of these tools has increased.

Putting technology on trial - SLAV conference
Putting technology on trial - SLAV conferencePutting technology on trial - SLAV conference
Putting technology on trial - SLAV conference

Technology offers incredible opportunities to transform the way the library sector skills itself and the learning for the community. Technology often defines our comfort with change and our ability to adapt. This session will explore the ways in technology has shifted the balance of the expert, but not the role of wisdom. To foster new opportunities for engagement and communication, libraries must grapple with a legacy and empower people to find where innovation and risk meet.

Social Media for Bremer Bank
It is Expected…
All organizations are expected to be part
  of the online community.

Build your online presence & identity as
 a credible expert person/organization.

                         Image: 'Blue Mountain Center (September 2007)'
Social Media for Bremer Bank
Some of the Tools
   Today’s Tools                                Other Tools
   • Blogging                                   •   Podcasts
   • Microblogging                              •   TodaysMeet
                                                •   Social Bookmarking
   • Social networks
                                                •   Event/calendar sites
   • Video sharing                              •   Screencasting
   • Photo/Video sharing                        •   & thousands more
   • Wikis                                      •

Image: 'Pablo's cubism period began at three'

Recommended for you

Putting Yourself Out There: Online Social Networking for Librarians
Putting Yourself Out There: Online Social Networking for LibrariansPutting Yourself Out There: Online Social Networking for Librarians
Putting Yourself Out There: Online Social Networking for Librarians

This document discusses ways for librarians to establish an online presence through social networking. It encourages librarians to blog about library-related topics, engage with others on Twitter and Facebook, participate in online discussions, write articles, speak at online conferences, and develop resources for other librarians. Some specific social media that are mentioned include blogging platforms, Twitter, Facebook, library email lists, online journals, and virtual library organization committees. The document provides tips for an effective online presence, such as sharing interesting information, engaging in conversations, having an authentic personality, and doing things to help other librarians rather than just to gain personal attention.

networkingweb 20social software
Facebook in the Classroom
Facebook in the ClassroomFacebook in the Classroom
Facebook in the Classroom

This document discusses using Facebook in the classroom to engage students. It notes that Facebook has over 955 million active users and is a popular social networking platform. The document outlines reasons to use Facebook such as keeping up with technology, engaging students, promoting collaboration, and allowing for classroom assessment. It provides examples of how teachers can share materials, get instant feedback from students, and invite student content on Facebook. The document also discusses concerns about using Facebook and notes the importance of administration, privacy settings, and maintaining professionalism. It provides resources for additional information on using Facebook in the classroom.

siastclassroom engagementfacebook
PLNs: Asking the right questions (eLearning network)
PLNs: Asking the right questions (eLearning network) PLNs: Asking the right questions (eLearning network)
PLNs: Asking the right questions (eLearning network)

Personal Learning Networks have proliferated across the web, and no more so than in the field of education. Everyone has different reasons and strategies for getting involved or starting a PLN, so what might those be? Using stories from the Library's PLN programs combined with group discussion about what PLNs are and what they do, this presentation will shed light on how becoming a networked educator can be a liberating learning experience.

state library of victoriaceosocial networks
      • Regularly updated Web sites that usually contain links
        and comments
      • Accepted as a source of news, information, & other
      • Allow interaction through comments
      • Sort of the new Web newsletter--but anyone & everyone
        can have one
      • Most recent posts first
      • More than 1,000,000 posts to blogs each day

Image: 'We â™ blog'
Ways to Use Blogs
•   Update frequently with
    hyperlinks to deeper info and
•   Provide news & information to

•   Involve staff and take
    advantage of their info &
•   Recruit & involve volunteers
•   Document volunteer
•   Keep constituents informed
•   As a place for constituents to
    comment and contribute
•   Report back from an event
•   Testimonials from clients,
    volunteers, donors…
Doing It Right

                                                 •   Establish an identity
                                                 •   Update frequently
                                                 •   Friendly tone
                                                 •   Authentic
                                                 •   Informative
                                                 •   Encourage comments
                                                 •   Be responsive to
Image: 'Right Button'
Popular Blogging Tools

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The playful library cocktail. CAVAL
The playful library cocktail. CAVALThe playful library cocktail. CAVAL
The playful library cocktail. CAVAL

An exploration of strategies that use both passive and proactive measures to encourage playfulness, and ways different onsite and online systems can combine. More awareness of thinking skills and critical literacy in libraries, and of course the kinds of activities and offerings in libraries, especially around games, collaborative play, and linking with other communities.

playstate library of victoriagames
Putting technology on trial
Putting technology on trialPutting technology on trial
Putting technology on trial

The document discusses how technology is changing the role of libraries and cultural institutions. It notes that technology has increased the speed, spread and storage of information, and allows for new patterns of interaction. However, it emphasizes that the focus should remain on serving individuals and communities. New technologies can help libraries provide innovative experiences for learning and literacy while embracing their role as hubs of information, creation and experimentation.

