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To Infinity and Beyond!

Public Library Association
Spring Symposium 2011
 New Jersey Blue Ribbon Task Force
 Mid-Atlantic Futures Conference
 MN Office of the Legislative Auditor Report on Public
 No strategic state plan for libraries
 General threats and challenges to libraries of all types
Why Multitypes Took the Lead
 Multicounty multitype library systems take the lead
 Talk across the lines
 Recognize challenges and opportunities
 Know the history of library structures & issues
 Understand the importance of vision and planning
 Multitype directors committed to funding the initial
  planning meetings
 Identified individuals and groups to participate in a
  planning session
 Issued the invitations
 Hired a facilitator

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FDLC 2011: Michigan Regionals in transition: timeline and perspectives
FDLC 2011: Michigan Regionals in transition: timeline and perspectivesFDLC 2011: Michigan Regionals in transition: timeline and perspectives
FDLC 2011: Michigan Regionals in transition: timeline and perspectives

The document summarizes the events from 2009 to 2011 relating to changes in Michigan's federal depository library program. It describes how the state library was reorganized, the regional depository collection was downsized, and efforts to identify a new regional host when the state library could no longer serve in that role. After various proposals and discussions, the University of Minnesota agreed to take over as Michigan's regional depository in October 2011.

Moeller presentation
Moeller presentationMoeller presentation
Moeller presentation

The document summarizes the author's observations of adult reference services at a small town public library. Some of the key services observed included assisting patrons with book requests, recommendations, technology help, and meeting room reservations. The reference desk saw steady usage throughout the day. While technology has changed some aspects of reference work, the human connection provided by reference librarians remains an essential role in serving the community.

2009 Annual Scla Conference Ray Turner
2009 Annual Scla Conference Ray Turner2009 Annual Scla Conference Ray Turner
2009 Annual Scla Conference Ray Turner

The document discusses South Carolina libraries and their diverse patrons and services. It notes that public libraries serve as community centers, providing information, education, entertainment and job resources. Academic libraries supplement education through resources and cooperation. Special libraries meet unique organizational needs. The document calls for recognizing individual differences to foster inclusion and highlights some new and exceptional services South Carolina libraries provide like digital resources, programming, and outreach partnerships.

Who was invited
 Regional Public Library Systems
 Public Libraries
 Private Colleges
 U of M Libraries
 MnScu Libraries
 Minnesota Library Association
 Minnesota Educational Media Organization
 Minitex
 State Library
First meeting—May 2010
 Goals of the Meeting
    Agree that this was needed
    Look at process & procedures
    Create timeline
    Establish subcommittees
Mn lib futures for pla annws
Steering Committee
 Executive Committee
 Application Development
 Finance
 Session Planning
 Recruitment
 Resource & Support for Futurists

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Using Data to Help Tell Your Library's Story
Using Data to Help Tell Your Library's StoryUsing Data to Help Tell Your Library's Story
Using Data to Help Tell Your Library's Story

Presented for WLA 2021 Annual Conference, November 17th, by Melissa McLimans, WiLS and Kim Kiesewetter, WiLS Surveys, focus groups, your annual report data: it’s all telling you a story about your library and your community. Join Melissa and Kim as they share ways in which libraries can use data to tell the story of both their communities and institutions. It will include an overview of different types of data that a library might use ranging from existing resources to inspiration for new research. To tie everything together, the session will conclude with ways to present selected data in a compelling, narrative format to tell a larger story to a variety of audiences.

by WiLS
HD Legacy Library Partnership
HD Legacy Library PartnershipHD Legacy Library Partnership
HD Legacy Library Partnership

NHD in Minnesota and CRPLSA are working together to provide funding support for HD research opportunities and library programs.

history day legacy library
Tra Presentation
Tra PresentationTra Presentation
Tra Presentation

The Reading Agency is a UK charity that works to inspire more people to read. It has seen 5 years of growth through partnerships with libraries and research. It runs national reading programs for adults and children, including the Six Book Challenge and Reading Groups. The Reading Agency provides resources for libraries, including author events and training. Publishers see libraries and the Reading Agency as important partners for reaching readers. Recent Reading Partners activities involved authors like Owen Sheers and upcoming events include work with Terry Pratchett and Chris Ryan.

