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Metronet Information
 Literacy Initiative

Research, Reliable Resources, &
       Responsible Use

       November 2009
•  Multicounty multitype library system
•  One of 7 in Minnesota
•  Serve libraries of all types with continuing
   education, networking, and special projects
•  Metronet Board is committed to the cause of
   Information Literacy & teaching the skills
   needed for lifelong learning
Metronet Activities
Part 1.


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MPS MILI 2014-15
MPS MILI 2014-15MPS MILI 2014-15
MPS MILI 2014-15

The document introduces the Metronet Information Literacy Initiative (MILI), which aims to influence how teachers teach the research process and encourage collaboration between teachers and librarians. MILI will focus on the three Rs: research process, reliable resources, and responsible use of information. It will provide guidance on conducting effective research using a defined process, identifying reliable resources in various formats, and promoting the responsible use of information and technology. The goal is to improve student and teacher research skills and incorporate information literacy into curriculums through collaborative projects.

SPPS MILI Intro--2014-15
SPPS MILI Intro--2014-15SPPS MILI Intro--2014-15
SPPS MILI Intro--2014-15

This document provides an introduction to Metronet's Information Literacy Initiative for the 2014-2015 school year in Saint Paul Public Schools. It discusses the changing nature of research, classrooms, and libraries due to advances in technology and the internet. While students are accustomed to new technologies, they still need guidance to effectively find, evaluate, and use information, as well as to understand related ethical and legal issues. The initiative aims to teach these important information literacy skills.

Ver 2 Bloomington mili intro 2011
Ver 2 Bloomington mili intro 2011Ver 2 Bloomington mili intro 2011
Ver 2 Bloomington mili intro 2011

The document introduces Metronet's Information Literacy Initiative, which aims to teach skills for finding, evaluating, and using information effectively. Metronet is a library system serving Minnesota that is committed to information literacy. The initiative focuses on activities like History Day and 21st century skills. It discusses how information literacy, research, classrooms, and libraries have evolved from print-based to incorporating more digital tools and user-generated content for collaboration. The goals are to improve productivity, manage information, and expand reach through communication and creation.

        •  Professional development for
         teachers & LMS

        •  How to integrate the MN Info &
         Technology Literacy Standards
         into classroom teaching
MILI s Purpose
           •  Influence the teaching of the research process
           •  Increase teacher/LMS awareness and use of
              Web 2.0 tools useful in the classroom
           •  Encourage teachers/LMS to incorporate the 3
              Rs into teaching
           •  Encourage more collaboration between LMS &
              teachers around the research process
Introduction to MILI: District 112, 2009
Information Literacy
                    Key to Success

•    Academic
•    Work life
•    Daily life
•    Lifelong learning

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Senior techies mla
Senior techies mlaSenior techies mla
Senior techies mla

The Senior Techies program provided technology education classes to older adults across 14 Minnesota libraries. Over 1,000 people attended the 243 classes on topics like basic computer skills, email, digital photography, and internet searching. The classes aimed to boost confidence with technology for participants ages 47-95. Funding from state and national library agencies supported the equipment, staffing, and collaboration needed for the successful multi-library program, which participants found helpful for continuing to use technology and which they hope to see expanded in the future.

Hd@your library aasl
Hd@your library aaslHd@your library aasl
Hd@your library aasl

This document describes a collaboration between Metronet, MELSA, and Minnesota History Day to hold an event called "History Day @ your library" that aims to: 1) Introduce teachers, librarians, and students participating in History Day to library resources in the Twin Cities area. 2) Help teachers teach research skills and help librarians understand History Day. 3) The all-day event includes keynote speakers and breakout sessions on researching, finding reliable sources, and responsible use of information. The goal is to improve connections between libraries and History Day students.

Ecrl blueprint workshop
Ecrl blueprint workshopEcrl blueprint workshop
Ecrl blueprint workshop

This document provides guidance on building a strong Friends group to support the local library. It begins with an overview of the different roles Friends can play, including advocacy, fundraising, public relations, recruiting volunteers, and planning events and special projects. It then gives 10 "commandments" for a successful Friends group, such as having support from the library director and staff, clear roles for all partners, and regular evaluation and evolution. The second part focuses on finding new Friends members and provides tips on developing a recruitment plan, targeting different demographic groups, using various marketing strategies including social media, and following up with potential members. It also shares examples from other libraries of innovative ways to engage younger adults. The overall message is that Friends groups need to

Libraries & Librarians
  Vital for research at all levels

 •  Information experts
 •  Access to resources
 •  Ability to connect people & resources
 •  Ability to connect information &
Students are content creators
They need traditional & new skills!

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Social Software In Academic Libraries
Social Software In Academic LibrariesSocial Software In Academic Libraries
Social Software In Academic Libraries

This document discusses how academic libraries are using various social software tools. It describes social tools like wikis, social bookmarking, media sharing, social networking, blogs, instant messaging, and microblogging. For each tool, it provides examples of how libraries use them, such as using wikis for intranets, training, and subject guides. It also discusses the growth of social media and how mainstream adoption of these tools has increased.

E-Learning on the Social Semantic Information Sources
E-Learning on the Social Semantic Information SourcesE-Learning on the Social Semantic Information Sources
E-Learning on the Social Semantic Information Sources

I present the idea of Social Semantic Information Sources (SSIS) and make a review of SSIS. I point out how important role SSIS play in e-Learning (informal sources of knowledge). I present a new idea of Learning Management System that derives from formal and informal sources of information.