information technologygamesimage galleries
Knowing Me, Knowing You: Social media for professional learning
Knowing Me, Knowing You: Social media for professional learningKnowing Me, Knowing You: Social media for professional learning
Knowing Me, Knowing You: Social media for professional learning

This document discusses how social media can be used by school librarians to find ideas for library displays, follow the latest library research, find resources to support collections, stay up to date with library events, and access book reviews and tutorials. It recommends using Instagram with hashtags like #schoollibrary and #libraryshelfie, and Pinterest boards tagged with #schoollibrary to find display ideas. Twitter, blogs, and organization websites are suggested to follow leaders in the library field and learn about current research. Hashtags can also be used on Twitter to follow topics like conferences. Tools like Feedly, Pocket, and Scoop.It are presented as ways to collect and curate information from various online sources.

librariansocial networkingschool libraries

• IM/Micro-blogging tool that asks one simple
  question - What are you doing right now?
• Posts are 140 characters
• You follow your friends
• Read/Tweet on IM, mobile text, or the Web
Ways to Use Twitter
          •   Stay connected at conference to find
              better sessions
          •   Follow others at conferences with #
          •   Industry gossip
          •   Pointers to resources, blog posts
          •   Drive traffic web page/blog or
          •   Ask a question, get an answer
          •   Get referrals for products, locations,
              movies, whatever
          •   Ad hoc collaborations
          •   Sending reports in an emergency
          •   Getting/sending news
What to Tweet
       • Announce a new blog entry
       • Random facts about
         organization or cause
       • Research releases
       • Event reminders
       • Breaking news
       • Reply to others’ Tweets
       • Re-tweet interesting tweets
Good Tweets

                                                • Informative
                                                • Useful news
                                                • Entertaining
                                                • Make sense in 140
                                                • Ask
                                                • Answer
                                                • Share

Image: 'Tweet and Toot Cover'

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Library time bomb - CPX
Library time bomb - CPXLibrary time bomb - CPX
Library time bomb - CPX

Information has exploded. As a result libraries globally are facing huge challenges around staffing, funding, relevance, and technology. Some are struggling, some are thriving. The State Library of Victoria (SLV) is doing its best to stay current and engaging, fostering new connections and opportunities to grow audiences and learning potential. Collaboration and partnerships are integral to building new learning streams, and coupled with the use of technology, this Library is set to explode into new methods of engagement with the community. By applying some design-thinking processes in re-imagining the way information, knowledge, and communities intersect through libraries. Stepping through activities which frame current library assumptions against future library expectations (and possibilities), we’ll then pit these against the programs and tools already created in onsite and online environments.

state library of victoriainformation technologylibraries
Social Media for Participant-Centered Learning
Social Media for Participant-Centered LearningSocial Media for Participant-Centered Learning
Social Media for Participant-Centered Learning

Used as part of a presentation for NEOASTD called "Avatars, Social Networking & Virtual Worlds for Participant-Centered Learning."

The Best of CES 2014
The Best of CES 2014The Best of CES 2014
The Best of CES 2014
Social Networks
      Online Communities of people who share interests
       and/or activities, or who are interested in
       exploring the interests and activities of others.

      People may visit a lot of sites, but for many, their
       social network is their online life.

         From Wikipedia

Image: 'Communication'
Popular Social Network Sites
• Features like Facebook/MySpace with your pet as the focus
• Games, prizes, sharing….

• Focus around one interest or topic
• Can be open or invite only
• Users have same options--posting, email, blogs, updates, etc.--
  as in other networks

Recommended for you

Universidad nacional de san agustín y su historia de vergüenza
Universidad nacional de san agustín y su historia de vergüenzaUniversidad nacional de san agustín y su historia de vergüenza
Universidad nacional de san agustín y su historia de vergüenza

Esta institución, ha avalado conductas prepotentes y autoritarias; ha avalado y hasta homenajeado, a autoridades del claustro que han ejercido un trato discriminatorio en agravio de profesores, autoridades que han segregado de la carrera docente a algunos profesores, simplemente por apetitos personales, y violando toda norma moral.

walter garaycocheahistoriauniversidad de san agustín
53rd Maritime Day - An Introspection
53rd Maritime Day - An Introspection53rd Maritime Day - An Introspection
53rd Maritime Day - An Introspection

A presentation on the 53rd Maritime Day (05th April 2016). Presented at CMMI Chandigarh chapter's Maritime Day celebration held at Panchkula.

indiass loyaltyscindia
Cuestionario de comercio
Cuestionario de comercioCuestionario de comercio
Cuestionario de comercio


cuestionario de comercio electrÓnico
Ways to Use Social Networks
      • Establish a simple Web presence
      • Promote specific actions or petitions
      • Consolidate existing, unofficial social networks related
        to your organization
      • Connect supporters already using social networks
      • Encourage & respond to feedback quickly
      • Informal outreach & communication

