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Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx
•  Why do we need the community
•  What functions does the community need
•  Is there an all-in-one tool
•  Ease of use for us & users
•  Cost of tool
•  Security & privacy concerns
•  Provide the Campers with all the info they need
to participate
•  Collect the participants’ reviews
•  Make reviews available to all
•  Avoid a lot of paper(!)
•  Make our work easy for checking on reviews

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Contributing to Open Source
Contributing to Open SourceContributing to Open Source
Contributing to Open Source

This is a presentation I am presenting to a computer science class, highlighting how to get involved in open source, and the steps I took to get me to where I am.

softwarecomputer scienceopen source
Buzzr: A "Cloud" Platform for Creating and Maintaining Websites
Buzzr: A "Cloud" Platform for Creating and Maintaining WebsitesBuzzr: A "Cloud" Platform for Creating and Maintaining Websites
Buzzr: A "Cloud" Platform for Creating and Maintaining Websites

About the Buzzr,com "Software as a Service" platform for creating and running one or many websites. Based on Drupal, its very sophisticated and can run the website of a mid-sized organization, like a college, but with a streamlined user interface for ease of use.

saasbuzzred sussman new york
Strategies to overcome the Adoption Dilemma
Strategies to overcome the Adoption DilemmaStrategies to overcome the Adoption Dilemma
Strategies to overcome the Adoption Dilemma

IBM Connections is a great piece of software. It is not designed to solve certain business cases though. As a matter of fact, people have to find ways to map their business cases to IBM Connections. Moreover IBM Connections is an empty shell and heavily relies on people to use the system. People only tend to use systems though if they find valuable content that helps solving daily problems. But that content has to be provided by people so it is like chasing one’s own tail. These are two crucial points that make IBM Connections adoption a difficult task. One strategy to overcome this is to install Community Managers who work with users to find ways to map their business cases to IBM Connections. Another strategy is to automatically provide and migrate content from other systems into Connections in order to get and keep the system alive and kicking. We will discuss this and show how to deal with it in order to make a Connections roll-out and the product life thereafter a success.

Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx
Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx
Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx
Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx

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Share point 2013 the way to go...
Share point 2013 the way to go...Share point 2013 the way to go...
Share point 2013 the way to go...

Take this opportunity to learn more about SP 2013 and find out about the plans other organizations have for SP 2013. Some of the common concerns now include: Should I wait for SP 2013 or move on with SP 2010? How do I justify for SP 2013's investment? With great improvements in features and usability, the SP product team now says that the web/intranet team can focus more on engaging with users needs rather than vendors' implementation. So what role do we play in SP 2013, and what role do vendors play? What does it mean for migration from earlier versions of SharePoint?

sharepoint 2013sharepoint
Web and Business
Web and BusinessWeb and Business
Web and Business

The document discusses the role of Web 2.0 in business. It defines Web 2.0 as applications that leverage the advantages of the internet as a platform by delivering continuously updated services, consuming and remixing data from multiple sources, and enabling user participation and network effects. Examples provided include Wikipedia, Google Maps, and social networks. Key principles of Web 2.0 outlined are that it is based on an attitude rather than technology, treats the user as a contributor, trusts users, and enables the "long tail" through specialized services.

An Introduction to MIT's Drupal Cloud
An Introduction to MIT's Drupal CloudAn Introduction to MIT's Drupal Cloud
An Introduction to MIT's Drupal Cloud

Michael Rossetti lead a talk that focused on MIT's upcoming service offering known as Drupal Cloud. We will try to go over what the service offers, the goal of the service, why we chose Drupal, our custom Drupal distrobution, a brief description of the infrastructure, the status of the project, the road map of the project, and ideally showcase a few of our pilot participants sites and give a little demo.

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Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx
Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx
Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx
Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx

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Building a community - BuildStuff Lithuania 2014
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Building a community - BuildStuff Lithuania 2014

You want to be a user group lead? Thinking of starting your own user group? Awesome! But there are a number of things to think about before starting. Is your whole idea viable? Where do I get speakers and attendees? Should I create a legal entity? How do I finance the whole thing? In this session, Gill Cleeren will tell you how he has had a successful user group in Belgium for almost 10 years now.

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Enabling Design Reviews with JIRA and Confluence - Atlassian Summit 2012
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Enabling Design Reviews with JIRA and Confluence - Atlassian Summit 2012

The presentation discusses how Moving Interactive uses Atlassian tools like JIRA and Confluence for design reviews, dashboards, meeting notes, and user acceptance testing. Specifically, it covers how they use Bonfire for collaborative design reviews, customize dashboards for different roles, implement issue and field security, integrate workflows with proprietary tools, and structure Bonfire testing into grouped sessions.