Facebook in the Classroom
Facebook in the ClassroomFacebook in the Classroom
Facebook in the Classroom

This document discusses using Facebook in the classroom to engage students. It notes that Facebook has over 955 million active users and is a popular social networking platform. The document outlines reasons to use Facebook such as keeping up with technology, engaging students, promoting collaboration, and allowing for classroom assessment. It provides examples of how teachers can share materials, get instant feedback from students, and invite student content on Facebook. The document also discusses concerns about using Facebook and notes the importance of administration, privacy settings, and maintaining professionalism. It provides resources for additional information on using Facebook in the classroom.

siastclassroom engagementfacebook
Using traditional & new media!
To prepare for
for the global
society &
economy they
will face !

Trends in Business &
                    and maybe school
•    User-created content
•    Social networking
•    Collaborative work
•    Collective intelligence to solve problems
•    Participatory Leadership
•    Online civic engagement
•    Global reach and influence

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Knowing Me, Knowing You: Social media for professional learning
Knowing Me, Knowing You: Social media for professional learningKnowing Me, Knowing You: Social media for professional learning
Knowing Me, Knowing You: Social media for professional learning

This document discusses how social media can be used by school librarians to find ideas for library displays, follow the latest library research, find resources to support collections, stay up to date with library events, and access book reviews and tutorials. It recommends using Instagram with hashtags like #schoollibrary and #libraryshelfie, and Pinterest boards tagged with #schoollibrary to find display ideas. Twitter, blogs, and organization websites are suggested to follow leaders in the library field and learn about current research. Hashtags can also be used on Twitter to follow topics like conferences. Tools like Feedly, Pocket, and Scoop.It are presented as ways to collect and curate information from various online sources.

librariansocial networkingschool libraries
Lisa's research 10th oct 2012
Lisa's research 10th oct 2012Lisa's research 10th oct 2012
Lisa's research 10th oct 2012

This document summarizes Lisa Harris's research from 2012-2013. It discusses her background in banking and education. She is interested in innovative applications of technology in education, business, and society. Her current projects investigate digital literacy, social activism, social customer relationship management, social shopping, and social learning. The document also provides information on her teaching roles and a conference on digital literacies that she helped organize, where student digital champions played a key role.

Putting Yourself Out There: Online Social Networking for Librarians
Putting Yourself Out There: Online Social Networking for LibrariansPutting Yourself Out There: Online Social Networking for Librarians
Putting Yourself Out There: Online Social Networking for Librarians

This document discusses ways for librarians to establish an online presence through social networking. It encourages librarians to blog about library-related topics, engage with others on Twitter and Facebook, participate in online discussions, write articles, speak at online conferences, and develop resources for other librarians. Some specific social media that are mentioned include blogging platforms, Twitter, Facebook, library email lists, online journals, and virtual library organization committees. The document provides tips for an effective online presence, such as sharing interesting information, engaging in conversations, having an authentic personality, and doing things to help other librarians rather than just to gain personal attention.

networkingweb 20social software
Technology Trends
    •  Mobile computing
    •  Cloud computing
    •  Geo-coded everything
    •  Personalized, customizable Web
                     And for education
    •  Assessment
    •  Filtering
The Horizon Report K-12
The Horizon Report 2009
What we re reading

       Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration
     Changes Everything by Don Tapscott & Anthony

A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will
  Rule the Future by Daniel Pink

•        The World Is Flat by Thomas Friedman
Will they be ready for this future
                which really is now?
LMS who
can guide

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Social Media for Participant-Centered Learning
Social Media for Participant-Centered LearningSocial Media for Participant-Centered Learning
Social Media for Participant-Centered Learning

Used as part of a presentation for NEOASTD called "Avatars, Social Networking & Virtual Worlds for Participant-Centered Learning."

Connecting and collaborating[1]
Connecting and collaborating[1]Connecting and collaborating[1]
Connecting and collaborating[1]

Alicia Smith

ALSR - Web 2.0 Journey at Murdoch University Library
ALSR - Web 2.0 Journey at Murdoch University LibraryALSR - Web 2.0 Journey at Murdoch University Library
ALSR - Web 2.0 Journey at Murdoch University Library

It is the presentation at the 'Academic Librarian 2 - singing in the rain' conference held in Hong Kong March 2010.

academic librariesaustraliaconference paper hong kong
Through the research process
To reliable resources
While understanding
responsible use
By developing research projects that
       encourage 21st Century Learning
       skills & promote Information

      Creating assignments that encourage
        building knowledge, not just
        repeating information

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Tech tools to communicate with stakeholders
Tech tools to communicate with stakeholdersTech tools to communicate with stakeholders
Tech tools to communicate with stakeholders

This document discusses strategies for communicating effectively with various stakeholders as a school librarian. It identifies the main stakeholder groups as students, teachers, administrators, and parents. For each group, it suggests priorities to focus the message on, such as student growth and creativity for students and teachers. It then provides examples of communication tools and strategies for each stakeholder, such as using social media, video, and infographics in tailored ways. The overall message is to keep communications concise, focused on stakeholder priorities, and develop a consistent brand across the tools and platforms used.