Image: 'my friendwheel'
Image Sharing
               Video & Photos
• Sites that allow users to upload and organize
  photos or videos
• Users can share their photos and videos with
  only people they choose or with the world
• Viewers can comment on photos/videos
• Users have (some) control over how photos and
  videos are used
                              Image: 'Scrapbook page, 1986'
The Big Two
Other Photo/Video Sites

                          Even more
                          • Shutterfly
                          • Snapfish
                          • Kodak Gallery
                          • SmugMug

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Content Modelling: What, why and how
Content Modelling: What, why and howContent Modelling: What, why and how
Content Modelling: What, why and how

Content modeling involves determining the structure of content in a content management system (CMS). This includes defining content types and their component fields. Content types correspond to types of content, like blog posts or events. Fields represent the individual chunks that make up each content type, such as title, body text, images. Defining a content model up front allows content to be stored and presented in a structured way, enabling many potential uses like calendars or feeds. It requires balancing current and future needs as well as different stakeholders. Content models can range from simple to complex and should be tested and revised as needed.

content strategystructured contentcontent modelling
Estrategias de la publicidad y la mercadotecnia.
Estrategias de la publicidad y la mercadotecnia.Estrategias de la publicidad y la mercadotecnia.
Estrategias de la publicidad y la mercadotecnia.

Esta es una pequeña presentación que habla acerca del impacto causado del "marketing" en los jóvenes, sus estrategias, formas de evitarlo, temas que aborda, entre otros aspectos desarrollados por el equipo.

Originales gatos- By Oxana Zaika
Originales gatos- By Oxana ZaikaOriginales gatos- By Oxana Zaika
Originales gatos- By Oxana Zaika
Ways to Use Photo/Video Sharing
• Share organization/staff
• Create slide shows to embed
• Share conference keynotes
• Host photos for use in
  newsletters and other
• Find others’ photos for your
  use (Creative Commons)
A wiki is a collection of Web pages designed to
  enable anyone with access to contribute or
  modify content.

Wikis are often used to create collaborative Web
 sites and to power community websites.

 From Wikipedia

                              Image: 'Where to Find a Good Wiki'
Characteristics of a Wiki
• Collaborative--members can upload, edit,
• Multimedia--embed photos, videos, slide shows,
• Multiple pages with navigation features
• Public or private
• No HTML knowledge required (usually)
                             Image: 'Wiki'
Ways to Use Wikis
         • Collaboration--proposals,
           curriculum, documents…
         • Project management
           —conference, event,
         • Web page
         • Deliver content for CE or
           other event
         • Knowledge base for staff,
           practioners, others
         • Intranet for staff—policies,
           procedures, schedules…

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Daily Newsletter: 13th December, 2010
Daily Newsletter: 13th December, 2010Daily Newsletter: 13th December, 2010
Daily Newsletter: 13th December, 2010

Catch the latest Equity research reports from Fullerton Securities at

investmentsstock updatesequities
Articles 1. english
Articles 1. englishArticles 1. english
Articles 1. english

The document provides biographical information about the author Harun Yahya and an overview of his works. It states that Harun Yahya writes under a pen name and was born in Ankara in 1956, studying arts and philosophy at university. It notes that since the 1980s he has published many books on political, scientific, and faith-related issues that have helped people strengthen or better understand their faith. The document emphasizes that Harun Yahya's books aim to encourage thoughtful consideration of faith and refute anti-religious ideologies using evidence-based arguments.

MRC Stratified Medicine TranSMARTs
MRC Stratified Medicine TranSMARTsMRC Stratified Medicine TranSMARTs
MRC Stratified Medicine TranSMARTs

This document discusses MRC Stratified Medicine's use of TranSMART platforms to integrate and analyze data from various rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis studies. It summarizes TranSMART's capabilities for data standardization, sharing compliant clinical data from studies like PSORT, MATURA, and RA-MAP. The document also outlines two potential models for secure data analysis and sharing - a "controlled data hub" allowing external analysis and an "analysis safe haven" conducting all analysis on a secure server. It acknowledges contributions from various organizations and looks ahead to evolving the infrastructure to provide more flexible computing resources and analysis capabilities.

Wiki Tools
Image: 'Puzzle'
Similarities of the Social Tools
•   Promote communication
•   Interactive
•   Collaborative
•   User-generated content
•   Can embed results in other
    tools--blog, Web sites…
•   Easy to learn
•   Easy to use
•   Ever-evolving
•   Free for at least basic

                                 Image: 'Puzzle'
Rules of Social Media
    • You can’t control the conversation; be willing to
      give up control
    • Listen to your constituents
    • Get involved--build relationships
    • Ask questions to encourage engagement
    • Be honest & be authentic; no made up names or
    • Think long term--it’s a commitment
Image: 'Puzzle'

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BoldPM Insights Summary: Why Smart, Connected Devices Are Transforming Busine...
BoldPM Insights Summary: Why Smart, Connected Devices Are Transforming Busine...BoldPM Insights Summary: Why Smart, Connected Devices Are Transforming Busine...
BoldPM Insights Summary: Why Smart, Connected Devices Are Transforming Busine...

