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Minnesota Library Structures
Check It Out! Libraries in the 21st Century

             March 21, 2012
      Chris Olson, Director, MELSA
  Ann Walker Smalley, Director, Metronet
State Level Infrastructure

State Library Services
Minnesota Department of Education:
      State Library Services
• Provides leadership and support to the MN
  library community in planning, developing and
  implementing high quality library and
  information services statewide.

• Administers federal and state grants-in-aid
  programs for libraries and schools.
  • Includes federal grants called LSTA (Library Services &
    Technology Act)
  • Includes state grants to Regional Public Library
    Systems and Multitype Library Systems.
Minnesota Braille & Talking Book
• Administered by State Library Services
• Provides direct library service to eligible
  Minnesotans who are legally blind or visually
  impaired (with visual acuity 20/200 or less in
  the better eye with corrective lenses), printed
  material as a result of physical limitations), or
  reading disabled.
• Located in Fairbault next to the Minnesota
  State Academy for the Deaf (MSAD)

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SPPS MILI 2015 16
SPPS MILI 2015 16SPPS MILI 2015 16
SPPS MILI 2015 16

The document introduces the Metronet Information Literacy Initiative (MILI), which aims to help teachers and students improve research skills, identify reliable resources, and promote responsible use of information. MILI will provide guidance on incorporating the three Rs - research process, reliable resources, and responsible use - into classroom teaching and assignments. Librarians are seen as vital partners through their expertise in information access, technology, and research skills. The goals of MILI are to influence how teachers approach research, encourage collaboration between teachers and librarians, and help integrate information literacy into curriculums.

2.0 World: Classroom 2.0, Library 2.0, Research 2.0
2.0 World: Classroom 2.0, Library 2.0, Research 2.02.0 World: Classroom 2.0, Library 2.0, Research 2.0
2.0 World: Classroom 2.0, Library 2.0, Research 2.0

The document discusses the evolution from Classroom 1.0, Library 1.0, and Research 1.0 to their Web 2.0 counterparts. Classroom 1.0 involved teacher-centered imparting of knowledge while Classroom 2.0 enables knowledge access from anywhere using mobile devices and online collaboration. Similarly, Library 1.0 focused on print resources and individual work, while Library 2.0 provides 24/7 access to electronic resources and encourages community spaces and learning. Research has expanded from limited on-site resources to include online tools like eBooks, databases, and social media for collaboration. The document advocates for Web 2.0 approaches to encourage engagement and involve students in personalized, proactive learning.

Mili Intro 2010 Minneapolis
Mili Intro 2010 MinneapolisMili Intro 2010 Minneapolis
Mili Intro 2010 Minneapolis

The document introduces the Metronet Information Literacy Initiative (MILI), which aims to promote information literacy and the responsible use of resources and technology among teachers and students. MILI provides professional development for teachers on how to integrate information literacy and technology standards into classroom teaching. Its goals are to influence the teaching of research skills, increase awareness and use of Web 2.0 tools, and encourage collaboration between teachers and libraries on research.

• Information and Resource Sharing Program of the
  Minnesota Office of Higher Education & the
  University of Minnesota Libraries
   • Funded by MN Legislature to serve academic & state
     government libraries
   • Funded with federal funds by State Library Services to
     provide services to public libraries & school and special
   • Minitex also contracts with North & South Dakota to
     provide services to libraries in those states.
• Minitex administers ELM, Minnesota Knows: Dig
  Deeper @ your library; MnLINK Gateway, AskMN, MN
  Digital Library and provides other services .
Minitex Brief Facts: FY 2010
 Cooperative Purchasing discounts and subsidies resulted in cost avoidance for
  MN academic & state government libraries of over          $34 million

 Number of requests for loans & articles that Minitex handled from
  Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin

 Number of book loans & copies of articles taken from the University of
  Minnesota Twin Cities Libraries to fill resource sharing requests from
  Minnesotans                                                        113,159