Using Your School Library Website in Instruction
Using Your School Library Website in InstructionUsing Your School Library Website in Instruction
Using Your School Library Website in Instruction

This document provides guidance on creating an effective library website for instruction. It recommends having clear goals such as promoting the library and helping students learn. The design should be clean and simple with easy navigation, limited images, and age-appropriate language. Content may include library information, resources for students and teachers, tutorials, and lesson plans that support instruction. Websites should be evaluated for usability and updated regularly to engage users.

Untangle & listen
Untangle & listenUntangle & listen
Untangle & listen

This document discusses ways to reuse old technology and reduce waste by connecting modern MP3 players to older stereo equipment using auxiliary cables. It provides examples of connecting a $20 Sansa MP3 player to a boom box or $49 Sansa Clip to a 1970s stereo. Connecting devices in this way allows one to power old equipment for great sound quality while avoiding headphones. The document encourages hosting "bring your own music" events to reconnect listening experiences.

MILI will be your guide
•  To the research
•  Finding reliable
•  Identifying new tools
•  Information literacy
•  For 21st century skills
MILI Focus
        •  On the process
        •  On the resources
        •  On the tools that make it happen
The MILI 3 Rs
        Research Process
         Reliable Resources
          Responsible Use

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AACE 2012: Your Mission is to Collaboratively Program a LEGO Robot via a Virt...
AACE 2012: Your Mission is to Collaboratively Program a LEGO Robot via a Virt...AACE 2012: Your Mission is to Collaboratively Program a LEGO Robot via a Virt...
AACE 2012: Your Mission is to Collaboratively Program a LEGO Robot via a Virt...

This document discusses a research project that aims to collaboratively program LEGO robots through a virtual world. The tasks given to the robots can be quantified in difficulty and replicated for analysis. The goal is to design an evidence-based learning framework for tasks of measurable complexity in virtual worlds in order to promote science awareness and recovery in Japan. Data from the virtual and real worlds will be captured, coded, and analyzed to further the research.

lego mindstorms
Metrics in virtual worlds
Metrics in virtual worldsMetrics in virtual worlds
Metrics in virtual worlds

The document describes a study that developed a framework for designing effective tasks in virtual worlds. Researchers had one group program a LEGO robot to follow a circuit and then teach another group how to do it by communicating through Second Life. Student interactions were video recorded and analyzed using Bloom's Taxonomy to code cognitive processes and knowledge dimensions. The analysis found that conceptual knowledge tasks engaged higher-order cognitive processes over time, and that task design, not just difficulty, impacted learning.

virtual worldsopensimmetrics
MILI Introduction 2009
MILI Introduction 2009MILI Introduction 2009
MILI Introduction 2009

The document outlines Metronet's Information Literacy Initiative (MILI) which aims to teach teachers and librarians information literacy and 21st century skills through professional development opportunities. MILI focuses on developing skills in research, finding reliable resources, and responsible use of information. It promotes using Web 2.0 tools to encourage collaboration, communication, and student content creation. The goal is to prepare students for post-secondary education and careers through integrating information literacy into classroom instruction.

             Improve the ability of students & teachers to conduct effective
                  research by using a process that includes 5 steps

      •     Question
      •     Gather & Evaluate information
      •     Conclude
      •     Communicate information & conclusion
      •     Evaluate process & product
Reliable Resources !
                   Identify & use available, reliable resources

    •  “Format agnostic”--the format of the
       information is not the point
    •  Evaluate all print, electronic, online, &
       human resources for authenticity &
    •  Resource is appropriate in the context of
       this research
Responsible Use!
          Promote the understanding & practice of the responsible use of
                           information & technology

     •  Advise & assist teachers in the creation of
        plagiarism-proof assignments
     •  Provide resources for teaching responsible use
        including copyright, Creative Commons,
        technology use
     •  Promote responsible use of Web 2.0 tools in
MILI will reduce the noise


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Mla Web Junction Update
Mla Web Junction UpdateMla Web Junction Update
Mla Web Junction Update

WebJunction Minnesota (WJMN) is a portal for Minnesota library staff to connect, create, and learn through online courses, social networking, and shared content. Key features of WJMN include a blog, calendar of events, and course catalog on the front page. Members can personalize their experience by creating profiles, joining groups, and bookmarking content. WJMN aims to connect members by providing ways for them to share activities and interests, start discussions, and see what their friends are doing on the site. Members are encouraged to contribute by authoring articles, commenting, tagging content, and volunteering to be featured on the site.

Google SketchUp for Media Architecture Communication
Google SketchUp for Media  Architecture CommunicationGoogle SketchUp for Media  Architecture Communication
Google SketchUp for Media Architecture Communication

Second year undergraduate students in Japan studied alternative energy sources for the country's future. They conducted a SWOT analysis, researched facts and opinions, compared new ideas to existing energy, gathered feedback, and designed 3D representations using Google SketchUp over six weeks. The students presented their ideas through an app developed for the iPad to provide an interactive experience for viewers. Their projects were assessed based on design, justification, exercises, and exceptional work. An evaluation found that students were very positive about the transmedia approach to developing skills in design, communication, and higher-level cognitive processes.

Mpls MILI Intro 14 15
Mpls MILI Intro 14 15Mpls MILI Intro 14 15
Mpls MILI Intro 14 15

Introduction to Metronet's Information Literacy Initiative (MILI) program, present to Minneapolis Public Schools.

metronetmiliminneapolis public schools
Together, we can
•  Improve your research project to
   incorporate a research process
•  Learn Web 2.0 tools that work in
   classrooms and school buildings for
   collaboration, communication, & creation
•  Share what we know & what we learn
Thoughts on MILI by Past
Part 2.