Other Steering Committee
   Accepted work of subcommittees
    Defined the Futurists Group
    Application process
    Session planning for Kick Off
What we wanted to happen
 Identify challenges, changes, that will impact libraries
  of all types
 Create a foundation for a conversation about the
  future, change, and getting there
 Involve the library community in the conversation
“Ulterior Motives”
 Introduce different types of library staff to each other
 Encourage recognition of the shared problems and
   Encourage acknowledgement that all types of libraries
   Metro-centric attitude would be diluted
   Identify common challenges
   Leadership development
Accelerated timeline
 Aim for Kick Off in October 2010
 Selection of participants in September 2010
 Futurists report in May 2011

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Lifelong Access Libraries
Lifelong Access LibrariesLifelong Access Libraries
Lifelong Access Libraries

This document discusses services for older adults ("Boomers") at the Multnomah County Library in Portland, Oregon. It outlines the demographics of the region showing a growing older adult population. It addresses initial concerns about focusing on older adults but argues that the library is well-suited to serve this group through its welcoming environment and emphasis on lifelong learning. The document then details how the library began building partnerships within the community and inviting other organizations to collaborate on serving older adults. It provides tips on relationship building and making the case for focusing on this demographic.

MN Historical & Cultural Grants Workshop
MN Historical & Cultural Grants WorkshopMN Historical & Cultural Grants Workshop
MN Historical & Cultural Grants Workshop

PowerPoint presentation given at the workshops for the Minnesota Historical and Cultural Grants program in October and November 2009.

History coalition summer 2010 listening sessions
History coalition summer 2010 listening sessionsHistory coalition summer 2010 listening sessions
History coalition summer 2010 listening sessions

The Minnesota History Coalition invites you to join your colleagues to discuss history activities that have been supported by the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, through the Legacy Amendment.

legacy grantsminnesota history grantscommunity input meetings
Describe expectations for library service and ways to
                            meet these expectations.
Have a facilitated, focused
conversation about our
Expectation that the Library
community would be involved
  in the conversation, be used
 as resources, & and would be
      informed throughout the
         course of the process.
No expectations that this
Futurists Group would be able
  to define how to implement

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This document summarizes the 10 year anniversary of the MAGNOLIA Project in Mississippi, which provides online access to databases for all publicly funded libraries and institutions in the state. It discusses how the project was established through a steering committee with representatives from different types of libraries. The steering committee worked to select vendors and databases within the project's budget, address technological issues, and train librarians to use the resources. As a result, the MAGNOLIA Project now provides free access to online information that has significantly improved library services across Mississippi.

Rethink springfield presentation rev
Rethink springfield presentation revRethink springfield presentation rev
Rethink springfield presentation rev

The document discusses plans to rethink and improve the Springfield City Library. It conducted research that found the library receives limited funding and staffing that has decreased, and many neighborhoods have unmet needs. It recommends reorganizing library teams around goals like education, workforce development, and civic engagement. It also proposes a scenario to increase hours at neighborhood locations through increased funding commitments from the city and external funders. The library will implement changes and seek ongoing community input to work towards "A Brighter Future for Springfield Today."

Rethink springfieldpresentation rev
Rethink springfieldpresentation revRethink springfieldpresentation rev
Rethink springfieldpresentation rev

The document discusses plans to rethink and reorganize the Springfield City Library. It summarizes the project goals of ensuring sustainable library funding, increasing community engagement, expanding the library's impact, and building a brighter future for Springfield. It outlines research conducted on Springfield's neighborhoods and libraries. Based on this, the library will realign its structure around five program teams focused on adult literacy, after school programs, community engagement, early literacy, and workforce development, as well as a customer experience team. The document recommends increasing library hours and funding to better meet community needs and partner with the city.

    A group of designated
people to have the focused
   conversation…and then
     could initiate a wider
Applicant Criteria
 Work in Minnesota library or be a library school
 Between the ages 25-35
Questions for Applicants
 What motivates you to want to be part of a group
  involved in making recommendations for the future of
  Minnesota’s Libraries?
 Describe what comes to mind when you think of
  “Minnesota Libraries”?
 If you are selected as a member of the Library Futurists
  – what do you hope is one possible outcome from the
  work of the Initiative?
Who Applied?
 83 applicants
    6 School Librarians
    44 Public
    7 Special
    26 Academic

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Laura Stone Video Resume
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Laura Stone Video Resume

Laura Stone is seeking a position on a library's young adult team based on her experience as a Volunteer Coordinator recruiting adults and teens to assist with various library programs and services. She aims to gain familiarity with young adult literature and technology while establishing professional relationships and passing ideas to coworkers. Laura is described as energetic, dependable, organized, dedicated, creative, and friendly.

ya classvideo resumemodule 9
"State of the Library" January 2011
"State of the Library" January 2011"State of the Library" January 2011
"State of the Library" January 2011

The Wadleigh Memorial Library had its busiest year on record in 2010. The number of registered cardholders increased by 10% annually since 2007 and now totals almost 12,000. Library programs saw record attendance levels with nearly 18,000 people participating in 765 events. Circulation increased 7% from the previous year and 42% over the last 5 years. The library continues working to renovate and expand its facilities to meet the growing demand for its services.

public libraries
The Future Is Coming! What Does That Mean for Public Libraries?
The Future Is Coming! What Does That Mean for Public Libraries?The Future Is Coming! What Does That Mean for Public Libraries?
The Future Is Coming! What Does That Mean for Public Libraries?