Thanks everyone who attended this webcast. Special thanks to Launch Podcast, Launch Workplaces and the 280 Group for their support. We hope you enjoyed it. You can view or listen to the discussion on demand using the links provided. BoldPM Insights: "Why Smart, Connected Devices Are Transforming Businesses" Thu, May 5, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. EDT Slideshare: If you like this webcast content, be sure to like it and share it with others. We hope you can use this information to implement changes within your organization. Interested in actionable business intelligence? Sign up for upcoming BoldPM Insights webcasts here: Description Smart, connected devices are completely changing the game. The evolution of products into intelligent, connected devices, which are increasingly embedded in broader systems, is radically reshaping companies and competition. This is forcing companies to redefine their industries and rethink nearly everything they do, beginning with their strategies. Companies will need new types of relationships with customers. They will need new product capabilities, infrastructure, and processes; entirely new structures, functions, and new forms of cross-functional collaboration. In this webinar, Hector Del Castillo discusses how smart, connected products are impacting business strategies and transforming the entire value chain.

iotbusiness intelligencebusiness strategy
Agile Financial Times May09 Edition
Agile Financial Times May09 EditionAgile Financial Times May09 Edition
Agile Financial Times May09 Edition

The document provides an outlook on investment management in the Middle East and Africa regions. It discusses how both regions saw significant wealth creation and growth in assets under management in 2007. However, the global financial crisis severely impacted emerging economies that depended on foreign investments and exports from developed countries. Stock markets and local exchanges in the Middle East and Africa declined substantially in 2008 as commodity prices fell. However, the document cites a report forecasting a speedy recovery for the Middle East in 2010 as oil demand and prices are expected to rise again.

5 самых вкусных способов заработка в Youtube - Заработок в сети без вложений
5 самых вкусных способов заработка в Youtube - Заработок в сети без вложений 5 самых вкусных способов заработка в Youtube - Заработок в сети без вложений
5 самых вкусных способов заработка в Youtube - Заработок в сети без вложений

Вы сможете не только работать, но и консультировать в этой теме, а так же получите лидерство в своей нише. Освоение методики быстрой раскрутки, для тех, кому результаты нужны еще вчера. Владение инструментами автоматизации, которые минимизируют личное участие и ежедневную рутину. Умение использовать продвинутые техники видеовирусы, платный посев видео, изучить в теории запрещенные методы продвижения.

онлайн работатрафикработа в интернете
Social Media is Not for You if…
•   You think it’s a waste of time
•   The Internet in general is a mystery
•   You don’t already have a dynamic Web presence
•   You don’t know why you would use it
•   You don’t have a lot to say about your organization
•   You expect immediate results
•   You can’t commit the time & energy it will take
•   You don’t like change
Getting Started in Social Media
The Key
  You can't understand the social media tools and
    sites like Twitter, Facebook, and blogging just by
    reading articles or reports about them….

Image: 'Login'
You need to Participate
    •     Read blogs
    •     Create a blog
    •     Join Twitter to follow people & tweet
    •     Join a social network & participate
    •     Explore photo & video sites
    •     Upload your photos
    •     Make stuff w/photos
    •     Explore & edit a wiki
Image: 'weekend07_04.jpg'

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El documento menciona varios lugares y monumentos importantes de la ciudad de Logroño, como la Torre Blanca, la Fuente de los Ilustres, la Gran Vía, la Fuente de Trevi, la Catedral de la Redonda, la Iglesia de San Bartolomé, la Fuente del Peregrino, la Puerta del Nueve Centenario, la Puerta del Ebro, la Puerta Sur, el Monumento a Espartero, el Parque de Gallarza, la Calle Ruavieja donde antes estaba el Liceo, el Mercado Medieval, el Mercado



Marketing Digital e Redes Sociais
Marketing Digital e Redes SociaisMarketing Digital e Redes Sociais
Marketing Digital e Redes Sociais

Palestra de Marketing Digital e Redes Sociais da Konfide

marketing digitalredes sociais
Start with a Personal Interest
    • Read & comment on blogs that cover
      your hobby
    • Browse photo sites as you plan your
    • Watch YouTube and read the
    • Set-up a wiki to play

Image: 'looking up'
Do 23 Things On a Stick

   Easy way to play & learn.
Ready for next jump--
      organizational research & planning

Image: 'Faded Hop scotch set at my old elementary school'
Organizations don’t have to participate in
  every social media platform