In the beginning of the Web

•    Static Web sites
•    Source of information/simple answers
•    Limited media--photos & illustrations
•    One-way communication
•    Needed design & coding skills
•    Needed proprietary software
•    Access to a server

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MPS MILI 2018-19
MPS MILI 2018-19MPS MILI 2018-19
MPS MILI 2018-19

This document provides an introduction to Metronet's year-long Information Literacy Initiative for the 2018-2019 school year in Elk River and Minneapolis Public Schools. It discusses how information literacy and 21st century skills are key to student success in academics, careers and daily life. The initiative aims to teach students how to effectively find, evaluate and use information and technology through the development of critical thinking, problem solving, communication and other vital skills.

MILI iPad Intro--MPS 2012
MILI iPad Intro--MPS 2012MILI iPad Intro--MPS 2012
MILI iPad Intro--MPS 2012

The document introduces the Metronet Information Literacy Initiative (MILI), which aims to promote information literacy skills among students. MILI will focus on teaching the research process, identifying reliable resources, and promoting responsible use of information. It will encourage collaboration between libraries and teachers to incorporate these skills into classroom instruction. MILI will provide guidance on using new tools and the research process to develop assignments that encourage 21st century skills over simply repeating information. The goals are to help students conduct effective research and evaluate information critically and ethically.

Conole ntu 1_oct epedagogies and social media
Conole ntu 1_oct epedagogies and social mediaConole ntu 1_oct epedagogies and social media
Conole ntu 1_oct epedagogies and social media

This document discusses how new technologies and social media can transform learning experiences. It outlines different pedagogical approaches like drill-and-practice, inquiry learning, and situated learning that can be enhanced through technologies. Digital literacies involve skills like collaboration, negotiation, and collective intelligence. The document advocates open practices like open resources, courses, accreditation, and research. Social media can support personalized and collaborative learning when combined with appropriate pedagogical approaches.

Web 1.0                                    Web 2.0
  Read only                                  Read/Write/Collaborate
  Web as reading platform                    Web as publishing platform
  Developer authorship                       Public authorship
  Software applications                      Web as software platform
  Commercial/Proprietary                     Open source/shared
  Static                                     Dynamic
  Impersonal                                 It knows you and your needs
  Restricted collaboration                   Collaborative
  Short Tail                                 Long Tail
  Official Releases                          Constantly versioning—Beta
  Test-based                                 Multi-media
  HD as storage platform                     Web as storage platform
  Lecture                                    Conversation
The new social Web 2.0 tools to
                 make it easier to!
                           •  Explore
                           •  Customize
                           •  Collaborate
                           •  Create
                           •  Share
                           •  Communicate
What is Web 2.0/Classroom 2.0
        •  Read/Write Web
        •  Interactive Web
        •  User-generated content
        •  Sharing--content, expertise
        •  Global connections
Really, it’s all about us!!
      Students, librarians, & teachers

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Moodle from Scratch
Moodle from ScratchMoodle from Scratch
Moodle from Scratch

Presentation for ACPET webinar for RTOs getting started with Moodle. The live session explores: • understand the options available to RTOs to deliver part or all learning online • understand how Moodle is integral to a blended learning strategy • getting courses up and running with implementing Moodle • options for hosting • understand how resources and activities are created and distributed to learners • how to teach and assess using Moodle • implications for RTO resources, staffing and support • reporting • integration with other RTO systems

Embedding librarianship in learning management systems
Embedding librarianship in learning management systemsEmbedding librarianship in learning management systems
Embedding librarianship in learning management systems

This document discusses embedding librarianship in learning management systems (LMS). It defines LMS embedded librarianship as incorporating traditional information literacy methods by relocating library instruction within the LMS in a proactive manner. This makes library tools and resources visible directly within the course management system. The document then outlines various aspects of implementing and sustaining an LMS embedded librarian program, including best practices, pilot programs, content creation and reuse, assessment methods, marketing strategies, and ensuring scalability.

Social Media in Medical Education
Social Media in Medical EducationSocial Media in Medical Education
Social Media in Medical Education

This document discusses the use of social media in medical education. It begins by defining social media and explaining why students and educators should utilize these tools. Students today are "digital natives" who have grown up with technology and prefer collaborative, participatory learning over passive consumption. The document then provides examples of various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and YouTube and how they can be used for educational purposes. It emphasizes experimenting with different tools, developing an online learning network, and focusing on pedagogy rather than any single technology. Best practices for social media use in education are also outlined.

Introduction to MILI: District 112, 2009
Characteristics of Web 2.0 Tools
•    Not tied to a device--Internet access needed
•    Portability--available from any device
•    No software--but Web plug-ins
•    No programming
•    OS not an issue usually (although browser may matter)
•    Consumer as creator
•    Perpetual Beta
Why Classroom 2.0?
•  Encourage collaboration and engagement to involve
   every student in something that is personally engaging
•  More opportunities for content creation on a broader
   stage—authentic audience
•  Involves the students in a very proactive learning
•  Wider opportunities for professional development &
   connections for teachers
•  Productivity
Part 3.


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From local to global: sharing information literacy teaching as open education...
From local to global: sharing information literacy teaching as open education...From local to global: sharing information literacy teaching as open education...
From local to global: sharing information literacy teaching as open education...