 Number of borrowing requests via the MnLINK Gateway              582,994

 Number of items handled in Minitex Delivery System over           1 million

 Minitex cost of Electronic Library for Minnesota statewide licenses and support
                                                         $1.82 million
 Percent of Minitex state appropriation                           32%
More Minitex Facts
 Number of online searches in Electronic Library for Minnesota
                                                                  over 17 million

 Number of questions from Minnesotans in 24x7 AskMN (virtual reference
  service) funded by Minitex                                  over 18,000

 Number of volumes in Minnesota Library Access Center            1,366,528
 Number of Minnesota libraries participating                     21

 Number of attendees at workshops, webinars, conferences, workshops
                                                              over 4,460
   Hours of operation
 Monday through Friday                  8:00A.M. – 11:00P.M.
 Saturday                               9:00A.M. - 2:00P.M.
Regional Infrastructure
Regional Public Library Systems (there are 12)
  • Federated Library Systems (there are 6)
  • Consolidated Library Systems (there are 6)
Multi-type Library Systems (there are 7)
  • 4 of these have the same borders as 4 Library
  • 3 of these include two or more Library Systems

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Mili intro 2010 mps
Mili intro 2010 mpsMili intro 2010 mps
Mili intro 2010 mps

This document provides an introduction to the Metronet Information Literacy Initiative (MILI), which aims to improve information literacy skills among students and teachers. MILI focuses on developing skills in research, identifying reliable resources, and responsible use of information. It emphasizes using a process approach to research and incorporating 21st century skills. MILI will provide professional development for teachers and librarians to help students develop these skills and prepare for further education and careers. Key aspects of MILI include improving research abilities, evaluating various resource formats, understanding issues like plagiarism, and encouraging critical thinking and collaboration.

SPPS MILI Intro--2014-15
SPPS MILI Intro--2014-15SPPS MILI Intro--2014-15
SPPS MILI Intro--2014-15

This document provides an introduction to Metronet's Information Literacy Initiative for the 2014-2015 school year in Saint Paul Public Schools. It discusses the changing nature of research, classrooms, and libraries due to advances in technology and the internet. While students are accustomed to new technologies, they still need guidance to effectively find, evaluate, and use information, as well as to understand related ethical and legal issues. The initiative aims to teach these important information literacy skills.

MPS MILI 2014-15
MPS MILI 2014-15MPS MILI 2014-15
MPS MILI 2014-15

The document introduces the Metronet Information Literacy Initiative (MILI), which aims to influence how teachers teach the research process and encourage collaboration between teachers and librarians. MILI will focus on the three Rs: research process, reliable resources, and responsible use of information. It will provide guidance on conducting effective research using a defined process, identifying reliable resources in various formats, and promoting the responsible use of information and technology. The goal is to improve student and teacher research skills and incorporate information literacy into curriculums through collaborative projects.

Regional Public Library
Organized under the provision of M.S. 134, M.S.
                317, or M.S. 471.59

Regional public library systems
• Strengthen
• Improve
• Promote public library services

Receivestate funding, including Regional
  Library Basic System Support Grants.
Regional Public Library Systems
•Consolidated Regional Library Systems (6)
    •A total administrative unit
    •May have branches reporting to Library Director
             •Great River Regional Library
             •East Central Regional Library
•Federated Regional Library Systems (6)
    •Made up of independent public libraries
    •Regional Library System Director & headquarters work with
    member public library directors and staff
        •MELSA (7 public libraries)
        •Southeastern Libraries Cooperating (SELCO) (37+ public
        libraries and around same no. of k12 schools)
Regions and their member public libraries provide free access to library
services for all residents of the region without discrimination. Through
cooperation, shared services, and reciprocal agreements, library users
have access to a wide range of public library services and resources
within the region and statewide. Through system
collaboration, communities develop libraries that capitalize on economies
of scale providing greater effectiveness, improved quality and access to
more resources.