Scientific Collaboration with Plone: A Case Study
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Scientific Collaboration with Plone: A Case Study

Scientific Collaboration with Plone: A Case Study summarizes how an ecologist used Plone to create a collaboration site for the organization Advancing Green Chemistry. Key points: 1) The site provides a private, secure environment for members to discuss ideas around connecting green chemistry and environmental health sciences. 2) Plone's features like document sharing, wikis, and custom content types supported collaboration needs. Add-ons provided discussions, news feeds, and bibliographies. 3) The site helped prepare a policy statement in response to a change in administration, demonstrating how Plone can enable quick collaboration. Keeping the site simple focused on content management was critical to its success.

Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx
Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx
Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx
Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx

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IBM Connections 3.0.1 & Beyond
IBM Connections 3.0.1 & BeyondIBM Connections 3.0.1 & Beyond
IBM Connections 3.0.1 & Beyond

The document provides an overview of new and enhanced features in IBM Connections 3.0.1 and beyond. Key highlights include improved social analytics and recommendations, enhanced communities, forums, notifications, mobile access, accessibility, and integration capabilities. New features such as idea centers, moderation tools, and microblogging enhancements are also summarized. The document concludes with a discussion of upcoming innovations in IBM Connections Next to further improve in-context experiences, communities, and business to consumer functions.

Guide to open source
Guide to open source Guide to open source
Guide to open source

This document provides an overview of open source software and recommendations for companies adopting open source. It discusses how open source can accelerate projects and attract talent. It profiles companies like Adobe, Netflix, Oracle, Samsung, and Microsoft that contribute to open source despite not being commonly associated with it. The document outlines how to launch an open source project, including using an open source license, README, contribution guidelines, and code of conduct. It also discusses roles in open source projects and various open source business models. The recommendations encourage companies to publish independent components on GitHub, take releases from GitHub, and create developer websites to engage with the open source community.

open sourceoss
Choosing the best JavaScript framework/library/toolkit
Choosing the best JavaScript framework/library/toolkitChoosing the best JavaScript framework/library/toolkit
Choosing the best JavaScript framework/library/toolkit

This document compares several major JavaScript libraries, frameworks, and toolkits to help determine which is best for a given project. It defines the differences between libraries, frameworks, and toolkits. Features like modularity, code structure, utilities, and user interface capabilities are compared for libraries like jQuery, MooTools, AngularJS, BackboneJS, Dojo and YUI. Considerations around when to use MV* patterns and support, community, and usage statistics are also discussed.

Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx
Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx
Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx
Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx

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How to write a web framework
How to write a web frameworkHow to write a web framework
How to write a web framework

This document discusses writing web frameworks. It begins by introducing the speaker, Ngoc, and his experience writing several web frameworks in different languages. It then asks questions to prompt discussion about web frameworks, including differences between frameworks and libraries, challenges in writing frameworks, and important framework features. The document emphasizes that frameworks should have a clear vision and workflow. It also provides examples from Sinetja and Xitrum frameworks to illustrate concepts.

web frameworkxitrumscala
Intranets school
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Presented with Chris Evjy at the Colorado Association of Libraries (CAL) Annual Conference, October 8 2010

Sakai Development Process
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Sakai Development Process

The document proposes a new Sakai development process with the following key elements: 1) A Product Council will be established to decide what is included in official Sakai releases based on objective criteria and an open process. 2) A more managed product development process will be used for development teams with project management, schedules, and functional leadership. 3) Independent and incubation projects will still be possible and encouraged but will need to meet certain criteria to graduate to official releases.

Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx
Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx
Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx
Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx

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Iterating and shipping software quickly to help you build what users want. Keeping it simple and scaling architecture over time, not right away.

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Turn the Focus From the Tool to the Business
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Turn the Focus From the Tool to the Business

How many times have you had this discussion? Business: "What can SharePoint do?" You: "What do you want to do?" Business: "I can't tell you what I want to do until I know what it can do?" In this session we will walk through the presentation used at the City of Minneapolis to turn this conversation upside down. At the end of this session you will have the tools to turn the focus to what the business needs instead of what SharePoint can do.

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Perforce Development Ecosystem and Community Portal
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Perforce Development Ecosystem and Community Portal

What is Perforce doing to pave the road to innovation? Come hear about Perforce's internal ecosystem: how we have nurtured innovation, empowered employees, and powered creativity using Perforce technologies, platform extensions, and open source principles. Get a look at a few case studies of Perforce innovation from seed to blossom, including the Perforce JavaScript API, a Stream Graph applet (on demo at the conference), and the Eco server itself.

                            groups &

Adding virtual counselors
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Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx

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The document outlines Ed Tech Productions' process for developing instructional projects. It discusses conducting client consultations to determine project needs and goals, including topics, budget, timeline and requirements. A feasibility study may then examine the best technologies. Next is a drafting phase where the project components and their interactions are planned out in a blueprint. An approved blueprint marks the start of pre-production.