This document summarizes a presentation on open and sustainable ways to share teaching resources. It discusses definitions of open educational resources (OER) and communities of practice. Current methods of sharing are explored, such as repositories and sites used. Case studies from the University of Northampton and University of Leeds describe their OER programs. Barriers to sharing include finding high quality resources, and the role of communities of practice in supporting librarians globally in sharing materials is examined.

information literacylibrariesteaching
Information Literacy sans frontieres
Information Literacy sans frontieresInformation Literacy sans frontieres
Information Literacy sans frontieres

Information literacy is key for 21st century librarians. It involves skills like searching, retrieving, evaluating information from various sources and attributing information. It is a process that should be taught from schools through higher education and lifelong learning. With new technologies like mobile devices, libraries must explore tools like QR codes, podcasts and using existing tools in new ways to remain relevant to users. Librarians have an important role in student learning by assisting with information literacy development and embedding these skills in collaboration with academic staff.

Lis 5260 presentation jbh ppt
Lis 5260 presentation jbh pptLis 5260 presentation jbh ppt
Lis 5260 presentation jbh ppt

The document discusses using Web 2.0 tools to enhance productivity and presentations in classrooms and libraries. It provides an overview of different types of productivity tools like personal learning environments and bookmarking services that allow collaboration and organization. Presentation tools discussed include blogs, wikis, and multimedia tools for creating and sharing presentations. The document encourages educators to start small by using the tools they are familiar with to bring Web 2.0 benefits to learning.

What is Information Literacy?
     "To be information literate, a person must be able
       to recognize when information is needed and
       have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use
       effectively the needed information."
 The American Library Association’s (ALA) Presidential Committee on Information Literacy, Final Report, 1989
In the real world
     •  The ability to solve problems & answer
        questions using information & technology

     •  An understanding of the ethical/legal issues
        surrounding the access and use of
Partnership for 21st Century Skills
                          21st Century Skills
     •  Information and communication skills
     •  Thinking and problem-solving
     •  Interpersonal and self-direction skills
     •  Global awareness
     •  Financial, economic and business literacy, and
        developing entrepreneurial skills to enhance
        workplace productivity and career options
     •  Civic literacy
Information & Communication

     •  Interpret text, data, media, &
        more for context & meaning
     •  Communication of concepts,
        ideas, conclusions…

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Lis 5260 presentation jbh ppt
Lis 5260 presentation jbh pptLis 5260 presentation jbh ppt
Lis 5260 presentation jbh ppt

This is my professional development presentation about productivity and presentation tools that can be used in the classroom or school library to increase student achievement.

Web 2.0
Web 2.0Web 2.0
Web 2.0

This document discusses the differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0. Web 1.0 was largely a source of static information, while Web 2.0 allows for collaboration, sharing, and user-generated content through tools like blogs, wikis, social networking sites, and photo sharing sites. It argues that Web 2.0 reflects how students currently live and learn, and that schools should embrace these tools to increase student engagement, motivation, and the development of 21st century skills. Examples of schools using Web 2.0 tools like podcasts and wikis are also provided.

Web 2.0
Web 2.0Web 2.0
Web 2.0

This document discusses the differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0. Web 1.0 was largely a source of static information, while Web 2.0 allows for collaboration, sharing, and user-generated content through tools like blogs, wikis, social networking sites, and photo sharing sites. It argues that Web 2.0 reflects how students currently live and learn, and that schools should embrace these tools to increase student engagement, motivation, and the development of 21st century skills. Examples of schools currently using Web 2.0 tools like podcasts and wikis are also provided.

Thinking & problem solving
     •  Critical thinking and systems thinking
     •  Problem identification, formulation and
     •  Creativity and intellectual curiosity
Interpersonal &
                    self direction skills
      •  Interpersonal and collaborative skills
      •  Self-direction
      •  Accountability and adaptability
      •  Social responsibility
Standards & Classroom 2.0
•  AASL-Standards for 21st Century
•  ITSE-National Educational Technology
•  MEMO-Information & Technology
   Literacy Standards
1.  Inquire, think critically, and
    gain knowledge.
2.  Draw conclusions, make
    informed decisions, apply
    knowledge to new
    situations, and create new
3.  Share knowledge and
    participate ethically and
    productively as members
    of our democratic society.
4.  Pursue personal and
    aesthetic growth.

AASL Standards for 21st Century Learners

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The 21st Century Educator: Creating a Personal Learning Network
The 21st Century Educator: Creating a Personal Learning NetworkThe 21st Century Educator: Creating a Personal Learning Network
The 21st Century Educator: Creating a Personal Learning Network

The document discusses the need for teachers to create personal learning networks and adapt their teaching for 21st century students. It notes that students are more tech-savvy than teachers and prefer accessing information online. It defines a personal learning network as an environment teachers create through connecting with others sharing their interests to build communities beyond the classroom. The document recommends teachers participate in social networks, use tools like VoiceThread and RSS, and leverage the internet to bring primary resources and new opportunities to students.

Social media3hrsslc21junenonotes
Social media3hrsslc21junenonotesSocial media3hrsslc21junenonotes
Social media3hrsslc21junenonotes

This document discusses using social software tools for learning and teaching. It provides an overview of wikis, blogs, social bookmarking, and social networking. Wikis allow collaborative editing and recording changes. Blogs enable online journals, comments, and media incorporation. Social bookmarking and curation allow storing, organizing, and sharing web resources. Social networking builds networks through profiles and contacts. Benefits include modernizing education, increasing choice and personalization, improving reflective learning, and supporting collaboration. Things to consider include unfamiliarity among older users and desirability of mixing social and academic spaces.