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The document introduces Metronet's Information Literacy Initiative, which aims to teach skills for finding, evaluating, and using information effectively. Metronet is a library system serving Minnesota that is committed to information literacy. The initiative focuses on activities like History Day and 21st century skills. It discusses how information literacy, research, classrooms, and libraries have evolved from print-based to incorporating more digital tools and user-generated content for collaboration. The goals are to improve productivity, manage information, and expand reach through communication and creation.

Social Software In Academic Libraries
Social Software In Academic LibrariesSocial Software In Academic Libraries
Social Software In Academic Libraries

This document discusses how academic libraries are using various social software tools. It describes social tools like wikis, social bookmarking, media sharing, social networking, blogs, instant messaging, and microblogging. For each tool, it provides examples of how libraries use them, such as using wikis for intranets, training, and subject guides. It also discusses the growth of social media and how mainstream adoption of these tools has increased.

Information commons 4-6
Information commons 4-6Information commons 4-6
Information commons 4-6

The document discusses the concept of an information commons and its role on college campuses. It provides examples of information commons at various universities that integrate resources like libraries, writing centers, tutoring services and technology help desks. The document also discusses the importance of partnerships between these services and getting input from students on their needs to create flexible spaces that accommodate collaboration, quiet study and access to resources and assistance.

768information commonslibrary
Multitype Library
Multicounty Multitype Library Systems
•Minnesota has seven regional Multicounty, Multitype Library
Cooperation Systems established by the Minnesota Department
of Education in 1980. M.S.134.351, 134.353, & 134.354

•Each regional multitype defines its own services and priorities.

•Multitype Regions improve library services by promoting and
facilitating cooperation among the academic, public, school
library media centers, and special libraries within a specified

•Membership includes academic libraries, school library media
centers, public libraries and special libraries in
businesses, government, health care institutions, and other
Local Libraries
Academic libraries (4-year; 2-year; private;
Public libraries – city and county libraries
School libraries (a shrinking number)
Special Libraries
• City libraries
Public Libraries
Library Facts                           • County libraries
•359 public library buildings in
     •106 public library buildings in
     Twin Cities                        • Funded with local taxes
•3.9 M library cardholders                (state local gov’t aid LGA)
•16,847,007 total materials
•3,839,635 reference transactions
•56.5 M circulation
•$38.12 per capita expenditure          • Serve local communities

                                        • Must belong to Regional
                                          Public Library Systems

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Information Commons
Information CommonsInformation Commons
Information Commons

The document discusses the concept of an information commons and its role on college campuses. It provides examples of information commons at various universities that integrate resources like libraries, writing centers, tutoring services and technology help desks. The document also discusses the importance of partnerships between these services and getting input from students on their needs to create flexible spaces that accommodate collaboration, quiet study, and access to materials, technology and coffee.

library education commonw
Sustainable Social Media Marketing Strategies
Sustainable Social Media Marketing StrategiesSustainable Social Media Marketing Strategies
Sustainable Social Media Marketing Strategies

This document provides strategies for sustainable social media marketing at libraries. It recommends collaborating with students on content creation to leverage their voices and ideas. It also suggests reusing and recycling content by removing dates and uploading videos directly to platforms. Weekly posting ideas are outlined. The document stresses engaging with other campus social media accounts and being inspired by successful ideas from library groups. Tracking analytics and involving more students and staff are also proposed.

academic librarieslibrariessocial media
Is There Anything Common about the Learning Commons?: The Evolution from Lib...
Is There Anything Common about the Learning Commons?:  The Evolution from Lib...Is There Anything Common about the Learning Commons?:  The Evolution from Lib...
Is There Anything Common about the Learning Commons?: The Evolution from Lib...

Jayne Germer, Collection Development Librarian, Perkins Library – Doane College; Valerie Knight, Reference Librarian, Conn Library – Wayne State College; Ronald Wirtz, Coordinator of User Services/Assistant Director of the Learning Commons for the Library, Calvin T. Ryan Library – University of Nebraska-Kearney This panel discussion will address planning, barriers, opportunities, and outcomes some academic libraries have experienced -- or are in the process of experiencing -- as they transition to the Learning Commons model of service.