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Open Source: What is It?

A discussion of the advantages, risks, and rewards of Open Source by Jonathan Markow, DuraSpace. Presented June 2, 2011

Building and Deploying a Global Intranet with Liferay
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Building and Deploying a Global Intranet with Liferay

Enterprise 2.0 is no longer a hype but a necessity in a new era where more enterprises are starting to have a global presence. As users' expectations of intranets grow it has become crucial for global enterprises to rise to the challenge and stay competitive by providing their employees with an effective means of collaboration, communication and socialization to not just increase productivity, but also strengthen employee loyalty. This presentation will discuss how Liferay Portal facilitates the architecture of global intranets that meet these challenges, along with practical examples of how it can be used to achieve the results expected from an Enterprise 2.0 intranet.

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Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx

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February 13th, 2014 - Unicon IAM Webinar Update
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February 13th, 2014 - Unicon IAM Webinar Update

This document summarizes an update briefing on identity and access management (IAM) software including Central Authentication Service (CAS), Shibboleth, and Grouper. It provides information on recent releases and updates to CAS, Shibboleth, and Grouper as well as Unicon's contributions and support for these open source projects. The briefing covered CAS 4, Shibboleth Identity Provider 3, the Multi-Context Broker, and Grouper 2.2. It also discussed Unicon's participation in these projects through code contributions on GitHub and support for subscribers.

unicon iam webinar cas shibboleth grouper open sou
Social networking in drupal
Social networking in drupalSocial networking in drupal
Social networking in drupal

Isaac Sukin About Art Blog Websites Writing Home ADUG slides Filed Under: Atlanta, Drupal, Modules, Social NetworkingJul.14, 2010 Yesterday night I gave a presentation on Social Networking in Drupal at the Atlanta Drupal Users Group meetup. Grab the slides or watch the video! The presentation was based on one I gave at DrupalCamp South Carolina/LinuxFest SouthEast. Also check out the demo site! (Update: the demo site has been taken down.)

drupalsocial networking
MPS MILI 2018-19
MPS MILI 2018-19MPS MILI 2018-19
MPS MILI 2018-19

This document provides an introduction to Metronet's year-long Information Literacy Initiative for the 2018-2019 school year in Elk River and Minneapolis Public Schools. It discusses how information literacy and 21st century skills are key to student success in academics, careers and daily life. The initiative aims to teach students how to effectively find, evaluate and use information and technology through the development of critical thinking, problem solving, communication and other vital skills.

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Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx
Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx
through Groups

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SPPS MILI 2015 16
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SPPS MILI 2015 16

The document introduces the Metronet Information Literacy Initiative (MILI), which aims to help teachers and students improve research skills, identify reliable resources, and promote responsible use of information. MILI will provide guidance on incorporating the three Rs - research process, reliable resources, and responsible use - into classroom teaching and assignments. Librarians are seen as vital partners through their expertise in information access, technology, and research skills. The goals of MILI are to influence how teachers approach research, encourage collaboration between teachers and librarians, and help integrate information literacy into curriculums.

SPPS MILI Intro--2014-15
SPPS MILI Intro--2014-15SPPS MILI Intro--2014-15
SPPS MILI Intro--2014-15

This document provides an introduction to Metronet's Information Literacy Initiative for the 2014-2015 school year in Saint Paul Public Schools. It discusses the changing nature of research, classrooms, and libraries due to advances in technology and the internet. While students are accustomed to new technologies, they still need guidance to effectively find, evaluate, and use information, as well as to understand related ethical and legal issues. The initiative aims to teach these important information literacy skills.

MPS MILI 2014-15
MPS MILI 2014-15MPS MILI 2014-15
MPS MILI 2014-15

The document introduces the Metronet Information Literacy Initiative (MILI), which aims to influence how teachers teach the research process and encourage collaboration between teachers and librarians. MILI will focus on the three Rs: research process, reliable resources, and responsible use of information. It will provide guidance on conducting effective research using a defined process, identifying reliable resources in various formats, and promoting the responsible use of information and technology. The goal is to improve student and teacher research skills and incorporate information literacy into curriculums through collaborative projects.

Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx

Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx

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Ecrl blueprint workshop
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Ecrl blueprint workshop

This document provides guidance on building a strong Friends group to support the local library. It begins with an overview of the different roles Friends can play, including advocacy, fundraising, public relations, recruiting volunteers, and planning events and special projects. It then gives 10 "commandments" for a successful Friends group, such as having support from the library director and staff, clear roles for all partners, and regular evaluation and evolution. The second part focuses on finding new Friends members and provides tips on developing a recruitment plan, targeting different demographic groups, using various marketing strategies including social media, and following up with potential members. It also shares examples from other libraries of innovative ways to engage younger adults. The overall message is that Friends groups need to

Pinterest dist 112 dec 2013
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Pinterest dist 112 dec 2013

Pinterest is a visual bookmarking tool that allows users to curate content by creating virtual cork boards called boards and pinning images, links and videos to the boards to organize around topics. Members can like and re-pin pins from other members and search for new pins to add to their boards from Pinterest. Teachers can use Pinterest for lesson planning, collecting resources for student projects and collaborating with other teachers.