Social networking and its impact on libraries
Social networking and its impact on libraries  Social networking and its impact on libraries
Social networking and its impact on libraries

This document discusses social networking and its impact on libraries. It provides an overview of the speaker's extensive involvement with various social media platforms including Facebook pages for libraries, wiki pages, groups, and social sharing sites. Statistics on social media use in the Philippines are presented, establishing it as a world leader in social networking. Potential uses of social media for libraries are explained, such as communication, marketing, and understanding patrons. Skills needed by librarians to engage with social media are covered. Best practices and tips for using different social media platforms safely and effectively in a library setting are also shared.

social networking in librariesnetworkingsocial networking
  National Educational Technology
          Standards (NETS)
  1.  Creativity and Innovation
  2.  Communication and Collaboration
  3.  Research and Information Fluency
  4.  Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and
      Decision Making
  5.  Digital Citizenship
  6.  Technology Operations and Concepts
MEMO Standards for
Information & Technology Literacy

                                                   1.  The Research Process
                                                   2.  Technology Use
                                                   3.  Reading and Media
                                                   4.  Responsible Use of
                                                       Information and
Bloom s Taxonomy
Bloom s Remixed







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Conole plymouth
Conole plymouthConole plymouth
Conole plymouth

The document discusses new digital technologies and their implications for learning, teaching, and research. It outlines how technologies are transforming communication and collaboration through tools for finding, creating, managing, and sharing information in networked environments. This shifts education towards more open and participatory practices. However, technologies are not fully exploited and can replicate bad pedagogy without sufficient skills and time. The document advocates for learning design approaches to create explicit courses that encourage reflection and sharing. This changes the nature of education and implies disruptive and complex opportunities through co-evolving social systems.

PDF File Creating Subject Guides for the 21st Century Library by Buffy Hamilton
PDF File Creating Subject Guides for the 21st Century Library by Buffy HamiltonPDF File Creating Subject Guides for the 21st Century Library by Buffy Hamilton
PDF File Creating Subject Guides for the 21st Century Library by Buffy Hamilton

The document discusses tools and strategies for creating subject guides for 21st century libraries. It covers how the information landscape and concepts of authority have shifted, requiring guides to incorporate diverse sources and help learners evaluate information. The document outlines a process for developing guides, including defining objectives, selecting appropriate resources, collaborating with others, and reflecting on improvements. It also explores specific web 2.0 tools like RSS feeds, podcasts, videos, and social bookmarking that can make guides more dynamic and help cultivate learning networks.

Uosm2008 intro session 270115
Uosm2008 intro session 270115Uosm2008 intro session 270115
Uosm2008 intro session 270115

This document summarizes a module on digital literacy that covers topics like evaluating online information, satire, the impact of technology, and developing digital skills for working and living online. It discusses building an online presence through blogs and social media, managing one's digital reputation and online brand, and opportunities for students to get involved through a Digital Champions program.

Introduction to MILI: District 112, 2009
Which brings us back to
Information Literacy !
We can teach students how
   to use the 2.0 Tools

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This document discusses the journey of MICDS, an independent school, towards a 1:1 technology integration model. It outlines some of the key drivers for change, including external pressures, evolving technology use by students, and developments in pedagogical theories. It also shares how the curriculum has become more student-centered, collaborative, and skill-focused. Faculty professional development opportunities are discussed. The transition involved cultural shifts around participatory learning, literacy skills, and a flattened worldview. Internal pressures included demands on hardware and software. Overall, the transformation centered on developing students' capacity for evaluating, constructing and creating knowledge.

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Pinterest is a visual bookmarking tool that allows users to curate content by creating virtual cork boards called boards and pinning images, links and videos to the boards to organize around topics. Members can like and re-pin pins from other members and search for new pins to add to their boards from Pinterest. Teachers can use Pinterest for lesson planning, collecting resources for student projects and collaborating with other teachers.

Drafting the Blueprint: Building Friends for Minnesota Association of LIbrary...
Drafting the Blueprint: Building Friends for Minnesota Association of LIbrary...Drafting the Blueprint: Building Friends for Minnesota Association of LIbrary...
Drafting the Blueprint: Building Friends for Minnesota Association of LIbrary...

The document provides an agenda and background information for a workshop titled "Building Friends" put on by the Minnesota Association of Library Friends. The morning sessions will cover building and finding Friends groups. The afternoon will include panels on fundraising and keeping Friends groups active. The document also provides information on the Minnesota Association of Library Friends and the resources it offers to library Friends groups. It emphasizes the important roles Friends groups play in advocacy, fundraising, public relations, volunteering, and event planning for libraries.

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This document outlines the process undertaken by the Multitype Library Systems in Minnesota to establish a group of library futurists to examine challenges and opportunities facing Minnesota libraries. It describes how the futurists group was formed, including inviting representation from different library types and regions, appointing a steering committee, selecting 25 futurists ages 25-35 through an application process, and holding kickoff meetings. The goal was for the futurists to have a focused conversation on the future of Minnesota libraries and initiate a wider discussion on developing a strategic plan.