Academic Libraries
• University of Minnesota Campuses
• MnSCU campuses
   • MnPALS – integrated library system for libraries –
     operating online catalog and other services
• Cooperating Libraries in Consortium (CLIC)
   • Private colleges in Twin Cities: Univ of St. Thomas;
     Augsburg College, Bethel University, etc.
• Other Private Colleges, both non profit and for
  profit educational institutions.
• Primary role is to serve their faculty & students
  and support mission of the institution
Minitex Delivery System
                                           provides courier delivery
                                           Monday-Friday to higher
  UMN CROOKSTON                            education libraries
                                           statewide as well as
                                           state gov’t and public
                                           libraries. Also serves
                                           private college council
                  UMN DULUTH
                                           libraries (17).


                               UMN TWIN CITIES

School Libraries

•School media centers located in K12
elementary, middle, high schools
•School librarians have both a masters in library
science and are professional teachers with a subject
•Due to budget reductions in K12, are among many
being laid off or reassigned to teaching positions
•School librarians teach kids information literacy and
critical thinking skills and are important to a student’s
Special Libraries
•Funded by their sponsoring organization
•Special collections or special clientele
   •State Government Libraries
   •Historical Society Libraries
   •Corporate Libraries
   •Museum Libraries
   •Other special collections

  May or may not be open to the public

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Rebecca K. Miller's CV
Rebecca K. Miller's CVRebecca K. Miller's CV
Rebecca K. Miller's CV

Rebecca K. Miller is an Associate Professor and Head of Library Learning Services at Penn State University Libraries. She has over 15 years of experience in academic libraries, having previously held positions at Syracuse University, Virginia Tech, Louisiana State University, and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Miller has a background in education, library science, and English. She teaches reference and information literacy courses and has experience developing and teaching workshops on topics like mobile technologies, team-based learning, and information literacy. Miller actively contributes to professional organizations and has held leadership roles in the American Library Association and Association of College & Research Libraries.

How can the library become an active partner in your curriculum?
How can the library become an active partner in your curriculum?How can the library become an active partner in your curriculum?
How can the library become an active partner in your curriculum?

A presentation on why and how the libraries and the librarians resources can be an integrated part of scholarly education. Within the courses. Authors: Solveig Sandal Johnsen, Lisbeth Ramsgaard Carlsen and Annette Graae

embedded librarian ; library ; lms ; blackboard ;
Library commons
Library commonsLibrary commons
Library commons

Presentation for class about the concept of learning commons and applications of the commons concepts in libraries.

Pre-K                  K-6                                 7-12                                  College +                     Workforce                Lifelong Learners