Drafting the Blueprint: Building Friends for Minnesota Association of LIbrary...
Drafting the Blueprint: Building Friends for Minnesota Association of LIbrary...Drafting the Blueprint: Building Friends for Minnesota Association of LIbrary...
Drafting the Blueprint: Building Friends for Minnesota Association of LIbrary...

The document provides an agenda and background information for a workshop titled "Building Friends" put on by the Minnesota Association of Library Friends. The morning sessions will cover building and finding Friends groups. The afternoon will include panels on fundraising and keeping Friends groups active. The document also provides information on the Minnesota Association of Library Friends and the resources it offers to library Friends groups. It emphasizes the important roles Friends groups play in advocacy, fundraising, public relations, volunteering, and event planning for libraries.

• Ease of use
• Common ground & interests
• Customizable with apps
• Focused on the project
•  Need one or more administrators to stay on top of
      •  Set-up
      •  Permissions
      •  Approvals, if needed
      •  Spam
•  Moderators
•  Make things happen
•  Post questions
•  Comment on blogs/content
•  Forums
Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx

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MILI Intro 2013-2014
MILI Intro 2013-2014MILI Intro 2013-2014
MILI Intro 2013-2014

The Metronet Information Literacy Initiative (MILI) aims to influence how teachers teach the research process and encourage collaboration between teachers and librarians on research. MILI focuses on helping students develop skills in the three R's: research process, finding reliable resources, and responsible use of information. MILI will provide guidance to teachers on teaching these skills and incorporating information literacy into the curriculum. The goals are to improve students' research abilities and promote 21st century learning.

Social Media for Bremer Bank
Social Media for Bremer BankSocial Media for Bremer Bank
Social Media for Bremer Bank

This document provides an overview of social media and how organizations can use various social media tools. It defines social media as people using tools like blogs, videos, and sites like Facebook and Twitter to create and share content online. The document discusses many popular social media tools including blogs, microblogging, social networks, photo/video sharing, wikis, and their benefits for organizations. It provides tips for organizations on how to participate in social media, including starting with personal interests, listening first, finding people to follow, and developing a plan with goals and resources. It stresses the importance of regular evaluation to determine what is working.

Senior techies mla
Senior techies mlaSenior techies mla
Senior techies mla

The Senior Techies program provided technology education classes to older adults across 14 Minnesota libraries. Over 1,000 people attended the 243 classes on topics like basic computer skills, email, digital photography, and internet searching. The classes aimed to boost confidence with technology for participants ages 47-95. Funding from state and national library agencies supported the equipment, staffing, and collaboration needed for the successful multi-library program, which participants found helpful for continuing to use technology and which they hope to see expanded in the future.
All user-
Create the

              Groups Include:
              •  By library
              •  By region
              •  By interest
              •  By Activity

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Mn lib futures for pla annws
Mn lib futures for pla annwsMn lib futures for pla annws
Mn lib futures for pla annws

This document outlines the process undertaken by the Multitype Library Systems in Minnesota to establish a group of library futurists to examine challenges and opportunities facing Minnesota libraries. It describes how the futurists group was formed, including inviting representation from different library types and regions, appointing a steering committee, selecting 25 futurists ages 25-35 through an application process, and holding kickoff meetings. The goal was for the futurists to have a focused conversation on the future of Minnesota libraries and initiate a wider discussion on developing a strategic plan.

Hd@your library aasl
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Hd@your library aasl

This document describes a collaboration between Metronet, MELSA, and Minnesota History Day to hold an event called "History Day @ your library" that aims to: 1) Introduce teachers, librarians, and students participating in History Day to library resources in the Twin Cities area. 2) Help teachers teach research skills and help librarians understand History Day. 3) The all-day event includes keynote speakers and breakout sessions on researching, finding reliable sources, and responsible use of information. The goal is to improve connections between libraries and History Day students.

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Annws ignite mlis may 11

This document summarizes Ann Walker Smalley's career path in libraries and related fields. She began her career at the State Library of Ohio and later worked at Battelle Memorial Institute, the Department of Housing and Urban Development Library, and the National Restaurant Association. Throughout her career, she utilized skills like research, writing, public speaking, and relationship building. After taking a 13-year sabbatical, she returned to librarianship through various consulting roles. She advises MLIS students to gain a variety of experiences, advocate for themselves, and look beyond traditional library roles.

Tools for OnlineCommunities.pptx



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