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This document summarizes Ann Walker Smalley's career path in libraries and related fields. She began her career at the State Library of Ohio and later worked at Battelle Memorial Institute, the Department of Housing and Urban Development Library, and the National Restaurant Association. Throughout her career, she utilized skills like research, writing, public speaking, and relationship building. After taking a 13-year sabbatical, she returned to librarianship through various consulting roles. She advises MLIS students to gain a variety of experiences, advocate for themselves, and look beyond traditional library roles.

Mile advocacy may 2011
Mile advocacy may 2011Mile advocacy may 2011
Mile advocacy may 2011

This document discusses library advocacy and who should be responsible for advocating for libraries. It emphasizes that advocacy is important at the federal, state, and local levels to raise awareness of libraries' value and secure necessary funding and support. While organizations like ALA and library associations advocate at higher levels, the document stresses that every library staff member and user should see themselves as advocates and work to articulate their library's importance to stakeholders. A variety of advocacy strategies are presented, but the overriding message is that advocacy is important and everyone should play a role.
MILI will help you
The Gift of Time
Metronet will
•  Design & conduct orientation + Webinars +
   F2Fafter school meetings
•  Maintain the MILI Ning
•  Provide support via the Wiki, email, & in the
   F2F sessions…
•  Food! (You provide beverage)

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Google news
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Google news

This document provides an overview of Google News and related tools for staying up-to-date on current events and accessing archived news articles. It describes how Google News can be personalized based on user activity and preferences. It also introduces related Google services for receiving alerts on topics of interest, quickly browsing news articles, subscribing to RSS feeds, and searching historical news archives from various sources. The tools allow users to efficiently organize and access news both currently and retrospectively.

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This document provides a summary of various free online tools that can be used for education purposes, including for creating quizzes, flashcards, word games, image generators, and conducting polls. It notes that many of these tools require creating a user account, have limited free features, or have age restrictions. Examples of specific tools are given for each category.

One trick tools june 2011
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This document provides summaries of and links to various online tools across different categories: 1) Cellblock allows for instant multimedia publishing across websites, desktops, and mobile devices. Users can drag and drop files and embed content on other sites. 2) QuietTube allows users to watch videos without distractions by removing ads, comments, and other elements from videos. 3) Today's Meet enables backchannel conversations during presentations by allowing private audience comments, questions, and answers. 4) Several additional tools are listed for image search, scheduling meetings, cropping/resizing pictures, pronunciation help, reminders, screen recording, shortening URLs, speed reading, text-to-speech, checking website

Your Responsibilities
      •  Attend the monthly Webinar
      •  Attend monthly F2F meetings--arrive on time and stay
      •  Participate in the Ning: maintain your blog, comment on
         others’ blogs
      •  Create & keep up with Virtual PD
      •  Be responsible for your learning
      •  Share your knowledge
      •  Make suggestions--tools, topics…
School District
  •  Manage credits for CE, Board Credits, Q-
     Comp, etc.
  •  Monitor attendance & compliance for
     participation using rubric
  •  Make it possible for teachers/LMS to use
     tools in class

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Introduction to MILI: District 112, 2009