                       School Library                       School Library                         Academic Library              Public Library /          Public Library
 Library/              •Information & Technology            •Information & Technology Literacy     •Supporting Teaching &        Special or                •Local Library
                        Literacy Curriculum                  Curriculum                             Learning                     Corporate Library          Resources
 Care/Parents          •Partner with Teachers to            •Partner with Teachers to Improve      •Local Library Resources      •Adult/Continuing         •Access to
                        Improve Learning &                   Learning & Communication Using                                       Education                 Internet
 •ELM, MnLINK                                                                                      •Interlibrary
                        Communication Using                  Technology.                            Lending/Borrowing            •Reading Programs         •Interlibrary
  Gateway               Technology.                         •Local Print, Media & Online            Service                      •Access to Internet        Lending/
 •Partnerships         •Local Print, Media & Online          Resources                                                                                      Borrowing
  with Minnesota                                                                                   •Partnerships with Public     •Event
                        Resources                           •Partnership with School Reading                                      Programming               Service
  Braille and                                                                                       Library
                       •Partnership with School              Curriculum                                                          •Career & Small           •Partnerships
  Talking Book                                                                                     •ELM, MnLINK
                        Reading Curriculum                  •Partnerships with Public &             Gateway, Minnesota            Business                  with
                       •Partnerships with Public             Academic Libraries                                                   Development               Academic
                                                                                                    Reflections, AskMN, Res
                        Library                                                                                                   Resources                 Library
                                                            •After School Programs                  earch Project Calculator
 Public Library        •After School Programs                                                                                    •Local Library            •Distance
                                                            •ELM, MnLINK Gateway, Minnesota        •Partnerships with
 •Storytime                                                                                                                       Resources                 Learning
                       •ELM, MnLINK                          Reflections, AskMN, Research           Minnesota Braille and
 •Early Literacy        Gateway, Minnesota                   Project Calculator                     Talking Book Library         •Collaboration with       •Collaboration
  Programs              Reflections, AskMN                                                                                        Local School &            with Local
                                                            •Partnerships with Minnesota
                                                                                                                                  Academic                  School &
 •Local Library        •Partnerships with Minnesota          Braille and Talking Book Library
                                                                                                   Public Library                 Libraries                 Academic
  Resources             Braille and Talking Book
                                                                                                   •Local Library                                           Libraries
 •Activities When       Library                                                                                                  •Interlibrary
                                                            Public Library                          Resources                     Lending/                 •ELM, MnLINK
  There is ‘No         Public Library                                                                                                                       Gateway, Mi
  School’                                                   •Reading & “After School”              •Access to Internet            Borrowing Service
                       •Reading & “After School”                                                                                                            nnesota
 •Support Home          Programs                             Programs                              •Interlibrary                 •ELM, MnLINK               Reflections, A
  Schooling                                                 •Event Programming                      Lending/Borrowing             Gateway, Minnes           skMN, Resear
                       •Event Programming                                                           Service                       ota
 •Access to Internet   •Homework Help                       •Homework Help                                                                                  ch Project
                                                                                                   •Partnerships with             Reflections, AskM         Calculator
 •ELM, MnLINK          •Computer Literacy                   •Access to Internet                                                   N, Research
  Gateway                                                                                           Academic Library                                       •Partnerships
                       •Access to Internet                  •Support Home Schooling                                               Project Calculator
 •Partnerships with                                                                                •Distance Learning                                       with
                       •Activities When There is ‘No        •Career Planning Resources                                           •Partnerships with
  Minnesota Braille                                                                                •ELM, MnLINK                                             Minnesota
                        School’                             •Computer Literacy                      Gateway, Minnesota            Minnesota Braille         Braille and
  and Talking Book                                                                                                                and Talking Book
  Library              •Local Library Resources             •Local Library Resources                Reflections, AskMN, R                                   Talking Book
                                                            •Interlibrary Lending/Borrowing         esearch Project               Library                   Library
                       •Support Home Schooling
                                                             Service                                Calculator
                       •Partnerships with School
                        Library                             •Partnerships with School &            •Partnerships with
                                                             Academic Libraries                     Minnesota Braille and
                       •ELM, MnLINK
                        Gateway, Minnesota                  •ELM, MnLINK                            Talking Book Library
                        Reflections, AskMN                   Gateway, Minnesota                                                   Dig Deeper @ Your Library
                       •Partnerships with Minnesota          Reflections, AskMN, Research
PARENTAL &              Braille and Talking Book Library     Project Calculator
TEACHER SUPPORT                                             •Partnerships with Minnesota
                                                             Braille and Talking Book Library
LIBRARY STAFF SUPPORT                                                                                                                       Graphic by Jennifer Hootman

                                                                                                                                             Updated 6/21/10 Questions?
                                  Minnesota Libraries Collaborate to Serve Minnesotans                                             Bill DeJohn, Director,