Image: '234 social media marketing examples'

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Everyday advocacy with web 2.0 tools: Region XI keynote
Everyday advocacy with web 2.0 tools: Region XI keynoteEveryday advocacy with web 2.0 tools: Region XI keynote
Everyday advocacy with web 2.0 tools: Region XI keynote

This document discusses various everyday advocacy and web 2.0 tools that libraries can use to promote their services and value. It outlines how to use social media platforms like blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube to share information and stories. It also provides tips on gathering data and feedback from stakeholders to understand what they value. The resources emphasize creating a consistent online presence and branding across all digital channels to effectively advocate for the library.

library20library advocacyregionxi
Building community with social media for #MBimm SPOs
Building community with social media for #MBimm SPOsBuilding community with social media for #MBimm SPOs
Building community with social media for #MBimm SPOs

In the ever-changing settlement landscape, there is a pressing need to innovate and find creative solutions for our participants. There is a body of research that suggests innovation comes from increasing network connections. Individual, organizational and societal success emerges from diversity in our networks and relations beyond our organizational, geographical, and sector boundaries. Integration Summits, conferences, member meeting are held across the country but are often too few and far between. Connecting through social media facilitates connection with colleagues during those in-between times (and adds a little fun to it as well). In this workshop, MEALO and MIRSSA are combining efforts to offer language and settlement professionals increased opportunity to connect via Web 2.0 tools, using a practical and hands-on approach. The Building Community with Social Media workshop is framed for the connection of leaders in language and settlement organizations. The workshop will outline positive effects of expanding networks. Participants will be introduced to several types of Web 2.0 tools used to connect with language and settlement professionals: social bookmarking, (micro) blogging, and social/professional/learning networks. The workshop will end with considerations of individual vs organizational online presence.

Blogs and Wikis
Blogs and WikisBlogs and Wikis
Blogs and Wikis

This document discusses the use of blogs and wikis in education. It explains that Web 2.0 encourages collaboration and active participation from users. Blogs allow users to post content in reverse chronological order and readers can comment. Wikis enable collaborative content creation where many users can edit pages simultaneously. The document provides examples of how teachers can use blogs and wikis to create online learning communities, give students a voice, and encourage sharing of ideas.

Pick 1 or 2
• Do your research
• Understand the
  tool’s strengths
• Understand its limits
• Set up accounts to
Start by Listening
• Search for keywords on Twitter, subscribe to
  search results with RSS, follow people
Find People to Follow
Search keywords to find
• Nonprofits
• Minnesota
• Hunger
• Banker
Start following
Start tweeting
Facebook Research
• Are there others like you
  on Facebook?
• What are they doing?
  Groups, Pages, Causes?
• Do they have many
• What are the

                              Image: 'Facebook HQ'

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Social Media for Historic Sites: Real Places Telling Real Stories
Social Media for Historic Sites: Real Places Telling Real StoriesSocial Media for Historic Sites: Real Places Telling Real Stories
Social Media for Historic Sites: Real Places Telling Real Stories

The document discusses using social media for historic sites to tell real stories. It covers reviewing common social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, best practices for using them, types of content to share, and ways to engage audiences. The presentation encourages site managers to go behind the scenes, tell stories, have fun, and try new platforms, while avoiding experimenting with logos or telling instead of showing. It emphasizes knowing the target audience and starting social media use slowly.

historic sitessocial media
Social Media Marketing Tools and Strategies for Master Gardener coordinators
Social Media Marketing Tools and Strategies for Master Gardener coordinatorsSocial Media Marketing Tools and Strategies for Master Gardener coordinators
Social Media Marketing Tools and Strategies for Master Gardener coordinators

Social media provides a unique platform for Extension professionals to share information about programs, including the Florida Master Gardener Program. Presented at the 2010 continuing education meeting for Master Gardener coordinators.

flickrmaster gardenerfacebook
Working and collaborating in an online world
Working and collaborating in an online worldWorking and collaborating in an online world
Working and collaborating in an online world

Presentation in Hobart by Frankie Forsyth. Please note that some of the photos are copyrighted and others may be used if credit is given.