  • 1. Metronet Information Literacy Initiative Research, Reliable Resources, & Responsible Use November 2009
  • 2. Metronet •  Multicounty multitype library system •  One of 7 in Minnesota •  Serve libraries of all types with continuing education, networking, and special projects •  Metronet Board is committed to the cause of Information Literacy & teaching the skills needed for lifelong learning
  • 5. MILI •  Professional development for teachers & LMS •  How to integrate the MN Info & Technology Literacy Standards into classroom teaching
  • 6. MILI s Purpose •  Influence the teaching of the research process •  Increase teacher/LMS awareness and use of Web 2.0 tools useful in the classroom •  Encourage teachers/LMS to incorporate the 3 Rs into teaching •  Encourage more collaboration between LMS & teachers around the research process
  • 8. Information Literacy Key to Success •  Academic •  Work life •  Daily life •  Lifelong learning
  • 9. Libraries & Librarians Vital for research at all levels •  Information experts •  Access to resources •  Ability to connect people & resources •  Ability to connect information & technology
  • 11. Students are content creators
  • 12. They need traditional & new skills!
  • 13. Using traditional & new media!
  • 14. To prepare for post-secondary education! and
  • 15. for the global society & economy they will face !
  • 16. Trends in Business & Society and maybe school •  User-created content •  Social networking •  Collaborative work •  Collective intelligence to solve problems •  Participatory Leadership •  Online civic engagement •  Global reach and influence
  • 17. Technology Trends •  Mobile computing •  Cloud computing •  Geo-coded everything •  Personalized, customizable Web And for education •  Assessment •  Filtering The Horizon Report K-12 The Horizon Report 2009
  • 18. What we re reading Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything by Don Tapscott & Anthony Williams A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future by Daniel Pink •  The World Is Flat by Thomas Friedman
  • 19. Will they be ready for this future which really is now?
  • 20. Students have teachers/ LMS who can guide them
  • 21. Through the research process
  • 23. While understanding responsible use
  • 24. By developing research projects that encourage 21st Century Learning skills & promote Information Literacy Creating assignments that encourage building knowledge, not just repeating information
  • 25. How?
  • 26. MILI will be your guide •  To the research process •  Finding reliable resources •  Identifying new tools •  Information literacy •  For 21st century skills
  • 27. MILI Focus •  On the process •  On the resources •  On the tools that make it happen
  • 28. The MILI 3 Rs  Research Process  Reliable Resources  Responsible Use
  • 29. Research Improve the ability of students & teachers to conduct effective research by using a process that includes 5 steps •  Question •  Gather & Evaluate information •  Conclude •  Communicate information & conclusion •  Evaluate process & product
  • 30. Reliable Resources ! Identify & use available, reliable resources •  “Format agnostic”--the format of the information is not the point •  Evaluate all print, electronic, online, & human resources for authenticity & accuracy •  Resource is appropriate in the context of this research
  • 31. Responsible Use! Promote the understanding & practice of the responsible use of information & technology •  Advise & assist teachers in the creation of plagiarism-proof assignments •  Provide resources for teaching responsible use including copyright, Creative Commons, technology use •  Promote responsible use of Web 2.0 tools in classrooms
  • 32. MILI will reduce the noise set-72157613331811096/
  • 33. Together, we can •  Improve your research project to incorporate a research process •  Learn Web 2.0 tools that work in classrooms and school buildings for collaboration, communication, & creation •  Share what we know & what we learn
  • 34. Thoughts on MILI by Past Participants
  • 35. Part 2. HOW DID WE GET TO WEB 2.0, CLASSROOM 2.0 & LIBRARY 2.0
  • 36. In the beginning of the Web •  Static Web sites •  Source of information/simple answers •  Limited media--photos & illustrations •  One-way communication •  Needed design & coding skills •  Needed proprietary software •  Access to a server
  • 37. Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Read only Read/Write/Collaborate Web as reading platform Web as publishing platform Developer authorship Public authorship Software applications Web as software platform Commercial/Proprietary Open source/shared Static Dynamic Impersonal It knows you and your needs Restricted collaboration Collaborative Short Tail Long Tail Official Releases Constantly versioning—Beta Test-based Multi-media HD as storage platform Web as storage platform Lecture Conversation
  • 38. The new social Web 2.0 tools to make it easier to! •  Explore •  Customize •  Collaborate •  Create •  Share •  Communicate
  • 39. What is Web 2.0/Classroom 2.0 •  Read/Write Web •  Interactive Web •  User-generated content •  Sharing--content, expertise •  Global connections
  • 40. Really, it’s all about us!! Students, librarians, & teachers
  • 42. Characteristics of Web 2.0 Tools •  Not tied to a device--Internet access needed •  Portability--available from any device •  No software--but Web plug-ins •  No programming •  OS not an issue usually (although browser may matter) •  Consumer as creator •  Perpetual Beta
  • 43. Why Classroom 2.0? •  Encourage collaboration and engagement to involve every student in something that is personally engaging •  More opportunities for content creation on a broader stage—authentic audience •  Involves the students in a very proactive learning environment •  Wider opportunities for professional development & connections for teachers •  Productivity
  • 45. What is Information Literacy? "To be information literate, a person must be able to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information." The American Library Association’s (ALA) Presidential Committee on Information Literacy, Final Report, 1989
  • 46. In the real world •  The ability to solve problems & answer questions using information & technology •  An understanding of the ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and use of information
  • 47. Partnership for 21st Century Skills 21st Century Skills •  Information and communication skills •  Thinking and problem-solving •  Interpersonal and self-direction skills •  Global awareness •  Financial, economic and business literacy, and developing entrepreneurial skills to enhance workplace productivity and career options •  Civic literacy
  • 48. Information & Communication Skills •  Interpret text, data, media, & more for context & meaning •  Communication of concepts, ideas, conclusions…
  • 49. Thinking & problem solving •  Critical thinking and systems thinking •  Problem identification, formulation and solution •  Creativity and intellectual curiosity
  • 50. Interpersonal & self direction skills •  Interpersonal and collaborative skills •  Self-direction •  Accountability and adaptability •  Social responsibility
  • 51. Standards & Classroom 2.0 •  AASL-Standards for 21st Century Learners •  ITSE-National Educational Technology Standards •  MEMO-Information & Technology Literacy Standards
  • 52. 1.  Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge. 2.  Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. 3.  Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society. 4.  Pursue personal and aesthetic growth. AASL Standards for 21st Century Learners
  • 53. ISTE National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) 1.  Creativity and Innovation 2.  Communication and Collaboration 3.  Research and Information Fluency 4.  Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making 5.  Digital Citizenship 6.  Technology Operations and Concepts
  • 54. MEMO Standards for Information & Technology Literacy 1.  The Research Process 2.  Technology Use 3.  Reading and Media Literacy 4.  Responsible Use of Information and Technology
  • 56. Bloom s Remixed Creating Evaluating Analysis Applying Understanding Remembering
  • 58. Which brings us back to Information Literacy !
  • 59. We can teach students how to use the 2.0 Tools
  • 67. The Gift of Time
  • 68. Metronet will •  Design & conduct orientation + Webinars + F2Fafter school meetings •  Maintain the MILI Ning •  Provide support via the Wiki, email, & in the F2F sessions… •  Food! (You provide beverage)
  • 69. Your Responsibilities •  Attend the monthly Webinar •  Attend monthly F2F meetings--arrive on time and stay throughout •  Participate in the Ning: maintain your blog, comment on others’ blogs •  Create & keep up with Virtual PD •  Be responsible for your learning •  Share your knowledge •  Make suggestions--tools, topics…
  • 70. School District •  Manage credits for CE, Board Credits, Q- Comp, etc. •  Monitor attendance & compliance for participation using rubric •  Make it possible for teachers/LMS to use tools in class