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  • 1. Minnesota Library Structures for Check It Out! Libraries in the 21st Century March 21, 2012 Chris Olson, Director, MELSA Ann Walker Smalley, Director, Metronet
  • 2. State Level Infrastructure State Library Services Minitex
  • 3. Minnesota Department of Education: State Library Services • Provides leadership and support to the MN library community in planning, developing and implementing high quality library and information services statewide. • Administers federal and state grants-in-aid programs for libraries and schools. • Includes federal grants called LSTA (Library Services & Technology Act) • Includes state grants to Regional Public Library Systems and Multitype Library Systems.
  • 4. Minnesota Braille & Talking Book Library • Administered by State Library Services • Provides direct library service to eligible Minnesotans who are legally blind or visually impaired (with visual acuity 20/200 or less in the better eye with corrective lenses), printed material as a result of physical limitations), or reading disabled. • Located in Fairbault next to the Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf (MSAD)
  • 5. Minitex • Information and Resource Sharing Program of the Minnesota Office of Higher Education & the University of Minnesota Libraries • Funded by MN Legislature to serve academic & state government libraries • Funded with federal funds by State Library Services to provide services to public libraries & school and special libraries • Minitex also contracts with North & South Dakota to provide services to libraries in those states. • Minitex administers ELM, Minnesota Knows: Dig Deeper @ your library; MnLINK Gateway, AskMN, MN Digital Library and provides other services .
  • 6. Minitex Brief Facts: FY 2010  Cooperative Purchasing discounts and subsidies resulted in cost avoidance for MN academic & state government libraries of over $34 million  Number of requests for loans & articles that Minitex handled from Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin 431,131  Number of book loans & copies of articles taken from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities Libraries to fill resource sharing requests from Minnesotans 113,159  Number of borrowing requests via the MnLINK Gateway 582,994  Number of items handled in Minitex Delivery System over 1 million  Minitex cost of Electronic Library for Minnesota statewide licenses and support $1.82 million  Percent of Minitex state appropriation 32%
  • 7. More Minitex Facts  Number of online searches in Electronic Library for Minnesota over 17 million  Number of questions from Minnesotans in 24x7 AskMN (virtual reference service) funded by Minitex over 18,000  Number of volumes in Minnesota Library Access Center 1,366,528  Number of Minnesota libraries participating 21  Number of attendees at workshops, webinars, conferences, workshops over 4,460  Hours of operation  Monday through Friday 8:00A.M. – 11:00P.M.  Saturday 9:00A.M. - 2:00P.M.
  • 8. Regional Infrastructure Regional Public Library Systems (there are 12) • Federated Library Systems (there are 6) • Consolidated Library Systems (there are 6) Multi-type Library Systems (there are 7) • 4 of these have the same borders as 4 Library Systems • 3 of these include two or more Library Systems
  • 10. Organized under the provision of M.S. 134, M.S. 317, or M.S. 471.59 Regional public library systems • Strengthen • Improve • Promote public library services Receivestate funding, including Regional Library Basic System Support Grants.
  • 11. Regional Public Library Systems •Consolidated Regional Library Systems (6) •A total administrative unit •May have branches reporting to Library Director •Examples: •Great River Regional Library •East Central Regional Library •Federated Regional Library Systems (6) •Made up of independent public libraries •Regional Library System Director & headquarters work with member public library directors and staff •Examples: •MELSA (7 public libraries) •Southeastern Libraries Cooperating (SELCO) (37+ public libraries and around same no. of k12 schools)
  • 12. Regions and their member public libraries provide free access to library services for all residents of the region without discrimination. Through cooperation, shared services, and reciprocal agreements, library users have access to a wide range of public library services and resources within the region and statewide. Through system collaboration, communities develop libraries that capitalize on economies of scale providing greater effectiveness, improved quality and access to more resources.
  • 13. Multitype Library Systems
  • 14. Multicounty Multitype Library Systems •Minnesota has seven regional Multicounty, Multitype Library Cooperation Systems established by the Minnesota Department of Education in 1980. M.S.134.351, 134.353, & 134.354 •Each regional multitype defines its own services and priorities. •Multitype Regions improve library services by promoting and facilitating cooperation among the academic, public, school library media centers, and special libraries within a specified region. •Membership includes academic libraries, school library media centers, public libraries and special libraries in businesses, government, health care institutions, and other
  • 15. Local Libraries Academic libraries (4-year; 2-year; private; public) Public libraries – city and county libraries School libraries (a shrinking number) Special Libraries