Once you are comfortable with the
      tools & communities

   You are ready to use them or advise
         others how to use them

                          Image: 'looking up'
Resources to Make It Happen

                                             • Willingness to try something new
                                             • Administration support
                                             • People who can write & engage
                                             • Time to plan, write, evaluate,
                                             • Commitment to keep it going
                                             • And the biggest resource…

Image: 'bright paperclips'
Time, time & more time
     •      5 hours/week to start listening
     •      10 hours/week to participate
     •      10-15 hours/week to generate buzz
     •      20+ hours/week to build community
     •      May take anywhere from 3-6 months to see
     Source Beth Kanter

Image: 'Curioso elemento el tiempo'
Make a Plan
                                                • What is your goal--what
                                                  do you want to happen &
                                                • Who is involved
                                                • Is everyone on board
                                                • Is someone in charge
                                                • Policies on who & what

Image: 'I have a plan. (186/365)'

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How Social Media Can Support Your Volunteer Efforts
How Social Media Can Support Your Volunteer EffortsHow Social Media Can Support Your Volunteer Efforts
How Social Media Can Support Your Volunteer Efforts

The document provides guidance on using social media to support volunteer efforts. It recommends being strategic by setting specific goals, defining your message, understanding your capacity and best platforms, and identifying your audience and where they are located. It also stresses the importance of building community through outreach, engagement, sharing stories and content, using hashtags and events, and following up after events. While tools can help, the key is building trust and genuine interest in others. The document provides examples of nonprofits successfully using social media and resources for additional information.

novlvolunteerwahine media
Getting Online - Social Media 101 for Giving Circles
Getting Online - Social Media 101 for Giving CirclesGetting Online - Social Media 101 for Giving Circles
Getting Online - Social Media 101 for Giving Circles

This document provides an overview of using social media for giving circles. It discusses starting with a test of members and donors to see where they spend time on social media. Key platforms discussed include Facebook groups and pages, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+, and blogs. The document provides tips on using each platform to update members, recruit new members, fundraise, and tell the story of the cause. It emphasizes using images, videos and engaging content to build conversations and make the organization feel innovative. Peer-to-peer fundraising is also summarized as an effective social media strategy.

giving circlegoogle plusnonprofits
Social Media Overview: June 2012
Social Media Overview: June 2012Social Media Overview: June 2012
Social Media Overview: June 2012

In this presentation, we look at the technologies that are dominating the world of social media in 2012. You can view the presentation in full on YouTube:

Who are you talking to?
                                              • Who is the audience you
                                                want to reach
                                              • Where is your audience--
                                                Facebook, Twitter, or
                                                somewhere else
                                              • What do you want to say
                                              • Who will say it
                                              • How will you say it
                                              • How often will you update

Image: 'Alphabet 05'
What Are You Saying?
• Audience-focused, not organization-focused
• Here are results from our work
• This is what it means to you/what you can do
   (send money, volunteer, contribute)
• This is what your money, volunteering,
  contribution means

                                         Image: 'BarCamp AMS 2005 Opening - 35'
Evaluate Regularly
                                               • What have we learned?
                                               • What is working?
                                               • Have we seen results?
                                               • Should we change
                                               • Do we still want to do

Image: 'Pressure Gauge'
How will you measure results
                                                              Outputs are easy
                                                        • For blogs: how many views,
                                                          unique visits, time spent on
                                                          page, comments
                                                        • For Twitter: Followers, re-
                                                          tweets of your posts, replies
                                                        • For Facebook: Fans,
                                                          comments, discussions

Image: 'Free coiled tape measure healthy living stock

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The document outlines the key principles and stages of digital marketing. It discusses awareness, engagement, and retention as the three key stages. Awareness involves introducing yourself and your brand using appropriate media. Engagement focuses on starting conversations, asking questions, and building social equity. Retention is about developing ideas further, providing support to communities, and ongoing communication. The overall message is that digital marketing is about communication, sharing stories and passions, and focusing on people rather than just technology.


Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social media sites. It has grown to over 103 million users and it has become one of the top 30 websites in the US within months of its debut. Join us to learn more about this exciting new site, including how to: " Get started pinning " Effectively use Pinterest as a tool for your library through ideas, best practices, and examples " Discuss some of the copyright issues with Pinterest

Social media-overview
Social media-overviewSocial media-overview
Social media-overview

The document provides an overview of best practices for using various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Google+ to engage audiences and measure the return on investment of social media strategies. It also discusses how traditional media organizations are integrating social media into their journalism by encouraging more interaction and feedback from readers online. The large amount of data presented focuses on statistics about social media usage, tips for implementation, and examples of how different platforms can be leveraged for communication and engagement.

social media
Harder to Measure Impact
Did using social media make a difference?

 What were your goals?
 • More visibility?
 • Improved profile in
 • More volunteers?
 • Greater community
 • More donations?
                           Image: '27'
Jump In & Have Fun!
Ann Walker Smalley

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Social Media for Bremer Bank