The document summarizes a webinar discussing the future of public libraries. It includes presentations from Mary Weiss of Credo Reference and Renee DiPilato and Lynda Rudd of the Alexandria Library. Weiss discusses how libraries need to be positioned as vital community infrastructure and focus on their transformational role. DiPilato and Rudd discuss how libraries can shape their future by engaging customers, collaborating with partners, communicating their value, and embracing librarians' roles as connectors in a changing environment.

Selection Criteria & Process
 All types of libraries
 Geographic representation
 Everyone read all the applications
 Scored on a rubric
 Face to face discussion of applicants
Futurist Group Profile
 3 School Librarians
 3 Special/Other
 6 Academic Librarians
 12 Public Librarians
 Geographic representation
October 18 Kick Off
Involving the Library Community
 Everyone invited
 Michael Rogers, The Practical Futurist
 Christine Lind Hage, ALA Committee for America’s
 Libraries for the 21st Century

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Advocacy for Libraries
Advocacy for Libraries Advocacy for Libraries
Advocacy for Libraries

This document summarizes the outcomes of the 2016 planning summit between the State Library of Victoria and Public Libraries Victoria Network to plan their statewide collaboration for the next three years. The key initiatives identified were advocacy (45% weighting), reading and literacy (25% weighting), leadership and learning (15-20% weighting), and creative industries (10-15% weighting). The advocacy project will develop a statewide advocacy strategy and campaign to promote public libraries and influence decision-making. The summit achieved alignment across the library sector and a commitment to work together on the priority initiatives from 2017-2020.

Bhutan - LRP
Bhutan - LRPBhutan - LRP
Bhutan - LRP

The document discusses plans to build libraries in Bhutan and expand to other Asian countries. It details that the first library will be built in Bhutan, providing over 30,000 books from the US to students. The goal is to partner with local organizations to establish over 10 libraries across Bhutan in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, and potentially expand to Northern India. The organization has already established over 150 libraries since 2010 across various community settings. The model involves community involvement, local government support, and private sector funding to establish public-private partnership libraries.

Teacher tools mounds park june11
Teacher tools mounds park june11Teacher tools mounds park june11
Teacher tools mounds park june11

This document provides a summary of various free online tools that can be used for education purposes, including for creating quizzes, flashcards, word games, image generators, and conducting polls. It notes that many of these tools require creating a user account, have limited free features, or have age restrictions. Examples of specific tools are given for each category.

First Meeting for Futurists
 Facilitator to help them get started
 Let them decide their own process, topics, & procedures
Dillon Young
Thanks to Patricia Post, Executive Committee

Planning Documents

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Mn lib futures for pla annws

  • 1. To Infinity and Beyond! Public Library Association Spring Symposium 2011
  • 2. Inspiration  New Jersey Blue Ribbon Task Force  Mid-Atlantic Futures Conference  MN Office of the Legislative Auditor Report on Public Libraries  No strategic state plan for libraries  General threats and challenges to libraries of all types
  • 3. Why Multitypes Took the Lead  Multicounty multitype library systems take the lead  Talk across the lines  Recognize challenges and opportunities  Know the history of library structures & issues  Understand the importance of vision and planning
  • 4. Steps  Multitype directors committed to funding the initial planning meetings  Identified individuals and groups to participate in a planning session  Issued the invitations  Hired a facilitator
  • 5. Who was invited  Regional Public Library Systems  Public Libraries  Private Colleges  U of M Libraries  MnScu Libraries  Minnesota Library Association  Minnesota Educational Media Organization  Minitex  State Library
  • 6. First meeting—May 2010  Goals of the Meeting  Agree that this was needed  Look at process & procedures  Create timeline  Establish subcommittees
  • 8. Steering Committee  Executive Committee  Application Development  Finance  Session Planning  Recruitment  Resource & Support for Futurists
  • 9. Other Steering Committee Meetings June  Accepted work of subcommittees  Defined the Futurists Group  Application process  Session planning for Kick Off
  • 10. What we wanted to happen  Identify challenges, changes, that will impact libraries of all types  Create a foundation for a conversation about the future, change, and getting there  Involve the library community in the conversation
  • 11. “Ulterior Motives”  Introduce different types of library staff to each other  Encourage recognition of the shared problems and issues  Encourage acknowledgement that all types of libraries matter  Metro-centric attitude would be diluted  Identify common challenges  Leadership development
  • 12. Accelerated timeline  Aim for Kick Off in October 2010  Selection of participants in September 2010  Futurists report in May 2011
  • 13. Describe expectations for library service and ways to meet these expectations.
  • 14. How? Have a facilitated, focused conversation about our future.
  • 15. Expectation that the Library community would be involved in the conversation, be used as resources, & and would be informed throughout the course of the process.
  • 16. No expectations that this Futurists Group would be able to define how to implement changes.
  • 17. Who? A group of designated people to have the focused conversation…and then could initiate a wider conversation.
  • 18. Applicant Criteria  Work in Minnesota library or be a library school student  Between the ages 25-35
  • 19. Questions for Applicants  What motivates you to want to be part of a group involved in making recommendations for the future of Minnesota’s Libraries?  Describe what comes to mind when you think of “Minnesota Libraries”?  If you are selected as a member of the Library Futurists – what do you hope is one possible outcome from the work of the Initiative?
  • 20. Who Applied?  83 applicants  6 School Librarians  44 Public  7 Special  26 Academic
  • 21. Selection Criteria & Process  All types of libraries  Geographic representation  Everyone read all the applications  Scored on a rubric  Face to face discussion of applicants
  • 22. Futurist Group Profile  3 School Librarians  3 Special/Other  6 Academic Librarians  12 Public Librarians  Geographic representation
  • 24. Involving the Library Community  Everyone invited  Michael Rogers, The Practical Futurist  Christine Lind Hage, ALA Committee for America’s Libraries for the 21st Century
  • 25. First Meeting for Futurists  Facilitator to help them get started  Let them decide their own process, topics, & procedures
  • 27. Thanks to Patricia Post, Executive Committee Planning Documents