  • 16. • City libraries Public Libraries Library Facts • County libraries •359 public library buildings in MN •106 public library buildings in Twin Cities • Funded with local taxes •3.9 M library cardholders (state local gov’t aid LGA) •16,847,007 total materials •3,839,635 reference transactions •56.5 M circulation •$38.12 per capita expenditure • Serve local communities • Must belong to Regional Public Library Systems
  • 17. Academic Libraries • University of Minnesota Campuses • MnSCU campuses • MnPALS – integrated library system for libraries – operating online catalog and other services • Cooperating Libraries in Consortium (CLIC) • Private colleges in Twin Cities: Univ of St. Thomas; Augsburg College, Bethel University, etc. • Other Private Colleges, both non profit and for profit educational institutions. • Primary role is to serve their faculty & students and support mission of the institution
  • 18. Minitex Delivery System provides courier delivery Monday-Friday to higher UMN CROOKSTON education libraries statewide as well as state gov’t and public libraries. Also serves private college council UMN DULUTH libraries (17). UMN MORRIS UMN TWIN CITIES LIBRARIES 18
  • 19. School Libraries •School media centers located in K12 elementary, middle, high schools •School librarians have both a masters in library science and are professional teachers with a subject expertise •Due to budget reductions in K12, are among many being laid off or reassigned to teaching positions •School librarians teach kids information literacy and critical thinking skills and are important to a student’s development.
  • 20. Special Libraries •Funded by their sponsoring organization •Special collections or special clientele •Examples •State Government Libraries •Historical Society Libraries •Corporate Libraries •Museum Libraries •Other special collections May or may not be open to the public
  • 21. ROLE OF LIBRARIES PRE-K – 20 & BEYOND: LIFELONG LEARNING Pre-K K-6 7-12 College + Workforce Lifelong Learners School Library School Library Academic Library Public Library / Public Library Pre-School Library/ •Information & Technology •Information & Technology Literacy •Supporting Teaching & Special or •Local Library Literacy Curriculum Curriculum Learning Corporate Library Resources Day Care/Parents •Partner with Teachers to •Partner with Teachers to Improve •Local Library Resources •Adult/Continuing •Access to Improve Learning & Learning & Communication Using Education Internet •ELM, MnLINK •Interlibrary Communication Using Technology. Lending/Borrowing •Reading Programs •Interlibrary Gateway Technology. •Local Print, Media & Online Service •Access to Internet Lending/ •Partnerships •Local Print, Media & Online Resources Borrowing with Minnesota •Partnerships with Public •Event Resources •Partnership with School Reading Programming Service Braille and Library •Partnership with School Curriculum •Career & Small •Partnerships Talking Book •ELM, MnLINK Reading Curriculum •Partnerships with Public & Gateway, Minnesota Business with Library •Partnerships with Public Academic Libraries Development Academic Reflections, AskMN, Res Library Resources Library •After School Programs earch Project Calculator Public Library •After School Programs •Local Library •Distance •ELM, MnLINK Gateway, Minnesota •Partnerships with •Storytime Resources Learning •ELM, MnLINK Reflections, AskMN, Research Minnesota Braille and •Early Literacy Gateway, Minnesota Project Calculator Talking Book Library •Collaboration with •Collaboration Programs Reflections, AskMN Local School & with Local •Partnerships with Minnesota Academic School & •Local Library •Partnerships with Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library Public Library Libraries Academic Resources Braille and Talking Book •Local Library Libraries •Activities When Library •Interlibrary Public Library Resources Lending/ •ELM, MnLINK There is ‘No Public Library Gateway, Mi School’ •Reading & “After School” •Access to Internet Borrowing Service •Reading & “After School” nnesota •Support Home Programs Programs •Interlibrary •ELM, MnLINK Reflections, A Schooling •Event Programming Lending/Borrowing Gateway, Minnes skMN, Resear •Event Programming Service ota •Access to Internet •Homework Help •Homework Help ch Project •Partnerships with Reflections, AskM Calculator •ELM, MnLINK •Computer Literacy •Access to Internet N, Research Gateway Academic Library •Partnerships •Access to Internet •Support Home Schooling Project Calculator •Partnerships with •Distance Learning with •Activities When There is ‘No •Career Planning Resources •Partnerships with Minnesota Braille •ELM, MnLINK Minnesota School’ •Computer Literacy Gateway, Minnesota Minnesota Braille Braille and and Talking Book and Talking Book Library •Local Library Resources •Local Library Resources Reflections, AskMN, R Talking Book •Interlibrary Lending/Borrowing esearch Project Library Library •Support Home Schooling Service Calculator •Partnerships with School Library •Partnerships with School & •Partnerships with Academic Libraries Minnesota Braille and •ELM, MnLINK Gateway, Minnesota •ELM, MnLINK Talking Book Library Reflections, AskMN Gateway, Minnesota Dig Deeper @ Your Library •Partnerships with Minnesota Reflections, AskMN, Research PARENTAL & Braille and Talking Book Library Project Calculator TEACHER SUPPORT •Partnerships with Minnesota Braille and Talking Book Library LIBRARY STAFF SUPPORT Graphic by Jennifer Hootman Updated 6/21/10 Questions? Minnesota Libraries Collaborate to Serve Minnesotans Bill DeJohn, Director,