  • 1. What is Social Media? And does it matter?
  • 2. About Me Director, Metronet • Librarian • Project Manager for 23 Things On a Stick/More Things On a Stick Prior to Metronet • Consultant to libraries on special projects • Worked with various MN non- profits
  • 4. The social me Minn23 on Delicious @annws Nings (Social Networks)
  • 5. More… Wikis
  • 6. In the beginning of the Web • Static Web sites • Source of information/simple answers • Limited media--photos & illustrations • One-way communication • Needed design & coding skills • Access to a server Image: 'Macintosh SE'
  • 7. In Web 2.0 • Social & Interactive • User-generated content • Encourages & facilitates communication • Collaborative • Tools for productivity & online “cloud” of apps • Tools for creation & communication • Hosted services
  • 8. The new social Web 2.0 tools to make it easier • Communicate • Create • Collaborate • Connect Image: 'motion gears -team force'
  • 9. What Is Social Media? Social media is people using tools (blogs video) and sites (facebook twitter) to create and share content. It is the new way to connect and converse online.
  • 10. Why It Matters • Changing how people communicate, create, & interact • Word-of-mouth via these tools is powerful • It’s affordable And…. • Everybody’s doing it…and not just who you think
  • 11. 78% of people are reading blogs, an increase from 66% in the previous study 48% of the people surveyed listen to podcasts Image: 'Gathered for the IHR Headphone Roundup' /193617487 Image: 'Morning in the Spengler household'
  • 12. 83% of people are watching online video 57% of internet users are members of social networks Image: 'My social network' mage: 'online video ecology; in a grid' Data Source: Universal McCann- Power To The People - Wave3. March 2008
  • 14. It is Expected… All organizations are expected to be part of the online community. Build your online presence & identity as a credible expert person/organization. Image: 'Blue Mountain Center (September 2007)'
  • 16. Some of the Tools Today’s Tools Other Tools • Blogging • Podcasts • Microblogging • TodaysMeet • Social Bookmarking • Social networks • Event/calendar sites • Video sharing • Screencasting • Photo/Video sharing • & thousands more • Wikis • Image: 'Pablo's cubism period began at three'
  • 17. Blogs • Regularly updated Web sites that usually contain links and comments • Accepted as a source of news, information, & other content • Allow interaction through comments • Sort of the new Web newsletter--but anyone & everyone can have one • Most recent posts first • More than 1,000,000 posts to blogs each day Image: 'We â™ blog' ¥
  • 18. Ways to Use Blogs • Update frequently with hyperlinks to deeper info and resources • Provide news & information to constituents • Involve staff and take advantage of their info & expertise • Recruit & involve volunteers • Document volunteer contributions • Keep constituents informed • As a place for constituents to comment and contribute • Report back from an event • Testimonials from clients, volunteers, donors…
  • 19. Doing It Right • Establish an identity • Update frequently • Friendly tone • Authentic • Informative • Encourage comments • Be responsive to comments Image: 'Right Button' 耀
  • 20. Popular Blogging Tools
  • 21. Twitter • IM/Micro-blogging tool that asks one simple question - What are you doing right now? • Posts are 140 characters • You follow your friends • Read/Tweet on IM, mobile text, or the Web
  • 22. Ways to Use Twitter • Stay connected at conference to find better sessions • Follow others at conferences with # • Industry gossip • Pointers to resources, blog posts • Drive traffic web page/blog or comments • Ask a question, get an answer • Get referrals for products, locations, movies, whatever • Ad hoc collaborations • Sending reports in an emergency • Getting/sending news
  • 23. What to Tweet • Announce a new blog entry • Random facts about organization or cause • Research releases • Event reminders • Breaking news • Reply to others’ Tweets • Re-tweet interesting tweets
  • 24. Good Tweets • Informative • Useful news • Entertaining • Make sense in 140 characters • Ask • Answer • Share Image: 'Tweet and Toot Cover'
  • 25. Social Networks Online Communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. People may visit a lot of sites, but for many, their social network is their online life. From Wikipedia Image: 'Communication'
  • 27. • Features like Facebook/MySpace with your pet as the focus • Games, prizes, sharing….
  • 28. Nings • Focus around one interest or topic • Can be open or invite only • Users have same options--posting, email, blogs, updates, etc.-- as in other networks •
  • 29. Ways to Use Social Networks • Establish a simple Web presence • Promote specific actions or petitions • Consolidate existing, unofficial social networks related to your organization • Connect supporters already using social networks • Encourage & respond to feedback quickly • Informal outreach & communication Image: 'my friendwheel'
  • 30. Image Sharing Video & Photos • Sites that allow users to upload and organize photos or videos • Users can share their photos and videos with only people they choose or with the world • Viewers can comment on photos/videos • Users have (some) control over how photos and videos are used Image: 'Scrapbook page, 1986'
  • 32. Other Photo/Video Sites Even more • Shutterfly • Snapfish • Kodak Gallery • SmugMug
  • 33. Ways to Use Photo/Video Sharing • Share organization/staff photos • Create slide shows to embed elsewhere • Share conference keynotes • Host photos for use in newsletters and other publications • Find others’ photos for your use (Creative Commons)