Editor's Notes

  1. OLA highlighted the need for a broad conversation about libraries in MNSilosNo strategic plan that addresses the challenges and changes that all types of faceNo other venue for this kind of conversation
  2. We know everyone—talk across the linesKnow the challenges and opportunitiesKnow the history and politicsNo strong state library agency that looks to planningMore rulemaking rule enforcing fiscal oversightNot visionary or able to look to evolutionLack of evolution in MN library structure
  3. Out of continuing education budgetsWhy a facilitator—to insure the neutrality of the discussion and decisions, keep us on task and track, summarizeMCMT hired the bus and the driver and let the “passengers” define the destination and the route
  4. Broad as possible—metro, outstate, all typesEvery group identified 2 representativesState library in transitionThat if you didn’t to the first meeting, you couldn’t come to the remaining meetings—efficiency
  5. Recognized that this was an ambitious time frameTo increase the efficiency and ensure results, created subcommittees
  6. Amazingly enough—The conclusion is that everyone recognized and was was eager for a conversation these topics
  7. That first meeting with the facilitator allowed everyone to express ideas and reservations about moving forward but in the end everyone agreed there was/is a need for doing a project like this. Involving everyone, looking aheadEveryone agreed to trust the process And trust the work of the subcommittee
  8. Other leadership development opportunitiesWater vs plumbing
  9. Buy in from library community
  10. Ultimate charge for the Futurists
  11. We want to be in charge of the vision—we know we are within various politician structures, but our history of collaboration and cooperation
  12. Don’t expect—or want really—specific recommendations on structure, fundingThis isn’t a problem for the Futurists to solve—give the vision, the library community will take it from there
  13. Don’t expect—or want really—specific recommendations on structure, fundingThis isn’t a problem for the Futurists to solve—give the vision, the library community will take it from there
  14. We want to be in charge of the vision—we know we are within various politician structures, build our history of collaboration and cooperation
  15. Most controversial was age limit—a lot of non-Minnesota nice emails and conversationsReasons on the wikiInspired by speaker at state conference on generations at work—the value of similar world experience, The age limit is not meant to imply that those older or younger than the 10-year range do not have contributions to make or ideas to share, but rather it reflects the research on age cohorts and the value that shared experience brings to discussions such as these. The presenter at the recent Minitex ILL conference made a compelling case for how different generations or cohorts interact with one another and those outside their cohort based on their shared experience of world events that have occurred during their lifetime, as well as the economics, political climate, demographic changes, environments, and other conditions that have influenced their development and world view. In addition, the Steering Committee wanted to go deeper into Minnesota libraries for voices and ideas that may not always be heard in other venues or outside their own settings.
  16. Skeptics on Steering Committee questioned if we would even get 24 applicants
  17. All notified yes or no. Given time to accept—required attendance at first meeting for participation
  18. Wanted to get everyone on the bus--
  19. Compromise on telling them what to do, how to organize, and topics to discuss by having the facilitator at their first 2 meetings.One steering committee member was an emerging leader really encouraged the use of a facilitator so they weren’t just tossed in to sink or swimFollowed the successful approach that worked with steering committee—hire the driver and bus—let them choose the destination and stops along the wayShould have done better coaching on using facilitator