Editor's Notes

  1. Pre-K: ELMSearchasaurus (Primary Search) *Kids InfoBitsLearning Zone *K-6: ELMKids InfoBitsSearchasaurus (Primary Search) *Britannica Online School Edition – Elementary School & Learning Zone *Britannica Online Public Library Edition – Kids *World Almanac/Book of Facts *6-8: ELMEncyclopedia Britannica Online School Edition: Middle School *Middle Search Plus/Student Research Center *Science Reference Center/Student Research Center *Points of View Reference Center *General Science Collection *Discovering CollectionJunior Reference CollectionInfoTrac Junior Edition/Student Resource Center Gold9-12: ELMBritannica Online School Edition: High School *MAS Ultra – Student Edition/ Student Research Center *Points of View Reference Center *Science Reference Center/ Student Research Center *Academic Search PremierExpanded Academic ASAP *General Science Collection *InfoTrac Student Edition/ Student Resource Center GoldDiscovering CollectionAdditional ELM Resources Relevant to 9-12:Britannica Online School Edition Academic Edition *Consumer Health Complete *Health Source: Consumer Edition *Historical Minneapolis Tribune  *CAMIO *World Almanac/Book of Facts *MasterFile PremierProQuest Newsstand Complete¡Informe!Business Source PremierNetLibrary eBooks13-20: ELMAcademic Search Premier ArchiveGrid  *Britannica Online Academic Edition  *Business Source Premier CAMIO  *CLASE / PERIÓDICA *Educator's Reference Complete *ERIC *Expanded Academic ASAP *GPO Monthly Catalog  *Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition *  Historical Minneapolis Tribune * OAIster *OCLC ArticleFirst  *OCLC Electronic Books * OCLC Electronic Collections Online A&I * OCLC PapersFirst * OCLC ProceedingsFirst *OCLC WorldCat OCLC WorldCat Dissertations & Theses *Professional Development Collection *ProQuest Newsstand CompleteWorkforce: ELMAcademic Search Premier Alt HealthWatch  *Britannica Online Public Library Edition  *Business Source Premier Consumer Health Complete * GPO Monthly Catalog * Health Source: Consumer Edition *  Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition *Historical Minneapolis Tribune * ¡Informe! MasterFILE PremierMEDLINE  *NetLibrary eBooksOCLC Electronic Books * OCLC WorldCatProQuest Newsstand Complete World Almanac/Book of Facts ** = Newly added to ELM since July 1, 2009