  • 34. Wikis A wiki is a collection of Web pages designed to enable anyone with access to contribute or modify content. Wikis are often used to create collaborative Web sites and to power community websites. From Wikipedia Image: 'Where to Find a Good Wiki'
  • 35. Characteristics of a Wiki • Collaborative--members can upload, edit, comment • Multimedia--embed photos, videos, slide shows, podcasts • Multiple pages with navigation features • Public or private • No HTML knowledge required (usually) Image: 'Wiki'
  • 36. Ways to Use Wikis • Collaboration--proposals, curriculum, documents… • Project management —conference, event, fundraising… • Web page • Deliver content for CE or other event • Knowledge base for staff, practioners, others • Intranet for staff—policies, procedures, schedules…
  • 37. Wiki Tools
  • 39. Similarities of the Social Tools • Promote communication • Interactive • Collaborative • User-generated content • Can embed results in other tools--blog, Web sites… • Easy to learn • Easy to use • Ever-evolving • Free for at least basic features Image: 'Puzzle'
  • 40. Rules of Social Media • You can’t control the conversation; be willing to give up control • Listen to your constituents • Get involved--build relationships • Ask questions to encourage engagement • Be honest & be authentic; no made up names or profiles • Think long term--it’s a commitment Image: 'Puzzle'
  • 41. Social Media is Not for You if… • You think it’s a waste of time • The Internet in general is a mystery • You don’t already have a dynamic Web presence • You don’t know why you would use it • You don’t have a lot to say about your organization • You expect immediate results • You can’t commit the time & energy it will take • You don’t like change
  • 42. Getting Started in Social Media
  • 43. The Key You can't understand the social media tools and sites like Twitter, Facebook, and blogging just by reading articles or reports about them…. Image: 'Login' 耀
  • 44. You need to Participate • Read blogs • Create a blog • Join Twitter to follow people & tweet • Join a social network & participate • Explore photo & video sites • Upload your photos • Make stuff w/photos • Explore & edit a wiki Image: 'weekend07_04.jpg'
  • 45. Start with a Personal Interest • Read & comment on blogs that cover your hobby • Browse photo sites as you plan your vacation • Watch YouTube and read the comments • Set-up a wiki to play Image: 'looking up'
  • 46. Do 23 Things On a Stick Easy way to play & learn.
  • 47. Ready for next jump-- organizational research & planning Image: 'Faded Hop scotch set at my old elementary school'
  • 48. Organizations don’t have to participate in every social media platform Image: '234 social media marketing examples'
  • 49. Pick 1 or 2 • Do your research • Understand the tool’s strengths • Understand its limits • Set up accounts to participate
  • 50. Start by Listening • Search for keywords on Twitter, subscribe to search results with RSS, follow people
  • 51. Find People to Follow Search keywords to find people • Nonprofits • Minnesota • Hunger • Banker Start following Start tweeting
  • 52. Facebook Research • Are there others like you on Facebook? • What are they doing? Groups, Pages, Causes? • Do they have many fans? • What are the discussions? Image: 'Facebook HQ' 藳
  • 53. Once you are comfortable with the tools & communities You are ready to use them or advise others how to use them Image: 'looking up'
  • 54. Resources to Make It Happen • Willingness to try something new • Administration support • People who can write & engage • Time to plan, write, evaluate, adjust • Commitment to keep it going • And the biggest resource… Image: 'bright paperclips'
  • 55. Time, time & more time • 5 hours/week to start listening • 10 hours/week to participate • 10-15 hours/week to generate buzz • 20+ hours/week to build community • May take anywhere from 3-6 months to see results Source Beth Kanter Image: 'Curioso elemento el tiempo'
  • 56. Make a Plan • What is your goal--what do you want to happen & when • Who is involved • Is everyone on board • Is someone in charge • Policies on who & what Image: 'I have a plan. (186/365)'
  • 57. Who are you talking to? • Who is the audience you want to reach • Where is your audience-- Facebook, Twitter, or somewhere else • What do you want to say • Who will say it • How will you say it • How often will you update Image: 'Alphabet 05'
  • 58. What Are You Saying? • Audience-focused, not organization-focused • Here are results from our work • This is what it means to you/what you can do (send money, volunteer, contribute) • This is what your money, volunteering, contribution means Image: 'BarCamp AMS 2005 Opening - 35'
  • 59. Evaluate Regularly • What have we learned? • What is working? • Have we seen results? • Should we change anything? • Do we still want to do this? Image: 'Pressure Gauge'
  • 60. How will you measure results Outputs are easy • For blogs: how many views, unique visits, time spent on page, comments • For Twitter: Followers, re- tweets of your posts, replies • For Facebook: Fans, comments, discussions Image: 'Free coiled tape measure healthy living stock +photo+Creative+Commons'
  • 61. Harder to Measure Impact Did using social media make a difference? What were your goals? • More visibility? • Improved profile in community? • More volunteers? • Greater community engagement? • More donations? Image: '27'
  • 62. Jump In & Have Fun!
  • 63. Metronet Ann Walker Smalley 651/646.0475 @annws